When I drag my old mattresses and couches out into the desert for later reclamation by someone else, I try to put some personalized (but unidentifiable) touches to them, so to speak, so as to enhance their attractiveness for the next user.
In the past couple weeks I've noticed at least 3-4 other old mattress on the curb in Madison with colorful paintings/designs on them. Nice to see trash being turned into something that is more appealing to the eye.
Former UN Amb Samatha Power on Face the Nation. Not a single question about giving Iran billions so it could bomb and destroy KSA’s major production facility. That is news! Also no question on her spying on the Trump campaign and President-elect.
nice composition, nicely executed. reminds me of my morning commute years ago, where one day there was an extraordinary graffiti execution on a billboard. it honored the design of the existing art and placed itself exactly right inside that, AND made a beautiful and bold artwork all its own. at the time we were always on the lookout for young talent to join us in journalism, designing/illustrating for a newspaper, and I wondered how I could find this "16-year-old punk" and give him some paid work. Lucky punk. I couldn't figure out how to find him, the kid never had to become a local journalist and live through the melt-down of local journalism.
We should probably do something to tame these volcanoes before they kill more people and pollute the air.
"The most powerful volcanic eruption in recorded history occurs on Krakatoa (also called Krakatau), a small, uninhabited volcanic island located west of Sumatra in Indonesia, on August 27, 1883. Heard 3,000 miles away, the explosions threw five cubic miles of earth 50 miles into the air, created 120-foot tsunamis and killed 36,000 people.
Krakatoa exhibited its first stirrings in more than 200 years on May 20, 1883. A German warship passing by reported a seven-mile high cloud of ash and dust over Krakatoa. For the next two months, similar explosions would be witnessed by commercial liners and natives on nearby Java and Sumatra. With little to no idea of the impending catastrophe, the local inhabitants greeted the volcanic activity with festive excitement.
On August 26 and August 27, excitement turned to horror as Krakatoa literally blew itself apart, setting off a chain of natural disasters that would be felt around the world for years to come. An enormous blast on the afternoon of August 26 destroyed the northern two-thirds of the island; as it plunged into the Sunda Strait, between the Java Sea and Indian Ocean, the gushing mountain generated a series of pyroclastic flows (fast-moving fluid bodies of molten gas, ash and rock) and monstrous tsunamis that swept over nearby coastlines. Four more eruptions beginning at 5:30 a.m. the following day proved cataclysmic. The explosions could be heard as far as 3,000 miles away, and ash was propelled to a height of 50 miles. Fine dust from the explosion drifted around the earth, causing spectacular sunsets and forming an atmospheric veil that lowered temperatures worldwide by several degrees.
Of the estimated 36,000 deaths resulting from the eruption, at least 31,000 were caused by the tsunamis created when much of the island fell into the water. The greatest of these waves measured 120 feet high, and washed over nearby islands, stripping away vegetation and carrying people out to sea. Another 4,500 people were scorched to death from the pyroclastic flows that rolled over the sea, stretching as far as 40 miles, according to some sources.
In addition to Krakatoa, which is still active, Indonesia has another 130 active volcanoes, the most of any country in the world.
In California, a recycle fee is added to each mattress purchase. Naturally, you still have to pay for disposal when you want to get rid of it and unlike cans and bottles, you cannot return it for credit.
"Urinade: sugar, water, urine. Easy, right? Well, the problem is that if you just stir all of these together the sugar will sink to the bottom. So the best way to make urinade is to make a simple syrup first, by heating water and sugar together until the sugar is completely dissolved, and then mix that with the urine. The proportions will vary depending on how sweet and strong you like your urine, and how sour your .....…"
"The most powerful volcanic eruption in recorded history occurs on Krakatoa (also called Krakatau), a small, uninhabited volcanic island located west of Sumatra in Indonesia, on August 27, 1883.
Ever read The Twenty-One Balloons? Ah, memories. Thanks, Mr. Dubois!
Pro tip: there are pickpockets in the tourist areas of Italy. Most of them are young and female. Beware of people changing cars on a moving train.
Also, so far everyone we've met has been really nice, except the French who seem to like to keep to themselves, which is, of course, fine. Happened to randomly sit next to a couple from NH at lunch today. They live less than an hour from us in the States.
The amount of cigarette smoking is surprisingly large.
Better than a mattress soaked in blood. Back when, there was a murder committed in the apartment across the hall from mine, a women killed her boyfriend with a poker and then tried to commit suicide by cutting her veins. I came home Halloween eve and the medical folks were wheeling out the dead body of her boyfriend. A couple of days later a mattress turned up in the dumpster caked with dried blood. Don't know what happened to the women, she was in the hospital last I heard.
Teenage Joe Biden almost killed by apprentice barbers:
"A Twitter thread from the Root senior writer Michael Harriot renewed interest and skepticism about a story Joe Biden told, in which the former vice president claimed to have stood up to a local gang leader at a swimming pool in 1962.
