September 7, 2019

"These kids today... they don't know how to wield the privileges of youth like we did back in the day."

"You're old, so you don't matter — that worked for us Boomers when we were young, but it doesn't work against us now that we're old. For one thing, it's too damned easy to look up any term or slang expression or song lyric. Is there any arcana of youth that's not searchable on the internet?"

That's me, carrying on in the comments to yesterday's post "And yet this isn't 'fake news' problem. (It's just a fake opinion that's a waste-of-time problem.)" The "arcana" in question is the term "NPC."

Also in that comments thread, Ken B wrote:
Wait. You knew the NPC term, but didn’t twig to the satire? You, who boasted of her acumen in just exactly that? You who implied your critics were stupid because their satire detectors were slower than yours?
My response:
I didn't know whether it was another overstated social justice warrior opinion or somebody making fun of such people. That was based on the headline ["It’s time to admit that Dave Chappelle is a white supremacist"]. I was annoyed to have to wasted my time going any further. Thinking about a three-letter name for the website wasn't something I chose to do first. It's a boring name and it doesn't try to say this is satire. It tries to looks like RCP or NBC or one of the many generic letter-sets that are names for websites. It's not efficient to contemplate the letters. In fact, it's not efficient to care about whether it's another social justice warrior or somebody making fun of such people. The fun-makers are not doing much other than repeating what they think an sjw would say, so there's really nothing to detect. I clicked through only because I'm interested in what's being said about and done to Dave Chappelle. I think maybe the sjws are cancelling him and I want to monitor that. I wasted my time clicking into something else.
That brought a quick "Methinks thou doth protest too much" (from tomaig). I said:
That's exactly how people try to push Trump back when he fights attacks. I have learned some things from Trump. #1 — Don't get suckered by your opponent's assertion that your fighting works against you. When they make that argument, it's because they are tired of fighting. Keep after them.
And when JackWayne said...
Althouse needs to get on the mailing list for NPC, IMAO and the Bee. Her sense of satire is atrophied. Too much lefty satire which is usually SNL-bad has created a void in her sense of humor.
I answered:
I see that stuff linked at Instapundit and have for years. My sense of humor is my sense of humor. I really don't want to get it to be more like those places. What is mine is exactly the right size for me. Finding MORE things funny might be considered — in your view — a less "atrophied" sense, but in my view, it's lower quality. I don't think having a great sense of humor means finding the most things funny! If it were, the person with the best sense of humor would be some sadistic freakish monster.


Gahrie said...

My sense of humor is my sense of humor. I really don't want to get it to be more like those places. What is mine is exactly the right size for me.

And it appears to be: Using "humor" to attack the Right is the heart of comedy (Griffin, SNL) but using humor to attack the Left is boorish and unappealing.

traditionalguy said...

MAD Magazine started this satire and we all loved it once. The question is why we are irritated with it today. Maybe because it is hard to translate any thing needing a background context because there are so many narratives going off everywhere that Babylon Bee seems real at first read.

rehajm said...

The question is why we are irritated with it today.

It's been weaponized.

Fernandinande said...

"Walmart Discontinues Auto Part Sales To Prevent Car Accidents"

Ann Althouse said...

"And it appears to be: Using "humor" to attack the Right is the heart of comedy (Griffin, SNL) but using humor to attack the Left is boorish and unappealing."


Obviously, I appreciate Trump's sense of humor. That's all over this blog (and I've paid a social price for showing it).

rehajm said...

My reaction was similar to Ann's even though I'd been warned I was looking at satire. It wasn't all that satirical, just repeating what a sjw would say. I looked at some of the other headlines at NPC too. Same deal. There's an ostentatiousness to the TBB and Onion that's absent at NPC. That doesn't work in satire.

gilbar said...

Our Beloved Professor said....
I see that stuff linked at Instapundit and have intentionally ignored itfor years.

Professor Althouse only finds things funny, that;
* She realizes are funny
* Attact the 'Right' things

But, we Love her just the same; AND! will keep using the althouse portal

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

I have learned some things from Trump. #1 — Don't get suckered by your opponent's assertion that your fighting works against you.

Comments in the original post. Now a breakout post on the front page.

