October 30, 2019

"He’s been changing the lyrics 'I’m not here to turn atheists into believers' to 'We’re here to turn atheists into believers."


Shouting Thomas said...

Good for him. I don't know much about this man, but that was inspirational.

One of the top 5 reasons to attend Sunday services is to sing with other people.

This is an essential human need.

I often haven't agreed with the theology of churches that I served as an accompanist, but I always enjoyed getting the congregation up and singing. The group singing is what matters.

traditionalguy said...

The Great Awakening is back. And the name of Jesus still has the same authority. The same yesterday,today and forever.

Laslo Spatula said...

Kanye and choir need to do a cover of "Gotta Serve Somebody."

I would love the hell out of that.

I am Laslo.

traditionalguy said...

ST is right about a group singing old Reformation Hymns. Luther's "A Mighty Fortress is our God" remains #1 on the all time Chart. "It is Well With My Soul" comes in a close second.

rhhardin said...

If it's not in Latin it's not religious music.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Scott Adams, and some Christian figures, are saying that Kanye is the beginning of another Great Awakening.

rehajm said...

Airplane Karaoke. Nice.

Kanye's been making headlines. Expect the stifle memes to start up again.

Doug said...

I am completely out of fucks to give at this time.

Howard said...

You people like this thug, it's a start

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm liking the new Kanye. Guts.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

No wonder the left hate Kanye. He isn't worshipping democratic leaders like the cult - ture demands.

Seeing Red said...

I asked my daughter who’s in her 20s. Some of her work friends thinks he needs help. He’s calling himself Yeesus and they think they way he’s talking and how he’s doing it is a little megalomaniac.

J L Oliver said...

Is it a turning of “the culture” from nihilism to one of meaning? I guess we will see....

Amadeus 48 said...

Howard, get some help. You can say a lot of bad (and good) things about Kanye, but thug?

Amadeus 48 said...

Seeing Red--

Your daughter's work friends' concern must be long-standing. Kanye released an album called Yeezus in 2013 and posed for Rolling Stone wearing a crown of thorns in 2006. I say its more a schtick than megalomania.

n.n said...

A counter tempo to the progressive culture that normalized diversity, political congruence, chauvinism, selective-child, and mortal gods.

Earnest Prole said...

Is that the hooker from Borat?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Howard lets his leftwing racist freak flag fly.

Ken B said...

He's an interesting phenomenon, but his music is boring.

mockturtle said...

I'll never appreciate rap but I appreciate the sentiment. God bless you, Kanye!

The Crack Emcee said...

Good luck with that.

An atheist.

BTW - He's bi-polar, so I wouldn't get too huing up on his delusions of grandeur too much.

The Crack Emcee said...

Oh - and my two new songs are better than his whole album.


The Crack Emcee said...

One last thing:

Whoever called Kanye a "thug" is as ignorant as the day is long.

Howard said...

Okay, so now you people think *thug* is racist's. I'll remember that

PM said...

A quote reminiscent of Conor's
"I'm not here to take part; I'm here to take over."

tim in vermont said...

Democrats' Christian bashing doesn’t really play to well in the black community. Anybody who actually had a black friend or two would know that.

tim in vermont said...

“Glass Pipe Said It’s Alright”. - Crack Emcee

Was that Hunter Biden doing the background vocals?

“And I’m sweatin’. And I’m jumpy, and I got a fever.. Rocks and lumps as big as marbles.”

I actually kind of liked it, but not being a druggie, I can’t listen to that for 14 minutes.

tim in vermont said...

"Whoever called Kanye a "thug" is as ignorant as the day is long.”

That’s Howard. He comes here and leaks pee out of his Depends to mess up the carpet once in a while.

Drago said...

The Crack Emcee: "Oh - and my two new songs are better than his whole album."

The Free Market disagrees.

Drago said...

Skylark: "That’s Howard. He comes here and leaks pee out of his Depends to mess up the carpet once in a while.'

Howard sees himself as an Overseer on the modern Democrat Party Plantation.

And he does not like to see any of his supposed "charges" wandering off and thinking for themselves.

Marc in Eugene said...

Oh - and my two new songs are better than his whole album.

I listened to five minutes or so but am finding it difficult to tear myself away from Sandrine Piau this afternoon, and in any case am not in a position to make a serious judgment, Kanye v Crack, on the basis of a few minutes here and a few minutes there, once or twice. Are there any unattached or unmarried Kardashians still? Such an alliance would affect the market, certainly.

That out of the way, I do regret that TCE doesn't post here regularly any longer.

Howard said...

No Drago don't care about Democrats party politics. I just enjoy throwing you peoples own derisive language back at you. Knee jerkery ensues, unexpectedly

Achilles said...

Howard said...
You people like this thug, it's a start

The KKK was a democrat party institution meant to keep black people in their place.

Nothing has changed about the democrat party as this racist piece of shit shows.

Howard said...


Narr said...

642PMCDT. Last comment Howard's "QED" at 507PM.

I missed you guys. Just checking in every few days for a while, and not even trying to keep up with more than one or two threads at a time. I stopped paying attention to the news (as much as that is possible) and I feel better already.

As to the ostensible topic, about turning atheists into believers . . .

That's the Humbletarian magic at work

The Crack Emcee said...

Skylark said...

"I actually kind of liked it, but not being a druggie, I can’t listen to that for 14 minutes."

You don't have to - it's two songs. That's what the "/" in the title means.

The Crack Emcee said...

Drago said...

"The Free Market disagrees."

You're still such a moron: Dave Chappelle's excellent special got a 0% approval rating from Rotten Tomatoes, too - why, Drago?

Oh yeah - "the marketplace of ideas" explained it.