Biden has regaled audiences with parts of the story several times, which he claims took place when he was a lifeguard at a predominantly black pool in Wilmington, Delaware. He remembers how when he kicked a local gang leader named "Corn Pop" out of the pool for violating the rules, Biden was warned that Corn Pop was going to be waiting for him after work with a switchblade.
Biden said he prepared himself by wrapping a metal chain around his arm. Corn Pop was waiting by Biden's car "with three guys and straight razors. Not a joke.”
“And I looked at him, but I was smart then, I said first of all, I said when I tell you to get off the board you get off the board, and I’ll kick you out again, but I shouldn’t have called you Esther Williams, I apologize for that," Biden said, revealing Corn Pop was stunned by the apology and decided to not attack him.
At first I thought you meant the photographs, but you probably mean the box spring. I agree, despite my tendency to joke around, and I really do think it's better than some things I've seen in (for instance) the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Nice use of color, too.
Regarding the photographs, they also have nice composition. Whether she knows it or not, Our Hostess is learning that a major key to a good photograph is to pay attention to the edges and corners. Every visual element in the picture either makes it stronger, or it makes it weaker. Random junk intruding in those places can ruin the composition.
Discussion of mattresses and bedbugs on Reddit. Reminded me of time long ago I clandestinely released a bunch of ladybugs in a friends apartment and later convinced him they were bedbugs.
(Ladybugs were sold at local hardware store, and he had a mailbox slot in his front door)
Amazon prime, since Amazon started doing its own deliveries, often gives next day service, having set up a very tightly organized system of some sort. However, if the package gets sent to the wrong delivery center (even a nearby one), there's no system to get the package back on track except putting a postal service label on it and sending it in ordinary mail.
No reason to make that path efficient, since it isn't supposed to happen.
If anyone can be trusted to keep hope alive by not peeking in for that cat in the box, it’s you, my friend. Yeli goes down; Original Mike steps up. Been doing it all season long.
FullMoon: "Reminded me of time long ago I clandestinely released a bunch of ladybugs in a friends apartment and later convinced him they were bedbugs."
You are truly a man of infinite jest, and most excellent fancy, FullMoon.
When your (hopefully not ex-) friend finally figured it out, I hope you told him that at least he didn't have to worry about aphids.
When your (hopefully not ex-) friend finally figured it out, I hope you told him that at least he didn't have to worry about aphids.
Let him off the hook right after he left a message with apartment manager... One of those situations where victims relief outweighs anger and all is good...
Worked at a resort hotel as an F&B and there was a death/possible suicide by pill in one of the rooms. The next day, the mattress from that room was in the dumpster. I asked the facilities/housekeeping manager why they didn't just flip it.
Had bed bugs. The WORST. Finally had to get it professionally down after spending many dollars trying everything else.
Brett Kavanaugh Fit In With the Privileged Kids. She Did Not. Deborah Ramirez’s Yale experience says much about the college’s efforts to diversify its student body in the 1980s.
By Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly
Ms. Pogrebin and Ms. Kelly are reporters with The Times and authors of the forthcoming book, “The Education of Brett Kavanaugh: An Investigation.”
"...We also uncovered a previously unreported story about Mr. Kavanaugh in his freshman year that echoes Ms. Ramirez’s allegation. A classmate, Max Stier, saw Mr. Kavanaugh with his pants down at a different drunken dorm party, where friends pushed his penis into the hand of a female student. Mr. Stier, who runs a nonprofit organization in Washington, notified senators and the F.B.I. about this account, but the F.B.I. did not investigate and Mr. Stier has declined to discuss it publicly. (We corroborated the story with two officials who have communicated with Mr. Stier.)
Mr. Kavanaugh did not speak to us because we could not agree on terms for an interview. But he has denied Dr. Ford’s and Ms. Ramirez’s allegations, and declined to answer our questions about Mr. Stier’s account."
Molly Hemmingway (who co-authored a bestselling book about Kavanaugh matter with an entirely different take) and has read “The Education of Brett Kavanaugh: An Investigation.” tweeted that this very significant exculpatory fact reported in this book was not mentioned in the article:
"The book notes, quietly, that the woman Max Stier named as having been supposedly victimized by Kavanaugh and friends denies any memory of the alleged event. Seems, I don’t know, significant."
Linked to by Matt Margolis of PJ Media, with the comment:
"So, Max Stier claims he witnessed an incident involving another female student, but this female student isn't quoted in the article, and neither are any other corroborating witnesses. According to the report, Steir "notified senators and the F.B.I. about this account, but the F.B.I. did not investigate and Mr. Stier has declined to discuss it publicly."
So, while this allegation is new to the public, it was known to the F.B.I. and the U.S. Senate during the confirmation process. In other words, the F.B.I. didn't even find this story worthy of investigating, nor did any senator leak this information to the media or bring it up during the hearings."
It surpasses The Heidelberg Project crap in Detroit. This artist should find out who funds street art and apply for grants. Personally, I’m thankful real art.
Hagar writes: My grandmother spoke of the beautiful sunsets resulting from the Krakatau eruption she saw as a teenager growing up near Trondhjem in Norway.
