September 18, 2019

"The Arizona Democratic Party is planning to hold a vote this week to determine whether Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) should be censured."

Censure her? Why would they censure her?! The Hill reports:
Those seeking to censure Sinema point to her vote to confirm David Bernhardt, Trump’s nominee to serve as secretary of the Interior, as well as her vote to confirm William Barr as Attorney General, the news outlet notes. Additionally, progressives in the Arizona Democratic Party cite Sinema’s resistance to joining fellow Democrats in trying to reinstate net neutrality rules...

Dan O’Neal, the state coordinator for Progressive Democrats of America, told the news outlet that the censure is an effort to push Sinema back toward the left. “Here’s the thing: We really support Kyrsten Sinema... [b]ut the way she is voting is really disappointing. We want Democrats to vote like Democrats and not Republicans.”
Those aren't reasons to censure someone! There's no accusation that she's done something wrong, only that her political position is at odds with the rest of her party.

Why are Democrats having such a hard time just being normal? Trump is so abnormal that it would seem that he can be defeated by simple, boring normality. But that's not exciting enough, apparently, and Democrats have decided to go even further beyond the norm.

Why does Arizona have a Democratic Senator? Isn't it because she is a bit more like a Republican? From her Wikipedia page:
During the 2018 campaign Sinema refused to debate her competitor in the Democratic primary, Deedra Abboud, an attorney and community activist.... While Abboud said she would vote against the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, Sinema "said she wanted to delve deeper into Kavanaugh's writings and interview him personally before deciding"...

Journalist Jonathan Martin wrote in The New York Times in September 2018 that Sinema was running "one of the most moderate-sounding and cautious Senate campaigns this year, keeping the media at arms-length and avoiding controversial issues", and said her campaign was generally reluctant to bring up President Donald Trump....


wendybar said...

Bahahahhahahhahahahhahahah. They have gone off the DEEP END. Bye bye Democrat Party. You are all NUTS!!!

Nonapod said...

We want Democrats to vote like Democrats and not Republicans

But the Democrats don't even seem to be behaving like Democrats lately. They seem to be behaving more like Socialists, doomsayers, and lunatics.

rhhardin said...

Trump is so abnormal that it would seem that he can be defeated by simple, boring normality.

Normal means politically correct.

Bay Area Guy said...

AA asks: "Why are Democrats having such a hard time just being normal? "

Because the Democrat Party has changed since 1972. Radical Leftwing idiots have taken it over.

Carol said...

Meanwhile, in the GOP, the candidates who would not dare mention his name in 2016 are all Trump, Trump, Trumpity Trump!

Now why is that?

Kevin said...

The left is against free thought and for conformity.

Fmr DNC Chair Donna Brazile: 'I get in trouble' when I refuse to say that Trump is a racist

Bob Boyd said...

It's not just Sinema.
Listen to the people who have taken over the Democratic Party. They want to punish all Americans who vote the wrong way and say the wrong things.

Carol said...

Meanwhile, in the state GOPs, the candidates who wouldn't dare mention his name in 2016 are all Trump Trumpity Trump in 2019.

Why is that I wonder.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Thinking for yourself is not a hallmark of the modern democratic fascist party.

traditionalguy said...

The War on the USA has been run by the Obama/Soros/Clinton wing of the Dems for decades. They are a military operation imitating a political party. Ask Seth Rich what the do with traitors.

CJinPA said...

Why are Democrats having such a hard time just being normal?

Great question. It seems to be generational. Not that Sinema is old. Young progressives have been told for years that Democrats are fighting against evil. They believed it. How can you then tell them they can ever compromise with evil?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“Why are Democrats having such a hard time just being normal?”

Even the most self-disciplined addict eventually experiences the chaos latent in the addiction. Normal doesn’t feel good. It feels....Republican.
The Donks are building a house without doors. Just windows to scream out of.
Give me a minute and I’ll come up with some more vaguely profound shit.

Bob Boyd said...

A censure would probably make Sinema more popular in Arizona.
She's probably telling the PDA, "Please Briar Prog, skin me, boil me, but whatever you do, just don't throw me in dat dere briar patch."

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Krysten Sinema has always done what's best for Krysten Sinema and the Arizona DemocRAT part knows that.

DarkHelmet said...

