"I am only the third woman and the first mom to ever be the White House press secretary, and yet women attack me relentlessly..."
Said Sarah Huckabee Sanders (quoted in a Mediaite article linked by my son at Facebook).
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Middle school types, of course.
Is anyone surprised?
No one is surprised.
Will we now be hearing from self hating women about how women are just bitches and how they would much rather be around men?
Will we now be hearing from self hating women about how women are just bitches and how they would much rather be around men?
I think we just did.
99 percent? I find that hard to believe.
That's because there is nothing more vile than a leftwing fem-o-nazi.
“I think we just did.”
Nope. ‘Self hating’ is a description of a malady, I feel sorry for them, I don’t hate them.
Isn't it a cliche that women are most vicious and vituperative towards other women?
That’s why you should follow the Pence rule and not work with women. Let them hire, network and mentor other women.
What could go wrong?
Left-wing totalitarian progressive females only celebrate other left-wing totalitarian progressive females.
It's BS when progressive women say "It's about women." NO. In progressive totalitarian leftwing hive-mind - it's about being on team progressive totalitarian hive-mind and nothing else.
It’s because leftie women are assholes.
Republican and overweight.
Double whammy.
Sorry, meant to say “big boned”
Not surprised at all. Women are mean to other women.
I’m not getting the point here.
There’s some special reason women should support and celebrate Sanders because she has a pussy?
I don’t support and celebrate other men because they have dicks.
What is this mutual support bullshit stuff you’re trying to sell, prof?
That said, harassing anybody in a restaurant is offensive and stupid.
And related to Southern Baptist Evangelical
Triple whammy.
Sarah is a breeder. The homos and their enablers hate and fear breeders.
Just wait to see what they try to do to Amy Coney Barret.
‘Isn't it a cliche that women are most vicious and vituperative towards other women?’
"There’s some special reason women should support and celebrate Sanders because she has a pussy?"
Feminists are always about empowering women. That's what they talk about.
Except when women who succeed are Republicans. Then they're horrible.
We're just pointing that out.
What is this mutual support bullshit stuff you’re trying to sell, prof?
Disagree. Woman are vicious toward each other. My wife used to say, "A party to a woman is what a battlefield is to a man."
If her abusers were 50 50, it would not be a story,
Women are deep into conformity. Even Althouse, if only she would realize it.
"Misogynist: a man who hates women as much as women hate each other." - H. L. Mencken
Not a good look for a man to go up to a woman he does not know and insult her.
Women short-circuit to feelings where men analyze a few moves deep.
Do progressive females mock and shame other progressive women over their weight?
They could make a Movie about this!
They could call it "Mean Girls"
It could star Lindsey Lohan
Isn't it a cliche that women are most vicious and vituperative towards other women?
Yes. It is an overused thought that needs clarification.
When I was in clinical practice, a lot of my professional female patients complained about having to work with mostly other women. I think the problem is in offices that are almost all one gender. Under those circumstances, it often (not always) becomes quite vicious.
Oh wait!
They already Made that movie
Did you hear anyone in the MSM talk about "Sexist attacks" when Palin was running for VP? Did you hear anyone in the MSM talk about "the Glass Ceiling" when McCain-Palin lost? Or "Is America ready for women VP"?
Yet, we heard all that when Hillary lost. We heard it a LOT.
I agree with Jemele Hill. We need to go back to segregation. Of both races and the sexes.
That would certainly end the chance for racist or sexist acts. No more white supremacy. No more sexual harassment.
Isn’t that the most important thing?
“... and the first mom...”?
I like here but there’s a lot of bitchery in that comment.
Woman are vicious toward each other.
And they are complete angels toward men?
And we all know that if Trump had been a liberal Democrat running against a Republican, the "grab them by the pussy" tape would either never been made public or quickly buried and poo-poo'ed by the same media/pol types who were OUTRAGED.
Did Justice Breyer ever try to rape a woman in 1954? A women who couldn't remember the date, the place, or who exactly was there? We'll never know, because its only conservative SCOTUS judges who get accused of that and have senate committe testimony about it.
So, Sanders is just getting the usual treatment from liberals. With them, Feminism comes 2nd behind supporting the Democrat party and Liberalism.
Duh! That's because she gives other women a bad name and makes them look bad.