I'm exhausted.

Fen said...

I'm skeptical that Althouse was even aware of what the NPC term meant. I don't recall her covering the meme here on her blog, even though she routinely showcases how language and humor is used politically.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

I'm with Fen. I think the Althouse over reaction is based on embarrassment she fell for a satire because she didn't know the NPC meme.

"I'd never heard of NPC, so I thought this was a serious opinion and wasted time on it."

She didn't say I never heard of npcdaily or

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Ann Althouse, The Social Price of Appreciating Trump’s Sense of Humor (2025).

Phil 314 said...

We live in a world where everyone is suspected of not really being on the team. And when we find something suspicious we shout “AHA!”

Phil 314 said...

Professor, you need to be more Trumpian in your responses. Give your most irritating commenters nicknames, question the heft of their anatomy.

Believe me they will love you for abusing them.

rcocean said...

The SJW/Left knows that laughter isn't just "The best medicine" its an incredibly political weapon. Once you get everyone laughing AT your political opponent - you've won. Its why Snopes is going after the B.Bee and why every conservative Meme or edgy Right wing satirist/comedian who becomes too popular suddenly loses their advertising or gets banned by Youtube/Facebook/twitter.

The NPC meme was actually banned on twitter. So was "Learn to Code".

rhhardin said...

I restrict myself to droll.

JackWayne said...

I read NPC and IMAO because they show just how good and clever the Bee is. NPC is the SNL of righty satire.

Wince said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tim maguire said...

it's not efficient to care about whether it's another social justice warrior or somebody making fun of such people. The fun-makers are not doing much other than repeating what they think an sjw would say

Satire takes what they would say and pushes it to an absurd extreme. (The most famous example, of course, is A Modest Proposal—Swift wasn’t accusing the British of wanting to literally eat Irish babies.)

The problem these days, as is often pointed out by folks in the right, is that the real left is so ridiculous that it’s often not possible to push it to an absurd extreme—absurd extreme is the starting point satirists are working from. This kerfuffle is itself a great example—the professor couldn’t tell it was satire because liberal activist really are arguing for “eating Irish babies.”

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left ruined late night TeeVee.

Colbert is loyal apparatchik.

Wince said...

Even if you have a good idea, it hard to write good satire. I thought the Chappell satire was a good idea, but I didn't think it was delivered well at all by NPC.

At its essence, the NPC satire was a straw man opinion piece. To be effective doing that, you have to avoid a full caricature of your opponent's viewpoint. Otherwise you're just shooting fish in a barrel.

The better satire is the supposed "straight news" approach, where you capture the obtuseness and absurdity of the prevailing "objective" media narrative to deliver the subtext that is you commentary.

I don't seek that satire out, but I think BB and the Onion in its day did a good job of it.

rhhardin said...

shooting fish in a barrel

I have a nice audio clip somewhere of a Radio Japan announcer trying to say barrel, when the topic was pork barrel politics and it kept coming up.

iowan2 said...

Don't I remember NPC being a topic here at Althouse, several weeks back? A certain commenter who's name rhymes with fuck was called out for being a NPC. Hilarity ensued. (I had to google the term)

Mary Beth said...

I think you could see the NPC meme and, since it's one of a million memes, it might not really stick in your memory in a way that would make "NPC" in the headline jump out at you. If you were a gamer and familiar with NPCs before the meme, then it's more memorable because you realize how accurate that description is.

FullMoon said...

. How about Ritmo breaking his silence the same day AA posts this? Now, that's funny, I don't care who you are..

"I am a sick man. I am a spiteful man. I am an unattractive man. I believe my liver is diseased. I am one of those fanatics on the alt-right and the alt-left..."
"... the ones who make online forums so vicious, the ones who cancel and call out, the minority of online posters who fill the air with hate. I’m one of those radicals whose rage is intertwined with psychological fragility, whose anger at real wrongs is corrupted by my existential panic about myself."

Sebastian said...

"it’s often not possible to push it to an absurd extreme"

True. And that allows Althouse to claim, truthfully, that she couldn't tell the satire from the real thing, and That's Not Funny either.

