September 15, 2019

Is Trump a "mad aberration" or is he "rewiring the game in some permanent way"? "Watching that depressing debate, one must conclude that the rewiring is well underway."

Writes Maureen Dowd (NYT).
It’s a paradox wrapped in an oxymoron about a moron: Trump’s faux-thenticity somehow makes the Democratic candidates seem more packaged, more stuck in politician-speak.

In speeches and at rallies, Trump kicks over the traces, saying what’s on his mind, even though it often doesn’t mesh with reality, even though it lacks dignity and can be ugly and hateful....
At this point, the column is festooned with amusing quotes from a Trump rally that happened at the same time as the Democrats' last debate. Sample:
He mocked the Green New Deal, saying: “That’s a beauty. No more cows. No more planes. I guess no more people, right?” Then he teased Kevin McCarthy, the House Republican leader: “Because Kevin is just like a cow. He’s just smaller.”
"But how to counter this?" — Dowd asks. She wrote "the rewiring is well underway," but she didn't find that any of the Democrats had rewired. It's more that we are rewired and so we perceive them in a different way. We find them "depressing...  more packaged, more stuck in politician-speak."
The three hours seemed endless, with two questions hanging over the night: “Can’t anybody here play this game?” and “Will the most beatable candidate in American history win twice?”
I'd say you're not "rewired" until you see why Trump is hard to beat.


Craig Howard said...

It’s beginning to dawn on them.

pious agnostic said...

The Democratic candidates seem more packaged, more stuck in politician-speak only in contrast to Trump, who is his own package and has his own-speak.

BarrySanders20 said...

They should be mocked. Dowd should be mocked. The pretentious should always be mocked.

Fernandinande said...

"He’s in our heads."

Don't worry about that, we all hear voices in our heads telling us who deserves to live and who doesn't.

rehajm said...

I'd say you're not "rewired" until you see why Trump is hard to beat.

Amen. The Trump deranged cling to their belief he's a terrible politician despite the endless supply of evidence to the contrary. He's the worst except for all the others. A clue for you Maureen and the rest: You're blind to the evidence because you don't like him. (Reciting the symptoms of TDS to the deranged is tedious, like trying to listen to a Democrat debate)...

BTW Maureen, repeating a Trump quote about the absurdity of the Green New Deal won't help your side either.

rehajm said...

It’s beginning to dawn on them.

Yes, some of them. There's been a smattering of 'We're blowing it' stories out and about, hasn't there?

Ralph L said...

In thirty years, they'll say Trump's humor was the secret to his success, as they have with Reagan's optimism.

Jupiter said...

The Democratic Party has become an anti-American insurgency. If the election were being held in, say, China, or Teheran, their plans to destroy the American economy, take away our guns and flood the country with low-skill, high-crime foreigners would probably be big sellers. Around here, not so much. It's got little or nothing to do with Trump.

JAORE said...

Worst racist of all time,
Worst anti-Semite of all time,
Worst dictator of all time,
Worst war monger of all time,
Worst Eco-terrorist of all time,
Worst negotiator of all time,
Worst politician of all time.

Keep telling yourself that. He'll be the worst second term President of all time.

Hagar said...

Ed Rendell is a Democrat "politician." There must be more of them out there. Why are they not seen or heard from?

These people "running for president" are not. This clown-car show is more like a local high school mock election campaign.

Hari said...

Maybe it's the NYT that needs to rewire.

Ray - SoCal said...

Trump is just using Alinsky Rules to expose the insanity of the Democratic Positions.

The problem for the Democrats is they have gotten a free ride on their positions, by accusing all opposition of being Racist / Sexist they have developed an echo chamber. And their position is fragile, and Trump is taking a figurative baseball bat to it.

Trump reminds me of the kid who exposed, the emperor wore no clothes.

No wonder the left hates him so much.

It’s all part of our culture wars. I’m not sure where we will end up.

rhhardin said...

You could beat Trump by seeing him as a good president and all his stuff as sensible.

rhhardin said...

The hidden message of the emperor's new clothes was that there are hidden messages.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

What's the name of the government welfare program for health insurance in CA? Cal-Care or something?

They lose 38 billion a year in fraud.

