Yes, this is a kind of child abuse. The people using this girl should be ashamed. However, this campaign is utterly self-defeating- almost no one is going to be convinced by the wisdom and experience of a child, and when you make her the face of your cause, you belittle yourself.
'You have stolen my dreams and childhood': Greta Thunberg sobs as she tells world leaders: 'You're still not mature enough to tell it like it is, the eyes of future generations are upon you' - after Trump blithely upstages her at UN Climate Summit
I agree that she has had all that stolen, I just think she's blaming the wrong people. Whoever told her to worry and stress about the climate like that are ignorant assholes, and they owe her plenty.
It's says alot about your philosophy, politics and science if you need a young girl to make emotional appeals to get the policy you want. It means you don't have the goods to convince reasonable people. Right or wrong, you are blowing it.
Don't we all want a world run by the emotional drives of young girls? Next, we can take all the money from the world's rich people (except the Kardhian girls and Taylor Swift) and dedicate it all to curing acne.
There's a good chance that young Greta will react in a most unpleasant way when she eventually accepts that her pleas and her threats have had no effect on the UN or the climate.
We often say half-jokingly that suicide is the logical and best course of action for anyone who truly believes the most apocalyptic predictions about climate change. Greta is mentally impaired, but she is a true believer.
Her family and the people promoting her will be responsible.
I was a teacher's aide in charge of a young man with Asperger's who sounded very much like her. At varying times I had to convince him he did not have Leprosy, Lou Gehrig's, Mesothelioma, German Toe, Diphtheria, Cholera, Bubonic plague, and Ebola. He was also convinced that he was going to invent a perpetual motion machine and a rocket propelled by oxygen fuel cells.
Ask her to sketch her solutions for climate change out for you. Once you see the plans in black and white on lined notebook paper, you'll see how much she knows what she is talking about.
According to Wikipedia she's 16. She looks younger in this video. Of course, she's just reading from a script and has been brainwashed by her parents. Or maybe she's running a Swedish Grift.
There's something mentally wrong with a lot of Scandinavians - especially the Lefty Swedes. Maybe, its living in the great white north. Maybe the lack of sun and living being in a small prosperous country, off the beaten track, makes them bored and indulge in a fantasy world. Also, she's not bad looking, but I wonder if she's below-average compared to other Swedish girls.
Anyway, they're been kids like this on the Left since forever. Read History. They were marching for Comrade Stalin in the 30s. They were speechifying against McCarthy in the 50s, They were for Enviromentalist wackos in the 70s and for Nuclear Disarmament in the 80s. The left ALWAYS uses kids for Props - and some boobs always fall for it.
Top rated comment in an article about the shut down in DC today: "What is so bizarre about many of the comments decrying some small inconvenience in their daily commute in DC is the TOTAL lack of understanding of the life threatening inconveniences that climate collapse will present.
"The comments show a vapidity of thought and spirit of people who have given up...if they indeed have any understanding of climate issues."
No kidding. How dare you, Media and Statist Complex, scare the hell out of kids, making them believe that the world is ending, so that you can have unassailable child-fronts for your causes.
Greta Thunberg was born on 3 January 2003 in Stockholm,[7][8] the daughter of opera singer Malena Ernman and actor Svante Thunberg.[9] Her paternal grandfather is actor and director Olof Thunberg.[10]
Thunberg says she first heard about climate change in 2011, when she was 8 years old, and could not understand why so little was being done about it.[11] Three years later she became depressed and lethargic, stopped talking and eating, and was eventually diagnosed with Asperger syndrome,[12] obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD),[12] and selective mutism.[12][13] While acknowledging that her diagnosis "has limited me before", she does not view her autism as an illness and has instead called it her "superpower".[13]
For about two years, Thunberg challenged her parents to lower the family's carbon footprint by becoming vegan and giving up flying, which in part meant her mother had to give up her international career as an opera singer.[9][14] Thunberg credits her parents' eventual response and lifestyle changes with giving her hope and belief that she could make a difference.[9] The family story is recounted in the 2018 book Scenes from the Heart.[15]
Check your privilege little white girl. Not everyone gets to sail the Atlantic on a luxury yacht with a crew flown in for your trip. I never promised you anything, and I'm not going to start now.
