That's Hannah Gadsby, writing in (of all places) Gentleman's Quarterly.
With that "hypermasculine man-babies, with terrible hair," she's got to mean Trump. Right? But there's no way his hair is an attempt to be "to be the furthest away from being a woman." It's daringly unmanly. And so are a lot of things about Trump. In real life, watching Trump on TV, I am often exclaiming over his womanliness. He does these theatrical little bits with voices and gestures. No way does he seemed freaked out by approximating the feminine — not that I think he's attempting to imitate a woman, just that he's not trying to stay as far away from womanishness as he can. I think that's a source of his power — the combination of male and female.
Gadsby goes on:
So here's a thought experiment: What if you, the men, looked to traditional feminine traits and tried incorporating them into your masculinity?...See, I think Trump is already doing that experiment! Not intentionally, but intuitively.
Now, I'm remembering this: "Donald Trump Talks Like a Woman/And strange as it sounds, it might be one of the reasons he’s done as well as he has" by Julie Sedivy in Politico, back on October 25, 2016. I blogged that at the time, here. I said:
I'm very interested in this because Meade and I have often talked about how feminine Trump is (even as he has some obviously masculine things about him). I'd also point to his gestures and the tone of his voice.I blogged it a second time (on October 29, 2016:
Trump's use of language is a great mystery. Obviously, some people react very negatively to it, perhaps because they have a prejudice against women and instinctively feel that human beings who are too emotional and relationship-oriented should not be trusted with power. Others respond very enthusiastically to him, even way out of proportion to their alignment with his policy issues. I'm thinking of the religious social conservatives but I'm also thinking of myself. I don't agree with much of what he says and he strikes me as ridiculously underprepared for the responsibility of the presidency, but I am strangely drawn to him. What is it with very unusual man? Possible answer: He's so womanly.
Fighting back against [Sedivy's "Donald Trump Talks Like a Woman"], the Columbia linguistics professor John McWhorter writes:Ha ha. I sound like Hannah Gadsby there.
[I]t has been shown that women and men's speech does differ according to almost confoundingly particular attributes.... A linguist recognizes all of these traits as more typical of casual, spoken language as opposed to formal, written language....[I]t is this personal aspect of speech that Trump appears to model. That is, compared to average people presenting themselves in public, Trump is a highly personal speaker. Decidedly low on his list are crafting abstractions beyond everyday experience, fashioning new ideas, or stepping beyond the self....The irony is that especially in our come-as-you-are times when formality is associated with inauthenticity (something Mitt Romney was hobbled by), this aspect of Trump-talk has much to do with his appeal. He talks like your friend on the barstool — exactly like him. If there's anything Trump is incapable of, it's artifice.Yeah. Talking like a woman feels confidential and gets you involved and connected, and that works for men too if they can do it.
Why don't more men do it? Maybe they're afraid of seeming womanly and they lean toward performing stereotypical masculinity.
I continue:
Much of the time Trump himself is performing stereotypical masculinity. He does that openly and to the point where many people conclude that he's unusually masculine — blustering, frowning, making tough-sounding proposals. But maybe he gets away with that because it's balanced with femininity in ways that come in under the radar. We don't perceive him as effeminate, but the masculinity gets past our defenses because it is leavened with femininity. That's what I think.
But McWhorter says:
Of course, just as the idea that Trump talks "like a woman" seems ludicrous, the idea that women talk like Trump would seem to border on insult....To McWhorter, Trump is just woefully unprepared and therefore using simple speech and repeating himself a lot. That happens to resemble what women do, but of course, women have different reasons for producing the statistical data that linguists have recorded.
I don't expect academics to explain female speech with cruel judgments about how ignorant and unprepared we are. I expect academics to explain the evidence they discover with ideas that compliment women: Women seek to build relationships and to exhibit empathy or whatever seems like a compliment and fits the data.
writing in (of all places) Gentleman's Quarterly
No, GQ has been an embarrassment of leftwing, PC, gender-fluid crap for years now. This fits right in. I have no idea who they think their market is, but I imagine it's getting increasing "selective."
A straw clown posing as a straw man dressed in diversity with a pretense of a rational and reasonable argument. Still, there is a effort to avoid conflating sex and gender. Baby steps.
