October 6, 2019

"If there are any angels in heaven, they are all male and female nurses," says Joe Biden.

That's something Joe (or whoever runs his Twitter account) chose to feature, not just in a clip but in text, and it's a little disconcerting to experience such slap-in-the-face ineptness with language. I accept politicians using religion in their speeches to the general public, believers and nonbelievers, despite the principle of the separation of religion and government. It's an American tradition. Lincoln did it ("I know that the Lord is always on the side of the right; but it is my constant anxiety and prayer that I and this nation may be on the Lord's side"). But do it well. Do it carefully. Not everyone believes that after death they have a chance at becoming an angel in heaven. But who on earth thinks that only nurses go to heaven?! It's nice to hear that the male as well as the female nurses go to heaven, but what about everybody who's not a nurse? What a kick in the head! You lived a life of virtue, you served your fellow human beings every day of your life, you felt and acted upon the love of God continually, but — whoops! — you picked the wrong job! Nurses only!


tomaig said...

So no transgendered Angels? They're all either male or female?

Largo said...

Biden was probably thinking 'All nurses are angels' and blunders it as 'All angels are nurses'.

Mind you, anyone practiced in logic is unlikely to do this.

Oso Negro said...

Odd. Many people think Trump a buffoon and idiot, but I see plenty of evidence that he’s not I see plenty of evidence, however, for Biden. He has had an entire working life as a politician to learn to keep his hands to himself and mind what he says. But there he is, gassing about Cornpop and bragging about strong-arming the Ukrainians. Oh, and then there is the tape of the likely Democrat nominee talking about how her parents almost couldn’t marry because of family objections to non-existent Indian heritage.

Luke Blanshard said...

Only male and female?!

rhhardin said...

He means they're overweight.

Hagar said...

There's never any telling what Joe Biden will say next. Yet these people keep complaining about Trump's unpredictable speech!

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Human beings don't become angels. Angels are a separate order of being. In fact, the Bible states that humans will one day rule over them.

1 Corinthians 6:1-3

campy said...

When will democrats finally stop injecting their religion into politics?

rehajm said...

I hear he's a double-spacer too...

whitney said...

According to the South Park guys it's Mormons only. So I guess Romney wins in the end!

whitney said...

Also, I want to say that I prefer the moderated comments.

etbass said...

Ha ha. I don’t think there is any scriptural basis for belief that anyone, nurses included, becomes an angel in heaven.

Fernandinande said...

Why take seriously this one sentence of his?

David Begley said...

Joe is too damn stupid to be President.

john evans said...

Biden doesn’t realize it yet, but he is done.

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

It's shocking that he would insult the transgender community in that fashion and then the social media team actually feature the insult.

It'sSwordfish said...

I think Gabriel used to work in neuro at Mayo.

Amexpat said...

It's the type of mindless pandering that professional politicians resort to. Not worthy of any serious analysis.

gilbar said...

the Amazing Thing, isn't that Jo Biden is mentally incompetent; that's nothing new
the Amazing Thing, is that Jo Biden's PEOPLE are mentally incompetent TOO!

PJ said...

It appears that Bidenists believe that only nurses can become angels in heaven, but his comment doesn’t exclude the possibility of non-nurses becoming saints or some other sort of non-angelic heaven-dwellers. So getting to heaven is not among the hopes non-nurse Bidenists must abandon.

Tank said...

Most people hearing this will just think Biden is complimenting nurses.

gilbar said...

I forced myself to listen to Jo's Clip:
He accuses GOD Almighty of poor Labor Relations
"If there Are any Angels in Heaven, they're all M&F nurses... AND THEY'RE NOT GETTING PAID ENOUGH!"

Jo simultaneously:
DOUBTS that there are angels in Heaven
THINKS that they are Humans, WITH GENDERS
SAYS that Only Nurses will make it

The man is an infidel; that Insults ALLAH. AND Disparages the Holy QURAN
There is ONLY ONE THING to do with such 'men'; and You ALL KNOW What that is!

Openidname said...

Not the best campaign strategy to make us picture elderly Joe surrounded by either nurses or angels, much less both.

gilbar said...

Then Jo Biden immediately segues into talking about:
All Those Home Care Workers {who, by the Way: AREN'T GETTING INTO HEAVEN: Not Nurses)}

So, he insults GOD Almighty, AND The members of the SEIU* that he is Talking TO

members of the SEIU* who, OF COURSE; Clap and Cheer Jo for Insulting them

Bob Boyd said...

