September 17, 2019

"They will do whatever they can to demean you, to libel you. They try to blacklist, coerce, cancel or destroy anyone who gets in their way."

"Look at what they are doing today to Justice Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh. Did you see the New York Times? Did you see what they are doing? Did you see what Democrats -- they're calling for his resignation. They are calling for his impeachment. And the woman involved said she did not know anything, but they still -- the New York Times had to put out a major apology and change their story. The woman said, I do not remember that. And they still want him to be impeached. And I just put out a statement -- and he is a great man, by the way. A great talent. A great, brilliant man, Brett Kavanaugh. I just put out a statement on social media that said -- I do not think they will do it, but they should, for the good of the nation. I called for the resignation of everybody at the New York Times involved in the Kavanaugh smear story. And while you are at it, the Russian witch hunt hoax, which is just as phony a story. They've taken the Old Gray Lady -- you know, the New York Times, for years, the Old Gray Lady, so prestigious. They have taken the Old Gray Lady and broken her down, destroyed her virtue, and ruined her reputation. She can never recover and will never return to greatness under current management. The Times is dead. Long live the New York Times. Long live the New York Times. I do want it to live, but they have to change their ways" (RCP).


henry said...

bully pulpit at work.

rhhardin said...

Trump speeches don't cut it for me. He seems to assume a mob waiting on his words.

The tweets are heaven. Those are aimed at poking the left for the silent enjoyment of the right. Watch the left's stuff fail.

Meade said...

All the fake news that's fit to wag in your face

Bay Area Guy said...

Trump fights. God bless him. Need more fighters like him to preserve our Liberty.

Also, we need to call out the Leftwing organs (Democrat Party, NYT, CNN, universities) as lying weasels, who hate America.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It sure would be nice if someone would file a defamation suit against the NYT and Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly.

Hagar said...

It's a campaign rally. There is a mob waiting on his words.

Kay said...

Just curious, how did that nicknamr, “old grey lady” come about? And what does it mean?

Professional lady said...

Good for Trump for calling out the New York Times. I think the purpose of the "story" was to intimidate potential nominees to replace RBG - as if they're not intimidated enough already. There is no lie that is so false and so base that they won't publish and promote it.

Hagar said...

Minimum of pictures, no gory headlines, carefully balanced well sourced reporting.

Good Times!

Ann Althouse said...

The nickname is actually "The Gray Lady." The word "old" is extra. It's like calling Trump the Old President of the United States.

Wince said...

They have taken the Old Gray Lady and broken her down, destroyed her virtue, and ruined her reputation. She can never recover and will never return to greatness under current management.

Interesting metaphor: the current NYT management invited the Old Gray Lady to a frat party, got her drunk, gang-banged her and photographed it for the world to see.

Mike Sylwester said...

I am happy to watch our President Trump criticize the fake-news media in this manner.

The New York Times deserves the public's contempt.

Nonapod said...

I could be worng but at this point I doubt that the NYT will lose too many readers over this. I don't believe that the people who still regularly consume the NYT are terribly concerned about fairness, accuracy, or journalistic standards. At most they simply want their biases confirmed. And they want Trump gone, they don't much care how. They're a dyspeptic lot.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

When did Fidel Castro die? We will never know.

ThunderChick said...

Trump fights. God bless him. Need more fighters like him to preserve our Liberty.

Agree! We can only hope the majority of Americans see through these unsubstantiated news reports from the NYT, WaPo and others. I wouldn't be surprised if the NYT received a cease and desist or demand letter from Kavanaugh's lawyers, which prompted the "clarification" that was omitted from the original article. I doubt they would do it on their own.

Wince said...

Professional lady said...
I think the purpose of the "story" was to intimidate potential nominees to replace RBG - as if they're not intimidated enough already.

Yep. That's two reasons why it will be a woman.

narciso said...

No the Times soecially under carlos slims is runaround sue, to re another thread, this isnt new and not unique to the times see jane mayer.

Original Mike said...

"I could be worng but at this point I doubt that the NYT will lose too many readers over this."

Hell, the people who read the "real" paper don't even know about it. The "correction" was only "published" on-line.

Francisco D said...

I could be worng but at this point I doubt that the NYT will lose too many readers over this. I don't believe that the people who still regularly consume the NYT are terribly concerned about fairness, accuracy, or journalistic standards.

You are not wrong. Among well educated liberals, there is no alternative to the NYT. It will always be the paper of record because it successfully markets itself in that way. It has an air of class that conservative outlets (like Breitbart) can never match, at least among the well educated, classy liberal set.

Original Mike said...

Not that publishing a correction on page B17 is a good-faith action in any case.

rhhardin said...

The nickname is actually "The Gray Lady." The word "old" is extra. It's like calling Trump the Old President of the United States.

The old gray mare,
She ain't what she used to be
Ain't what she used to be,
Ain't what she used to be
The old gray mare,
She ain't what she used to be
Many long years ago.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse (8:52), excellent non sequitur.

Bob Boyd said...

The NYT pushed Kavanaugh's penis into our collective face.

chickelit said...

There are 50 shades of gray lady -- some of them darker and more sinister than others.

Professional lady said...

Wince, I also think it will be a woman. However, the NYT et al won't hesitate to go after her husband and/or kids.

Dave Begley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dave Begley said...

I checked the NYT's interview of the NYT editor. The comments are interesting. One said, in essence, you are losing your credibility on the destroy Trump mission with mistakes like this.

Dave Begley said...

The two book authors blamed the NYT. They said the NYT editor cut the material language that the woman doesn't recall the incident.

They were told by the lawyers for the publisher to say that.

The rats are now pointing fingers at each other.

Bigger issue: That book never should have been published. One Clinton lawyer said it happened. This guy hates the GOP. His wife didn't get confirmed as a federal judge and is hearing divorces in DC. That's all the Left has on Kavanaugh. One rabid partisan.

wendybar said...

It's disgusting, but it is the liberal way. I am now just back from a 37 day suspension on FB for using the words "white trash". Liberals on FB can call you a white supremacist, a racist, a Nazi or any other derogatory term they wish, and get away with it. You wonder why Trump is going to win in a landslide??