I read about three sentences and bailed.
What childish, asinine drivel.
What’s dumber about this tripe? The inherent emptiness or the stupid pretense that this is new, when it is in fact the same crap idiots have been pounding out by the ton my entire life?
Hi, I pass on woman-splaining.
I'm taking a week off from people telling me I'm doing it wrong.
Whatever "it" is.
I don't expect academics to explain female speech with cruel judgments about how ignorant and unprepared we are.
Yah- and that's like the thing with Trump. It's fun and easy to dismiss him as bombast with a fragile ego. It feeds the ego...
Men and women are equal in rights, not rites, and complementary in Nature, not sociopolitical constructs.
The people are wary of the progress of witch hunts and warlock trials. Gillette, for one, is walking back from liberal policies, but seems blissfully unaware that diversity has left them on a progressive path. A sample, rather than a quota, of the population, would at least be commensurate with their purported principles.
I'm going to go WAY out on a limb here and guess that she's a "liberal" (using that once-honorable term in its contemporary bastardized sense). So she'd like to eliminate the Gender Gap and make all men docile handmaidens of the State.
Good, let's accept that Trump is the first woman President. Then we won't have to keep looking for one (and that could have saved the Democrats a lot of grief in 2016).
I wonder what Hannah Gadsby would think of my advice to her on being a better female.
I don't get it, prof.
What in the fuck is it about this shit that turns you on?
It's just obnoxious and stupid.
It's your form of porn. And, you know, it's best to keep your kinks in porn to yourself.
...Interrogate why you are so obsessed....
Take yourself down to the basement, tie yourself to a chair, shine a bright light in your eyes, and administer yourself a beating. You have ways of making yourself talk.
"This idea that to be a man you have to be the furthest away from being a woman that you possibly can is really weird."
Who actually holds that idea? Who tries to be masculine by defining the feminine and then trying to do the opposite? Do women seek the feminine by trying to be the opposite of men? This seems to be Gadsby projecting her own obsessions onto others.
After reading this I reviewed some Trump videos because I thought that I apparently had missed something obvious. Turns out I hadn't. Look, let's just make this simple: Trump is not remotely feminine - when it comes to masculinity, he is pretty close to paragon. (Insert voice quibble here - whatever that was...)
This article was just a new angle on "coyly" veiled but transparent Trump bashing. With predictable feminist blather thrown in for gravy.
>"Hello, the men. My advice on modern masculinity would be to look at all those traits you believe are feminine and interrogate why you are so obsessed with being the opposite."<
Allow me to reply to Gadsby's (again, predictable) idiot "advice." Most men aren't obsessed with being the opposite of women. They don't think about that much. They just, well, instinctively, go through life acting, well, like men. And yes, like *how men are supposed to act*. Take it up with Mother Nature, babe.
I don't know any man who spends as much time thinking about what it means to be a man as do recently graduated women, their gender studies professors, and lesbians.
I expect academics to explain the evidence they discover with ideas that compliment women
Oh, yes, Althouse's Law. The authors of this recent study in JAMA-Internal Medicine on differences in twitter influence between male and female health services researchers just decried the fact that males seem to be more twitter-influential: "However, our findings—that women’s voices on Twitter appeared to be less influential and have less reach than men’s—suggest that these forums may do little to improve gender parity and may instead reinforce disparities." However, it's easy to imagine why this is better for women: Twitter is a cess-pool, and women are showing their wisdom by not making it their focus.
Gadsby needs to reevaluate traits correlated with male and female sexes, and associated with masculine and feminine genders, respectively. The traits which she perceives as distinctions between the sexes are analogous to the common misconception of disorder in chaos, whereas the the order in chaos is merely hidden, often by lack of knowledge or skill (thus the limited frame of reference of science), sometimes by choice.
"So here's a thought experiment: What if you, the men, looked to traditional feminine traits and tried incorporating them into your masculinity?..."
Isn't that sort of what every boy does as he grows up? Learns things from his mom and other things from his dad?
Strangely, most grow up to be men.
Hello, the men.
Ah, femsplaining. Nothing is more informative than a lecture on what men should be from a lesbian whose idea of masculinity she learned from a combination of Womens Studies 101 and Rape Culture Revivals.
