October 29, 2019

Obama and Trump, contrasted.


mccullough said...

“He died like a dog.” That’s the spirit that won World War 2.

Obama was pretty reserved in the clip. But people were celebrating in the streets when Bin Laden finally got whacked. That’s the spirit.

JPS said...

Good clip, in which Jimmy Kimmel, his clever producers and his laughing audience step up to bear out Glenn Greenwald's prediction:

"I think this is what Dems will settle on: Obama's boasting of killing bin Laden was done with elegance, class and dignity, while Trump's was tacky, crass and unpresidential."

RMc said...

Since it's coming from Jimmy Kimmel, I'm going to assume it makes Trump look bad. (Not that he needs any help in that department...)

narciso said...

and while they insisted al queda was dead, and gm alive, it was expanding in north and west Africa, in Syria, and Islamic state was getting itself together, the first instance on the home front was boston with the Kavkaz (chechen duo,) then san Bernardino, although there were indications in belgium

Anonymous said...

I like Trump's style. As we say in Texas, some people just need killing.

Shouting Thomas said...

al-Baghdadi tortured, raped and enslaved an American woman. She died in captivity.

I'll take the guy who got pissed off and bragged about avenging that poor woman.

bagoh20 said...

Even with the unfair editing to make Trump look silly, if you were an Islamic terrorist, (and the Islamic part is crucial here), and you knew we were after you, which one would scare you most?

Obama sounds like he's chasing you with a squad of lawyers armed with notepads.

~ Gordon Pasha said...

Richard Fernandez pointed out today that "Trump's reaction to Mueller's murder was far more Roman and atavistic. It was frankly tribal. In the video clip below mentally replace Caesar's line upon seeing the head of Pompey, "he was a consul of Rome" with "she [Kayla Mueller] was a citizen of the United States" and one gets the sense of what Delta Force conveyed. Not very enlightened, but there it is.


GingerBeer said...

Turns out Trump is really good at killing people. Didn't know that was gonna be a strong suit of his.


Bilwick said...

Obama learned that dignity as a Red Diaper Baby, when he wasn't learning to play "Kill the Kulaks" with G I. Joe and Barbie dolls.

William said...

How about counting up the number of times the first person singular pronoun is used by Trump, vs. Øbama?

Jersey Fled said...

Allah's Apostle said, "If somebody keeps a dog, he loses one Qirat (of the reward) of his good deeds everyday, except if he keeps it for the purpose of agriculture or for the protection of livestock. " (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 541)

I'm no expert on Islam, but apparently dogs have very low standing in the Muslim world. Therefore it seems Trump's statement about dying like a dog was calculated to show his contemp for Al-Baghdadi.

Works for me.

Dave D said...

Apparently, "elegance, class and dignity" with a nice crease in your trousers allows you to spy on political foes, give money to foreign governments, etc....

while being crass and unpresidential is not absolved by pumping up the economy, cutting taxes, reducing reglulations, etc....

People sure have wacky values...

Ace Sullivan said...

That's rich. "He's dead...". he is a lunatic, but he's our lunatic!

Sebastian said...

"He died like a dog."

About time we show a little contempt, in terms Muslims will understand.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Slick pant crease -V- crude street talker.

I don't care for either. Obama sounds like a scripted bullshitter. Trump is ... Trump.

JPS - Greenwald did nail it. Trump gives them the material, tho.
Sadly, we are saddled with Trump or the alternative --big-government rice bowl deep state.

Gunner said...

Notice he left out all of Obama's blubbering about Osamas dignified burial treatment.

Wince said...

Even with the unfair editing, whose speech did the Kimmel audience enjoy more?

Susan said...

Trump reported the death of a murderous, terrorist, rapist, child killing thug with all the dignity said thug deserved.

Obama reported the death of a murderous, terrorist, rapist, child killing thug more in sorrow than in anger.

Ken B said...

Didn’t watch, I agree with JPS. And I like Trump's approach a lot more. We shouldn’t kill people unless it’s a righteous thing to do, and if it is we shouldn’t apologize. I don’t think we should apologize for hanging Fritz Sauckel either.

Howard said...

You people actually think Trump scares the suicidal islamofascist jihad's? Get a fucking clue beyond your weak ass macho psychopathy

Amadeus 48 said...

I like Trump's speech better.

stevew said...