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Wendybar - The left are all corrupt Brownshirt speech police Nazis.

Nonapod said...

Dave Begley said...
I checked the NYT's interview of the NYT editor. The comments are interesting. One said, in essence, you are losing your credibility on the destroy Trump mission with mistakes like this.

I believe that over the past few years they've lost most of their credibilty with people who value honesty and objectivity in their news. First of all, the whole concept of "destroying Trump" is obviously beyond the bounds of honest journalism. Ideally journalism should be about reporting the news, not destroying people.

But thing is, there's a hardened core of people who need a fantasy and want Trump gone so badly that they don't much care how it gets done. They'll keep giving NYT money as long as they keep giving them what they want.

DarkHelmet said...

Yes, it will almost certainly be a woman, and the line of attack will be: she's a practicing Christian! And not one of those mainline Protestant milquetoast Christians, either. She's a Catholic (or Evangelical!) That means she's a homophobe and a white supremacist! Creationist! Young Earther! Jesuit! She's a witch! Burn her!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It must be a coincidence that the Clintons are attached to the story.

Phil 314 said...

Is there a world where the NYT sticks to straight news AND the President doesn’t tweet?

traditionalguy said...

If going Alinsky Tactics on a SCOTUS Justice is all the ammo they have left, it's a sign of the final defeat of the Enemy of the People. Bombing the Amamco Oil facility to start a Middle East war was a big distraction, but Trump is too smart to fall for that. And the ongoing Peace and prosperity is killing the FED and the Globalists who need the chaos of war to sneak out their Drugs traffic and children traffic profits. They are going broke.

Dave Begley said...

Yeah, Judge Amy Coney Barrett won't get any Dem votes because she is a Catholic. There is now a religious test for SCOTUS: No Catholics need apply. The Dem party used to be the home of Catholics.

Go right ahead Dems and attack a female, Catholic judge who has already been confirmed once.

pious agnostic said...

Hagar said...
It's a campaign rally. There is a mob waiting on his words.

9/17/19, 8:47 AM

A mob that will disburse peaceably to their home precincts, queue up neatly on election day, and vote for Trump.

rehajm said...

Ann Althouse said...
The nickname is actually "The Gray Lady." The word "old" is extra. It's like calling Trump the Old President of the United States.

The nickname was actually 'The old gray lady'...

The old gray lady will celebrate her 100th birthday this September 18th...

...And newsman generally hail is as "old' and "gray" by way of acknowledging its traditional special marks: starch conservatism and circumspection

readering said...

Press Derangement Syndrome.

Oso Negro said...

And still, there are people who feel the New York Times is a paragon of news publishing. Really, what do they have to do to convince some people that they are no better than the National Enquirer.

readering said...

Me,I feel that.

Dave Begley said...

I wonder if Brett Kavanaugh is thinking of a libel lawsuit against the NYT. If anything meets the reckless disregard for the trust standard, this is it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Looks like Blasey-Ford is going up in flames.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Lying ugly lying flabby lizard-necked lying leftwing bitch

CBS news? wow.

Now, all four people that Blasye-Ford identified as being at that high school party in the summer of 1982 have all said that no such party occurred. And today, both the Republican chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee and the Democratic chair of the House Judiciary Committee said they would not support impeaching Kavanaugh.

Michael said...

Today's NYT is to the once great newspaper of record as the lightening bug is to the lightning, or a Pinch is to a Punch.

C Hayes said...

"traditionalguy said...
If going Alinsky Tactics on a SCOTUS Justice is all the ammo they have left, it's a sign of the final defeat of the Enemy of the People. Bombing the Amamco Oil facility to start a Middle East war was a big distraction, but Trump is too smart to fall for that. And the ongoing Peace and prosperity is killing the FED and the Globalists who need the chaos of war to sneak out their Drugs traffic and children traffic profits. They are going broke."

well said. this is the meat of it, trad-guy, you've got it. this whole clusterfahrk reeks of desperation.

NCMoss said...

I never imagined that President Trump would get so many of these "You're fired!" moments.

Ken B said...

Here is an example of the reaction from left wing echo chambers, in this case Coyne’s blog,

The contempt for evidence is palpable there.

rehajm said...

When you've lost CBS News...

Sebastian said...

OK. So the NYT is caught in another blatant smear. After several years of Russiahoax smears. Trump is right about the NYT, and it's obvious even to Althouse, who still regards (regarded?) it as a "real" newspaper, not like that "trashy" right-wing "press."

Progs don't give a damn about the lies and smears, except insofar as they may hurt the cause. We deplorables couldn't despise the MSM more. But the question, as always, is where do the Althouses of America draw the line? When do the nice moderately liberal potentially-swing-voting occasionally-NYT-reading women decide that they have had enough, that the prog culture war is a threat to them too, that support for abortion and Orange Man Bad do not outweigh the ongoing prog depredations?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

CBS news:

"Now, all four people that Blasey-Ford identified as being at that high school party in the summer of 1982 have all said that no such party occurred. And today, both the Republican chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee and the Democratic chair of the House Judiciary Committee said they would not support impeaching Kavanaugh.

Drago said...

ThunderChick: "Trump fights. God bless him. Need more fighters like him to preserve our Liberty."

And where are the NeverTrumpers and RINO's and Mitt Romney's and Bushes on this?

No. Where. To. Be. Seen.

Deep within their GOPe bunkers and smiling weakly and deferentially at their democrat "betters".

Skeptical Voter said...

Well Robin Abcarian out here in the Los Angeles Times (aka the skinny fishwrapper as it shrinks) is all in on the NYT Kavanaugh smear. There are people in this world eager to believe whatever the NYT says. Not that those folks are all that bright, but they have their illusions, and are bitter clingers to such illusions.

Drago said...

I guess some institution had to pick up the lead as the Massive Lefty Liars advance guard once Maddow went down the tubes.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Corruptocrats - led by the likes of Maddow and
Colbert are inspiring dummy leftists to lose their minds.

