September 6, 2019

"'What I said was accurate!': Trump stays fixated on his Alabama error"/"Trump’s Sharpie-doctored hurricane map belongs in the Smithsonian."

Those are 2 headlines, both on the front page of The Washington Post, but not right next to each other.

I'm putting them side by side for humorous effect. Because: Who's fixated? Trump or the anti-Trump press?

Trump is hitting back, which is what he always does, and which the anti-Trump press likes to portray as mentally ill and unpresidential. (They're "fixated" on that characterization of Trump.)

So Trump hasn't dropped it — the subject of the Alabama-inclusive line on a map about the hurricane — but the press has also not dropped it. They seem to think it's a category-5 big deal. And now here's a WaPo column — it's by Eugene Robinson — portraying it as a monumental object worthy of display in the Smithsonian Museum.

So how is Trump "fixated"? He's just declining to sit back and take the beating like a turn-the-other-cheek Christian, in the manner of George W. Bush, who presided over the press's  Golden Age of Unanswered Attacks.


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Meade said...

If you like your Sharpie-doctored, you can keep your Sharpie-doctored.

In the Smithsonian!

Kevin said...

The press would much rather discuss this than the seven hours of Democrats talking about climate change.

That tells you all you need to know.

rhhardin said...

Anything could have happened. The prediction isn't the event.

The press is invested in the accuracy of the official predictions because that's what they hype for ratings.

Jaq said...

I just look at how the country is doing, which is pretty darn good. I learned that during the Reagan administration, when the president was apparently an affable, but senile moron, according to press reports.

Jaq said...

Also this will be the first recession where the slowdown was caused by lack of available workers due to low unemployment. Recessions like that are recessions for rich people only. That’s why that class of people is horrified by Trump.

Kevin said...

Trump: Here’s a map of the hurricane headed toward Alabama.

Press: Quick, change the subject to Trump’s writing on the map!

mccullough said...

Trump is having fun. He always does.

Chuck said...

Now THIS is the Althouse that we've come to know and love in the age of Trump. Full-on Trump defensiveness.

I hope that Trump and Althouse together keep defending this insanity. I'll send you a Sharpie if you need one, Althouse.

You could end up being the Attorney General in the next Trump Administration at this rate. Imagine sitting in cabinet meetings with Scott Adams and Steve Cortes!

Kevin said...

Is the weatherperson no longer allowed to “draw” on the telestrator to describe how the weather might change over time?

Because that’s basically all they do.

iowan2 said...

Well, China is being strangled by tariffs, has requested a resumption of trade talks. Cant examine the success Trump is having there. Some web site counted up that between mspms and cnn they spent over 2 hours hammering away on sharpie-gate.

Leftist have not a single policy position they can go after President Trump on. Smearing is the only play they have left.

Chuck said...

It wasn't the press that almost immediately refuted Trump late Sunday morning. It was the Birmingham, AL NWS office. There was no story until then. And Birmingham NWS refuted Trump because they knew 100% at that time that Trump was wrong.

Shouting Thomas said...

DOW closed at 26,758 yesterday.

So the hoped for recession failed to manifest and provide more Trump is stupid memes.

Jaq said...

Chuck who rejects logic to defend the Charlottesville hoax lectures us. LOL

Jaq said...

You know how you know the DOW is way up during a Republican administration? You aren’t seeing it in the news unless you go looking for it.

iowan2 said...

New job numbers came in Thursday, almost 50% above government estimates for August.
But sharpie-gate!

Chuck said...

And don't forget the real weirdness in this, Althouse; that while Trump is fixated on Alabama and old outdated maps, the Carolinas are in tremendous danger.

Tank said...

Safe and no damage here in coastal NC.


Jaq said...

Chuck, you are a joke. Can’t admit when you are wrong, fixated on trivialities. A joke.

Expat(ish) said...

Can we put it next to all this middle eastern maps without Israel and/or with Palestine?


Jaq said...

"New job numbers came in Thursday, almost 50% above government estimates for August. “

Why are they putting out jobs numbers when Dorian is threatening our coast!

richlb said...

I'm usually sympathetic to Trump, but that sharpie on the map was an unforced error.

iowan2 said...

while Trump is fixated on Alabama and old outdated maps, the Carolinas are in tremendous danger.

Fixated, you keep using that word. It does not mean what you think it does.

Chuck said...

Skylark said...
Chuck who rejects logic to defend the Charlottesville hoax lectures us. LOL

Fuck that, and fuck you too. You're talking about the Charlottesville Hoax Hoax. And I am not backing down on that, and you're an asshole for diverting this comments page to that off-topic subject. I am going off of Trump's four different, sloppy, vague, laughable statements on that subject. And my point in all of I isn't that Trump is a racist. Rather, that he is dumb and careless and sloppy. And I win that one every time.

David Begley said...

How ridiculous.

In any event, Trump wins Alabama and MI by a 30 point margin.

Jaq said...

“We can’t properly evacuate without Trump’s personal direction!”

“Should we reverse the lanes on this highway?”

“Yes! But we can’t do it without Trump’s personal authorization!”

“Should this shelter be opened?”

“We all know that we have spent years working on this plan, writing, updating, reviewing, but unless Trump personally OKs every step, we can do nothing but watch people drown!”

“That’s right, and we were trying to get him on the phone to authorize the use of that firetruck, but he is busy dealing with the press!”

“OMG, The humanity!"

Chuck said...

Tank said...
Safe and no damage here in coastal NC.

Yes it is storm-ravaged Alabama -- "a great state, it's called Alabama" -- that we must be worried about.

Kevin said...

Shorter Chuck: You think the media is fixated? Get a load of me!

Jaq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaq said...

"And I am not backing down on that”

So head over to the last cafe and show my why I am wrong. I already said you reject logic, so your “i’m not backing down” is not news. What would be new would be your showing me why I am wrong. But I know you are stuck in a corner, so you won’t.

I just like to use it to prove your are blinded by hatred of Trump.

iowan2 said...

Rather, that he is dumb and careless and sloppy.

Because the world is filled with dumb, careless and sloppy billionaires.

Gretchen said...

If the hurricane had hit AL hard and there was no sharpie line, Trump would have been accused of causing the the black people in AL to suffer, like Bush was after Katrina.

The fact of the matter is that hurricane patterns are difficult to predict, but the left believes they can change the weather in 10 years if we give up air travel, cars and burgers.

David Begley said...

“Anything could have happened. The prediction isn't the event.”

I predict that the Climate Change will devastate the planet in 2090. Just like I predicted Bangladesh would be underwater today.

Nebraska basketball will also be in the Final Four this season.

How are my predictions?

stlcdr said...

"NWS 100% right"

Hah (without an exclamation mark). Laughable. Without an exclamation mark.

