September 5, 2019

Trump name-calls — "Bad 'actress' Debra The Mess Messing" — and challenges people to think again about the exile of Roseannne.

ADDED: What was the allegedly racist thing she said? "A black vote for Trump is mental illness."



«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 295 of 295
Fen said...

It was Union Thugs who threatened Althouse with "we'll throw our baseballs in your yard

Purple Chuck: Are you sure about that?

Yes. I was here when they did it. I found it noteworthy because at first I didn't get it.

Purple Chuck: As sure as you were that I was making up that quote about Chuck getting his testicles cut off?

I never said that. I simply asked you to provide a link because I couldn't find the remark upthread and didn't feel like hunting all the other ones for it.

As usual, you lie.

tim in vermont said...

I am so glad that we have a poster here who is obsessed with the retired ex governor of WI, somebody needs to keep that guy honest!

Fernandinande said...

Jung dismissed Johnson's case on June 14

A symbolic but deeply meaningful decision.

(BTW, it's "Alva Johnson", with an A).

alanc709 said...

Venona largely proved McCarthy was right.

Fernandinande said...

'cause a quick google search shows that you (using a different blogger profile)

There's an extraneous space in your URL; thanks to yet another google bug, the initial load of the search URL returns 6 hits, a reload of the same search returns 2 hits, and the correctly formatted search
[ "we'll throw our baseballs in your yard"]
returns 4 hits, all by Fen using the same name but a different blank profile.

iowan2 said...

FrankiM said...
Dorian roaring up the coast and Trump is fighting with actresses. Both Messing and Trump are assholes.

It's critical. CRITICAL! I tell you

It's not something silly, like an Ambassador and three other Americans getting murdered on foreign soil. After that happens, you jet off to Vegas for a little fundraising.

Fen said...

Google Foo Activate!

March 17, 2011

Union thuggery against Althouse and Meade:

"We will hang up wanted posters of you everywhere you like to go."

"We will picket on public property as close to your house as we can every day. We will harrass the ever loving shit out of you all the time. Campus is OCCUPIED. State street is OCCUPIED. The Square is OCCUPIED. Vilas, Schenk's Corners, Atwood, Willy Street – Occupied, Occupied, Occupied, Occupied. Did you really think it was all about the Capitol? Fuck the Capitol, we are the CITY... We have the numbers and we don't back down from anyone. We all know each other. We all know each other. We know each other from Service Industry Night at the Orpheum, because we're regulars at the same coffee shops, restaurants and bars, we know each other from the co-ops, we know each other because we've had a million jobs each (and we all worked at CapTel at least once), because we live in every shitty townie house in ever-changing groups of 2 – 7 people, because we are young and horny and screw each other incessantly, because we're all on facebook, and because we aren't anti-social, life-denying, world-sterilizing pieces of human garbage like the two of you. WE WILL FUCK YOU UP. We will throw our baseballs in your lawn, you cranky old pieces of shit, and then we will come get them back. What are you gonna do? Shoot us? Get Wausau Tea Patriots to form an ad hoc militia on your front lawn? That would be fucking HILAROUS to us. You could get to know the assholes on your side in real fucking life instead of sponging off the civil society we provide for you every single day you draw breath."

purplepenquin said...

I simply asked you to provide a link

You sure about that? You simply asked? You didn't call me a liar nor did you cuss at me? Said nothing bad at all about "simply asked" for a link, and that was

*rolls eyes*

Sad part is - I'm pretty sure you actually beleive your own bullshit.

Yes. I was here when they did it.

Well, since you're so sure and remember it so clearly can you please tell us the name(s) of who said what you're quoting? 'cause, as shown in the link provided, it appears that you (using your current blogger profile as well as a different one) are the only person who has ever written those words on this blog.

Several times you have made this claim that some "union thug" said that to Althouse - yet it doesn't appear under anyone elses' name 'cept yours. Perhaps Althouse got scared and deleted the threat after you saw it, eh?

But most of all - can you please explain how you (or some unnamed "thug") saying that about a baseball on this blog proves nobody said the same thing (but with a softball) on a different blog? That's the one I'm really looking forward to hearing about...

Fen said...

Sidebet: Now that I have proven the "throw our baseballs in your lawn" threats to Althouse came from Union Thugs and not her commenters, Purple Chuck will suddenly drop his entire line of argument?

Betting opens at 3-1

Fen said...

Purple Chuck: Well, since you're so sure and remember it so clearly can you please tell us the name(s) of who said what you're quoting? 'cause, as shown in the link provided, it appears that you (using your current blogger profile as well as a different one) are the only person who has ever written those words on this blog.

