October 11, 2019

"Grab a beer (or whatever) with Warren!"

An ad that came up in my sidebar just now:

What do you think? Do you like that black-and-white image with the only color in the beer bottle? Is the profile image with the sassy hand on the hip good? Seems like she's at some sort of beer-drinking party, giving you a sense of what it might be like to go to this beer-drinking party you might win an invitation to. But I feel excluded because she's looking at someone taller than she is, and she's 5'8", 3 inches taller than I am (and I'm exactly average height women for a woman).

The line "grab a beer" makes me think of that awkward/charming "I'm going to get me, um, a beer" Instagram Live video she put out on New Year's Eve. And "grab" makes me think of Trump's old "grab them by the pussy" remark, especially when juxtaposed to "whatever," which Trump once used — or seemed to use — to refer to female genitalia (when he described Megyn Kelly as having "blood coming out of her whatever").

But "grab" is such an advertising word. I try to avoid watching TV commercials, but I believe the ads for food and drink almost never tell you to "eat" or "drink" or "have" or "buy" the product. It's always grab. And I think this started with beer: "You only go around once in life, so you've got to grab all the gusto you can."

In political speech, "grab" is pejorative. Your opponent is grabbing power. You are offering to serve. But not to serve beer!


Anonymous said...

"Grab her by the pussy!"

Bay Area Guy said...

Grab a beer with Pocahontas!

Drago said...

"Can I get me a huntin' license here?"


These dems. So very very very......authentic.......

Northstar said...

I thought of “grab them by the pussy”.

Lucid-Ideas said...

She's a little crackpot
Lean and stout
Socialism is her handle
Lies she'll spout
When her supporters
Get all steamed up
Scream and shout
You can have a beer with Warren
Before we vote her out

JAORE said...

Grab your earnings.
Grab your freedom.
Grab your ass.

Lizzie is coming for it all.

Also, since I don't drink, there is nothing in that poster I'd want to grab.

MAJMike said...

Oh good grief!!!

Could I have that beer with some Pow Wow Chow?

Jill said...

Yeah, that's who I want negotiating with the Chinese and standing up to the Iranians.

No, not really.

David Begley said...

Surprised Ann hasn’t blogged about the nine (9!!) year old boy who told the Senator that he is transgendered. Or maybe it was a boy passing for a girl. Anyway, this NINE year old’s name is Jacob. And his mother is standing there all proud and happy and smiling like an idiot.

Maybe the worst case ever of using children in politics.

Liz, of course, was all down with it.

If I was there, I’d say that kid should be taken from the mother and be put in foster care.

We are one sick country and the Dems are a big cause of the sickness.

Nine years old! What did you know at nine? Hell, I didn’t even know the infield fly rule at nine. SICK.

Jaq said...

“Hold my beer while I turn the US into Venezuela”

NB: The above is parody.

Fernandinande said...

Her pronoun looks like "it". Or perhaps Dave Bowie.

rehajm said...

Ad that best captures Liz Warren.

mccullough said...

Trump doesn’t drink. Perhaps that’s part of the contrast she’s going for.

And firewater has had a devastating effect on Native Americans. The Washington Redskin isn’t very considerate of the people whose culture she appropriated.

Lucid-Ideas said...

"Grab a beer with Warren!"

An image jumped into my head of a cozy crowd of 30-45yo catladies and lumbersexuals - a tranny there or two - grabbing a beer while everyone has said beer but doesn't drink it. They've grabbed the beer, but like her socmed post their hatred of Trump just won't permit the delicious hoppy elixir to flow freely down their thin emaciated vegan gullets.

They must either choke down the beer, or not drink at all, just like they must choke down Trump's presidency. They get all choked up not being able to drink the cold one they love so much without choking. They sympathize with Warren. She's one of them. They understand why she looked so 'unnatural' trying to drink that beer...it hit them right in the gut.

God damn this president. Taking the pleasure of beer from them. The pleasure of beer they can grab, yet not drink.

Thank god for Warren. She is undeterred. Powerful. Confident. She and they have grabbed their beer. hear them roar.

Jaq said...

I think I am going to read some more Mussolini. Her platform is channeling him uncannily. ‘Corporatism’ does not mean what the left has tried to re-define it to mean. She is talking about economic fascism, Hillary too.

rehajm said...

What the hell- is that supposed to be beer? The green hue makes it look like she's drinking the split from the minibar.

Ron Nelson said...

Grab a whatever with Warren sounds like something of which Trump's critics would accuse him.

LA_Bob said...

The ad popped up on my sidebar as well just before I saw your post.

To me, she could be taking a beer break between interviews or speeches. Caption: "Well, nobody questioned me about that. So, let's use it again in the next one!"

RNB said...

Faux-folksy. Phony.

john said...

Doesnt work, her sweater is not a beer drinking sweater. It's a teacher's sweater.

Temujin said...

I don't care how she's served up, she's still the same old package. Her posture is that of a scold, about to tell someone how they're wrong. And there's nothing like someone who never started up a business, met a payroll, or had to risk everything she had to keep her employees on the payroll telling me that I didn't build that.

I'll never forget that, nor will I ever vote for her because of what that tells me about her.

They can put a bottle of 2015 Shafer Vineyards Cabernet Sauvignon Hillside Select in her hands and I still won't vote for her. Though I will think more highly of her handlers.

Anonymous said...

See, Trump was right.