I prefer these types, the type Twain wrote about knowing that at age 16 their dad was the dumbest man in the county. We all hope, if not guided by Satan, that this young lady sees how much her dad has learned when she reaches age 22. And 32. And 42. And by 52 all the non-stop constant bitching will hopefully have grown old.
Too late to have any kids by then though, so another 3 decades of bitching about how everyone else is so fucked up and selfish and our gal her today is just neutrally cruel.
The essence of what the anger about is true: Progs lie to indoctrinate and do so without any concern for the repercussions, like sociopathic evil-doers do.
Can you imagine what real men had to fight against, and not this type of thing? This type of thing has always been there, always been defeated roundly easily, on top of real challenges. But lacking God it will be much much more difficult to look at this type of propaganda and have a coherent response such as those untold billions that have allowed America to be.
Climate ranks near the bottom whenever people are polled about what worries them. Greta Thunberg is unlikely to make a difference and I wonder how she will react when she discovers that her fears don't matter?
Io ipso, contained within itself, are the answers re the world, Hell even the Universe, just saying "fuck it" during our incredibly short time we are conscious on God's earth.
We aren't as "lucky" as it may seem: Earth will outlast anyone alive including non-persons such as bacteria.
On behalf of Swedes, I apologize for #GretaThunberg, she does not represent us. I disavow her climate alarmism that's sucking kids into an apocalyptic cult. She's being used in a PR campaign called "We Don't Have Time" started by Al Gore's business partner Ingmar Rentzhog:
Lessee.... Back in Ye Olde Days, some genius thought it would be a great idea to start a Children's Crusade to fight against the oppressive forces of the day.
Since it was the Muslims at Jerusalem, guess what happened to the children who marched on the city? Rape and slavery, at best.
Just like Rotherham, England today, in fact. Also something the left literally cheers on. This abuse of Thunberg is quite similar.
There does appear to be a recurring theme in recent times of people we are supposed to believe for reasons that no one sane would understand. Sure, let's take our climate science advice from a teenager with no science knowledge and a myriad of mental problems. Let's believe all women, including one who accuses a Supreme Court justice candidate of sexual assault, an assault of which she cannot remember either the place or the year, and also suffers from a series of mental issues. Let's believe our media even though they are generally terrible at their jobs and are so overtly biased that it would make a Soviet official blush.
If you want to know why we have Trump, compared to the alternatives why not Trump? Prior to the election, I argued that Trump was a potential half a loaf with an alternative of no loaf guaranteed. Now we have the choice of half a loaf or bananas crazy.
I kept seeing headlines about her lately and I was trying to remember why she's famous.
I think it's because she has absorbed modern climate dogma. She is upset and outraged, and she repeats it forcefully and, to those who already agree, very persuasively.
I am not aware of her having made any original contribution to the discussion or come up with any original insight into it. Which is a fine, as far as it goes - she's still a kid, and an awful lot of people have been talking about this for decades now.
But I still don't see why I'm supposed to pay her any special attention, let alone hang my head in shame at the future she thinks I and others have condemned her to. Some movements like to have spokespeople you're not supposed to argue with.
Haven't bothered to watch her rant, but I read somewhere that she pointed out that even the most ambitious carbon emissions targets only slow warming down slightly, so that what would have been 40 years becomes 50 (or something like that). If she made that point, she's absolutely correct. Regulating carbon emissions will have negligible effect. If you take the problem seriously, you need investment in carbon sequestration technology and geoengineering. Carbon emissions is a dead end, practically speaking: a means of extracting revenue for governments, not a serious effort at developing a solution.
Thunberg challenged her parents to lower the family's carbon footprint by becoming vegan and giving up flying, which in part meant her mother had to give up her international career as an opera singer.[9][14] Thunberg credits her parents' eventual response and lifestyle changes with giving her hope and belief that she could make a difference.[9]
Her mother is obviously a fool and yes, her childhood was stolen because her parents let her take the lead. Sad. She's obviously training to become a fascist dictator.