Politico also reports that other Democrats are “livid” that the FBI didn’t check out the claim from a third party that Kavanaugh had exposed himself at a different party. Er, what exactly were they supposed to investigate? The informant wasn’t at the party, and the supposed victim doesn’t recall such an incident happening. The FBI has better things to do than to chase down 35-year-old campus rumors about rowdy parties with no complaining witnesses. Talk about not realistic.

But but but - allegation!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The brownshirt left are collectively enraged that false allegations cannot be made to impeach everyone they hate.

Professional lady said...

This quote caught my eye this morning, seems apropos:

Our task is not one of producing persuasive propaganda; Christianity shows its greatness when it is hated by the world." St. Ignatius of Antioch. He was a martyr who died in 108 AD.

MacMacConnell said...

If Trump wins in 2020 expect the Left to commence bombings like they did after Nixon's re-election. Democrats can't stand democracy, especially losing. They are control freaks, Marxists always are.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Do you feel antifa growing? All that rage needs an outlet.

Michael said...

Dave Begley
I suspect if a woman is nominated, they find some nut to say the two woman had sex in college.

No, they will say she tried out for cheerleader. Or thought about it.

Drago said...

Here's the main takeaway: Every lefty knows the accusations are a lie. Every single one knows it.

And that's what they like the most about this attack. A completely innocent political opponent can be destroyed when everyone everywhere knows there is no evidence and its all BS. There is no greater joy amongst the left then when they can devastate just those sort of innocent political opponents.

This is precisely the same dynamic when the lefties know a dem is clearly guilty but they can launch alot of mud at the wall or obfuscate and delay and change the meaning of words in order to get the dem off. Billy boy is a clear example of this. So is Hillary and so was Ted Kennedy. The list is in fact endless.

We also see this in spades as more and more of the corrupt Stasi-like spying/frameup ops of the dems against Trump emerges.

It's all of a piece.

steve uhr said...

My opinion is that Ford was the truth teller. That said, he will remain on the Court and the House has bigger fish to fry.

mandrewa said...

This should be much bigger news than it apparently is Jan Crawford: CBS morning/legal person:

"We report tonight the real bombshell: Christine Ford’s close HS friend (who Ford says was at the party when Kavanaugh allegedly assaulted her) said Ford’s story is not believable and told the FBI Ford’s allies pressured her, threatened her with a smear campaign to say otherwise."

I hope Ms. Crawford doesn't get expelled from the media for saying this, but I suspect she's already on the hit list.

And this more or less establishes that Christine Ford and her near allies were malignant on basically every level, which would not have been my naïve guess.

Now I believed from the beginning it was an act of evil, willfully intended to do evil, but it was always my assumption that at least Christine Ford genuinely believed in her accusation. Now I think there's reason to doubt even that.

"They will do whatever they can to demean you, to libel you. They try to blacklist, coerce, cancel or destroy anyone who gets in their way."

This is so literally true. It has been true all my life, but as time goes on the literal truth of this just seems to become stronger and stronger.

Clyde said...

If the New York Times is not the enemy of the people, it certainly seems to be the enemy of the truth.

Yancey Ward said...

As I wrote in yesterday's thread, Kavanaugh should have filed defamation lawsuits against the accusers, especially those connected to Avenatti's clients and Ford. Today, he should file defamation lawsuits against the book authors and the NYTimes- you won't find a more clear cut case of malicious libel. Kavanaugh erroneously believed that if he just let it go, his enemies would go find another target, but this was naiveté to the nth power.

As for why now, the answer is pretty simple- Susan Collins.

Ken B said...

What has Althouse to say about Lynch Mob Lizzie and her immediate call for impeachment? Althouse predicted Warren would win the nomination, so she has an emotional investment in Warren. But isn’t such a shoot from the hip don’t worry about facts just exactly the worst attitude in a president, and one often attributed to Trump?

Bay Area Guy said...

"I wonder if Brett Kavanaugh is thinking of a libel lawsuit against the NYT."

I don't think Kavanaugh should file a libel suit. That's like wrestling with a skunk. Maybe, after a few years and appeals, there'll be vindication, but maybe not. The NYT will hire a shitload of attorneys and make the process painful.

A better option is to prepare for when an abortion appellate case comes across his desk, and to think very clearly and decisively on what the US Constitution says about abortion...

That will make the maximum statement.

Marc in Eugene said...

Ann Althouse said...
The nickname is actually "The Gray Lady." The word "old" is extra. It's like calling Trump the Old President of the United States.

The nickname was actually 'The old gray lady'...

From the Meyer article at Life: "To men in the trade the New York Times is the indispensable source of knowledge, not because it is slickly written (which it isn't') or brilliantly edited (which it isn't)"-- plus ça change; plus ce le même chose-- "but because it is so fastidiously complete and earnestly correct."

It is no longer complete (I remember when the NYT published documents issued at the Holy See in their entirety) and is all too often incorrect; so while I skim every day it can't be trusted.

Daniel Jackson said...

I don't know; the NYT is still the best newspaper to wrap fish.

hombre said...

Trump has confused NYT mediaswine with people who have a modicum of self-awareness and integrity.

Anonymous said...

"Is there a world where the NYT sticks to straight news AND the President doesn’t tweet?"

Yeah, but it's the one with Evil Morty, so I think on balance I prefer this one.

hombre said...

Trump has NYT mediaswine confused with people who have a modicum of self-awareness and integrity.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Steve Uhr said

"My opinion is that Ford was the truth teller."

Wow. She's a total liar. My guess is that you're a blind-faither.

btw - still waiting for your apology to Nick Sandmand.

rehajm said...

but because it is so fastidiously complete and earnestly correct.

The old gray lady, She ain't what she used to be. Ain't what she used to be, Ain't what she used to be...

Bay Area Guy said...

"My opinion is that Ford was the truth teller."

Yeah? Did you think Juanita Broaddrick was a truth-teller too?

steve uhr said...

I acknowledged that I was misled by the initial coverage and that Sandman did nothing wrong. Is that good enough or should I send him a letter. I don’t imagine you have ever made a mistake.

Sebastian said...

"What has Althouse to say about Lynch Mob Lizzie and her immediate call for impeachment? Althouse predicted Warren would win the nomination, so she has an emotional investment in Warren. But isn’t such a shoot from the hip don’t worry about facts just exactly the worst attitude in a president, and one often attributed to Trump?"