(Someone had to say it)

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

How relatable she is! Not pho sure at all. The last thing people will think is how awkward this is, posed and colorized like a hipster IPA ad. No one will smell the phoniness. And absolutely nobody would ever think fake Indian grabs firewater or anything LIKE that. Nope. Serious wonk here! One might say she’s severely relatable even!

BarrySanders20 said...

She's got that Church Lady vibe going. Uptight, smug and pious. Strut your stuff, Lizzy!

Jupiter said...

"But I feel excluded because she's looking at someone taller than she is,..."

Maybe she's just looking up at the bright new future she's going to create for all of us once she gets her hands on Jeff Bezos' money!

Nonapod said...

What do you think? Do you like that black-and-white image with the only color in the beer bottle? Is the profile image with the sassy hand on the hip good? Seems like she's at some sort of beer-drinking party, giving you a sense of what it might be like to go to this beer-drinking party you might win an invitation to. But I feel excluded because she's looking at someone taller than she is, and she's 5'8", 3 inches taller than I am (and I'm exactly average height women for a woman).

I can only guess when the people who put this particular ad together were thinking. I mean, I'm not it's target audience nor am I an advertising/campaign person.

First of all, I know among the right she was mocked as a shameless panderer over the whole "I'm going to get me, um, a beer" incident. But I can't say for sure what everyone else thought about it. I guess some people thought it was genuine? I mean, that's the only reason to highlight that particular event, isn't it?

As for the image itself, it's an odd choice to have Warren looking directly at the viewer but looking away and slightly upward. Maybe it's meant to convey looking toward the future? Or looking toward a job that needs to be done? But why then juxtapose that with her holding a beer? Holding a beer indicates a casual, relaxed demeanor, not someone who is seriously looking at a task or toward some bright future. I find the whole thing odd. But again, I'm not the target.

Greg the class traitor said...

Her posture sucks. I don't know what is causing that body language, but if I was talking with someone who looked like that, i'd walk away

FullMoon said...

Ya forgot somethin'

(when he described Megyn Kelly as having "blood coming out of her whatever").

"Aug 08, 2015 · "You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever. In my opinion, she was off base." "

SayAahh said...

A tad OT. Hillary was constantly criticized for her pastel pantsuits and mandarin jackets. Elizabeth also wears the same outfit everywhere and crickets.
Black slacks/tights and black tee shirt top with same style sweaters of various colors. What kind of a look is that? It’s becoming as tedious as Hillary’s “fashion” choices. No doubt she is conveying a message. What do you think it is?

tcrosse said...

It must be this brand of beer

bagoh20 said...

That is not a flattering photo. She looks like a gay man directing his partner in hanging a picture on the wall, NTTIATWWT. You know what? It's just not "Presidential", and I hear that's a really bad thing.

Big Mike said...

Warren inherited Hillary Clinton's political tin ear.

Sebastian said...

"In political speech, "grab" is pejorative."

Nah. Progs proudly aim to grab people's money and their guns.

The grab in the ad is a tell.

Sebastian said...

"or whatever"

Another tell: progs aim to grab whatever they damn well please.

FullMoon said...

And "grab" makes me think of Trump's old "grab them by the pussy" remark, especially when juxtaposed to "whatever," which Trump once used — or seemed to use — to refer to female genitalia (when he described Megyn Kelly as having "blood coming out of her whatever").

Brough the same thing to my mind. Second thought was, was it intentional to remind people of 'bad' things Trump said about women ,or accidental genius?

AP said...

Whenever a Democrat says "grab" and "or whatever", I immediately assume they are on an anti-Trump tirade. But that isn't the case here, so it ends up being confusing, almost associating Warren with grabbing and whatevering. I'm pretty sure that's not the desired outcome.

I find her pose off-putting. I think I prefer her fake, high-energy, exaggerated smile and wave to this attempt to look cool and natural.

Mr. O. Possum said...

She likes beer the same way the first President Bush liked country music an NASCAR

Actually, he loved opera and speedboating, and his handlers wanted him to look like a regular guy, so they spread that disinformation to the press, which gobbled it up.

Same thing here. She's a total elitist who probably loves a glass of expensive white whine. Er, wine.

Ralph L said...

I remembered it as "go for all the gusto"

Grab whatever is a clever TDS trigger.

BO did a better nose in the air Mussolini pose.

Amexpat said...

The instagram video she posted was off kilter. She's trying too hard to come across as just a normal gal. Don't know what part of the electorate that's aimed at. Her campaign will need to up their game if they want to win the general. (Her only competition now for the nomination is old Joe, and he'll self destruct).

gahrie said...

Booze and voters have a long history in the U.S.

PM said...

The absolute oldest come-on in Presidential politics: someone you could have a beer with.

Infinite Monkeys said...

I think I'd rather grab a ride on the Trump train.

PM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gahrie said...

The Democrats lost an election that most people think they should have won, primarily because they nominated an old White scolding School Marm with crazy ideas and a history of lying.

Apparently this time they believe they can win with a different ld White scolding School Marm with crazy ideas and a history of lying.

Infinite Monkeys said...

My first thought looking at the photo is to wonder if she's had a neck lift. Or maybe that's why she's looking up, to pull the neck skin tighter so it looks firmer.

Bill Peschel said...

She lied about her heritage. She lied about her pregnancy / firing. Her book on income has been shot full of holes. And her platform is confiscatory and damaging to the economy.

