Somebody please wake up Mitt Romney and tell him that my conversation with the Ukrainian President was a congenial and very appropriate one, and my statement on China pertained to corruption, not politics. If Mitt worked this hard on Obama, he could have won. Sadly, he choked!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 5, 2019
Mitt Romney never knew how to win. He is a pompous “ass” who has been fighting me from the beginning, except when he begged me for my endorsement for his Senate run (I gave it to him), and when he begged me to be Secretary of State (I didn’t give it to him). He is so bad for R’s!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 5, 2019
Somehow the funniest part of this to me is the quote marks on "ass."
Based on the Romney hate displayed here at Althouse I suspect there won’t be much objection...
It wasn't enough for Mitt to carpetbag the 2002 Winter Olympics, he went back to Utah for a Senate run. Inauthentic and wounded. Please remember that he admitted he was "afraid" to debate Obama. Afraid.
Romney just didn't have the fire in the belly to win in 2012. That meek backdown when Candy Crowley took Obama's side was the nail in the coffin (though he would likely have lost anyway since he had played too nice all along). That moment perfectly crystallized Romney's personality for me.
Look, Romney only ran for the Senate so that he could be the one sent to the White House to tell Trump he was going to be convicted by the Senate. This also tells you a lot about the man's character. He isn't going to run for reelection in 2024, so he doesn't really care, so I would not expect him to vote against impeachment regardless of how weak the charges are, thus Romney's opinion is going to carry no weight at all. He might as well switch parties right now.
Trump just lied.
If Mitt worked this hard on Obama, he could have won. Sadly, he choked!
Luckily, he choked. Obama set the stage for Trump.
After suffering four years of Romney's milquetoastery, combined with Hillary's electoral shenanigans, she would have beat Romney 2016.
As we used to say back in the day:
Get some, Donald!
Trump speaks truth to power.
Based on the Romney hate displayed here at Althouse I suspect there won’t be much objection...
You are mistaken. I donated more money to Romney's campaign than I have ever given to any politician. I thought he was the last chance for the country. Then I watched him fold in that second debate. It's disappointment.
I had had questions about him earlier.
I still supported him but he failed us.
Romney is not an “ass” — LITERALLY!
Is possible?
Recall Senator?
Educate me on this.
Breitbart has the FOX news:
FNC’s Chris Wallace: Kurt Volker’s Testimony Is ‘Quite Devastating to the President’
this is the same mitt, whose adviser was on the board of burisma, whose firm did deals with Huawei, and Robert Maxwell, who seems to be carrying Qatari water, re the khashoggi matter,
Trump is not wrong. OTOH, I agree with Wince at 11:30. It was worth enduring 4 more years of Obama to get Trump.
It always seemed to me that Mitt faced some unfair headwinds because of his faith, Mormonism being pretty well distrusted all across the spectrum in this great land of ours.
ISTR a news segment in the 2012 campaign where he was in some diner and stuck his hand out to an old geezer who shunned him with a remark about . . . I think it was about Mormons, but may have been more personal. Anyway, I thought, that's rude.
I never saw him or Obama as credible presidents anyway, so it was pretty academic to me.
Since then he's proven to be a complete shitweasel.
People seem to forget that before Trump dispatched the Clintons, he dispatched the Bushes, the Romney's, the McCain's, and the rest of the GOP elite.
Here is my voting history since I could vote: 1984-Reagan, 1988-Bush, 1992-Clinton, 1996-Dole, 2000-Bush, 2004-Bush, 2008-Obama, 2012-Romney, 2016-Trump.
I don't regret any of those votes or the outcomes, except for the one in 2000 (though I have some doubts about Bush's reelection, too, but Kerry was a preening fool). I think the Republican Party and the country would be in far greater shape today if George W. Bush had never been president. That dispatching of Jeb Bush was one of Trump's most important achievements, and all before he became president himself.
'one is accident, two is coincidence, three is enemy action,' four is your guess,
One of his 2012 senior foreign policy advisors was on the board of that Ukrainian energy company. Mitt may just be defending the same rice bowl the Dems are.