Of course, for us deplorables it is funny, in a darkish sort of way: in many cases now, the repetition is the satire, the simulacrum is the real thing, the absurdity speaks for itself.

It is also distressing: the realization that progs really have gone around the bend. I mean, what part of the 7-hour town hall was not utterly and completely crazy?

Ken B said...

So what is left of your claim, which you made to justify insulting people, of nearly perfect and rapid satire detection ? You seem simply unable to admit you didn’t get it, and thus that maybe a bunch of us who say you often don’t get it have a point.

Paul said...

"To old to soon, to wise to late"... and the young don't listen to experience.. hence they make the same mistakes over and over again.

As us old gents say.. tough nuts.

Lucien said...

Apparently SLC’s soccer team has banned the “Betsy Ross” flag as a symbol of hate — and that the story is not satire!

Ken B said...

The point is not if you find it funny but if you recognize it as humor. I do not find jerry Lewis funny and he almost never makes me laugh but I do not confuse his movies with documentaries.

Ralph L said...

and I've paid a social price for showing it

Isn't that his point?

Charlie Eklund said...

I think that should be “Two old two soon, two wise two late”. Or something.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

"2 old 2 soon, 2 wise 2 late".

--Zombie Prince

Amadeus 48 said...

A lot of people who comment here were born fighting (and I regard that as a compliment), but geez, folks, give it a rest. Althouse has shown any number of times that she gets Trump’s sense of humor. That is not a cost-free observation in a place like Madison. She maintains a comment section that is open to idiots of ever race, creed, and color (as Mad Magazine would have said). Not everything posted on the internet or blathered out on Twitter is worthy of even a moment’s attention.

The more interesting thing is the possibility that the warped people on social media are trying to cancel people like David Chapelle, and that the timid corporate clowns will let them.

Althouse has never read Atlas Shrugged, but the craven, vicious behavior of the large business interests is very clear in that book. Chapelle’s biggest risk is that he loses his platforms. If the SJWs can break Chapelle, they will.

Pete said...

Althouse posted "My sense of humor is my sense of humor."

It's a well known fact that Althouse has no sense of humor. Beware her thoughts of what is funny.

Amadeus 48 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amadeus 48 said...

Too soon old, too late smart.

Amadeus 48 said...

Better than nothing is a high standard.

That is witty.

Yancey Ward said...

Someone, I forget who now, suggested in that thread that if "Uncle Tom" had been used to describe Chappelle, then it wouldn't have been satire at all (not that "white supremecist" is all that far from how some on the Left would probably describe Chappelle today- maybe already have). That is the problem with satire today- reality is killing it.

Earnest Prole said...

Satire is like jazz: Either it brings pleasure or it doesn’t. Althouse is simply being honest.

Yancey Ward said...

According the latest research, a sense of humor is connected in the brain with the sense of smell.

stevew said...

What tim maguire said at 10:17.

Here's a hearty 'lighten up Francis' to those of you complaining about our host's sense of humor. Comedy, and what we find funny, is personal; one man's joke is another's insult.

Anonymous said...

Jeez, let it go, professor.

stevew: Here's a hearty 'lighten up Francis' to [our host].


Ann Althouse said...

"I'm with Fen. I think the Althouse over reaction is based on embarrassment she fell for a satire because she didn't know the NPC meme. "I'd never heard of NPC, so I thought this was a serious opinion and wasted time on it.""


I'd never heard of NPC the satirical website.

I know the slang term NPC but it didn't occur to me that a website with 3 letters as its name was referring to that. Today I was talking to someone who was working with a company called TDS, and I didn't think that stood for Trump Derangement Syndrome, though I am familiar with the term. Generic 3-letter business names just don't seem to be saying anything worth focusing in on.

The idea that you think I would LIE about knowing the term... it's just so insulting to me. I don't lie and if you read this blog you should know that. Casually accusing me of lying is really LOW.

Ann Althouse said...

When Cernovich wrote "if you didn't get the NPC reference," I thought he was saying that some people know this to be a satirical website.

Anyone who thinks I am lying about this can apologize to me or I have a low opinion of you.

n.n said...

