From "Joe Biden's 2020 Ukrainian nightmare: A closed probe is revived," an article in The Hill from last April.
That's something I quoted in my previous post, but I wanted to repeat it very conspicuously and say very clearly that I think the current Ukraine story is an effort to pressure Biden to get out of the way so this issue will die. Biden's candidacy puts Obama at risk!
ADDED: I googled Biden's threat quote and see it in several places in the last day. First, at Red State, "Stop The Tape! How Has Joe Biden’s Scandal Suddenly Become President Trump’s Scandal?":
While speaking to a group of foreign policy strategists, Biden boasted about threatening to hold back $1 billion in U.S. aid... The Hill’s John Solomon reported in April that rather than pressuring Poroshenko for six hours, Biden had been pressuring him for “several months in late 2015 and early 2016.”...In National Review, there's this from Jim Geraghty — "What to Make of the Trump–Whistleblower Kerfuffle":
[It is] reasonable to ask questions of Joe Biden starting with why did he try to get Shokin fired while he was investigating Burisma? Does he think it was appropriate for Hunter and his firm to cash in on Ukraine while [Joe Biden] served as point man for Ukraine policy? Did Biden know about the Burisma probe? (Of course he did.) And does he believe it was ethical of him to use his position to have the prosecutor fired?...
In 2018 appearance before the Council on Foreign Relations, former Vice President Biden described the time that he threatened to withhold foreign aid from the Ukrainian government unless they fired prosecutor Viktor Shokin....And here's Ace of Spades, "Joe Biden Bragged That, With Barack Obama's Permission, He Threatened To Withhold Billions in Aid to Ukraine Unless They Fired a Prosecutor Investigating His Son's Company./And Now, The Deep State Refashions This as a Trump Scandal":
The argument from the Obama administration was that Shokin was resisting efforts to reform Ukraine’s judicial system and had done a poor job investigating corruption of the previous regime. The European Union and Ukrainian parliament were happy to see Shokin go....
Maybe the Obama administration had good and legitimate reasons to want to see Shokin replaced. But sending the vice president to strongarm the Ukrainian government to fire the prosecutor who’s investigating his son’s company stinks to high heaven and reeks of corruption.
Clearly, Biden doesn’t think he did anything wrong; he was still telling the story about getting the prosecutor fired last year..
Trump urged the Ukranians to look into a case of official corruption and unethical exertion of political pressure openly boasted of by Joe Biden himself and the guy who needs investigating is... Trump?!!?...IN THE COMMENTS: Meade wrote:
It's now illegal and impeachable for a president to urge a foreign leader to open a corruption probe? The things one learns from our very educated and very rational NeverTrump Genius Brigade.
I wonder if Obama and Biden will also be prosecuted for sending out their agents to enlist the UK and Australia into a covert op against their party's opponent in the 2016 election...?
"In his own words, with video cameras rolling, Biden described how he threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko"For reference, here's Biden's storytelling about threatening CornPop:
Ukrainian President Petro "CornPop" Poroshenko.
Obama’s Scandal-Free Administration (TM).
Obama SHOULD be put at risk. The most corrupt POTUS in US history.
Biden isn't going anywhere on his own. He's leading the pack! He wants to meet Trump out behind the gym!
Althouse is probably right, but the press has such a history of throwing hay-makers at Trump and hitting themselves in the mouth that this really may be aimed at Trump.
Maybe Team Obama will have to resort to stronger measures to get rid of Joe. Maybe they can make him non-executive chair of Disney at $10 million a year.
"In his own words, with video cameras rolling, Biden described how he threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko"
Ukrainian President Petro "CornPop" Poroshenko.
Obama is in no danger. Nothing he did will ever come to visit on him with negative consequences. If left leaning politicians think they need to protect Obama, they have grossly under estimated how much the institutional and bureaucracy are already on their side to do the same. Even Politico is running stories about how unprecedented and not normal this pressuring whistleblowers that Trump is doing is -- even though in 2012 Politico ran an article about Obama's lack of transparency and hostility to whistleblowers.