ARM thinks Wallace is a conservative. None so blind....
What Trump should tweet:
"Dog Torturer" Romney needs to leave his dog alone! What does the Mormon Church think about the "Romney Box"? #DogsAgainstRomney
Been seeing this response to Romney from proteinwisdom all over the internet this morning:
You caused cancer, tortured puppies, scissor-raped a gay boy’s hair, kept women bound, and were set to put blacks back in chains. Remember?
You didn’t fight back hard enough. And you lost.
You’ll never, ever, ever learn.
Get out of our way.
We have Volker's letter to actually read- his oral testimony can't deviate from that without lying, but, let's see the transcript. What Wallace is pointing to is the opening statement, and that isn't damning for Trump at all- Volker was saying that Giuliani was being told by Ukrainian officials that the government might not be trustworthy because the previous one wasn't. Volker disagreed with that assessment as passed on by Giuliani, but that is just a difference of opinion. Even the Zelensky government seems to agree that the previous government was working to support Clinton's election in 2016- Trump would have to be a complete fool to ignore such a claim, even with the assurance of Volker. Volker proved that there could have been no quid pro quo, and that is all that really matters.
Seriously, trying to base an impeachment on a difference of opinion on who to trust in the Ukraine is the silliest thing ever.
"Pompous ass"
That's for certain. Mitten's a perfect candidate for membership in the Council on Foreign Relations where they LooooOVE to tell others, including countries, what to do.
The CFR, the enemy within, where never is heard "America First." Of course they hate Trump.
Pompous ass is such a great insult. Why, I suggested that Woodward comes across as one this morning in another thread, and it just feels good to say it.
Trump is right about Romney. From my perch here in MA I watched him run a genteel campaign for Senate against Ted Kennedy and get his ass handed to him by that bloated piece of crap. Then as Bob Boyd notes above Romney allowed himself to be ruthlessly besmirched when he ran for POTUS and failed to put up even a modest fight.
He doesn't realize that the political world he is in is not the nice, collegial one he imagines it to be.
Entire text of Volkers testimony is available.
Althouse said...
Somehow the funniest part of this to me is the quote marks on "ass."
Maybe by using those quote marks Trump was making fun of Romney's DGS?
Yeah, Mittens wants to be the new Senate "Maverick". He *IS* a pompous ass and always happiest when attacking Republicans. Boy did he rip his fellow Republicans during the 2012 Primaries, but couldn't stir himself to attack Obama with the same passion. Somehow, attacking D's make him feel bad.
Trump sure knows how dig in the knife doesn't he? OTOH, Ann Romney said Mitt was actually relieved he lost, and had only run for POTUS as a "public service". Too bad, he didn't do us a favor and leave "Public Service" in December 2012.
Mittens isn't just a Pompous ass, he always comes across as Plastic. 10x of Fake. His kind always gives me the creeps. The pray on Sunday, Cheat on Monday, Businessman. His Dad George Romney was the same way. Always attacking his own party with a self-righteous air. And slippery as an eel.
I guess Romney feels like playing the John McCain role for some weird reason since I don't see how it benefits him.
I laughed at the sadly he choked line because Trump isn't sad at all that Romney lost to Obama, he probably didn't even vote for Romney. And choked is so dismissive, Romney the loser who crumbled at the worst possible moment, when he could have had it all. Trump has such amazing clarity in how he views the world, it seems quintessentially American to me, not what the view is necessarily, not the content, but the simplicity of it. Winners and losers, that's what it comes down to, let's not complicate things, we all know which one Romney is.
Is that Romney wandering naked down the street? Why, yes, yes it is. Poor soul imagines that he is dressed in ermine robes.
Just be glad that Mittens dodged the draft during Vietnam. If he'd been a "war hero" like McCain - imagine the "Maverick love". Oy Vey!
This shit just tells me Mitt is in on the extortion and bribery rackets Joe Biden brags about.