Four more years!

Michael K said...

g Mike said...
Warren inherited Hillary Clinton's political tin ear.

Boy is that true ! And her screechy scolding voice. Harris has it too but she is toast.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Grab a beer (or whatever) with Warren

The following 'whatevers' have been deemed politically incorrect or insensitive:

Sex on the beech
Shirley Temple (it's too early yet to try and normalize pedophilia...yet)
Bloody Mary. It's the patriarchy that's bloody, not Mary you sexist
Harvey Wall-banger
Irish Car Bomb
Black & Tan...tan is still too white
Anything with vodka. We must minimize Russian interference in cocktails!

Paid for by Warren for President 2020

Greg the class traitor said...

If you're going to so a "grab an X with Y", you have to actually be making Y available.

So, was this part of a "donate, and one lucky person will be drawn from the list of donators, and flown to Z to meet with" Fauxcahontas?

Or do the people running her campaign not have that basic competence?

Bay Area Guy said...

I would not grab Liz Warren by the pussy......

Skeptical Voter said...

You've got to believe in something. So I believe I'll have a beer--just not with Fauxcahontas. Before I stand to do that, I'd have to have a couple of firewaters in me.

TrespassersW said...

What is wrong with you people? Some people have grabbed a beer (or whatever) with their friends in the past. Therefore, making fun of grabbing a beer--or 1/1024th of a beer--with Fauxcahontas is sexist or something.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

"I like beer"- justice Kav-brah.

Jaq said...

"Grab a whatever with Warren “

No thanks honey.

bagoh20 said...

Well hello Auntie Grabber. Since your last visit, I'm afraid I have nothing left for you. It's all been grabbed.

robother said...

Grab a beer (or whatever). I assumed the whatever was a wink and a nod to the Bill Clintons, Matt Lauers and Harvey Weinsteins of the Democrat that "your money's still good here."

BUMBLE BEE said...

tcrosse... That was a "Ladies Beer" back when I was young. Faux Pas... one doesn't "grab a beer", One grabs a brew. Probably Snapple in the bottle, as authentic as she is. I'd like to suggest a GIF wih her shouting "get off my lawn".

NC William said...

The left just keeps getting less and less subtle. This image, like the Obama campaign art years ago, is a pretty sharp echo of early Soviet propaganda art/iconography. The poses, the profile with lifted gaze. It's creepy as shit, is what it is.

doctrev said...

Laaaaaaaaaaaaaame. Elizabeth Warren is trying way too hard to be a "cool mom," but she'll never pull it off because she's a professional scold. Her advertisers are trying to hit that sweet spot of irony needed to pull hipster doofuses to spend their money, but it also feeds the general perception of her as a phony. They'd have done better to advertise a chance to discuss policy with her, to play to Warren's (alleged) strengths.

Danno said...

If people use their common sense as to what an Elizabeth Warren administration would mean to our longstanding prosperity and freedom, she will make old Walter Mondale feel good (if he is still alive in 2020) about his election loss.

If she wins, our 401(k)s or other investment accounts will be worth less (or worthless) as Warren tries to implement her policy of making more stakeholders like employees, community, unions, etc., part of the company's responsibility to please. She has already written a semi-threatening letter to the CEOs of the largest companies in America.

All of the red states will probably become sanctuary states for firearms and various other libtaard anathemas if she wins. Civil unrest unlike anything we have seen yet will happen.

Greg the class traitor said...

The more I think about this, the worse it gets.

I now "get it". Trump won because he's authentic. Yes, he's a loud mouthed jerk. Yes, he says bone-headedly stupid things. But he would never do something as fake as this Warren pitch.

A non-political voter, trying to decide between the two, is going to think:

Trump is an ass. But he's comfortable in his own skin. He knows who he is, and he's ok with me seeing who he is

Warren? Warren is a fake. She thinks that if she showed me the real her, I would hate her, and refuse to vote for her. And so I'm going to believe her, and vote for Trump

"Have a Chablis with Liz" would cost her fewer votes than this stunt will. Hell, it might get her votes.

But, at her core, Elizabeth Warren is a fake. She's a ruthless lying hack , willing to screw anyone who gets in her way.

And because she knows that about herself, she doesn't believe she can afford to show "the real her" to voters.

And that is why she will lose

Ken B said...

Are you asking if it’s a good ad?

It is. It makes no mention of her policies, her lies, her frauds, her hectoring, her flip flops, or her contempt for the rule of law. So, best foot forward and all that.

Ralph L said...

one lucky person will be drawn from the list of donors

They're more interested in your email address.

Rick.T. said...

Grab 'em by the PBR's!

Sheridan said...

I made the connection! Green beer bottle equals Becks beer. Becks is German. German means woke globalism. Globalism means One World. One World means that the US, minus the Constitution and the Amendments, will accept, support and pay everything for everybody! A giant, world-wide, come as you are, free and endless beer party! Hooyah!!

Rick.T. said...

PS - The cocked arm and raised chin? Very reminiscent of the old Soviet and Chicom poster poses.

Rick.T. said...

PS - The cocked arm and raised chin? Very reminiscent of the old Soviet and Chicom poster poses.

Jaq said...

"Yes, he's a loud mouthed jerk.”

I call his Twitter feed “The jawbone of an ass.” Those can be pretty effective, at times.

Greg the class traitor said...

Ralph L said...
one lucky person will be drawn from the list of donors

They're more interested in your email address.