Wow, hilarious! That Kimmel guy, and his people, nailed it.

rcocean said...

That clip did a good job of attacking Trump. Classy obama vs. foolish sounding trump. Except you only get that effect by clipping little soundbites. If you listen to all of Trump's talk, its very good and not silly. And if you'd listened to ALL of Obama's funeral dirge announcement, you'd be less impressed.

If Trump get reelected it will be a miracle. One man, against the MSM, Hollywood, the TV networks, the pop culture, academia, the left-wing lawyers and judges. 99% of the press and entertainment "industry" and the DC establishment attacking him directly and indirectly 24/7/365. There's never been anything like it. Its incredible that he's held up, and yet he fights back.

Mark said...

"We came, we saw, he died."

-- Hillary Clinton on the death of Moammar Qaddafi (who had by then given up the fight and renounced terrorism).

Mark said...

Hillary, laughing at the killing of Qaddafi.

wendybar said...

How did the gun running in Benghazi go??

AllenS said...

I refuse to watch.

Michael K said...

Get a fucking clue beyond your weak ass macho psychopathy

Howard is off his meds again. Did your butt boy turn you down last night?

Rhonda said...

Haven’t heard it yet but I bet it sounds as different as C Eastwood and H Fonda reading the same lines. You can bet that for SOUnion that dog will be in the audience for all of us to salute, would any Dem DARE not stand for the hero dog?

n.n said...

Obama's boasting of killing bin Laden was done with elegance, class and dignity

Yes, very urbane. He removed a burden like any other.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We didn't need to kill Qaddafi.

n.n said...

"He died like a dog."

About time we show a little contempt, in terms Muslims will understand.

There is no honor in opening abortion fields, torturing and decapitating burdens, and gerrymandering the space, with the hope of garnering the social affections of 72 virgin feminine female... humans.

n.n said...

"We came, we saw, he died."

The royal "he", not limited to an American ambassador and his defenders inclusive.

n.n said...

Trump reported the death of a murderous, terrorist, rapist, child killing thug with all the dignity said thug deserved.

Obama reported the death of a murderous, terrorist, rapist, child killing thug more in sorrow than in anger.

A juxtaposition of empathetic attachment. Comedy gold.

Jim at said...

You people actually think Trump scares the suicidal islamofascist jihad's?

He's not trying to scare them, boy. He's mocking them. And you.

madAsHell said...

Was I the only one that appreciated Trump's he-died-like-a-dog approach?......vs. Obama's gee-whiz-I'm-sorry?

Roughcoat said...

Kimmel is a maggot. He's on The List.

paminwi said...

Anything that comes from Kimmel will have an anti-Trump bias.
Don’t have for that garbage.
I’m celebrating we killed that sick SOB!

Michael K said...

Schiff and Pelosi have now announced the "rules" for the new impeachment farce.

The House impeachment resolution blocks President Trump’s lawyers from participating in the House process until the hand-off to the Judiciary Committee for article assembly.

Within the House resolution is a process to transfer the evidence from the three investigative committee chairs: Schiff, Engel and Maloney, to Jerry Nadler at Judiciary. [The process within Judicary will be assembling the ‘articles of impeachment’.]

What Pelosi/Schiff et al have assembled is a format for a highly controlled public spectacle prior to a predetermined transfer of evidence to Jerry Nadler (Judicary). With the intent to construct a pantomime for public absorption in mind, the rules are written for maximum narrative construction. [ex. Lawfare lawyers will question witnesses]

The rules within the resolution outline the guidance for at least one public hearing from the HPSCI prior to transfer to Judiciary. The Oversight Committee, Foreign Affairs Committee and Intelligence Committee are assembling publicly under the House Intelligence Committee (HPSCI) for that/those public hearing(s).

More fake show.

Achilles said...

Howard said...
You people actually think Trump scares the suicidal islamofascist jihad's? Get a fucking clue beyond your weak ass macho psychopathy

They knew Obama was on their side.

They understand that Trump is their enemy.

Obama was the only thing saving those pieces of shit from us.

And we know what side you are on Howard.

You are all out in the open.

clint said...

BleachBit-and-Hammers said... We didn't need to kill Qaddafi.