I’m glad to have shed the illusion, but I too was taken in by Romney’s persona of nonpartisan, civic minded virtue. I know he gives a lot of money to charity and seems to be a fine family man. But he’s in the political arena, and those characteristics are very consciously the basis for his political persona. I would have believed they were actual virtues too if not for the strange dance he’s had with Trump. It’s ridiculous to pose as someone who thinks Trump is morally and ethically beyond the pale after you’ve tried and failed to align yourself with him. He’s opportunistic and ambitious and he’s a propounder of civic virtue bullshit because thats the kind of fight he likes, and he’s outclassed in overt political warfare.
When he's right, he's right. Can't deny anything he said. It's all true. Except you're right -- no need for the quotation marks. Romney isn't an "ass" -- he's an ass.
Mitt's role at Bain -
Executive for real or ' show up, don't touch anything "
Asking for Biden family.
well Michael kranish, suggested in his screed, that bain helped the families that funded the urban paramilitaries, which is curious in light of the supposed 'gossiper', who was burnt a dozen years ago, for trying to head a hit team, for black water,
I see ARM is simply going from thread to thread throwing out the same quotes from NeverTrumpers time and time again.
The lefties have nothing left.
Well, besides eating babies, taking away all the cars and cows, shutting down energy production, allowing everyone from around the globe to enter the country illegally and get "free" everything, forbidding profits in business, building "high speed train" rails from California to Hawaii (assuming Hawaii won't tip over from all the people....LOL) and tearing down every single building in the country to rebuild in a fantastically "green" way.
Mitt was successful both in management consulting and private equity, two areas where being a congenial, clean living pompous ass is a great way to advance.
Yancey Ward said..."That moment perfectly crystallized Romney's personality for me."
And with everything that has transpired since, with Romney showing he is a total dick, I would like to have my 2012 vote rescinded.
Pretty much tells the story.
His patrician schtick made him a big deal in Boston. That shit doesn’t play as well in NYC. And since loudmouth NYers have taken over the world, Mitt’s missed his moment.
Based on the Romney hate displayed here
A lot of the "Romney hate" is in direct proportion to the Romney sycophancy and adulation for that weasel whose only claim to fame was to be an event planner, forgetable one-term governor and run-of-the-mill company man.
This also tells you a lot about the man's character.
It also tells us a lot about the character of the people of Utah.
It always seemed to me that Mitt faced some unfair headwinds because of his faith, Mormonism
Oh -- was John McCain Mormon too?
Yes, Mormons are a bane on the nation, what with their cheerful industriousness, ethics, moral code and patriotism. Sheesh.
Having said that, this is totally fair, as Romney has proved himself to be a true schiffbird...
Romney and, later, Cruz are the only politicians I’ve donated money to.
Romney will sadly probably survive re-election because he comes from an old Mormon family in a state that's run by the Mormons. I still wouldn't be surprised that he gets a primary opponent from the right, and he wins, but by a surprisingly close margin.
Who will not survive his defections from Team Trump, however, is Sen. Ben Sasse (R - Nebraska. Nebraska doesn't have the built-in religious & family ties buffers that shield Romney. Sasse will get primaryed and his Republican opponent will paint Sasse as someone who stands by his lonely & imaginary moral conscience while Team Trump actually got things done for Nebraska's Republican voters. I suspect Sasse will lose.
Drago -- is isn't really necessary to LOL your own "jokes"
Romney is part of a rich Country club Republican clique who were bent on "managing the decline" of the USA, because it really wouldn't impact their personal wealth & status. Maybe, Mitt and his ilk should wise up and fight for their country.
The spoiled rotten "Ass" actually believes whatever is good for the Romney Clan is good for America. Strange but typical of religious cult brainwashed behavior.
remember it was his sugar daddy, paul singer, that started funded fusion gps, at the outset,
Fullmoon -- THat is only his 11-page introductory statement, it isn't his deposition testimony, which went on for 10 hours.
I didn't find the statement devastating to Trump. It appears that Volker was kept out of the loop re Trump specifically wanting Ukraine to find dirt on the Bidens.