Imagine what drug addled sex addicted Hunter Biden could achieve with the connections a President dad Joe Biden would get him.
"Biden's candidacy puts Obama at risk!"
Which is no doubt a primary reason why Obama tried to talk him out of running for president.
Biden told the Council on Foreign Relations event, insisting that President Obama was in on the threat.
I wonder what Barry "No scandals on my watch" Obama has to say about this. Pure hatred is what I imagine from Barry.
Althouse said...
Biden's candidacy puts Obama at risk!
Like Obama gives a shit. Everything Biden says is discounted and Democrats love Obama even more now than when he was president. Obama would easily win election again if he was eligible to run.
I wonder how Republicans are going to feel after Trump becomes a one-term president having laid waste to every principle they have pretended to hold dear for the last two decades?
Biden's position puts the State Department at risk.
Lots of people there need to be fired.
And nobody should be hired after.
"I wonder how Republicans are going to feel after Trump becomes a one-term president having laid waste to every principle they have pretended to hold dear for the last two decades?"
-- Well, except for the one-term part of that hypothetical, Obama jailed journalists, ordered drone strikes on American citizens and the like, and Democrats love Obama even more now than when he was president. Obama would easily win election again if he was eligible to run. So, I imagine Trump might find himself something comfortable.
(The best part of that snark is that I've been fairly public that I do not, personally, like Trump, so there's a little bit of joy of getting to put the boot to both Obama and Trump rhetorically like that.)
And that is the same reason why no one will be indicted in the Russian Collusion hoax.
I saw a picture of Obama in blackface shaking hands with a communist.
Here's John Solomon's careful reporting that contact was initiated by Ukraine to pass on Clnton shenanigans re: 2016 election.
"And that is the same reason why no one will be indicted in the Russian Collusion hoax."
-- Could you explain what you mean? Because in one, we have a nearly complete confession, and in the other, even after years of investigation, the investigators admitted there was not enough evidence of a crime to indict, and that much of the evidence was fabricated at worst, paid for opposition research at best. So, I'm failing to see the connection.
I wonder how Republicans are going to feel after Trump becomes a one-term president having laid waste to every principle they have pretended to hold dear for the last two decades?
President Trump has called the GOPe bluff. Doing exactly on what they have been campaigning on for decades.
I can't come up with anything the President has done contra to Republican Party principles.
Salaban was an early Trump Awakening. Now further distancing himself from the inevitable train wreck. Not a proud man, just desperate to maintain some sliver of credibility post-Trump.
If you're going to be wrong about me, at least copy/paste the name right.
Watching ARM melt down and flail is icing on the cake of the media melting down and stepping in it time and time again.
The best part of this Ukrainian Trump hoax scandal is that it was the Ukrainian governments of the previous President AND their current President who have been attempting to deliver information to the US govt for almost 3 YEARS and the obama holdovers in the State Dept refused to accept it!!
So those Ukrainians literally hired an American law firm to represent them and get that dem corruption info to the Trump admin!
Good old ARM trying out his Blog Jedi Mind Trick schtick: pay no attention to those obumbler-flexibility / slow Joe-"Fire Your Prosecutor Or No Cash" comments, all captured for eternity live on TV!!
Those are all "discounted"!!
I cant wait to see ARM "discount" the facts that both Felix Sater and Joseph Mifsud were western intel assets used by Brennan and Comey to actually create the "Trump-Russia" fake connections that were needed to frame Trump.....starting in 2015!!
And just think, we would know none of this if Hillary had been elected.
owan2 said...
I can't come up with anything the President has done contra to Republican Party principles.
Free Trade?
Free market capitalism?
Strong foreign policy?
Character matters?
Great compilation of news reporting, blowing up the latest, hair on fire, reporting from the deep state/MSM swamp.