What's abnormal about Trump? He is a typical loudmouth NY real estate promoter who says what he thinks.

The abnormal ones are the greasy D.C. pols who might as well be aliens from Planet Zorg for all the connection they have with ordinary citizens.

CJinPA said...

Kevin said...
"The left is against free thought and for conformity."

I think the right would be to if it had the ability to do so. It's human nature. But the left is so culturally dominant its drunk with power. Like a bull that got into some fermented fruit. Just smashing stuff because it can.

Not Sure said...

This is nothing but a tantrum. Barr's nomination was approved by a 54-45 vote. The vote on Bernhardt was even more decisive. Sinema's vote was a low-cost signal to AZ voters. Apparently she's as liberal as a majority in her state will allow--and she knows it.

She'll get past these nitwits in her next primary and then breeze to re-election.

Dave Begley said...

The Left can't understand and tolerate anyone who disagrees with them. Dissenters must be destroyed, boycotted, impeached and silenced.

Just primary he if they don't like her votes. This censure is just an intimidation tactic.

Danno said...

BayAreaGuy said..."Because the Democrat Party has changed since 1972. Radical Leftwing idiots have taken it over."

Remember McGovern headed the 1972 ticket, so you would be more correct in saying that it has changed since 1971, with a period of moderation during the Clinton years.

But yes, it is now at least 70% bat-shit crazy if you figure that Biden can't get above the 30% mark.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Sinema is a smart chick, though. She can be as Lefty as she likes now but the media will always describe her as a moderate (remember when she was almost censured?). Maybe this is all a Donk shuck to make their loons more acceptable in purple states.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Is she on suicide watch?

I'd hire a food tester. The Clinton death machine rolls on.

Fernandinande said...

The Arizona Democratic Party is planning to hold a vote

The who is planning to hold a what?

US Senate sez Censure
"Less severe than expulsion, a censure (sometimes referred to as condemnation or denouncement) does not remove a senator from office. It is a formal statement of disapproval, however, that can have a powerful psychological effect on a member and his/her relationships in the Senate. In 1834, the Senate censured President Andrew Jackson – the first and only time the Senate censured a president. Since 1789 the Senate has censured nine of its members."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

OT - kind of:

Granny Maojackets Is Shotgunning Boxes of Franzia Now

America's most obnoxious alcoholic grandmother left her porch rocker to scare the neighbor kids with stories again.

Undoubtedly reeking of mothballs and failure, MeeMaw Clinton was speaking to the Democratic version of bitter clingers and continuing to spread the baldfaced lie that Stacey Abrams should be Georgia's governor right now.

The most galling aspect of Hillary's post-2016 political wandering in the desert isn't that she keeps offering untruthful versions of why she isn't president; it's that she does it completely unchallenged by anyone in our brave media.

Despite her many and obvious flaws, Hillary Clinton remains the Delusion Whisperer for the collective fever dream that keeps Democrats believing that every political failure of theirs is the result of subterfuge.

The Hill covered Mrs. Clinton's ramblings, letting her usual litany of excuses for her 2016 failure and her ominous tale of our "crisis in democracy" go unexamined.

When corruption loses, Democracy Dies in Darkness.

Wince said...

Those aren't reasons to censure someone!

Before rushing to judgment, I want to hear more about this Arizona state Democratic Party censure process.

For instance, does it involve turquoise nipple clamps?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I keep hearing how Trump is destroying our institutions but the real damage, as opposed to the DNC-Media complex’s fantasy version, is that Progressives are the ones demanding extraordinary acts. We used to think a 98-2 vote for a SC Justice was a good thing, bipartisan, healthy for democracy and all. But Progressives demand 100% fealty to the issue of the day. Look at alleged “moderate” Slow Joe being forced to reject every normal position he ever held in order to stay in the Primary. And it’s not enough that Sinema votes 99% on the D party line, she wanted to LISTEN to Kavanaugh. Listen to a nominee? The horror!

Many of us were worrying for years, at least since 2000 when they called Bush illegitimate. It started earlier, but after that issues started devolving to party-line votes. Nominees were held up on procedural issues. Harry Reid bragged about being the graveyard for bills passed by the house. Mcconnell works the same way now. Trump has been a blessing in his ability to get the crazy leftists and RINOs to self-identify.

Michael K said...