When is Giuliani going to make public all the incriminating evidence he found against Joe Biden that he constantly brags about? Maybe when Trump makes public all that "unbelievable" stuff his investigators found in Hawaii looking into Obama's place of birth. Quote -- "I have people that have been studying it and they cannot believe what they're finding,"
My voting history:
88: Bush
92: Libertarian
96: Dole
2000: Bush
04: Bush
08: McCain / Palin (without Palin, I would have passed)
12: Romney
16: Myself
20: Trump
My biggest regret is Mittens in 2012. The guy is scum
> I still wouldn't be surprised that he gets a primary opponent from the right
I didn't vote for Romney in the primary, because, Romney. Nor was he the pick at the party convention. I think he is open to challenge in 2024.
Validating Scott Adams, President Trump does not attack innocent bystanders. Romney initiated the attack on the President. The dishonest (corrupt) media falsely portrays it as an unhinged President Trump, ignoring the pattern present since before DJT entered politics
It also appears to be the case that many of the top dems had direct corrupt connenctions to Ukrainian energy power players (many of whom are tied to Putin/Russian energy pals) and were being assisted in all of that by one George Soros.
Yes, I believe we will be hearing soon enough that many many dems and their allies were using Ukraine as an energy industry fueled piggy bank and Trump's investigation into the Ukraine is going to upset all of those corrupt dem apple carts.
Including John Kerry's stepson, the Biden coked-up crew, Pelosi's son, etc. And all tied together in a nice little bow by Georgie Soros.
So, if you've been wondering about why the astonishing over the top reaction and lies coming from the dems in previous weeks has been occurring, I think we have followed the money trail to the very reason.
Mitt is not a pompous ass..he's a sanctimonious ass.
Agree with you about pdjt being the greatest president.
Including Lincoln, Wilson and fdr who each got us into unnecessary wars each killing hundreds of thousands of Americans.
John Henry
I was right...
Romney went on an LDS mission and had to study the Old Testament. He seems to have forgotten Daniel 5:25: And this is the writing that was written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN.
"Volker proved that there could have been no quid pro quo, and that is all that really matters"
Hardly. Volker may not know but others do. Volker is one of those ethical people truly concerned for the welfare of the US. Like Romney and McCain and GWB. Not the type of person trump confides in.
Trump also conditioned a trip to the WH on Z "getting to the bottom of" what happened in 2016. That's a clear QPP.
Uhr: "Hardly. Volker may not know but others do"
Yes of course! Those shadowy "others" always know the "truth". Never all the folks the dems throw up who supposedly knew the "truth" but didnt deliver.
Its always the next set of "others" who have the smoking guns!
Thats why the investigation of Trump must continue...and continue...and continue...
Uhr: "Trump also conditioned a trip to the WH on Z "getting to the bottom of" what happened in 2016. That's a clear QPP."
Please God let these moron dems run with that one!
Rejam notes: "Based on the Romney hate displayed here at Althouse I suspect there won’t be much objection..."
And why wouldn't sane people hate the thing that is Romney now, putz?
Steve Uhr,
These "others" that you write of are just a recreation of "You don't know what Mueller knows".
If such "others" exist, let them come forward and be sworn in and testify. Imagining them isn't evidence, by the way. I could just easily say others know the whistleblower doesn't really exist, but I wouldn't dumb enough make such an argument as anything other than a joke.
"Volker is one of those ethical people truly concerned for the welfare of the US. Like Romney and McCain and GWB."
Ah, yes, how can we forget all the Dems telling us, when it mattered, that Romney and McCain and GWB were "ethical people" and "truly concerned for the welfare of the US." Right after Bushitler and the McCain affair smear on the front page of the NYT and Romney being mean to a dog.
Anyway, f**k that s**t, as I wouldn't have said back in the day when we GOPers cared about being ethical people concerned -- etc.
Still, Volker nicely exonerated Trump, though there was nothing to exonerate.
Question to Dem candidate in the first debate: so, what did the Ukrainians and the Chinese expect to get out of their investments in Hunter Biden?
And why wouldn't sane people hate the thing that is Romney now, putz?