(for a minute I thought I clicked onto CTH and they changed their formating.)
Biden's brags are so revealing about who he is. He likes to think of himself as a tough guy, like a two-bit hood. Like his saying he would jam his rosary beads down the throat of anyone who questioned his Catholicism.
So are we calling that a gaffe?
They chose poorly, the obama administration sent #hashtags and food rations, this one sends javelins, then again they were foolish to rely on the Budapest memorandum, and give up their nukes.
Blogger is now even more obnoxious.
Why do YouTube videos of that speech by Biden keep disappearing?
I am 50% certain that a recently departed LLR has absconded with blog profile of a long missing commenter (until recently), "ARM".
Because 1984, is a how to manual for them.
"Here's John Solomon's careful reporting that contact was initiated by Ukraine to pass on Clnton shenanigans re: 2016 election."
My previous post links to the April piece by Solomon. Thanks for flagging his new article. I'll put up a new post linking to it.
MSMers venture to democrat stronghold in MN and find everyone there is now a Trump supporter.
MSM polls show Trump more popular than obumbler at the same point in obumblers admin.
Oh yes, there has been an "Awakening" alright.
I suppose it was inevitable some dope with slightly better skills than gadfly would attempt to fill the LLR ***** role at Althouse. Good on ARM for taking up the challenge!
Though the sea may beckon, ARM remains ashore to fight the increasingly desperate battle for the triumverate of Soviet Bernie, corrupt Gropy McGroperson and Pocahontas.
Democrats must be conflicted about this one. They can't expose Trump's shenanigans ib Ukraine without exposing Biden's, and Obama's, much more flagrant extortion. We might even see the MSM finally look into Victoria Nuland's machinations to engineer the coup.
This will probably all work to Biden's advantage in the primaries because it looks like the ominous 'they' are trying to push him out of the race.
The European Union and Ukrainian parliament were happy to see Shokin go
Let's see the documentary evidence that the European Union was "happy to see Shokin go".
Did the Obama Administration consult with and obtain the European Union's approval for Biden's actions? If so, let's see the documentary evidence.
Birks: "They can't expose Trump's shenanigans..."
We now know there was NO Trump shenanigans as it was the 2 Ukrainian govts over the past 3 years who have been formally reaching out to the US govt to share info.
Thats why the dems had to cook up this latest hoax to deflect from their transparent corruption.
Once again, Trump has defeated the combo of deep staters/dems/MSMers...and in almost record time. The dems newest batch of Kavanaugh lies collapsed a tad faster.
Biden genuinely seems, between this and Corn Pop, to enjoy bragging about his manhood. He must have a tiny pee-pee.
Johnathan Birks at 9:03 AM
We might even see the MSM finally look into Victoria Nuland's machinations to engineer the coup.
Yes, that is long overdue.
What did the Obama Administration do to help overthrow the elected President of Ukraine, Vikot Yanukovych?
mockturtle: "This will probably all work to Biden's advantage in the primaries because it looks like the ominous 'they' are trying to push him out of the race."
Not likely as Biden's supporters ARE the "they" to whom you refer. The "they" argument only works for "outsiders".
From Ace Of Spades HQ:
"The Last Three and a Half Years in Leftist/NeverTrump Internet:
2019: RUSS--
No Russia?
Wuh happen to Muh Russia?
Obstruction... ?
They don't even take a five minute break to reflect on how fucking predictable, ridiculous, and, yes, exhausting they are"
There’s all this great stuff been sitting in the right-wing undernews for years, waiting to be given some prominence in a respectable forum. John Solomon’s reporting is usually solid and he’s dogged and deserves prominence for it. The folks at Conservative Treehouse, in this age of conspiracy, are also due their moment in the sun. When Solomon or CTH win a journalism award we’ll have made real progress in advancing media as worthy again of their fourth estate moniker.