Hey dumbass, look at the post above yours - link and proof provided.


jeremyabrams said...

trump is like Shakespeare - everything you can think of he has already thought of. I don't like that he added the "bad actress" stuff, but he did it, I think, to get her goat, and goad her into a reaction. There really is no response she can make that doesn't involve climbing down from her racist position.

Fen said...

Hey Purple Chuck, does it suck to keep poking me only to pull back a stump?

This is like 5 in a row now.

jeremyabrams said...

trump is like Shakespeare - everything you can think of he has already thought of. I don't like that he added the "bad actress" stuff, but he did it, I think, to get her goat, and goad her into a reaction. There really is no response she can make that doesn't involve climbing down from her racist position.

Fen said...

And now we learn what kind of man Purple Chuck really is.

Will it offer a mea culpa and sincere apology? Or deflect and slime?

tic toc tic toc...

Rick said...

Google Foo Activate!

It's google fu, a riff on kung fu.

Fen said...


Darkisland said...

No, Rick,

It's Google Phooey

Friends don't let friends drive drunk or use Google.

I've not routinely used Google for search since the Bush administration.

Duck Duck Go and Bing both work wonderfully.

Every once in a while they seem not to return results I am looking for so I will try the same search with Google. It never returns the results either. Google is no better, and worse in a lot of ways, that DDG or Bing.

Stop Googling, people.

John Henry

purplepenquin said...

Heh - looks like your so-called perfect memory wasn't quite so perfect, and you switched "yard" & "lawn'...hence it didn't show up when I relied on what you said the actual quote was.

I now see that Althouse alleges she was threatened by someone who claimed they are pro-union, tho she was the only one who saw the post 'cause it was allegedly deleted right after she copied&pasted it. As you said (under a different profile) in that very thread..."sounds like a false-flag op to me". Something a Moby would do.

But then again, I used to think the same thing about you and Drago being Mobys (Mobies?), but it is obvious that ya'll are serious about what you are saying. So maybe these CapTel workers really were that pissed at Althouse and Meade...not pissed enough to hang 'em and shoot 'em (which is how pissed you are towards a lot of people), but pissed enough to wanna beat 'em up.

Anywhos - thanks for finally showing me what you were referring to. (Tho, of doesn't prove I didn't see a similar comment on a different blog, which was your original claim. But this has been an interesting look into your mind & how you think...especially that whole "simply asked" insight....totally worthwhile)

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Darkisland said...

Blogger Fen said...

Hey Purple Chuck, does it suck to keep poking me only to pull back a stump?

This is like 5 in a row now.

Tis but a scratch.

As he lies there armless and legless in his iron underpants bleeding out.

John Henry

Fen said...

Fen: It was Union Thugs who threatened Althouse with "we'll throw our baseballs in your yard"

Purple Chuck: Are you sure about that?

Fen: (provides link proving it)

Purple Chuck: blah blah deflect blah run away

I just knew you were of low character. Thanks for showing everyone here.

purplepenquin said...

And the five posts you made, while waiting for me to respond, is an even more interesting look into your mindset and mentality. Obsessive behavior like that is why some folks suspect you & Drago are one-and-the-same...mightwannacheckyourself.

Ralph L said...

I'd love to have a 70s-style solid metal center post agitator washer again. Those things got clothes clean and lasted forever.

There are plenty of top-loaders on Facebook Marketplace. I'm looking for a medium sized dryer, something else that is no longer made. The newer ones are either too deep for my cabinet or dinky.

You're supposed to clean the food off your dishes before putting them in the dishwasher!

Drago said...

Purple: "Obsessive behavior like that is why some folks suspect you & Drago are one-and-the-same...mightwannacheckyourself."

Which folks have articulated that suspicion?

Must be in the hundreds!

Michael K said...

Penguin, I'm sure, is unaware of other lefties trying to drive Trump- supporters out of business.

The new website promises to include, “a database of Trump-supporter owned businesses in the Pittsburgh area, as well as tips for how to get those specific businesses closed down.”

purplepenquin said...

blah blah? deflection? I agreed with what you said in that thread, and thanked you for providing a link to what you were talking about.

*rolls eyes*

And for the record - it didn't prove it was "union thugs" who made that alleged was Althouse who claimed that post came from a union, not the writer themselves. Not that I cared at all about that - just wanted to know what you were talking about.

However, the comments in that thread about "taking it seriously" and "sick the FBI on him" when it comes to threatening language online has me thinking - Should people take you seriously when you go on&on about hanging and killing people? Do you really intend to do such things or are you just shit-talking in order to blow off steam?