If you were a gamer and familiar with NPCs before the meme, then it's more memorable because you realize how accurate that description is.

A technical term of art to describe a relation, a generic term for a passive element. Unlike fetus, which is used to establish professional distance and in popular use to dissociate from the target and collateral damage.

Fen said...

It's neither low nor unreasonable, as you engaged in other similar acts in the past (like the argument of battery storage capacity). We are allowed to disbelieve you. So casually accusing us of being low itself low.

Ann Althouse said...

Of all the things I'd be motivated to lie about, knowledge about video game bullshit is just about last on the list. Do you think this is something I take pride in being knowledgable about? I couldn't care less! To those of you who are proud of your knowledge of this important area of human endeavor: Go lose yourself in your moronic fantasy world! Who cares?!

Howard said...

Jeez, you people are such pathetic cucks arguing over some dweeb gamer acronym. TDS = Total Dissolved Solids

Fen said...

"Anyone who thinks I am lying about this can apologize to me or I have a low opinion of you."

You already have a low opinion of us, else you wouldn't be making such an unreasonable demand. We are allowed to doubt you. And I will not apologize for keeping my own counsel.

Fen said...

"To those of you who are proud of your knowledge of this important area of human endeavor: Go lose yourself in your moronic fantasy world! Who cares?!"

And now you are misrepresenting us. How can you engage in such dishonesty and simultaneously be outraged that we are skeptical of your honesty?

Ann Althouse said...

Here's a thing about 3-letter references: They always stand for a whole lot of things. NPC includes (via Wikipedia):

Nearest prototype classifier
Network Parameter Control (in Asynchronous Transfer Mode networks)
Non-deterministic polynomial-time complete (NP-complete)
Non-printing character
Neutral Point Clamped, a topology used in power supplies and active filters
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma, a common tumour of the nasopharynx
NPC, an optometric abbreviation meaning "near point of convergence" or "no previous correction"
Neural progenitor cell; see Notch signaling pathway
Niemann–Pick disease, type C
NPC1, a protein involved in the disease
NPC2, a protein involved in the disease
Nuclear pore complex, in molecular biology
National Petrochemical Company of Iran
National Power Corporation, a government-owned corporation in the Philippines
Nauru Phosphate Corporation, Republic of Nauru
Nevada Power Company, United States
Non-profit company, a type of nonprofit organization in South Africa
Political organisations[edit]
National Peace Council, United Kingdom
Nationalist Party of China or Kuomintang, a political party in Taiwan
Nationalist People's Coalition, a political party in the Philippines
National People's Congress, the unicameral legislature of China
National Petroleum Council (US)
Northern People's Congress, a political party in Nigeria
Nobel Peace Center, Oslo, Norway
NPC Secretary-General, a political office in the People's Republic of China
Student organisations[edit]
National Panhellenic Conference, an umbrella organization for college sororities, United States and Canada
National Postgraduate Committee, the representative body for postgraduates in the United Kingdom
Other organisations[edit]
see also under Sport, below
Niagara Parks Commission, an agency of the Government of Ontario, Canada
Northern Provincial Council, provincial council for the Northern Province in Sri Lanka
Sport and games[edit]
National Paralympic Committee, a national constituent of the worldwide Paralympic movement
National Physique Committee, a bodybuilding organization in the United States
National Provincial Championship, a former domestic rugby competition in New Zealand
Non-playing captain of a team in various sports; see, for example, contract bridge
Computer and video games[edit]
Non-player characters in video games and role-playing games
NPC Wojak, a variant of the Wojak internet meme
Research and educational facilities[edit]
National Paralegal College, a for-profit online college based in Phoenix, Arizona, United States
National Park College, a community college in Hot Springs, Arkansas, United States
Netherlands Proteomics Centre, Netherlands
NATO Programming Centre, part of the NATO Communications and Information Agency
Neighbourhood police centre, a mid-sized police station in Singapore
NPC (cable system), underwater cable connecting Japan and the United States
Fujicolor NPC 160, former name of Fujicolor Pro 160C

It's ridiculous to attempt to convey that this is a satirical site by using a 3-letter combination. It's utterly meaningless.

Fen said...