Unless you're 100 years old I must assume either your memory of your grandmother's tale is foggy or her memory was foggy or affected by misinformation.
(1) Krakatoa exploded in 1883. If your grandmother was a teenager then, she was born in or before 1870.
(2) Krakatoa is in the southern hemisphere. The Coriolis effect kept most of its resultant dust plume south of the equator. Atmospheric effects in the northern hemisphere above 60º of latitude would have been very subtle if not completely unnoticeable to the unaided eye.
(3) Given your likely age and the likely age of your grandmother and her country of origin the source of those lovely sunsets was not anything related to Krataoa or any volcanic eruption. The Tunguska event of 1908, the largest impact event in recorded history, created spectacular atmospheric effects in Northern Europe, including midnight skyglow bright enough in Sweden and Scotland (and presumably Norway) to allow available light photography. The source of the seismic disturbances and pressure waves was unknown for more than 20 years (the exact nature of the bolide remains unknown today). Consequently, popular speculation in 1908 suggested a volcanic eruption in Siberia or the Aleutian Islands. Newspaper reports that repeated the volcano theory probably led Hagar's grandmother to associate her sunsets with Krakatoa.
Worked at a resort hotel as an F&B and there was a death/possible suicide by pill in one of the rooms. The next day, the mattress from that room was in the dumpster. I asked the facilities/housekeeping manager why they didn't just flip it.
It has been a trope in literature since at least the days of Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus that poison is the mark of the murderess. Neither Holmes nor Poirot would ever look for a woman on the user end of a dagger, gals are too squeamish about all that blood, though that didn't seem to give Lizzie Borden a moment's pause. "Jack the Ripper" had to be a man, no question. And Robert Graves has his Claudius proclaim that poison is queen. Yet it seems to me that evil women use the poisonous lie with more effect than sautéed toadstools. In just over a year the justiciars of Salem, Massachusetts hanged nineteen innocent souls and imprisoned hundreds more on the lying word of evil women (girls, actually, which only compounds their black-hearted depravity). Spectral evidence, it was called, the supposed needle pricks, the invisible imps perched on the shoulders of the wretched accused, which condemned the victims of toxic feminine lies to the noose. The modern version of spectral evidence is published by The New York Times.
Global optical effects 1888 paintings, showcasing the optical effects of the eruption on the sky over time The 1883 Krakatoa eruption darkened the sky worldwide for years afterwards and produced spectacular sunsets throughout the world for many months. British artist William Ashcroft made thousands of colour sketches of the red sunsets halfway around the world from Krakatoa in the years after the eruption. The ash caused "such vivid red sunsets that fire engines were called out in New York, Poughkeepsie, and New Haven to quench the apparent conflagration."[18] This eruption also produced a Bishop's Ring around the sun by day, and a volcanic purple light at twilight.
In 2004, an astronomer proposed the idea that the red sky shown in Edvard Munch's famous 1893 painting The Scream is also an accurate depiction of the sky over Norway after the eruption.[19]
The Babylon Bee satirized a Snopes headline and months later ... https://www.redstate.com/streiff/2019/09/15/babylon-bee-accurately-predicts-snopes-fact-check-nine-months/
more troubles for Mayor Pete Buttsexsex of Bend South, Indiana
Pete Buttigieg’s Association With The Abortionist Who Stockpiled Baby Corpses In His Home
This is the kind of man Buttigieg is. He defended Klopfer when his license was under attack. He provided the administrative firepower necessary to overturn a zoning decision that would have put a pro-life pregnancy center next door to Klopfer. And he thinks a child still attached to the umbilical cord can be legally killed because it isn’t yet breathing. https://www.redstate.com/streiff/2019/09/14/pete-buttigiegs-association-abortionist-stockpiled-baby-corpses-home-hardly-surprising/
Looks like @JudicialWatch caught Mayor @PeteButtigieg in a cover-up on his scheme to create special ID cards for illegal aliens. https://southbendtribune.com/news/local/conservative-group-judicial-watch-sues-city-of-south-bend-over/article_a80a5262-ec06-5a5d-a243-b61d14d704dd.html …
"David Begley, gas is $4.38 or so here in Hawaii but we can’t drive very far. Hillary sucks and God Bless President Donald Trump." Um, no. 3.16 at costco. under 4 at most stations.
Fron the last thread, the times was pushing something call the slave play which is decided nc 17, but its written by a black playwright so its all good.
NYT Publishes Correction After Leaving Out Exculpatory Evidence From Brett Kavanaugh Story
The New York Times published a correction late Sunday night after leaving out exculpatory evidence in a story about Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s time as an undergraduate student at Yale University.
Times reporters Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly wrote an article in Sunday’s paper drawing from their new book, “The Education of Brett Kavanaugh: An Investigation.”