But if an actual insurance company makes a profit - Warren and Bernie, who are yes indeed the same person - call that bad.

The D-party is losing 38 billion a year in fraud and not noticing.

Bob Boyd said...

Trump has magical powers to make all the Dem candidates perform terribly? Ooo.
So if it wasn't for Donald Trump standing in the oval office or wherever, with his head back and his eyes closed, his arms extended, wiggling his fingers, sending his evil beams through the ether to re-jigger the wires in their brains, the Democrat candidates would all be brilliant?
Okay. Makes sense. I'll try to remember what's really going on come election day. I hope their wires go back the way they were before Trump re-wired them if they get elected, though.

Mary Beth said...

We find them "depressing... more packaged, more stuck in politician-speak.

This isn't a result of Trump. This feeling is why we have Trump.

AllenS said...

Dowd fails to understand that the rewiring happened to the Democrats running for the nomination. Think about it Dowd, does free health care for illegal immigrants, no more gasoline, free college to everyone, and on and on... That sounds to me like a complete rewiring of the Democrat party, not Trump rewiring.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

I believe Michael Moore put it best, believe it or not, when he said that Trump could win and it would be a big f*ck you to the PTB. If it wasn't Trump it would be somebody else, sooner or later. The secret of Trump's success is that he promised stuff that a lot of people wanted: checks on illegal immigration, bringing manufacturing jobs back to the US, renegotiating trade treaties, reducing regulations, reducing taxes, etc and then, once elected, tries to fulfill those promises. It doesn't matter who the Democrats nominate, they are going to be running as either opposed to Trump's agenda, or agreeing to it, but with some "buts." Trump is going to win in a landslide.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

I believe Michael Moore put it best, believe it or not, when he said that Trump could win and it would be a big f*ck you to the PTB. If it wasn't Trump it would be somebody else, sooner or later. The secret of Trump's success is that he promised stuff that a lot of people wanted: checks on illegal immigration, bringing manufacturing jobs back to the US, renegotiating trade treaties, reducing regulations, reducing taxes, etc and then, once elected, tries to fulfill those promises. It doesn't matter who the Democrats nominate, they are going to be running as either opposed to Trump's agenda, or agreeing to it, but with some "buts." Trump is going to win in a landslide.

Anonymous said...

It’s the economy Stupid!

rehajm said...

Trump is going to win in a landslide

I'd say he should win in a landslide but Democrats are trying win by ignoring the rational voter and appealing to the TDS voter and the free stuff voter and the illegal immigrant voter. It just might work.

Bob Boyd said...

@ Ron Winkleheimer

What's the PTB?

Phil 314 said...

Half of Americans voted for Trump, half for Clinton.

Half of Americans understand why he won, half don’t.

But the Venn diagram of these two is NOT 100%.

Guildofcannonballs said...

“Will the most beatable candidate in American history win twice?”

Only if Russia cheats for him again, duh. Otherwise how could the most beatable candidate not get beat by everyone in every primary?

Russia Russia Russia.

Big Mike said...

@Mary Beth, +1

Derek Kite said...

Trump first beat the Republican field by disregarding everything that was accepted wisdom. Then he took that against a candidate whose whole life was building a resume to beat the standard Republican.

The accepted wisdom on the Democrat side is as broken as the Republican infinite war movement was. But a Democrat can't do the same as Trump because the audience they need to reach still pays attention to the gatekeepers in the Media.

The Democrat message is what CNN and MSNBC and the NY Times pronounce and disseminate. They will lose with that message. A Democrat getting good press seems powerful but in fact is alienating voters. But a Democrat needs good press to win the nomination.

If Tulsi Gabbard said what she said to Rubin openly and vigorously, with a bunch of personal insults thrown in, she would incite a riot that we would watch on TV, and probably win the nomination and the election. But she won't. And no one else will.

A Democrat needs to stand up and say the following:

"Trump is going to run an ad in every media and on every platform publicizing the app that shows where the human excrement is on the streets of San Francisco. The message will be that this will be the most popular app on everyone's phone if a Democrat wins the presidency.

The people driving the ideas and direction of the party are the same people who tolerate human excrement on the streets.

