September 16, 2019

Scott Adams: The Democrats are pushing "the stalest old stories" — Kavanaugh, impeachment, Stormy Daniels, Russian collusion — "are ya frickin' kiddin' me?"

"It's starting to get sad... They've completely given up at this point. It feels like they're not even working on task. It feels like busy work. That's what it is: busy work.... It feels like the Democrats can't figure out anything useful to do, but they have to do something...."

The S.E. Cupp thing he's referring to in that clip is, I think, this:


henry said...

How nice. "Beat Trump." Not make life better for Americans (real or imported).

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

SE Cupp used to be a conservative - I thought? What the hell? *Icky Trump - I'm a corruptocrat now.

traditionalguy said...

You can see the Media Dem Complex as morphing into another animal. It is in a molting phase. They seem to be waiting for a WWIII to start and save the old rulerships from irrelevancy.

Expat(ish) said...

So, Scott's thesis is that Hilary expected to get elected due to ... grade inflation?

Tracey Flick would have been outraged.


MadisonMan said...

How many things are Democrats trying to throw against the wall to see what sticks? The sad (Sad!) part is how many of my Facebook friends have apparently drunk the Kool-Aid. Critical Thinking is a thing of the past.

iowan2 said...

In the end Cupp says Dems should run against President Trumps policies, 'many of which are not popular with the people'. Great let's do that. I see the problem as President Trump's policies often mirror the Dems ie, bringing troops home. I don't see many differences. Tax cuts? Dems are against them, yet won't explain how they are paying for Universal Income, Medicare for all, free college, paid family leave, and mandatory buy back of 100 million semi automatic rifles.
The fact is President Trump is a moderate Democrat.

jaydub said...

They should be attacking Trump on the terrible economy, high unemployment, low consumer confidence, foreign adventurism, failure to secure the borders, and terrible stock market performance? The reason Kavanaugh, Stormy and Russia! keep coming up is because they got nothing but Orange Man Bad. Gonna be a long campaign.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I do like the still-shot of SE Cupp that conveys... 'Please Dems, I hate Trump too#. Wake up say something useful. Stop beating up Biden, you mean short-sighted weirdos.'
frowny frowny frown frown. (at least on my screen)

David Begley said...

Liz Warren is a lawyer. She taught at Harvard. She’s a smart woman.

She knows all this Kavanaugh stuff is one big fat lie. A total smear job. Purely political. None of these lies pass the laugh test much less the rules of evidence and the civil burden of proof.

What kind of debased and power hungry person would call for Kavanuagh’s impeachment?

Decent people won’t vote for ANY of these Dems.

rehajm said...

I don't know who SE Cupp is but I hope she's not a political analyst.

The candidates are attacking each other because they want to win the nomination of their own party (or of another party in the case of Sanders). You need to differentiate your positions from your political opposition in some way. Yes it's a risk for the general election but it always is and do you want the nomination or not?

...and yes the candidates have abandoned the rational human but there's a strategy to it: they are hoping to win the last war they won by capturing Never Trumpers and a good enough portion Obama voters who just want free stuff and a good enough portion of illegal immigrant voters who want free stuff...and it just might work.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

S.E Cupp, yet another supposed Republican concerned only about giving Democrats advice about how to beat Trump.

I will say, Democrats are starting to realize how crazy they look. My lefty Facebook friends are now all about posting how Democrats really aren't for all the things their candidates say they are. They really don't favor open borders, infanticide, socialism, destroying the US energy industry (and thus our economy) and banning guns. It's all just a terrible misunderstanding. Just trust them.

rehajm said...

'Busy work' is perfect. All this leftie infrastructure with nothing to do but wait and hope the economy tanks. I didn't hear Adams mention the whole 'pre-recession' worrying they tried to gin up the last month or so but that seemed ineffective and like more of the busy work stuff...

Lucid-Ideas said...

Totally given up...until Fall.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

I have slowly become addicted to Scott Adams’ podcast. I appreciate that he’s a clear and disciplined thinker and not emotional. I can’t handle anyone who discusses politics or current events who gets hysterical.

bbkingfish said...

