October 13, 2019

Now that I'm studying the video of Elizabeth Warren's "Assuming you can find one" joke...

... which I blogged about yesterday using only the text... I can see 3 things:

1. At "I'm going to assume it's a guy who says that" — 0:21 — she touches her finger to her cheek. That's a tell. I do the same thing myself, and I know this from watching video. I don't lie, but sometimes when I'm speaking I know what I've said is not completely honest, because it's missing something or wrong in a complicated way that I'm choosing to let go. The finger on the cheek for me is like a notation in a manuscript to get back to this passage and do some rewriting or to add a footnote. But when it's speech, it will be left in the past, and you will never go back. I mean, you could make a new statement and expand on what your said, but it's not in your interest to have a tell. Oh! There's the lawprof using her finger on her face as the equivalent of an asterisk that means footnote to be added later!

2. Warren did not think of the joke on the spot. It was planned. It was written for her. She meant to say that and meant to be cruel to the man — "I’m going to assume it’s a guy" — and to waft the threat that men who don't accept gay people marrying are going to be left behind in American. No one will want to marry them. It's a cruel taunt, and she meant to issue it. Maybe the President needs a capacity for callous cruelty. You can't have a complete nurturer in the White House. She and her people probably decided she needed some edge, and this was a good place to add it.

3. It's a 3-part joke: 1. "I’m going to assume it’s a guy," 2. "Just marry one woman — I’m cool with that," and 3. "Assuming you can find one." She's very professional delivering the sequence. She looks happy, but she doesn't quite smile, and she doesn't laugh. She keeps it cool (even as she announces her coolness ("I'm cool")). She does some shrugging (which seems to express: Yeah, I know what I said but, screw it, that's what I think, and I'm going to be saying what I think). Seconds after getting the third line out, she's pacing and rubbing her hands together, absorbing the laughter of the warmly appreciative audience. Then and only then, when the audience response is fully registered, does she burst into her own laughter.

ADDED: What does the gesture of rubbing the hands together really mean? I thought — watching Warren — that it expressed excitement at winning. But I looked up my question and got to the fascinating Wikipedia article, "Hand rubbing":
Hand rubbing is a gesture that conveys in many cultures either that one has a feeling of excited expectation, or that one is simply cold....

In South America, the gesture is used to imply that two women are lesbians....
A fast pace [of rubbing] indicates expectation of something good for onesself [sic]. But a slow pace indicates expectation of something bad for someone else. Context also affects the meaning of the gesture. In context, the meaning can vary from an indicator of internal (anticipatory) tension to meaning "Oh good!".

In drama, rubbing hands can signify various things, such as a miser rubbing his palms together over money, Lady Macbeth washing the blood off her hands, a villain having just done a wicked deed, or a person simply anticipating a journey, a good meal, or meeting with a boyfriend/girlfriend.

A psychological study of revenge by Robert Baron, a psychologist in the school of management at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, found that some people who had waited years to get even with others, plotting and waiting for the opportunity to "torpedo their enemy's career", would rub their hands together at the memory, in the fashion of cartoon villains.


Michael K said...

Warren a "nurturer?"

Now that's a joke.

Rob said...

I’m still trying to find what’s funny about assuming it’s a guy. Women can do anything—except hold traditional views about marriage?

Wilbur said...

That snark is soooo cool!
I'm on the floor laughing as I type.

I got no problem with people shacking up with whoever makes them happy. Then why do I feel like punching her in the mouth?

Fernandinande said...

That snark is soooo cool!

And the coolness is so snarky! I'm definitely voting for this wonderful Native American Joker!

rehajm said...

Expect to see these tells for everything she says. She will have all the answers prepared beforehand and rehearsed. Carefully rehearsed. Anyone manages to slip in the zinger she’ll be lost.

michaele said...

She missed a chance to get in one additional virtue signally dig and not add the adjective "white" to her comment ""I'm going to assume it's a guy who says that"

traditionalguy said...