First vanderluen, fuck you for name calling. Second, Romney’s a terrible politician but despite his numerous flaws he’s here and he’s a reasonably reliable conservative vote. Better than a McCain or any Democrat I’d recon.
I do like the way Romney exposes people susceptible to political derangement the way Trump exposes the deranged people on the left. I get that you supported him and he let you down but suck it up and move on instead of being such a brat.
steve uhr said...
Drago -- it isn't really necessary to LOL your own "jokes"
I'd give him a pass on this. It's not really a 'joke' if at least one person doesn't laugh. We accommodate a range of abilities here at the Althouse blog.
Hardly. Volker may not know but others do.
Is Steve back? I thought he was off being a vexatious litigant.
Boy, the left brain trust around here is pretty impressive,
We accommodate a range of abilities here at the Althouse blog.
I'll say. You and steve are doing a great job,
To paraphrase Warren Buffett, Trump's election has become the great unmasking.
“I feel like Trump being elected President makes you more of who you already are. If you’re an asshole, you become a bigger asshole."
""getting to the bottom of" what happened in 2016.”
That’s clearly a service to the nation. I mean didn’t we just waste two years trying to figure that out while studiously ignoring certain leads that could have saved Trump the trouble?
Oh, those leads were potentially exculpatory for Trump and incriminating for the Democrats, so we will give them a good leaving alone!
What vote do I regret more? Romney or McCain?
So ARM is continuing his quislings on parade shtick here?
OMG, as somebody said in the other thread, the Never Trumpers have finally turned on Trump!
No one knows what the others know.
Everyone knows that. LOL. (Whoops! Not supposed to laugh at my own joke.)
steve uhr said...
Dang it, hope I am not too late..
So, Steve, question yesterday was, are you indeed the Steve Uhr of the Happy Hour suit?
"These 'others' that you write of are just a recreation of 'You don't know what Mueller knows.'"
No one knows what the others know. Everyone knows that! LOL! (Opps, not supposed to laugh at my own joke.)
ARM: "It's not really a 'joke' if at least one person doesn't laugh."
But ARM, all those "others" are laughing at my jokes.
Thousands upon thousands of "others". You know. "Others".
Just ask Li'l Stevie Uhr. I'm sure he can explain it to you. He knows so many "others" he can't keep them all straight!
All he really knows is that these many many "others" are chock full of info that will lead inexorably to a Trump impeachment!
So little time, so many "others" to hear from!
When is Giuliani going to make public all the incriminating evidence he found against Joe Biden that he constantly brags about?
Saving it to divert from the PP tapes Tom Arnold has and the audibles Omarosa has.
With that in mind, I predict October 2020..
BTW, Hunter getting 50,000+ a month seems like a clue for poorly educated bumpkin like myself. Not to mention the Chinese...
These "others" that you write of are just a recreation of "You don't know what Mueller knows".
Inga said...
Known Unknown, I may have zero proof that collusion happened, but you also have zero proof that it didn't happen. As I said it's classified info and we are not privy to it. Be patient. Not every thing gets leaked.
5/12/17, 3:29 PM
Consider that the Phone Call put into a secret capsule was bait. The CIA and Pelosi fell into Trump’s trap. And now the whole Dem Ukraine Crime Spree comes out as counterpunching.
What vote do I regret more? Romney or McCain?
Tough choice but I voted for Johnson in 1964 as I thought Goldwater had given up before he started. The only one I really regretted.
Ha! You couldn't write a story or a script with a president character who makes Trump's tweets. It would be too bizarre.
I'm not certain, but I think I enjoy living when there is such a strange president. That will hold as long as nothing terrible happens.
Maybe I (or you!) am in a coma and have imagined the whole thing.
Blogger steve uhr said...
Drago -- is isn't really necessary to LOL your own "jokes"
I guess McCain, because I could imagine his level of duplicity, the jones memo surfaced two or three years later,
What vote do I regret more? Romney or McCain?
A hard one, to be sure. I, to my immense shame, gave $ to both and voted for both. And was let down by both.