While on the face of it, Trump was pretty foolish to tweet this (did he tweet it? all I can find, without going to twitter, is how Trump is a laughing stock) but it's exactly what all of us who live in Hurricane Alley do, mentally, to figure out what we need to do: extrapolate from completely wrong data.

Pookie Number 2 said...

Rather, that he is dumb and careless and sloppy. And I win that one every time.

Well, he’s a billionaire president of the US, and you’re a dishonest laughing-stock. You may want to find out what the word “win” actually means.

David Begley said...

Ann Althouse as AG would be 100x better than Janet Reno.

Hagar said...

And the color of Melania's shoes did not match her outfit?
It is not to be borne!

Robert Cook said...

What Trump said was not accurate; at best, it was speculative.

Mr. Forward said...

Chuck put his finger on it in a previous thread when he said the problem is Trump hates to be wrong. Unlike Obama who didn’t seem to mind being wrong.

Tank said...

Chuck said...

Tank said...
Safe and no damage here in coastal NC.

Yes it is storm-ravaged Alabama -- "a great state, it's called Alabama" -- that we must be worried about.

You JUST SAID the Carolinas were in great danger. Geez, try to keep up...with yourself at least.

Did someone drop you on your head in 2016?
You need to seek medical assistance.

jaydub said...

I predict that by November of next year Chuck will either be institutionalized or have joined the delusional, drooling and drug addicted street population. Who could have imagined the type of obsessive, personally destructive fixation on a politician that consumes Chuck? This man is a lawyer?

iowan2 said...

Seven hours of video and audio of all 10 viable Democrat candidates for President,going absolutely full batshit crazy on their climate hoax, requires leftist to counter program. Eliminate all fossil fuels(and stop nuclear power plants), reduce the world population by massive abortions. Ban the internal combustion engine, and on, and on. This saves for later the $trillions needed for all this insanity

but, but, sharpie-gate

Pookie Number 2 said...

What Trump said was not accurate; at best, it was speculative.

He’s very frequently inaccurate. But he’s implementing policies that make the country better off.

rehajm said...

He's just declining to sit back and take the beating like a turn-the-other-cheek Christian, in the manner of George W. Bush, who presided over the press's Golden Age of Unanswered Attacks

Exactly. The Thomasons told the Clintons to never apologize. Lefties don't seem to care about all the wasted time and money on a Russian hoax say nothing of the lies and the ethics. Trump keeps going and they wet their pants. Seems like incentive to continue, not to knock it off...

The scandal is right up there with Pro V1 gate...

rehajm said...

This man is a lawyer?

It does look like unwell...

Chuck said...

Gretchen said...
If the hurricane had hit AL hard and there was no sharpie line, Trump would have been accused of causing the the black people in AL to suffer, like Bush was after Katrina.

The fact of the matter is that hurricane patterns are difficult to predict, but the left believes they can change the weather in 10 years if we give up air travel, cars and burgers.

There was no doubt on Sunday, September 1 when Trump published that tweet. Because there was no doubt, and because the Birmingham NWS wanted only accurate storm-warning information to be going out from the federal government, they corrected the Trump tweet.

This isn't about hurricane prediction. It is all about Trump's fragile psyche.

And the unalloyed pleasure that we Trump-haters can take in seeing him push himself into stupid shit like the Sharpie map.

narciso said...

Roves weather machine still has bugs, so is gort 2.0

Birches said...

This whole "scandal" is a complete mystery to me. What did Trump do with a sharpie that the press is still talking about it three days later. I also know it has to do with the hurricane map and Alabama, but the press comes off way more unhinged than he does.

iowan2 said...

I so hope Biden survives the primaries and debates President Trump. He can ask Biden why he was one of only a few in the Obama administration that met in the White House to coordinated the spying on political campaigns being carried out.
But wait...

That would give Biden the opening he needs to hammer back with sharpie-gate

Jason said...

Trump tweeted about Alabama on the 1st.

But according to NHC data, the SE part of Alabama wasn't clear of possible TS weather until the 2nd... a whole day later.

Well, what's in the SE part of Alabama? The Chattahoochie River Valley, which has already flooded several times in recent years. We also know the South has experienced heavier than usual rainfall this summer, which makes the ground waterlogged and flood prone. Mississippi had some serious problems with a gulf storm in July because of that.

This would be known to emergency management officials.

Early projections had the storm coming right at Orlando and then into the Gulf. I know because I live in Orlando, and was paying close attention throughout. The morons are betting people weren't paying attention.

And even if Alabama DOESN'T get tropical storm winds, it can still get a hellacious amount of rain. Look at Hurricane Agnes... it came ashore in the Gulf, and then went on to cause serious flooding in Maryland and Pennsylvania.

People are being Absolute morons. Sure, we expect that of Chuck. But still.

The "gotcha" garbage is insane.

narciso said...

In other news:

Qwinn said...

Chuck admitted yesterday that Trump's initial mistake was "minor", that it's how he "refused to admit he was wrong" that mattered.

Except that I remember that Chuck and 150 million Lefties across the country *instantly* went into an obsessed tailspin over the initial "minor" mistake, before Trump had any chance to reply at all.

By the time Trump did first reply, lefties including Chuck had already been making sure that no one was allowed to talk about ANYTHING other than Trump,'s initial "minor" mistake as if it had been the stupidest gaffe in known history. The mockery was insanely intense.

Then, when Trump responded with, essentially, "GTFO, it was in fact a minor mistake, here's the maps that led me to think AL would be hit", Chuck 180s and pretends the initial trivial gaffe was no big deal until Trump's "fragile psyche" forced him to respond to what was otherwise no big deal.

And that is why Chuck fools no one. Because he's a complete asshole and an obvious political operative for the Left.

Leland said...

I agree with Gretchen and Jason.

Crimso said...

Trump should give a nationally-televised address, in which he embraces the GND and takes it several steps beyond for good measure. We'll never hear about AGW again.

iowan2 said...

And the unalloyed pleasure that we Trump-haters can take in seeing him push himself into stupid shit like the Sharpie map.

Idiot have to take the pleasure that's available

Because, the economy, border security, foreign policy, trade negations, NATO rebuilding, about any policy subject you can name, President Trump is vastly improving the position of the United States.

sharpie-gate is the meaningless minutia leftist latch on to, like a drunk with a bottle. Embracing the very thing that will destroy them

Chuck said...

No, Jason. I trust the Birmingham NWS office over you. You're looking for ways to defend Trump, post hoc. Birmingham NWS has the responsibility to provide Alabamians with accurate info. They weren't thinking about severe damage in ANY area of Alabama on September 1.

Here again is the Birmingham NWS tweet from less that 20 minutes after Trump's tweet:

NWS Birmingham‏Verified account @NWSBirmingham

Follow Follow @NWSBirmingham

Alabama will NOT see any impacts from #Dorian. We repeat, no impacts from Hurricane #Dorian will be felt across Alabama. The system will remain too far east. #alwx

8:11 AM - 1 Sep 2019

Meade said...