Reminds me of the old joke where God threatens to sue Satan. Satan laughs and says, "Where are you going to get a lawyer?"

rcocean said...

I didn't realize part of the deal was we became Angels. But now that I Know that, I feed cheated. Nurses only. Oh well, there's still time for that nurses correspondence course. I may make it yet.

Laslo Spatula said...

But isn't that a beautiful nurse's Hell: all of eternity to give sponge-baths and no one else to give them to.

Just hot nurses in heaven, giving endless sudsy sponge-baths to each other.

If a mortal were to glimpse this, because of the difference of perception between our earthly time and eternity, it would seem like the hot nurses were soaping each other in exquisite slow-motion.

And -- being heaven -- the lighting would be perfect.

I am Laslo.

Bob Boyd said...

You lived a life of virtue, you served your fellow human beings every day of your life, you felt and acted upon the love of God continually, but here are, dumping bedpans in Paradise for all eternity. What a kick in the head!

traditionalguy said...

Two big errors: Christians would consider being Angels in Heaven a demotion from their status as children of God that comes by pure gift and cannot be worked for by piling up good deeds.

Biden has made a career out of pretending to be so stupid that we can trust him. While Lizzie Warren has made a career out of being the smartest Cherokee at Harvard.

hawkeyedjb said...

"It's the type of mindless pandering that professional politicians resort to."

Quite so. Lucky for him that he was not addressing a room full of proctologists.

michaele said...

What an inane word salad. He makes it sound like the angels aren't being paid enough and yet need to be treated (for what?). Plus, the home healthcare workers need more training..in other words, they're not good enough yet. Jeez! But "We can do this".

MikeR said...

"they are all male and female nurses" I think you parsed his sentence wrong, that's why you're confused.
"[in heaven] they are all male, and [there are] female nurses." Creepy Joe would like that.

tcrosse said...

How many nurses can dance on the head of a pin?

Rory said...

"Satan laughs and says, "Where are you going to get a lawyer?""

The devil sent God a challenge to a little baseball game. God sent back, "How could you win? I have all the great players." The devil, "That's true. But I have all the umpires."

Rory said...

I keep seeing Ursula Andress with shimmery little wings.

Tina Trent said...

"As a lifelong adherent to congressional tradition, Mr. Biden was wary of acting hastily."

This is an actual, unironic sentence in the above-the-fold front page New York Times article about Biden's courageous, character-building suffering in the face of Trump's daring to make "unfounded" attacks on Hunter Biden. The article is a masterpiece of unadulterated bias, apogee of shameless ass kissing, etc.

I can't imagine how any Democrat with a pulse and IQ points to string together isn't embarrassed by this stuff. But several Democrats told the reporter, anonymously, that Biden's "reverence for congressional prerogatives" prevented him from punching back at Trump.

Also, if you're praising someone's "reverence," why do you feel the need to be anonymous?

Francisco D said...

Joe is too damn stupid to be President.

Joe has long been a bullshitter and a people pleaser. He was one of the most liked members of the Senate for a long time because he says things that he thinks will make people happy. It's automatic without thinking. In that sense, he is pretty dumb.

Now that he is starting to have cognitive decline, this trait becomes more obvious and painful to watch.

Xmas said...

As someone else said, Angels and humans are two different things. Also, Angels are scary.

Jeff Brokaw said...

“You lived a life of virtue, you served your fellow human beings every day of your life, you felt and acted upon the love of God continually, but — whoops! — you picked the wrong job! Nurses only!”

+10 and LOL. Comedy Althouse is some of the best Althouse.

This kind of platitude gets lots of people to nod along in agreement without a single thought as to what they are actually agreeing with. Sloppy wording for sloppy thinkers.

It’s disheartening. One cannot imagine Lincoln, for example, making such a mistake. Or FDR or JFK for that matter. Today’s elites pretty much suck.

stevew said...

He really is a dope of a candidate, similar to Booker and Harris, but superior to Beto. It is a wonder that he polls so well, Warren is surging yet his support remains steady.

Jeff Brokaw said...

Also, what is up with *if* there are any angels in heaven?

If you’re going to talk about angels at all, one thing you don’t do is frame it with speculation about whether they even exist or not.

What a maroon.

MAJMike said...

Ol' Sherriff Joe is just sucking up to the assembled multitude.

Skipper said...

His theology is silly. People who die and go to heaven are not angels. Angels are agents of God.

Big Mike said...

If there’s a just God then after he passes Joe Biden will still not know who’s in heaven.

mockturtle said...