I love how media is now all opinion.
My opinion of the media is they hate Trump, and see and hear what they want to see and hear.
What vote do I regret more? Romney or McCain?
A hard one, to be sure. I, to my immense shame, gave $ to both and voted for both. And was let down by both.
"When is Giuliani going to make public all the incriminating evidence he found against Joe Biden that he constantly brags about?”
Do you have a link to Giuliani talking about evidence against Biden or is that just another lie? The constant lie is that looking into the source of the baseless accusations against Trump, when he is still under investigation by Schiff’s committee on that score, is not allowed because it might help Trump get re-elected.
I voted for Jimmy Carter in 1980 and I stil regret Romney, even more than McCain.
Fullmoon: "BTW, Hunter getting 50,000+ a month seems like a clue for poorly educated bumpkin like myself. Not to mention the Chinese..."
Oh come on. Who amongst us HASN'T known a dude booted from the military for being a moron cokehead 1 month after daddy got him in with special waivers for drugs and who was bopping his dead brother's widow while still married and then receiving a sweet sweet $1.5 BILLION for an investment fund also being run by John Kerry's stepson and mobster Whitey Bulger's nephew from the Chinese communists all the while dem VP daddy is helping the dems give away $500 BILLION a year to the ChiComs in addition to our intellectual property along implanting corrupted spyware ChiCom tech into our tech landscape.
I mean, how can there be anything wrong with any of that?
Lets ask ARM...
shame on Utah for letting this life-timer government whore in the back door.
"You couldn't write a story or a script with a president character who makes Trump's tweets. It would be too bizarre.”
The businessman president in Infinite Jest was pretty funny. Kind of resembles Trump. He was an “experialist” and forcibly gave northern New England back to Canada.
Not recommending you read the book BTW, a thousand pages to get to the WTF ending.
@ Yancy
"Seriously, trying to base an impeachment on a difference of opinion on who to trust in the Ukraine is the silliest thing ever. "
Indeed. All while the Clintons and the Bidens get away with decades of money-whore for international pay-to-play that enriched their families by millions upon millions.
Insane. Insane. But but - someone on Fox News agrees - Orange Man Bad! According to the media, it's illegal to mention the truth about the Bidens and the Clintons.
For the set Mitt Romney and Pompous Ass, the overlap of the circles in the Venn diagram approaches %100.
Bill Owens said...
What vote do I regret more? Romney or McCain?
A hard one, to be sure. I, to my immense shame, gave $ to both and voted for both. And was let down by both.
And sadly, they probably still would have been marginally better than Obama, who was the worst president of my lifetime (When I was born, Eisenhower was still president).
I voted for Romney. I donated money to his campaign. But Trump is right on all points.
"That will hold as long as nothing terrible happens."--Freeman Hunt
"Nothing terrible" is a big country. Right now, folks on the left will tell you that something terrible has already happened (Trump is president), and folks on the right like things the way things are going (no new wars, historic levels of high employment and low unemployment, good judges appointed, and and a rout in the regulatory state), with a few people (OK--NeverTrumpers) not liking things the way they are because they are out of power. I start to read George Will, Bret Stephens, Matt Lewis, David French, Jonah Goldberg, etc., and I wonder what is wrong with them--or with me. Things are similarly confused in Canada, Britain, France, and Italy. Germany is stuck in neutral.
Throughout the Western World we are watching two different movies with the same characters and different plot-lines , and neither Quentin Tarantino nor Clint Eastwood is directing.
The left apparently thinks it is a winning proposition to call for state control of everything that matters and to call everyone that disagrees with them a racist. The right is coming to see that Trump's principal campaign tactic is to tweet out what one is thinking but is too polite or frightened to say. Will serial-blackface-perp Justin Trudeau survive his "over-commitment to costumes" as he so drolly put it? Well, Ralph Northam has in Virginia. Will Mike Pence's commitment to avoiding gossip in his dining arrangements be successfully compromised? I am sure that some dirty trickster is planning it.
