October 18, 2019

"Hillary Clinton has warned that Russia, which interfered in the US election she lost in 2016, is 'grooming' a Democratic candidate for a third-party run next year..."

"... signalling congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard could fill the role. The goal of this would essentially be to divide the US electorate and help President Donald Trump win re-election, Clinton said. 'I'm not making any predictions but I think they've got their eye on somebody who's currently in the Democratic primary, and they're grooming her to be the third-party candidate,' the former secretary of state told David Plouffe in his 'Campaign HQ' podcast. 'She's the favorite of the Russians. They have a bunch of sites and bots and other ways of supporting her so far.'"

Yahoo News reports.

Is she just making this up? She thinks the Russians have a favorite and they have "ways of supporting her"? They have ways of supporting her but are they using these ways? The "so far" at the end insinuates that they are already using these ways, but maybe it only means that so far they have ways and of course they have "sites and bots" and Hillary "thinks" they can use them and if they did, they'd use them for Tulsi. If Trump came out with a theory like this, he'd be portrayed as a conspiracy-theory lunatic.

ADDED: Tulsi responds:


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Sprezzatura said...

Meadehouse is probably rockin’ this:


Truer than ever. Now that DJT is winning and the West is pointed the right way, and so on.

Carry on.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

put down the eye-bleach-- it's not that Hill

Rep. Katie Hill is lucky Red State got a hold of her ‘throuple’ nude photos


Mark said...

So Hillary has transitioned from being Evita Peron to Angela Lansbury in The Manchurian Candidate.

BJM said...

Ho-Lee crap!

Sprezzatura said...



Bob Loblaw said...

The idea Gabbard works for the Russians is another DT hallucination, but even if where true - what does it say about your party when the most reasonable candidate is a Russian asset?

Anonymous said...

Here's what I know about Tulsi Gabbard. The media kept calling her a combat soldier. I contacted her campaign, and asked them to correct the record. She was a medic assigned to a Medical Unit, NOT a soldier assigned to the Line. Her campaign responded quickly. I was surprised. Every soldier loves the medics. No soldier will tolerate stolen valor. Her campaign corrected that. My esteem for her rose quite a bit. I'm diggin' this chick, Tulsi. She's honest.

Crazy World said...

Love me some Tulsi today!

Narayanan said...

Tulsi in uniform has hint of Honor Harrington of Manticore.

Crazy World said...

Bob Boyd 6:39 yes sir

Sprezzatura said...

When folks lock-in to “their” music rather than ditching it for new stuff, do they feel that the new is less appealing?

The olden ways just feel right, and better. For each generation. A repeating cycle. So ya can’t say wisdom is the guide. What today’s geezers love used to be the new. And so on. Maybe this self-reverence is only re gals, i.e. those who are foolish and emotional (gotta check w rh.)

Makes ya think. Maybe yur old ass WI POV is POS. Re reality re the world re going forward.

Or not.

Sprezzatura said...


Martin said...

Having unleashed the "intelligence community" against Trump, Clinton now adds Gabbard to the target list.

When Trump said HRC was a "nasty woman," he was for maybe the first time in his life guilty of understatement.

In the meantime, Gabbard needs to keep her car in a secured space and be VERY careful crossing the street. Maybe Trump can offer her Secret Service protection, she IS a sitting Congressman.

Gospace said...

Lewis Wetzel said...
Tulsi is my congressman.
She is disliked by the local Dem machine because she "line jumped." Her opponent in 2012 was Mazie Hirono, a machine-endorsed politician.
The MSM says that Tulsi is the first Hindu member of congress. She is more of a Hare Krishna type. She is half white & half Samoan. She really pissed off the local pols when she bucked them to endorse Sanders over Hillary in 2016.

Amazing how much that sounds like a certain Republican woman from Alaska. Ran against the local machine, then the state machine, becoming governor. And picked as the VP candidate by the man who did everything possible to lose once he realized people were voting for her - not for him.

Crazy World said...

Great comments all mostly, you know who are.
Sweet dreams Tulsi, surfs up!

Amadeus 48 said...

Time to put away the chardonnay. Granny is raving again.

Hillary: you lost. I voted for Trump to keep you out of the White House. Even James Comey put a few torpedoes into your campaign. Go away.

Rosa Marie Yoder said...

Let's get one thing straight: Hillary DID NOT lose the election in 2016. Just ask her!

tcrosse said...