You bet these are her own words, who could doubt that? /sarc
The cheers and laughter of the audience are from those that have seen the light, not Greta's targets. Oh no, the crowd is filled with the GOOD people. "...never forgive you".... yep, those OTHER people are BAD, we won't forgive them either...
Otherwise the reaction would be moans of despair, rending of garments and begging for forgiveness, right?
She’s literally hysterical. She needs to fly back to the Somali shithole from whence she sailed, as soon as she garners enough carbon indulgences to justify the flight.
Teenagers think they know everything. This girl has been abetted in that delusion by her handlers. The greenies have been predicting the end of the world for fifty years. Dead oceans, famine, ice ages, ozone holes, roasting heat from carbon dioxide, rising oceans swallowing the coastal cities. None of it has come to pass. "The world will end in twelve years unless you give us your money and your freedom!" That was Al Gore and crew in 2007. Twelve years passed. The coastline is still where it was. Our beaches haven't moved. The barrier islands are still there. The Chicken Littles and their Children's Crusade need to go back to school and LEARN SOME FRIGGING HISTORY.
And yes, Richard: Children of the Corn...a very creepy movie and she is a very creepy child.
Mockturtle, that is a good reference. However, I was alluding to an even scarier horror story - the Twilight Zone episode “It's a good life”. In it, six-year-old Anthony Fremont has complete control of a town and when displeased by anyone will torture the person in a horrific manner. To relieve the person's suffering he is asked to send the person to the cornfield.
Rabel said... There's a good chance that young Greta will react in a most unpleasant way when she eventually accepts that her pleas and her threats have had no effect on the UN or the climate.
We often say half-jokingly that suicide is the logical and best course of action for anyone who truly believes the most apocalyptic predictions about climate change. Greta is mentally impaired, but she is a true believer.
Her family and the people promoting her will be responsible"
Unfortunately this kid is being abused. You are right, her family first and foremost are promoting her mental impairment.
i don't mean to sound callus, and unfeeling; BUT WHAT IS HER CARBON FOOTPRINT?
If she Cared About the World; Even One Little BIT; She'd commit suicide BUT, She's from Sweden, the land of the ice and the snow; she might be (Probably IS) hoping and praying for global warming, so that her pathetic country might thaw out.
I really think that IF ANYONE Truly Cared about the planet, They'd rise up and kill all these swedes.
Wow, I guess that Does sound kinda callus and unfeeling. Never mind
Skylark said... Isn’t she the girl who can see carbon dioxide? You have to admit, that’s pretty cool! .... if true. **************
We don't have to admit ANYTHING.
Unless this little bitch has some superhero powers, NO ONE CAN see CO2. It comes out of her mouth at the same concentrations as everyone elses, and it is a colorless gas.
Submariners regularly exhale into an atmosphere of 5000-7000 ppm CO2, and they don't see shit.
I won't watch. This is medieval, There was a teenage girl in Chaucer'time in France who had visions and fits and made pronouncements, and was treated as an Oracle.
Oh yeah? Then why is it that whenever I read an article on rising CO2 levels, it's accompanied by a smokestack spewing a VERY VISIBLE plume into the sky?
Just Google CO2 smokestack, then choose Images. You'll see.
The idea that the people behind Thunberg's testimony should be in charge of social policy is terrifying. There is an odd disconnect from reality on the Left. They do not seem to realize that most of the country is horrified at the idea of California and New York controlling federal (and local) policies.
Meanwhile folks... in the Amazon they are now finding trees that are growing twice as large as they have ever seen them before!!
Why? CO2 in the air. See trees breath in the CO2 and release O2. Yes oxygen. And in time they will expel more oxygen than CO2 and balance it out (unless the South Americans burn down all the rain forest... not implausible. But no doubt Trump is somehow to blame.
This is what nature does. It fixes things that are out of whack. More CO2, more trees, more trees, more O2.
This works unless the whack a big asteroid.. that takes more time to fix.
Oh yeah? Then why is it that whenever I read an article on rising CO2 levels, it's accompanied by a smokestack spewing a VERY VISIBLE plume into the sky?
