There's this old one from last April that the Times has promoted quite a bit over the months (perhaps because of the eye-catching expanse of male torso (which can fool the eye before you directly focus on it (for example, this morning, I thought it might be sweet potatoes)):
The findings of a new study that looked at the heart of a swimmer vs. the heart of a runner underscored how sensitive our bodies are to different types of exercise— The New York Times (@nytimes) May 10, 2019
And then there's this new story... but it's about kitty cats:
Researchers reported that cats are just as strongly bonded to us as dogs or infants, vindicating cat lovers across the land. “This idea that cats don’t really care about people or respond to them isn’t holding up."— The New York Times (@nytimes) September 25, 2019
I'm sure they know from experience that people click on stuff about pets, especially the age old question is Trump a tyrant, I mean, are dogs better than cats.
Here's the article, "Cats Like People! (Some People, Anyway)/Despite apparent aloofness, cats are social creatures capable of relationships with people, a new study suggests."
Scientists... recruited owners of 79 kittens and 38 adult cats to participate in a “secure base test,” an experiment commonly used to measure bonds that dogs and primates form with caretakers. A similar test is also used for human infants. It is based on the theory that infants form an innate bond with caretakers that manifests as a strong desire to be near that person.Science!
In the experiment, which lasted six minutes, cat and kitten owners entered an unfamiliar room with their animals. After two minutes, the owner left the room, leaving the cat or kitten alone — a potentially stressful experience for the animal. When the owner returned two minutes later, the researchers observed the feline’s response.
About two-thirds of cats and kittens came to greet their owners when they returned, and then went back to exploring the room, periodically returning to their owners. These animals, the researchers concluded, were securely attached to their owners, meaning they viewed them as a safe base in an unfamiliar situation.
will a cat bring you your paper?
will a cat protect your home?
will a cat help clean your house, by sweeping the coffee table?
will a cat provide you with homework excuses?
a cat is Barely able to provide bed warming
Trump's had people crawling up his ass with a microscope every day from day one. And that's fine, that's the media's job. But why do Biden and Hunter both feel comfortable bragging about their doings and the money they made without fear of consequence? Without fear of questions from the reporters listening to them brag? What does that say about our press and our government oversight institutions?
We don't even know what happened yet re Trump and Ukraine, yet they're impeaching him in the House already because of a third hand rumor about a phone call? Do you really think they made that decision just yesterday? I don't. I think it's a manufactured pretext to start another investigation so Trump will have his own investigative hands tied by the threat of being charged with obstruction. There are a lot people in DC in both parties who are corrupt and afraid of outsider Trump. That's what this is about.
The only cats I like act like dogs but are way better ratters
The difference between cats and dogs isn't whether they form attachments to their owners or not. Dogs want to please their masters and cats don't care.
Could it be that the Times recognizes that impeachment is actually going to hurt, not help, their side, and is cutting their losses?
from WebMD:
What Should I Do If My Cat Has Toxoplasmosis?
If you suspect your cat is carrying the parasite that causes toxoplasmosis, it’s time to get him tested by your veterinarian. If he tests positive, it means he has been exposed to the disease but is unlikely to be shedding oocysts after an initial two-week period. If he tests negative, it means he has not been exposed and could still become infected and shed oocysts-but again only for two weeks.
Cats who are capable of shedding eggs should be isolated from children and other pets, pregnant moms and any immunocompromised people in the household. Also, be sure to clean his litter box and bedding twice each day while wearing disposable gloves.
Is There a Cure for Toxoplasmosis?
Antibiotics are available that can clear up most of the symptoms of toxoplasmosis. Although they do not kill the parasite, they can provide an effective treatment.
a cat is Barely able to provide bed warming
My parents had a part siamese that would go wake my mother up when my father called her on the phone in the morning. The cat would also go harass my mother if she left the gas stove on too long.
For the time being "Formal" means "faux". Like, signing statement fake.
Orange Cats Bad
"...will a cat bring you your paper?
will a cat protect your home?
will a cat help clean your house, by sweeping the coffee table?
will a cat provide you with homework excuses?..."
You can teach a cat to shit in a box. There is that.
If you are going to end up lining a bird cage... might as well put pictures of cats in there to scare the birds.