I stopped watching Scott Adams' lugubrious presentation after the first minute. Does he ever get around to specifying which Dem candidates are pushing those stale old stories described above? Or are the pushers no one in particular, just "The Democrats?"

Sort of like "The Republicans" might push stale old stories about Joe Biden's law school misadventures in the '60s? Or Lizzy Warren's job applications from 30 years ago? In other words, is Scott Adams offended by "Political Business As Usual?" Or is it something else?

Speaking of business-as-usual, that easily could be the title of S.E. Cupp's stale think piece. Did she express any thought that might be called original? But Cupp's job is to fill up commercial air time, and they ain't all gonna be gems, so she can be excused.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

In related news: Trump is literally Hitler!

ConradBibby said...

Here's the problem for Dems: Once you have gone all in on "big lie" charges against Trump (e.g., he's an actual Russian agent, he's a white supremacist, etc.), and they don't work, it's very difficult to go back and try to build a case against him based on legitimate policy criticisms. First, the lefty base has become hyped up on extreme attacks and won't be able to accept going after Trump primarily on the basis of policies and performance. Second, attacking him on traditional policy and executive decision-making grounds will be perceived as an admission that the other stuff really was BS. Therefore, the strategy of portraying Trump as a comic book villain has largely insulated him against more moderate, reasoned criticisms.

Sebastian said...

Keeping the focus on Kavanaugh is smart: for all of Althouse's questioning of the latest smear, the Althouses of America don't want more Kavanaughs. It's Dems' way of personalizing their pro-abortion fervor. People who prefer the trashing of the country in the NYT over the trashy visuals of right-wing "press" will have no problem voting for true-believing Dems who happen to traffic in baseless smears.

Bay Area Guy said...

Why are we discussing S E Cupp? Why not a D Cup?

Sebastian said...

"Decent people won’t vote for ANY of these Dems."

Except that, for many people, the decency of keeping abortion legal (respecting women's bodies!) outweighs any ordinary norms of decency.

MadisonMan said...

I like how SE Cupp said "condiment" instead of "common enemy"

Dave Begley said...

These liars need to be prosecuted.

There was an infamous case in Omaha called the Franklin Credit Union scandal. A young woman named Alisha Owens told the police and other investigators that she attended sex parties with the publisher of the Omaha World-Herald, a district court judge who I knew, the owner of a department store and the Omaha police chief (I know his son).

She claimed that the Mormon and married Omaha police chief would pick her up during the day and have sex with her in Council Bluffs motels.

What she didn't know is that the police chief had a big scar to either his arm or leg from a gun shot wound. She didn't provide that information in her first story.

She was convicted of perjury and served a long time in the state pen.

CBF deserves the same fate. These lies have got to stop.

rcocean said...

I listened to NPR - off and on - on the way to work, and they seem more interested in talking about Climate change and 1619, then the Saudi Drone Strike which may get us into a war. Its easy to laugh, but dumb liberals scarf down all this nonsense, and they never read non-liberal news-sites. They probably think impeachment is a good idea. They've got Trump now - the walls are closing in!

Leland said...

I'll admit to not watching an hour of Scott Adams and then click to the shorter S.E. Cupp video. But I quit watching halfway through when she brought up 538 and the "Trump was mentioned X times in a primary debate". This is boring sophomore level news coverage. Yes, the Democrats hope to beat the Republicans eventually, but first, they are in a Primary and they have to beat their Primary opponents, so in the Primary, they'll differentiate themselves from their Primary opponents. Trump isn't running in the Democrat Primary.

I suspect this is nothing new for S.E. Cupp, she probably has a similar argument during the Republican Primaries of 2016, when she claimed to hold conservative values. And I'm sure she probably wrote a HS paper opining that Democrats should mention H.W. Bush more in the Primary debates.

None of the above has much to do with the quote from Adams, but it is roughly the same. CNN, like the Democrats, have to act like they are doing something. So they put up a "conservative" and have them say something. Just like the Democrats have to show they are doing something. So reach back and grab the old stories and pretend they are news again.

Michael K said...