What was that line about 'in a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act'
Mat is the poor man's Chuck. He agrees with Chuck that Trump is a charlatan who has eviscerated decades of Republican 'principles', but can't be bothered to actually defend said principles.
The Dem Deep State and its Media is flailing to spin the Obama-Biden collusion with Merkle's EU-NATO coup d'etat operation against the elected Ukraine Government for loot as if it is a Trump problem for exposing secrets.
The interesting thing is watching how inept and stupid the Dem Deep State and its Media look doing this. They never expected Hillary to lose. And now they are down to a last Banzai charge.
And nobody besides the irascible Mickey Kaus is talking about Epstein anymore. That’s worth considering in light of UKRAINE!
Drago argues: Not likely as Biden's supporters ARE the "they" to whom you refer. The "they" argument only works for "outsiders".
Ah, but look at the Biden supporters vs. those who support, say, Warren.
narciso, I hope Althouse is aware of the courage she’s showing by giving a respectful hearing to this stuff here.
And I love Love LOVE that it was the US State Dept that requested Rudy's assistance in getting the freely offered Ukrainian info to the Trump admin since the obumbler Deep State blockers!!
Its so astonishingly astonishing...the dems with complete partisan and Stasi-like control of the intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies AND working with the combined intelligence and foreign services personnel of at least 4 allies (UK, Australia, Italy and Ukraine) were still unable to pull off their frame up of an American opposition political candidate/President-Elect/President.
Obama belongs in prison. There are a lot more skeletons that Trump is going to pull out of the closet...….
Mock: "Ah, but look at the Biden supporters vs. those who support, say, Warren."
You have a point.
Meade said,
"In his own words, with video cameras rolling, Biden described how he threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko"
Ukrainian President Petro "CornPop" Poroshenko.
Ouch! Meade must have eaten his Wheaties this morning (instead of CornPops).
MSMers venture to democrat stronghold in MN and find everyone there is now a Trump supporter.
Trump polls show Trump more popular than obumbler at the same point in obumblers admin.
Cable newsys did spend some time with some latest polling one day this week
They had a poll that where head to head dems against President Trump. um...President Trump lost to ALL of them.
Same survey, second question. Is President Trump going to win re-election? 46% said yes. 32% said no. Subsequent discussion exposed the level of intellect of the talking heads, not that I needed my conclusion validated.
ARM at 9:19am
Thats all you have left, isnt it?
Tsk tsk
It’s illegal to search for democrat corruption
Hunter Biden got rich because if his fathers connections. Looking into it is illegal
Come on ARM!! Get with the program!!
Surely you can generate a new emoluments hoax charge against Trump or something.
I mean, how could you do any worse than the lefties/dems/LLR-lefties pathetic and immediate-failing Turnberry hoax?
Put your back into it man!
Hey, maybe theres some video you can chop up to make it look like Trump is feeding goldfish too quickly!....Again!
Bleachbitandhammer: "It’s illegal to search for democrat corruption"
Trump didnt have to go looking. It is being given to us freely by the Ukrainians.
I wanted to repeat it very conspicuously and say very clearly that I think the current Ukraine story is an effort to pressure Biden . . .
The current Ukraine story is all about Trump wrongly pressuring Ukraine to persecute poor old innocent Joe.
All these excepted quotes from conservative niche media.
Where is the real story in the NYT or Washington Post? Nowhere to be seen.
They wont print the real atory, they are the echo chamber.
So are we calling that a gaffe?
Fair-minded objective people would call it a criminal confession.
The Bidens are not like us
per PapaD
If you think Biden is corrupt because of his dealings with the Chinese, just wait until you learn about what he was trying to extort out of officials in Cyprus during his trip there as VP. Two words: energy business.
The things one learns from our very educated and very rational NeverTrump Genius Brigade.
CHUCK? CALLING CHUCK! Chuck wanted on aisle 3!!!