We'll find out, won't we? So far, Althouse and the Althouses have not drawn the line against prog insanity.

Althouse has a dilemma: Warren is the likely Dem candidate, and therefore the only person able to remove Orange Man and prevent more Kavanaughs, so AA has the emotional investment; on the other hand, she has claimed that she wants someone "serious," "competent," who "expresses American values," and she recognizes the absurdity of Warren's call for impeachment, along with other far-left nonsense, so supporting Warren also challenges her self-regard as a rational person who believes what she professes to believe.

But I would not underestimate Althouse's powers of rationalization, honed by years of teaching "law," so I look forward to the circle-squaring.

tcrosse said...

Back in the day, somebody (I forget who) said that the New York Times was not edited, it was compiled. That was back when the NYT was known for the completeness of its coverage.

Dave Begley said...

Leyland Keiser now won't back CBF. And CBF and friends tried to intimidate her. That's the real story.

LK said it made no sense for the two girls to be at the party and CBF bolted. LK had no recollection. How did she get home? How did either girl get home?

All one giant lie.

Dave Begley said...

Yeah, CBS has broken omerta.

bagoh20 said...

Imagine all this crap being thrown at a President that didn't fight back, or without that awful, untouchable right wing media to tell the truth about it. The Dems would probably take over without even having an election, and a lot of people would be fine with that.

For example, now with the Democrats supermajority the California legislators and the Governor are currently passing laws that the voters overwhelmingly rejected via referendum. They just don't care what you think, what you want, and democracy is only good when you win.

Michael K said...

Steve is all in with the left's assault on the Supreme Court. Roberts' cave on Obama care was not enough.

Ken B said...

People are forgetting the most likely explanation in re Ford, false memory. I think it’s important to note that She refused to divulge if the “therapist” used any techniques known to produce false memory.

I do not think Biden lied when he said he remembered FDR on TV, but it’s a false memory.

bagoh20 said...

You have to have serious amnesia or a weak mind to take any accusations like this serious until you've heard at least a week of response. Even then, you should find it highly suspect. I assume it's complete bullshit until I see corroborating evidence. These accusations have reached hysteria level.

LA_Bob said...

Professional lady said, " I think the purpose of the "story" was to intimidate potential nominees to replace RBG - as if they're not intimidated enough already."

I agree. Trump's aggressive response to this is typical Trump, of course, but it serves a useful purpose. It tells potential nominees he has their backs bigly and is proud to shout if from the White House rooftop.

Original Mike said...

"I don’t imagine you have ever made a mistake."

You're supposed to learn from them.

Francisco D said...

My opinion is that Ford was the truth teller.

My opinion is that you are burnishing your credentials as an idiotic Democrat cultist.

I can understand people wanting to believe CBF because men do bad things to women. They are the audience that the CBF show was targeting and manipulating. Even AA was buying it at first.

However, if you have half of a functioning brain, you ask yourself about complete lack of evidence and corroboration. You also have to ask yourself about the complex staging that CBF, Feinstein and activities groups performed.

I guess some people just want to be easily fooled.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

OK Steve - good

bagoh20 said...

"My opinion is that Ford was the truth teller."

Could I interest you in some real estate? It's some land I have, and I have sources that tell me that Donald Trump wants to use it lock up children and slaughter baby seals. We can't let him do that, but I need a buyer quick to prevent that horrible tragedy.

mockturtle said...

Daniel Jackson observes: I don't know; the NYT is still the best newspaper to wrap fish.

And how profoundly symbolic: The NYT sleeps with the fishes. ;-)

LA_Bob said...

Sebastian said, "Althouse has a dilemma:"

Althouse can speak quite well for herself, of course, but my recollection is she expects Warren to get the nomination. I don't recall her saying she supports Warren.

I also want a president who is "serious," "competent," and who "expresses American values". Since we choose a candidate in preference to competing candidates, the criterion "serious, competent, and expressing American values" is always a relative one, unless you get lucky and find a perfect match.

My opinion is Trump matches the criterion more closely than any of his wannabe replacements.

RobinGoodfellow said...

Blogger BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
Looks like Blasey-Ford is going up in flames.

Oh, the humanity!

Gusty Winds said...

Trump loves New York City. His words are interesting. He is suggesting the New York Times and its reputation is something that belongs to New York, not the disingenuous crooks that are currently running it.

It is amazing the lack of shame that exists in the liberal media mindset. It's psychotic. Probably because it's Godless, and its morality is purely secular. Lord of the Flies.

William said...

I forget when and why I gave up reading the Times. It used to be part of the fabric of my life. Back when television sucked, I used to depend on the Sunday Times to get me through a February weekend. I always thought that they had their prejudices, but I thought that one of their prejudices was that truth was more important than political narratives. I might have been mistaken even then in those views, but the Times did make efforts to give you the facts and act as a modulating influence on the zeitgeist......I suppose they always tried to shape rather than just reflect respectable opinion, but their facade of earnest seekers of truth was far more convincing back then. You can report on the parade and you can march in the parade, but you can't do both. The Times doesn't just march in the parade, they lead the parade, chose the route, and report what a fabulous event the parade is.

RobinGoodfellow said...

Blogger Phil said...
"Is there a world where the NYT sticks to straight news AND the President doesn’t tweet?"

Yeah, but it's the one with Evil Morty, so I think on balance I prefer this one.

Don’t forget the bearded Spock!

hawkeyedjb said...

"My opinion is that Ford was the truth teller."

To anyone who believes that Ford was honest in her accusation, I respectfully ask that you read "Justice on Trial" by Hemingway and Severino. Please read it with as skeptical an eye as you think appropriate; I approached it skeptically, thinking it was primarily a right-wing apologia. But after you've read it, please take some time to point out the factual errors and assumptions in the book, where you believe them to exist. Then state your reasons why you still believe Ford to be a truth-teller.

Michael K said...

I think it’s important to note that She refused to divulge if the “therapist” used any techniques known to produce false memory.

This is important and she refused access to her therapist's notes or records.