If we can't prove to the nation that we can deal with basic things like human excrement on the streets, we will lose to the worst politician, the worst man ever to occupy that office."

If someone said that there would be silence. For a few seconds. Then we would see clearly why the Democats will lose by their reaction.

MikeR said...

I don't know who's fault it is that the Democratic base has moved so far from the median voter. No Democrat, even Joe Biden, can get the nomination without saying insane stuff. Then they'll go in the general election having supported unlimited abortion, and take away their guns, and their health insurance, and their light bulbs, and their cars, and get real tough with Putin and everyone rich, etc.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

She lost me at “ugly and hateful.” Why does the left continue to lie about Trump? Nothing he says is objectively “hateful” and he talks more about love than any candidate other than Marianne. He continually declares we are all Americans and have the same red blood regardless of skin color or ethnicity. He proudly cites record employment numbers for Black Americans. For Hispanics. For Asians. That’s not the speech of a hater or a white supremacist. Sure his insults might get ugly, but “politics ain’t beanbag” right? When it was a D star, “Give ‘em hell Harry” Truman, well a pugilistic trash talking executive was a GOOD thing.

So the obvious conclusion is that the Left, unable to accept a loss in 2016, compounded that mistake by failing to realize a lifelong Democrat just got elected President, and failing to see that they missed a golden opportunity to get things on their Wishlist accomplished. He would have done any number of Progressive things just to prove he could lead. But no. The Left went all Resistance! on him. Much of their anger is due to their own actions. They whiffed. And by setting themselves in opposition to Trump boxed in their own options. Angering themselves further. Look at Nadler. Look at Pelosi. Impotent anger and limited options now. What idiots!

donald said...

I see a nasty old whore theme working this morning. Excellent.

traditionalguy said...

Trump truth has emasculated the fake news narrative Dems conquered by for 50 years with never a Tweet of opposition. They are done.

Seeing Red said...

We aren’t rewired. Those who hate America/Love Europe are being exposed.

Seeing Red said...

They lose 38 billion a year in fraud.

The estimated population of California is 39.5 million.

If they found another $1.5 billion.....

That’s an extra $1000 per head. Unless I did that wrong. That makes a difference in a program.

JaimeRoberto said...

Dowd is wearing the googly glasses now.

Paul said...

Trump a moron? Hahahaha... then that makes them even dumber than he is.. way dumber.

People are tired of stuffed shirts, hence Trump who is way different than all those rich snob politicians.

rcocean said...

Dowd, like other liberals, keeps playing the "I'm so much smarter than Moron Trump" shtick. But she's NOT smarter. She's dumber. Like most liberals she follows the herd, thinks with the herd, and believes that makes her super-smart. She's always been a clever clown, but as the years have rolled on, she's gotten less and less funny. She and her snobby sister Peggy Noonan, should retire.

BlackjohnX said...

I agree with Mary Beth.

Mike Sylwester said...

Democracy Dies in Darkness!

Breezy said...

Dems want to give us their choice of free stuff without having a clue how to do it or how to balance the giver-receiver scenarios or how much it will cost all of us. Trump’s proposals are all about fixing our economic ecosystem so we can all make the money to afford our own choices.

Dems hate us making our own choices, including electing Trump.

alanc709 said...

The premise of the story is wrong- the moron is the author, not the subject.

Jeff Brokaw said...

The amount of confusion among the Democrats and the Never Trump dead-enders is perplexing.

I’m not a paid political consultant but I completely get why Trump resonates with so many people (including me). And it’s pretty embarrassing for the political class and the DC elites.

Ready? Here goes: he supports America, its people, and its history and culture. And he expresses it in genuine ways that make it obvious to the rest of us who also hold those ideals that he means it, and then he follows up with actions that reinforce all of it.

Immigration, trade wars, refusing to get involved in more pointless foreign wars, tax rate cuts, judicial appointments who understand and apply the Constitution, calling out media bullshit everywhere and always... these are all things that resonate SO STRONGLY with people like me. I love all of it, and when he occasionally says something dumb, well, who cares? Would I rather have President Jeb? HAHAHAHAHA please. GTFOOH.