If the first male to take a position they'd been absent from were satan, a lot of guys would be bitching too.
She's not just a total liar but a fucking moron.
In Fairness, Jim Acosta tried to beat up Sander's girl assistant and take the Mic away. So, its not like LIberal men are that much better.
The fact she’s a mom is irrelevant. Completely. She had an important role as WH spokeswoman and she shouldn’t use motherhood as a shield. Nothing about her personally should affect her job. Reminds me of when Serena had her meltdown at the 2018 US Open and started yelling about being a mom. Who cares?
I think she’s also slyly placing herself above and apart from the other women who preceded her in the position. Lots of moms do this and act like they’re “Woman 2.0” because they procreated.
And rcocean is better than nobody.
Diana's Death Resonates with Women in Therapy
a reminder that the NYT used to have good articles. Compare today where everything is women's lifestyle positive.
Wasn't there some fatty reporter/celebrity who called Sanders Fat? John Goodman? The slob who worked with Rosanne? One of those two.
You'd think they' be smart enough to lay off the fat jokes, when they themselves are "chunky" but that's not how they roll. They only way they roll, is with fat rolls. In their brain.
FrankiM said...
‘Isn't it a cliche that women are most vicious and vituperative towards other women?’
Inga said...
LOL. What a dumb bitch you are Althouse. I’ve been restraining myself from saying that for a long time. How’s that for lack of restraint?
Inga...Allie Oop said...
Althouse got from me the respect she deserved, which was none. She routinely insults her commenters, yet demands that they apologize to her when they retaliate. It is a point of view deletion and banning and she was insulted that I didn’t accept her vast knowledge on the subject. She IS a lazy thinker, I’ve seen it many times over the years. What she deleted was me telling her that as a law professor she should know better and be embarrassed. I also called her a stupid woman, which is not unwarranted.
I think that the law students she “taught” via text book lesson plans should demand a refund from UW. As for Althouse treating women commenters differently than the male commenters, indeed yes she does. I’ve seen it happen numerous times over the years of commenting here.
She is the wrong kind of woman.
Politics trumps gender.
But she knows that.
Unlike Althouse, she has no illusions, I don't think. For example, our hostess still seems to think if she doesn't post "racist" content, progs won't come after her as racist.
"Women are deep into conformity. Even Althouse, if only she would realize it."
Well, she does realize she is "timid." But she is also an edgy writer and artist who doesn't put up with crap, she tells herself, and boldly, independently, cruelly-neutrally makes up her own mind in politics, she tells herself.
The left has been good at exploiting women's conformism and need for security. So, fellow conservatives, how do we counter that?
palin yesterday, Ivanka and melania, today, who knows who tomorrow, are unpeople, no courtesy need be given, whereas Hillary or michelle or warren must be celebrated, you must be made to care,
Looks like some contractor got his little feelings awfully hurt by what Allie said to Althouse.
Leftwing women are atrocious. They hate Sanders because she was tough. They must be ignored or mocked relentlessly.
Women can be bitches, but so can men. Being a bitch isn’t gender selective, unless you’re speaking of a breeding female dog.
Full Moon seems to be the sort of troll that is given preference here.
The only thing "tough" about Sanders is her sloping neanderthal brow ridge and her assaults on the truth.
But as long as Republicans want press secretaries made in the mold of Baghdad Bob, then I'd say she's a worthy successor to Spicer.
I think Trump's next communications czar should be stuart Varney.
Jeffrey Epstein would have been another Trump-worthy press secretary.
Privilege, privilege everywhere!
Sanders never met a Trump lie she didn’t provide cover for.
"Inga said...
Well you Trumpists, soon there will be an end to your Trump worship, with the end of the investigation and when the results are revealed for the entire world to see. I just hope you all won’t have some mental breakdown over what will happen. The Nation will survive, but I’m not so sure some of your psyches will."
There's a special place in hell....
Ms. Albright
So the female liberal MSM elites are transphobic. You'd think you deplorables would be more supportive
I've dealt with leftist women my entire life - both personally and professionally. I've also dealt with women on the right side of the spectrum that are also real pieces of work.
But without a doubt, leftist women are in a category unto themselves.
They are the very definition of See You Next Tuesday. If they weren't they wouldn't be leftists.