Steve doesn't need no stinkin proof.

n.n said...

The witches and warlocks are safe as the hunters and judges are on notice. The babies, not delivered by Stork, are still discriminated under progressive policy, but with reduced funding from a public consensus.

Seeing Red said...

I acknowledged that I was misled

Bwaaaa. You keep getting misled, Steve.

Maybe you should give some thought as to why or how it keeps happening?

Ken B said...

Your recollection is correct and matches exactly what I said: that Althouse predicted Warren. I did not say she supported Warren. But that prediction all by itself gives Althouse an emotional stake in Warren's success. That emotional stake, some of us speculate, will reveal itself in what is or is not said.

Bruce Hayden said...

In regards to CJ Roberts and Obamacare, I don’t think that it is over until it is over. By switching sides, and refusing to destroy Obamacare, he got control over writing the decision, and that opinion limited its Constitutionality to the mandate being a tax, and the parts being inseparable. Then, the Republicans effectively repealed the mandate, by setting it to zero. It doesn’t raise money, so cannot any longer be a tax. The Supreme Court has already rejected any other Constitutional basis for Obamacare (e.g. Commerce Clause, Necessary and Proper, etc). Even if he wanted to I don’t think that he could save it at this point, and with four strong votes to repeal besides his, and hopefully soon, a fifth, I expect him to capitulate when it gets back up to them. And this time around, I think that he has a nice way out, being able to say essentially that the Supreme Court went out of its way to not invalidate Obamacare, and thwart the will of Congress, by declaring it a tax, and Congress responded by making the mandate no longer a tax, thus invalidating Obamacare is now the will of Congress and the President, together, and can’t be blamed on the Supreme Court. Which leaves the question open, whether his decision was really a trap for the Democrats, when he effectively shut out any other Constitutional justifications for the legislation, or was it, instead mere happenstance.

wildswan said...

It's interesting to see that Leland Keyser resisted all the pressures to lie about Kavanaugh even though she does not like Trump and supports abortion. She just a citizen and the anti-Kavanaughs threatened her with social-death-by-Twitter and other dark unspecified harms. But she wouldn't lie for them. As the NYT descends into fishwrap, along with its deluded status-seeking subscribers, let's not overlook these minor heroes, minor only in the sense that their fame is brief. For as long as it mattered, this woman has upheld a major principle, tell the truth, showing as much courage against Our Betters as any one of us would want to show if we were suddenly challenged.

effinayright said...

In other news, the New York Times has been purchased by the National Enquirer.

"We see shifts in the Times's demographics, style and news coverage that closely mirror those of our existing subscriber base", explained Enquirer spokesperson Gloria Allred."

traditionalguy said...

Interestingly, the NYT just fired the starter's pistol of a massive Get Kavanaugh Riot.

Yesterday PM the NPR guys broadcast a long prepared piece on the Crimes of Kavanaugh. And they actually sneered at the audience for being so eager to lap up their lies. And literally every word was a lie.

It reminded me of the final Banzai attack of the Japs that ended every Pacific Island battle.

Ken B said...

Not at all. The Enquirer has higher standards. They proved their story about Edwards.

Sebastian said...

@Bob: "I don't recall her saying she supports Warren." Neither did I. But I inferred an emotional investment:

"Warren is the likely Dem candidate, and therefore the only person able to remove Orange Man and prevent more Kavanaughs, so AA has the emotional investment." Therefore, so.

I would be happy to learn that neither abortion support nor Orange Man bad would give AA any emotional investment in the Dem candidate. But I think Althouse, and all moderately liberal women I know, would find it emotionally very difficult to vote for a candidate likely to appoint a decisive vote to overturn Roe.

"My opinion is Trump matches the criterion more closely than any of his wannabe replacements."

Mine too. Though of course, competence and seriousness are the phony criteria of supposed "moderates"--what matters is likely policy and the team a candidate plays on. No Dem, besides Biden on a good day, respects any "American values" as we traditionally understood them. When push comes to shove, I expect Althouse to make yet another case as to why Roe expresses the "American value" of respecting women's autonomy.

Still, attributing a dilemma to her and her similarly situated sisters is a compliment of sorts. If she reasons as I think she does, she is likely to feel torn, and will therefore have to show uncommon creativity in inventing the needed rationalizations.

Of course, a simple conclusion a la Bob will do. But that's not our hostess.

Molly said...


The Times has been lying since the days of Walter Duranty.* They always lie to the left, as it were.

I was amused to see Althouse saying recently that she didn't like to read rightwing propaganda because it seemed so trashy. Without discussing the trashiness or otherwise of Breitbart or The Daily Caller, who on earth can avoid admitting that the Times is trashiness with a capital T?i

I read it for years when I lived in NYC, but I always knew they were liars and fundamentally stupid and crude, with a veneer of urbanity. And that's when they looked good.

* -- read the first two paragraphs to get a sense of Duranty and his semblables.

narciso said...

I think it was malcolm muggeridge then with the guardian and later robert comquest who got anywhere near the truth.

Buckleys jibe about the times, concerns herbert matthews who bought fidels line hook line and sinlet.

Birkel said...

Althouse thinks policy matters. It's just that the policies she prefers are standard-issue Leftist Collectivist positions. Therefore she is constitutionally incapable of seeing Trump clearly. The shibboleths to which she must adhere!? Can you imagine?

narciso said...

Yes sure:

Kevin said...

The NYT isn't going to do anything.

This isn't going to help Booker and Harris, however.

If either of them is the VP nominee, Trump is going to pummel the Dem ticket over this.

So much for ticket balancing.

FullMoon said...

They have taken the Old Gray Lady and broken her down, destroyed her virtue, and ruined her reputation. She can never recover and will never return to greatness

This line is great. They sexually assaulted an old dignified gray haired woman and ruined her life.

Turned it back on them. Kavanaugh innocent of assault, times management guilty.

Remember, it was Hillary who started with "fake news". Trump turned it back on them.

Football player kneeling was (supposedly) for police brutality.
Trump turned it into disrespecting United States of America, Armed forces etc.

He could have said they ruined a once great newspaper.

Kevin said...