Worse. Killing a dictator after he's agreed to dismantle his nuclear program and actually done it sends a horrible, horrible message. I'd say we really needed not to kill Qaddafi. We needed him to be a shining example of what happens to even evil dictators when they surrender.

Achilles said...

It is fun to watch all of these pieces of shit on the globalist left including the people who call themselves neocons and democrats out themselves.

We know you hate the deplorables more than you hate the islamists.

I don't think you shit heads even really have a problem with people like Baghdadi.

It seems like you are all sad he is dead.

I don't think that WaPo headline was a mistake.

I think the mistake was letting your masks slip.

chuck said...

Was I the only one that appreciated Trump's he-died-like-a-dog approach?

It was a refreshingly honest take on the death of the "austere religious scholar".

Steven said...

It all depends what message you want to send to teen males on the Arab street who are being recruited by terrorists:

A) Terrorists are worthy, respectable opponents of the United States whose deaths should be treated with dignity by the President thereof.

B) Terrorists are contemptible sacks of scum who are properly mocked, belittled, and humiliated by the most powerful man in the world.

narciso said...

he even said it in his memoir 'he would stand with the moslems in tough times, meaning the islamists, which profited from the arab spring, but the party chief in Arizona, rotellini, says trump is in the isis wing,

BUMBLE BEE said...

Obambi lost a buddy, Trump destroyed an enemy. I'm sorry vs take that you fucking fuck. More like Vlad the Impaler. This ain't patty cake stuff. Hope they pissed on the pieces.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Exactly, Clint.
We had Qaddaffi totally neutralized. Hillary's horrible ideas led to a big mess there. Slave trading.etc...
If Hillary cannot make a buck.#

bagoh20 said...

"You people actually think Trump scares the suicidal islamofascist jihad's?

Why yes, yes I do, and especially in contrast to Obama's rhetoric. Apparently they are quite frightened, as their fearless leader demonstrated. Maybe it was the dogs, but Trump makes it very clear that Fido is coming for them, and he pointed out with great detail how that will go down for them. ISIS fighters are cowards, that's why they kill unarmed non-combats. Scaring them is easy, and when they get scared, they blow up, which is awesome.

Tommy Duncan said...

Blogger Howard said...

"You people actually think Trump scares the suicidal islamofascist jihad's? Get a fucking clue beyond your weak ass macho psychopathy.

Oh Howard, I just love it when you talk tough like that!!!!

h said...

Obviously Jimmy Kimmel and lots of others who are already anti-Trump think this comparison makes Trump look hilariously bad and un-Presidential. But none of them see that for many of us (and many people who might be "persuadably" anti-Trump), these comparisons actually make Trump more attractive. He's not just marching out the normal platitudes, he's speaking what he sees as truth. And it is a breath of fresh air for a political figure to speak without the filter of "media experts".

Jonathan said...

Jimmy forgot to sign off with, "And now....Girls on trampolines!"

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Black Africans are being sold in open-air slave markets, and it’s Hillary Clinton’s fault. But you won’t hear much about that from the news media or the foreign-policy pundits, so let me explain.

Footage from Libya, released recently by CNN, showed young men from sub-Saharan Africa being auctioned off as farm workers in slave markets.

And how did we get to this point? As the BBC reported back in May, “Libya has been beset by chaos since NATO-backed forces overthrew long-serving ruler Col. Moammar Gadhafi in October 2011.”

More: Social media threat: People learned to survive disease, we can handle Twitter

More: Hollywood, ESPN and other debacles: Why can't our ruling class do its job?

And who was behind that overthrow? None other than then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Under President George W. Bush in 2003, the United States negotiated an agreement with Libyan strongman Gadhafi. The deal: He would give up his weapons of mass destruction peacefully, and we wouldn’t try to depose him.

That seemed a good deal at the time, but the Obama administration didn’t stick to it. Instead, in an operation spearheaded by Clinton, the United States went ahead and toppled him anyway.

The overthrow turned out to be a debacle. Libya exploded into chaos and civil war, and refugees flooded Europe, destabilizing governments there. But at the time, Clinton thought it was a great triumph — "We came, we saw, he died,” she joked about Gadhafi’s overthrow — and adviser Sidney Blumenthal encouraged her to tout her "successful strategy" as evidence of her fitness for the highest office in the land. "

US Today.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary - queen of failure

Lurker21 said...

