A good place to eat burgers in Eagle, Colorado.
Feel free to talk about any subject in the comments.

ADDED: Hey, that's a Philco refrigerator. I recognized the handle! That's the refrigerator we had when I was growing up in the 1950s. Recognizing that very unusual handle, I looked closely and saw "Philco" (painted over, but those spaced out letters across the front of the top of the refrigerator stir up childhood memories for me).
Let's chat about how the Joe-Biden-employed fake whistleblower doesn't want the $900,000 payment to Joe Biden discussed.
Burisma. Something. Something. Burisma. Something. Collusion. Something.
Can we talk about the number of trips Shifty Schitt visited Ed Buck's House?
I read 16 times.
And three dead male hookers.
Birkel got here ahead of me. So it turns out the "whistleblower" was employed by Joe Biden. No wonder he wanted to make a federal case out of any investigation of Biden's corruption.
ADDED: Hey, that's a Philco refrigerator. I recognized the handle! That's the refrigerator we had when I was growing up in the 1950s. Recognizing that very unusual handle, I looked very closely and saw "Philco" (painted over, but those spaced out letters across the front of the top of the refrigerator stir up childhood memories for me).
Hey, we could talk about that! Or, we could make disparate, disjointed comments that will be published 8 hours from now.
Yummmm. Burgers.
Did your Philco have a tap?
Yummmm. Beer.
I have a sincere question for our esteemed hostess.
The blog has obviously undergone some changes over the past weeks (months) -- comment moderation is obvious, but posting frequency seems to have changed, too.
Are you happy with how the blog is working now?
I would love to hear that you are happy: it is YOUR ongoing art-piece, and I would hope that it is still capable of bringing you joy and fulfillment-- that the headaches are worth the expression you give.
I realize I am not wording this very well, but I hope the gist makes it through. You have done something special, and are continuing to do something special, and doing it on your terms is important for it to follow the arc you desire.
Consider this my writing being inspired.
I am Laslo.
If you're going to paint a refrigerator, paint it red.
What other color could one possibly choose?
Philco was an early electrical/electronic conglomerate, like GE in the day, but smaller. My first boss in electronics got his first job at Philco, but he wasn't designing refrigerators.
We had a GE refrigerator of that vintage. It lasted at least 40 years (over and under design) and was replaced not because it failed but because of I guess, advertising pressure or something.
The new one had greater capacity but a shorter useful service life (as they say).
Separately, I'm not against making burgers from Experts.
China: Threat or Menace?
Good thing you went to Colorado when you did. A change in the weather....
Here Are the Giuliani-Ukraine Notes Few Have Seen
NBA Now Requiring All Players To Stand For Chinese National Anthem
Usually i don't comment on the blog administration because I think its boring, but since I'm stuck in a hotel on a work assignment, I'll garner my thoughts and say this. From what I understand, Meade or Althouse have three alternatives:
1) Moderate comments in real time
2) Let anyone comment and say anything at anytime
3) Put comments in a holding pen and "enable" those when they get around to reading them.
1) takes too much time - they have a life.
2) doesn't work - see past history
3) only reasonable alternative
But I may be wrong.
Remember "Rocky Mountain High" by John Denver? It turned out to be quite the opposite for John. Just be careful of those cliff faces. Heights are dangerous.
I like Eagle CO a lot. I like to stop at their history museum/welcome center. The ladies always have swell Christmas ornaments. Burgers and beer are always good too.
That looks like one of the old positive lock refrigerator doors -- the ones that scared everybody since a child trapped inside cannot push the door open. Supposedly you have to take the door off to even put one out by the curb.
Nowdays it's all loosey-goosy seals. Safer, but no satisfying "car door" close-feel, and often you turn around and see it didn't quite close.
compare Lying:
Lying Sack O' Gawea Warren lying in 2 videos 2007, 2019
She may have changed her story, butshe hasnt changed her clothes!