“A classmate, Max Stier, saw Mr. Kavanaugh with his pants down at a different drunken dorm party, where friends pushed his penis into the hand of a female student. Mr. Stier, who runs a nonprofit organization in Washington, notified senators and the F.B.I. about this account, but the F.B.I. did not investigate and Mr. Stier has declined to discuss it publicly,” Pogrebin and Kelly wrote in the story’s original version, adding that they “corroborated the story with two officials who have communicated with Mr. Stier.”
The article left out a crucial fact that was included in the book: The alleged victim reportedly has no recollection of the incident in question. The woman “refused to discuss the incident” with the authors, and “several of her friends said she does not recall it,” Pogrebin and Kelly wrote in the book.
The Times published the correction after facing a backlash for the omission.
“An earlier version of this article, which was adapted from a forthcoming book, did not include one element of the book’s account regarding an assertion by a Yale classmate that friends of Brett Kavanaugh pushed his penis into the hand of a female student at a drunken dorm party. The book reports that the female student declined to be interviewed and friends say that she does not recall the incident. That information has been added to the article,” reads an editor’s note tacked onto the bottom of the story.
The story now includes the line: “the female student declined to be interviewed and friends say she does not recall the episode.”
National Review’s John McCormack described the Times’ omission as one of the “worst cases of journalistic malpractice that I can recall.”
If you want to take pictures of trash in Madtown, it is best to be out and about on August 14th and 15th of any year. All student leases in the Madison area expire and new ones begin over those two days.
In 2004, an astronomer proposed the idea that the red sky shown in Edvard Munch's famous 1893 painting The Scream is also an accurate depiction of the sky over Norway after the eruption.[19]
But Munch painted several versions of the scream using different colors. Perhaps trying to get it right, painting from memory a decade later; perhaps just had made a splash in the Oslo "art world" and tried to make a little money painting copies.
Cornel West is a socialist, so he's always going to annoy me. But he's not a racist and he's so damn honest that I can't help admiring him. He does the world a favor by speaking the truth about Ta-Nehisi Coates. Ta-Nehisi Coates is the neoliberal face of the black freedom struggle. And Obama, too, of course.
I remember West used to appear on William Buckley's show, back in the day. Here he is on a podcast with Joe Rogan. Good stuff.
On these proposed "red flag laws," you have to understand that for these people the fact that you have applied for permission to own a gun is prima facie evidence you are mentally unbalanced and should not be permitted to own one.
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Gussy up your trash so someone will think it art and haul it away for free. Clever.
NYT targets Kavanaugh with "fresh allegations".
RBG must be on her deathbed.
When I drag my old mattresses and couches out into the desert for later reclamation by someone else, I try to put some personalized (but unidentifiable) touches to them, so to speak, so as to enhance their attractiveness for the next user.
In the past couple weeks I've noticed at least 3-4 other old mattress on the curb in Madison with colorful paintings/designs on them. Nice to see trash being turned into something that is more appealing to the eye.
I've seen worse on the outside of buildings in Philadelphia.
And in museums, too.
Those are pretty big stains, no wonder they are getting rid of it.
featuring an enlarged depiction of the pathogens crawling on it
...must be for Bret Stephen's mattress
So beautiful! How could people throw it out?
Watched Fox with Bill Hemmer for ten minutes. Neraa Tandren thinks Trump is racist.
Do you hear me? She thinks Trump is RACIST!
And Trump is the gaffe machine idiots, Joe is just and Democrats love him okay.
Trump is RACIST!! Just look at his many racist tweets!!!! Look damnit, he's RACIST!!!!!!
I bet the mattress had 5 (urine) stains. When life hands you lemons, make art.
So somebody peed the bed and decided to paint over it with yellow, then one thing led to another ...
Former UN Amb Samatha Power on Face the Nation. Not a single question about giving Iran billions so it could bomb and destroy KSA’s major production facility. That is news! Also no question on her spying on the Trump campaign and President-elect.
But Power was a working mother!
A total disgrace. Fake News at its finest.
Bed bugs.
Mighty big bed bugs you got there, Madison.
Mattresses are the worst.
Student housing? (Looks too neat)
nice composition, nicely executed. reminds me of my morning commute years ago, where one day there was an extraordinary graffiti execution on a billboard. it honored the design of the existing art and placed itself exactly right inside that, AND made a beautiful and bold artwork all its own.
at the time we were always on the lookout for young talent to join us in journalism, designing/illustrating for a newspaper, and I wondered how I could find this "16-year-old punk" and give him some paid work.
Lucky punk. I couldn't figure out how to find him, the kid never had to become a local journalist and live through the melt-down of local journalism.
We should probably do something to tame these volcanoes before they kill more people and pollute the air.
"The most powerful volcanic eruption in recorded history occurs on Krakatoa (also called Krakatau), a small, uninhabited volcanic island located west of Sumatra in Indonesia, on August 27, 1883. Heard 3,000 miles away, the explosions threw five cubic miles of earth 50 miles into the air, created 120-foot tsunamis and killed 36,000 people.