Gloating, "spiking the football" is the subtext of such announcements, whether it's made obvious or not, and considering Hillary Clinton's comments on Qaddafi's death, you can't say that Team Obama never gloated.

I really doubt Obama was on the side of Al-Qaeda or ISIS, though, and I can't say which approach works better without seeing what the results of Trump's way will be. Punditry, professional and amateur, left and right, consists of stating things as facts when we don't know whether they really are true or not. If Trump's way works, more power to him.

Paul Zrimsek said...

It reminds me of that one guy who wrote the biography of Reagan where he went on about what a lost opportunity the "tear down this wall" speech was, and if only he'd quoted some Robert Frost poem about a wall instead.

n.n said...

According to liberal philosophy, everyone has the right to mourn, celebrate, love, hate with their own interpretation. #NoJudgment #NoLabels #NoTerrorists #NoChoice #HateLovesAbortion

Known Unknown said...

Trump is FUNNY.

n.n said...

We had Qaddaffi totally neutralized.

It's worse than that. He repented, reformed, served, aided, and was rewarded with a sodomy and abortion session, spread hate and fear, forced immigration reform and abandoned Libyan men, women, and children, and Americans, too.

Ray - SoCal said...

Khadifi’s death was one of the stupidest us actions I can remember.

It showed the world the us could not be trusted.

Greg the class traitor said...

clint said...
BleachBit-and-Hammers said... We didn't need to kill Qaddafi.

Worse. Killing a dictator after he's agreed to dismantle his nuclear program and actually done it sends a horrible, horrible message. I'd say we really needed not to kill Qaddafi. We needed him to be a shining example of what happens to even evil dictators when they surrender.

Yes, but...

Qaddafi did all those things because the horrible warmonger Bush invaded Iraq and murdered its totally legitimate leader

If we left Qaddafi alone, that would be ratifying BusHitler's policy, and we could NEVER do that!!11!

Did I get that right, Howard?

Nancy Reyes said...

When I heard the remarks, it brought to mind the movie "Angels with Dirty Faces". The teenaged kids revered the gangster who was being executed, and they expected him to die "like a man", defiant to the end.
But the gangster's friend, a priest, persuaded him to pretend he was a coward facing death, and that act disillusioned the impressionable street kids and maybe even gave some of the second thoughts about following the life of crime.
Hopefully, Trump's description will similarly give some wanna be thugs second thoughts.

Marcus Bressler said...

I wouldn't give Kimmel the benefit of a click.


Ben Stein must be SO embarrassed.

Michael K said...

The Gaddafi thing is the worst foreign policy mistake in 50 years.

Ukraine is just two Cold Warriors disagreeing with the president.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"Blowhard" Of The Country

The ProgLibDems considered him the tacky blowhard of the country

Trump opened up the door, and saw Kayla raped, tortured, crying
The torn dress, the shattered look was more than he could stand
He reached above the fireplace, and took down Obama's picture
As the tears fell on that traitor's face, he heard these words again:

"Promise me, Don, not to do things I've never done
Run away from trouble like I ran
Now, it won't mean you're weak if you turn the other cheek
I hope you're 'woke' enough to understand
Don, you don't have to fight the austere, scholarly imam"

The Lefties just laughed at him when he walked into the situation room
One of them got up and met him halfway 'cross the floor
When Trump turned around they said, "hey look, Orange Man leaving"
But you could've heard a pin drop when Trump stopped and locked the door

8 years of Obama was bottled up inside him
He wasn't holding nothin' back, he let 'em have it all
When Delta Force left the kill zone, not a ISIS boy was standing
Trump said, "this one's for Kayla", as he watched the last one fall

bbkingfish said...

Here is the text of FDR's speech to the nation announcing the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor:

"Yesterday, December 7th, 1941—a date which will live in infamy—the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.
The United States was at peace with that nation and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with its government and its emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific.
Indeed, one hour after Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing in the American island of Oahu, the Japanese ambassador to the United States and his colleague delivered to our Secretary of State a formal reply to a recent American message. And while this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations, it contained no threat or hint of war or of armed attack.It will be recorded that the distance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. During the intervening time, the Japanese government has deliberately sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace.