So far the general consensus of the blog seems to be that you're just talking the talk with no intentions of walking that walk...but I'm sure people have thought that about other mass-murderers as well. So you wanna go on record now as saying you're just talking crap when you say that shit or you wanna double-down on your death threats?

purplepenquin said...

Micheal K, as always, is unaware of what I am aware of. I know that some folks on all sides of the political spectrum call for boycotts and such against donors of their political's not limited to left or right, nor up or down.

I just find it really surreal how so many of the same voices who are aghast about a list targeting Trump donors were cheering on the online searchable database of recall-petition signers. (Much like how the exact same fella who was all kinds of concerned about Althouse being threatened now takes great pleasure in threatening others)

It's always the same ol' story, just the actors have changed places on the stage.

Roy Lofquist said...

Blogger rhhardin said...
It's not racist to say that a black voting for a republican is crazy. It's just saying that the dems are the party supporting blacks and the repubs are against blacks. So there's no logical or emotional reason for a sane black to vote otherwise, under the rule of self-interest.

That Messing's crazy is probably true but she's not racist for saying it.

Can nobody think for themselves these days.
Abortion is the leading cause of death in the United States.
A black baby is three times as likely as a white baby to be aborted.
Messing supports the Democrats and Planned Parenthood.

Messing is both racist and a white supremacist.
rhhardin doesn't think too good. He should try harder.

Gk1 said...

I get the argument that Trump is fighting the culture war single handedly but if he loses in 2020 I think it will be because people will have Trump fatigue. Personally I think he punches down too often like with these hollywood no-bodies. I had to look them up in google to even understand who there were. Trump should keep his powder dry. Not every liberal brain fart deserves a presidential rebuke.

Vance said...

See, PurplePenguin.... Or Chuck in disguise, I don't know.... Leftists have a long, sordid history of terrorist, physical attacks on people. They Dox. They Swat people. They physically assault them. They brag about it.

And you are here, diminishing and trying to sweep under the rug all of the vicious leftist behavior towards Scott Walker and people who disagreed that Scott Walker should be hung without trial.

Remember the John Doe prosecutions and abuse of power? I'm sure PurplePenguin was cheering that on--what's the point of government if you cannot abuse it, right?

Michael K said...

.it's not limited to left or right, nor up or down.


cheering on the online searchable database of recall-petition signers.

You mean like Prop 8 donors like Brenden Eich in CA ? I'm not sure you are Chuck under another name but you sure lean that way.

tim in vermont said...

It’s obviously Inga, I don’t know why you guys engage.

purplepenquin said...

Leftists have a long, sordid history of terrorist, physical attacks on people. They Dox. They Swat people. They physically assault them. They brag about it.


I ain't saying that some folks on the left behave as such....rather, I'm disagreeing with the assertion that only those on the left behave as such and that everyone on the left behaves as such.

Right here, on this blog, you got a couple fellas (one fella with a couple names?) who are openly advocating to torture and kill their political opponents. Are you suggesting that they aren't actually Trump-supporters (as they claim to be) and are instead actually "Leftists"? Please clarify...thanks.

BTW - as stated before, PurplePenquin (or just "Penquin", for short) has been my nickname, online and off, for about 25 years or so. I have no idea if Chuck has multiple accounts*, but rest assured this is the only name I use on this blog.

*When it was mentioned that Fen, Drago, and *clears throat* others have a very similar posting style, it was stated quite firmly that Meade can see IP addresses on here and that he would say something if Fen et al was engaged in such shenanigans...stands to reason that Meade would do the same in regards to Chuck and/or myself.

Drago said...

penguin: "*When it was mentioned that Fen, Drago, and *clears throat* others have a very similar posting style,..."



purplepenquin said...

*I ain't saying that some folks on the left don't behave as such

correcting a typo to my 5:39pm post. Sorry for any confusion.

Qwinn said...

When the Right boycotts, it's against targets that explicitly go out of their way to be as loud as possible in their virtue signaling bullshit. The Dixie Chicks. Gillette. That sort of thing.

When the Left boycotts... who doesn't it boycott? Just voting or donating to a non-Left cause is enough to get the mob after you.

So no, screw that, it ain't at all the same.

Oh, and this?

"I just find it really surreal how so many of the same voices who are aghast about a list targeting Trump donors were cheering on the online searchable database of recall-petition signers. "

I call fucking bullshit. I was reading this site through every bit of the Walker petition site, on a daily basis, and I *never* saw anything about an "online searchable database of recall-petition signers", never mind anyone "cheering" it on, and I don't believe any regular posters on the right here *would* cheer something like that. So. Yeah. YOU provide a link, or I call Fucking Bullshit.