Someone could make a great movie or play about this---or maybe they have. Have you seen Oleannna? Or Rashomon?
What vote do I regret more? Romney or McCain?
Romney, easily. I had vowed again and again and again that I would NEVER vote for that weasel, knowing all along that he was a weasel. But then Virginia was supposed to be really close. To I took one and ate the s**t sandwich for the cause. And he ended up getting crushed here too.
In 2008, I didn't vote for McCain. I voted for Palin. He was just along for the ride.
Democrats: good and bad... you will know them and be able to determine where their principles, motivation and ethics lay by the lies they tell, the lies they parrot, and the obvious lies they believe.
Why people think Trump is "strange" and "Unstable" is beyond me. Trump is less likely to get the USA into an unnecessary war than any President since Reagan. He doesn't like Bombing people. He's wanted to get out of Syria and Afghanistan. The "Mad bomber" were "Normal" George bush and Clinton. If Trump goes to war, it will be for a very good reason.
I'm beginning to think this constant sneering at Trump - among non-Democrats - is simply a class thing. All the average people like him, so therefore the Country Club set has to sneer at him. "Not our kind of person". Reagan and Thatcher ( in England) put up with the same thing. She was just a "Grocers Daughter" while Reagan was "Just a Hollywood actor". Of course, most of that crowd just marches in lock-step behind the NYT/WaPo/WSJ.
My voting history:
Mine was pretty similar:
84: Reagan
88: Bush
92: Bush
96: Dole
2000: Bush
04: Bush
08: McCain / Palin
12: Romney
16: Myself
20: Trump
In 2008, I didn't vote for McCain. I voted for Palin. He was just along for the ride.
Me too. The job the left did on her would make Goebbels green with envy,
@Althouse: I don't know if other readers have the same problem, but when you post something from twitter, I can't see it (I'm not on twitter). As far as I'm concerned, you might as well not put up the post.
I prefer donkeys on my mind, rather than counting sheep. Trump for second term !
All of the Twitter morons combined bashing Trump probably have a net worth less than one of his golden toilets.
Left out funniest tweet. The #ImpeachRomney. Truly a nut job.
I didn’t vote for McCain. I voted for Sarah.
My voting history:
'68 Communist
'72 McGovern
'76 Ford
'80 Anderson
'84 Mondale
'90 Clinton
'94 Clinton
2000 Bush
2004 Bush
2008 McCain
2016 Trump
One can learn.
ditto, and she seemed to set off similar reactions, was she too naïve, perhaps, to trust in john McCain,
80: Reagan
84: Reagan
88: Bush
92: Bush (considered Perot, but passed)
96: Dole
00: Bush
04: Bush
08: Left blank. (The guy spent his entire career kicking people like me in the teeth and now he wants my vote? Eff John McCain.)
12: Romney (spit)
16: Mike Rowe
20: Trump
I don't think you can truly regret a vote for a candidate that lost any way (fate saved your ass)- you can only regret a vote for one that won.
For me, the one that sticks out is Bush in 2000. I don't think Gore would have gotten mired in either Afghanistan, and certainly not Iraq. Here we are 19 years later still trying to extricate ourselves while Europe founders under a refugee deluge.
Romney would have been a typically adequate President along the lines of GHWB. But it was Mitt's beta-male inability to go mano-y-mano with Obama which led Trump to conclude; "Eff it, I'm running in '16"
"ass" as in Democratic.
I have the pleasure of reporting that my first presidential vote was for Goldwater because I was firmly convinced that Johnson was lying about our involvement in Viet Nam. I was right and to prove it might draft board came calling soon after Fortunately I was able to qualify for USMC OCS rather that becomes army private. Within 2 years of that vote I had orders for sunny SE Asia.
I have voted Republican steadfastly ever since except when George H. W. Bush convinced me he really did not want the president's job and I voted for Clinton. I still think Bill Clinton is perhaps the best pure politician of my lifetime; he really does have a special bullshit talent, crooked as he is. I never understood what Dole's candidacy was supposed to be, was less disturbed by McCain during his campaign than subsequently and was embarrassed by Romney's unwillingness to defend himself. I hung in with the Republicans because I thought, and think, that the Dems are dangerous for this country. Once Gingrich took over the House my vote for Billy Jeff was not all that disappointing.