Not commenting on the article bur rather the choice of article as noted by the blog host. Whenever I see something like this, I immediately think, that the New York Times editorial board, which I take as a composite of the intellectual thought of the white people of the Democratic party, thinks that this story offered, (created?) by the democrat politicians, won't really carry the day for the intelligentsia of the left. I mean what are they investigating when they don't even know what is in the conversation? I know the right likes to think of the left as dumb-dumbs, but lots of stories don't pass the mustard test for lots of people on the left.
T gondii might explain the dems behavior.
But would a cat like Trump?
dbp said...
The difference between cats and dogs isn't whether they form attachments to their owners or not. Dogs want to please their masters and cats don't care.
The difference is that cats don't have masters.
You can teach a cat to shit in a box. There is that.
That's instinctive. But you can teach a cat to use a toilet.
Reportedly the Intel IG found that the whistleblower was politically biased against Trump. Perhaps the NYT is soft-pedaling the matter because it has belatedly realized how badly it might blow up in the Democrats' faces.
the heart of a swimmer vs. the heart of a runner underscored how sensitive our bodies are to different types of exercise
The difference was that runners had slightly more "athletic" hearts than swimmers. I blame Trump.
(perhaps because of the eye-catching expanse of male torso (which can fool the eye before you directly focus on it (for example, this morning, I thought it might be sweet potatoes)):
Quick, Meade, smell her fingers! NTTAWWT
You can teach a cat to shit in a box. There is that.
Dogs, at least Chihuahuas, can be trained to go on wee-wee pads, so, tie score. On the other hand, there is no such pleasure as walking your cat. Dogs win again!
Bob Boyd asks: But why do Biden and Hunter both feel comfortable bragging about their doings and the money they made without fear of consequence? Without fear of questions from the reporters listening to them brag?
Not even the mighty Dowd seems curious about that one, even though it the story has all the titiilating elements -- nepotism, drugs, corruption, and above all else, DC politics. My guess is that she's blatantly protecting Dems along with the rest.
Because nothing has actually changed from the day before. They've been screaming "Impeach!" since 2016. They've already got their House Judiciary Committee doing an impeachment inquiry. There was no vote in the House to start a formal impeachment inquiry or proceeding. It was just Pelosi grandstanding for her base (which includes CNN and NBCCBSABCMSNBCNYTWAPO). Nothing is different today, Wednesday, than it was on Tuesday.
This will either turn out to be something, or it'll be gone in a week and we'll be onto the next explosive thing.
Impeachment over a phone call. oooo we cannot ask the Ukrainians to look into Hunter Biden's corruption access to money whoring.
No no no no no no!
No no no!!!
- who was wire-tapping or listening to Trump's phone call?
Can they be impeached?
Hunter Biden for president.
He's perfect! He's got the D-goods.
The Clinton money whoring - check
Coke-head - check
Lazy white asshole(D) for easy money - check
So, what were Hunter Biden’s connections to get a commission?
What if they threw an impeachment, and nobody came?
Following up on a comment above, you can leave food/water out and go away for the weekend with a cat and not come back to a ruined home and furniture.
Abraham Lincoln loved cats and Hitler loved dogs while I don't think Trump has any pets. Make of that what you will.
I've long said:
If a shrink ray reduced my family to mouse size, my dog would kill us accidentally or my cat would kill deliberately.
But dogs have trained their humans to pick up and dispose of their excrement. Something street dwellers are incapable of doing.
The 'transcript', it's actually just notes, has been released.
They got nothing on Trump.
Spotlight only shines on Biden.
Bob Boyd: "I think it's a manufactured pretext to start another investigation so Trump will have his own investigative hands tied by the threat of being charged with obstruction."
There are a lot of aspects to this, and don't minimize the crazy, but that makes a lot of sense. The Mueller investigation tied the IG's hands for quite awhile. Note the connection to Hillary.
Not found at NYT:
Attorney Representing Whistleblower Against Trump Worked For Hillary and Schumer
We have cats. They love us and we love them.
My cats bring me mice and voles, usually dead, to impress me.
They still prefer cat food.
We must impeach Trump who has brought us the best economy in 50 years so we can return to the people to serfdom so they elect us! The Dems
And yet another two installments of the ever continuing series of newspaper articles in which a single scientific study is press released and journalists decide THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED!!! despite that not being how science works at all.
Always remember: journalists are biased, lazy, and ignorant. Plan accordingly.
a cat is Barely able to provide bed warming
I read somewhere that the band "Three Dog Night" were originally going to call themselves "Eighteen Cat Night."