Another interesting aspect of all this is that (someone else commented on this, as well) I thought Kavanaugh was a squish when he was first nominated. Now, whether all this abuse will make him more conservative, as it has probably done with Thomas, is a question we will never learn the answer to but it does say a lot about Democrats in 2020.

How do they get back to a moderate position for the general election ? What happened to Labour after the "Longest suicide note in history?" Tony Blair finally came along with "New Labour."

Bill Clinton came up with "The Democratic Leadership Council." AOC and Bernie have "the Democratic Socialists of America."

Does that sell to anyone over 30 ?

tommyesq said...

The sad (Sad!) part is how many of my Facebook friends have apparently drunk the Kool-Aid. Critical Thinking is a thing of the past.

The really sad thing is how many will drink the Kool-Aid without first having clicked through to the underlying article, much less having looked to see if there were different opinions.

JAORE said...

I enjoy reading Scott Adams. But his video delivery is torture to me.

NEO-FIDO said...

Gee, she isn't partisan at all.

The Godfather said...

I disagree that the late hit on Kavanaugh is make-work. It's in fact very important because of what it reveals about the Democratic Party and their possible Presidential nominees: They have no decency. They care about nothing other than power, the power to impose their will on the country, the power to destroy anyone who would stand in their way. You could make a plausible argument for the Senate Judiciary Committee investigating Ford's allegations -- perhaps they were true, and perhaps they showed something disturbing about Kavanaugh's character. You can't make that excuse anymore, after all the increasingly absurd and increasingly unfounded accusations, now culminating in penisgate. It's like the "Russian collusion hoax". When the accusations first started to come to light, it seemed that there might be something here worthy of investigation. But after the Mueller Report, we know there's nothing to it, no matter how hard they tried.

And yet the Democrats go on. They desperately hope that they can fool enough people into thinking that Trump is an illegitimate president that he can be defeated in 2020 -- and if not, that they can undermine his authority and effectiveness in his second term as they have in his first.

Anyone who supports impeaching Kavanaugh or Trump is disqualified from the Presidency, and no decent person should vote for such a candidate.

traditionalguy said...

ConradBibby @8:48 is a perceptive and reasonable man. We need more commenters like him.

Mark said...

I've never known who this Essie Cup person is, or why Fox decided to put her on so often.

Wince said...

In answer to SE Cupp's question: Most of the second-tier Democrats have a six-year plan and are running for 2024 anyway, and that'd be harder if not impossible with a Democrat in office.

They want more Trump!

readering said...

POTUS shows how to push investigations of new matters, like Obama-Netflix.

Roger Sweeny said...

First, the lefty base has become hyped up on extreme attacks and won't be able to accept going after Trump primarily on the basis of policies and performance.

If "the lefty base" hates Trump enough, any Democrat will be worth voting for, no matter how she runs her campaign. And lots of pundits will be telling everyone, "this is how she has to run to get 'swing voters' and beat Trump". If "the lefty base" thinks, "She's not betraying us; she's just being smart", they will get out and vote for whoever isn't Trump.

wildswan said...

It's true that you win by primaries by appealing to the base and then pivot to the center for the general. But the Dems seem to be appealing to the far left so that when they pivot they will only reach the middle of the left, not the middle of the country. If you pivot from the Green New Deal, you only reach the Paris Climate accords. You still ban fracking. And in some cases no pivot is imaginable. How could Beto "pivot" away from "Hell, yes, I will take your guns?" How could Sanders pivot? - or rather, he wouldn't. That's what they like about him. And, in any case, the identity focus makes it impossible to "pivot" to economic issues. This "socialism" is not an economic proposal, it is identity socialism. Its engine is the promise to redress identity grievances with a government takeover imposing "equality." And the NYT pivot to 24/7 all-racism all the time in the news is more of the same. The premise of the 1619 project is that true equality will never arrive until America becomes socialist and that the blacks know this the best as they have suffered the most under racist capitalism and so they are the most American because the most naturally socialist. They will lead the way. Ummm. Well, I'm not black and I'm not going to say I know the exact position inside that community. But I can't help feeling that if the 1619 premise were true in some vital way, then we wouldn't be having Kavanaugh reruns, and Jussie the Fake crimes and the Boredom Sweepstake which is the Democratic primary. There'd be real stories and real debates.

wendybar said...


wendybar said...