Lizzie has gone full EDU. She actually thinks that she is the one with the power of giving out grades to captive students. Which is an assumed power she will never get away with. It is also the basic Marxist assumption of all power belongs to the theory lecturer because she represents the resentment of the oppressed class. God help us if she wins.

gilbar said...

. She looks happy, but she doesn't quite smile, and she doesn't laugh. She keeps it cool (even as she announces her coolness ("I'm cool")). She does some shrugging (which seems to express: Yeah, I know what I said but, screw it, that's what I think, and I'm going to be saying what I think). Seconds after getting the third line out, she's pacing and rubbing her hands together

I'd read the transcripts before; but this was the 1st time i'd seen it.
And, If i could use Just One Word to describe her actions; it'd be SPEED
or, Adderall
or coked up
or methhead

she certainly comes across as a woman (an OLD WOMAN,) with a LOT of energy
Sheet! if you could Just Bottle that Energy.... Oh wait! They DO!!

Lola said...

Does anyone else think that it is significant that (in the scenario) the person that asks the question and the person that she mocks is a supporter of her? Is it possible that a Warren supporter in 2019 would really feel the need to ask her that question? I think Althouse is correct. I think the question was a plant.

Laslo Spatula said...

Wait until that crowd watches Warren try to tack towards the center after the primaries.

She will not be able to go far enough to please them when the deplorables are paying attention, too.

The biggest loss of that evening was Pete Buttigieg: he has already taken flak in the LGBTQ Qumminity for not being authentically gay enough -- when he is also pretty much the perfect picture of what we were told about gays wanting to marry.

He could've had a Sister Soulja moment, and talked some truth to the crowd, told them things they might not want to hear, but explain that they're not going to stick the landing being fragile and hysterical. And thus set himself up as the 'reasonable' Dem candidate that could speak to middle America -- i.e., the young gay Biden. As in: sure, he may be gay, but at least he isn't fucking crazy.

Warren would be forced to go to his cultural left, as being more LBGTQ than he is, which would be hilarious: she, in effect, would be questioning his authenticity, and he would be able to spike that volleyball anytime he pleases.

Because Warren hasn't realized that Feminism is so yesterday: the train has moved on. And it might be a bit late to go on Ancestry.com looking for lesbian ancestors.

I am Laslo.

jaydub said...

Next someone is going to tell me that her "Hold on a second, I'm gonna get me a beer" was not spontaneous either.

Big Mike said...

Problem #1 for Lizzie the Loser: The hetero men who you chose to disdain are practically a majority all by themselves. Yet you want to motivate them to vote against you. Good idea.

Problem #2: Can she or any other leader of the Democrat Party ever get it through their rock thick skulls that women do not constitute a monolithic voting block? Contrary to popular belief they do think for themselves. And this “joke” pisses off a sizable fraction of those voters.

Problem #3: Trump and his people are going to learn your tells, and eat you for dinner in any debate.

AllenS said...

I watched the video, and one word came to me. Scripted.

tcrosse said...

It just shows that you can't pretend to be witty.

JAORE said...

"I’m still trying to find what’s funny about assuming it’s a guy. "

Because the last line changed to "....If SHE can find one." would be taken as sexist and demeaning to women.

Can't make fun of women.

chuck said...

I know what I've said not completely honest

To be fair, it is really, really hard to be completely honest, and impossible to be completely accurate. I used to get hung up on that all the time. Maybe Trump is onto something when he just lets it flow.

JAORE said...

Let's get the old Daily Showwriting crew back together. Have them write until they have a really good Orange Man Bad joke. Then give a copy to all the Dem candidates. The next Town Hall would be "Open Mic Night" where each gets to deliver the joke as well as they can.

It would be more interesting,shorter and at least as valuable as the CNN format for selecting a candidate.

Beasts of England said...

I’m not sure she could have delivered the ‘assuming you can find one’ line with any greater condescension. That’s not surprising, as she’s now equating a church’s adherence to traditional marriage as bigotry.