Krakatoa exhibited its first stirrings in more than 200 years on May 20, 1883. A German warship passing by reported a seven-mile high cloud of ash and dust over Krakatoa. For the next two months, similar explosions would be witnessed by commercial liners and natives on nearby Java and Sumatra. With little to no idea of the impending catastrophe, the local inhabitants greeted the volcanic activity with festive excitement.
On August 26 and August 27, excitement turned to horror as Krakatoa literally blew itself apart, setting off a chain of natural disasters that would be felt around the world for years to come. An enormous blast on the afternoon of August 26 destroyed the northern two-thirds of the island; as it plunged into the Sunda Strait, between the Java Sea and Indian Ocean, the gushing mountain generated a series of pyroclastic flows (fast-moving fluid bodies of molten gas, ash and rock) and monstrous tsunamis that swept over nearby coastlines. Four more eruptions beginning at 5:30 a.m. the following day proved cataclysmic. The explosions could be heard as far as 3,000 miles away, and ash was propelled to a height of 50 miles. Fine dust from the explosion drifted around the earth, causing spectacular sunsets and forming an atmospheric veil that lowered temperatures worldwide by several degrees.
Of the estimated 36,000 deaths resulting from the eruption, at least 31,000 were caused by the tsunamis created when much of the island fell into the water. The greatest of these waves measured 120 feet high, and washed over nearby islands, stripping away vegetation and carrying people out to sea. Another 4,500 people were scorched to death from the pyroclastic flows that rolled over the sea, stretching as far as 40 miles, according to some sources.
In addition to Krakatoa, which is still active, Indonesia has another 130 active volcanoes, the most of any country in the world.
In California, a recycle fee is added to each mattress purchase.
Naturally, you still have to pay for disposal when you want to get rid of it and unlike cans and bottles, you cannot return it for credit.
Same thing for TVs.
The wooden support holding up that second storey corner looks mighty flimsy.
I like the post title. Sounds like a Young Fresh Fellows song.
I do not believe "Houthi rebels" have the wherewithal to launch an attack such as that described on the "Saudi-Aramco" oil processing facilities.
I also don't think there is such an entity as "Aramco" anymore. If there is, it must be as a paper entity fully owned by the Saudi-Arabian state.
My grandmother spoke of the beautiful sunsets resulting from the Krakatau eruption she saw as a teenager growing up near Trondhjem in Norway.
Out with the old. In with the new.A clean sweep is overdue.And DJT gave his AG a big broom that even sweeps up NSA dir from the past 30 years.
When life gives you urine, make urinade.
When life gives you urine, make urinade.
"Urinade: sugar, water, urine. Easy, right? Well, the problem is that if you just stir all of these together the sugar will sink to the bottom. So the best way to make urinade is to make a simple syrup first, by heating water and sugar together until the sugar is completely dissolved, and then mix that with the urine. The proportions will vary depending on how sweet and strong you like your urine, and how sour your .....…"
Imagine some college woman carrying that thing around everywhere she goes.
Not a mattress, it's a box spring. The artwork is elemental enough to appeal to me, a 77 year old white guy
"The most powerful volcanic eruption in recorded history occurs on Krakatoa (also called Krakatau), a small, uninhabited volcanic island located west of Sumatra in Indonesia, on August 27, 1883.
Ever read The Twenty-One Balloons? Ah, memories. Thanks, Mr. Dubois!
Yeah, I can dig it, the box spring, that is.
Pro tip: there are pickpockets in the tourist areas of Italy. Most of them are young and female. Beware of people changing cars on a moving train.
Also, so far everyone we've met has been really nice, except the French who seem to like to keep to themselves, which is, of course, fine. Happened to randomly sit next to a couple from NH at lunch today. They live less than an hour from us in the States.
The amount of cigarette smoking is surprisingly large.
Better than a mattress soaked in blood. Back when, there was a murder committed in the apartment across the hall from mine, a women killed her boyfriend with a poker and then tried to commit suicide by cutting her veins. I came home Halloween eve and the medical folks were wheeling out the dead body of her boyfriend. A couple of days later a mattress turned up in the dumpster caked with dried blood. Don't know what happened to the women, she was in the hospital last I heard.
Thanks for the "trash" tag.
Teenage Joe Biden almost killed by apprentice barbers:
"A Twitter thread from the Root senior writer Michael Harriot renewed interest and skepticism about a story Joe Biden told, in which the former vice president claimed to have stood up to a local gang leader at a swimming pool in 1962.
Biden has regaled audiences with parts of the story several times, which he claims took place when he was a lifeguard at a predominantly black pool in Wilmington, Delaware. He remembers how when he kicked a local gang leader named "Corn Pop" out of the pool for violating the rules, Biden was warned that Corn Pop was going to be waiting for him after work with a switchblade.
Biden said he prepared himself by wrapping a metal chain around his arm. Corn Pop was waiting by Biden's car "with three guys and straight razors. Not a joke.”
“And I looked at him, but I was smart then, I said first of all, I said when I tell you to get off the board you get off the board, and I’ll kick you out again, but I shouldn’t have called you Esther Williams, I apologize for that," Biden said, revealing Corn Pop was stunned by the apology and decided to not attack him.