Chuck said...
“Fuck that, and fuck you too.”

Apologize to Skylark, Chuck.

narciso said...


Mr. Forward said...

In case you missed it.

A) Hurricane Dorian aiming directly at Mar a Lago.
B) Mystery sharpie line appears connecting Alabama Nuclear Repository to hurricane and back
C) Hurricane stalls out
D) Rescuers arrive sans Geiger counters
E) White House diverts attention to sharpie for the not so sharpies.

narciso said...


Meade said...

It is all about Chuck’s fragile psyche.

Birches said...

Oh, it was a tweet I can guess from the other comments.

Yep, our press is stupid. Trump is enjoying their ridiculous rage.

Chuck said...

Qwinn said...
Chuck admitted yesterday that Trump's initial mistake was "minor", that it's how he "refused to admit he was wrong" that mattered.

Except that I remember that Chuck and 150 million Lefties across the country *instantly* went into an obsessed tailspin over the initial "minor" mistake, before Trump had any chance to reply at all.

By the time Trump did first reply, lefties including Chuck had already been making sure that no one was allowed to talk about ANYTHING other than Trump,'s initial "minor" mistake as if it had been the stupidest gaffe in known history. The mockery was insanely intense.

Then, when Trump responded with, essentially, "GTFO, it was in fact a minor mistake, here's the maps that led me to think AL would be hit", Chuck 180s and pretends the initial trivial gaffe was no big deal until Trump's "fragile psyche" forced him to respond to what was otherwise no big deal.

And that is why Chuck fools no one. Because he's a complete asshole and an obvious political operative for the Left.

No that's not quite right.

I wrote that Trump could have corrected himself, and made a non-story out of the whole thing. But Trump went into immediate counterattack mode. He attacked ABC's Jon Karl, going so far as to misspell Karl's name and consequently dragged a small town pastor named Jon Carl into it.

You just made up a fake quote from Trump wherein you have him admitting that it was a minor mistake. Trump didn't do that. That Trump wouldn't and couldn't do that was indeed my point. And you somehow imagined that Trump did say it! Weird.

The story could still have faded further, but Trump made a bigger deal out of it with more belligerent statements over the weekend, followed by the Oval Office debacle and now followed by Trump's hauling John Roberts of Fox News into the East Wing to have a chat. (Roberts appears to be unconvinced, and defers all comments to Fox News' press office.)

I find Trump's fixation thrilling, and I hope it continues.

Chuck said...

Meade said...
It is all about Chuck’s fragile psyche.

Oh boy is that rich.

"Try to keep on topic and avoid personal back-and-forth with other commenters."

Original Mike said...

At first I wondered why Althouse would encourage Chuck in such a manner, but I now see it as a trap to keep him bottled up in one thread for the day. Clever.

JML said...

I purchased a silver Sharpie yesterday, not realizing there was a Sharpie scandal whirling around Trump like a Cat 3 hurricane. In retrospect, I should have bought a gold one in solidarity of a man who fights back.

Birches said...

The press and Chuck can't seem to understand that we know Trump's a pig. We just can't figure out why they enjoy the mud as much as he does, especially when they're always telling us liking mud is so unbecoming.

Meade said...

Chuck, apologize to Skylark.

Michael K said...

Fuck that, and fuck you too

The essential Chuck.

Why I scroll past your comments. Hilarious.

Mr. Forward said...

Chuck, could you please explain why that flight path you are obsessing over goes directly over the Alabama Nuclear repository and the hurricane? I think you are missing the bigger scandal.

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fen said...

rehajm: "The scandal is right up there with Pro V1 gate.."

Yeah. Whatever happened with that Chuck? I remember you all spun up about Titleist Gate: whether Trump used the Pro V1 as claimed or the Pro V1x as you alkeged.

Then one day you dropped it all like a hot potatoe. What's up with that?

Fen said...

(thanks for playin, rehjam, that made my day :)

Fen said...

"Chuck, could you please explain why that flight path you are obsessing over goes directly over the Alabama Nuclear repository and the hurricane? I think you are missing the bigger scandal."

Nuclear Repository Gate?

And away we go!

Chuck, why do you have no comment on Nuclear Repository Gate? What are you hiding?

stevew said...

Wow, the press and the Left's focus on this is ridiculous. Do they really think they will harm Trump with these attacks? FFS, grow up.

MIL's house in Florida is on an island in the Palm Beach area. She and her neighbors were ordered to evacuate in advance of the arrival of Dorian. Put up the storm shutters too - no easy task for the elderly which means it was expensive to hire a guy to do it. And then the storm turned northerly. All she got was some elevated wind and some rain. Had to pay for a hotel stay and to have the storm shutters put up and taken down. Should she get cost relief from NOAA or The Weather Channel or Chuck or The Press or the Left? Of course not.

Qwinn said...

"But Trump went into immediate counterattack mode".

Trump's reply to Jon Karl was Sunday night, many hours after you and lefties across the nation had spent ALL DAY hyperventilating about the initial issue and labeling Trump the biggest idiot in the universe for it. Nothing "immediate" about it.

I followed your links on Sunday, Chuck. I saw the thousands upon thousands of posts mocking Trump hysterically long before he had any chance to "correct" anything. You admitted the initial error was "minor" yesterday - that's a direct quote. So why the fuck did you go moonbat levels of insane over it BEFORE Trump said another word about it? Don't bother, we all know why.

Chuck said...

Can someone please explain this thing with Titleist and the Pro V1? What is the story? What was claimed? Who claimed it? Why is anyone bringing it up now, and why here on this page?

(Hint for anyone who is confused by this, and you'd be right to be confused. This thing, whatever it is, is a fake/imagined controversy of inestimable triviality and it is alleged that I started it. I did not. I don't even know what anyone is talking about with this story and at one point another commenter admitted that he had made it up but it seemed funny. Absolutely no one can quote me or link to anything that I wrote on this odd little sub-topic, apart from the fact that every time it comes up, I ask what the fuck is everyone talking about.)

So, as usual; if anyone wants to divert this comments page onto the subject of me, go right ahead. How boring. But please quote me and link to whatever it is you are trying to allege, from me.

Phil 314 said...

Chuck, you should get a dog.

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gilbar said...

Here's a serious question
Who's a bigger Life Long Liberal?
A) Eugene Robinson?
B) Chuck?

It's a tough call, isn't it? I mean, they've Both spent their lives working and supporting the Democrat cause; but, in different ways. Eugene openly spouts their inane drivel; Chuck openly spouts their inane drivel. . . I guess that they're Not that different, are they?

Fen said...