I avoid them like the plague.
FrankIngaM said...
.... you people own putting Putin’s puppet in Office. When this is all said and done you Trumpists and Republicans won’t be able to live this down for decades.
Oh that Inga sure was a breath of fresh air, whatever happened to her?
#MeToo #HerToo #SheProgressed Pro-Choice
Sex politics: The war on women.
Gender politics is prosecuted separately by the Rainbow spectrum (i.e. transphobia), specifically male transgender/neo-sexuals whp hate and fear that they will not be perceived as normal.
Chief Executive Lawbreaker - Whiny Weasel Trumpkins said...
The only thing "tough" about Sanders is her sloping neanderthal brow ridge and her assaults on the truth.
WTF? This is the type of commenter you should be going after Althouse. You direct your ire on people who comment in good faith, mistake it for bad faith and remain silent on this sort of dreck. This type of thing is dragging down your blog, not people who are here to express their opinions.
.Inga said
Stop and think how ridiculous you've become. I'm
fine with becoming persona non grata. Your blog has
become the cesspool it once was. I'm pretty much
done here. 2017
Inga said...
Althouse, you are so transparent. You respond to Chuck and now to myself in this fashion while ignoring Drago and others who you are aligned politically with. Ugh, what a disgusting forum you provide and contribute to.
Ugh disgusting place. Yes it’s time I removed myself.
It looks like this thread attracted the wrong crowd.
I have a grill to clean.
"After reading this thread, I think you nutbags are going to lose whatever marbles you still have left when the Mueller report is made public. I think whoever ends up in the role of President before 2020 might need to declare martial law, until you Cultists get yourselves deprogrammed. Have hope, there might still be a normal life after Trump for you poor souls.
Some serious Maddow wish-fact insanity.
No true woman would be successful.
Male arguments in person tend to be much less personal, even when they are violent.
That may seem odd, but it is so.
The conflict presents itself as a problem, the other party being the problem.
Victory feels more of a removal of a problem, I have overcome "that", not that I have beaten "him".
There is much less of an emotional subtext going on.
Another cliche is you can explain women to men, but not vice versa.
In my experience this is only mostly so, but there is some truth to it.
Isn't it a cliche that women are most vicious and vituperative towards other women?
Stereotype, not cliche. And like most stereotypes, there is a truth behind it:
Men resolve conflict with each other under the threat of violence, women engage in reputation destruction and psychological warfare intended to destroy self-esteem.
Consider Kellyanne Conway. First woman to run a Presidential campaign. Also pulled off the most stunning political upset in American history. And the feminists refuse to acknowledge her.
I was sorry to see Sander's go as she was an effective fighter. Since they closed down the daily kindergarten class/whitehouse briefings with Jim Acosta the need for her declined. I hope she does run for Gov.of Arkansas.
There are quite few women that can, or want to, fight on the clean, antiseptic sand of a proper debate arena. Where the conflict is, when done properly, impersonal.
Where the person is irrelevant, and the combatant presents simply as "the other".
A great number of men, conversely, dearly wish that such conflicts be settled on such clean sand.
It's the green, as in envy, deal. #MeToo often progressed with #HerToo confidence
I wonder if that's how male and female chauvinists normalized the wicked solution and the larger war on people... persons.
Here's some mean directed at a guy.
Mark Sanford is one ugly mofo.
Inside and out.
Another thing that is true, or more true for women-
"la donna i mobile"
Pavarotti in 1964
Inga: After reading this thread, I think you nutbags are going to lose whatever marbles you still have left when the Mueller report is made public. I think whoever ends up in the role of President before 2020 might need to declare martial law, until you Cultists get yourselves deprogrammed. Have hope, there might still be a normal life after Trump for you poor souls.
"Some serious Maddow wish-fact insanity."
I find it interesting that Inga keeps coming back to say essentially the same thing: "I am not the nutbag, everyone else is. And you are going to so ashamed for supporting Trump"
It's very important that she keep her Alternate Reality from being dispelled, likely because she has staked her entire self-worth on it. So her diatribes can be viewed not as insults directed at us but as Repetitive Assertions she must chant daily, like
Daily Affirmations, to convince *herself* that the Fantasy Narrative she has crafted is real and to keep it from being dispelled.