Her tone and arrogance will be her undoing in the general. (Assuming that Hillary lets her live, of course)

stlcdr said...

Is it worse that it’s scripted or otherwise?

Of course, the assumption is that I think it’s bad. The Audience, of course, is fawning over her. Ironically, I think it’s someone like this who could shoot someone in broad daylight surrounded by witnesses and there’d say it was the victims fault and applaud her for it.

chuck said...

I know what I've said not completely honest

To be fair, it is really, really hard to be completely honest, and impossible to be completely accurate. I used to get hung up on that all the time. Maybe Trump is onto something when he just lets it flow.

tim in vermont said...

She still can’t top Beto’s vow to make black churches pay taxes.

tim in vermont said...

"Wait until that crowd watches Warren try to tack towards the center after the primaries.”

That was before the internet. And conservatives are different now. Just look what has been done to Justin Trudeau, Democrats only wish they could have destroyed Trump’s image that effectively.

Fernandinande said...

Not only does "Liz" excel at standup, but she can sing the wings off a fly and dance a mean two-step!

Have any of you heard Elizabeth Warren Zevon's "Lawyers, Money and No Guns Except for Government Employees and My Bodyguards"? She plays all the instruments.

Christopher said...

The whole thing was scripted. The guy who asked the question is on the board of some LBTQetc organization.

pious agnostic said...

JAORE at 7:40 got it exactly correct.

Mary Beth said...

I think the question was a plant.
10/13/19, 7:31 AM

"The man who asked that question was Morgan Cox III, who sits on the Board of Directors for the Human Rights Campaign (HRC). HRC is the organization that co-hosted CNN's "LGBTQ Town Hall"."

So, yeah, it might have been.

caplight45 said...

The scripted candidate. Hillary redux. Trump is spontaneous to a fault which makes him appear more genuine. More exciting. Once again the Democrats are serving up a candidates that people should vote for historic purposes so we can have the first woman, gay, Black female, Latino whatever President.

hawkeyedjb said...

Oh I'm shocked. Another complete phony running for president.

Bay Area Guy said...

Liz Warren makes two "assumptions" - assume it's a guy, assume he can find a guy.

Previously, before the DNA test, she assumed she was an Indian, then correctly "assumed" her "Indian" status would be benefit her career in liberal University fantasy-land, where that kinda nonsense matters.

She makes a lotta assumptions. I assume she's not a complete twit. Of course, a few wise men used to remind me that "assumption is the mother of all fuck-ups".

Sebastian said...

"meant to be cruel to the man"

That's the least of it. Progs are coming after Christians and their churches. As Beto said explicitly.

And the Althouses of America will wail, wir haben es night gewusst.

Cruelty is the prog MO: since 1789, the left has tried to create the New Man, by any means necessary.

elkh1 said...

Warren is like a cartoon villain, Cruella de Vil, who has just eaten a few Dalmatians.

Renee said...

What about her book "The Two Income Trap", she tells women only to purchase a home that your husband can pay based on his income and not both incomes. This gives the couple more flexibility in family decisions.

She went from educated to bring silly on the realities of marriage between a man and a woman.

Sebastian said...

"Contrary to popular belief they do think for themselves. And this “joke” pisses off a sizable fraction of those voters." Including women who do not like their fathers, husbands, brothers, and sons derided, even if they disagree with them.

"Problem #3: Trump and his people are going to learn your tells, and eat you for dinner in any debate."

If Trump can do Stzrok, he can do Lizzie. If it's gonna be a battle of wit and impressions, Lizzie is toast.

Sebastian said...

"I'm going to assume it's a guy who says that"

I am going to assume it's a scolding feminist law professor who says that.


Automatic_Wing said...

I’m still trying to find what’s funny about assuming it’s a guy. Women can do anything—except hold traditional views about marriage?

Obviously they made it a guy because the "zinger" would have come across as overly mean if directed at a woman. Our oppressive patriarchal society is much more solicitous of women's feelings than men's feeling.

