October 21, 2019

"Doral in Miami would have been the best place to hold the G-7, and free, but too much heat from the Do Nothing Radical Left Democrats & their Partner, the Fake News Media!"

"I’m surprised that they allow me to give up my $400,000 Plus Presidential Salary! We’ll find someplace else!"

Trump tweets.


traditionalguy said...

Go Donnie, go Donnie, go Donnie, go. Play those Tweets like a ringing bell.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Each new day brings a new media melt down.
How many more Nazi whistle-blowers are lurking inside the Strozk-Yates Deep state? Stay tuned. The walls are closing in!

Big Mike said...

He’s right, you know.

wendybar said...

Democrats LOVE spending our money. Nothing our President does is good enough for the big spenders.

AllenS said...

Nah, thanks Trump, but we'd rather spend taxpayer money. -- Dems

gilbar said...

AND Free; he was going to put them up, For FREE; but NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Here's another fabulous Tweet from Trump--->

"So now Crooked Hillary is at it again! She is calling Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard “a Russian favorite,” and Jill Stein “a Russian asset.” As you may have heard, I was called a big Russia lover also (actually, I do like Russian people. I like all people!). Hillary’s gone Crazy!

-President Trump

Andrew Yang is also a Russian agent. who else!?

Achilles said...

What really upsets the leftists and globalists is Trump is not using the presidency to enrich himself like their tools do. He is losing money.

He is serving the people of the United States.

This is not allowed.

Gusty Winds said...

Saw an Twitter a great suggestion. Trump should hold the G7 at some cheap Motel 6 in some small town in Ohio or Pennsylvania that was devastated by Globalization.

Bob Boyd said...

Didn't the government take over Pedophile Island? They should have the G7 there.
They'd all be watching one another to see who already knows their way around the place.

roesch/voltaire said...

Maybe it has more to do with a number of Republicans who introduced Trump to the emoluments clause and suggested this was not good optics?

Freder Frederson said...

Liar. Either Trump or Mulvaney, take your pick (I'm sure they don't even know anymore). There is a vast difference between "free" and "at cost" (and "at cost" was bullshit anyway).

Bob Boyd said...

Or how about Hillary's house? I'm pretty sure they have a spare room. Three bunk beds and a roll-away is all you'd need. There's already plenty of boxed wine. Hillary could bake some cookies. It'd be great. After dinner they could play charades...with Bob Dylan rules.

tim maguire said...

They may have chosen Doral just to give Trump the opportunity to open up a new line of tweets focusing on how he has more respect for the taxpayers than do the Democrats.

He'd be right, of course.

Karen of Texas said...

So,emoluments rears its head again? I still need some clarity on that. MSM is naturally shouting "emoluments", but my understanding is that the Constitution’s emoluments clause prohibits government officials from accepting profits, gains or advantages from foreign governments without congressional approval — and prohibits the president from accepting those kinds of benefits from the federal government or the states. So how does Trump gain a benefit from the Fed or states in this situation? Seems that businesses around the property plus the resort would profit from an influx of people - so the city/state profits from tax revenue increases and the Fed will get its cut come tax time. Also, don't people actually work at that resort? You know, earn a living, pay taxes, spend their take home pay...so, good for American workers who benefit from increased bodies needing services and spending money to get them.

They act like the money just flows straight to Trump.

Is Trump supposed to leave office a pauper? Other Congress critters seem to work it just the opposite way.

I'm not sure where I fall on this. My knee jerk reaction is I don't care anymore. I am sick unto death of the continual Trump bashing. Politics has been a business where politicians are for sale for a very long time. Lobbyists buy off congressional representatives all the time.

Achilles said...

Hillary and Bill accepting direct cash payments from Russia.

No big deal.

Trump hosting G-7 at no profit.

Yeah these people need to go.

Mark O said...

Imagine a President not afraid to change his mind.

Bob Boyd said...

Trump should hold the G7 at some cheap Motel 6 in some small town in Ohio or Pennsylvania that was devastated by Globalization.

That is a great idea. Have it in Youngstown Ohio or Erie Pennsylvania or even Detroit. That would clinch those "blue wall" states for Trump next year. Hell yeah!

Bay Area Guy said...


victoria said...

What a whiny baby.

The optics alone are bad. The reality, even worse.

Vicki from Pasadena

jaydub said...

Okay, which one of the intrepid moderators allowed Chuck to sneak an inane comment past the impenetrable BS shield?

readering said...