Well, yes. I applied for one of those that President Obama did (no cash, just email). It's amusing to me to see all teh campaign's they've sold my email address to.

And, it let's me see what BS they're pushing

Wince said...

Warren (noun): a network of interconnecting rabbit holes to go down.

Ann Althouse said...

“I remembered it as "go for all the gusto"”

I checked before writing. Both were used but the original version was grab. Watch the original commercial at my link.

Bilwick said...

I tried to grab a beer with Fauxcahontas, but she grabbed it out of my beer and gave it to someone she thought needed a beer more than I did.

Nancy said...

Her jaw line is excellent for a woman of a certain age. No jowls!

Jaq said...

That picture creeps me out, to be honest. Spending as much time in Vermont as I do, I know the type. If you just let them control everything, everybody will be happier!

Jaq said...

"The cocked arm and raised chin? Very reminiscent of the old Soviet and Chicom poster poses.”

She’s a fascist. Seriously, if you read very much about fascism, it’s unmistakeable. Fascism and communism are fraternal twins, both, like Warren, enemies of free men and women.

Tina Trent said...

Socialist Realism by way of Cambridge Class.

That'll resonate.

Ralph L said...

14 September 1937, The Evening Telegram (Rocky Mount, NC), pg. 10, col. 1 ad:
YES of course that glass of SCHLITZ you raise to your lips with so much gusto has been aged to the peak of mellow-ripe perfection

31 January 1962, The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA), pg. 6, col. 5 ad:

Wiktionary: Gusto
gusto m (plural gustos)
1. taste (sense)
2. taste (flavor)
3. liking, preference, aesthetic preference
4. pleasure, enthusiasm
5. fancy, whim

I didn't know it meant more than #4. What a word!

Jaq said...

Did you see that Madam Secretary is making her POTUS in the final season. POTUS Elizabeth somethingorother. Does that go down as an ‘in kind” contribution? Well it didn’t when Hillary was running, but I have a feeling that if there was a serious of a NYC real estate tycoon becoming POTUS and doing good for the world, there would have been problems. Just like there were for Citizen’s United.

Instead we are stuck with the greatest reality show of all time.

Dagwood said...

Not very photogenic, is she?

Somewhere an Emerald City is missing its scarecrow.

n.n said...

grab (v.)

"seize forcibly or roughly," 1580s, from Middle Dutch or Middle Low German grabben "to grab," from Proto-Germanic *grab-, *grap- (source also of Old English græppian "to seize," Old Saxon garva, Old High German garba "sheaf," literally "that which is gathered up together"), from PIE *ghrebh- (1) "to seize, reach" (source also of Sanskrit grbhnati "seizes," Old Persian grab- "seize" as possession or prisoner, Old Church Slavonic grabiti "to seize, rob," Lithuanian grėbti "to rake"). Sense of "to get by unscrupulous methods" was reinforced by grab game, a kind of swindle, attested from 1846. Related: Grabbed; grabbing.

The first rule of social club is to speak truth to facts. They will never forgive him.

Jaq said...

Granny Warren.

libertariansafetyguy said...

Can I grab a pussy? Asking for a real estate developer friend.

traditionalguy said...

Our brains evolved 99% of the way as hunter-gatherers. All this civilized hokum is new. So we primarily hunt, and then we sneak up and grab power over what we plan to kill and eat. Or to feed that other appetite Trump liked to grab.

I blame the Anthropologists.

traditionalguy said...

Also Warren is inviting us to join in playing the Phd Professor at the University faculty soiree Game.

It reminds me of a scene from Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf before they all get drunk and screw around with other professor's spouses.

madAsHell said...

I think the caption should be....."out standing in her field"......she looks clueless.

The profile shot is unusual for a politician. Perhaps, she is trying to hide those Native American cheekbones, and she has no beard.

Ken B said...


Todd said...

Jupiter said...
"But I feel excluded because she's looking at someone taller than she is,..."

Maybe she's just looking up at the bright new future she's going to create for all of us once she gets her hands on Jeff Bezos' money!

10/11/19, 12:38 PM

Not just Jeff's honey. She intends to take EVERYONE's money!

WisRich said...

It reminds me of the story of Hillary drinking on the campaign trail.

“She likes to drink,” Amy Chozick, a New York Times reporter who covers Clinton, said to ABC earlier this year. ” We were on the campaign trail in 2008 and the press thought she was just taking shots to pander to voters in Pennsylvania. Um, no.”

Maybe we'll find out that Elizabeth Warren pounds a six pack every night.

JMW Turner said...

Hmm...that beer bottle looks awfully phallic...hence, "When you're the front running Dem far leftist female, they'll let you grab 'em by the, well, ya know."

Todd said...

SayAahh said...

No doubt she is conveying a message. What do you think it is?

10/11/19, 12:48 PM

She is going for the guys who sexualized their grade school teachers that scolded them for misbehaving. "Yes Ms Cravats, I know my homework is late again! Don't you think a good spanking would straighten me right up?"

Michael K said...

Bay Area Guy said...
I would not grab Liz Warren by the pussy......

Better not. I expect it has teeth.

robother said...

Those high cheek-boned ones do like their firewater.

Dave Begley said...

I might be wrong above. The 9 year kid might be a girl pretending to be a boy and has adopted the name Jacob.

In any event, no 9 year old should even be thinking about this. Having this kid on CNN is a new low for CNN and that's tough to do. What is wrong with these people?

madAsHell said...