That said, I don't quite get why they didn't just identify the target as male in the question. Why start with a question about a generic voter and have Warren turn him into a guy in her answer?

robother said...

Ah, female bullying, one of the dark pleasures of the teaching profession. They may not've been cool kids in high school, but revenge is sweet.

Jeff Brokaw said...

Backing up a bit from the details, I am amazed at the level of disrespect and outright hate against males that people find acceptable.

Try a thought experiment and insert “black guy”, “Mexican”, or “Muslim” for “guy” in Warren’s quote.

Limited blogger said...

Look forward to 'analysis' of all of Liz's jokes.

That should be 'funny'.

traditionalguy said...

But women are the oppressed class...like Cherokees.

wildswan said...

She got the joke off and did it well - assuming you agree with her. If you wanted to know to whether she would maintain religious liberty, then it doesn't seem quite as funny because obviously she despises you and will lead others in doing the same. Maybe she was a little too good at explaining her views here.

PS. She seems very keyed-up in recent videos I've seen. And rubbing her hands seems part of that. She can't contain her glee. Well, why should she? But most people make a point of not cracking up at their own jokes, however good.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see the Democrats are being so helpful in scripting the RNC's ads next year.

tim in vermont said...

"I’m still trying to find what’s funny about assuming it’s a guy. “

Because, you know, there are no women who hold traditional views on marriage. None. That’s what is so funny.

It’s like they are *trying* to drive voters who might have reservations into the arms of Trump.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

I cannot judge Warren honestly. I have an unconscious dislike of her that took me months to figure out. Her demeanor, voice and gestures are just like my ex mother in law.

I hear her voice and it takes me back to that hypercritical woman chastising me for saying no to my son for some thing or another. She constantly told me to never say no to a two year old boy because I would, "inhibit his natural exuberance." Cripes, what a dumb scold.

That's Elizabeth Warren to me.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

The joke had four parts. It starts with the bit about being on the campaign trail.

CWJ said...

"Expect to see these tells for everything she says. She will have all the answers prepared beforehand and rehearsed. Carefully rehearsed. Anyone manages to slip in the zinger she’ll be lost."

"What is your name?" "What is your quest?" "What is the capital of Assyria?"

Two-eyed Jack said...

I think that when she interrupted the questioner, she threw him off rhythm, so when he asked the question, he didn't specify that the "supporter" was male. Warren was forced to improvise and say "I assume he's male." This is what happens with live television, even when all of the questions are plants and the answers scripted.

Ken B said...

I like your way of putting it: a threat they will be left behind. That meshes with her dismissive answer “then only marry one woman”. That is obviously not a substantive answer, it is also a way of saying “your opinion does not matter”. The shot extends that dismissal beyond just his opinion: “and you don’t matter either”. Hence the roar of laughter.

Roughcoat said...

Laslo: Good one.

Birkel said...

I know quite a number of women who do not favor the public policy preferences of the Leftist Collectivists.

And that includes this one.

Not all women prefer to be Green Grocers.

David Begley said...

Question was planted. She knew it was coming. Her answer was scripted.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

For some reason this thread made me think of this.

sinz52 said...

Rob: I’m still trying to find what’s funny about assuming it’s a guy.

A common theme among the multicultural Left is that anyone who opposes same-sex marriage is really suffering from repressed homosexuality himself.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The democrat machine has the entire Hollywood script dept in their pocket.

ndspinelli said...

For those of us who read body language professionally, touching your face, particularly your mouth, is a sign of dissembling.

David Begley said...

Bob Hope used to walk away and do that look, but he didn’t rub his hands.

David Begley said...


The impeachment reality show is scripted too.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

I enjoyed the snark. But then again that's my schtick.

Amadeus 48 said...

Warren to men: “Message: I don’t care.”

It is not a good look.

Amadeus 48 said...

Elmer Fudd used to rub his hands. But of course, Elmer would say “wub”.

Francisco D said...