The Democrats had already introduced a bill against using Doral after his G7 trial balloon in August. He welcomed their opposition. But he wasn't prepared for the Republican blowback.

cubanbob said...

"Doral in Miami would have been the best place to hold the G-7, and free, but too much heat from the Do Nothing Radical Left Democrats & their Partner, the Fake News Media!"

Folks I live in the Miami area and have been to the Trump Doral various times and have spent the night there. I can tell you that if a G7 conference is going to be held in Miami, the Trump Doral is the optimal place to hold the meeting. It's very close to MIA, a wall surrounds the property, it has the requisite meeting rooms-banquet halls and the the hotel rooms are in separate villas so each country attending would have it's own villa. If Trump didn't own it, there would be no conference. Indeed the other night in conversation with a diehard Democrat who asked me if Obama had owned the property would you be upset and my reply was no. I told him if the meeting is to be held in Miami ( and it would be good for Miami) the location was ideal so it wouldn't bother me. Would Obama owning it bother you I asked. Silence. Typical Democrat nonsense. Miami is largely Democrat. But just to screw Trump, they will screw themselves. Trump was going to do it at cost. Rest assured wherever the next conference will be held it won't be at cost and will probably cost the taxpayers a lot more than having it at the Trump Doral. Speaking of very wealthy politicians owning commercial real estate maybe Trump should issue a Presidential order banning any federal agency from holding meetings or conferences in a Hyatt Hotel.

Birkel said...

Shame on Trump for planning to use Doral.
He should have used a buffer.
Let a brother's property handle the business.
Like when the U.S. hosted the second-ever meeting.
But Democratic so ok.

Drago said...

readering the Historical Ignoramus: "But he wasn't prepared for the Republican blowback."


The guy who explicitly ran against the republican establishment and blew 16 of their selected candidates out of the water and who has been engaging the republican deep staters for 3 years now "wasn't prepared for the republican blowback"!!!

If you want to know what the dems are in such dire electoral shape leading into 2020, just take a look at the comments from our resident lefty dummies like Racist Poster LLR C****, Field Marshall Freder, Noted Historical Ignoramus readering and the hopelessly moronic vickie from Pasadena!

So. Much. Winning.

narciso said...

as I pointed out yesterday, the 1976 g7 was held at nelson rockefeller's bros hotel in Puerto rico,

Michael K said...

The haters are going to end up looking at a landslide and they deserve it.

Yancey Ward said...

He should either hold it in some Baltimore slum, or in the most expensive hotel and resort the US has to offer. He could use either one as a campaign stump to beat the Democrats and Chuck above over the heads. However, doing either one would probably be an impeachable offense.

traditionalguy said...

Emoluments were once standard operating procedure among the Divine Right Kings of England when Parliament would not grant them more taxes without a bargain. The French or Spanish Divine Right Catholic Kings would just send the British King a secret payment of gold coins. And a quid pro quo similar to China's ways of controlling the USA's current corrupt Government was expected. In fact that was the activity that Cromwell's Parliament guys called Treason and got Charles I's head cut off.

The Dems and the RINO's are very sensitive on the subject. Emoluments is why they ran for office.But Trump wants the best place to show off America Made Great Again.His profits would only be in the free advertising for a Resort.

They could rent out the Cloisters at Sea Island again as Bush II did. I recall that the entire Georgia Coast line up to 30 miles inland was invaded by security personnel ,all carrying big guns, for 10 days.

traditionalguy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

thank you, birkel, for noting this, this emoluments kerfluffle is just that, then again since the rockefellers were deemed to own the country already,

Rance Fasoldt said...

Did Congress OK the emolument of the Nobel Prize for Obama? Did anyone in the press question that it was an emolument? Asking for a friend...

readering said...

Drago, so what's your explanation for his retreat?

Marc in Eugene said...

Honestly, I didn't mind most of Chuck (more precisely, I didn't mind most of C. any more than I mind most of N. and A.), and very occasionally agreed with the burden of one of his comments (the form, even less often) but if he is going to be allowed back then let F. back too, and I., if they apologize first for their late episodes of nastiness.

wendybar said...

But Yancey Ward....WHAT isn't an impeachable offense when it comes to President Trump?? Every day we are told of something else he has done...like breath, that is impeachable.

Tomcc said...

I'm not strongly convinced that hosting the meeting on one of Mr. Trump's own properties is a bad idea; and I would agree that to the average person it may "look" bad. Karen of Texas makes good points @ 9:49, and I'd also think that there may be opportunity cost to hosting the meeting. Your regular paying customers will be prevented from staying while the event is being held.