The whole color scheme is off-setting. Why is she in black-n-white, and the beer is color? Is there a message in the bottle?

Yeah, I see what I did there, but it's also a serious question.

JaimeRoberto said...

Didn't she do some live stream where she said she was going to "grab me a beer"? She was mocked pretty heavily for that. I'll give her credit for turning that around and embracing the mockery. That said, grabbing a beer with her is close to the last thing I want to do.

Clyde said...

I don't know about her color scheme (or Kamala Harris' color scheme, either). Traditionally, it's been red, white and blue, or else just blue and white for Democrats and red and white for Republicans. Third parties can be more creative. Considering how far afield the current crop of Democrats has diverged from the recent mainstream positions on issues that their party has had in the not-too-distant past, it's almost appropriate for them to go with diverse colors more appropriate to a fringe party, since that's they way they are heading.

Off-topic: Shocker! Shep Smith quitting Fox News!

Jaq said...

She is standing with her “whatever” sort of pressed forward.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Garner whatever with whomever

Bay Area Guy said...

Kammy Harris has been known to grab powerful Mayors by the .......

cf said...

fine observations from so many, like the soviet heroic art echo. my take:

1. i would not call the effect black-and-white with toned bottle. it is a subdued, sophisticated palette of gray {Oh, Gray!} that tingles the egos of the pinot grigio set and their males(mules).

2. Hers is a flattened cardboard cutout effect, that says something.

3. Now about her Gaze: I think she's daring to claim she has a vision as glorious as Making America Great Again, and Better! (She can see it from her mega-donors' verandas!) as usual, however, its just a pose. she is a pretender, a liar and a righteous totalitarian for the Elite.

cf said...

haha, michael K at 2:56, so true and too funny.

Matt said...

Anybody make a firewater joke yet?

traditionalguy said...

If you have watched Cuomo over the years, you would note that he actually has a noble streak that makes him let people know he is not a fool and doesn't believe the Crap News Network line he uses, speaking for his client's case.

Beasts of England said...

Lizzie Warren had a tax,
Gave your paycheck forty whacks.
When she saw what she had done,
Gave your savings forty one.

Jaq said...

Here is the question that blows up Elizabeth Warren: “I know you have a detailed energy plan, what do you envision the price of gas to be after it is implemented? Heating oil? Natural gas for heating? Electricity per KWH...

OK, just ask her preferred price of a gallon of gas. The answer is! “None of your business."

Jim at said...

Beer contains 1/1024th alcohol.

Tom T. said...

"Greetings, fellow drinkers of ... {checks label} ... beer!"

rhhardin said...

Grab a pussy wasn't Trump's slogan though. Just something taken out of context ("they let you ...," a comment on women's sexual strategies). Probably if Trump could help Warren, she'd let him grab her by the pussy. She's a woman with ambitions.

wildswan said...

I wonder why the fence picket reflected on the bottle is perfectly upright although the bottle is slanting. Photoshop of drinking beer? That's our Tin Ear Lizzie.

Jaq said...

I love it when people steal my shit... But it’s “checkbook” not “savings” It kind of echoes “paycheck” and tax and whacks.

I always figure a good poem or limerick has to have three things going on or it’s not worth it

The Lizzie Warren. Lizzie Borden thing, that’s one.. but not enough.
The “tax”/“ax” thing, that’s two, we are getting close

“Paycheck" to “Checkbook"? That creates a narrative arc and it kind of echoes “mother” and “father” of the original poem so we are there! Plus it would pass a snopes “parody fact check.”

I want to call it into the Howie Carr show, if I could find the number for the Chump Line.

Tommy Duncan said...

Wasn't there a line in A River Runs Through It to the effect that "drinking beer isn't drinking"?

Tommy Duncan said...

OK, now I get it. It's a joke. Right? She's kidding, no? Please tell me this was a joke.

Damn, it's going to be a long 13 months.

Swede said...

Fake Indian.

Fake victim of pregnancy discrimination.

Fake regular Joe.

Mrs. X said...

Black and white Liz recedes into the background. The colorful beer bottle seems to be the most important thing on the page, along with the red donate button. Donate to that washed out woman with the beer! Don’t pay too much attention to any of the stupid things she says because beer!

Beasts of England said...

I saw that somewhere else this morning, Skylark, but couldn’t remember where it was - so no hat tip. I think it used ax, but I liked tax better... :)

Mary Beth said...

If I do an image search for the phrase "grab a beer with warren", this blog post is the only result that shows for this image. I get zero results when I right click on the image and do a TinEye search for it. I also get no matches by right clicking and selecting "search Google for image" but that does offer, "Possible related search: don t do it yourself."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

She's so cool! + she has a plan for your life.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Question. If Democrats are against fossil fuels why do all of their kids work for Ukrainian gas and oil companies?

Anthony said...

I just really can't even begin to imagine what kind of abject weirdo that would appeal to.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Perhaps a subtle Merlot?

Maillard Reactionary said...

"Grab a beer (or whatever) with Warren!"

"Whatever" covers a lot of territory, but I don't imagine anyone will entertain grabbing a tit.

AZ Bob said...

Next we'll see, "Grab a bong hit with Liz."

Static Ping said...

Grab a beer while you can. As soon as the progressives decide that's too low class they will ban that too, along with Christianity, guns, free speech, meat, electricity, air travel, Jews, automobiles, borders, and everything else that they did not explicitly approve in the past 5 minutes.