Rusty said...

PP @ 2:13
You can't tell the difference? I think I see your problem.

SDaly said...

Trump should have hit back: "Everyone knows that "Will & Grace" should be called "Jack & Karen", the only decent actors on the show (although they are probably racist too)!"

narciso said...

well I really can't stand them, when did everything become agitprop.

tim in vermont said...

Come on guys, the Packers are playing the Bears tonight! NFL is back! Can’t we all get along?

LA_Bob said...

FrankM said, "Dorian roaring up the coast and Trump is fighting with actresses. Both Messing and Trump are assholes."

Oh? Is Trump supposed to huff and puff and blow Dorian away?

For me, it's enough he blows Messing away!

LA_Bob said...

For all those confused about readering's gender:

It appears there are two posters here. "reader" claims to be female, and "readering" claims to be male.

Maybe they're related or even married. Maybe not. But that's how I understand their genders.

Vance said...

I'm sure PurplePenguin cheered on the Prop 8 Doxxing of every donor who donated in favor of Prop 8. Never mind it was completely illegal to release that database. But not a single leftist that I ever saw cared one whit about how that list was released illegally. They were too busy running Brandon Eich out of town on a rail for wrongthink.

I agree with Qwinn, I followed Ann Althouse during the Scott Walker thing closely, and the whole "recall-petition signer" thing today is the first I've heard of it. Must not have been very significant.

PP: your whole false equivalence about "Posters on this site have made threats! Reeeee!" So what? Try reading DailyKos sometime. The difference is that leftists act on the threats. Remember James Hodgkinson? Of course you don't, who cares about leftists who try to kill Republican congressmen, right? No big deal, just speech in action! He was all over a Facebook group, "Terminate the Republican Party." It's still there, by the way, still advocating violence against Republicans and conservatives. And they have a history of putting it into action! Somehow, though... no one says a word about them. Just another case of leftist violence is speech, right? Speech you defend, naturally.

Look, I've read this site a long time. The people promoting violence have been leftists: Inga spent 11 months claiming that asking her to denounce leftist violence was torturing her--she would rather be waterboarded than say killing Republicans is wrong. Her own literal words. Ritmo has preached violence for decades. Anything I've ever seen from right leaning posters has always been qualified as "When the burning times come" or merely predictions of what happens when the left finally achieves their dream of overthrowing America and starting to destroy our rights. Or when they come to take our guns, our liberties, etc.

Maybe some right leaning posters go a bit far, I don't know. But it pales--pales! in comparison to the actual, day to day leftist violence all the time. The fact that you seem distressed about a few posters on a blog saying stuff against violent leftists says a lot.

You want to calm down the right? Go get your buddies on the left to stop rioting, attacking, assaulting, threatening, and in general demonstrating that their fondest wish is to reenact the Great Leap Forward and set up Stalin's Gulags and Hitler's Treblinka's to send all Republicans and people who they hate to. You'd better believe that there will be resistance to the left's clear desire to murder us all. You don't like it? Go get rid of your genocidal buddies on the left, and the Right will calm down.

buwaya said...

The subcultures I know are completely dominated by the "left", or rather the sort labelled SJWs. We are talking the people who run things and wear suits, as well as the tech companies with which we do business.

There is no equivalence, there is entirely real hegemony in the Gramscian sense.

It is remarkable that there is such a disconnect between reality and admitting the reality of the reality. In person, in these circles, there is, what I have noted, a denial of reality, plus a warning not to press the point, if you know what I mean. Which is a sort of admission of the reality about which one must not inquire too much about.

Very Vaclav Havelian. Even precisely.

buwaya said...

"Go get your buddies on the left to stop rioting, attacking, assaulting, threatening, and in general demonstrating that their fondest wish is to reenact the Great Leap Forward and set up Stalin's Gulags and Hitler's Treblinka's to send all Republicans and people who they hate to."

This is more of the noise-branch of that side. The real trouble happens quietly, with very little to see. Its just that some things happen, or don't happen.

buwaya said...

For every Brendan Eich, about whom there was much controversy (in those circles where he was well known), in most cases it is all about people one has never heard of, and never will.

But this goes on at the very core of your leadership or economy.

FullMoon said...

Un fortunately, everyone here boycotting NFL since kneeldown.

Skylark said...

Come on guys, the Packers are playing the Bears tonight! NFL is back! Can’t we all get along?

FullMoon said...