This whole "scandal" is a complete mystery to me. What did Trump do with a sharpie that the press is still talking about it three days later. I also know it has to do with the hurricane map and Alabama, but the press comes off way more unhinged than he does.

It's simple - the Media and the Purple Chucks were hoping for death and devastation so they could lay the bodies of dead Americans at Trump's feet, same as they did to Bush with Katrina.

So, the Media and Chucks got themselves all frothed up with faux outrage and righteous indignation, zinger talking points written by Sorkin, stock clips of drowned babies paid for by Soros. Like a hot tranny mess.

But Dorian stood them up. Didn't deliver the dead Americans they were lusting for. So now they are all dressed up with nowhere to go.

And in walks Sharpie Gate.

Chuck said...

Phil 314 said...
Chuck, you should get a dog.

I have a dog just like Meade has dogs. I "have" a couple of Labradors who aren't owned by me but I take them on walks, exercise them, help when they need to go to the vet or need their ears cleaned, when their owners are busy or out of town, etc., etc., etc.

The dogs love me. The owner adores me.

It is one of several things that I thought was cool, that I had in common with Meade.

I could go on. You want me to go on? I can talk about heirloom reel-type push mowers.

Beasts of England said...

Beasts of England is marked safe from Hurricane Dorian in Alabama.

Thank you, President Trump - you’re the best!! 👊🏼

Chuck said...

Wow, you can really appreciate the effectiveness of this story ("the story" being Trump's drawn-out hyperreaction) by the effect it is having on Trump and his most devoted fans.

Here is one way to get Sharpiegate off the front pages. Announce a comprehensive health care reform initiative that fulfills all of Trump's campaign promises on that subject. (Coverage for all, lowered premiums, better care, etc.)

Doug said...

I find Trump's fixation thrilling, and I hope it continues.
Yeah, about as much as you hope you get audited by the IRS.

BamaBadgOR said...

The media refuses to report that those of us in Lower Alabama were worried about getting hit by Dorian 10 days ago and people were starting to prepare for the storm.

Doug said...

Leaves, pine straw and dead branches all over my lawn in Eastern NC. I blame TRUMP!

Chuck said...

BamaBadgOR said...
The media refuses to report that those of us in Lower Alabama were worried about getting hit by Dorian 10 days ago and people were starting to prepare for the storm.

You were right to feel that way. At some early point when Dorian was far out in the Caribbean.

You concern was merited, but only for a time. Right up to the point in time where the NWS office in your state said, "Nope; no more worries. It is not going to affect Alabama, not one bit." And at that point you should not worry anymore and the President of the United States should not falsely tell you to worry.

The latter scenario being the true scenario on September 1, 2019.

Meade said...

"I could go on. You want me to go on?"

I want you to apologize to Skylark.

Beasts of England said...

The National Hurricane Center is responsible for tropical weather systems that may affect the US, not the Birmingham office of the NWS.

Stephen said...

No, he made a stupid and potentially harmful mistake, called out immediately by the State of Alabama, and then he obviously faked a chart, or had someone fake it for him, to cover up. That's not just fighting back, it's irresponsible ignorance and fakery.

Althouse deliberately does not engage with either the ignorance or the dishonesty. Let alone the pure laughable quality of the conduct. What's that about?

Original Mike said...

Offer him a bottle of gin and you won't hear from him for weeks.

Bruce Hayden said...

This whole "scandal" is a complete mystery to me. What did Trump do with a sharpie that the press is still talking about it three days later. I also know it has to do with the hurricane map and Alabama, but the press comes off way more unhinged than he does

The MSM and the Dems (the former a subset of the latter) hurt GW Bush on Katrina. Never mind that Bush did a decently good job, and the incompetence was with the Dem LA governor and Dem NOLA mayor. They established the meme that Bush screwed up, and it hurt him politically. Obama, of course, was the incompetent one, but that is studiously ignored. All things considered, Trump is doing a pretty good job. And the only thing that they seem to have on him was that he was over cautious, including AL in the possible storm track, before it became obvious that the hurricane was turning north instead. BFD. Trump was too cautious. Not going to lose him any votes. Where was Obama during his hurricanes? Playing golf somewhere safe? Taking a well deserved vacation back in HI, or up in Martha’s Vineyard? Sure didn’t have him constantly warning people to prepare and get to safety.

Chuck said...

Meade said...
"I could go on. You want me to go on?"

I want you to apologize to Skylark.

Skylark tried to divert this page into a discussion of the Charlottesville Hoax Hoax by using that story to attack me. An off-topic diversion, in the service of a purely personal attack. How many commenting rules did that violate? Or are there no commenting rules?

Birkel said...

Given the relatively large portion of Alabama's population that is black, I would think our resident self-admitted racist Smear Merchant would have hoped for hurricane landfall in Alabama.

Count me surprised that Chuck's hatred of Trump tops his hatred of black people.

Chuck said...

This whole "scandal" is a complete mystery to me. What did Trump do with a sharpie that the press is still talking about it three days later. I also know it has to do with the hurricane map and Alabama, but the press comes off way more unhinged than he does

Here's a mystery; did Trump place that sharpie mark on the map? He was asked about it and Trump's video-recorded answer was, "I don't know, I don't know, I don't know."

If Trump didn't put that mark on the map, who did? If Trump DID put the mark on the map, why would he answer, "I don't know..."?

A White House source says (completely unsurprisingly) that it was Trump's mark.

So again: "I don't know. I don't know. I don't know." What the fuck? When is he going to know?

Bruce Hayden said...

The funny thing about hurricanes is that they used to kill a lot of people in this country, and now they don’t, despite the tens of millions in this country that live in areas at least somewhat vulnerable. We had a Cat 5 crossing the Bahamas, dropping to a Cat 4 as it heads up the coast, and it is not clear whether or not anyone has died yet in this country. Over 1/4 million are without power in NC, but I expect that most of the thousands of utility crews from around the country staged well back from the coast in FL are following the storm up the coast, and will restore much of that ,power in record time. No doubt Walmart has their trucks filled with bottled water and other hurricane necessities also following the hurricane up the coast (as they did with Katrina). And a day or two behind these people are probably the NGOs like the Red Cross, who will use footage of the devastation to raise money. Short of ending federal insurance in hurricane zones, I don’t know how much better we could do against hurricanes. Nuke them maybe?

Chuck said...

Birkel said...
Given the relatively large portion of Alabama's population that is black, I would think our resident self-admitted racist Smear Merchant would have hoped for hurricane landfall in Alabama.

Count me surprised that Chuck's hatred of Trump tops his hatred of black people.

I did not want the black people of Alabama to be hit with storm damage.

I did not want the white people of Alabama to be hit with storm damage.

I did not want the black people of Alabama to be misled with inaccurate storm information on Sunday the 1st.

I did not want the white people of Alabama to be misled with inaccurate storm information on Sunday the 1st.