David Duffy said...

I don't think I have ever said to my friends, "let's grab a beer." Maybe I'm mistaken.

We call and say, "Sequoia?" The reply is something like, "I get off at six." When we get there we talk.

Sequoia was the name of the local micro brewery before it became its current name. I knew the brewmaster, Kevin, before he started his own brew company.

The Sequoia wholesale business was one of my clients. I stopped by on 9/11/2001. He said, "holy shit, what the fuck happened?" when I walked in the door. I asked how business was going.

walter said...

She has plans! coming out of her wherever.

Drago said...

Native Americans can't handle their liquor.

Johnathan Birks said...

I would pounce on that opportunity. Yes, pounce.

Drago said...

Apparently, the ChiComs who were desperately holding on in hopes of the dems and their media and LLR-lefty allies could remove Trump from office, have reluctantly concluded this was not to be the case and that Trump's reelection potential has now significantly crossed the 50% probability threshold and therefore it was time to start cutting deals with the US that greatly improve the US trade position against the ChiComs.

ARM, LLR C****, Democrat narratives and the US Fake News hardest hit, along with the ChiComs.

MAJMike said...

john said...
Doesnt work, her sweater is not a beer drinking sweater. It's a teacher's sweater.
10/11/19, 12:29 PM

I know from 15 years of personal experience that for teachers, any sweater is a beer/wine/mixed drink sweater. This is especially true on Friday nights.

M Jordan said...

This is a terrible, terrible ad. She is the phoniest candidate in a sea of phonies. Where is Holden Caulfield when you need him?

Bob Smith said...

Liz makes me think of every lying sack of stool I met in a 50+ year working life.

cf said...

i hope you are correct, Drago!!!

J2 said...

She looks pregnant.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

The Great Pumpkin said ...
That was one of the greatest nights in the history of television … It was one of the highest rated evenings in the history of television. You add up all those networks.

It's all about ratings. Completely unserious about governing.

Michael K said...

It's all about ratings. Completely unserious about governing.

ARM does not understand politics in the age of TV. Hillary spent $50 billion.

Governing ? ask the House Democrats,

Drago said...

ARM the Hopeless: "It's all about ratings. Completely unserious about governing."



I'm afraid ARM has fallen short in his endeavors to assume the mantle of LLR C**** which is really saying something.

Drago said...

ARM, if all these good economic numbers get you down, you could always warm up the Way Back Machine and relive the Shep Smith lies about cannibalism during Katrina.

Lefty good times, good times.

AllenS said...

Nobody says "let's grab a beer" where I live in Wisconsin, we just say "it's beer thirty".

Drago said...

Sharp as a tack Slow Joe Creepy Sleepy Joe Biden: "We talked about this in San Francisco, it was all about, you know gay bathhouses. It's all about round the clock sex, it's all... c'mon man!"


Drago said...

More good news thus far this evening: So far no democrat Bernie-Bro has taken a shot at a republican in the State of Louisiana during Trump's visit.

So far.

chickelit said...

Wake me up when she does a keg stand.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Maybe we'll find out that Elizabeth Warren pounds a six pack every night."

If I were the only commentator that mattered, not saying it's true, we all know it's not, but like that wwww easily offended chick thought, that all that matters are the crossovers, I'd be showing my candidate getting sloppy drunk. Disgustingly drunk.

Everything else regarding "voters" is written in stone: it's fucking lapidary. R's vote R and D's vote D so who fucking cares about them? Really, only the Is (for the GREAT Independent) matter at all ever.

Stating Statist traitor assholes like McCain and Romney don't get out the R's because everyone knows they are cocksucking hateful racist white supremacist bigots who kill anything preventing them from Government wealth doesn't matter.

R's vote R and D's vote D so we gotta go for the great I, which means be Dem lite.

That was the fucking autopsy of the 2012 election by the Goddamned fuckin' braintrust composed of Paul Ryan and Turd Flakes.

I argued, like a moron because it wasn't like Trump was reading my comments here at the Althouse blog, no no, turnout of the base matters.

Well D's have no base, and I's will go 60-40 Trump, so in a way the blowout means my concerns were indeed, albeit not as claimed by my detractors, accurate without any honorable level of precision.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Grab a job opportunity from a real minority with Liz!

Grab a beer with Liz!"

"Over my dead body" --Sam Adams

Automatic_Wing said...

I might be interested in grabbing a beer with zombie Warren Zevon.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Nope! Not going to grab Elizabeth Warren's Whatever! Nope! Nope! Nope!

Also: Bet there won't be a beer with in 10 miles of that event.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FullMoon said...

"Trump reacts to news of Shep quitting: "He had terrible ratings. Is he leaving because of his ratings? I mean if he's leaving, I assume he's leaving because he had bad ratings. He had the worst ratings on Fox.""

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


jeremyabrams said...

Her arm looks old and wrinkly. Her pose looks staged. She's not someone you would enjoy having a beer with. Separate from politics, I could enjoy a beer with Obama, Trump, GW, Yang, Gabbard, but not Warren (even though she's a happy warrior and is running a highly competent campaign).

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

"Less Than 24 Hours After Saying 'Time to Bring 'Em Home,' Trump Orders 1,800 US Troops to Saudi Arabia."

"Remember when Donald Trump tweeted that he was 'trying to end the endless wars?' That was yesterday."