It's why she appears to be immune to shame. That's not really true, she feels shame, but her very sanity depends on maintaining her illusion, so the idea of Shame has been pushed down, subordinate to her hierarchy of needs. She represses her shame in service to keeping her faux reality from crumbling down around her.
I think we will hear about her on the evening news one day soon.
Men aren't as vulnerable to shame either.
They generally have much less invested in social standing.
Or this is more true of most, than the other way around.
The bite in these things are real consequences, loss of career, income, power, and consequent failure to meet obligations. Feelings as feelings don't matter, nor is the pleasure of belonging to some transient clique.
Being a conservative, Sanders is not a REAL woman to them.
She is a traitor.
It's why Fen appears to be immune to shame. That's not really true, he feels shame, but his very sanity depends on maintaining his illusion, so the idea of Shame has been pushed down, subordinate to his hierarchy of needs. He represses his shame in service to keeping his faux reality from crumbling down around him.
I think we will hear about him on the evening news one day soon.
“The idea that you think I would LIE about knowing the term... it's just so insulting to me. I don't lie and if you read this blog you should know that. Casually accusing me of lying is really LOW.’
Anyone who thinks I am lying about this can apologize to me or I have a low opinion of you.”
Interesting the bias against Sanders is so bad, that there is a Mediaite article about it. Just reading the site, and the stories recommended, I can tell the site is a bit to the left.
The article attempted to throw some shade at Sanders and justify a little bit what is done against her.
My view - there is a double standard against any Republican that is not Male and White. Woe be you if you are a women, or minority and support Trump, much less the Republican Party. You are treated as an apostate, a traitor, a betrayer, and are to be treated as such. You will get the full Alinsky treatment.
"la donna i mobile"
Sung by a don juan whose name escapes me.
When I was in clinical practice, a lot of my professional female patients complained about having to work with mostly other women. I think the problem is in offices that are almost all one gender. Under those circumstances, it often (not always) becomes quite vicious.
My daughter calls it an 'estrogen-rich' environment. Toxic.
Also, while I have sympathy for Sanders, her recourse to identity politics ("I am only the third woman and the first mom to ever be the White House press secretary") like Palin's a decade earlier, is pathetic.
My daughter calls it an 'estrogen-rich' environment. Toxic.
My first real job was as a mental health tech at a residential facility for male juvenile offenders. I met a number of correctional officers in the process who had worked throughout the system, and they (including all the women) were uniform in their opinion that they much preferred supervising male juveniles to females.
I'm not surprised that most of the people who attack Sanders in public places are women, because I find it hard to imagine a man doing that sort of thing, particularly to a woman. (OK. OK. Yes there's Jim Acosta.) I think that a guy who did that sort of thing regularly would eventually run into an angry escort or friend who would clean his clock, and then he wouldn't do it anymore. Speaking as a man (do I need to say "cis"?) I can't imagine doing such a thing, even to, say, Elizabeth Warren, one of the most obnoxious figures on the current political scene. (Gosh I hope that she gets the Dem nomination so I can vote against her.)
but that's precisely why they are more vicious, and the fact she's a public Christian, even adds more to this, they want to wipe out any public presence of conservatism of Christianity, any authentic Judaism, these people are endorsing cannibalism, which is the end result of the green nude eel, just another name for soylent green,
She’s successful, smart, tough...all things men are TERRIFIED of, right? But she has a husband, children, and the respect of men in her professional life. What gives, says the liberal feminist? Why is my life not like this?
The ensuing rage is a psychological defense mechanism protecting her from the terrifying realization that she hasn’t achieved what she wanted not because society wants her to be the impossible Stepford Wife, but because she just isn’t good enough.
her recourse to identity politics ("I am only the third woman and the first mom to ever be the White House press secretary") like Palin's a decade earlier, is pathetic.
Albeit honest, which seems to infuriate you.
It's more of an apothegm than a cliche.
I find it hard to imagine a man doing that sort of thing, particularly to a woman. (OK. OK. Yes there's Jim Acosta.)
Yes there's Jim Acosta. Which proves your first point -- its still hard to imagine a man doing that sort of thing.
Reality is quite a distance from "There is a special place in hell for women who don't help other women". But everyone knew she only meant "left wing women" right?