Whistleblower is a left wing nazi term . Like the whistleblower in sound of music
Whistleblower is a left wing nazi term . Like the whistleblower in sound of music
Oops. Rachel Maddow and adam schit are whistleblowers
This made me pause:
"The argument from the Obama administration was that Shokin was resisting efforts to reform Ukraine’s judicial system and had done a poor job investigating corruption of the previous regime."
So is it now our job to vet public officials in other countries? Is our judgment so wonderful that we can detect wrongdoing in other countries?
Why don't we get a say about Prime Minister Zoolander, then?
Biden is, of course, corrupt, very few are not, but that's never a problem for a Democrat. They never get prosecuted, and the Dem voters will still vote for corrupt regardless of how obvious. Hillary was the queen of this. Biden's real problem is that he's just dumb, and too dumb to hide it behind crazy as most others manage to. He will not get the nomination becuase of his obvious stupidity. We have been down this road with him more than once already. Only a Dem would ever consider bragging about being corrupt, and only a dumb one would put it on tape.
Free Trade?
Free market capitalism?
Strong foreign policy?
Character matters?
Working on China, like no President in the last 30 years to shut down China's shananigans
What is anti capitalism. Need example, or shorter, your definition of capitalism
What war do you want to start? (NATO has never been stronger, All credit President Trump for that strength.
character? as defined by what past President? Dem I guess because all the Republicans have been literally... HITLER!!!
"Biden's candidacy puts Obama at risk!"
Why? Nice women like Althouse have yet to draw the line at any of his or any other prog misdeeds, so what does he have to worry about? O is O, and Joe is Joe.
Dems don't care about a little corruption here and there. Nor do they mind their politicos getting rich--see Hill and Billy Jeff, O and Michele, Harry Reid, you name 'm. They don't mind abuse of power as long a it serves their power. Nothing matters except power and winning to gain power. If Biden is best, they'll go with Biden; if not, not. Of course, that involves calculation. Dems must fear a Biden implosion, and lefty Dems must fear Biden's remnant of old-Dem sanity. So the whistleblowing is a way of clarifying the odds for the Dem troops, letting Trump do some of the damage now.
Is Biden a Fredo?
Will Obama let him visit mom?
Dems don't care about a little corruption here and there.
Still waiting for Democrats here to agree to hearings in the Virginia General Assembly to determine if Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax is a rapist or not.
Are we done pre-missing the Obama Administration?
What is anti capitalism. Need example, or shorter, your definition of capitalism
What war do you want to start?
Looks like he really wants one with Iran.
And he really, really, REAALLY wants companies to be forced to buy the least cost-effective resource or consumers to buy the least efficient product because, hey, there's a political constituency of his that needs his help and "welfare."
Four auto manufacturers reject his rollbacks and regulatory certainty on their target fuel emissions standards but hey, it shows hatred for California and their stellar progress fighting smog over the last five decades - since Reagan fought for that waiver - so that's the kind of market interference that you're very happy with.
Well hes suing cbs and unlike with the huntressses suit, they will find reasons to let it procede.
That's the best you can do, ARM?
Tough day at the troll office.
"Imagine what drug addled sex addicted Hunter Biden could achieve with the connections a President dad Joe Biden would get him."
Yep, back in the Navy as Grand High Admiral of the Fleet, not Gilbert and Sullivan.
To all Tweeters who claim Ukraine not investigating #Burisma and @HunterBiden when @JoeBiden had prosecutor fired, you are mouthing Dem talking points. I talked with relevant Ukrainians. Soros supporter US Amb helped bury case. I know much more. Stay tuned. #maga2020
Victoria Toensing
Founding partner at the law firm of diGenova & Toensing
11am, yesterday
and the Russkies chime in
Sorry, PBJ.
You trolls all look the same to me.
Birkel: "That's the best you can do, ARM?
Tough day at the troll office."
In ARM's defense, he did attempt that moronic Great Awakening schtick that fell flat in about 15 minutes which was very similar to LLR *****'s hilarious Republicans Are John Birchers gambit!