A very large chunk of the American people have been starved for this level of support from any politician, much less the president, for decades. Ignoring that fact because you get annoyed by his tweets is your problem, not mine.

Now step back from all of that for a minute and ask yourself, “how the hell did we get here?”. Perhaps some genuine learning can begin to take place.

Ice Nine said...

Althouse: "I'd say you're not "rewired" until you see why Trump is hard to beat."

Nice one, Ann.

And the Dems and other TDSers are simply constitutionally incapable of doing that.

I could just feel Dowd's teeth grinding and her stomach burning as I read her screed - and that was a great joy.

Jeff Brokaw said...

The idea that a genuinely “pro-America and its people” president inspires so much vitriol—even among conservatives—should be a topic for study by historians and political consultants.

This is an existential crisis staring us in the face, and most people don’t even realize it.

An American president should advocate for the American people and its history and culture, and its interests around the world. Trump’s candidacy and presidency have redefined forever what we are allowed to expect.

Start there. So many people—nearly everybody—are asking the wrong questions. Their continued paychecks depend on their not understanding this.

And ask yourself how we ended up with a political class that is so completely disconnected in every possible way from 50+% of the country that still respects who we are and what we represent, and wants politicians to protect a true American future for our children and our children’s children. A lot of answers will be revealed.

daskol said...

August 2105, the first TOP candidates' debate: Trump seemed like a human being. By contrast, the other 15 badly programmed humanoid robots. As the debate wore on, the rest seemed increasingly fearful every time they went off-script and tried to sound authentically human by saying something from the heart. That's the day the rules changed. The politicians tried to act human and spontaneous with mostly poor results and the occasionally hilariously humiliating ones like poor little Marco's self beclowning. It was obvious to me then that the game had been rewired: no present day politician would ever win campaigning conventionally on platitudinous pabulum. Why vote for that when there are candidates who can move and entertain you?
It appears the strength of the Dem party as an institution has prevented the establishment from giving the people what they want and instead we're still getting what the Party wants. Wake me up when Oprah.throws her hat into the rimg.

Jeff Brokaw said...

Dowd would rather preach to her choir than understand what is actually happening.

Multiply her by about 50,000 and you have today’s media. With notable exceptions like Salena Zito and a few others.

Hey, it’s a living. Just not an honest one.

Michael K said...

A very large chunk of the American people have been starved for this level of support from any politician, much less the president, for decades. Ignoring that fact because you get annoyed by his tweets is your problem, not mine.

It's not just Americans. Look at the fury directed at Boris and the fury directed at Orban in Hungary and the anger in Germany and France,

JMS said...

Penn Jillette explains Trump's appeal (he has no filter) to Joe Rogin in this seven-minute clip.

Skeptical Voter said...

To borrow from Harry Truman; on the morning after the 2020 election, most of the "Trump is Satan-Hitler-Worst Ever" crowd are going to wake up feeling like they need two beefsteaks for their eyes and a supporter down below.

Unless they wise up, it's not going to be pretty for the Democrat crowd.

Yancey Ward said...

The Democratic candidates, almost all of them, are as unhinged as I have ever seen in my political life. If they were prepackaged politicians, it would be a vast improvement. Dowd just doesn't get it, and apparently neither does any of the leftist media.

Rusty said...

It's a paradigm shift Maureen. trump is now the baseline from which all other will be measured. You should be pissed off. You're losing. And you will be for a long time to come.

Sebastian said...

"It’s a paradox wrapped in an oxymoron about a moron"

There you go again, Maureen: moron? No.

"Trump’s faux-thenticity somehow makes the Democratic candidates seem more packaged, more stuck in politician-speak."

Cuz they are. Anyway, Trump is always himself. Sometimes foolishly so, sometimes playing for effect, but himself. That's part of how he connects with his audience: they get the wink.

"even though it often doesn’t mesh with reality, even though it lacks dignity and can be ugly and hateful...."

Mocking GND meshes with reality and is beautiful. Your turn, Mau.

"the rewiring is well underway,"

True rewiring requires that they admit they were wrong, about Trump, about the deplorable, and about themselves. Not gonna happen. In fact, Dems are doubling down.

@Althouse: "I'd say you're not "rewired" until you see why Trump is hard to beat."