FullMoon said: "We should probably do something to tame these volcanoes before they kill more people and pollute the air."
Unless you have a better idea, I'd suggest we get Oprah or Rosie O'Donnell to sit on whichever one looks like it needs tamping down.
The left has no sense of humor.
cf said: "nice composition, nicely executed."
At first I thought you meant the photographs, but you probably mean the box spring. I agree, despite my tendency to joke around, and I really do think it's better than some things I've seen in (for instance) the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Nice use of color, too.
Regarding the photographs, they also have nice composition. Whether she knows it or not, Our Hostess is learning that a major key to a good photograph is to pay attention to the edges and corners. Every visual element in the picture either makes it stronger, or it makes it weaker. Random junk intruding in those places can ruin the composition.
Discussion of mattresses and bedbugs on Reddit. Reminded me of time long ago I clandestinely released a bunch of ladybugs in a friends apartment and later convinced him they were bedbugs.
(Ladybugs were sold at local hardware store, and he had a mailbox slot in his front door)
...wait a sec, is that a federal offense?No postage?
7-6. What a game! Where's Busdriver?
Amazon prime, since Amazon started doing its own deliveries, often gives next day service, having set up a very tightly organized system of some sort. However, if the package gets sent to the wrong delivery center (even a nearby one), there's no system to get the package back on track except putting a postal service label on it and sending it in ordinary mail.
No reason to make that path efficient, since it isn't supposed to happen.
"7-6. What a game! Where's Busdriver?"
Texting while flying is a no-no.
A classic. Looking forward to her 2020 reaction.
Reminds me, where's my fav collusionist lady commenter? Woman lets out agonizing screams as Trump is sworn in
Original Mike,
Obviously you weren’t watching the game. Thank YOU. Thank YOU!!!
Just doing my small part for the team.
This Hopalicious is for you, bud!
I'm not even certain of the Brewers' place in the playoff picture. I've resisted checking it out.
Late Summer SpringBox
If anyone can be trusted to keep hope alive by not peeking in for that cat in the box, it’s you, my friend. Yeli goes down; Original Mike steps up. Been doing it all season long.
I looked in the box once, so I know the answer.
But I learned. Never doing that again.
‘82? I know. A lot of tears in beers that year.
Yup. That was the year I peeked.
If Hillary would have won, gasoline would be $4.00-5.00 today with the strike on the Saudi oil facility.
FullMoon: "Reminded me of time long ago I clandestinely released a bunch of ladybugs in a friends apartment and later convinced him they were bedbugs."
You are truly a man of infinite jest, and most excellent fancy, FullMoon.
When your (hopefully not ex-) friend finally figured it out, I hope you told him that at least he didn't have to worry about aphids.
When your (hopefully not ex-) friend finally figured it out, I hope you told him that at least he didn't have to worry about aphids.
Let him off the hook right after he left a message with apartment manager...
One of those situations where victims relief outweighs anger and all is good...
Worked at a resort hotel as an F&B and there was a death/possible suicide by pill in one of the rooms. The next day, the mattress from that room was in the dumpster. I asked the facilities/housekeeping manager why they didn't just flip it.
Had bed bugs. The WORST. Finally had to get it professionally down after spending many dollars trying everything else.
NYT Sept. 14, 2019
Brett Kavanaugh Fit In With the Privileged Kids. She Did Not.
Deborah Ramirez’s Yale experience says much about the college’s efforts to diversify its student body in the 1980s.
By Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly
Ms. Pogrebin and Ms. Kelly are reporters with The Times and authors of the forthcoming book, “The Education of Brett Kavanaugh: An Investigation.”
"...We also uncovered a previously unreported story about Mr. Kavanaugh in his freshman year that echoes Ms. Ramirez’s allegation. A classmate, Max Stier, saw Mr. Kavanaugh with his pants down at a different drunken dorm party, where friends pushed his penis into the hand of a female student. Mr. Stier, who runs a nonprofit organization in Washington, notified senators and the F.B.I. about this account, but the F.B.I. did not investigate and Mr. Stier has declined to discuss it publicly. (We corroborated the story with two officials who have communicated with Mr. Stier.)
Mr. Kavanaugh did not speak to us because we could not agree on terms for an interview. But he has denied Dr. Ford’s and Ms. Ramirez’s allegations, and declined to answer our questions about Mr. Stier’s account."
Molly Hemmingway (who co-authored a bestselling book about Kavanaugh matter with an entirely different take) and has read “The Education of Brett Kavanaugh: An Investigation.” tweeted that this very significant exculpatory fact reported in this book was not mentioned in the article:
"The book notes, quietly, that the woman Max Stier named as having been supposedly victimized by Kavanaugh and friends denies any memory of the alleged event. Seems, I don’t know, significant."
Linked to by Matt Margolis of PJ Media, with the comment:
"So, Max Stier claims he witnessed an incident involving another female student, but this female student isn't quoted in the article, and neither are any other corroborating witnesses. According to the report, Steir "notified senators and the F.B.I. about this account, but the F.B.I. did not investigate and Mr. Stier has declined to discuss it publicly."