Warren does a good job of showing us that she is energetic and moderately bright. Where she falls down is in the assumption that she has all the answers (most of which are probably scripted). Ashe obviously disdains those who have an honest disagreement. She is an authoritarian who expects people to believe everything she says, particularly the self-promoting lies

Her quirks were developed in a lifetime of elite academia and will annoy voters as much as Hillary did.

TJM said...

Warren is Hillary without the charm. Trump will mop the floor with this two-bit phony. Why does the national media promote these loons? Are they really that stupid?

Owen said...

Laslo: excellent insights.

Others have noted the parallels to Hillary:
(1) aging
(2) white
(3) female
(4) Midwestern
(5) family background: 60s Republican
(6) intelligent but somehow not connecting
(7) scripted bonhomie and wit
(8) reads as “fake and flailing.”

Renee said...

What Elizabeth Warren in 'The Two Income Trap' discusses is the cost of housing that has shifted from 1 income to 2 income. Warren would have been able to reach out to this lost middle, that switched over from Obama to Trump in the last election. Instead she just mocked many adults who are struggling to find a way to settle down and the middle class stability is out of reach.

The Left claim no one is stopping you from your traditional values, but the public policy does everything to deter and undermine this from occurring, specifically with the middle/working class. The very same group that Elizabeth Warren was advocating for twenty years ago and claims to do so now, as a matter of public policy she has abandoned.

Say anything of the sort, and be mocked and falsely labeled homophobic.

Warren has abandoned her very own middle class values. I think Trump should read the Two Income Trap and use all of it against her if she is the nominee. I assume he probably has.

rcocean said...

The hand rubbing was interesting. I've never "rubbed my hands together" to express any emotion. Only to warm up cold hands. And I can lie with a straight face and no hand gestures, so I found the analysis interesting. I also don't wave my hands or arms when I talk, which is why I find Bernie so hilarious.

To be honest, the whole humor of this just goes over my head. Warren creates an imaginary SINGLE guy who doesn't believe in Gay Marriage, and then snarks that MADE UP GUY is such a loser he won't get married. Because he opposes Gay marriage. Huh? Religious people oppose Gay marriage and get married at much higher rates than anyone else. And if you're a Christian Guy you don't want to marry some anti-christian female who supports Gay marriage. I'm overthinking it, its just snark, but I just find the whole "Joke" strange.

Maybe the Townhall should have had some real Religious people who opposed Gay Marriage that everyone could boo, mock and snark at.

Szoszolo said...

"But most people make a point of not cracking up at their own jokes"

More evidence that it was written for her -- apparently by someone whose wit she appreciates.

chickelit said...

Glad to be guy.

LA_Bob said...

David Begley said, "Question was planted. She knew it was coming. Her answer was scripted."

Warren had a plan for that.

gilbar said...

Lola said...
Does anyone else think that it is significant that (in the scenario) the person that asks the question and the person that she mocks is a supporter of her

I didn't believe Lola, and went back, and listened; and SURE Enough, it's supposed to have been asked by someone that says:
"I'm a Supporter of yours, And MY FAITH teaches me that marriage...."

Holy Fucking GOD Damn GOD!
Lizzy is saying (in her scripted response,) that she would Belittle, and Besmirch a SUPPORTER

chickelit said...

TJM said...Warren is Hillary without the charm. Trump will mop the floor with this two-bit phony. Why does the national media promote these loons? Are they really that stupid?

Makes you think that the whole Democrat primary is scripted from the top down. Who is calling the shots? With Trump, you know who and what you're getting. Advantage: Trump!

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

JAORE said...

Let's get the old Daily Showwriting crew back together. Have them write until they have a really good Orange Man Bad joke. Then give a copy to all the Dem candidates. The next Town Hall would be "Open Mic Night" where each gets to deliver the joke as well as they can.

Or we could dovetail that into some previous Althouse posts and maybe get Dave Chapelle, Joe Rogan, and Adam Carolla to moderate the debate with the understanding that they don't need to hold back on any jokes that come to mind.

Wince said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FullMoon said...