His theology is worse than his speech.

Wince said...

Run that line through the truth machine:

"If there are any politicians you cannot investigate, they are all male and female Democrats," says Joe Biden.

Rory said...

The nurses have the phone box.

Narayanan said...

Hinduism make sense with Gods and Goddesses with children etc.

Monotheism with God as male make no sense.

Why dick with no use for it!?

Ken B said...

That was a footnote in Calvin's Institutes. Predestination, but the only thing we know for sure is nurses only.

Howard said...

I'm sure he says the same thing about firefighters when stroking that union.

LA_Bob said...

""If there are any angels in heaven, they are all male and female nurses," says Joe Biden."

When I saw the title of the post and the image of Biden below, the first thing I thought was, My god, he said that in the wake of Sanders's heart surgery?

I thought maybe Bernie had died or something, and Joe figured he was next.

Mark said...

Not everyone believes that after death they have a chance at becoming an angel in heaven.

Not even Christians or Jews believe that.

A human is a human. An angel is an angel. One cannot become the other. There are no trans-angels or trans-humans.

gilbar said...

Rory said... I keep seeing Ursula Andress with shimmery little wings.

I assume you mean, like this?

BUMBLE BEE said...

Remember also, Biden was put in charge of accounting for "every penny" of the stimulus funds. Epic fail there as well.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Bet he wore his hospital gown backwards! EEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW

Narr said...

Angels have no gender and no sex, IIRC. They have masculine names in the 3GMR, so people get confused.

Ukrangels are different, they bring cash

I'm Full of Soup said...

Well Joe is retarded so

Marc in Eugene said...

Not everyone believes that after death they have a chance at becoming an angel in heaven.

Who knows what Mr Biden was intending to say (some half-memory of the Lord teaching that 'in resurrectione enim neque nubent, neque nubentur: sed erunt sicut angeli Dei in cælo', 'when the dead rise again, there is no marrying and giving in marriage; they are as the angels in heaven are' Matt 22,30) but since he repudiates the bimillennial tradition of the Church insofar as her moral teaching goes it is no surprise to me at all that he does the same with her dogmatic teaching, confounding the distinct orders of being inhabited by the angels and mankind.

There is the whole New Age, Della Reese 'Touched by an Angel' nonsense too, so that also is probably mixed up in his poor head, or perhaps he's thinking about inviting Marianne Williamson to be his running mate.

Yancey Ward said...

Next Quid Pro Joe will say the angels are truck drivers, teachers, UAW members, unionized hotel staff, and Silicon Valley venture capitalists.

Yancey Ward said...

Jeff Brokaw wrote:

"If you’re going to talk about angels at all, one thing you don’t do is frame it with speculation about whether they even exist or not."

I noticed the exact same thing- whoever wrote the tweet was trying to finesse the issue for atheists.

Tom T. said...

Imagine the ridicule in the press if Trump had said this.

Marc in Eugene said...

That was a footnote in Calvin's Institutes. Predestination, but the only thing we know for sure is nurses only.

Now that was funny.

Andrew said...

Trump should tweet: "I sincerely hope that Joe Biden fully recovers from his recent heart attack and brain aneurysm. Nurses are indeed like angels!"

Then let the media explain that it was Sanders who had the heart attack, and Biden has not had a brain aneurysm for many years.

Andrew said...

Trump should tweet: "I sincerely hope that Joe Biden fully recovers from his recent heart attack and brain aneurysm. Nurses are indeed like angels!"

Then let the media explain that it was Sanders who had the heart attack, and Biden has not had a brain aneurysm for many years.

Tomcc said...

Maybe he was referring to Visiting Angels.
Or he's just a putz. Really; "male and female"?

Sammy Finkelman said...

I think Joe Biden wasn't being real of course.

Perhaps he was saying being a human nurse is a prequisite for being promoted to angel, and as for any angels who were angels before 1854, they all have since been promoted further.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

We luv your "Trump Tweets" ! So Trumpy!!

Barry Dauphin said...

Biden believes that heaven exists, but he’s not so sure about angels. Of course, now people look at him and think about death. Not a great campaign strategy.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Meh! I bet Joe has said the same thing about strippers every time he's been to titty bar.

Ignatius Acton Chesterton OCD said...

It is typical that it took the Trump-Ukraine “scandal” for the media to finally start doing their jobs and looking into Biden’s record/past/connections.