Nichevo said...

but if he is going to be allowed back then let F. back too, and I., if they apologize first for their late episodes of nastiness.

Abso frickin lutely!

Nichevo said...

jaydub said...
Okay, which one of the intrepid moderators allowed Chuck to sneak an inane comment past the impenetrable BS shield?

Yes, and unless the game is rigged, C-word has been steadily hammering away at the gates since moderation began. So he can only have been expecting AA or Meade to read him. What a loony bird!

Anonymous said...

@cubanbob, My worksite is adjacent to Trump Doral and I'm very disappointed, I was looking forward to some excitement around here next summer.

Drago said...

readering: "Drago, so what's your explanation for his retreat?"



So lets see where we stand: Trump offers up his perfect (and, quite frankly, it is perfect. An absolutely perfect location. Google Earth it to see for yourself) location, his location, "at cost" (no profit), and the democrats come out and demand that we not save money by going to the perfect location and instead will spend tens of millions to go to a lesser venue.

I think that is a perfect encapsulation of what the democrats stand for.

And I guarantee you its a point Trump will include in his litany of democrat insanity that has been writing itself over the last 3 years.

And with the current travel itinerary of Barr and Durham (Italy, UK, Australia,...hmmmm those names sound very very very familiar) I think all this sturm and drang is designed to deflect what the dems know is coming.

CIA hacks who worked directly for Brennan are lawyering up and Clapper is not very talkative these days. I wonder why that might be....

Yancey Ward said...

"Drago, so what's your explanation for his retreat?"

He is going to highlight how much more expensive it is going to be when it is moved elsewhere- pretty fucking simple explanation.

Yancey Ward said...

It really is like certain people can't think more than one move ahead.

Larry J said...

Trump should hold the G7 at some cheap Motel 6 in some small town in Ohio or Pennsylvania that was devastated by Globalization.

That is a great idea. Have it in Youngstown Ohio or Erie Pennsylvania or even Detroit. That would clinch those "blue wall" states for Trump next year. Hell yeah!

And have it catered by Chick-fil-a.

Drago said...

readering, here's how you know something is working for Trump and not against him: he brings it up constantly and throws it into the face of the dems/media/NeverTrumpIdiots (but I repeat myself) over and over and over again.

Meanwhile, in just 2.5 years Trump has delivered:
- Lowest unemployment rate in 51 years across all demographics
- Minority owned businesses post biggest gains in decades.
- Inflation currently stands at 1.4%!! (remember how tariffs were going to bankrupt us? LOL don't here much about that anymore. Very wise dems/LLR's, very wise indeed to let that one go)
- Average Middle Class Family Incomes have risen by $6,000 (8%!!!!) When was that last time that happened? Don't answer. You dummies will just embarrass Noted Racist Poster LLR C****.
- Biggest wage increases occurred in the 3rd, 4th & 5th quintiles of wage earners

No wonder the working class loves loves LOVES Trump and will not be willing to cast that aside to go with the fake indian or the little gay guy who runs a small town and the former VP who violated every emolument clause that ever existed while helping to spy on his domestic rivals.

readering said...

That's the explanation? [yawn]

Drago said...

readering: "That's the explanation? [yawn]"

Perfect response. Perfect.


BTW, have you ever retracted your claims that Brett Kavanaugh was a gang rapist?

If not, don't you think its long past time when you should?

(I won't bother asking if you still believe in the hoax dossier/hoax collusion as I know you still do)

narayanan said...

The 46th G7 summit will be held Wed. June 10 through Fri. June 12, 2020
no Sundays

Larry J said... And have it catered by Chick-fil-a. -

making sure that works

readering said...

Trump saying he would have saved taxpayer money at the Doral will only be believed by his Fox News devotees. He lies like he breathes. Today he touts Doral because near Miami, one of the biggest airports in the world, "some would say the biggest." Not even biggest in the state (think happiest place on earth).

Drago said...

readering: "Trump saying he would have saved taxpayer money at the Doral will only be believed by his Fox News devotees. He lies like he breathes."


Any venue providing all accommodations "at cost" will be significantly less expensive than a venue not doing it "at cost".

Best yet, the actual overall bids of the different venue can be released as they are not techinically part of internal White House deliberations, as Mulvaney explained.

Its a pity your understanding of resort accommodation pricing is equivalent to your WW2 historical knowledge.