I thought Sinema was pretty radical when she ran but McSally refused to debate her, which I thought a serious error. McSally is good in person on policy. There was also significant ballot harvesting in Phoenix, a test run for 2020. Sinema has now made herself pretty safe. McSally was appointed to fill the term of McCain and is opposed by Mark Kelly whose two claims to fame are he is married to Gabby Giffords who was shot by a schizophrenic and he is for gun confiscation. We'll see how that plays next year.

Known Unknown said...

Maybe it's the skirts and thigh-high boots. She's making the other Dem gals look bad.

Derek Kite said...

The reality is that Trump is normal. These activists aren't. I know people like Trump, a few of them. They are movers and shakers, every town that has anything going on has a collection of them.

Those weird political apparatchiks are the strange ones sitting alone at lunch.

Francisco D said...

Sinema is a master at appearing to be a moderate independent when she is really a loyal Democrat.

When they need her vote, they will always get it. The AZ Dem party is clever in burnishing her "independent" credentials.

Big Mike said...

I cannot improve on what Glenn Reynolds wrote:

“During the election she was pitched as a moderate aisle-crosser. Nobody meant for her to actually be one.”

AZ Bob said...

She ought to switch parties. She might have trouble in the next primary if she doesn't.

hombre said...

Sinema won because Martha McSally ran a terrible campaign as did the “independent “ entities that tried to help her. I voted for McSally, but I have been impressed with Synema’s rationality in these days of Democrat lunatics.

Evidently, the lunatics are not impressed.

Birches said...

I was very skeptical of her, but boy is she proving she wants to be reelected. She understands her constituents well. Janet Napolitano started out that way as Governor but then went more radical after her reelection. That kind of turn won't work in the Senate.

hombre said...

Sinema won because McSally and her allies ran a terrible campaign. I voted for McSally, but I have been impressed by Sinema’s rationality in these days of Democrat lunatics.

Evidently, the lunatics are not impressed.

Night Owl said...

Why are Democrats having such a hard time just being normal?

Because the Democrat party hasn't been normal for quite a while. Some of us noticed the exaggerated rage towards the Republican president and conservatives during the Bush years and were turned off enough to vow to never vote them into power ever again. Others are just starting to see the insanity in the party, largely due to Trump having the gall to push back, and using social media to broadcast the fight.

The Dems want power too much-- seemingly much more so than the GOP-- and it's made them lose all sense of propriety. And because they are enabled by most of the MSM it's emboldened them. They don't see a need to hide or restrain their outrageous attempts to gain power, and even if they wanted to act normal their TDS afflicted base would turn on them if they did.

Seeing Red said...

Why are Democrats having such a hard time just being normal?

You don’t get it because you never saw it, but we did, because we live with this every day. We’ve watched and listened for a lifetime. This intolerant, control freak, disdainful, elitist, hateful, GREEDY party has been the face for at least 30 years, they just hid it better.

Losing what they felt they were entitled to —POWER— because they want to “help” people is more out in the the open because losing to Trump drove them over the edge.

Trump is so abnormal that it would seem that he can be defeated by simple, boring normality. But that's not exciting enough, apparently, and Democrats have decided to go even further beyond the norm.

No he’s not. He’s America. He’s big, bold, brash.

What’s different about this situation is he actually loves and puts America first and is volcano about it and he doesn’t really need they money. Someone for the little guy who can finally speak out and not be silenced by the e I’ll bullies.

We are the original rogue nation.

And the veneer of the party you cling to is nothing more than whiny junior high mean girls.

Look at what that party is doing to California. That party, the party that rules Madiganistan is going to force Chicago and the state into bankruptcy.

Welcome to our world, Alice.

rehajm said...

Trump is so abnormal that it would seem that he can be defeated by simple, boring normality.

I wouldn't count on that...

Just what is it about Trump is so abnormal for a President? He has extramarital affairs like Clinton and Kennedy, he has a bombastic way with words like LBJ, his policies are like Reagan, Clinton, Bush, JFK...what the hell are we talking about abnormal?

I'm Full of Soup said...

What Francisco D said at 9:27AM.

The media loves to portray far left liberals as moderates [i.e. Retarded Joe Biden] just because they appear to be sane in public. Yet, let me be clear, Synema and Biden will vote 95% of the time with the far left.

iowan2 said...