"I know the slang term NPC but it didn't occur to me that a website with 3 letters as its name was referring to that."

That's plausible and I would have accepted that explanation, before you went nuts over this. In my experience, when people go nuclear over something they claim they always knew, they didn't.

Fen said...

BTW you have been dishonest with me and treated me unfairly on numerous occasions over the years. I let it go but that doesn't mean I forgot - so I have good reason to hold your integrity suspect.

So while I could care less whether you know some of meme, you need to get over yourself. I'm allowed to have an opinion about your opinion.

Ann Althouse said...

"Anyone who thinks I am lying about this can apologize to me or I have a low opinion of you."

Birkel said...

Tastes and preferences.
Personal things.
Any two people are bound to disagree about what is good.
Usually much easier to agree about what is truly bad.

NPCs would not laugh.
They're not programmed that way.
They wouldn't get the joke.

Would an NPC know it is an NOC?

Birkel said...

Low opinion?
As a splooge stooge I would be offended.
But I may not be programmed that way.

Ralph L said...

Navy Personnel Command is DDG's first entry.

Fen said...

"Anyone who thinks I am lying about this can apologize to me or I have a low opinion of you."

You want me to disavow my disbelief, apologize for that disbelief, and then pretend I believe you.. all under threat of... what exactly?

You're going to be even meaner and ruder to me than before?

Listen to yourself.

Gahrie said...

Professor, you need to be more Trumpian in your responses. ..., question the heft of their anatomy.

Done long ago...

Howard said...

The steaks his holy fenster is battling over are smaller than academic. The sick little masochist is requesting a blanket party from her professor emeritus

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

In fairness to our hostess I will tweak my original comment to say,

"I think the Althouse over reaction is based on embarrassment she fell for a satire because she didn't recognize the NPC initials as the NPC meme."

It would be low to accuse PeeWee of lying when he said "I meant to do that!" Better to give everyone the benefit of the doubt.

Paco Wové said...

I have to say that I am impressed by the energy that Althouse brings to blogging – and when she gets in a hole and keeps digging, she's gonna take that sucker to the Earth's molten core.

Ken B said...

I for one don’t doubt that you had heard the NPC thing. You just didn’t twig this time. That strengthens *my* argument, which is that you are not nearly as good with grokking satire and what is or isn’t satire as you think and say you are.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I think Althouse has said "I don't find politics interesting" or something equivalent to that, and many things would be* for my needs here.

That is a lie. I think it is a lie to, and about, herself, more than a lie to her audience.

*Politics is pedestrian. Politicians are staid. People who like politics are banal. People who talk about politics/politicians are uninteresting.

The objection is to eating the cake of politics whilst claiming an aversion, knowing artists are cooler and more respected if they get it right than politicos.

If Althouse claims she loves blogging about politics and politicians I would be wrong and an apology would in fact be due.

Ken B said...

Netherlands Proteomics Center

So, just curious, will you demand an apology if I don’t believe you had ever heard of *that* before?

Guildofcannonballs said...

"My reasons satisfy me Susan." - Orson in Kane.

I do feel a law professor, well, back in the day, not all the affirmative action hires now, and by that I mean proggies of any sex out of the billions out there, any race, any way they orgasm, ought be able to write in a clear manner easily understood and if they don't it is because of lies, not ability.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"TDS = Total Dissolved Solids"

From my limited experience this is accurate.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I have an Althouse rule from time to time I remember: What you do matters more than what you say, because you lie to yourself.

cubanbob said...

So much drama over so little. Jeez, so Althouse didn't get the computer game reference, so what? Like her, I'm too old to be that interested in computer games. Suffice to say the background characters in the games are the functional equivalent of extras in a movie.
What's got the progs crazy is that they have been effectively shown to be Marching Morons, functionally not much more than old time talking dolls that said a few different lines when the string was pulled.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I'd bet hot cash Kid Rock knows the difference between enunciating and pronouncing.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Fredo knew Mikey was gonna get everybody killed. He died a hero trying to save his ill-bred kin from generational suicide.

The audience was prepped to see Fredo as dumb, and the audience is too stupid to conclude anything but Fredo was the dumb one.

