October 11, 2019

"Needless to say, those are not his pronouns. Cuomo, a well-known face for the TV network, is a cisgender man who has indicated he goes by he, him and his."

Teo Armus soberly explains in "‘Really not a great look’: Chris Cuomo apologizes for pronoun gaffe at LGBTQ candidate town hall" (WaPo).

Watch Cuomo make the gaffe of finding humor in the Era of That's Not Funny:

It was the LGBTQ town hall with Kamala Harris last night in Los Angeles. Compare it to that other event last night — Trump's rally in Minneapolis. Trump took many comic leaps and the crowd laughed a lot. But in the entertainment capital of the world, God forbid you should have a little fun — especially with such a sacrosanct topic as how to talk about gender.

So Cuomo apologized. But what about Harris? Wasn't she having fun with the subject too?


Bay Area Guy said...

The ahumorous Left strikes again!

Mike Sylwester said...

Democracy Dies in Darkness!

John henry said...

It's Fredo. Why should we be surprised?

John Henry

tds said...

Why would Kamala Harris have to notify everybody that her pronouns are she/her/hers? Does she think somebody could mistake her for a male cop?

MayBee said...

THis idea of announcing your pronouns is nuts.

Birches said...

That joke went over like a lead balloon in that room. You can hear the applause deflate. I think Harris knows it too. That's why she says alright in response.

Harris wasn't joking around when she said her pronouns, she was illustrating that she was an ally.

Popcorn please. We all know Cuomo's just a meathead at heart.

Fernandinande said...

My pronouns are "sheeeit, Fredo!"

robother said...

Everyone knows Fredo is a eunuch. It needs to stay in tis own lane.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The bully-section of the LGBTQ totalitarian bully squad can shove it.

I will never ever ever ever say "I go by ....these pronouns."


Fernandinande said...

NYT sez: "Today’s witches — those who identify more with feminism than burnings at the stake — are a part of the collective consciousness."

Jaq said...

Romney’s pronouns are “he, him, his, and his pussyship."

MayBee said...

I didn't watch the debate, but when I went to bed I turned on the tv in my room and my husband had been watching CNN earlier in the day. Don Lemon and Beto O'Rourke were standing on the stage, and a trans woman named Blossom was holding the mike in the audience. And Don Lemon was trying to get the microphone back from her, but she didn't want to give it up. Lemon was thanking her profusely while asking for the microphone over and over. And she was talking about "this is what black on black prejudice looks like. Black trans women have been invisible to black men. This is black bigotry against black people". Don Lemon was like, "we appreciate you so much Blossom and we are glad you are here but we need the microphone we have time constraints" And it looked like a clusterf*ck to me and I turned the channel.

narciso said...

well we have a wiccan lesbian democrat who is doing a better job than a Mormon republican, so they may have something there,

narciso said...

this is where it's no longer funny,


Bay Area Guy said...

Is "Fredo" a pronoun, or just a noun?

Limited blogger said...

Send me a bill at the end of the night for all the offenses I've committed, real or imagined.

Rabel said...

Then this happened.

hawkeyedjb said...

These people take themselves seriously. That's bad enough. But, God help us, the 'news media' take them seriously. Democracy dies in stupidity. Democracy dies in bootlicking, whether you're licking Chinese boots or LGBTQRXYZ boots.

My pronouns are Thee and Thou. Fuck thee. Thou art fucked.

gerry said...

It was the LGBTQ town hall with Kamala Harris last night in Los Angeles. Compare it to that other event last night — Trump's rally in Minneapolis. Trump took many comic leaps and the crowd laughed a lot. But in the entertainment capital of the world, God forbid you should have a little fun — especially with such a sacrosanct topic as how to talk about gender.

Progressives/Liberals are - who said it - have a Puritanical attitude: always afraid that someone, somewhere, might be having fun. "Vote for me! I will make you as miserable as the rest of my self-righteous supporters!"

JAORE said...

My preferred pronouns are, "Gawd, you're hot!", "stud muffin" and "hello gorgeous".

Respect my self image ya bigots.

n.n said...

The transgender spectrum was stereotyped as joyful, merry, light-hearted, and carefree. Perhaps the beneficiaries, or victims, of semantic liberalization.

Jaq said...

"Black trans women have been invisible to black men.”

You know who probably would have liked you before you lopped your dick? Gay black men, and gay white men, probably even more.

RNB said...

A couple of months ago, a (straight but very liberal) woman director scolded me for a line in a script implying that lesbians are 1 or 2 percent of the female population. The correct figure, she informed me, is 14 percent.

This week a (gay male) producer stated that gays and lesbians are "one in seven" (which works out to 14 percent).

I think the LGBTQ community are convinced that they are a much larger, more important voting bloc than they really are.

Jupiter said...

So, at some point, did they begin to chant "USA! USA!"?

Yancey Ward said...

It's Fredo- what can you do?

PM said...

"My pronoun is They."
"Cool. My noun is Master."