Meanwhile, Sen. Collins in Maine is under assault for her Vote for Kavanaugh. I would love to have someone ask those against her, to explain what in her speech, explaining her vote, she got wrong. That of course will never happen. AZ and place for reasoned dialog.

Shouting Thomas said...

Trump is not at all abnormal in the sense you are stating.

He’s extraordinary. He’s an extraordinarily successful businessman.

He’s like you, Althouse, He’s a master of using the New Media to get his message across.

Unless you’re complaint against Trump is just a general distaste for a macho old fashioned businessman, I don’t get your point. Macho old fashioned businessmen are normal.

You’re abnormal. You’re a Marxist feminist with an obsession over feminist and gay identity politics. Nobody I meet in my personal or social life gives a shit about this stuff that obsesses you.

You seem to basing your definition of normal on the Marxist criticism studies mentality you swam in at UW Law School. That’s a nuthouse you were in, professor.

Charlie said...

OK, I'll say it. Va Va Voom!

Amadeus 48 said...

"Why are Democrats having such a hard time just being normal?"

Because they are not normal. They as a party are on a power trip fueled by identity politics and liberal guilt. There is nothing here that differs from the line taken by academia/media/big business for the last 40 years. It's just that until recently, they have thought it but have been unwilling to do it. Now, they are doing it. But they have always wanted it.

George Orwell in the book 1984 published in 1948: "If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever."

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...


Reduces regulation
Enforces immigration laws
Works for fair trade deals
Opposes new foreign wars

The Insanity!

minnesota farm guy said...

Sinema seemed like an off the wall candidate based on her personal history, but her record in Congress has been fairly well balanced and she seems prepared to actually address issues of importance unlike so many of her compatriots.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Elizabeth Warren immediate tweeted that Bret Kavanaugh should be impeached.

Where is her apology?

Jupiter said...

"Why are Democrats having such a hard time just being normal?"

narciso said...

I think thats a large part of it, what has mcsally done recently

Jim Gust said...

"Why are Democrats having such a hard time just being normal? "

This line jumped out at me, as it did to several other commenters.

It really sums up the crux of today's politics, doesn't it?

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Meanwhile, Althouse wants to vote for the party that embraces the following if they can just act a little more normal:

Refuse to accept election results
Carry out paramilitary raids against their political opponents
Carry out a 3 year coup attempt
Open boarders
Replace capitalism with socialism
Eliminate fossil fuels
Eliminate the EC
Eliminate the 2A
Abortion up to the moment of birth

Michael K said...

Martha McSally ran a terrible campaign

I agree. She is quite good on policy in small groups. There was opposition from some Ward die hards but they refused to accept that she had represented the Tucson district, which leans left and which elected an old pol carpetbagger in 2018. Still, refusing to debate was a huge mistake.

DarkHelmet said...

"Those weird political apparatchiks are the strange ones sitting alone at lunch."

That's been my experience. I've met a bunch. They all seemed to be borderline robots. Political calculating machines, more precisely. Met Arlen Spector once and he was even worse in person than he seems on TV. I was astonished that anybody would voluntarily work for him. But then his staffers were also exactly the sort of people I try to avoid in day to day life, too.

The high profile 'journalist/commentator/pundit' types are also an alien breed relative to what most of us think of normal. I attended dinner with an A-list Never Trumper pundit once and the guy was among the least approachable, least friendly, least interesting people I've ever met.

Washington types are weird. It is a huge mistake for the rest of us to put them in charge of so much of our lives. Huge.

Sebastian said...

"Why are Democrats having such a hard time just being normal?"

Why, oh, why? I wonder why I wonder why I wonder why I wonder. It's a puzzle. And it's sad! Terrible!

Everybody should want normal. And lo, everybody does. Their own normal. I say, normal borders and normal Constitution, to start. Trump is my New Normal. So there.

Leland said...

The Democrats have always behaved this way with Republicans being boringly normal and losing. That's how you got Trump.

Sebastian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gilbar said...

I hate to sound like a broken record

Maillard Reactionary said...

Trump is abnormal in a good way (on the whole). Normal politicians are mendacious, greedy, haughty, and cowardly. Trump, for all his faults, is not those.