Real men don't read magazines.
Anyway, I wasn't around as a regular when the Prof made those observations about Trump's effeminacy. It would be funny to see how he throws a baseball (is that still the standard genderized jibe among today's yout?)
He does have a flamboyant and performative demeanor at times; I tend to think it's a strength.
Masculine is as masculine does
GQ, like Esquire, should really just come out of the closet already. It's not so much a men's magazine as a gay men's magazine.
I enjoy the occasional manicure and pedicure, so I’m down with the struggle... ✊🏼
Trump is following her advice to a tee. No wonder he attractive to you people. #cucklife
GQ has always featured fem/men since its inception. The only men who could comfortably wear the fashions therein were guys like Cary Grant or Fred Astaire. And they could get away with it and have appeal to both men and women. Their manufactured images projected vulnerability with a masculine edge, not to mention grace (in movement) and style a sophisticated fellow would be happy to imitate. Women loved them. Still do!
Donald Trump has his own style. New York nior, dark suit, colorful tie, usually red or blue and trench coat. I remember seeing him at the Plaza one late evening with Marla Maples. He was walking through to the lobby, Marla slighty ahead, Trump dressed as I just described, looking cool, confident, like we imagine Sinatra, but not a Rat Packer, his own man, singular, in charge. Marla Maples is a good looking woman. I recognized her, but couldn't tell you what she was wearing other than it was an attractive dress with a jacket. Trump made the impression. The clothes and the hair made him distinctive, not flashy, memorable. My wife and I greeted him and he in turn said, "Good evening" to us, meeting our eyes as we passed in the night.
Trump's speech pattern is unique to him. He speaks simply. We live in a simpleton society, except of course for those elites who prefer the elecution skills of Barack Obama that signify nothing except blather that excites those who "want to make a difference".
Donald Trump talks real speech.
He says what he means, follows up and gets things done.
Wouldn't it just satisfy everyone if he spoke like a Ted Sorensen speech and deliverd it like J.F.K. or R.F.K.?
Well, again, Donald Trump is his own man, made for these tumultuous times of phony, corrupt "ideals" that are presented as the salvation of the world. President Trump is exposing, through his real speech, the desperate times we are living in, and the hope and actions we as a nation can take to preserve and build on the founding fathers dream of a constitutional republic.
If only we can keep it.
"Hello, the men.
Hello, female talking head!
My advice on modern masculinity
Just what I was waiting for, thank you!
would be to look at all those traits you believe are feminine and interrogate why you are so obsessed with being the opposite."
What a strange, unfounded idea.
"Because this idea that to be a man you have to be the furthest away from being a woman that you possibly can is really weird.
Fortunately nobody actually thinks that. What a relief!
Why is everyone so scared of not being masculine?
They're not.
If you consider many of those in power
If you consider many of those writing vapid opinion articles, those who claim to be 'advising' the men of the world at the moment, you've got a lot of whiny propagandists with goofy ideas which they project onto others. Sad.
Why is a men's magazine buying into the tedious "men are defective women" trope? Conde Nasty should fire the editors and bring in some real men to run the magazine. Guys like Mike Rowe. Can you imagine?
Howard: "Trump is following her advice to a tee. No wonder he attractive to you people. #cucklife"
Walk like a man, talk like a man
Walk like a man my son
No woman's worth crawlin' on the earth
So walk like a man, my son
(then sing like a girl....)
Guiliani was the crossdresser.
Still trying to find the individual who asked Hannah Gadsby to provide advice on masculinity. Hannah is a dickless female, right? So her standing on this issue is ...?
And here's some unsolicited advice to Hannah Gadsby on femininity: STFU and go make me a sammich.
Sorry, and I don’t mean to sound like a pig, but at 59 what can any woman who doesn’t know me, tell me about my masculinity, at this point? Seriously. Imagine if a man wrote this article about how women can obtain the new/modern femininity! I can hear the screeching from here.
I'd comment, but this time I’ll just wait for Hardin.
I remember when a successful woman advised other women to simply "Lean In" at meetings and the whole world stopped to decry her misogyny.
Hannah Gadsby is today's RuPaul.
We're one post short of a theme this week.