A reminder, prop 8 was California ballot measure in favor of traditional marriage. Donors were outed by Los Angeles Times and other main stream media. Not by some obscure website.
Property vandalized, supporters ostracized and terrorized.

I'm sure PurplePenguin cheered on the Prop 8 Doxxing of every donor who donated in favor of Prop 8. Never mind it was completely illegal to release that database. But not a single leftist that I ever saw cared one whit about how that list was released illegally. They were too busy running Brandon Eich out of town on a rail for wrongthink.

Vance said...

Buwaya is right; lots of the victims of the left's intolerance and hatred don't get attention, or publicity. We've heard of Brandon Eich, but how many know the story of Scott Eckern? He was a regular Joe, worked for a San Fransisco theater company as art director or something. He donated in favor of Prop 8, but kept it quiet; always treated everyone with respect, etc.

Purple Penguin's tolerant leftists got that list and promptly doxxed him and forced the theater company to "accept his resignation" and he had to leave California to stay safe, both him and his family. This was during the time when gay bikers were beating up little old ladies who were holding crosses, and that sort of peaceful speech the left always engages in. Eckern didn't get the publicity, but his life was ruined just like Eich's was.

Did anyone in PurplePenguin's nightmarish scenario of the recall list lose their job and had to flee for their lives like Eckern did? Somehow, I doubt it.

Michael K said...

Skylark said...
It’s obviously Inga, I don’t know why you guys engage.

The lefties switch ID often enough that I am not sure. They get banned for being assholes and are back the next day like MG with a new name.

readering said...

Prop 8 donor database was online and public. And listed employers. At my law firm there was a kerfuffle because some clients learned of donations. Firm had to point out that donations were a personal matter for the donor, and firm had nothing to do with them (and there were donations on both sides (including mine)).

Guildofcannonballs said...

"It's not racist to say that a black voting for a republican is crazy. It's just saying that the dems are the party supporting blacks and the repubs are against blacks..."

So in you brilliance mathematically, words are so malleable and utterly without any meaning such that you feel "to say that a black voting for a republican is crazy." = "the dems are the party supporting blacks and the repubs are against blacks" which makes you dumb.

Why with all that potential wisdom given your (to me) nearly humanly-infinite knowledge of great thinker's ideas do you try and espouse ideas that mathematically would have left you starved to death?

"to say that a black voting for a republican is crazy." = "the dems are the party supporting blacks and the repubs are against blacks" is dumb. Do you get it? They aren't the same thing, Messing wouldn't and most-likely couldn't even formulate your syntax even if she wanted to express what you expressed.

But you say they are equal. You have mastered math and simplified all human conduct to idiotic extremes.

I'll help if you acknowledge Althouse is a hero, much more so than the educated Bu Bu degenerates poisoning the minds of whoever disregarded the fine advice to ???*

*That's what I need to figure out. Coming up with ideas and then using an idiom of folk wisdom is the best argument I've considered myself to make. You don't rely on the folk wisdom but use it as emphasis, at the end, in order to make people feel "damn, I've heard that before, he's right."

*Doubt he'll at this point, late?, get it, but thanks to everyone who felt but didn't clog up the comments not with drunken banter, the key to truth*, like Francisco again.

*In vino veritas

**I often explicitly do not proof read, knowing I've fucked up, hoping for carnisso levevl insitte.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I sweat to God I believe I wrote, maybe, "you" in the first place even though I'm pretty sure I corrected it to your before I hit tha damn publish button.

This is Google.

Thank you m'lord, m' 'ave 'nother??

Guildofcannonballs said...

I can't help but think Messing is right and that her and her peers are better than me (us): they had the balls to go into a notorious industry. I talked to a big rich guy in Boulder once who had a Martin D14 my buddy asked to play 3 times. The guy said no three times. Stories. I was just waiting to get paid listening to some dudes talk guitars.

Then the rich dude says about working in L.A. and retiring to Boulder after about 6 years: AAA+ everyone you meet. The talent all over the world flocks there. And have for decades. Beautiful in Norway or Wisconsin is dead-by-25-whore in L.A. Given this known quantity, since fatty Arbuckle, and before, why wonder about the product if it is serenely producing effinecance?

Many have been raped, female and male.

And so the attitude is: hey you cna't do what we do so shut up and pay us fuckface.

They were right to feel that way in the world of JFK or Bill Clinton or Obama.

But now that, have you noticed, there isn't such a thing as a star anymore except for porn, they seem more pathetic than influential.

Nobody who's big today draws 1/5 of what a real star drew* back in the day. 20 years ago, film to film not franchise to oblivion.