So, while this allegation is new to the public, it was known to the F.B.I. and the U.S. Senate during the confirmation process. In other words, the F.B.I. didn't even find this story worthy of investigating, nor did any senator leak this information to the media or bring it up during the hearings."
Just another slimy political hit job by the NYT.
I was able to catch the 9th, watching it live on my phone once I landed from my commute to sfo.
In all its heavenly glory. Thank you Ryan Braun!!
It surpasses The Heidelberg Project crap in Detroit. This artist should find out who funds street art and apply for grants. Personally, I’m thankful real art.
Hagar writes: My grandmother spoke of the beautiful sunsets resulting from the Krakatau eruption she saw as a teenager growing up near Trondhjem in Norway.
Unless you're 100 years old I must assume either your memory of your grandmother's tale is foggy or her memory was foggy or affected by misinformation.
(1) Krakatoa exploded in 1883. If your grandmother was a teenager then, she was born in or before 1870.
(2) Krakatoa is in the southern hemisphere. The Coriolis effect kept most of its resultant dust plume south of the equator. Atmospheric effects in the northern hemisphere above 60º of latitude would have been very subtle if not completely unnoticeable to the unaided eye.
(3) Given your likely age and the likely age of your grandmother and her country of origin the source of those lovely sunsets was not anything related to Krataoa or any volcanic eruption. The Tunguska event of 1908, the largest impact event in recorded history, created spectacular atmospheric effects in Northern Europe, including midnight skyglow bright enough in Sweden and Scotland (and presumably Norway) to allow available light photography. The source of the seismic disturbances and pressure waves was unknown for more than 20 years (the exact nature of the bolide remains unknown today). Consequently, popular speculation in 1908 suggested a volcanic eruption in Siberia or the Aleutian Islands. Newspaper reports that repeated the volcano theory probably led Hagar's grandmother to associate her sunsets with Krakatoa.
Just another slimy political hit job by the NYT.
Althouse should elevate her reading habits. The National Enquirer would be a step up.
Worked at a resort hotel as an F&B and there was a death/possible suicide by pill in one of the rooms. The next day, the mattress from that room was in the dumpster. I asked the facilities/housekeeping manager why they didn't just flip it.
Now, they just put it on Craigslist
Probably so:
Not as artful:
You guys forget. The NYT has specifically mentioned Althouse and her blog by name. That deserves some loyalty, doesn't it?
PBS - anyone watch Condi Rice on Margaret Hoover show?
Condi is impressive.
It has been a trope in literature since at least the days of Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus that poison is the mark of the murderess. Neither Holmes nor Poirot would ever look for a woman on the user end of a dagger, gals are too squeamish about all that blood, though that didn't seem to give Lizzie Borden a moment's pause. "Jack the Ripper" had to be a man, no question. And Robert Graves has his Claudius proclaim that poison is queen. Yet it seems to me that evil women use the poisonous lie with more effect than sautéed toadstools. In just over a year the justiciars of Salem, Massachusetts hanged nineteen innocent souls and imprisoned hundreds more on the lying word of evil women (girls, actually, which only compounds their black-hearted depravity). Spectral evidence, it was called, the supposed needle pricks, the invisible imps perched on the shoulders of the wretched accused, which condemned the victims of toxic feminine lies to the noose. The modern version of spectral evidence is published by The New York Times.
A real winner.
My grandmother was born 29 Dec. 1869 on Stiklestad and her memory was as sharp as ever the day she died 90 years later.
NYT is now a gossip rag? Sad.
From Wikipedia:
Global optical effects
1888 paintings, showcasing the optical effects of the eruption on the sky over time
The 1883 Krakatoa eruption darkened the sky worldwide for years afterwards and produced spectacular sunsets throughout the world for many months. British artist William Ashcroft made thousands of colour sketches of the red sunsets halfway around the world from Krakatoa in the years after the eruption. The ash caused "such vivid red sunsets that fire engines were called out in New York, Poughkeepsie, and New Haven to quench the apparent conflagration."[18] This eruption also produced a Bishop's Ring around the sun by day, and a volcanic purple light at twilight.
In 2004, an astronomer proposed the idea that the red sky shown in Edvard Munch's famous 1893 painting The Scream is also an accurate depiction of the sky over Norway after the eruption.[19]
"Krakatoa is in the southern hemisphere"
East of Java, I've been told.
NYT... Classics Illustrated... same same. Yawn
The Babylon Bee satirized a Snopes headline and months later ... https://www.redstate.com/streiff/2019/09/15/babylon-bee-accurately-predicts-snopes-fact-check-nine-months/
Krakatoa, west of Sumatra.
Doesn't have the same ring.
more troubles for Mayor Pete Buttsexsex of Bend South, Indiana
Pete Buttigieg’s Association With The Abortionist Who Stockpiled Baby Corpses In His Home
This is the kind of man Buttigieg is. He defended Klopfer when his license was under attack. He provided the administrative firepower necessary to overturn a zoning decision that would have put a pro-life pregnancy center next door to Klopfer. And he thinks a child still attached to the umbilical cord can be legally killed because it isn’t yet breathing.