Completely unserious and a pushover for dictators.

walter said...

chickelit said...Wake me up when she does a keg stand.
She's spry!

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

'The Turks KNEW we were present': Pentagon counters Turkish claim that attack on US troops in Syria was 'a mistake', as it reveals American soldiers have NOT withdrawn , despite Trump's orders

Erdogan spits in Trumps face.

Jaq said...

"I saw that somewhere else this morning, Skylark,”

It’s spreading!!!!

Michael K said...

I was happy that Shep got over his AIDS crisis but I won't miss his smarmy comments,.

Big Mike said...

Elizabeth Warren, by her very existence, makes the case for ending affirmative action. That whiter-than-Wonder Bread Warren, and others like Rachel Dolezal and Shaun King, could build a career based on pretending to be a person of color, is something that should never happen in a just and rational world.

Shut it down.

End it now!

Guildofcannonballs said...


Maybe having suffered so much, and suffered the idiotic ridicule, Althouse, given the power, decided all the films are bad, and she whon't let little ol' Guildy, sad-ass son of a great mom, and pissant film wannabe, the great Betamax, .... just make it all right by listening to the market's voice.

It changes every instant, so to just label lazily without merit as I have, the market's "voice" surely helps everyone and not just us.

PB said...

Only if she has a Chicago Handshake. A shot of Jeppeson's Malort followed with an Old Style.

Guildofcannonballs said...

At this point, as crazy as it is, I would trust a random gay Trump-hater of stature, over Democratic leaders/candidates.

Appreciating it was a difficult time, as Jesus knew and taught, doesn't dimminesh God's love for all.

Guildofcannonballs said...

At this point, as crazy as it is, I would trust a random gay Trump-hater of stature, over Democratic leaders/candidates.

Appreciating it was a difficult time, as Jesus knew and taught, doesn't dimminesh God's love for all.

Ken B said...

Insty just posted a story about Warren answering a planted question about gay marriage with an elaborate sneering put down of social conservatives. It got wild applause of course. To me it looks like an epic blunder. It plays to everything wrong with her except her mendacity. And the obvious nature of the plant plays to that.

There are shrewd people in the Democrat party. I think they will see what happened.

For the first time I am starting to take seriously the idea of Hillary or Michelle Obama as the nominee. Or Klobuchar.

Narayanan said...

She's Bringing national attention to problems of alcohol-ism on reservations.

Big-G Socialism will take care of that.

eddie willers said...

Ah Jeeze....sTony wins with the very first post.

JAORE said...

Grab your ankles.

Drago said...

ARM the Hopeless: "Completely unserious and a pushover for dictators."


"Cramer on Trump vs. China: 'Hate him or like him, he has them where he wants them'"

"President Donald Trump has the upper hand in the China trade war because tariffs are hurting the Chinese economy way more than the U.S. economy, CNBC's Jim Cramer said Friday."


Bye bye ARM.....

Drago said...

Fascinating admission from one Andrew McCabe just a few days ago:

“We open the case, and then we think, ‘OK, now who are we actually going to investigate?’” McCabe said at the event, which aired Tuesday on C-SPAN.

“Who do we know who is associated with the campaign who has known, significant ties to Russian intelligence?” he asked rhetorically. “We quickly come up with four names that will not surprise you.”

Wait, so they started the investigation without even knowing who they were going to investigate? Why, it’s almost as if they were simply fishing around Trump’s campaign for political reasons.

Between McCabe's latest comments, Clapper going Full Nuremburg Defense, Brennan's recent moronic comments exposing himself and the collapse of Ukraine:Russia Hoax 2.0, ARM and Team Left are not having a stellar week.

So "not stellar" in fact that it led to the Chinese Commies figuring Trump is going to win re-election so it was time to cave on Trade.

The ChiComs agreed to purchase $50 Billion in agricultural products in this deal (just 1 item in the deal which covers a number of different disputed areas and resolves them in America's favor).

The value to the US of the biggest previous agricultural deal ever signed with China?

$16 Billion

But yeah, China has us right where they want us.......LOLOLOLOLOLOL

Martin said...

"Grab 'em by the..." oh, never mind.

Michael said...

When have we seen anything as incredibly and obviously phony as that poster, and without a hint of irony or self-knowledge? It would be one thing if they were putting us on, but they seem to really think this will appeal to...um...who exactly?

Trashcan O Man said...

Trump is turning the presidency into a job that Warren can't do. Warren is applying for a position that no longer exists. It used to be that presidents retreated into a cloak of obscurity, appearing periodically for a public address, staging ribbon-cutting photo-ops, and assuring voters they could share a beer with them! Who knew what a president did, day to day? Trump has brought transparency. No one is more accessible, more visible, more important. Under Trump, the president is an action figure in the spotlight, constantly on the go, negotiating directly with world leaders in hand-to-hand combat, fighting unruly Congress members and constantly driving the agenda. No one can imagine Warren in that role. HAHA. She harkens to Jimmy Carter and his cardigan sweater, and the results will be the same.

Trashcan O Man said...

Trump is turning the presidency into a job that Warren can't do. Warren is applying for a position that no longer exists. It used to be that presidents retreated into a cloak of obscurity, appearing periodically for a public address, staging ribbon-cutting photo-ops, and assuring voters they could share a beer with them! Who knew what a president did, day to day? Trump has brought transparency. No one is more accessible, more visible, more important. Under Trump, the president is an action figure in the spotlight, constantly on the go, negotiating directly with world leaders in hand-to-hand combat, fighting unruly Congress members and constantly driving the agenda. No one can imagine Warren in that role. HAHA. She harkens to Jimmy Carter and his cardigan sweater, and the results will be the same.