Annialation is superior to sounding a little off, like Fredo sounded.

Like 99% (actually motherfucker it's closer to 99.9% bitch) of the audience, cowed into being herded into the same thoughts, totalitarian-wise.

Guildofcannonballs said...

The fact that cocaine dealers like Bill Clinton would rule the world is not in dispute.

Laslo Spatula said...

"Anyone who thinks I am lying about this can apologize to me or I have a low opinion of you."

I am unable to read this without my brain hearing it in a 'Costanza's Father - Festivus' voice.

I am Laslo.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I actually heard Hugh Hewitt interview "cocaine" Mitch and they played the Clapton cocaine song.

Mitch is a deep state guy, but smart. That makes him different from the assholes in the FBI, CIA, and LSM.

Moscow Mitch really hurts him, you see, so feel a bunch of your sympathy and send some money to the RNC.

Eliana Johnson, wow, what a great way to show us Conservatives don't hate anyone. So brilliant.

Totally in charge of National Review's DC bureau in 2016.

So totally, totally not some dumb bitch whose gonna out anti-Trump Jen Rubin.


Eliana will preside over years of "we are so smart having been in the shit, you people not in the shit don't matter" knowing the shit is DC.

Thanks Hugh!

And Ben Howe! He has a lot to say American and you don't, because Hugh Hewitt is Hugh Hewitt and you aren't.

Remember Ken and John the pot bangers? Remember what they said and how they were right (I don't but since Hugh mocked them I assume they are as astute as Buckley)? Hugh, what did Ken and John say, and were they right?

Oh they don't have that sweet puss.....


narciso said...

well the cocaine mitch, comes from blankenships kamikaze candidacy interpretation, of Schweitzer's analysis of the Stromberg I mean chao shipping line, although I would imagine anything they would ship would be from the poppy not other flower, the Chinese seems to have gotten in the meth business, transshipping through Thailand,

as for miss Johnson, few real conservatives end up at politico, the lead journolisti site, she was exhibiting Robert costa syndrome, (which had set around 2013, around the time of the shutdown,)

Guildofcannonballs said...

It's an age old thing, action vs. words when words are indeed an action sometimes.

I had hoped, like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., that my voice as a man would mean more than if a lowly women were to have spoken it.

And Althouse can justify lies by that cunt who defamed Kav. without repercussion.

So far.

She has courage, just a foundation of lies and hatred it was built on. I think logically, some billioniare ought to give our gal on the scence Ford a couple million to talk about what really happened, with the D's paying for a play.

We all know she's a dumb whore who will sell out the highest bidder, and in the past that prevented some bidding: no more.


We'll use it in ways never imagined by the baddies!!!

Anonymous said...

Laslo Spatula to AA:

"Anyone who thinks I am lying about this can apologize to me or I have a low opinion of you."

I am unable to read this without my brain hearing it in a 'Costanza's Father - Festivus' voice.

I don't get the funny here. (All Seinfeld references, like ~80% of all pop-culture references, elude me.) I will therefore respond by writing a long defensive explanation of my personal sense of humor and accusing you and anybody who laughs at this of thinking that you're hot shit for being in on arcane references...which I know perfectly well aren't arcane like I said they were but...anyway fuck you.

Paco Wové said...

"well the cocaine mitch"

That's 527 characters, and I don't have any idea what you're talking about. I mean, I fucking don't have any fucking idea what the fuck you're fucking talking about! Fuck! Do I fucking make myself clear?!

Guildofcannonballs said...

No broke lawyers can't start a fight and get paid?

Doubt it.

This is why they were trained to do what they do, as dogs are/do.

tim maguire said...

Good lord, what’s going on here?

I can’t even tell what, exactly, the professor is being accused of lying about.

And what might her motivation be?

narciso said...

the short course,

but only Schweitzer got the story to a point, that Blankenship picked it up,

Guildofcannonballs said...

Richard Feynman: 'The first principle is that you must not fool yourself.' Cargo-Cult Science speech, Caltech - 1974

Guildofcannonballs said...

"But then I began to think, what else is there that we believe?"

Child becomes man.

Man shits streets.

Child sighs.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"But then I began to think, what else is there that we believe?"