To be honest, the whole humor of this just goes over my head. Warren creates an imaginary SINGLE guy who doesn't believe in Gay Marriage, and then snarks that MADE UP GUY is such a loser he won't get married. Because he opposes Gay marriage.

Yep, me too. It just wasn't that funny.

Her look is interesting to me. Very cheap. Inexpensive. Too casual. Has she always dressed like that?

You guys remember she was mentioned as a possibility before Hillary got the nod to go against Obama for Dem nomination?

Owen said...

I guess I could have added “(3a) overeducated ‘knowledge worker’”...

Jon Burack said...

"In South America, the gesture is used to imply that two women are lesbians.."

Oh, does that mean Liz is actually a South American lesbian? Why not? She's got 1022 of the 1024 parts of herself left - after we subtract the Indian and the fired pregnant school marm - oops, I mean school teacher.

Yancey Ward said...

Rob asked:

"I’m still trying to find what’s funny about assuming it’s a guy. Women can do anything—except hold traditional views about marriage?"

This was the one part that wasn't scripted- the Warren supporter planted in the audience with CNN's help forgot his lines and said "voter" instead of "man". Warren caught the mistake and tried to correct it on the fly, but this was the tell that clued me in (and I did also catch the hand to the face). Warren's joke doesn't work unless it is a guy, and that is why she felt she needed to correct the mistake- in other words, she already knew the joke was coming- it wasn't spontaneous humor. Of course, later people started uncovering the information that the audience member was a hard-core Warren supporter and likely campaign worker.

Yancey Ward said...

tcrosse wrote:

"It just shows that you can't pretend to be witty."

Yes, spontaneous humor and wit is incredibly difficult to fake. Even George Costanza learned that lesson eventually.

AllenS said...

I can hardly wait until Biden gets thrown to the curb and The Fake Indian takes over, and then, the Democratic Party Super Delegates say: "Move over Warren, Hillary's taking over." The expression on The Fake Indian's face, once that happens, which wouldn't be scripted, would be priceless.

Narr said...

Fake, fraud, manipulative bitch--that's our Dim Lizzie. That she's even in contention is a serious indictment of the Ds, but of course they've been crazed since forever anyway

I suspected the exchange was scripted and rehearsed, and it turns out I was right; it's the kind of high-school-level zinger that impresses the easily impressed, and the witless as witty.

How did she find a man to marry?

hombre said...

It’s CNN. She had the question in advance. Remember Donna Brazile? Only difference, Donna got caught.

Wince said...

I've noticed Warren oscillates between her "sharp as a tack" demeanor, and her "deer-in-the-headlights" look in direct relation to how scripted the situation.

Renee said...

"Maybe the Townhall should have had some real Religious people who opposed Gay Marriage that everyone could boo, mock and snark at."

As that 'religious' person, we just know better not to bother. As someone who actually cares about marriage public policy and middle/low income families and stability for children, I just write thoughtful public policy letters to my elected officials. Usually they respond kindly to me.

A lot of what is in the media/online, is just that ONLY online and in the media. But it does create harm in the misrepresentation of disagreements.

I know the majority of gay marriage supporters really have no interest in attacking religious people. In fact most gay marriage supporters and traditional marriage supporters have the same goals but approach the issue completely differently. People want both- equality/fairness in the law AND public policy the promotes the obligation of children being raised by their mother and father. Right now we have two issues, that are best addressed as two issues. Never understood how we ended up with two ideals fighting with another.

The majority want BOTH. Even the Catholic Church has made it clear, that it never wanted to block a person who happens gay to have their companion from seeing them in the hospital. It's not enough. It's never enough.

The goal isn't about gay people and the need equality and fairness.... Beto made that clear.

I live in a very progressive area, makes me wished I moved South or West when my kids were younger.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Warren is one of the most anodyne characters in politics, yet on command everyone here has worked themselves up into a tizzy about her. Get a grip. Criticize her policies for sure, but all the personal stuff just sounds nutty.