40 years ago everyone knew the movies or the stars but most didn't watch much, of course the real important people watched, as dictators dictating every shot of every bodily function capable of earning but a single dollar.

60 years ago everyone knew the stars of the movies and tended to watch or talk about with those who have.

80 years ago film dominated the world moreso than nuclear weapons.

*fuck that ain't right

Vance said...

Readering: You obviously support the doxxing and harassment, then, of the Prop 8 donors? Things like, which literally put out a map of people to harass because they donated for Prop 8?

Because that was organized intimidation by the left, of course. And who complained on the left, saying it went to far to publish a map of where people lived and work in order to go harass them? Certainly not you. So you are complicit in it.

Same with PurplePenguin, who is shocked, shocked that after Prop 8 some leftists might get pressure to face consequences. After all, the left showed us how appropriate it was to target people who exercise their political beliefs. So how can the left complain? They want this kind of politics, so they should get it--good and hard. Make leftists suffer until they decide that punishing people for their political views is unacceptable.

Because if we are here to punish people for their political views, it's time to start hanging commies.

buwaya said...

"Things like, which literally put out a map of people to harass because they donated for Prop 8?"

That's all the noise-barrage side of things.

That's not what happens, that matters. If you are nobody, or retired, or are somehow invulnerable, or have no intention of being somebody, no problem. The noisemakers won't show up at your door.

Otherwise, if you are not one of those invulnerable people above, you simply don't get on the wrong side of these donor lists. Anymore. Nor do you get mentioned or noted for inconvenient opinions.

Because the consequences are implemented (nearly always) quietly and with no fuss. Best case - your career advancement may be over. You may be subtly informed of that, but that is not necessary. Very rarely you may find out why, exactly, about who said what to someone else.

Worst case you are let go (for some other reason perhaps, being on the undesirable list for the next purge) and placed on a blackball list in your industry, especially in the IT/Internet world.

This seems like a domain of paranoia, but it is real.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I am offering our resident genius more than he can comprehend.

We meet, he aceedes my goodwill and we film.

And we film and film. I'lmm make up some bullshit covr story as to why am there: He'll eat it up.

We will match Steve Correll on the Daily Show with Craig Kilborn. Or maybe, maybe, early early early J. Stew. Earlly.

It was absolutely hillarious but in the end mean spirited. Like the ubiquouty of Girls Gone Wild ads, signs things are becoming clearer is something a math geek could create and document with visual schematic forms for mere 120 IQ's like us here at the Althouse blog.

Guildofcannonballs said...

My buddy betamax3000 used to always think "only Guildy and I could interview OH Hard in that place the best" commentor Narciso links to sll yhe ime JOM.

We beclown ourselves with our fears.

We have more talent than Picasso and Karl Rove had, combined.

Althouse has given us the gift all great souls have aspired to, and we are too timid to see it through....

I just need 20% of gross, and about 80 Althouse commentaters to write upon Laslo-approved one great thing: Hard(in) Script.

I'll sell it for millions.

Uh, uh, I mean we will all MAKE MILLIONS!!!!

Michael K said...

If you are nobody, or retired, or are somehow invulnerable, or have no intention of being somebody, no problem.

The waitress in that Pasadena Mexican restaurant was not invulnerable. She lost her job just like Eich but with less cushion.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Older I get, rarely I humble, but I heard a reference to Da C. comic re: being real.



Comedy used to be a thing. It really really was a thing. It made people laugh. No shit, i am not jukin' around like a 4 second video replahing "OUch my BALLS!" for the 1,000,000,000 time, at a tiny profit each time, carelessly disregarding our youth's futures.

So it will be:

Writer: Laslo. Special Consultant: Hard(in). Producer: Guildy Ex. Producer: Althouse

The MacGuffing is Althhouse's vote.

Marcus Bressler said...

I went to the local pizza place tonight with some friends. I am aware that they don't offer plastic straws. Their pizza is great, inexpensive and about a mile from my house. So I don't boycott them. But I bring my own box of plastic straws, you know, the ones that bend. I offered them to my two dining companions and when I saw the table next to us staring, I offered some to them also and they all said yes, thank you very much. We all sucked tonight.


#RacistDebraMessing was trending bigtime on Twitter yesterday. Tonight, not at all. Hmmm

Guildofcannonballs said...

The gaslighting was expected yet unexpectedly not harsh.

I think, in the end, Chuck has a chuckle every night.

Especially at Drag's expense.

So, you know, good for them, they do what they like.

I've had to humble myself in that I appreciate 1200 rated players at mostly because I suck and can beat them and sometimes it's a newby because 1200 is where beginers start at, or peak in my case.