This Girl would be a guest on Epstein's Island - if he was still alive, and Epstein had supported Climate change. Remember the Frog Minster of Finance or whatever the hell he was, who came to NYC and raped a maid? Then it turned out he was just a rapey/rape socialist who went around "taking women like a soldier". And they all 'Took it' because he was there Froggie socialist leader.
Well this Girl would've been sent to "Epstein's island" - if her lefty parents had thought it would support "Climate Change".
I'm sorry. It's been really hot in my corner of the country for weeks - I think because Trump withdrew from the Paris accords - and so my humor has gotten dryer and lamer.
I just felt like making fun of a running peeve: smokestack/plume images, often lit to make the plume seem nearly black, to "illustrate" the buildup of CO2.
(Also I'm joking about our withdrawal from the Paris accords and our string of regional heat waves, though I've heard dumber connections made in earnest.)
@Ken B ...Yes, her demeanor reminded me of the same and Bedford's letter.
What unfolded today is child abuse. How could those responsible for thrusting her into the center of a political maelstrom watch Thunberg unravel and not feel shame?
Thanks, Heyboom. But I shouldn’t expect people to know me here. My own last wasn’t a jab at you, just thinking it’s hard for me to make a wisecrack on climate alarmism that I haven’t heard offered in earnest by someone.
Gilbar @9:00PM: Thanks. Yes, that was creepy. And I can certainly imagine a bunch of crazed autistic teens using their 'superpowers' on us deplorables, can't you?
It was announced on October 8, 2018 that we have only twelve years left. On October 8, 2019 we will have eleven years left. Soon, ten, then nine. Then there will be an extension. Too bad the kid hasn't lived long enough to know that there will be an extension. Then she could enjoy herself instead of fixing her eyes on us.
Mass hysteria is taking over our teens. Very similar to the mass hysteria [also started by teenage girls] that precipitated the witch trials in Salem. Hope it gets nipped in the bud before it gets out of hand. You are an enemy of the planet! You must die in order to save our generation!
I feel bewilderment and pity. Not only for Greta, but also for all the people she represents. They genuinely feel like the world is about to end. It baffles me. The earth is 4.5 billion years old, and it has gone through much 'climate change' in that vast time, yet somehow everything will collapse in a few years. Amazing. Not to mention how awful human beings are at predicting the future, even when they have the best science on their side. Human beings, who have only been around the tiniest sliver of the earth's history. And the only way to stave off this Apocalypse is for everyone on the planet to become Amish? Again, amazing.
The Twilight Zone episode "It's a Good Life" was based on the short story of same name, written by Jerome Bixby and published in 1953. It is a truly disturbing story and rightly regarded as one of the greatest of the science fiction/horror genre. The main protagonist, three-year-old Anthony Fremont, is as terrifying a character as you're likely to encounter in literature. All-powerful and omniscient, he is also as carelessly cruel and malevolent in the way that only small children can be. He is all the more terrifying because of the mystery, unanswered, of who or what he really is, where he came from, and why -- most of all, why. He was born of a human mother but he is not human, not really; rather he is a strange almighty entity who may or may not have destroyed the universe entire save for the small Midwestern town where he lives with his parents and their neighbors, and which may be the a mere small island of material existence in the infinite nothingness that surrounds it.
Ah, Dominique Strauss-kahn was the rapey frog's name. Head of the IMF. A member of the socialist party which gave him rapey/rape privileges with all the Lefty chicks - who wanted to "take one for the team". LOL. Liberal/left chicks will do anything. But then he met a maid of color in NYC, and she wasn't a liberal/leftist. So sad.
Hilariously, he started out as the "first an activist member of the Union of Communist Students" but then mysteriously ended up as a banker and head of the IMF!
Roughcoat - "It's A Good Life" is one of my favorites. Including the Simpsons Treehouse of Horror they made it. But the child was *omnipotent* but definitely not omniscient (exactly the point we're all dwelling on here - poor Greta has power but not knowledge).
I literally used to have small panic attacks about that story - I'd lie awake trying to think of any way out.
All this climate mongering creates a short-term political problem for the right, but it's so overblown this time that it won't be forgotten, especially by the younger generation that is truly being traumatized by it.