I forgot the RACIST, RACIST, RACIST song.

Lucien said...

So did Cupp complain that in one debate with ten participants President Trump was mentioned only half as many times as in two debates with twenty participants?

Rosalyn C. said...

Trump identified the evil motivation of the Dems and tweeted about it today. They want to intimidate Kavanaugh into more liberal rulings; if not, they'll make up wild shit about him. We all saw how upset he got at his confirmation hearing over those accusations and attacks on his reputation. Kind of like the liberals not inviting Alan Dershowitz to their parties because he defended Trump. It's mean but it works.

cf said...

Maybe they figure the election Fix is IN this time, and they just want to land on top of the pile and be the pick.

Maybe they all know they don't need to win individual voter's hearts & minds this time, because the vast GroupThink Machine they are part of includes a tested, weaponized Google & Facebook, with local newspapers vanished and NYTimes the only consistent game in most every town.

They can say whatever the hell they want, as long as it titillates our Overseers, who will get the Dem Candidate over the finish line.

chuck said...

> I've never known who this Essie Cup person is

Me neither, but after that clip I will remember her as the voice that sank a thousand ships.

Bruce Hayden said...

Looked up (Sarah Elizebeth - I guessed correctly) Cupp on Wikipedia. The picture there was her as a brunette. Much better look, which causes me to ask why she dyed her hair blonde. She doesn’t really have the coloring for blonde. But a lot of the blonde women on TV are the same, with skin coloring matching their natural darker, hair.

I look back to the women I have dated or been with, and almost all of them were brunettes, except my partner of the last twenty years, who claims to have had strawberry blonde hair, that she reddened with henna, as a girl I dated a couple summers in college. We are still close, a half century, but I have never asked her if she dyed her hair blonde in college. By the time she was 30, she was a brunette, which is a better look for her. At the time, I just assumed that she was naturally blonde, since her next sister is naturally blonde.

I think that part of it was that I figured out at high school graduation that most of the blondes in my HS class were dyed blondes (esp the darker skinned Italians) and figured that there was always something phony about blondes, and esp dyed blondes I didn’t think that I wanted to deal with the baggage of the sort of insecurities that I thought a woman dying her hair blonde meant.

Gusty Winds said...

I am one of many of millions of Americans that the Dems and Media Complex wish didn't exist. I don't believe a word any of them say, because I am convinced they don't believe it either. Free will, Free thought. Disingenuous people in the ivory towers will do anything to maintain power and comfort. Same thing at liberal American Universities and Colleges. It's all disguised as compassion and altruism.

Lies they don't even believe:

Global Warming, 12 years to save the planet, 100 Genders, Kavanaugh accusers are telling the Truth, the NYT, Wash Post, CNN, MSNBC are news outlets, George Snuffleupagus is and independent moderator, The Clinton Foundation was a charitable organization, Bill Clinton didn't diddle anybody under 18 on Epstein's Island, Obama was born in Hawaii even though he registered as a 'foreign student' for aid"...the list is too long to write...

rehajm said...

It's true that you win by primaries by appealing to the base and then pivot to the center for the general

I don't recall an Obama pivot.

rehajm said...

I enjoy reading Scott Adams. But his video delivery is torture to me

Me too. Can't watch.

Ray - SoCal said...

This was an Alinsky pick the target and freeze it.

This worked beautifully against Romney, but Trump punches back and changes the conversation.

Now the topic is The NY Times is fake news...

The attack against Kavanaugh was also payback by a Clinton partisan, for Clinton’s impeachment fiasco that Kavanaugh worked on as staff for Starr.

Nichevo said...

In the second clip the blonde's best assets are continually being obstructed by the chyron. I like her hair cut too, but she sounds kind of like a Democratic strategist. Wasn't this person a conservative once?

narciso said...

she's let her self go, there are so many 'blank pages' that one has to wade through,

Craig said...

Wile E. Coyote never learned, either.

Banjo said...

I don't watch TV news ever for many reasons, including it is a very inefficient way of understanding what is important and not. That is why I am certain Trump will be reelected.

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