I’d guess "hypermasculine man-babies, with terrible hair," is also a reference to Boris Johnson.
Remember the reenactment of the HRC/DJT debate where a male actor spoke the lines of HRC and the female actor spoke the lines of DJT? Remember how it was all cast in a different light, with DJT's lines being much more persuasive when spoken by a woman and HRC's being less persuasive when spoken by a man?
I think you are on to something, Althouse.
Howard, as usual, is out in left field wondering when the inning will be over and why he doesn't get to play shortstop. He was studying the cloud formations when that inside-the-park home run went by him.
My advice on modern masculinity would be to look at all those traits you believe are feminine and interrogate why you are so obsessed with being the opposite, said this person.
Women don't understand men. Or, more accurately, they don't understand masculinity. These chicks need to stop kidding themselves.
If men tried to tell women how they should be feminine, the usual suspects would scream like banshees. Women trying to tell men what it is to be a man and how men should behave is so much bullshit.
I don't know about anyone else, but I always turn to a bull dyke whenever I want advice on how to be more ladylike. And whoever claimed that the "idea that to be a man you have to be the furthest away from being a woman that you possibly can?" As best I can tell, it exists only in Gadsby's mind. What primarily drives men's behavior is the desire to be sexually attractive to women, and I believe that what primarily drives women's behavior is to be sexually attractive to men. And since men and women's sexual interests diverge, men and women's behavior diverse. Men are primarily attracted to youth and beauty and women are primarily attracted to status and power.
Maybe most men enjoy masculine things and aren't much interested in feminine things. Maybe that's why we began describing them as masculine things in the first place. How does Hannah Gadsby know she has her causality right?
"Why is everyone so scared of not being masculine?"
Says who? Anyway, part of being masculine is not being "scared," including not being scared of not being masculine, and not giving a damn whether some chick, as we manly men would put it, think we are or aren't scared or masculine or anything else.
"See, I think Trump is already doing that experiment! Not intentionally, but intuitively."
Indeed. Some women intuitively are attracted to it. Sure, when you are a rich celebrity, they let you do xyz, but he's got something else going as well. But prog women prefer to keep the blinders on. Orange Man Bad, etc. etc.
The HRC/DJT body swap is called "Her Opponent" and can be easily googled. A description and some clips are om the NYU website.
So, trying to ruin comedy wasn't enough for her? She wants to ruin manhood too?
Fandor @4:27 - home run.
About Sedivy:
Women talk about people and things, and men talk about ideas and policies?
That is the way of thinking people used to call sexist.
I'd say, talking about people and things is more demotic or more democratic or more populist and talking about ideas and policies more academic or more elitist, and Trump - and other politicians - know how to strike the populist note or chord.
I don't think we should follow Hitler and Mussolini down the "the masses are like a woman" road.
About Gadsby:
Quite a generalization about people in power. Today, many of them do show a high degree of flexibility and pliability. Some people would say too much. It's the supporters and followers who are more rigid. Politicians have to combine the lion and the fox. It doesn't always work. A genius of persuasion equipped with great guile and wiles like LBJ can get hung up on some point where he feels he can't possibly give way, but in general politicians are not so simple and testosterone soaked as Gatsby believes. Some of the toughest, after all, have been women.
"What if you, the men, looked to traditional feminine traits and tried incorporating them into your masculinity?"
First you have to give me a good reason, or reasons, to do so; you're going to have to sell me. As it is I'm pretty happy with who I am. I'm not perfect, far from it, but my assessment of my deficiencies does not include a list of ways in which I need to be more feminine.
"Because this idea that to be a man you have to be the furthest away from being a woman that you possibly can..."
Thought no man, ever.
I like Trump's zingers, not his patter. The zingers are a serious move in against the opposition.
But no hatred or grudges. Unlike a woman.
Drago keeps repeating the Instapundit dictionary defense and clicks his Ruby slippers three times
One of the first things a boy learns from his Dad is how to tune out Mommy.
You gurlz sure do complain about men a lot.
she should stop cuntsplaining about how men should be men and go learn how to be funny before she masquerades as a comedian any further.
I sometimes find it hard not to think that most women the world over are unhappy and/or angry, albeit in varying degrees; and that their unhappiness anger is biologically coded, i.e. it part of what it means to be a "natural-born women."