MayBee said...

Yes Rabel yes! That insane moment, that Don Lemon and Beto O'Rourke had to pretend was very special.

Lars Porsena said...

What a freak show!!

Jaq said...

Hillary’s pronouns are as follows: we, us, our, ours, your majesty or your highness.

rhhardin said...

My conjunction is "but."

Infinite Monkeys said...

While still rare, I have gotten emails that have the sender's preferred pronouns in the signature. Without knowing what came before, I can't tell if she's joking. If there was some warm up act to get the crowd in the mood and he/she/it talked about gender pronouns, Harris' comment makes sense as a possible joke. If not, it just seems weird and out-of-nowhere. Doesn't she think those people know her well enough to know her pronouns?

Bay Area Guy said...

My pronoun is They.

My adjective is "butt-ugly".....

BUMBLE BEE said...

From what I've read they're killing THEMSELVES in droves. Prove me wrong.

Jaq said...

Is it true that if Cory Booker gets elected, the national. anthem will be changed to God Save the Queen?

MD Greene said...

Since we're picking nits here, let me note that "alright" is not a word, at least not yet. The expression is "all right." It seems that language, like gender, has become much more, shall we say, "fluid" in recent years.

The gotcha would be more effective if Ms. Harris' usage were more precise.

hawkeyedjb said...

Barack Obama's pronouns are I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I.

And 'mine.'

Marc in Eugene said...

Just finished reading Chadwick Moore at the US Spectator (here) on that LGBxyz spectacle. Amusing mockery of the event, with appearances by Izzy Gay, Ima Peacepipe, and Selma Influence.

D.D. Driver said...

My pronoun is Batman.

Andrew said...

Does anyone here remember the children's record "Free to Be You and Me"? There was a skit with Mel Brooks and Marlo Thomas called "Boy Meets Girl." You can Google it - there's a puppet version. Two infants discover what sex (gender?) they are. It's fairly cute and innocuous. But now something like that (from two liberals) could never be made or performed without protesters crying bloody murder.

I think Trump should take on the trans issue directly, both for the political benefit and because it's the right thing to do. Children are being permanently harmed by drugs and unnecessary surgery. He should call this what it is, child abuse. He should address the issue of girls' sports, school locker rooms and bathrooms, etc. He should prevent all public schools from teaching trans ideology. He should prohibit federal agencies from using anything other than traditional pronouns. Even if he only attempts to bring sanity to the discussion, I think a majority in this country will agree with him. Yes, he'll be accused of bigotry, but so what else is new? He can provide some protection for normal people to voice their concerns about what is happening. Children who haven't even reached puberty are deciding their gender, and being physically harmed. The damage can be irreparable. Enough is enough. And let's put some doctors and parents in jail.

My guess is, many of the L's and G's in the LGBTQ etc. community will stand with him against the insanity.

Static Ping said...

The big problem with the town hall is the Democrats, on the whole, endorsed totalitarianism, the pronouns thing being only a minor detail on the larger plan.

Ralph L said...

I'd love to see Repub ads of Democrats announcing their pronouns. But they won't have the nerve. Same with NC Repubs shoving the anti-HB2 (bathroom bill) crap back in the Dems' faces.

madAsHell said...

Me thinks the Black Trans-Women was a shill.

tcrosse said...

Meanwhile, Drudge's bottom story of the day: Ellen Likes Bush!

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

While still rare, I have gotten emails that have the sender's preferred pronouns in the signature.

My husband's employer asks, but does not yet require, employees to do this.

HR did require all employees to include a rainbow flag in their email signatures during the month of June, however, and he was encouraged (but not yet required) to self-report his gender identity to add to a database so the diversity apparatchiks could measure how well they are doing in trans hiring. Also the was encouraged (but not yet required) to complete a statement of allyship to include a summary of his community activities to support LGBTQ+ causes.

Yes, he is actively searching for other employment. But this is all coming soon to an employer near you!

Mark said...

It wasn't a pronoun gaffe. It was an unintentional joke that came out because of the absolute absurdity of a woman saying to use female pronouns.

gspencer said...

Cuomo goes by he, him, his?

Really, I thought recent developments changed that to Fredo, Fredo, Fredo's.

Ken B said...

Why “needless to say”? Doesn’t that imply things?

Roughcoat said...

If you get mad at people for calling you Fredo . . . you're Fredo.

Ken B said...

His pronouns are Freda, Fredam, Fredae

FullMoon said...

Meanwhile, Drudge's bottom story of the day: Ellen Likes Bush!

Ya know who Ellen really, really likes? Matt Laur. Had a jokey picture of him in bondage gear on her show once.

Does she ever mention him anymore?

FullMoon said...

Here it is..

“You can’t believe how many people Tweeted me and said, ‘You’re supposed to be a journalist. How can you dress in leather, especially S&M?’ ” he says.

Bay Area Guy said...

Whatever you do, don't try to grab Fredo by the pussy. He might sick Clemenza on you.