I tremble to think how many hundreds of comments this string would accumulate were it not for moderation.

mockturtle said...

Francisco D ['Anconia?] asserts: There is something that seems honest, likable and attractive about Tulsi and it's not just because she looks hot. However, she is a socialist.

If she really is then no, I would not support her.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Marianne Williamson says this:

"The Democratic establishment has got to stop smearing women it finds inconvenient! The character assassination of women who don’t toe the party line will backfire. Stay strong @TulsiGabbard . You deserve respect and you have mine."

In other news:

Hillary Clinton Asked To Leave Costco After Repeatedly Accusing Sample Lady Of Being A Russian Asset. Also, as they carried Hillary away - Hillary was heard screaming that Trump is "Putin's Dream!" and Trump will never leave office! Dictator! Dictator! ahhhhh!


Ambrose said...

Haven't read the 200+ comments so apologies if others have commented on this - but note how "grooming" (when used with "for") is a particularly sexist verb. It suggests getting a naive young woman ready for something unsavory. "Grooming for" is what the Harvey Weinsteins of Hollywood do to aspiring starlets. "Grooming for" is what happened to teenage girls in Rotherham, England a few years ago

mikee said...

"It was always you."
Should be engraved on Hillary's headstone when finally she passes from this vale of tears.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

btw- I think the reason Hillary is melting down is because is because Biden is melting down.

The elite entrenched corrupt D-machine want Biden.
Biden can be controlled.

It's no coincidence that the Bidens and Clinons are funded by international pay-to-play mob from places like Ukraine and China. It's no coincidence that the Bidens and the Clintons are the SCREAMING the loudest for "impeachment!". Schitt is their dutiful D-machine-boy.

Hunter Biden's windfalls from Barisma are actually OUR tax dollars being laundered and flushed into Biden coffers. Circle.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I knew from the beginning - the entire Russian schitt show was all for Hillary - by Hillary.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

D- party is all about what level and flavor of socialist you want.

-The old corrupt entrenched government whores -- like Biden, Clinton and Bernie.

-Fresh young ones - who are a threat to the old guard.

I say new and fresh and pretty! with love!

chickelit said...

Gospace said...Amazing how much that sounds like a certain Republican woman from Alaska.

That comparison is very apt -- Gabbard is the Democrat version of Palin.

Bruce Hayden said...

“State Department probe of Clinton emails finds no deliberate mishandling of classified information”

It is going to be very interesting how they justify this conclusion. Each and everyone of them was required to go through annual training, and sign forms certifying their understanding of the rules, as well as promising to follow them. Crooked Hillary had even through this maybe a dozen times, combining her Senate and State Department time with a top security clearance. And somehow this Yale lawyer, who ran twice for the Presidency didn’t understand what she was certifying every year for over a decade? I think that it is highly probable that any competent prosecutor (deliberately ignoring Comey here) could have proven intent half asleep from the forms she signed, and the classes she took over a decade. They are routinely faced with defendants playing dumb, like Crooked Hillary did, and showing in court repeated instances, as here, that would indicate knowledge, is an effective counter to playing dumb. Making things worse, as the primary classifier for the State Department (she was responsible for all classified information in the State Dept including in all of our embassies around the world), she had to take additional classes to get this power and to maintain it every year. Of course, as Big Mike pointed out, the standard is not specific intent, which she clearly had, but rather the much lower standard of gross negligence, which Comey should have know that low level people are convicted under every year.

Think about it for a minute. The person running for President, and who won the popular vote for that position, was too stupid, or too forgetful, that they didn’t understand, or forgot, the basics of handling classified information, that millions have understood and not violated, over the decades. If she couldn’t protect the classified information that she was tasked to protect, as Secretary of State, why does anyone think that she would have done any better in protecting all of the classified information owned by our government? When that information includes our nuclear launch codes, etc? Of course her private server was compromised by foreign governments. At a minimum, her ChiCom buddies appear to have inserted code into her server that forwarded all of her email to them ranging from her yoga lessons, up through code name classified information, in real time. This appears to have included drone strike preapproval information (at the time, State Dept was required to preapprove any drone strikes in sovereign countries in which we were not formally engaged in hostilities, and notably in Pakistan, ostensibly our ally at the time). While the Russians, the Israelis, etc would likely find out afterwords, when they downloaded batches of her email, the Chinese were getting that information before the drone strikes. They likely often read her incoming emails before she did. Scary stuff.

chickelit said...