BJM said...

michaele said...

"She missed a chance to get in one additional virtue signally dig and not add the adjective "white" to her comment ""I'm going to assume it's a guy who says that"

Not really, while the media blamed Evangelists, Catholics & Mormons for the passage of California's Prop Prop 8. The National Election Pool poll showed that support for Proposition 8 was strong among African American voters, interviewed in the exit poll with 70% in favor, more than any other racial group. Their support was considered crucial to the proposition's passing, since African Americans made up an unusually larger percentage of voters that year, due to the presence of Barack Obama on the ballot.

That the African-American community is not accepting of LGBTQ rights is a 3rd rail the Dems won't touch.

Yancey Ward said...

Shorter ARM:

Don't make fun of Warren- it hurts her chances.

ARM, we aren't in a tizzy- we are mocking her. Trump would be lucky to get to run against her, and mostly because her policy prescriptions are sheer lunacy.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Bold prediction, Warren won’t be the Dem nominee either. Two months will find her consigned to the also-rans.

The Dems have a rabid base with a social media-fed sense of impatience. That means they lose faith quickly with candidates who stall, stumble, or end up as Trumpian punching bags. But what happens when you’ve discarded all the Kleenex in the box?

William said...

It wasn't as cringe worthy as her request for a beer. She's getting better. I look forward to seeing her apply for a hunting license and her clever banter about bagging one of them thar lame ducks.....One thing about her that look real and unscripted is the way that she responds to applause. She truly loves her fans, especially when they're applauding her. Her fans, in turn, appreciate her love of their applause. It's a feedback loop.....I guess you could say the same thing about Trump at his rallies, but he's got a genuine sense of humor. Her fans weren't laughing at her humor but at her malice.

Ken B said...

Lying about Michael Brown is anything but anodyne. It is despicable and dangerous.

Mr. Majestyk said...

William said:

"It wasn't as cringe worthy as her request for a beer."

Hmm. "I'm cool with that" was way up there on the cringeworthiness scale. The word "cool" and espcially the words "I'm cool" should never EVER escape the lips of an aging, phony, hectoring, feminist, socialist such as Warren.

Meade said...

"Her fans weren't laughing at her humor but at her malice."

Well observed.

bagoh20 said...

What does any of that exchange have to do with being President? That's a question I find myself asking about most everything the Dems want to talk about. It's understandable, becuase the stuff that is relevant to being President is going really well with the one we have. That's why they can have an entire debate with 10 candidates and never mention the economy.

bagoh20 said...

When it comes to advice on finding a woman, I'll take it from Trump over Warren. She doesn't even realize there are millions of conservative values women out there, and they are ones who will prevent her from ever being President.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

William said...
Her fans weren't laughing at her humor but at her malice.

I have watched a few Trump rallies recently. Would you say the same thing about Trump?

Nichevo said...

She could have answered the question in four words: "Don't vote for me."

However, this did serve the purpose of saying, in not so many words, "F*** you you f****** f***. Don't vote for me, a******! Because I'm coming for you."

Jim at said...

Lord, I hope she wins the nomination. As has been stated many times, she's Hillary Clinton without the charm.

She'll get her share of leftist votes, but I predict most of America doesn't want to be 'ruled' by a self-righteous scold.

DavidUW said...

In my experience, the number of straight women who turn down a straight guy because he prefers straights to marry hovers between zero and one.

Milwaukie guy said...

U.S. politics is a cultural and class struggle between the working class and the urban gentry. The working class makes all of the goods that the urban gentry dine out on. The working class has most of the guns and don't want to be treated like helots. Interesting times.

tim in vermont said...

“I have watched a few Trump rallies recently. Would you say the same thing about Trump?”

Accepting your premise arguendo, I would say that Trump is not insulting people he thinks would ever vote for him. Warren is stupid. She is insulting potential swing voters. She is not very bright. She got carried away with a joke that maybe she might should have made in private, if at all.

Two-eyed Jack said...