"You can teach a cat to shit in a box. There is that."
Just drop them in the box. Teaching done.
“You can teach a cat to shit in a box. There is that.”
That's not nothing. We just watched a majority of the House of Representatives shit on the constitution.
We have been cat owners for just over a year now. On Mother’s Day, I gave my partner two T shirts. One says “T3’s Mom”. She couldn’t complain about that. The other though says “Who Owns Who?” She hates it, and the misuse of the nominative instead of the accusative case is not the big reason for her hate. I thought it very appropriate.
As with Rehajm’s parents, this cat is part Siamese. Which means that he is too smart for his own good. We were RV camping and the first night, around 1 am, he went missing. Three hours of frantic hell ensued. Couldn’t find him anywhere, inside or outside. Then, about 4 am, while I was on y iPad, sitting at the picnic table by the RV, he sauntered by, cool as can be. I grabbed him, and got him inside, where his “mommy” was still panicking. I told her that I was relieved, since it meant that I didn’t need to try to match his coloring with spray paint on another cat. Turns out he was a bit cold, but mostly just hungry. Eventually we figured out what had happened. The little shit had been watching us go in and out through the back door. It has a lever, kinda like the inside door handles in our house that he has been practicing on. So he reached up, grabbed the door lever, pulled down, and his weight opened the door, allowing his prison break. The moral of the story is to stay away from Siamese. They are too smart for their own good.
He has bonded with us though. He knows when my truck pulls up into the driveway before my partner does. If we go out to dinner, he is very loving when we get back, then turns bratty towards her (he knows not to with me), sometimes even drawing blood from his bites. Which, she immediately has to inundate with hydrogen peroxide, because of where his tongue has been. And he reacts badly when I take off overnight to visit a friend in neighboring Idaho, but not until I get back. Normally, when we are both home, he moves constantly back and forth between us, making sure we are both where we are supposed to be. When he misbehaves, I want to bring out the squirt gun or spray bottle. Nope. Apparently I take too much joy in their use, even though mere presentation is more than sufficient, after demonstrating their effect just one time. It used to be quite fun - he would try to sneakily do something he shouldn’t. I would catch his eye, and maybe touch the squirt gun, and that was all that I needed to do for him to desist.
My worry though is that my partner has declared that she expects, or at least wants, to die first. I have promised to have them cremated together. Well, not quite what she had in mind, since it would require a vet visit so he could join her. I think yesterday I finally convinced her to get a second cat, to keep him from getting lonely, and to hopefully eliminate the problem I expect if he goes first.
a single scientific study is press released and journalists decide THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED!!!
They didn't do that with either article:
Cats: "a new study suggests"
Hearts: "new study finds that the answer may be yes"
I agree that MSM science coverage is generally dishonest click-bait, but these two subjects are apolitical and probably boring.
My cat comes back to the house when I call her name.
She does want to impeach the neighbor's dog though.
My cats bring me mice and voles, usually dead, to impress me.
I have a cat who hunts. She's not allowed outside, so she brings me socks and, sometimes in the winter, gloves. She brought me a hat once. It was a newsboy-style cap and she managed to bring it up a flight of stairs. I was pretty impressed by that one.
"...will a cat bring you your paper?
will a cat protect your home?
will a cat help clean your house, by sweeping the coffee table?
will a cat provide you with homework excuses?..."
Can your dog purr?
Knife-wielding man chased down Sydney street after woman stabbed. Three British men were hailed as heroes on Tuesday for wrestling a knife-wielding man to the ground after he had allegedly stabbed one woman to death and wounded another in Sydney.
Lee Cuthbert, Paul O'Shaughnessy and Luke O'Shaughnessy, all from Manchester, were working in the centre of the Australian capital when they heard commotion on the street and ran out to help.
Video News Link
Couldn't read the NYT stories, but I remember my trainer explaining that the target heart rate in water was lower than the usual 70 to 85% of 220 - age. Maybe not as it turns out.
Cats are different from dogs, they are more easily antagonized, but they can be incredibly affectionate with humans, other cats, and even family dogs. I think the family cats are probably far less different tempermentally from their undomesticated ancestors than dogs are from theirs- more effort was probably put into domesticating and using dogs for different purposes than was done to cats.