Michael K said...

Also the was encouraged (but not yet required) to complete a statement of allyship to include a summary of his community activities to support LGBTQ+ causes.

See how much trouble you can get into over a "diversity Statement."

She says to the black Mayor "You're white enough. Shut up !"

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

From now on, my pronoun is “it”.

Jim at said...

Is "Fredo" a pronoun, or just a noun?

In this case, it's a verb.

traditionalguy said...

When played out loud, Cuomo was actually witty. Well done Chris. That is the type of response that many don't get until later.

Ken B said...

What does our host think about the CNN townhall, and it’s use of children as props? It was quite spectacular in places. Especially the bit with a nine year old child and Elizabeth Warren. I found that just awful.

Mark said...

Does anyone here remember the children's record "Free to Be You and Me"?

I do. A lot of the TV show is posted at YouTube.

Here's the Boy Meets Girl vignette for those who don't do the Google.

n.n said...

So, Harris is not transgender spectrum, and Cuomo is probably not transgender spectrum. Just the conventional feminine female and masculine male, respectively. Boring. Still, under the established Pro-Choice, short of undergoing surgical and/or medical corruption, they have a choice and can change their mental orientation, if not their physical attributes.

Mark said...

Free to Be . . .

I was exposed to all sorts of lefty, hippie influences growing up. But still ended up conservative (technically, a classical liberal).

At least some kids growing up now will become truly "woke" to the absurd, destructive nonsense of today.

narciso said...

lucky the speech prevented others from seeing this trainwrech


jerpod said...

Skylark said...
Is it true that if Cory Booker gets elected, the national. anthem will be changed to God Save the Queen?
Not true. The anthem will be changed to Pretty Vacant.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Are black trans women being killed?

purplepenquin said...

let me note that "alright" is not a word

If it truly is not a word, then how were you able to understand its meaning?

n.n said...

See how much trouble you can get into over a "diversity Statement."
... a statement of allyship to include a summary of his community activities to support LGBTQ+ causes

Diversity (i.e. color judgment), including racism, sexism, etc., breeds adversity.

The exclusion normalized by political congruence (under the Pro-Choice quasi-religion or "ethics"), generally the exceptional status of transgender spectrum individuals, and specifically transgender homosexuals, only serves to liberalize the prejudice. The underlying philosophy and associated doctrines are the foundation of a progressive condition, not limited to the wicked solution.

Michael K said...

Nobody asked Beto if his rule about churches that don't do the right thing also applied to mosques.

Oh well, those moderators know what getting your head cut off would be like. Nasty,

n.n said...

It wasn't a pronoun gaffe. It was an unintentional joke that came out because of the absolute absurdity of a woman saying to use female pronouns.

Absurd, perhaps.

Science, Sport, Sex, and the Case of Caster Semenya

It is a Progressive cause to flatten the normal distribution of sex and gender for the sake of inclusivity. So, affirmative statements of sex and gender, of sex and gender identity, are not altogether irregular.

From now on, my pronoun is “it”.

It implies "1", which implies individualism, exclusion, and, as we were recently made aware, of rabid diversity (e.g. racism). Perhaps "we" or "us" would be more politically congruent.

Ignatius Acton Chesterton OCD said...

Keep it coming, I love it.

walter said...

Ralph L said...I'd love to see Repub ads of Democrats announcing their pronouns.
They could have some fun repeating their in unison hand raise to each shitty idea they agree on.

h said...

Regarding Beto's comment: A reasonable press would headline this: "Democrats Threaten Methodists with loss of Tax Exempt Status."

Freeman Hunt said...

Someone should really give people a mental workout and say, "My pronouns are she, it, and his." If pressed (injustice!) ine could justify it by saying, "I am gender fluid and prefer to exist in the space of that fluidity."

Jaq said...

"Also the was encouraged (but not yet required) to complete a statement of allyship to include a summary of his community activities to support LGBTQ+ causes. “

Loyalty oaths! Everything is going great!

Jaq said...

The man accused of shooting a transgender woman in Dallas last month was deported in 2010 and is committing a felony by being in the U.S., according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement. His current whereabouts are unknown.


Zach said...

I saw the townhall on mute while exercising at the gym.

It's actually a really good way to evaluate candidates. All you get is the body language, without the words or the audience response.

Kamala Harris has horrible body language! Nervous, cringing, smiling too broadly at odd moments, then frowning too broadly a moment later.

She's like an actor who hits her marks but hasn't internalized her performance. It's an odd sequence of unconnected moments.

iowan2 said...

Some new TV show did a bit about a 62 year old man changing his age to 42. Because he identified as 42.

The possibilities are endless.


Tina Trent said...

Why hasn't anyone taken Anderson Cooper to task for saying "guys, guys, guys" to the audience during one of the many disruptions incited by people who are usually found pulling each other's wigs off over the most profitable streetcorner?

Some people's pronouns are more equal than other people's pronouns.

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