True. But they have Othered us for so long, why bother to understand the Other now? Their bet is, as it has been forever, that they can beat the opposition without it. As long as the Althouses of America, the nice swing voters in swing states, give them a shot, their gamble is not irrational.

Big Mike said...

There's been a smattering of 'We're blowing it' stories out and about, hasn't there?

In some future era the historians will look back and (correctly, but only partially correctly) blame the media. By failing to push back on some of the unwise positions of Barack Obama, by trying to push one hoax after another (climate change, Russia, Sharpiegate), by failing to subject even the most ridiculous ideas of the Democrats to any sort of rigorous assessment, they allowed the Democrats to alienate themselves from normal Americans.

Bruce Hayden said...

Someone pointed out the other day that in the three Dem debates so far, there hasn’t been a single American flag on stage with them. They have the right colors on stage of course, but you are still left wondering who the Dem candidates are running to be president of. No doubt our flag is triggering to some of their supporters. Not sure why the Betsy Ross flag is though. I am obviously not woke enough to understand - a state in which I intend to blithely and enthusiastically remain. Meanwhile Trump can never have too many American flags around him. And, a month or so ago, he was hugging them a lot. Yes, Trump is sappy some times. But patriotism can be that way. He may go overboard in one direction. That is pretty harmless. These Dem candidates go overboard in the opposite direction. And I don’t think that will win it for them.

I think though that they can maybe be excused here. The Dems last successful candidate was Barack Hussein Obama II. Obama ran essentially as a post American candidate. He was a citizen of the world. The leaders of the Dem party, and even more so, their funders, are mostly post American citizens of the world. Obama had an excuse - he seemed to have accepted many of his name sake father’s anti colonial and communistic views. They don’t have that excuse. Almost to a one, they benefited from White (even Spartacus), Christian, Western European, but esp American, privilege. American privilege purchased by the blood of others. The people funding these candidates are more comfortable in Paris, and maybe even the French countryside, than in much of our flyover country. How parochial, to be patriotic to our quaint nation state.

Much of the rest of the country doesn’t see this country that way. Here, in NW MT, the VFW hall is still a social center in town, and kids who aren’t ready yet for college if they are ambitious, go into the military after high school, instead of their parents buying their way into an Ivy League college, as is the case for the elites running and funding the Dem party right now. And for them, it makes no sense going into the military if the choice is with going to Harvard. (Recent article pointed out that the easiest way to get your kids into Harvard, even better than being a legacy, was to be a powerful politician in DC).

Shouting Thomas said...

Trump is quite sensible.

The prof is obsessed with her identity politics issues, feminism and gaydom.

Whatever you think about those issues, I don’t think they are for a president to resolve.

Trump delivers on the issues that really are important for a president, and those are almost entirely economic and diplomatic.

Whether or not he’s the ideal of a feminist is irrelevant to the proper conduct of the office.

I think Trump is a fine president, doing what a president should do.

hombre said...

Dowd doesn’t get that she doesn’t speak for, or to, normals. That doesn’t mean that she and the other mediaswine cannot turn abnormal into a “new normal” before the 2020 election. You know, tranny men dominating women’s sports, ending coal production, free medical care for illegal immigrants, abolishing internal combustion engines, open borders, infanticide, etc.

Democrat normal. America for imbeciles, baby killers and nutbags.

LA_Bob said...

Most politicians expect to be ridiculed and satirized. They just didn't expect so much of it from another politician. And the press can't take it at all.

Anonymous said...

Jeff Brokaw: Ready? Here goes: he supports America, its people, and its history and culture.
An American president should advocate for the American people and its history and culture, and its interests around the world.

The opposition (Dem and anti-Trump right) has come to the point of openly and explicitly advocating for the replacement of the existing American people, the denigration (to be followed by the complete memory-holing) of their history, and the destruction and replacement of their culture and its political and legal traditions.

So I guess I can kinda understand why people who think like that might not get why anybody thinks the things you enumerate above are *good* things.

Mary Beth said...

What's the PTB?

9/15/19, 9:19 AM

Powers that be.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

PTB=Powers That Be

Jeff said...