It's just that the policies she prefers are standard-issue Leftist Collectivist positions.

Trump has been solid on gay rights.

The Dems have decided socialism is more important that Roe v. Wade.

At some point rational people have to come to grips with these facts.

Michael K said...

It's interesting to see that Leland Keyser resisted all the pressures to lie about Kavanaugh even though she does not like Trump and supports abortion.

Her story sounds a bit like the "Bad Blood" description of the abuse of Theranos employees who started to have doubts.

Theranos put some Republicans on their board but they were mostly 90 and knew nothing about health care. Mattis was one of the younger ones.

When Elizabeth started to get into trouble she went to Hillary Clinton for support. Crooks stick together,

Francisco D said...

Steve doesn't need no stinkin proof.

If proof is the basis of an opinion, the lack of such does not necessarily invalidate the opinion.

The issue is absolute lack of evidence that Brett Kavanaugh did anything inappropriate 35 years ago.

Lefties do not sift through evidence to determine that there is reasonable proof. There is no freaking evidence to sort through, only hearsay, gossip and completely unsubstantiated allegations. Any lawyer who thinks otherwise should lose their license to practice law.

Seeing Red said...



The School Marm doesn’t have it or the business savvy Trump has.

Original Mike said...

"Steve doesn't need no stinkin proof."

He's a former federal prosecutor. Considering recent events, doesn't that just say it all?

Rick said...

I acknowledged that I was misled by the initial coverage and that Sandman did nothing wrong.

Left wingers watched their allies deliberately create and publicize lies to support the left's narrative (and ruin kids lives in the process) and still claim to support Ford because she "had no reason to lie".

Reality just isn't relevant such fanatics.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Son Of ‘Witness’ Who Denied Blasey Ford’s Kavanaugh Assault Claim Speaks Out: Pressured To Lie By Blasey Ford Allies

If you don't help the leftwing lie machine, the leftwing mob will destroy you.

The modern democrat party is a disgrace.

Bay Area Guy said...

"I acknowledged that I was misled by the initial coverage....."

Ahh, the lovable, gullible counselor at law!

Qwinn said...

Keyser resisted the stick. What I'd likw to know is if she was ever offered a carrot to lie. Would she have resisted a million of Soros' money if it had been offered? Would everyone now believe Kavanaugh was guilty now, if she had taken the money?

Rick said...

Yeah, Judge Amy Coney Barrett won't get any Dem votes because she is a Catholic.

She'll get some votes because they won't matter. But they don't give a crap she's Catholic, they care she won't be a lock-left vote.

Bay Area Guy said...

Trump has appointed 150 federal judges, including 2 on SCOTUS. .

He has done this largely by delegating the appointment process to the Federalist Society. (A good thing if you're a right winger, a bad thing if you're a leftwinger).

Do y'all understand how significant it is to recapture the federal judiciary from the hordes of leftwing interventionist judges? The freaking' 9th Circuit now only has a slight Dem majority (16-13), due to 7 Trump judges.

The Left understands this. They understand that Kavanaugh poses a direct threat to their favorite branch since Earl Warren. They fully understand that if RBG is replaced within the next 15 months, it's a double-threat.

So, the Left, its minions, its media whores and scribes, its mouthpieces and its gullible enablers are making their move, however clumsy it appears to normal folks. The NYT hitpiece is the first of many more moves.

I hope Coney Barrett is a tough lady, and I hope honorable moderates like Althouse stand up for her during the incoming onslaught.

chuck said...

> I forget when and why I gave up reading the Times.

I remember when I first noticed the lack of news: the 1998 Kosovo war. The NY Times did not have journalists on the ground because it was "dangerous". That was during the early days of the internet, but the Telegraph, Guardian (they weren't crazy yet), Figaro, and Libération were available in crude online form and they were where I got my news.

FullMoon said...

They understand that Kavanaugh poses a direct threat to their favorite branch..

Would hope K keeps all this in mind while deciding positions. Lean right for revenge against the lies attacks and slurs. Get even for hurting his wife and kids, instead of rolling over in order to be popular with the DC crowd.

FullMoon said...

Keyser resisted the stick. What I'd likw to know is if she was ever offered a carrot to lie. Would she have resisted a million of Soros' money if it had been offered?

She is in recovery. Don't know exactly what that means. I do know that 12 step programs are a lot about being honest and not creating problems for yourself or others.

Took a lot of guts to go against the bullies. Kinda Trumplike, in a small way.

mandrewa said...

The more you look into it the more lies there are:

Tim Pool: NYT REMOVED Details About Kavanaugh Allegation On Purpose, Journalist Was CLASSMATES With Him

To summarize:

(a) The alleged victim denied that any such thing had occurred and this was in the original article. By any reasonable standard that means that the article should never have been published. But not only did the NYT publish it, but they also published it without the denial. The NYT claims they mistakenly removed this information.

Don't believe them. These editors are liars. They did this deliberately.

(b) Before it came out that the alleged victim had denied any such thing occurring, the two authors of the NYT article were interviewed on NPR. They failed to mention that the alleged victim had denied that any such thing had occurred.

This demonstrates that the reporters were by any substantive measure, dishonest.

(c) One of the two reporters also went to Yale, knew Brett Kavanaugh, and had even attended a class with him. To write a story like this and not reveal that, is in this context more than a little misleading.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

btw- I have the goods on Blasey-Ford. She was f-ed up the ass by all her male high-school boyfriends. not one was Kavenaugh.

I have the proof.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Do y'all understand how significant it is to recapture the federal judiciary from the hordes of leftwing interventionist judges? The freaking' 9th Circuit now only has a slight Dem majority (16-13), due to 7 Trump judges.”

The group on the left most affected by this, think, is the Lawfare group. They are the ones apparently behind the use of national injunctions that has so plagued the Trump Administration attempting to implement its agenda. File enough suits, in friendly districts, and eventually they will find one willing to buy the left wing Kool-Aid, and then issue their requested national injunction. And, here is the great thing - injunctions typically only bind the parties, but the US is a party in each of the cases, which is why they can get away with only having to win once. Eventually, I think that this is going to be severely reined in by the higher courts, but in the meantime, they are causing havoc.