The Donald seems to be very likely bisexual.
Also, I’ve never found Hannah Gadsby to be funny.
Has anyone heterosexual read GQ in the past decade?
I love it when they use "interrogate" as an intransitive verb!
"I sometimes find it hard not to think that most women the world over are unhappy and/or angry,..."
Actually, in my limited experience, women who have not attended Western schools are fairly cheerful most of the time. It's not toxic femininity, it's toxic feminism.
I assume I like guy stuff for the same reason you women do. More than half the younger women I deal with want manly jobs and manly fun. They already have manly promiscuous sex standards. So ask yourself why it's so attractive to us all, not just men.
The question should be: why don't you appreciate being feminine? I see more femininity among gay males these days than among women.
Women who do enjoy being feminine seem to be happier, and seem to enjoy sex more. Not that they get more, though maybe they do, but they seem to let loose more and get what they want.
I agree with Althouse's view of Trump as having somewhat of a feminine facet to him. He would be a natural drag queen. His demeanor is very reminiscent of classic drag queens, and he cooks a great economy.
I'd be more than thrilled to vote for a flamboyant drag queen President that wears a feather boa if he can perform as Trump has on what counts. He could wear backwards thong too for all I care.
Men love women who wear leather because they smell like a new truck.
By most accounts Trump was a pretty good athlete in his younger years. And nobody throws out a first pitch like Trump, landing on the field in his personal helicopter.
I am a manly man by nature. Call me all the names you want, but I'm not wearing a dress, nor kissing a man. If that bothers you, that's your issue to deal with, not mine.
This Hannah Grrl is way too late for me. I had a mother for 65 years, and a wife now for (o what is it what is it wait)-- 42 years, and almost their only sole care in the world has been my betterment as man and human.
And they've done really really well for a couple of stupid broads
readering: "Guiliani was the crossdresser."
How did that not get into the hoax dossier? I mean, there was plenty of extra room and everything. Why not toss all the lefty hallucinations into the moron dossier stew?
This post is one reason why I love Althouse's teaching at the teachable moments as the world produces them. The way Trump thinks is like two people chatting and taking turns talking. One is a cold warrior striking out at nasty betrayers, while the other one is a sensitive and emotional nurturer seeking to lift up good people. Those are the Male and Female persons working in harmony inside one person.
You could say Trump's mind is like a baseball switch hitting as needed or a basketball player who dribbles with either hand as needed.
All DJT wants is to win. He will play female roles and he will play male roles as needed to win. And he once used that talent to conquer beautiful women, but now he uses it to make America great again.
"My advice on modern masculinity would be to look at all those traits you believe are feminine and interrogate why you are so obsessed with being the opposite, said this person."
That made me laugh aloud. It also made me wonder if hanging out at Althouse hasn't warped my worldview by making me aware of societal absurdities that seem virtually unknown to most people. So many of the things the commentariat here bemoan aren't even credible premises for the mass of normal folks, largely because they so seldom register their existence. Trannies exist, sure. We all know one, or know of one. But that was true long before Prog obsessions were shat all over the pages of the Internet. For most, The awareness never has, and never will, mean that they have to validate the lunacy by caring about it one way or the other.
Time to dust off one of my favorites: His & Her diaries
Tonight I thought he was acting weird. We had made plans to meet at a bar to have a drink. I was shopping with my friends all day long, so I thought he was upset at the fact that I was a bit late, but he made no comment. Conversation wasn't flowing so I suggested that we go somewhere quiet so we could talk. He agreed but he kept quiet and absent. I asked him what was wrong; he said nothing. I asked him if it was my fault that he was upset. He said it had nothing to do with me and not to worry.
On the way home I told him that I loved him, he simply smiled and kept driving. I can't explain his behavior; I don't know why he didn't say I love you too. When we got home I felt as if I had lost him, as if he wanted nothing to do with me anymore. He just sat there and watched T.V. He seemed distant and absent.
Finally, I decided to go to bed. About 10 minutes later he came to bed, and to my surprise he responded to my caress and we made love, but I still felt that he was distracted and his thoughts were somewhere else. He fell asleep - I cried. I don't know what to do. I'm almost sure that his thoughts are with someone else......My life is a disaster.