Mockturtle wrote:
"This will probably all work to Biden's advantage in the primaries because it looks like the ominous 'they' are trying to push him out of the race."
Only if his opponents in the primaries back him up. I think this is unlikely, though. All in all, I don't think it matters in the end- I don't think he was going to win the nomination anyway- I think Warren has been the real front-runner since the end of July- her campaign is the most professional and drawing the biggest crowds for its stops- I am just guessing that she is at least at 35-40% of the people who will actually turn out to vote or caucus, and that will grow unless she completely implodes with an unrecoverable mistake.
I like Jim Geraghty, but he misses the fundamental point about Trump and Trump's calls for investigations/prosecutions- if Trump were silent, the corruption would be ignored completely, not be getting diligently investigated and prosecuted. Trump knows this, so he also knows his words won't be precluding anything other than that media silence.
Trump at least gets the media to mention some stuff they would rather bury in a landfill, even if only tangentially.
Four auto manufacturers reject his rollbacks and regulatory certainty on their target fuel emissions standards
No one is stopping them from their goals. Instead of whining, just do it.
All this does is give them flexibility.
Did you actually think you’d hear them sigh in relief with the way politics is going?
It's not The National Review, it's National Review. I've made note this error without a corresponding correction here before.
Accuracy is only for deplorables, which gives us power you can never imagine if you're always inaccurate. Few rarely are though, to the benefit of us all.
This has nothing to do with 'putting Obama at risk.' Obama is already subject to severe criticism over the failure(s) of ObamaCare. He's nearly an Uncle Tom.
This is instead the hard-core Progressives doing what they do best: assassinating whoever is in their way, whether Trump, Kavanaugh, or Biden. Gabbard isn't worth their time, Bernie's day is over....but if Lizzie Warren isn't careful, she'll be next on the kill-list.
Not a smidgen of corruption, I tell ya.
One thing I noticed this "bombshell" around that I haven't noticed before: even most of the Never Trumpers were more cautious than usual about this story. They're learning better than Charlie Brown.
It's not The National Review, it's National Review. I've made note this error without a corresponding correction here before.
Obama is already subject to severe criticism over the failure(s) of ObamaCare. He's nearly an Uncle Tom.
Can someone make a corresponding correction here about what and who the character of Uncle Tom really was?
Obamacare was designed to fail, and bring about the clamor for medicare for all, that has only worked half way,
yeah, Biden "talking tough" like Burt Lahr/ "I'll tear him Top to Bottomus"
This is Biden's "Ukranium 1" scandal
George Conway is still clueless, he was last relevant 20 years ago,
ah thanks for reminding me, when does will campbell, who actually risked his life to infiltrate uranium one and it's south African counterpart, get the spotlight,
"...imagine if you're always inaccurate. Few rarely are though, to the benefit of us all."
THe more I thing, The more I will define Kepler's Ledge.
You really dong want know.
Oft evil evil mar.
Oft evil, evil mar.
Guess evil works both ways.
Good to know.
What you wont' hear, sides here, is" RGB has set the stgefor freedom.
I applaud her, her legacy, and the movie's and stuff.
Same as I applaud G Washington. America would not be the same lacking.
Perhaps as much as anyone, we all owe our debt.
Mark, you do it-- the Uncle Tom def. Its current connotation is nothing like the original character, but it's not clear to me how much more it's worthwhile to post here, now.
Oft Evel, Evel marred
campbell did testify, but was(is?) very sick w/cancer/chemo.
Supposedly undercover videos of the briefcases full of bribe $$, etc.
maybe he thought "why not?"-- the cancer might get him before Arkancide.
it does seem like the results are "under a pillow", and/or there's more testimony coming
"I think the current Ukraine story is an effort to pressure Biden to get out of the way so this issue will die." I really hear this. No way could the media be pushing this story if they care at all about Biden; it is so obviously more a threat to Biden than Trump.
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