I've always been amused by the mantra "well behaved women seldom make history". There's no group who makes history more often then"seldom" but since the idea is to imprint aggression and nastiness into their acolytes reality isn't a consideration.
People certain of their own morality are both horrible and dangerous whether the resulting Inquisition is religious in the 1300's or radical-left political in the 2000's.
Because liberal women are bitches...?
Chief Executive Lawbreaker - Whiny Weasel Trumpkins said...
‘The only thing "tough" about Sanders is her sloping neanderthal brow ridge and her assaults on the truth.’
Once again, Ritmo Sock Puppet disappoints his handlers by going off his meds shortly after his release.
She's pointing out elements of their hypocrisy.
But the reality is women have more leeway when confronting women.
Sanders hits the trifecta liberal hatefest- she is Republican, slightly overweight, and a mother. What's not to hate for a liberal female?
FrankiM said...
Oh that Inga sure was a breath of fresh air, whatever happened to her?
9/8/19, 3:30 PM
New nic. Same deeply stupid dolt.
that's uninteresting. Anyone who is over 10 years old know that women are far crueler to each other than men and for a much longer time.
Unless of course it's wartime.
it was once noted (by a woman):
When a man is inconsiderate, it's usually out of clumsiness;
When a woman is inconsiderate, it's intentional
FrankIngaM: "He represses his shame in service to keeping his faux reality from crumbling down around him."
This poster literally believes Putin stole the election, Trump colluded with Russia, there is a Pee tape of Trump, Kavanaugh is a gang rape leader, the obama/Biden crew did not spy on Trump, the Iran deal was stopping Iran from developing a nuke, the 100 million murdered inthe 20th century by the commies is propaganda, etc etc etc.
Let all that sink in.....
Does Mueller even remember issuing a report?
Is all the back and forth here a proxy for social intercourse?
Is all the back and forth here a proxy for social intercourse?
I did not have sexual commentary with that woman.
Obviously wasn't allowed to sit at the Plastics lunchroom table.
Social intercourse is 2nd leading cause of STD's.
Any woman that votes for a democrat is a c***. It’s just the truth.
Sarah Sanders is practicing for her upcoming aria performance as an Arkansas politician . Listen to her sing: "Me, me, me, me!
There is no "self hate" involved in knowing that, other than our closest friends, women are mostly awful to each other. Inspired mostly by jealousy, and even our closest friends often betray us.
I'm sure men are awful to each other too. We are all fallen, but I think the viciousness is definitely different. As a woman, I would much rather be criticized online by a man than a woman. I've read some of the hate spewed at Sarah by women and it is pretty disturbing. The criticism by men is mostly about her looks and just makes them look small and ugly. Women know how to more effectively attack women. It took me two paragraphs to boil that down, but there it is.
Politically, women are the Socialist Sex (please--anyone--disprove this if you can) so I'm figuring those women were angry at Sanders because she wasn't playing ball with the "liberal" Hive.
Robyn Wright doesn't even know his name: Sgt. 1st Class Elis Barreto Ortiz, 34, from Morovis, Puerto Rico.
Althouse: :"You're wrong. The name is in the article. Why make assertions without checking?"
I did check. My mistake was when I got to the bottom of the page where it says:
Our Columnists
I thought that was the end. Although now I see the article continues beyond that. Thank you so much for taking the time to point out my mistake.
Althouse: Really, Fen, your commenting needs improvement.
No, it really doesn't. It's been very sharp lately, more than usual. You are just saying that because I challenged you yesterday on another topic and you are holding a grudge. You sure you want to play that game? Because I am more stubborn than you.
Althouse: I'm going to start deleting you a lot more, beginning with this comment in half an hour. You may copy what you've written and attempt to rewrite it. If you don't want to go to the link and read or you need and don't want to get a subscription, you need to be circumspect about what you say is in the article.
I will now happily copy everything I post here to repost 10 times over every time you delete it. And if you manage to ban this profile I will make several more and do it all over again.
You can front page a public apology to me for being a vindictive bitch and singling me out because I had the audacity to challenge you on something stupid. What was it again? Oh right, I said I was "skeptical" that you were aware of the NPC meme. LOL.
(lets see now... New desktop folder: Althouse, new txt doc: Althouse1, copy and paste and save. Ready to launch upon deletion. Your turn....)
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