But Lawfare isn’t just involved there. Comey sent his memos to someone involved in Lawfare, to get them leaked, in order to get a SC appointed, and Mueller’s prosecutors were closely tied to them too, and it very much looks like they were the ones who developed (and later publicly sold and defended) that expansive Obstruction statute interpretation that the Mueller team was using to both prevent investigation by Congress and the DoJ OIG of SpyGate (including rampant FISA abuse), as well as preventing any oversight whatsoever from DoJ, and kept the investigation going better than a year after they knew there hadn’t been any Trump/Russian collusion. Moreover, one of Dr Ford’s attorneys, when she testified before Congress, is closely tied to Lawfare - the same attorney who was already representing disgraced now former FBI DDir McCabe.

Susan said...

" You can report on the parade and you can march in the parade, but you can't do both. The Times doesn't just march in the parade, they lead the parade, chose the route, and report what a fabulous event the parade is."

At this point they don't even need a parade to report on how fabulous it is.

Bilwick said...

Trump: ””They will do whatever they can to demean you, to libel you. They try to blacklist, coerce, cancel or destroy anyone who gets in their way,”

The Left: "Who? US???"

brylun said...

Mad about Kavanaugh (and Gorsuch)? The solution is to pack the Court, according to the NYT op ed page.

Original Mike said...

"The solution is to pack the Court, according to the NYT op ed page."

That's why I'm not comforted by Trump's judicial appointments. The left is not going to let a little thing like an election stop them.

Michael K said...

I hope Coney Barrett is a tough lady, and I hope honorable moderates like Althouse stand up for her during the incoming onslaught.

That will be interesting. Our hostess has desires to be a moderate of "cold neutrality." We will; see how well that lasts in the furnace of left wing rage.

If Warren should win the 2020 election, it would set off a bull market in ammunition the likes of which we have not seen since WWII.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Pogrebin and Kelly: It Was Totes Our Editor Who Accidentally Removed the Disclosure That The "Victim" Denies Max Stier's Claim
Also Pogrebin and Kelly: Oh Yeah, We Also "Accidentally" Forgot to Mention This In Our NPR Puff-Piece, Too

Leland said...

I think Ford and/or her lawyers were suborning perjury by threating Leland (the other Leland). Ford claimed Leland was her friend and was at the party that nobody but Ford claims occurred. I can't say recall, because even Ford couldn't recall key details about the party like where and when.

Achilles said...

The NYT's is not a news source. They are the propaganda tool of one Mr. Slims the Mexican oligarch.

He has made a lot of money abusing crooked trade deals and breaking immigration laws.

Gk1 said...

This lying and chicanery of the left will keep happening until there is a price that is paid. So far all of this lying is cost free. There were no penalties enforced for perjury by those gunning for Kavanaugh. The FBI received over 1,200 false reports of Kavanaugh raping some women that came out of the wood work when the media was hungry to take down Kavanaugh. Not one liar was prosecuted for filing a false charge. So why not keep lying? You know the media is always there to help push it along.

Gk1 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Milwaukie guy said...

Living in Chicago, I subscribed to the Trib and the WSJ. But going out to brunch and getting the NYT Sunday edition was always such a fine thing.

They must have been at least a pound. After discarding all the dross, you had the Lit Crit, the Sunday mag, the foreign affairs section, the Style section, the op-eds—the Gray Lady indeed. I felt very cosmopolitan.

Some 20 years ago, I read a story so egregiously false and agenda-driven that my Sundays were completely ruined. I no longer wanted to be a cosmo, believing the NY or Washington media. My cherry was broken.

Original Mike said...

"Some 20 years ago, I read a story so egregiously false and agenda-driven that my Sundays were completely ruined. I no longer wanted to be a cosmo, believing the NY or Washington media. My cherry was broken."

Fifteen+ years ago I read a NYT story that was viscous slander against Karl Rove (who I have no particular love of). I knew it to be a lie because I personally witnessed the event they were "reporting" on. I was really taken aback. How could the country's preeminent newspaper lie like that? That was my cherry-breaking moment. Opened my eyes.

rcocean said...

I thought Limbaugh had a good point today. When was the NYT EVER "fair and accurate"? I suppose people are getting upset because the NYT has stopped being subtle about attacking Conservatives and is now engaging in outright lies by omission. And not viciously attacking "deplorables" like Trump, Palin, or Pat Buchanan. But a Bushie - DC insider - like Kavanaugh.

If this whole incident wakes a few Dumbos up to reality - it was worth it. It reminds me of the "Covington Kids"

rcocean said...

Last Comment. The Bizarre thing is that EVERYONE normal that two newspapers set the news agenda for the Entire Country. What the NYT, and to a much lessor extent, the WaPo write every AM is the "News" you see on every TV station, USA Today, every major city newspaper, and PBS/NPR. They set the agenda. Its ridiculous.

90% of the US Newspapers report 90% of the same News Stories in exactly the same way. And they all follow the NYT. Why? Why do they all march in lockstep behind one or two newspapers? Why don't people notice that, and talk about it?

I don't know.

readering said...

Still lots of people who believe Cavanaugh committed perjury.

readering said...


Original Mike said...

"Still lots of people who want to believe Cavanaugh committed perjury."


chuck said...

> Still lots of people who believe Cavanaugh committed perjury.

Disgusting, isn't it. Lots of people will believe anything.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Leftists like being fed lies, Readering. WE know.

chickelit said...

Still lots of people who believe Cavanaugh committed perjury.

I'm sure that lots of people (predictably -- women) believe Ford's testimony. Even Althouse found her compelling during the hearings.

readering said...

They will turn out to vote out Trump.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Leftists devour lies. As long as the lies feel good. ooo do they feel good. It's all about feelings.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Please name the perjury - Readering.

Nobody can corroborate Blasey Ford. Not one person - even after they pressured and threatened people to lie for Blasey ford.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Interesting that you expect others to see you as anything other than Trump's loyal errand boy when you post those long, rambling tracts of his like that with nary a comment, criticism, or even thought of your own on his manifestos.