Andrew said...

It's shocking to me that Trump's detractors still haven't figured out his style yet. He creates one mini-controversy after another, and dominates the media each time. He sucks the air out of the room. Whether he's correct or accurate is beside the point. Meanwhile, his political opponents can't gain any traction.

Also, knowing Trump's luck, the storm is about to make a beeline for Alabama.

Fen said...

Purple Chuck: "Or are there no - "

As an English Lit Major, I'll toss you a scrap of advice: I read Finality in Meade's request.

Stop digging. If you test Meade, you will fail.

Birkel said...

I get all those lies, Chuck.
But that doesn't explain how your racism works at cross-purposes with your Smear Merchant activities.
I'm trying to understand the trade-offs a guy like you has to make between racism and Smears.

When do you decide it's more profitable to be racist?
And when do you decide to be a Smear Merchant.
Is there an equation?

Martha said...

Morning Joe is still hyperventilating about SHARPIE-GATE this morning..
Did you know that Trump has a special order Presidential SHARPIE!!!!!
That he uses it to sign documents!
He used that Sharpie to alter official Hurricane maps!

Michael K said...

Count me surprised that Chuck's hatred of Trump tops his hatred of black people.

Yup. Chuck is an equal opportunity hater.

Mattman26 said...

What if there was a second Sharpie on the grassy knoll?

Mark said...

Yes, if anyone is fixated on this silly inconsequential matter, it is the anti-Trumpers.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

I missed the original story but from all the MSM/anti-Trump hysterics, it's clear the walls are closing in on him again.

Birkel said...

I'm thinking Chuck's need to Smear Trump is worth about 2X Chuck's need to be racist.
Adding a third variable like threatening post-menopausal women...
Or offering medical diagnoses of children...

Well, that would get pretty complicated.
Fortunately I can do multi-variate calculus.

Birkel said...

He's like Han Solo in the trash compactor.

Qwinn said...

We all know that as of Friday both the AL National Guard and USA Today were still warning that AL might eventually get hit.

Chuck doesn't think this "misled" anyone, or had any chance of causing harm. Nor does Steve.

But Trump repeated their warning two days later, in the morning!

This is a tragic misleading of the population that could result in grievous harm to the public, even though the same statement 36 hours earlier could not and did not.

I wonder what was different the second time?

Mark said...

What a day! We are being treated with geometric logic to see that a duplicate key to the ward room icebox did exist.

Seeing Red said...

So if Dorian goes up the coast, Alabama won’t get rain?

It seems Dorian has morphed into an Emily Littella “Hurricane Never Mind” storm.

Seeing Red said...

Sharpie needed the advertising. Their stock wasn’t doing so well.

Seeing Red said...

Hurricane Disappointment.

That what this should be named. A YUGE Mar-a-Lago miss. Trump’s giving pressers, the USG was prepared, Bahamas were already being helped, it’s like Trump can handle hurricane prep.

Chuck said...

Chuck, on Dr. Ben Carson: Carson was a brilliant surgeon. He was also a brilliant expert witness in a medical malpractice case that I observed as a young lawyer in Detroit. I had the chance to meet Carson, and he was not only brilliant, he was a nice guy.

Trump, on Dr. Ben Carson: "I've met him a few times. But I don't know Ben Carson. He was a doctor, perhaps an OK doctor. By the way, you can check that out, too. They're not talking about a great [doctor] -- he was an OK doctor."

Chuck, ridiculing Trump after Trump named the Okay-and-not-great doctor to be Secretary of HUD and after Trump's suggesting that he would name Dr. Ronny Jackson as head of Veteran's Affairs in the wake of Dr. Jackson's crazed physical exam report on Trump: "Like Trump's nomination of Dr. Ricky Bobby for the Veteran's Administration. Or Ben Carson for Department of Black People."

This is the entire basis for "Chuck" as "racist."

FrankiM said...

Trump is never simply lying. His sycophants and apologists always have an excuse for him. What else is new?

Francisco D said...

Scrolling is my friend. I am finding it easier to completely ignore Chuckles' digs at Trump.

He is boring, obsessive, predictable and not very bright. Scrolling is also your friend.

Seeing Red said...

Chuckles, it’s hurricane season. How could adding Alabama be a mistake? It’s a reminder to stock up a few things and stay watchful.

I don’t know if it’s true, but after Katrina I read I think NOLA warns people every year hurricane season is coming, are you ready? I think they even had CDs to give instructions.

I live in the Midwest. The first Tuesday of every month at 10AM, that tornado siren goes off.

What is the issue?

Well I know what the issue is.

You need to take a breather.

What’s really funny is those talking heads are spreading across the country Trump has pressers on this and takes it seriously. They couldn’t bury this with a pillow.

rcocean said...

MSM making a mountain out of a molehill. There's no lie too big or fake news story too small that the Press won't use to attack trump. I can't be bothered anymore. Who cares about the real news? Just attack Trump 24/7. The MSM lost "Trump-Russia" & are getting desperate.

Seeing Red said...

SOUTH FLORIDA SUN-SENTINEL EDITORIAL: Gov. DeSantis proved himself a steady, strong leader in his first hurricane.

Seeing Red said...

Dorian should have been named Donald. RME

Fen said...

"Chuckles, it’s hurricane season. How could adding Alabama be a mistake?"

It's only a mistake if you want people to become complacent so they will die in a hurricane, so you can blame their deaths on your political opponent. To nudge his approval rating down 2%.

These people are sick.

Darkisland said...

I wonder how many of the quarter million without power are without power because of storm damage or because the utilities shut down power to minimize storm damage.

I also wonder if it is the same 250m today as it was yesterday and the day before? When the storm was in Florida, power off in FL but still on in NC. Today, power off in NC but back on in FL 250,000 PEOPLE WITHOUT POWER!!!!! IT'S ALL TRUMP'S FAULT!!!!!"

A denergized power line going down just needs to be replaced. An energized power line going down can cause a lot of damage to the system.

Standard practice here has always been to kill all power just before a hurricane hits. Makes it easier to restore after.

John Henry

Drago said...
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Drago said...

Poor poor LLR Chuck.

No amount of spinning by admitted liar Chuck and his little minion Inga can change the FACT that on both Aug 29 AND Sep 2 (yes, Sep 2!!) the National Hurricane Center produced Dorian tracking maps that clearly show Southern Alabama within the range for high winds, storms and flash floods.

That National Hurricane Center map was distributed at 5am on Sep 2 on their twitter feed, so anyone can look it up and see that LLR Chuck, who loudly and proudly declared one of his purposes here at Althouse was to lie about and smear Trump, is once again lying about and smearing Trump.


Because that my friends is what Reid Hoffman expects from his RolCon boys....

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fen said...

Hey Chuck, are you rooting for another 9-11 on Trump's watch?