Yes Trump's humor depends on shared disdain with his audience and the audacity to speak up. Nothing wrong with Warren doing the same. Choices are revealing, however. I prefer comedy to dissembling.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Skylark said...
Warren is stupid.

Warren is not stupid, she is one of the sharper politicians. Her problem is that she is not a very good politician. Even an average politician in her position would have seen Hillary's weakness in 2016 and run against her. If she had I suspect she would now be president. Now she's a bit old and she remains a barely adequate politician.

Anonymous said...

I don't see humor, even after an explanation. I guess Elizabeth Warren will just have to deplore me.

rehajm said...

Warren is not stupid, she is one of the sharper politicians

No, she's stupid...

Howard said...

You cucks sure get hot defending incels against a frail grandma. You people need vitamin T

tim in vermont said...

So if Warren is “sharp” then I am sure she knows what the price of gasoline will do if she gets her way on energy. And I am sure she understands what the pressures for war would be if, unlike today, our economy was hostage to the Middle East oil fields. Fracking is the main reason we can disengage from that area.

I don’t care who is president, the only way to survive politically the kind of stranglehold on our economy that an interruption in the economy’s supply of oil would produce would be to suspend the election. Warren wants to throw away that new American reality.

Ken B said...

ARM does not recognize mockery aimed at Democrats for the same reason cats don’t recognize themselves in a mirror: never seen it from that angle.

tcrosse said...

As a former (reluctant) constituent, I can say that Amy Klobuchar is much better at delivering a punchline. FWIW.

tcrosse said...

Howard never misses a chance to wave his dick around.

Rory said...

"Even an average politician in her position would have seen Hillary's weakness in 2016 and run against her."

When will people learn? The Clintons probably had Warren's DNA analysis done in about 2006.

Michael K said...

Howard, we don't elect "frail grandma's " as president.

Maybe you lefties in Mass do but we don't

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

The slight Boston lady with the Cherokee accent
Who tried to change my point of view
Her ad lib lines were well rehearsed
But my heart cried out for truth

(apologies to R. Stewart)

Martin said...

It seemed to me that the person asking the question went into a slight Southern drawl when he started voicing the hypothetical question, but after a few words went back to his own voice--as if he wanted to insult Southerners and then decided better.

Narayanan said...

If it's a guy who can't find a woman isn't he also living in mom's basement and won't come out to play election!?

Even Candy Crowley can't help doofus like these.

Narayanan said...

It's kicked in the balls funny : it's a hate-joke, there's no I was kidding.

Hate-joke : is it my coinage?

Narayanan said...

Blogger Skylark said

She is not very bright. She got carried away with a joke...
In effect her brazen flaunt "Deplorable" moment which even Hillary wishes had stayed hidden.

This woman is stupid.
If Harvard have any survival instinct they should fire her.

Narayanan said...

Skylark said...
Warren is stupid.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan responded.

Warren is not stupid, she is one of the sharper politicians
So conman applies only to Trump?

Rosa Marie Yoder said...

It's clearly Hillary's time to win. Again.


Known Unknown said...

I now appreciate Kate McKinnon's schtick in the SNL skit more.

Skippy Tisdale said...

"Can't make fun of women."

That's why when the majority of TV commercials end, one can simply add the line, "Stupid Man!"

I just started noticing this lately and then it dawned on me that they certainly can't make a woman look stupid.

Michael K said...

Is anyone surprised that this Warren "zinger" was a setup?

Cox's Twitter profile indicates that his full name is "Morgan W. Cox III" and he is a partner at the investment firm Marquis Group. The Marquis Group is located in Plano, Tex., part of the larger Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area. FEC filings show that a "Morgan Cox III" from Plano, Tex., who listed his occupation as "investor" donated the legal maximum of $2,700 to Warren's Senate primary campaign in 2017, followed by two donations totaling $2,700 to her general election campaign the following year. Cox also donated $2,700 to the Elizabeth Warren Action Fund PAC.

I'm betting that "violent video" shown at a Trump event was another false flag,