The Democrats are abnormal because they suffer from mental and emotional pathologies. Their frustration with losing in 2016--with their near-religious belief in the inevitability of Bill's Wife ignominiously crushed, Trump's insouciant mockery of their pieties and shibboleths, have ripped the civilized veneer right off.

In other words, they were always this crazy, now they just don't try to hide it.

They would be merely pathetic and amusing if they were not so dangerous.

MikeR said...

The liberals want to censure her because she voted for issues _1_, _2_, and _3_. The conservatives should offer to join in the censure because, after all, she voted for issues _4_, _5_, _6_, _7_, and _8_.
Really cool idea. Everyone is guilty no matter what.

chuck said...

Is anyone in the current Democratic Party normal? I can't think of any offhand.

Yancey Ward said...

Sinema is a smart politician. She is just as leftwing as the nuts arranging this no-confidence vote, but she is a senator from a state that still tilts red, and voting with those left-wing nuts will just ensure she is a one term senator.

Mark O said...

'Why are Democrats having such a hard time just being normal?"

Well, all signs point to it being a cult.

Temujin said...


Sinema is very much a woman of the left. But she's very smart. And tends to think for herself. Imagine that! in this day and age.

Bay Area Guy said...

I thought Sinema was a hot bisexual? If so, obviously the Arizona Democrat Party is a hotbed of homophobic, male-dominated misogynists trying to derail this woman's political ascent.

Tom T. said...

I agree with Bob Boyd. I almost wonder if she asked them to do this, to seal her appeal to the political middle.

YoungHegelian said...

"Why are Democrats having such a hard time just being normal? "

Maybe it's their brains.

Darrell said...

Next, the nutty Democrats will drive a black Mercedes into the lobby of Trump Plaza. Mark my words.

Bay Area Guy said...

I agree with Bob Boyd. I almost wonder if she asked them to do this, to seal her appeal to the political middle.

That would be a brilliant move. True, Sinema voted to confirm Bill Barr as AG (which genuinely pissed off the batshit left). But the confirmation vote was 54-45, so her vote wasn't needed. So...........

Ken B said...

I have been saying for months on this blog that Sinema is the one to watch. She has voted as a moderate, despite her past. If she can establish herself as reasonable she will be a force to be reckoned with in 2024. This will be good for her, it is her sister souljah moment already.

LA_Bob said...

I agree with other commenters who think Sinema is just being a smart politician.

Her choice is simple: Suffer a Democratic party censure or suffer voter rejection. The censure won't cost her a job, so........

hstad said...

".....only that her [Sinema] political position is at odds with the rest of her party...." Not really, only the morons on the Left/Progressive side. Arizona's mainstream Democrats are of the Jacksonian variety.

Mark said...

The AZ Dem party is clever in burnishing her "independent" credentials.

No, they're being useful idiots. (Useful to Sinema anyway.) One word that doesn't appear on Sinema's website? Democrat.

She's waiting until the dumpster fire burns out and plans to run in 2024.

Yancey Ward said...

"She's waiting until the dumpster fire burns out and plans to run in 2024."

She might be the VP pick this coming election.

stevew said...

If by abnormal you mean unusual, unique even, in contemporary American politics then I agree and would say we need more of it. If it is just an insult then, nah.

Sam L. said...

Why are Democrats having such a hard time just being normal? Because they're crazed Leftists!

RMc said...

Why are Democrats having such a hard time just being normal?

As has been said here many times: "All the Democrats have to do is not be crazy. They can't."

RMc said...

Why are Democrats having such a hard time just being normal?

As has been said here many times: "All the Democrats have to do is not be crazy. They can't."

Jim at said...

The CRTL Left strikes again.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Sinema won because McSally and her allies ran a terrible campaign. I voted for McSally, but I have been impressed by Sinema’s rationality in these days of Democrat lunatics.”

Also, by mid October, when we got back to AZ, Sinema was spending a lot more money on advertising on TV and radio than McSally was. At times, it appeared 2-1. And she really did sound fairly reasonable. Plus, of course, the rampant cheating by the Maricopa county clerk and recorder.

Kirk Parker said...


"Why are Democrats having such a hard time just being normal?"

Because they aren't normal? What, did you sleep through the entire pussy hat extravaganza? We are pretty sure you didn't sleep through the Madison Follies, because you reported on them (including getting some vague but worrisome threats in the process.)