The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces. I regret to tell you that very many American lives have been lost. In addition, American ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between San Francisco and Honolulu.
Yesterday, the Japanese government also launched an attack against Malaya.
Last night, Japanese forces attacked Hong Kong.
Last night, Japanese forces attacked Guam.
Last night, Japanese forces attacked the Philippine Islands.
Last night, the Japanese attacked Wake Island.
And this morning, the Japanese attacked Midway Island.
Japan has, therefore, undertaken a surprise offensive extending throughout the Pacific area. The facts of yesterday and today speak for themselves. The people of the United States have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and safety of our nation.
As Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy, I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense. But always will our whole nation remember the character of the onslaught against us.
No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory.
I believe that I interpret the will of the Congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost, but will make it very certain that this form of treachery shall never again endanger us.
Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory, and our interests are in grave danger.
With confidence in our armed forces, with the unbounding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph—so help us God.
I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7th, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese empire.”

No talk of dogs. No talk of cowards. No name calling at all, in fact.

bbkingfish said...

Here is the text of Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address:

"Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting-place for those who here gave their lives that this nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate — we can not consecrate — we can not hallow — this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

Note that Lincoln did use the occasion to gloat over the Union victory, or to say that the soldiers of the South "died like dogs," or to call them cowards, or traitors, or any other term of derision.

Mark said...

Howard: You people actually think Trump scares the suicidal islamofascist jihad's? Get a fucking clue beyond your weak ass macho psychopathy

Pretty sure they aren't afraid of Trump but get massively jumpy about the dogs he brings to the party.

bbkingfish said...

Like Lincoln and FDR, both President Obama and President Trump are excellent communicators.

As great communicators, they share the first necessary quality of excellent communicators: Each man knows his audience, and speaks to it at its own level.

Unknown said...

Trump connect with emotions easily and naturally.

This is what the "the people" in the heartland think.

Obama doesn't get the bitter clingers and bible thumpers. OK Boomer to them.

He could do comedy snark, read from a teleprompter.

Unknown said...


Are you saying we should honor terrorist like Lincoln did his opposing countrymen?

Pretty sly! Why didn't we think of giving jihadis what they want.

Mark said...

Whether it's true or not this story is going to do more damage to ISIS than taking out

Islamic State defector inside Baghdadi’s hideout critical to success of raid, officials say

MountainMan said...

I don’t find either FDR’s Dec 8th speech or the Lincoln’s Gettysburg address very appropriate here. Not sure what point you are trying to make but trying to equivalence those to what either Obama said or Trump said for the situations they were addressing just doesn’t work for me. FDR is formally requesting Congress to declare war on Japan, Lincoln is dedicating a cemetery.

“No talk of dogs. No talk of cowards. No name calling at all, in fact.”

Not at that time by FDR, but during the war, especially in the Pacific, there would be plenty of that from the military leadership, and I doubt he objected. Japanese troops were portrayed in American propaganda as bucktooth rats and monkeys and were the subject of a quite nasty racist hate campaign, supported by the news media and by Hollywood. The military could probably not get away with it today.!

As far as Lincoln goes, no, that is not an equivalent comparison. There would have been no reason for him to say anything like that. Perhaps you need to study Lincoln a little more. Go read his Second Inaugural Address and ponder on it a while.

Ken B said...

You know a lot of history. Which Confederate leader killed three of his own kids evading capture?
You know a lot about etiquette too. What is the right way to describe a serial rapist who murders his own children?

Drago said...

"Pretty sly! Why didn't we think of giving jihadis what they want."

Obambi and the dems did.

Every single day.

Drago said...

bbkingfish: "Here is the text of Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address:"


So, the Battle Of Gettysburg and our conflict with radical islamic supremacism requires similar communications and propaganda strategy!!

"Deep", "nuanced" democrat "thinking" there!

Cant wait for your next hot take!

Ken B said...

Dastardly is actually an insult. Look it up.
You do know that within a few days FDR had all the Japanese on the west coast put into camps, right? Politely though; he called them internees, not dogs.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Jimmy Kimmel. ugh.

"The weekend raid that resulted in the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was named after Kayla Mueller, an American aid worker killed in Syria in 2015 while being held captive by the sadistic ISIS leader. During his Sunday morning announcement from the White House, President Trump twice invoked Mueller’s name in addition to the names of other Americans murdered under the Islamic State’s ongoing reign of terror. According to reports from some of his escaped victims, Baghdadi took Mueller as his secret bride in 2013. “We were told Kayla was tortured, that she was the property of al-Baghdadi,” her parents said in an August 2015 interview.