I second Laslo that it's your blog, and I hope it makes you happy.
I will say it has made me somewhat less happy in recent weeks when I turn to the comments several times over the course of the day and there is nothing new.
So what role did the Biden camp play with this CIA coup-plotter in manufacturing this set-up against Trump?
We were in Montana last week when winter showed up. East of the divide, tons of snow, west was gorgeous fall weather. Went to glacier but just really saw the west side of the park. It was neat to watch all the mountains have a little more snow each morning.
RENO, Nev. (AP) — Nevada state wildlife veterinarian Peregrine Wolff worked at zoos in the Midwest, with farm animals in Florida and exotic species on movie sets in Hollywood. She never dreamed she'd have to help pull the trigger on a contentious strategy to slaughter a diseased herd of bighorn sheep.
Looks awful. You are so flyover deplorable. Come to Boston meet a mit bu Harvard academic and leave Meade back in indihio.
I came from flyover because I was hated there I am now safe in coastie land. Coasties rule.
Agree 100% with Laslo at10/10/19, 9:13 PM. I do miss his impromptu posts. Always make me smile, and sometimes laugh.
I second Laszlo's respectful inquiry.
Something's changed.
Hope you are well.
There were/are people trying to trash the place, hence...
I’m enjoying the moderation. It’s very quaker meeting.
I was shocked to learn last night that Gillette is the named sponsor of that oratorium of toxic masculinity in Foxboro, Mass.
"Come to Boston meet a mit bu Harvard academic and leave Meade back in indihio. “
I am sure that Althouse never had a shot at those types in her storied academic career. Is that what you are looking for to settle down and never stray again? Ha ha ha ha ha... um no.
There is an interplay between Ann’s posts and the comments and then amongst the commenters and sometimes Ann. Without real-time comment posting, much of that is lost. Fast flow and moderation both have pros and cons.
But whatever makes Meadehouse happy.
I remember once, in the early eighties, I was in Aspen, Colorado at an inn where thay had live music. Somebody requested Rocky Mountain High and the performer just gave him the stinkeye and said that nobody from Colorado liked that song.
It was kind of like later when I requested American Pie at a pub at The Rocks, in Sydney, in my American accent and got booed. “Naarr! Doyn’t ply it!”
He played it though. Then later at another pub, they broke out into Skippy the Bush Kangaroo and the whole place started swaying in time to the song. .
"The blog has obviously undergone some changes over the past weeks (months) -- comment moderation is obvious, but posting frequency seems to have changed, too."
Seems to... or you could look in the sidebar under "Blog Archive" and see the number of posts per week over the past year (and the past 15 years). It's freakishly consistent. Even in weeks when we were driving across the country and when I was having eye surgery and when I had whatever issues in my life that were not the subject of any blogging. I think because of the moderation — which became necessary because of what PEOPLE OTHER THAN ME were doing — you have a distorted perception of my output.
"Are you happy with how the blog is working now?"
Relative to a perfect world or relative to the world I was living in? No and yes.
"I would love to hear that you are happy: it is YOUR ongoing art-piece, and I would hope that it is still capable of bringing you joy and fulfillment-- that the headaches are worth the expression you give."
I had to cut myself off from the ugly bullshit that was wasting my time. It's not an issue of happiness but of avoiding irritation, distraction, and openness to everyone in the world who wants to drop by whenever and screw up my work. I enjoyed the flow of comments, probably even more than any of you did, and I lived with the downside for 15 years, but you don't know how bad it was, because we were continually cleaning out the crap and there were people who made a regular thing of crapping it up, like they were in a personal game with me. I don't want that kind of contact with other people. They did not deserve access to me and they got off on it. Do you have any conception of how wrong that is? It was daily harassment. Think hard about how it felt from my side. I'm disappointed in the lack of empathy from the good commenters who only want to talk about how they're not having as much fun as they wanted. You ask me about my happiness, but you don't indicate any feeling for what was the opposite of happiness. Eliminating the negativity was the priority, not seeking the positive.