We are literally at a point where lefties like readering are arguing that resorts providing services at cost are no cheaper than resorts charging full freight!!!

Trump is amazing!!

readering said...

Amazing Trump--the guy just revealed to have been keeping two sets of books in 2017 for The Trump International Hotel and Tower, 40 Wall Street, Trump Tower, and 1290 Avenue of the Americas.

readering said...

Surely POTUS comments today on Doral and Obama post-presidential deals should earn an "Obama derangement syndrome" tag.

cubanbob said...

Unknown said...
@cubanbob, My worksite is adjacent to Trump Doral and I'm very disappointed, I was looking forward to some excitement around here next summer.

Shame. By the way, if you have the chance try the steakhouse at the resort. Excellent and if you like Martinis they made me excellent Sapphire very dirty Martinis with blue cheese stuffed olives ( if you like that sort of thing).

cubanbob said...

readering said...
Trump saying he would have saved taxpayer money at the Doral will only be believed by his Fox News devotees. He lies like he breathes. Today he touts Doral because near Miami, one of the biggest airports in the world, "some would say the biggest." Not even biggest in the state (think happiest place on earth).

MIA is the busiest in the state and one of the busiests in the world and happens to be next to the Trump resort. No one goes to Orlando unless its to bring the kids to the theme parks. You may be on to something there, the Dems should hold their convention in Orlando since everything they propose is Mickey Mouse.

Freder Frederson said...

Best yet, the actual overall bids of the different venue can be released as they are not techinically part of internal White House deliberations, as Mulvaney explained.

Well, why don't we wait and see what the overall bids are? That they can be released (and under FOIA, are required to be released if requested), I'm not holding my breath.

No matter what the bids are, either Mulvaney or Trump is lying. "Free" means no cost (it doesn't mean I'll get someone to pay me bribes and call it donations to pay for the meeting), "at cost" means no profit to the bidding entity. For a meeting like this "at cost" is tens of millions of dollars, even if you don't fudge the numbers.

readering said...

ditto Potus claim that all ISIS prisoners taken under Trump, not Obama, presidency.

Freder Frederson said...

quite frankly, it is perfect. An absolutely perfect location. Google Earth it to see for yourself) location

As someone who's job once involved including considering security concerns, Doral is not a "perfect location", it is a nightmare location. Sure it may be completely surrounded by a wall, but it is a decorative, not a security, wall. G-7 meetings attract protestors like flies. Being close to a major international airport is a bug, not a feature. Doral is in the suburbs of Miami, surrounded by office parks and retail; a security, logistical and economic nightmare.

And on top of all that, June is well into hurricane season.

Crazy World said...

Trump troll master, when has any average American given two seconds thought as to where the G-7 is held.

Crazy World said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Field Marshall Freder: "As someone who's job once involved including considering security concerns,...."


You think you're the only one?

Too funny.

Yeah, you have deep deep "security" experience. Just like your deep deep govt contractor experience made you an expert on security clearances.

You are walking talking example of Dunning-Kruger.

Drago said...

readering: "Amazing Trump--the guy just revealed to have been keeping two sets of books in 2017 for The Trump International Hotel and Tower, 40 Wall Street, Trump Tower, and 1290 Avenue of the Americas."


Get this information to the obama IRS and Mueller!! Stat!!


Gospace said...


Google satellite view of the Doral. Security nightmare? Nope, not even close.

Lots of nearby hotels to accommodate new media and other useless people.

walter said...

Via Chuck's link:

David Fahrenthold
‏Verified account @Fahrenthold

These are the questions we asked the White House after they told us @realdonaldtrump would bill his own govt “at cost” after Trump awarded a huge contract to himself.

White House responded that the @StateDept could answer them. So far, they havent.
1-3: questions they would not ask about any other hosting expenditure.
4: Are you trying to kill older leaders with such high altitude?

walter said...

(My apologies to the voluminous anonymous readers here taken aback by the tone of the comments...Not that that's civility Bullshit or anything.)

walter said...

USDA slags pissed its HQ moving to Mizzou.
Put these international summits in flyover too.

walter said...

Check in on that comment mod thread Drago.

BUMBLE BEE said...

MSM writing the campaign ads for him. Really genius. Oh, and the leftie's "optics" concern? There isn't but 2 dem candidates with American "optics". I'd bet a lot of G7 attendees are bummin now with missing out at the Doral experience.

BUMBLE BEE said...

We've seen today's lefties on their backs on the floor, kicking and screaming at the supermarket.

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