Althouse, these are your political homies in the Democratic party; these are your homies in acedemia! ("I need some muscle over here!") When are you going to wake up to this?

Kevin said...

"Why are Democrats having such a hard time just being normal?"

The Dems moved from a Liberal to a Progressive orthodoxy.

Progressive orthodoxy demands change in all things at all times.

Even an idea as basic as two genders must be attacked.

It's about power, not science.

Jim at said...

Is anyone in the current Democratic Party normal?

I can't think of any, either.

I wasn't quite old enough to vote then (a couple years short), but I would've pulled the lever for Scoop Jackson as my senator and Dixy Lee Ray as my governor when she ran in 1976.

They wouldn't recognize the Democratic Party today. In fact, they'd be ashamed.

TrespassersW said...

Resistance is futile.

gblanch said...

Trump is so abnormal that it would seem that he can be defeated by simple, boring normality.
Is that you speaking Ann?
Well, regardless of who the speaker is it's clear they do not understand Trump at all.

Sebastian said...

When Sinema votes for Amy Coney Barnett, as an obviously qualified justice, I'll consider her a "normal" "moderate."

Ken B said...

One thing Althouse did not do is sleep through the pussy thing. She called on Trump to withdraw. (Her idea of neutrality) This blog wore a metaphorical pink pussy hat for months until I suppose she got tired of being pwned by Hardin

I Callahan said...

Can we finally consider the Democrat party as batshit insane finally?

Qwinn said...

I'm getting sick and tired of the "All they have to do is not be crazy" meme. Why is the bar lowered so ridiculously far for them? Don't they also have to argue that their policies would be better than Trump's? The Democrats are totally crazy now, yes, but even when they were better at hiding it, their ideas still sucked far worse than the Republican's ideas. And that's been true since Lincoln.

Todd Roberson said...

Full disclosure: I'm a conservative libertarian.

Huge fan of KS. I thought her opponent Mcsally came across as preachy and dull at the same time.

Amadeus 48 said...

Quoting Jaydub from another thread:

"My argument to [the Dem neighbor] is that my priorities in a president are a strong economy, a strong national defense, property rights and personal freedom; so, which Democrat would she suggest I vote for?"

That is going to become my standard response to the question as to which Dem I favor.

Virgil Hilts said...

I've always liked Sinema. And I like how athletic she is/has become. She's "big boned" but in fantastic shape and looks better than she did 10 years ago. I believe she was easily the most fit congresswoman, and with Ryan's departure may now be one of the most fit (of either sexes) in the Senate.

Tomcc said...

Censure by the state party does seem extreme. I'll be interested to see if they follow through on it. Are they truly that extreme, or are they posturing?
Several months back, I read the text (or one of the texts) of the "Green N.D." It was enlightening and made me realize just how anxious the progressive branch of the Democratic party is to turn our country into a gulag. I happen to like the status quo and wouldn't wish that dystopia on my daughter or her (future) children.
I also don't appreciate the desire to turn "diversity" into personal mandates.
When I was younger, I enjoyed the occasional drag show as fun, campy, humorous play-acting. These days, it's been elevated to some kind of cultural virtue- not fun, but important!
Have our societal norms really changed that dramatically? (Hoping not)

Nichevo said...

Althouse, these are your political homies in the Democratic party; these are your homies in acedemia! ("I need some muscle over here!") When are you going to wake up to this?

As soon as she can invent a rationale that proves that she was not wrong. Because Althouse can never, never, never be wrong. It is not allowed.

Virgil, two words, fake tits. Bzzzzt!

Michael K said...

I thought her opponent Mcsally came across as preachy and dull at the same time.

Which is a shame because I know her and she does well in small groups.

Hubert Humphrey was somewhat the same. He was a stiff and preachy in public but a warm and entertaining guy in private. My father -in-law knew him well.

Anthony said...

I didn't vote for her. I've only been here a little over a year and hated McCain.

That said, I've been . . . . pleasantly surprised? She's stayed out of the spotlight. I haven't followed her votes on things, but not being a screeching take-no-prisoners socialist is a plus in my book (moved here from Seattle). I actually wrote to my first letter-to-a-senator today telling her pretty much that.

Plus she's H.O.T.

Michael K said...