As for my happiness in my personal life, that's my private life and I don't really write about myself and the people in my life. I maintain my privacy except where I have something that is bloggable, but this blog isn't really about my life.
"If you're going to paint a refrigerator, paint it red. What other color could one possibly choose?"
My parents painted our old Philco turquoise when they put it out in the garage as a backup refrigerator.
That's exactly right. Thanks for understanding.
Eagle, Colorado: "For the period 2010–14, the estimated median annual income for a household in the town was $81,571, and the median income for a family was $94,875."
Madison, Wisconsin: "As of 2000 the median income for a household in the city was $41,941, and the median income for a family was $59,840."
Source: Wikipedia.
I know the years are different, but that's a huge difference in wealth. Try looking for a house to buy there. A house for the same price as our house here wouldn't even be that nice (and we have a great house here in a beautiful neighborhood that's within walking distance of 3 lakes, an active downtown, and the university campus).
“Eliminating the negativity was the priority, not seeking the positive.”
That last sentence in that paragraph explains all. Putting up with 15 years of BS and harassment is too much. Ann’s work shouldn’t be screwed up.
"Seems to... or you could look in the sidebar under "Blog Archive" and see the number of posts per week over the past year (and the past 15 years). It's freakishly consistent. “
Like landfalling hurricanes in the US, regardlss of the hype.
For the record, I really appreciate this blog and have never commented on the moderation changes, even though I wish it. could be different, because it sort of goes without saying what was going on.
This is my favorite blog, the first one I open in the morning, the one I check throughout the day. Thanks to Althouse and Meade for this small but bright light in a dark Internet-ruled world. I am truly sad that your humorous, thoughtful and idiosyncratic takes have brought out the worst in some commentators. Do what you need to do to keep this place alive and well!
"Looks awful. You are so flyover deplorable. Come to Boston meet a mit bu Harvard academic and leave Meade back in indihio."
I lived in Boston in 1990... amongst the academics. Also have lived in NYC for more than 10 years of my life. I don't need to find out what these places are like and I certainly don't get excited by the prospect of interacting with academics! Frankly, that sounds like a "flyover" mentality — longing to hobnob with elite academics. I've had plenty of that in my life and I know what is being compared to what when I say I'd rather have another day with Meade.
"Think hard about how it felt from my side."
That was what I was trying to do. To not see it as a consumer, but as one observing an artist at work, and viewing it in context of the world it has created around it. I was reading the day's posts, felt a strong sense of empathy for what you are doing, and chose to write it down without getting lost in the weeds.
Wasn't attempting to pry into your personal life; not my business, not my interest.
I wish you continued success.
I am Laslo.
Philco. We had a Philco something in our house. Maybe it was the refrigerator. Or the window unit AC? And an Admiral TV. And a Webcor tape recorder. The tape recorder was its own piece of furniture. It was a large furniture-like wood console, standing on 4 tapered legs in the middle of the living room. I have no idea why we had that, except possibly for my dad to record himself singing.
The Webcor had large tape spools.
Today we have our smartphone to do everything.
Irony meter pegged... then the needle bent and it slammed into the housing and now the internal coils are staring to smell a little like ozone...
I remember my grandparent's refrigerator with the big round mechanical stuff sitting on top. And enough room inside for a six pack and a couple of sandwiches.
Can't remember and of the refrigerator s in my parent's house though. Strange.
When I moved post-retirement, I thought I knew all the major considerations that should be included in the decision. Not so. Right now, I'm wondering how far I'll have to drive to get tahini sauce. Trust me, if I want Babba Ghanoush, it will have to be homemade. Should I move to Portland, Oregon, area? Nah... son just needs to return to his home state and I need to eventually move closer to civilization.
I'm glad to read that you are happy with this Blog. I'm swamped at work so the posting frequency actually works for me.