Child becomes man.

Man shits streets.

Child sighs.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I just wish Eliana would have been there instead of Washington. All of the positive and much, much stronger than mere George the cishet. Why don't non-nepotisyts see this.


How blind are you!! Ha Ha Hugh makes his living off of your ignorance.

Guildofcannonballs said...

As Crack described Mary Kate Ham, so is for Eliana no floor.

Guildofcannonballs said...

White men, unless Ailess ought strive to be Ailes but with genuine hate.


Easier to do tha kkugs

Guildofcannonballs said...

Yet God will always love.

Guildofcannonballs said...

To her eternal credit Alhtouse has never attempted to take from me without aquiescencse.


been times...

so confused

Just vaant turn lalkr wasy

wildswan said...

The rule on this blog for commenters isn't "feel free", it's "Be all You Can Be." Some of you aren't much.

Zendo Deb said...

The question is why we are irritated with it today.

"We" aren't irritated by it today. The Left is irritated today because for DECADES it has been all in their control. SNL etc. They could poke fun at anyone, and no one poked back, or poked fun at their heroes.

“Ridicule is Man’s Most Potent Weapon” Also known as Alinsky’s rule number 5. And they HATE the fact that is now directed at Biden, Bernie, Hilary, AOC and The Squad, etc.

Guildofcannonballs said...

We all know ultra-ugly Hugh raped anyone so stupid as to allow that shrikle-dick inside.

Guildofcannonballs said...

THe great Dean Barnett wouldn't allow today's Hugh to hew even slightly.

Sad-cocked bastardly-cunt.

Guildofcannonballs said...

God never let Dean down, unlike Mitt and Hugh have repeatedly.

God has no reason to repent, unlike Mitt and Hugh.

dercy lyne said...

My name is Darci Lyne. This is a very happy day of my life thanks to the help that Dr. .nosakhare has given me to help me recover my ex-husband with his spell of love and magic. I was married for 6 years and it was so terrible because my husband was really cheating and looking for a divorce, but when I came across Dr..nosakhare email on the internet about how he has helped so many people get their ex back and help fix the relationship and make people happy in their relationship. I explained my situation and then I sought his help, but to my greatest surprise, he told me that he would help me with my case and that I am now celebrating because my husband has totally changed for the better. He always wants to be by my side and can not do anything without my present. I am really enjoying my marriage, what a great celebration. I will continue to testify on the Internet because Dr..nosakhare is a true spell caster. NEED HELP? CONTACT
you can also add him on Whats-app: +2349083639501
He is the only answer to your problem and makes you feel happy in your relationship. And it is also perfect in your relationship.
you want your ex back?
want a love spell for a new lover?
Childless problem solution?
Financial problem solution?
Weak Erection & Quick Ejaculation?
solution to sickness and diseases of the body
All type of problem solution by astrology?
Divorce problem solution?

stlcdr said...

Now I have to look up what NPC is.

Ah, so it’s still the old gamer term but used in some societal context. Way to go to confuse us old D&D players...

stlcdr said...
“ooh, a tavern keeper with a quest!”

stlcdr said...

People are taking this satire thing way too seriously.

Nichevo said...

Fen said...
"Anyone who thinks I am lying about this can apologize to me or I have a low opinion of you."

You want me to disavow my disbelief, apologize for that disbelief, and then pretend I believe you.. all under threat of... what exactly?

You're going to be even meaner and ruder to me than before?

Listen to yourself.

9/7/19, 2:16 PM

Yes, Ann, what if we all think you're lower than whale shit? You definitely lie all the time, at least by the FBI standard of not being forthcoming.

daskol said...

The fact of the npc piece not reading immediately as satire is a testament to the dour predictability of sjw screeds above all else. An sjw ai wouldn't have to be particularly intelligent to fool us. It's npcs all the way down.

FrankiM said...

“Jeez, you people are such pathetic cucks arguing over some dweeb gamer acronym.”

Indeed! But it’s been an interesting thread to read, some good insights and some surprises. Low opinions of each other are the common denominator here.

JamesB.BKK said...

Re Dave Chappelle's material (in part), who told it better Owen or Dave?

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