May I introduce you to Zoe Quinn? You two should hook up...

Darkisland said...

Monday night when I went to bed Dorian was expected to pass south of PR

tuesday morning when I woke up, it was expected to clip the southwest corner

Tuesday night it was expected to come ashore about the middle of the south coast (Ponce) and travel out the NW corner

Wed morning, it was expected to pass right over the NE corner where I live.

Wed afternoon it passed over St Thomas about 40 miles NE of me.

We didn't even get any rain Wed.

Thursday we got deluged. Serious flash flooding.

NHC does the best they can but it still isn't very good.

John Henry

Chuck said...

Blogger Seeing Red said...
Chuckles, it’s hurricane season. How could adding Alabama be a mistake?

It was a mistake, to have suggested that Alabama could be hit harder than originally expected when that was a wholly false statement at the time, based on valid updated information.

And it was even worse, later on, to have suggested in that chatty, know-it-all way, that there had been new information suggesting that Alabama could be hit harder than expected. That wasn’t a mere mistake. That was fraud, aimed (disastrously) at smoothing over the original error.

Drago said...

What I love most about LLR Chuck's hilarious over the top and sick obsession with Trump is that this latest incident comes about on the heels of ever greater exposure of just how corrupt LLR Chuck's beloved and "magnificent" obama's admin really was.

Now we find out that Team Obama/Dem/LLR's literally covered up an Iranian terrorist attack plan against the US just to get the moronic and surrender-y Iran deal in place!!


Way to go Chuck! You've really picked a great team there!

Chuck said...

Blogger Fen said...
Hey Chuck, are you rooting for another 9-11 on Trump's watch?

May I introduce you to Zoe Quinn? You two should hook up...

And you should go fuck yourself.

Drago said...

Chuck is very very very cranky if his wife, Morgan Fairchild, fails to bring him his 5th highball prior to 10am, in-between his many tasks for which he charges $450/hour and a $4,500 minimum retainer for his "valuable" services.

And he loves dogs too!!!

Just like Hitler.....

Birkel said...

Chuck, holding all that racism inside is unhealthy.
Find an outlet to express your feelings.
Then you can use Smears and racism to slime Trump.

Good plan?

Drago said...

I also really enjoyed LLR Chuck's attack on the intelligence of the Alabama National Guard after they didn't play along with Chuck's far left narrative pals.

Their is something very Freudian in how LLR Chuck responds to military personnel and institutions that won't go along with his lefty plans. Something very Freudian indeed....

Seeing Red said...


All the experts suggested the coast would be hit with a Cat 4-5 hurricane. 24/7.

Trump put things in place for PR, suggested the mayor do her job this time. She got huffy.

Oops, avoided PR.

Then Mar-a-Lago’s gonna get it..

Oops, avoided that.

Dorian threw the experts for a loop, but Trump Trump Trump!!!

Then it was oops.

It stalled.


Beasts of England said...

’That was fraud, aimed (disastrously) at smoothing over the original error.’

You haven’t yet proved that there was an ‘original error’. To do so, you’d have to document that the Birmingham office of the NWS supersedes the National Hurricane Center, re: tropical weather systems.

Seeing Red said...

OTOH, if you don’t want CHAOS/KAOS, get a life, be thankful Dorian petered out, and enjoy the rest of the summer.

Step away from the TV, radio, SM.

Ignore the sharpie.

I didn’t even know Sharpie-gate was a thing until I came here.

Drago said...

Beasts: "You haven’t yet proved that there was an ‘original error’. To do so, you’d have to document that the Birmingham office of the NWS supersedes the National Hurricane Center, re: tropical weather systems."

Notice how LLR Chuck refuses to even mention "National Hurricane Center" since it destroys the entire excercise he is engaged in.

Anyone can go right now to the Twitter feed of the National Hurricane Center and look for their Dorian path projection map produced at 5am on Sep 2 and see Southern Alabama clearly within the storms path.

But our racist posting Chuck ain't gonna go there.....

Seeing Red said...

Seriously, your life is revolving around a sharpie.

Darrell said...

Beasts of England said...

’Notice how LLR Chuck refuses to even mention "National Hurricane Center" since it destroys the entire excercise he is engaged in.’

I’ve been laughing about that one, Drago - facts are stubborn things. :)

FullMoon said...

The irony of Titty Twister Chuck fixating on a hurricane is hilarious...

And, checking National Hurricane Center map that was distributed at 5am on Sep 2 on their twitter feed proves that Chuck is intentionally lying, or too stupid to resaerch the truth of the matter.


Michael K said...

The local Tucson newspaper has two (!)_ stories on the sharpie thing today.

I guess the DNC decided this was worth looking like a fool.

FullMoon said...

The icing on the cake would be for AA to ban Chuck so he could desperately come crawling back under another alias, ala "FrankiM"

Michael K said...

Chuck doubles down on failure. As usual.

Vance said...

I lived through Hurricane Andrew, back in 92. Now, if I were living the Chuck way, I'd probably have died. See, Andrew was a monster storm; and it tore through Florida. Then guess what? It turned and hit Louisiana, dead on.

Now, if I hadn't started preparing when Andrew was off the east coast of Florida, I could have been in real trouble. And as I recall, though maybe it wasn't the case as it was a long time ago, the forecast for Andrew did not include hitting Louisiana.

But Chuck, bless his heart, clearly would say that anyone who prepared in Louisiana were foolish.

Still: Reading this thread, I couldn't help but think of this clip, which in my opinion describes Chuck perfectly: Link to Youtube clip. It's totally safe for work.

readering said...

So let me get this straight. The more moronic the president, the more deranged the press seems to AA for reporting this. And the more folks here attack . . . Chuck.

Amadeus 48 said...

As Red Buttons used to sing, “Strange things are happening.”

Birkel said...

Swing and a miss, as per usual, readering.
The real moronic behavior happened on CNN.

Democrats want to ban All the Things!

readering said...

Yeah, no answer.

Sam L. said...

I wouldn't trust anything printed in the WaPoo.

Drago said...

readering: "And the more folks here attack . . . Chuck."

Your instinctive inclination to protect your fellow leftist Chuck is, as always, quite touching.

You wont remember these things because they occurred more than 15 minutes ago, but LLR Chuck has loudly and explicitly proclaimed 3 purposes for posting at Althouse:
1) to lie about and smear Trump to drive up his negatives to help the impeachment effort
2) to attempt to drive a wedge between Trump and his supporters
3) to attempt to drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers

Again, he proudly admitted that (no doubt while inebriated)

The good news for you readering? In about 15 minutes you'll forget you just read that as you continue white knighting for poor downtrodden Chuck.


Too funny.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

readering: "The more moronic the president..."