An American president should advocate for the American people and its history and culture, and its interests around the world.
And the last guy who did that was re-elected by a landslide. In 1984.

Bruce Hayden said...

I don’t think that patriotism is the way that Trump is rewiring politics. Republicans have long been patriotic. John MCain III was always given a lot more leeway than any other Republican because he had been a POW. The whole GW Bush cheated on his military service thing was to try to highlight his supposed lack of patriotism, esp as to AlGore who actually enlisted and went to Vietnam (as a clerk in a relatively safe posting), and Kerry who accidentally went there, and came back with a bunch of medals (that he proceeded to throw away) (very similar to his MA Senate predecessor with the same initials, who only accidentally saw combat because he couldn’t keep out of bed with some else’s wife). GW Bush, of course, didn’t cheat, and did serve honorably, but never left the US. Trump didn’t serve in the military, and probably could have if he had tried hard enough.

I think that Trump’s real skill here is seeing through the conventional wisdom of his class, that the emperor is wearing no clothes, and most of the positions that Dems take different from Republicans, are anti American, and often completely ridiculous. He is leading the country in laughing at the Dem leadership, and, not surprising, given their exalted view of themselves, is not appreciated in the least. The more they try to virtue signal out of this, the sillier they look.

Interestingly, the one Republican politician who seems to understand this, and has seemingly jumped onboard, with both feet is Ted Cruz. So much of the rest of the Republican establishment seems to almost be embarrassed by Trump in front of their post American internationalist left wing friends.

Limited blogger said...

They've given up.

n.n said...

As we peer through the twilight oculus, we must conclude one, the other, both, and neither.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Being a member of The Establishment is comforting, provides a ready-made affirming cohort, lots of easy ways to hoover wonga, and no doubt offers a very collegial ambiance to move in. Apparently though, it doesn’t teach you to live on any other street. Indeed, it seems to erase all the hard lessons you learned coming up.

jnseward said...

Trump should win in a landslide, but don't forget, bias in the media and google will provide the Democrat with 20 million extra votes, and that's not counting the non-citizen vote.

Jim at said...

Will the most beatable candidate in American history win twice?”

Last I checked, the most beatable candidate in American history didn't even win once.

Otto said...

China trade
Military spending
Green policy
The rest is girl talk

daskol said...

They’re a bunch of cardboard cutouts. Unable to distinguish themselves from one another with charisma or accomplishment, or impress other people, they resort to shrillness and intensity in their positions. They believe in nothing in particular which has made them double down on extreme ideas.

Bilwick said...

"Dowd, like other liberals, keeps playing the "I'm so much smarter than Moron Trump" shtick. But she's NOT smarter. She's dumber. Like most liberals she follows the herd, thinks with the herd, and believes that makes her super-smart."

Indeed. As I often say, if at this point in human history, you're still a member of the Cult of the State, and really think giving the State even more power is in your best interest, you have no business calling other people stupid.

Otto said...

China Trade policy
Military Spending

All else is girly talk

Roy Lofquist said...

Blogger The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...
Being a member of The Establishment is comforting, provides a ready-made affirming cohort, lots of easy ways to hoover wonga, and no doubt offers a very collegial ambiance to move in. Apparently though, it doesn’t teach you to live on any other street. Indeed, it seems to erase all the hard lessons you learned coming up.

9/15/19, 12:42 PM
You beat me to it. I was going to say something to the effect that...

School is supposed to teach you how to deal with the world as it is and how it may become. Today it teaches how to line in "The World According to Garp" and is pretty useless any place else.

Sam L. said...

MoDo, MoDo, MoDo: Give it up, and retire.

Bay Area Guy said...

Mo Dowd could use a brisk schlonging. She's very uptight. Perhaps, a glass of red wine and a back rub too.

TJM said...

Was Dowd crocked again when she wrote this utter nonsense? She is an embarrassment to her Republican family

narciso said...

the houthis were apparently lying, like with the attacks on shaybah and the pipeline, the missiles came from north northeast, Iraq probably, that doesn't expect air raid sirens or other countermeasures,

Iman said...

They will never understand. The effete media, Democrats and NeverTrump avoid mirrors and introspection.

Iman said...