Thanks for the parroting of his political project. I guess someone's got to uncritically broadcast these propaganda pieces of his beyond his little base.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Calling out leftwing corruption and lies doesn't make anyone anything, sir Whiney.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

In fact, your loyalty to the left's non-stop corruption and lies makes everyone Hillary Clinton.


readering said...

Buy the new book.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Breaking! I just remembered that I saw Brett's dick in high school. His schlong was on tour at basketball camp.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Mollie Hemingway uncovers another error in the new Kavanaugh book

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

This morning the Atlantic published another excerpt from the book “The Education of Brett Kavanaugh” by Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly. By this afternoon, the Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway had identified another significant error which appears in the book. Specifically, the book claims that Deborah Ramirez’ allegations were met with silence by the people who she claimed were witnesses to the incident:

But as Hemingway points out, it’s just not true that the alleged witnesses kept mum. In fact, several people Ramirez identified as having been present or involved in the incident were anonymously quoted in the New Yorker article that broke the Ramirez allegations:

One of the male classmates who Ramirez said egged on Kavanaugh denied any memory of the party. “I don’t think Brett would flash himself to Debbie, or anyone, for that matter,” he said. Asked why he thought Ramirez was making the allegation, he responded, “I have no idea.” The other male classmate who Ramirez said was involved in the incident commented, “I have zero recollection.”

In a statement, two of those male classmates who Ramirez alleged were involved in the incident, the wife of a third male student she said was involved, and one other classmate, Dan Murphy, disputed Ramirez’s account of events: “We were the people closest to Brett Kavanaugh during his first year at Yale. He was a roommate to some of us, and we spent a great deal of time with him, including in the dorm where this incident allegedly took place. Some of us were also friends with Debbie Ramirez during and after her time at Yale. We can say with confidence that if the incident Debbie alleges ever occurred, we would have seen or heard about it—and we did not. The behavior she describes would be completely out of character for Brett. In addition, some of us knew Debbie long after Yale, and she never described this incident until Brett’s Supreme Court nomination was pending. Editors from the New Yorker contacted some of us because we are the people who would know the truth, and we told them that we never saw or heard about this.”

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

be nice if someone filed a defamation suit against Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Blasey Ford's attorney is a Hillary sniffer and probably Maddow's boyfriend.

Michael K said...

I see that moderation broke down.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Blogger Phil said...
"Is there a world where the NYT sticks to straight news AND the President doesn’t tweet?"

Yeah, but it's the one with Evil Morty, so I think on balance I prefer this one.

Don’t forget the bearded Spock!

Who stepped on the butterfly?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

NYT loses its mind and credibility over Trump.

see here:

NYT's Maggie Haberman Brags That the NYT Already Had the Information that Leland Keyser Was Pressured by Ford's Friends;
But Then Gets Quiet When Asked, "Why Didn't the NYT Report It, Then?"

—Ace of Spades

Actually, Mollie Hemingway and Carrie Severino already broke this story in their book Justice on Trial, but the media is pretending that book doesn't exist and doesn't "count" for scoop purposes.

Only Liberal Reporting is Real News is the rule -- though that rule seems to have things exactly 100% backwards and wrong.

But even playing along with the media's increasingly fantastical version of alt-reality: It seems weird to brag about having a scoop which you decided to bury and suppress for purposes of book sales and partisan political advertising. "

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Don't stop... beeeleeeeveeeng.

Jan Crawford
‏Verified account @JanCBS
Sep 16

Jan Crawford Retweeted CBS Evening News

We report tonight the real bombshell: Christine Ford’s close HS friend (who Ford says was at the party when Kavanaugh allegedly assaulted her) said Ford’s story is not believable and told the FBI Ford’s allies pressured her, threatened her with a smear campaign to say otherwise

Original Mike said...

"Only Liberal Reporting is Real News is the rule "

Call it The Althouse Rule.

Achilles said...

readering said...
Still lots of people who believe Cavanaugh committed perjury.

We know.

There are a lot of Stalinist pieces of shit that target people they disagree with and throw obviously false accusations at them until they are ruined.

Then when those fail they believe whatever they want to justify their shittiness.

You are a terrible person.

Big Mike said...

Still lots of people who believe Cavanaugh [sic] committed perjury.

@readering, there are plots of people who believe the earth is flat, too.

n.n said...

@readering, there are plots of people who believe the earth is flat, too.

There are more people with a Twilight faith who sincerely believe in spontaneous human conception, and other Pro-Choice quasi-religious doctrines (e.g. diversity). There is also the prophecy of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming predicted by models tuned with brown matter, the evolutionary creation of our "universe" filled with black matter, and other quasi-scientific beliefs.

n.n said...

Still lots of people who believe Cavanaugh committed perjury.

Now we know the faith, religion, and ideological bent of the witch hunters and warlock judges. #HateLovesAbortion

Ray - SoCal said...

And Fords lawyer was referred by Feinstein’s office, and Ford got support from some big Silicon Valley players.

I’m surprised one of the reporters went to Yale, and it was not disclosed - wow.

Current counter attack is the usual, the gop pounced.

Rusty said...

Lot's of people, readering, are on the left side of the bell curve. They can be made to believe anything. We call those people "Democrats".

JAORE said...

RE: Court packing

It would be interesting if Trump made a statement that, in light of proposals by the left he has seen the light and, HE was considering adding more Supreme Court Justices.

Oh the howling, the gnashing of teeth, the rending of garments.

And oh the lovely quotes of the left about why this must NEVER, EVAH(!!!!!) be allowed.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

heh - the democrat faithful are the real flat-earthers.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It was every writer’s dream — or it should have been. Two New York Times reporters, Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly, wrote a book about one of the most controversial and most reported news stories of our time, the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh, and thanks to their due diligence, they uncovered a truly blockbuster revelation: Not only did Christine Blasey Ford’s key witness and friend — Leland Keyser — state that she didn’t recall the party where Ford claimed she was assaulted, she also says she doesn’t remember “any others like it.”

Her words were strong: “It would be impossible for me to be the only girl at a get-together with three guys, have her leave, and then not figure out how she’s getting home,” she said. “I just really didn’t have confidence in the story.”

The New York Times Still Doesn’t Understand What It Did

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