A lefty wrote that, just now, as all the dem candidates promise to take away everyones guns, confiscate autos (!), shut dowm our economy, open our borders up completely, give free healthcare to illegals, praise antifa, declare the oldest civil rights org a domestic terrorist organuzation, threaten to ban essentially everything, continue with the now fully exposed hoax collusion lies, threaten to get rid of the electoral college, pack the supreme court, return America to the status of world piggy bank thru corrupt trade deals, protect illegal alien murderers and rapists, and on and on it goes.

And we are not talking about the lefty fringe but instead the very heart and soul of the entire dem/left/LLR-left party.

But Trump is the moron!

Jason said...

Chucktard: Where do you think POTUS, the National Guard Bureau, the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA get weather forecast information from? The locals in Dawg Patch, Alabama? Or the NHC?

Hint: even a dumbass like you would have to concede it’s the NHC/NOAA briefing the POTUS. And the NHC didn’t clear AL of TS wind probability > 5-10 percent until the following day. Michael noticed the same thing I did. It was my job to chase hurricanes around and anticipate their effects as a commander in the FLG for many years, and I have more Hurricane mobilizations than I can count off the top of my head. I know where to get information from and I have friends in EOCs all over the place as well.

The NHC has forecast products that go out to emergency management officials that aren’t for public release?

One of them is a 7 day forecast coneS the one you get on the website is a 5 day. But grownups in positions of responsibility need more planning and movement time, so there’s a limited release 7-day cone among some other products. For people who need to move assets over hundreds of miles.

So Trump has seen things you haven’t.

But that doesn’t stop you from your supreme confidence in your ignorance.

Fen said...

Readering: "So let me get this straight. The more moronic the president the more deranged the press seems to AA for reporting this-"

Careful, careful. David Brooks just got raped by his own Strawman... first time is tragedy, second is farce. Do you really want to be that guy?

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

And now Soviet-boy Bernie Sanders says we must take even more American taxpayer money to pay for foreigners to get abortions!!

Readering will no doubt be unable to hold that thought in his/her/xer head beyond today and by tomorrow morning will pretend he/she/xe has no recollection of it!!

And #StrongDemLeftyAdvocate LLR Chuck will be claiming Trump made it up!!

Chuck said...

What fantastically stupid and hateful morons you are.

Here is the National Hurricane Center's map for 5:00 am on September 2, 2019.

I have no fucking idea where Drago got the idea that as of September 2 -- the day after Trump's "Alabama" idiocy began -- the National Hurricane Center was somehow predicting a hit on Alabama and somehow outranking the clear statement of the Birmingham NWS office.

By the morning of September 1, everybody knew that Alabama wasn't going to get touched.

readering said...

Lot of word salad this morning.

Fen said...

so there’s a limited release 7-day cone among some other products. For people who need to move assets over hundreds of miles.

So Trump has seen things you haven’t.

But that doesn’t stop you from your supreme confidence in your ignorance.

Thanks for sharing your expertise, Jason.

You've confirmed what I suspected yesterday: Chuck is that guy who parks his fat ass at the bar and second-guesses Bret Farve's play calling. And when asked about a Nickleback, responds that he can't make change for that...

"However, the harpoons should work themselves loose eventually, and that would rid Moby Dick of the lines and of Captain Ahab..."

Birkel said...

Chuck, racist fopdoodle, thinks this is a winning issue.
And somehow that makes Trump the dumb one.

Let that sink in.

Birkel said...

readering bemoans word salad.
Also, simultaneously, thinks Democratics' plans to ban hamburgers are awesome politics.

Geniuses will be forced to eat word salad.

Beasts of England said...

’And the NHC didn’t clear AL of TS wind probability > 5-10 percent until the following day.’

Sorry, Jason - according to Chuck, the NWS office in Birmingham has primacy over the National Hurricane Center!! ;)

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

I guess Skylark isn't going to get an apology, right?

Qwinn said...

I notice in that link Chuck just provided to us, it actually quotes a weather warning from Trump that includes Alabama... and it doesn't say a single word to correct Trump's supposed "error".

(I appreciate the rest of you who made me realize I was too quick in conceding that Trump actually had made an error.)

Jon Ericson said...

Original Mike @7:47
It's working.

Chuck said...

Is this the new claim? That President Trump issued a warning to Alabama based on information so secret that even the NWS Birmingham office didn't know about it and such that when, on Sunday 9/1/19, the Birmingham NWS contradicted Trump, the Birmingham NWS was in the wrong?

Am I understanding that new argument correctly? Please elaborate.

Beasts of England said...

’...the National Hurricane Center was somehow predicting a hit on Alabama and somehow outranking the clear statement of the Birmingham NWS office.’

Hahaha! Yes, how is is possible that the National Hurricane Center could somehow outrank a Tweet from a field office that isn’t in charge of hurricanes? It’s a mystery!!

Ken B said...

Hardin at 6:33 nails it.

And the map isn’t “doctored”. It’s an explanatory drawing with an explanatory line on it.

gerry said...

Their is something very Freudian in how LLR Chuck responds to military personnel and institutions that won't go along with his lefty plans. Something very Freudian indeed....

Particularly when this nonsense revolves around Sharpies.

It's Chuck's botched circumcision. Sad.

Ken B said...

Even cookie gets it right,perhaps unaware. He says Trump wasn’t accurate he was speculative. Cannot the exact same thing be said about the rest of that map? It was what might happen. It didn’t but it could have happened.

Fen said...

(checks watch)

This is about the time that "Purple Penguin" suddenly appears to champion a foundering Chuck. Armed with background and detail no one but Chuck would have.

He's late.

Or maybe just shy after being spotlighted as Not Chuck No Really?

Seeing Red said...

Step away from the sharpie, Chuck.

Chuck said...

Blogger Beasts of England said...
’...the National Hurricane Center was somehow predicting a hit on Alabama and somehow outranking the clear statement of the Birmingham NWS office.’

Hahaha! Yes, how is is possible that the National Hurricane Center could somehow outrank a Tweet from a field office that isn’t in charge of hurricanes? It’s a mystery!!


And I linked you to their dated and timed chart of the predicted path.

Now go ask the little prick Drago where he got the idea that the National Hurricane Center was somehow predicting a hit on Alabama as of September 2. And tell me why you believed it.

FrankiM said...

‘So let me get this straight. The more moronic the president, the more deranged the press seems to AA for reporting this. And the more folks here attack . . . Chuck.’

It’s a pattern. We on the left are so used to this by now that any attention these moronic “Trumpisms” are given are only to mock and to wonder what the heck is wrong with them?

Chuck said...

gerry said...
Their is something very Freudian in how LLR Chuck responds to military personnel and institutions that won't go along with his lefty plans. Something very Freudian indeed....

Particularly when this nonsense revolves around Sharpies.

It's Chuck's botched circumcision. Sad.

Hey Meade; do I get an apology on this one?

FrankiM said...