I posted this cute cat video the other night.
I can't read the article on the the swimming vs running, but having done both activities for exercise, swimming always leave me more winded for a given amount of time effort, so I always thought it a more efficient use of time in regards to benefit, but laps in a pool or even just swimming distance in a lake is boring beyond belief- running outdoors never bored me, so I did far more running than swimming.
Anyone who has owned cats knows this.
It's strange how much the modern world has discounted the value of human beings knowing things via direct experience. Now everything has to be studied in large sample sizes to determine the obvious. As a friend once noted, "I don't need a damn study to tell me when my dog is happy-- I've got eyes."
dbp said...
The difference between cats and dogs isn't whether they form attachments to their owners or not. Dogs want to please their masters and cats don't care.
Dogs have family.
Cats have staff.
thank you Two-Eyed Jack, I needed a good laugh :)
wild chicken said...
My cats bring me mice and voles, usually dead, to impress me.
My sister's cat would line up the night's dead mice next to the two morning newspapers. I was impressed that the cat figured out that THAT was where the night's deliveries went. If/When the cat would catch a bird, or a bunny; it would bring it into the house (live), and drop it at my mother's feet. I was Particularly impressed that the cat could (correctly) determine WHO was the boss in our house (NOT my father).
Cat's ARE good at Killing things; there is No Doubt about that.
Of course a lot of cats bond with some people, especially owners who are respectful of the cat's way of interacting. As I type, both of my cats are on the desk and it's solely because I am here--they only hang out on the desk if I am here, and they come over within seconds of my sitting down. Quite irritating if endearing. Can't get real work done unless I keep tossing them off. I've trained the more attention-demanding cat to lay down if he wants to be petted instead of stepping all over the keyboard and rubbing my face.
The NYT should try to find a research paper that compares the brains of cat people to those of dog people and do an article on that.
Best to stick to what you know best, and leave politics and news reporting to those who can handle it better.
One of my neighbors is a somewhat elderly lady, and she's a cat person. One day she asked me if I'd seen her tomcat in my yard. I said I saw it yesterday, with a baby rabbit in its mouth. "Ach!" she exclaimed in her slight German accent, "He brought it up to my bedroom!"
I said "He must really like you."
My wife hates the tomcat and thus its owner. I think it best to humor her, and shoot at the cat with my slingshot when she's not looking.
I haven't actually hit it, but cats are smart enough to know what that whizzing noise just over your head means.
If you ever get into a serious fight with a mugger or something, a cat won’t jump in on your side and take on all comers, no matter how old and grey your dog is or overmatched he is. A dog would trade his life to buy you three extra seconds while your cat will be up the nearest tree mewling for a fireman.
Yancey... You're not a real swimmer. You get winded easily because floundering.
Gahrie said: "But you can teach a cat to use a toilet."
If you manage to train one to flush it afterwards, we may have something to talk about.
Cats are almost as lovable as dogs but they also have a perverse nature. A cat I once had would find the one guest in the room who really hated cats and plop into his lap. ;-)
Check out Youtube, Phidippus. Quite a few cats flush the toilet.
A dog would trade his life to buy you three extra seconds while your cat will be up the nearest tree mewling for a fireman.
When my aunt was dating, her Siamese cat would pounce on and savagely attack her suitors.
The only time I've ever seen a baby squirrel is when of my cats deposited two on the front porch one morning.
Phidippus: Gahrie said: "But you can teach a cat to use a toilet."
If you manage to train one to flush it afterwards, we may have something to talk about.
A cat can't flush a toilet, Fokker - it doesn't even have thumbs!
Cats are very trainable. Most cat owners don't do a lot of training because the cat adapts itself to the rhythms of the owner very readily. And of course, the cat does not need to be take out and interact with other people. But it is not hard to teach a cat tricks like sitting up to beg, or handy behaviors like jumping over you in bed, instead of walking on you.
I stand corrected. My apologies, to cats, and to cat people.
I did have a cat once, long ago, who attacked the man who was delivering a case of beer from the liquor store, and which chased him all the way back to his truck. That sucker meant business, and I have the scars to prove it.
That could have affected my opinion about them.
What about nude swimming?
"If you suspect your cat is carrying the parasite that causes toxoplasmosis, it’s time to get him tested by your veterinarian." It's a guy thing?
The cats look like they're about to lynch someone.
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