Down is long overdue for a bumrush. #EastCoastBumExplosion

narciso said...

but this is reasonable,

Clyde said...

“Will the most beatable candidate in American history win twice?”

Hillary didn't win even once, so bad question.

narciso said...

well she hasn't gotten over the Michael douglas fixation, which you would think she would think herself lucky,

bagoh20 said...

The biggest challenge for Trump's reelection is the poor education that so many of our people now get, first from the education system and then from the media. Stupidity is at a level never seen before, and is the real challenge we face as a nation, and the one that could defeat Trump. It's really a pathetic reason for a nation to lose it's mojo - weak adults unwilling to lead their offspring.

Roughcoat said...

She has a Michael Douglas fixation? Huh?

buwaya said...

Douglas was Dowds boyfriend at one time, but left her, it is said, for Catherine Zeta-Jones, whom he married. This was an internet meme of the early 2000's.

daskol said...

And here I thought the fact she never had a nice word for the Welsh was mere Irish bigotry.

Michael K said...

It's really a pathetic reason for a nation to lose it's mojo - weak adults unwilling to lead their offspring.

Britain is ahead of us there, Thirty percent of schoolkids think Churchill is a fictional character and another thirty percent think Sherlock Holmes was real. I kind of doubt that last number since I doubt that many have ever heard of Sherlock.

narciso said...

Well they know the series, but probably only bemedict cumberbatchs sociopathic portrayal.

William said...

On the plus side, she doesn't accuse Trump of being a Russian agent or a crazed sex offender. Compared to Reich, she's kind of moderate and balanced. She takes it down a notch to 10.9. This is the least vitriolic condemnation I have read of Trump in recent times.

narciso said...

Yes its mainly possessed by pauline kael before hand.

Francisco D said...

Douglas was Dowds boyfriend at one time, but left her, it is said, for Catherine Zeta-Jones, whom he married. This was an internet meme of the early 2000's.

Michael Douglas was screwing every woman in the universe those days. I doubt if he remembers MoDo. CZJ was a catch that only a total moron would lose.

I am not jealous. Not a bit!

Birkel said...

If it's any consolation, Francisco D, CZJ is terrible in bed.

FullMoon said...

Dowd's job is to entertain her fans.

You don't go to a country music concert expecting to hear rap music. You don't read Dowd expecting praise of Trump.

Gk1 said...

"He is leading the country in laughing at the Dem leadership, and, not surprising, given their exalted view of themselves, is not appreciated in the least. The more they try to virtue signal out of this, the sillier they look."

Well said and it echos the anger and dismay I hear in my bay area friends since March and the Mueller report imploded. The normals are not afraid of them and openly laughing in their faces and the dem candidates virtue signal more ludicrous positions the more the normals keep laughing. It wasn't supposed to be like this after Obama, right?

Birkel said...

Correct. We are officially on the wrong side of history. And that is true despite the fact "that's not who we are" or some such. Oddly, things are better now than when we were on the right side of history.

Trump is the worst president of the last two years.

404 Page Not Found said...

To any person educated in science in technology, the "Green New Deal" is a very bad joke, and anyone who takes it seriously simply is revealing their own technological ignorance.

Bob Smith said...

The Dems are silly. The prosperity previous generations passed down to them enables their silliness. If they can’t find enough people willing to pay the bills they’ll have to quit being silly.

Birkel said...

Bob Smith:
As I have written here for years, Americans have been eating the seed corn.

Tina Trent said...

Whiners from National Review to the NYT terminally don't get the obvious.

Optics are for frivolous gum chewers like Maureen Dowd.

The rest of us care about issues. Platforms. Stuff that will affect us.

It's blindingly simple.

Brian said...

by failing to subject even the most ridiculous ideas of the Democrats to any sort of rigorous assessment, they allowed the Democrats to alienate themselves from normal Americans.

It's a feedback loop. The ideas don't get called on from the middle, so there is no feedback loop to damper their voters expectations. Which leads to candidates endorsing gun confiscation, free college, and medical services for the world to try and outdo each other.

I believe it started January 27. 1998. That was the day they strapped on their kneepads for Bill Clinton.

Focko Smitherman said...

Hoover wonga!

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