The mistake Chuck makes is to continue to believe the Trumpists here are rational.

The coo-coo train left the station long ago.

Tank said...

But, but what about Dingel Norwood?

Beasts of England said...

’What I am saying, you worthless bastard...’

You haven’t refuted a single argument I’ve made, and your link doesn’t support your claim.

Michael K said...

The Chuck and Inga show. Why I go to the cafe posts but none last night.

Earnest Prole said...

I still prefer Trump's Sharpie sketches to Hillary's.

Chuck said...

The National Hurricane Center was not predicting a hit on Alabama when Trump’s September 1 tweet went out. Trump put out shitty information, suggesting that Alabama may get hit worse than originally thought.

How much clearer can this be?

Drago said...

FrankingaM: "The mistake Chuck makes is to continue to believe the Trumpists here are rational."

How did your hoax collusion/hoax dossier/hoax pee tape/hoax gang rape charges work out?

Perhaps an update about what Mueller Knows would be in order.


Jason said...

Chuck: "I have no fucking idea where Drago got the idea that as of September 2 -- the day after Trump's "Alabama" idiocy began -- the National Hurricane Center was somehow predicting a hit on Alabama and somehow outranking the clear statement of the Birmingham NWS office."

That's because you're bone-ignorant and don't even realize the NHC publishes more than one map.

You're looking at the wrong product, doofus.

Drago said...

LLR Chuck: "The National Hurricane Center was not predicting a hit on Alabama when Trump’s September 1 tweet went out."


The Dorian projected paths produced by the National Hurricane Center on BOTH Aug 29 and Sep 2 CLEARLY show portions of Southern Alabama within range of high winds, heavy rains and flash flooding!!

Our racist poster Chuck thinks he can get cute about what it means to be "hit".

This is very similar to how Chuck quickly tried to shift the subject after he conjured up the mythical magical unicorn-y obama "dream-perfect economy" lie, which he has never retracted.

So, for those keeping score, to this day LLR Chuck has publicly declared obama's economic performance in glowing and mystical terms not even obama admin members dared to advance!!


LLR Chuck, to the far left of today's democrat party.


Beasts of England said...

’How much clearer can this be?’

If that’s directed to me, I’ve only asked for clarification about the NWS in Birmingham outranking the National Hurricane Center. I haven’t received that.

Drago said...

The National Hurricane center map of Dorian impacts published at 5am on Sep 2 clearly shows portions of Southern Alabama being impacted by Dorian.

Poor poor dumb ill-informed li'l lefty Chuck.

You know, they say there is always 10% of the dummies who never get the word.

Looks like lefty Chuck is part of the Permanent 10% Class.

Beasts of England said...

’That's because you're bone-ignorant and don't even realize the NHC publishes more than one map.

You're looking at the wrong product, doofus.’

That’s gonna leave a mark... :)

Drago said...

Beasts: "If that’s directed to me, I’ve only asked for clarification about the NWS in Birmingham outranking the National Hurricane Center. I haven’t received that."

Nor will you.

Obama's "dream-perfect economy" Chuck is not in the habit of writing anything that detracts from the days far left narratives and talking points.

Chuck said...

Beasts of England said...
’How much clearer can this be?’

If that’s directed to me, I’ve only asked for clarification about the NWS in Birmingham outranking the National Hurricane Center. I haven’t received that.

I don't give a rat's ass about that, because as far as I can tell, both offices/agencies knew where Dorian was headed on September 1, and it wasn't Alabama. Do you disagree with that?

I really don't care about you, or anything else associated with you.

Drago said...

Not to worry LLR Chuck! Obama's slacks are as well-creased as ever and you can always pump in more air to your Maddow blow up doll!

And that Joe Biden, why I'll bet his eyes turned red due to simple dehydration and he'll never have to be tossed into an SUV!!

So, all in all, things are looking up for you and Team Left!

Chuck said...

Drago you owe everybody here an explanation as to why anyone should think that on September 1 or 2, the National Hurricane Center thought that there would be some Dorian impact on Alabama.

It was beautiful -- 90's, bright sunny and light winds -- all this week in Alabama.

pious agnostic said...

Remember that early Dorian plot that had it bee-lining into Orlando? If you zoomed in, you would have seen the line ran right over my house.

(This is called hyperbole, which you can look up; but the path did eerily seem to run right through my front yard.)

This isn't the first time the plot has come right into Orlando. Thank goodness it didn't.

But I'll tell you what: even when all the models seemed to firm up and showed the storm taking a right turn and not hitting Florida, I didn't let down my guard. Because the storm had stalled, and the high pressure system could have dissolved and anything might have happened.

And, that's what all the weather officials told me: DON'T LET DOWN MY GUARD. Even though the models turned out, ultimately, to be correct, they realized that a storm doesn't know anything about models and can go whither it will.

Hindsight is 20/20. Telling Alabama to stay alert is not some sort of epic gaffe. Reading all these comments...that's much stupider.

Drago said...

Living in Lefty Bubble Chuck: "I don't give a rat's ass about that, because as far as I can tell...."


The map is viewable by anyone and everyone who cares to look. I've even provided precisely where in the twitter timeline to find it.

But you know Chuck!!

I suspect after this latest hilarious failure LLR Chuck will revert to attacking children and women as he has in the past.

Once he starts putting up racist posts (again!) you will know that he has gone over the edge and will need to disappear for a few days to regroup.

Let's all see what happens next .......

Chuck said...

I'm not going to bother to look for anything on your account, Drago. Put up the link.

Drago said...

LLR Chuck: "Drago you owe everybody here an explanation as to why anyone should think that on September 1 or 2, the National Hurricane Center thought that there would be some Dorian impact on Alabama."

For the 500th time, on both Aug 29 AND Sep 2 the National Hurricane Center produced projections that clearly show portions of Southern Alabama in the cone of potential impacts for Dorian.

I'm sorry that destroys the entire premise your latest lefty narrative attack on Trump and makes you look stupid once more.

I strongly recommend you do not revisit your idiotic comments related to how Trump feeds goldfish in Japan after this.

Just to be on the safe side.

Drago said...

LLR Chuck: "I'm not going to bother to look for anything on your account, Drago."

What if I simply wrote it on a piece of paper with "FusionGPS" letterhead.

I'll bet you'd look for it then!!


Drago said...

What if I had far left lunatic Lawfareblog writer Benjamin Wittes write it for me?

Why, you'd stand at attention then wouldn't you?

Drago said...

What if I had Rachel Maddow read it out on air?

Then you could listen to it over and over again since you record each and every one of her "creative musings" hours as mental "comfort food".

Chuck said...

National Hurricane Center; September 1, 2019.

Drago said...

What if the Bulwark "conserving conservatism thru attacking conservatives and defending communists" writers wrote it on their blog?

Would that be okay?

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