Looks like @JudicialWatch caught Mayor @PeteButtigieg in a cover-up on his scheme to create special ID cards for illegal aliens. https://southbendtribune.com/news/local/conservative-group-judicial-watch-sues-city-of-south-bend-over/article_a80a5262-ec06-5a5d-a243-b61d14d704dd.html …
I had a mattress once that I could never have put out on the street. Luckily I didn't have to. I moved out.
Krakatoa, west of Sumatra.
Doesn't have the same ring.
Think outside the box.
Krakatoa lies in the Sundra Strait of Indonesia. It is west of java and south of Sumatra.
(In a hotel in Alsip Il watching Malcolm Galdwell spew forth.)
Born in Arizona, moved to Babylonia.
Krakatoa, Way, Way, East of Java
So many great comments but Meade 5:29, tears for beers, I was on the White Russian path in that era.
Free Kavanaugh!!
David Begley, gas is $4.38 or so here in Hawaii but we can’t drive very far. Hillary sucks and God Bless President Donald Trump.
RIP, Ric Ocasek of The Cars. Their debut album was one of my favorites ever. Another legend gone...
"David Begley, gas is $4.38 or so here in Hawaii but we can’t drive very far. Hillary sucks and God Bless President Donald Trump."
Um, no. 3.16 at costco. under 4 at most stations.
Fron the last thread, the times was pushing something call the slave play which is decided nc 17, but its written by a black playwright so its all good.
I paid 1.88/gal just the other day here in Oak Ridge. Will probably be 2.50 by tomorrow night.
Daily Caller
NYT Publishes Correction After Leaving Out Exculpatory Evidence From Brett Kavanaugh Story
The New York Times published a correction late Sunday night after leaving out exculpatory evidence in a story about Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s time as an undergraduate student at Yale University.
Times reporters Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly wrote an article in Sunday’s paper drawing from their new book, “The Education of Brett Kavanaugh: An Investigation.”
“A classmate, Max Stier, saw Mr. Kavanaugh with his pants down at a different drunken dorm party, where friends pushed his penis into the hand of a female student. Mr. Stier, who runs a nonprofit organization in Washington, notified senators and the F.B.I. about this account, but the F.B.I. did not investigate and Mr. Stier has declined to discuss it publicly,” Pogrebin and Kelly wrote in the story’s original version, adding that they “corroborated the story with two officials who have communicated with Mr. Stier.”
The article left out a crucial fact that was included in the book: The alleged victim reportedly has no recollection of the incident in question. The woman “refused to discuss the incident” with the authors, and “several of her friends said she does not recall it,” Pogrebin and Kelly wrote in the book.
The Times published the correction after facing a backlash for the omission.
“An earlier version of this article, which was adapted from a forthcoming book, did not include one element of the book’s account regarding an assertion by a Yale classmate that friends of Brett Kavanaugh pushed his penis into the hand of a female student at a drunken dorm party. The book reports that the female student declined to be interviewed and friends say that she does not recall the incident. That information has been added to the article,” reads an editor’s note tacked onto the bottom of the story.
The story now includes the line: “the female student declined to be interviewed and friends say she does not recall the episode.”
National Review’s John McCormack described the Times’ omission as one of the “worst cases of journalistic malpractice that I can recall.”
But it was in a good cause! Worthy of yet another tainted Pulitzer nomination for the NYT.
If you want to take pictures of trash in Madtown, it is best to be out and about on August 14th and 15th of any year. All student leases in the Madison area expire and new ones begin over those two days.
Iran is being naughty.
You're always dancing down the street
With your suede blue eyes
Every new boy that you meet
He doesn't know the real surprise
RIP ric
In 2004, an astronomer proposed the idea that the red sky shown in Edvard Munch's famous 1893 painting The Scream is also an accurate depiction of the sky over Norway after the eruption.[19]
But Munch painted several versions of the scream using different colors.
Perhaps trying to get it right, painting from memory a decade later; perhaps just had made a splash in the Oslo "art world" and tried to make a little money painting copies.
Cornel West is a socialist, so he's always going to annoy me. But he's not a racist and he's so damn honest that I can't help admiring him. He does the world a favor by speaking the truth about Ta-Nehisi Coates. Ta-Nehisi Coates is the neoliberal face of the black freedom struggle. And Obama, too, of course.
I remember West used to appear on William Buckley's show, back in the day. Here he is on a podcast with Joe Rogan. Good stuff.
FullMoon said...
"We should probably do something to tame these volcanoes before they kill more people and pollute the air."
If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times: It's time for common-sense volcano control.
On these proposed "red flag laws," you have to understand that for these people the fact that you have applied for permission to own a gun is prima facie evidence you are mentally unbalanced and should not be permitted to own one.
If there is a strong wind the late summer box spring may fall.
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