@Althouse: I don't know if other readers have the same problem, but when you post something from twitter, I can't see it (I'm not on twitter). As far as I'm concerned, you might as well not put up the post.
I've had that problem here and on other sites for the last 2 weeks. They show for half a second and vanish. I tried updating Chrome but no change.
You can see the text of the tweet by going to the comment-entry page and clicking on "show original post" at the top of the page.
90 Clinton
'94 Clinton
2000 Bush
2004 Bush
2008 McCain
2016 Trump
One can learn arithematic.
Like I said, Mormonism draws fire-- and I didn't mention McCain at all so WTFWYP?
Palin is one of the main reasons I thought McCain was an idiot. Alaska can keep her.
My votes:
72 McGovern
76 Libertarian
80 Libertarian
84 Reagan
88 Bush(?)
92 Libertarian
96 "
00 "
04 "
08 "
12 "
16 "*
* It was fine with me that Johnson didn't know what Aleppo was--we weren't going to do
anything about Aleppo anyway. Nor should we.
For lesser offices I spread my favors around in stark pursuit of my self-interest.
Just read that the chair of the Republican National Committee is Ronna Romney McDaniel, Mitt's niece. She doesn't use the "Romney" now because "Trump urged her to drop her maiden name when he tapped her to lead the Republican Party after his 2016 election. But Trump was just joking, she says." Sure he was.
My first vote in a presidential election was for Mr 'Poland Isn't a Captive Nation' or whatever it was Ford in 1976. I'm a bit surprised at how many of the regular commenters here are in fact not old.
Ford, Reagan twice, Bush twice, Dole, Bush twice, McCain, Romney, whoever the Constitution Party fellow was. Mr Trump next year, though, as long as he doesn't give up the Supreme Court etc etc.
God Bless President Trump and his beautiful family and the United States of America.
I never understood what Dole's candidacy was supposed to be,
Dole was the equivalent of the 2020 Democrat. Cannon fodder. The election was conceded.
For me, the one that sticks out is Bush in 2000. I don't think Gore would have gotten mired in either Afghanistan, and certainly not Iraq.
No, Algore would have sent the FBI and lawyers to chase after those who commit acts of war against us as if it were merely a criminal matter. And, as a result, rather than getting mired in some foreign land, Algore would have gotten mired in more and more and bigger and bigger attacks on Americans within the U.S. Meanwhile, he would have discouraged the hell out of people.
Yancey Ward @6:52PM: “For me, the one that sticks out is Bush in 2000. I don't think Gore would have gotten mired in either Afghanistan, and certainly not Iraq. Here we are 19 years later still trying to extricate ourselves while Europe founders under a refugee deluge.”
Al Gore would’ve changed the climate by building the Gore SuperWeather Machine. We would’ve never needed Obama’s “This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow, and our planet began to heal.” We would still be in the thick of a 19-year economic morass because of the brutal impact of these Climate Change policies, but Lefties would feel good about themselves, and that’s all that matters.
If you disagree with me on the impact of Al Gore’s likely Climate Change polices, you’re likely speaking to (a) Gore’s disingenuous planet-saving charade, and/or (b) the American Congress’ distaste for passing real Climate Change legislation. Which is why it’s a bogus issue that Democrats are unserious about. It’s really a scheme to extract more economic value from the private sector to expand bureaucratic socialism.
And by the way, we’re foundering inter a (phony) refugee deluge, too. Al Gore is in favor of that, too. Him and his gargantuan carbon footprint!
Willard had a resume, but no soul. He’s still trying to fit in with the right crowd.
I think the “ass” comment, in quotes, is reference to Trump’s not incorrect opinion that Romney is basically a Democrat.
"It was fine with me that Johnson didn't know what Aleppo was”
It was the station where Hercules Poirot got on that first train in Murder on the Orient Express.
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