Ken B said...I see nothing about this on Drudge. Wonder why. /s

I stopped reading Drudge a while ago. I don't believe that he's an independent voice.

Michael K said...

Gabbard is the Democrat version of Palin.

Superficially but she broke with the Hawaii party by supporting Bernie in 2016. She is a hard lefty.

tcrosse said...

Of course her private server was compromised by foreign governments.

Even if it wasn't, the fact that it could have been is sufficient to complete the offense.

Marc in Eugene said...

Not a word at the Times, either. I suppose a Twitter exchange is infra dig but, still, neither Dr Stein nor Representative Gabbard are unknown deplorables.

The media kept calling her a combat soldier. I contacted her campaign, and asked them to correct the record. She was a medic assigned to a Medical Unit, NOT a soldier assigned to the Line.

Is it not right, then, to describe Rep Gabbard as a "military combat veteran" (Wikipedia)? (I had to look because while I recalled that she is from Hawaii and non-Christian I couldn't remember if she is senator or representative.)

Big Mike said...

@Bruce Hayden, IMAO the key weasel word is "deliberate." She didn't deliberately mishandle classified information. But as I commented last night the laws and regulations surrounding the handling of classified information say nothing about intent. You screw up; you should be punished.

Unless your last name is Clinton.

mockturtle said...

Bruce reports: “State Department probe of Clinton emails finds no deliberate mishandling of classified information”

The headline I saw read: "Clinton probe: State Department found 588 violations by 38 people involved"

Check your sources. ;-)

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The secret truth is - anyone who voted Trump is a Russian bot.
All depolrables are required to report to gulag for re-education.

*Ignore the fact that the Bidens and the Clintons take dirty Chi-Com money.* While human rights abuses are ignored by entire left.*

Nichevo said...

Makes ya think. Maybe yur old ass WI POV is POS. Re reality re the world re going forward.

Or not.

Adss, did it ever occur to you that AA is winning the contempt battle, not by censoring you, but by publishing you? That is, you're not worth screening? It's certainly not necessary, because your words are empty and nobody follows your links. But you are lamer by commenting than if you just took off. Losing!

n.n said...

Objection, your Honor. Assumes facts not in evidence. Prosecution is speaking truth to facts. Sustained.

chickelit said...

Superficially but she broke with the Hawaii party by supporting Bernie in 2016. She is a hard lefty.

I think you missed my point -- I didn't mean that Gabbard is Palin; I meant that she was the Democrat version. This of course means that ideologies are switched. Palin and Gabbard are both populists but represent opposing ideologies.

Robert Cook said...

Hillary has either gone crazy and she is so bitter she will purposely try to undermine candidates of her own party who are seeking the office she lost.

And people actually are suggesting Chelsea Clinton should run for a vacant office? The whole family should be shunned for any further participation in public life.

mockturtle said...

Tulsi is more popular with Independents than any other candidate on the Dem platform. In other words, with swing voters. If she runs in 2024 I will probably support her but I would hope she runs as an Independent--or as a Republican.

Dang, I meant 2024! Second time I've had to delete and repost. Trump in 2020!

mockturtle said...

And people actually are suggesting Chelsea Clinton should run for a vacant office? The whole family should be shunned for any further participation in public life.

You're right, Cookie! And that includes Chelsea's father, Web Hubbell.

mockturtle said...

One thing I like about Tulsi Gabbard is her voice, which is in pleasant contrast to the annoying nasality one hears in most women nowadays.

Michael K said...

I think you missed my point -- I didn't mean that Gabbard is Palin; I meant that she was the Democrat version. This of course means that ideologies are switched. Palin and Gabbard are both populists but represent opposing ideologies.

Maybe I did but she is still a Socialist. Palin was an honest government type who went after the corrupt old boys on the oil commission. That made enemies and not just Democrats,

I don't know if that is true of Gabbard and don't know if that is compatible with Socialist candidates. I think they are more into promises with no price tag.

Ken B said...

It's both hilarious and worrying to see a lot of the comments over at Coyne’s lefty blog.


chickelit said...

Robert Cook @4:28: You have integrity,

Bilwick said...

Recently I watched the 1960s movie THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING, THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING. The message of the movie seemed to be American "paranoia" about the Soviet Union, and how things would be better if Americans and Russians would relax, get over their suspicions, and work together. That was pretty much the "liberal" party line when the movie was written. So it's funny to me, this old Cold Warrior, to see "liberals" take up the cry, "The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!"

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