But I chose, like I once read at Ace of Spakes of all places, that you know hey I don'nt wan't to choose the life of an intellectual. This is probably when "Mary Moon, she's an intellectual, (Mary Moon, Mary Moon) who despite that fact remains, quite sexual (Mary Moon Mary Moon) had a bunch of airtime.

readering said...

Vance: Chill. Have a Coors.

readering said...

Michael K: not Pasadena waitress but owner's daughter on Beverly. Didn't lose job but lost business. You saw latest Tarantino? Restaurant featured as Sharon tate's last meal.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Watched Twilight fro 1998, an amaxin film.

Searched James Garner, and sure enough, he showed up.

Very impressive cast.

Margo Martindale.

Leiv Shrieber.

Others starring, but those were the two under the radar performances.

Guildofcannonballs said...

And the Legally BLonde star, seh was 'ere 'oo.

Rss Witherspoon.

Beautiful, beautiful, amazingly geourgous never nothing to aplogize for carerr0wise.


Carrier0wise carreir-wise.

Guildofcannonballs said...

It's been widely known since Marlon ra[ed that girl in the "butter" scence, whearwolf in Tango is is Marlon, was that thscence Marlon was Whearwolf in Tango: whatr.

I have never watched Last Tango because I hat paris!

e OR wee

Guildofcannonballs said...

Alright alright alright.

I'f I be honored so Hard(in) reads this: Sir you're a better man than I have done just based on your comments.

You are a valued member of this community and no doubt others.

I've got 50,000 communities in my mind you are a valued member of.

In Colorado, I've seen horses horsin' around literally.

It makes you think. These are impressive beasts.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Oh and one more thing: anybody says anyting about anybody over 65 we're gonna nuke your ass: you don't deserve teh ihgniyt o a youkmbut yyou just be cool okay.

Ken B said...

Why is the example always the Hollywood blacklist? Racists blacklisted black businesses in the south, got banks to deny loans, got wholesalers to deny business. I just read an obituary about a black man in Florida who was driven out of business by such a blacklist in about 1960. Don’t Messing's tweets suggest she would applaud the blacklisting of any black business which supported Trump?

Narr said...

"Post first, drink later," is my motto.

Somebody mentioned that degenerate hack Joe McCarthy and his lists. The problem with him wasn't anti-Communism (who in their right mind isn't anti-Red?) but that he huffed and bluffed and crashed like the drunk he was--but only after firmly implanting in the minds of many the notion that anti-Communists were all big-talking degenerate drunks like Tailgunner Joe.

BTW McCarthyism is often used to mean a set of beliefs; it's really a set of practices.

His loyalty was first last and always to Joe McCarthy

Michael K said...

readering said...
Michael K: not Pasadena waitress but owner's daughter on Beverly.

Then there were two. Nice work,. lefty.

narciso said...

Arent there at least 10 democratic senators who are as drunk and irresponsible as mccarthy

Guildofcannonballs said...

The reason I despise is because he knows he will be dead soon and instead of presiding over a God-fearing family he is seemingly just a scared cunt.

He ought be ashamed.

Vanderleun ought be ashamed spreading this shit.

You hate crowds okay: you declaim stay away from crowds you hate humanity and you always have.

Althouse is a war hero compared to G. Vanderluen and and these olders need to praise our next generations and not complain how ugly they made their own world(s).

Step up. My dad did more than you'll ever know and you thought because you made money you knew more than he did. I thought that way to my shame.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Althouse is Audie Murphy to Audie fucking Murphy, you thing he would say that about you Gerard?

Get your cunt uncunted.

Qwinn said...

McCarthy was a hero. He took on Stalin pretty much single handedly, and the Democrats and American media (already thoroughly infiltrated) destroyed him for it. Read Ann Coulter's Treason for just a few of the episodes in which the media lied about him utterly and completely. He behaved completely honorably, but Narr buys into every single narrative that the Stalinist show trial Senate hearings put out there for the useful idiots to absorb.

narciso said...

As for vanderleun, he has an off beat sensibility, he was on the left in the artistic community, knows what slithy toves they can be.

Buckley hung around along with the greemwich swell, meyer burnham amd chambers who knew the ebwmy in ways this cutrwmt hemeratio. Oat nro no longer does,

narciso said...

Enemy in ways this current crew does not, crikey, if you read the wise men you know the contemot isaacson amd thomas have for anybody who had a ohilosophical contempt for communism, those who had encountered mao up close.

narciso said...

Wherry from nebraska judd from minnesota, knowland from california as well as mccarthy

Guildofcannonballs said...