Mueller was raped repeatedly by the ISIS caliph, then killed in February 2015 during a coalition strike on the compound where she was confined."

Obama failed Kayla. Kimmel is fine with that.

Iman said...

Obama and his Reign of Error... a terrible chapter in U.S. history.

cubanbob said...

I think Trump misspoke. Pigs are useful and dogs are both useful often noble. He should have called him a worthless piece of shit coward who used his own children to shield him. Apparently some people commenting here have a problem comprehending that we eradicated some vermin.

Jupiter said...

"Note that Lincoln did [not] use the occasion to gloat over the Union victory, or to say that the soldiers of the South "died like dogs," or to call them cowards, or traitors, or any other term of derision."

That was because Lincoln was well aware that in order to heal the Nation's wounds, it would be necessary to emphasize what Americans had in common, and not what had so recently torn them apart. Al-Baghdidi was a stinking Muslim piece of shit, and neither he nor any other member or sympathizer of his gangster cult has any positive role to play in America's future.

Lurker21 said...

It's not the 19th century any more. It's not even the mid-20th century. Though talking about the mid-20th century, here's Harry S Truman talking about a threatened railroad strike:

"Every single one of the strikers and their demagogue leaders have been living in luxury. Now I want you who are my comrades in arms to come with me and eliminate the Lewises, the Whitneys, the Johnstons, the Communist Bridges [the leading union officials of the day] and the Russian Senators and Representatives. Let's put transportation and production back to work, hang a few traitors and make our own country safe for democracy."

Truman wasn't above calling Republicans fascistic or tools of the Communists. After Truman passed away there was much nostalgia for him as a representative of a more decent, upright America, but really, we live in his world now.

Ray - SoCal said...

Major Bad US Foreign Policy Decisions:

Carter's decision to stop supporting the Shah

The US Congress stopping support for S. Vietnam.

Obama withdrawing all US troops from Iraq.

Killing Khadify.

Supporting those against Assad, that turned out to be Al Qaeda related.

Nation building in Iraq / Afghanistan

Anonymous said...

At Guantanamo Bay, we give Islamists the book that tells them to kill the infidels (us). We point them in the direction of Mecca. If a guard has to handle a Koran, he must put on latex gloves, so as to not contaminate the Holy book. Allahu Akbar means...Allah is Greater. We bend over backwards to agree with the Islamists. If we were a confident society, we would not allow Islamists at Guantanamo Bay to have Mein Kampf...err...the Koran. We would hand out copies of the New Testament. We are no longer however, a confident society. We are drowning in a miasma of equity.

sunsong said...

well done Kimmel

PluralThumb said...

He used a knock knock joke. I quit.

Robert Cook said...

I just looked at the Kimmel clip, and I had not previously seen any of Trump's speech. Even without the juxtaposition with Obama, Trump comes across like a dopey 15-year old. That so many here like Trump's presentation does not reflect well on them. But then, neither do their comments in general.

Martin said...

That supercilious laughing by Kimmel's audience is worth maybe 10,000 more votes for Trump.

They just never learn, do they? Or, they don't care?


Bilwick said...

"I just looked at the Kimmel clip, and I had not previously seen any of Trump's speech. Even without the juxtaposition with Obama, Trump comes across like a dopey 15-year old. That so many here like Trump's presentation does not reflect well on them. But then, neither do their comments in general."

Being a statist doesn't reflect well on your intelligence, Cookie.

Nichevo said...

Mark said...
Whether it's true or not this story is going to do more damage to ISIS than taking out

Islamic State defector inside Baghdadi’s hideout critical to success of raid, officials say

That might get the defector killed or at least cur-tail (for you PoB fans) his usefulness. Won't that just break the Washington Post's collective heart.

Nichevo said...

If we were a confident society, we would not allow Islamists at Guantanamo Bay to have Mein Kampf...err...the Koran. We would hand out copies of the New Testament.

Might be more amusing to mix it up-Gideon Bible one day, Book of Mormon the next, Dianetics a third, Bhaghavad Gita next, then Stranger in a Strange Land, and so on?

Anonymous said...

I've read all of those except the Gideon. So...maybe a bookshelf. Highly recommend the Gita.

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