Today’s “journalists” are nothing more than Leftist activists. Remember Tim Russert? Look at Chuck Todd. Look at George Stephanopoulous. Remember David Gregory.

cubanbob said...

Joe Biden commenting about heaven is silly, he should know he isn't going there. Where he is going, he will be lucky if Nurse Ratched will be changing his bedpan once every millenium.

rcocean said...

From what I understand, Judaism doesn't believe in "Heaven". I may be wrong, since every Rabbi has his own opinion.

Sydney said...

Biden is probably the worst person you could go to for theology lessons. Any random atheist has a better grasp of theology than that man.

The Vault Dweller said...

I'm guessing that Joe Biden isn't particularly religious. If a politician isn't particularly religious they should stick to the generic, "God Bless the United States," when invoking references to the divine. I don't think it is part of any Christian Dogma that people become angels when they get to heaven. And specifying 'Male and Female' is weird when he could just say nurses.

PluralThumb said...

I knew that nurses do not have to go to the back of the bus, but this.
Is nursing also the only profession for reincarnation ?
Can I get a buddy pass to Heaven.
Where is my, I’m with nurse t-shirt.
I was told when younger not to hurry to grow up.
This shall be my mid-life crisis mark to not hurry into heaven.
Thank you.

Equipment Maintenance said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

To be fair to Biden, he recently converted to Pro-Choice. He is either bitterly clinging to his Catholic religion, arguing through appeal to empathy, or is being true to his Twilight faith, Pro-Choice religion, and liberal, apparently progressive, ideology.

walter said...

How do we wind up with duplicate posts under moderation?

Sebastian said...

"But who on earth thinks that only nurses go to heaven?!"

Depends on what the meaning of "think" is. Do we have reason to think that Slow Quidproquo Joe actually thinks anything?

Anyway, even his compliments are stupid.

On top of his family corruption getting exposed, this is bad for the GOP: we want Joe to be the Dem candidate. Don't tell them, though.

Theranter said...

Why did he need to say "male and female" nurses? Was he trying to be inclusive, suggesting he's "woke"/not stereotyping women, that men can be nurses too?

He's an idiot. "Nurse" denotes the profession, has nothing to do w/gender.

Mary Beth said...

Did any nurses have a part in the wall of shame at St. Mary's Regional Medical Center? Do they still get a "I'm a nurse" angel pass?

Equipment Maintenance said...

Every time Joe Biden says something stupid, an angel gets its wings.

PluralThumb said...

'Touched by an Angel', sounds like a sexual harassment case. Does the angel actually exist or not ?

Wearing a gown backwards, sounds like indecent exposure. Is the hospital public or private ?

Openidname said...

"walter said...

"How do we wind up with duplicate posts under moderation?"

When I complained about the same issue, someone pointed out that you can delete one of your own duplicate posts. So I think the professor is simply declining to save duplicate posters (like me) from their own stupidity.

JAORE said...

If the audience were composed of sanitation workers we'd learn that THEY were the chosen for heaven.

These are my standards. If you don't like them I have others.

BJM said...

Althouse said "You lived a life of virtue, you served your fellow human beings every day of your life, you felt and acted upon the love of God continually, but — whoops! — you picked the wrong job! Nurses only!"

Sounds like a Seinfeld storyline.

Anonymous said...

Gosh he is dumb.

Anonymous said...

Gosh he is dumb.

Anonymous said...

I got banned! Hooray!!

Paul Doty said...

It's a perfect example of an uninformed lunkhead trying to invoke Christian themes. My policy is to never accept moral instructions from those that have none.

Rory said...

"Why did he need to say "male and female" nurses?"

I would bet that JB reasoned that the word "nurse" in isolation implies female.

Andrew said...

If you want a laugh, Scott Adams's commentary on this video clip is very funny. Go to 29:40 at this video:


Andrew said...

Thank you, ictARM!

PluralThumb said...

Does not Aerosmith have a song called ‘ That nurse dude looks like a lady ‘.

Skippy Tisdale said...

"For G-d so loved the world that he gave his only son that whosoever were nurses, would have eternal life."

- Biden 3:16

gerry said...

Why differentiate nurses into male and female? Oh, my bad! He's a Democrat and identity politics require those classifications.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yes! Because when it comes to angels and heaven instead of thinking of healing, restoring and uplifting I think of rapacious vulture capitalists and the politicians they control running the scene, cawing at each other picking over the bones of the underprivileged - as certain Republicans and their leadership must do.

What an interesting vision of religion these people must have! Strange, dark and medieval but at least definitely not left wing!

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