Marta all I can say is thank you, thank you, and kthank uou mucp ore.

SSOre cooe. aawsesme.

Bob loveyous thaniy againm//

Guildofcannonballs said...

Chip has some of the most amazing insights but he felt, at his old age, a decade ago, unwelcome here.

My heart hopes thoughts and prayers show thier force and bring together that which those who have purposely mispelled thier adn mispelled bakc to bakc to bakc...

Well we'll all sit 'round talking 'bout Mark Steyn being the best writer 'round.

Ray - SoCal said...

Manager at El Coyote made a $100 donation to support prop 8, and protests at the restaurant. Resigned. Business was hurt, but survives.

More info on people forced to resign:

No mention of Eich.

Political Donations in Ca are a public record, which is why I don’t donate.

Fen said...

Purple Chuck: When it was mentioned that Fen, Drago... have a very similar posting style

Wrong yet again. As an Eng Lit major, I can say with some authority that Drago and I have very similar *positions* on the issues, but not a similar *posting style*.

For example, I abuse commas like they are 3 for 1.

And Drago is prettier than me.

Crazy World said...

I just love it when my President tweets.

tim maguire said...

Why is Chuck posting under multiple aliases? I try to think if him as better than troll, but crap like this makes it hard.

tim in vermont said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bruce Hayden said...

“It appears there are two posters here. "reader" claims to be female, and "readering" claims to be male.

Maybe they're related or even married. Maybe not. But that's how I understand their genders.”

That was this week. They are leftists, so no guarantee that is their preferred gender this week.

Bruce Hayden said...

“That's not what happens, that matters. If you are nobody, or retired, or are somehow invulnerable, or have no intention of being somebody, no problem. The noisemakers won't show up at your door.”

“Otherwise, if you are not one of those invulnerable people above, you simply don't get on the wrong side of these donor lists. Anymore. Nor do you get mentioned or noted for inconvenient opinions.”

I am noticing a lot of red Trump 2020 and MAGA hats around here. A lot though worn by men who are at least 70. And, of course, everyone has guns, including probably one in their truck. Still, I do appreciate that we are in an invulnerable class due to our age and employment status.

I would suspect though that it would be more dangerous wearing one of these hats on a lot of college campuses than in many black communities. Don’t know though about Hispanic communities though - we will see at our house down in AZ as the election heats up.

Narr said...

Coulter? Please.

McCarthy singlehandedly taking on Stalin? Where do you get this stuff, Qwinn?

Of course the media lied about McCarthy--they lie about everything. Doesn't mean he wasn't a drunken incompetent (and a lawyer, hmmm).

Coulter is a lawyer who writes indictments of people she doesn't like and defenses of people she does like, not a historian; her research is shallow and shoddy.

And she looks like a trannie

Narr said...

About Venona--yes they proved that there was a lot of Soviet penetration, which was already known. Venona (and AFAIU the Soviet archives) have not shown that Lattimore, for instance, was a Red agent.

Lattimore's testimony before the McCarran Committee is a great example of hostile bullying and perjury traps, such as we have seen recently. He was asked about things that happened decades before and when his memory failed to match the records of his organization (which had been seized by the USG) he was perjuring himself . . . Sound familiar?

Never forget--the US Senate attracts bullies, cowards, and drunks

narciso said...

well lets consider his own words,

Narr said...

OK, Narciso, even your tendentious source concludes that McCarthy was not a competent Red-hunter, and it proves only that Lattimore was a naive lefty academic and writer outside the political big league, which has long been known.

The question was whether or not he was the Soviet espionage mastermind the Senator recklessly claimed he was.

Coulter sucks the green weenie

Paddy O said...

"Currently, we are forced to buy the "energy smart" bulbs that barely light up the room and require a hazmat cleanup crew when they break."

I love my LED lightbulbs. Yeah, there was the bad transition after the ban with cfl the options (which are terrible) but LEDs are so much better than incandescent. They cost more, but don't get hot and many have a lot of really great options, like motion detecting for outside bulbs, or adjustable light or color through Alexa, etc. I can set up a whole light schedule for vacations in my whole house with just an app. Plus cost savings in the long run and they've lasted longer than the others. I too bought a box of the old bulbs when the ban hit, but haven't used more than a few since getting on the LED kick.

DVSONE said...

TRiUMPhant > Messing-up BIG Time

Unknown said...

NONAPOD: I confess I haven't fully paid attention to this particular story, what exactly did this Messing person say about "blacks and mental illness"?

You think the rest of us are here because you are too stoopid to do a google search?

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