Today the Packers lost, but at least I got laid.
Guiliani was the crossdresser.
Indeed, and I agree with Althouse about the femininity of Trump's style. Giuliani's too. It's a preening kitschy outer borough thing: so tough you can totally spend a lot of time on your hair, way before metrosexual went mainstream. Goes along with being a mama's boy. Like a lot of people of his milieu era, I think Trump's masculine ideal is tough Italian guys with pretty hair.
It seems like Althouse is making a novel observation, and I'm not putting it down, but we used to just call it "mama's boy." That means something different in NY, I guess, because it doesn't suggest as it does for people in other places a guy you'd want to tussle with, necessarily. It's about the grooming and the hand gestures, and the unashamed/unabashed appreciation of beauty and even just plain prettiness, in a way that seems feminine in most places (especially the midwest). Basically, the poor girl who wrote this piece whiffed completely ::flamboyant hand over head gesture::
Why are these women obsessed with making men act feminine? Why are they scared by masculine men?
To me, a more baffling and unusual version of this femininity infused masculinity: Leonard Cohen.
Hello, the women. In the future please refrain from giving me advice what it means to be a man or how to be a man. You don't even know enough to know what you don't know. played high school baseball.
He did these duets with Judy Collins, very fem, and somehow the feeling I get when I listen to or watch them is that he's more essentially feminine in gestures and thought and, well, everything but that voice.
I think he should have had her children.
So here's a thought experiment: What if you, the men, looked to traditional feminine traits and tried incorporating them into your masculinity?...
Does that mean one gains pussy privilege?
How regressively cisgendered.
The traits I think are feminine? God help me, I love those traits. They are magical, mesmerizing, able to create a longing that is far deeper than any other desire on earth. What kind of a warped mind thinks men want to be the opposite. We want to drink it in, enjoy it, feel washed over in love with the woman you have slept with for 30 years.
Of course I know we are different. That's what makes the whole marriage (man and woman, specifically) thing worth a life time of commitment. Althouse posts things that make me think the Left is insane. But, I live in California, so I live with the Left and know they are not insane. Their Intelligentsia is sadly, insane.
“ Ha ha. I sound like Hannah Gadsby there.”
No. You said it better. She’s trying too hard to support a poor thesis. Yours is sound.
Here's how Trump throws a baseball:
Narr said:
It would be funny to see how he throws a baseball...
Probably like a pro
Gay Quarterly
Mayor Buttplug to headline next month
If women wanted men to be more feminine then men would become more feminine. As far as I know, women prefer men to be strong, confident and masculine. There are a lot of sensitive good guys out there. They are all single.
"Hello, the men. My advice on modern masculinity would be to look at all those traits you believe are feminine and interrogate why you are so obsessed with being the opposite."
"Because this idea that to be a man you have to be the furthest away from being a woman that you possibly can is really weird. Why is everyone so scared of not being masculine? If you consider many of those in power, those who claim to be 'leading' the world at the moment, you've got a lot of hypermasculine man-babies, with terrible hair and no ability to compromise."
A load of unquestioned premises wrapped in odd locution. ("Hello, the men?") Why, if I utterly reject the premises of these sentences, would I want to read more?
Are you sure this wasn't from The Babylon Bee, or The Onion?
Hey Heyboom, thanks! I had no idea DJT was such an athlete back in the day.
But I don't hold it against him
Men learn men from other men they admire.
"This is causing problems for men’s fashion magazines traditionally aimed at a readership that was significantly gay male, such as Gentleman’s Quarterly. In the past, GQ could compete for two different readerships: the Eligible Bachelor demographic wanting advice on how to look good for the ladies (for which it competed with Playboy) and the Nature’s Bachelor demographic wanting advice on how to look good for the gentlemen. That was because both groups wanted to look masculine (i.e., in Woke terms, highly binary) to attract either the opposite or the same sex.
"If you looked closely in, say, 1980, GQ’s articles on what men should wear this year tended to be fussier and gayer than Playboy’s articles on the same topic, but the differences weren’t stark.
"But nowadays, that was all so 2011."
from Steve Sailer, The Woke War on Homosexuals.
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