Some great explanations of what your daily (and Meade's) life is about around This Blog. I don't know how you do this anyway, or how you have managed to do it all these years. But all of us that read it regularly, or post here regularly or occasionally, love this space. Its pretty obvious how many people love this space and keep coming back to it.
I think I've said this once or twice over the past couple of years, but- Thank You. And thank Meade. We are truly appreciative of this unique and creative space that inspires some thinking, gives us new areas to consider that are not all political to consider (men's shorts), and takes apart the English language with a magnifying glass.
Through my work day, it is my multi-occurring reprieve. I work in a home office, or on the road. This is my break area. I love having it there and hope that it can continue indefinitely. Though, like I said, I don't know how you do it.
Spaced out letters ... seems about right for Colorado.
Not being obsequious, but this blog really is an extraordinary working of art. That’s why I love it so.
This blog is just fine. Moderation is fine. Saul Goodman.
I started out as a child, and "Philco" is the first word I spelled.
Talking ‘bout art in the next post; those old 50s refrigerators can be considered Modern Art (not for a gallery, but for the house).
A dog bowl on the counter. The corrugated metal looks like a window with a sheer curtain. A bucket in the sink. The flying dog [brewery] sticker has the word ‘shit’ replaced with a ‘burger’ sticker.
Our "refrigerator" was an actual icebox during my early years.
Perhaps Althouse could ask some trusted commentators to act as moderators. I did that back in the day on a hobby forum. It was a time sink but it kept the place nice.
And also just a word of encouragement. Althouse has created a blog of art. It has the perfect blend of interesting posts, interesting commentators and just the right number of comments. I don't understand these other blogs where there are hundreds and thousands of comments. Who are these people talking to? Who is reading all that. Anyway
"Perhaps Althouse could ask some trusted commentators to act as moderators."
To be in the position of moderating would be to have complete access to the blog. That's an impossible level of trust.
"Talking ‘bout art in the next post; those old 50s refrigerators can be considered Modern Art (not for a gallery, but for the house)."
The Museum of Modern Art has for many decades maintained a collection of items like appliances, household implements, and technological devices with great modern design. It has promoted the idea of art in useful everyday things and devotes galleries to them (and sells a lot of them in its store).
There's a company in Boulder who makes retro appliances like that.
But I don't know if I'd trust a restaurant that had a fridge with easy access like that to customers. I want other customers far away from food and food prep.
I had a great time visiting Boston once.
Would rather eat a dirt sandwich that live there. ugh! Too many people and they are all Hillary Stepford wife types.
Hey! I see that Boulder Beer is cutting back production. I remember visiting their facility back in (thinks for a bit) 1989? 1987?
Pile-on! Prof's place is the bestest! Really. What she has shared here can't be found in many places--at least, I haven't found them.
And her explanation of why she has had to change her approach is no more than I and others theorized-- this thing is an energy-sink even without the bitchery.
There are some posters who have been scarce since the revolution, who I hope may return; even if they don't it'll work out.
Sometimes the passengers have to get out and push
Turquoise: I hadn't considered that. It might work, though I don't care much for that color in general. (Avocado--a popular color in the '60s--is straight out.)
I do think that the red, red refrigerator looks super sharp.
Separately, of late, the balance between responsiveness to blog comments and filtering out the trolls seems much better. I do hope the level of effort involved is not unsustainable.
And BTW I totally understand and sympathize with your rationale as described @5:40 AM. I used to get a headache just scrolling through all that crap, much less reading it.
Another appliance that has the coolness factor of that painted red Philco fridge would be the the Aga stove/oven. I’d love to have one of those but they are quite expensive at least in the USA. They seem to be a lot more common in Europe.
Speaking of red 50s Philco refrigerators, next time you're in Denver, Althouse, you should check out the Kirkland Museum of Fine and Decorative Art in their new digs at 12th and Bannock. Lots of cool stuff.
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