When I was younger, I enjoyed the occasional drag show as fun, campy, humorous play-acting. These days, it's been elevated to some kind of cultural virtue- not fun, but important!

When I was in college we used to go to San Francisco frequently. Many visits to Finocchios where you would see all variations.

Lazarus said...

In other words, Sinema nowadays isn't what it used to be?

I blame all those Marvel movies.

Birkel said...

Trump is abnormal? I would ask you to consider the following:

I was having dinner…in London…when eventually he got, as the Europeans always do, to the part about “Your country’s never been invaded.” And so I said, “Let me tell you who those bad guys are. They’re us. WE BE BAD. We’re the baddest-assed sons of bitches that ever jogged in Reeboks. We’re three-quarters grizzly bear and two-thirds car wreck and descended from a stock market crash on our mother’s side. You take your Germany, France, and Spain, roll them all together and it wouldn’t give us room to park our cars. We’re the big boys, Jack, the original, giant, economy-sized, new and improved butt kickers of all time. When we snort coke in Houston, people lose their hats in Cap d’Antibes. And we’ve got an American Express card credit limit higher than your piss-ant metric numbers go. You say our country’s never been invaded? You’re right, little buddy. Because I’d like to see the needle-dicked foreigners who’d have the guts to try. We drink napalm to get our hearts started in the morning. A rape and a mugging is our way of saying 'Cheerio.' Hell can’t hold our sock-hops.
We walk taller, talk louder, spit further, fuck longer and buy more things than you know the names of. I’d rather be a junkie in a New York City jail than king, queen, and jack of all Europeans. We eat little countries like this for breakfast and shit them out before lunch.

P.J. O'Rourke, Holidays in Hell

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

I've always liked Sinema. And I like how athletic she is/has become. She's "big boned" but in fantastic shape and looks better than she did 10 years ago. I believe she was easily the most fit congresswoman, and with Ryan's departure may now be one of the most fit (of either sexes) in the Senate.

Well, now that we have the important qualifications covered.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Qwinn said...
I'm getting sick and tired of the "All they have to do is not be crazy" meme. Why is the bar lowered so ridiculously far for them? Don't they also have to argue that their policies would be better than Trump's? The Democrats are totally crazy now, yes, but even when they were better at hiding it, their ideas still sucked far worse than the Republican's ideas. And that's been true since Lincoln."

Agree, same as "get woke, go broke." Stupid and easily refuted by a Venn diagram of the Fortune 1000 on the one hand, and broke companies on the other.

Not much overlap, not much at all.

But if "Insty" our buddy repeats it over and over, by God so will a bunch of "conservatives" you can be sure.

Dismembering babies for fun and profit is fucking evil and abnormal. Thousands of beating hearts torn up a day on average.

How Many Daily Abortions in the U.S.? - Love Will End Abortion

The number of abortions reported by the CDC in the U.S. for 2013 is 664,435. This equates to 1,820 abortions each day. We know the CDC numbers are light, since they do not even include all states, but what it does give us is an irrefutable bottom basement number for how many abortions occur in the U.S. each year.

JamesB.BKK said...

Why does Arizona have a Democratic Senator?

Someone's not been paying attention to the effects of demographic replacements and ballot fraud. California - the DOD servicing State in terminal decline - is staring her in the face.

Lee Moore said...

As a number of folk have pointed out, Sinema is a radical, pretending to be a moderate, in a purple State.

There is absolutely no mileage in her voting nutty party line, when her vote isn't going to change the result. When it matters, she'll vote the party line, when it doesn't, she'll polish her "moderate" cred.

This is not rocket science.

narciso said...

Point taken, guild, dicks seems to be like sliding down to oblivion, espn still has an audience, walmart remains to be seen.

narciso said...

When they control the schools the media, at least corporate middle management, when all the tech titans are auper woke, what chance have we?

Sebastian said...

""My argument to [the Dem neighbor] is that my priorities in a president are a strong economy, a strong national defense, property rights and personal freedom; so, which Democrat would she suggest I vote for?"

That is going to become my standard response to the question as to which Dem I favor."

See, this is the rational way to make political choices. By contrast with Althouse's rationalizations.

JAORE said...

Trump is strange?

Compared to Nadler?
Sheila Jackson Lee?
Hank Johnson?


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