MadTownGuy said...

Can there be a candidate more tone-deaf than Hillary Clinton? Why yes, yes there can.

Jaq said...

"Completely unserious and a pushover for dictators.”

Why are we still talking bout Obama?

Jaq said...

I think cut and past bots like ARM, doing the job she who shall not be named no longer does, but with slightly less gusto, are counterproductive. The bot can’t defend any of the weak points it dishes out, obviously. It can’t even read our comments, or at least can’t understand them, so basically the bots only serve as inoculation, like infecting a person with a weakened strain of a virus.

Except I don’t think the “virus” was ever very strong.

Jaq said...

I liked her better as the lady who helped out Josie Wales at the ferry when the soldiers hunting him almost had him.

Saint Croix said...

In political speech, "grab" is pejorative. Your opponent is grabbing power.

It's a call to legalized theft. Vote for Warren and she will grab money from the rich and give free stuff to you.

Grab a beer. Grab some marijuana. Grab some free healthcare. Whatever you want!

Jaq said...

Warren (D-Mass.) responded with a theatrical seriousness. “Well, I’m going to assume it’s a guy who said that,” she deadpanned, pausing a beat for the audience to catch the joke. Then she added, “And I’m going to say, ‘Then just marry one woman — I’m cool with that.’ ”

She finished with a zinger: “‘Assuming you can find one.’ ”

Isn’t she clever!

alanc709 said...

She looks like she's out on a date with Pajama Boy, to me. Waiting for him to return from the bathroom, where's he's waiting for the room to empty so he can use the urinal.

TheThinMan said...

She looks like FDR in his famous photo where he’s in profile, condescendingly smiling, looking up and clenching his cigarette holder in his mouth. From that angle they seem to have the same style of glasses. (Newsweek made Obama look like FDR the same way on their cover with the headline, ”The New New Deal.”) If this was on purpose, they’re saying, yeah, she’s wants to destroy our capitalist system but FDR did that too and he was a great president. But I’m thinking, yes, and she’ll give us the Great Depression that ipso facto goes with it. Plus, you’ve seen the same oversized sweater on every female superior you’ve had to deal with so meet your new boss.

TheThinMan said...

Her clothes also say she’s Miss Hathaway and we’re the Beverly Hillbillies.

Kevin said...

Warren! ... whatever.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Trump's stated goal on trade was to reduce the trade deficit. He has failed. Trade deficit is up 25% since 2016.

The reason that he failed is that he is a dumbass.

Rusty said...

Somebody throw ARM a life preserver. He's struggling. He thinks we're at war with Saudi Arabia.

Tommy Duncan said...

Liz will be our first art deco president.

alanc709 said...

"Skylark said...
Warren (D-Mass.) responded with a theatrical seriousness. “Well, I’m going to assume it’s a guy who said that,” she deadpanned, pausing a beat for the audience to catch the joke. Then she added, “And I’m going to say, ‘Then just marry one woman — I’m cool with that.’ ”

She finished with a zinger: “‘Assuming you can find one.’ ”

Isn’t she clever!"

Sexism and misogyny are encouraged on the left, as long as it serves the ultimate goal of reintroducing serfdom into society.

vanderleun said...

"But I feel excluded because she's looking at someone taller than she is, and she's 5'8", 3 inches taller than I am "

Not excluded at all, Ann. The pose is not about somebody off frame being taller. It's all about the neck.

Gahrie said...

Trump's stated goal on trade was to reduce the trade deficit. He has failed. Trade deficit is up 25% since 2016.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Americans are wealthier and are buying more products from overseas.

Nichevo said...

AP said...
Whenever a Democrat says "grab" and "or whatever",

What I notice is that it's always "grab me," "get me." Always selfish, self-centered, self-serving. Grabby. They're not grabbing you something. They're not grabbing for America. They're grabbing for themselves. You better grab for them too. Or else you're an incel or something. Nice people.

Bilwick said...

" . . . a pushover for dictators." That's a serious charge coming from ARM. Because we all know how devoted to liberty he is.

Joanne Jacobs said...

My first reaction was: Donate now to cover Warren's beer bills.

I don't think she can shed the teacher/librarian look, but maybe she's a teacher/librarian who drinks a lot of beer. I read that her attempt to sell herself as a regular person -- not a Harvard professor -- is going well on the campaign trail. But can I trust the media?

I don't see her defeating Trump, but I never saw Trump being elected president, so I no longer have faith in my understanding of American politics.

jaed said...

Some day, I will see a picture of Warren where she isn't gritting her teeth and the cords on her neck aren't standing out... but evidently it is not this day.

Honestly, her habitual expression scares me.

My guess is that they made her put her hand on her hip because otherwise she'd either be shaking her finger at you, or clenching her fist. Which is also something that appears in most pictures of Warren. Always the anger, the aggression. It's very interesting.

JamesB.BKK said...

The key phrase in Trump's statement, "They let you ...." is such a truism for rich or famous dudes and ugly ass made-man twerps such as Harvey Weinstein for so many women, it's almost boring. You have to truncate and misrepresent it to make any issue out of it.

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