Starting around ten years from now, every lovely dawn will be a powerful argument for voting republican.
She surely seems to be making justifications for the concentration camps they're planning on building Change is Coming.... Whether You Like It, OR NOT
I'm taken by the girl sitting next to her. This girl spends her time during Greta's speech, nodding her head in Rapt Agreement. Occasionally, to accent the 'super-good' points (like at 4:25 "We Will NEVER Forgive You), she holds her right hand up and waving it around (quickly closing it into a fist; 'cause, you know: She ain't a Nazi, just an activist)
Picture Greta with a toothbrush mustache, picture 20 thousand youngsters like the girl next to her watching from the audience; waving their fists... Can you picture it? Greta at Nuremberg
I turned on the TV this morning and it was tuned to PBS and there were children’s cartoons on. The evil guy is white, he wants to catch all of the fish in the ocean. The good guys are a band of women, mostly of color. The actual people who are overfishing the ocean in uncontrolled ways are not Europeans or Americans, who are highly regulated, but roving fishermen in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, you know, feeding the poor. I remember there used to be a series of “Fairy tales for every child” where the one time they used a country singer, not Tammy Wynette, but like her, to tell a story for white children for a change, and the whites were all portrayed as pigs.
It’s a lot like the NAZI propaganda about Jews, and it catches kids before they have the mental capacity to properly process it as propaganda intended to shape their minds. Your tax dollars at work. And even complaining about the racialization of these cartoons and their negative portrayal of whites makes one sound like a white supremacist. The real white supremacists are the people who judge that white people are the only ones who can take this kind of constant negative propaganda.
I was watching the Red Sox play the Giants the other day in a bar and the game went late and there was a millennial woman in there and she said “I look white, but my energy is dark.” These kids have been taught to hate themselves.
HER PARENTS stole her childhood. She should be taken away from the extreme abuse she is receiving. When you are autistic, normal things bother you much more......imagine what she is actually going through. THEY put her through that.
I was a teen in the 70's when we had the end of the Vietnam war, Nixon, the coming Population Bomb and its attendant famine and mass human die off, out of control smog in big cities, acid rain, the oil crisis, Stagflation, and Captain Malaise, President Jimmy Carter. In short, lots to be pessimistic about and frightened by.
My mother would not allow us to be pessimistic and frightened. She did this by pushing us to achieve, drove us to be the best we could be at whatever it is we chose to do. As I recall now all my friends were taught pretty much the same attitude. My mother would often say, when I was struggling with some thing or another, "you can do anything you set your mind to". And she was right.
Who are the people that have frightened, so irrationally, this Greta Thunberg so much? That is who she should direct her ire toward. That is who has stolen her childhood and threatened her future.
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Why isn’t this young girl in school?
Good Lord. Fuck off. (Is that trenchant and inspired commentary?)
Someone's celebrating Festivus early...
I gotta lotta problems with you people!
Her handlers have stolen her dreams.
Shut up, you ridiculous little cretin. We're taking our industry back from China no matter how many Aspies it sads.
She was depressed and a loner before this. Insty was sent a great graphic about her. I need to save to my devices for posting.
I thought she had just gone back to the rape capital of the world, i.e., Sweden. What did she fly back for this fraud for?
"Why isn’t this young girl in school?"
I imagine her parents are shoveling heaps of wonga into the old bank account. Really, she's just a child actor. "We're homeschooling."
First world white girl problems. Try and sell your superiority to the Chinese commies
Where's the WC fields parody of this snot. Over under on her O.D.?
Just keep her away from David Hogg! If those two breed we'll end up with either the anti-Christ or the Kwisatz Haderach and we'll be fucked for sure!
Don't really care about unsolicited opinions offered by 12 year old girls......
I hope she's in on the joke. Otherwise she is the joke and that's a terrible thing to do to a child.
Her parents are guilty of child abuse and she looks like she has fetal alcohol syndrome so they're probably guilty of more than just that
Greta of Arc.
The people who are inducing and taking advantage of this young girl's mental illness should be in jail.
Empty words steal dreams, and childhood!
Film at 11.
Yes, this is a kind of child abuse. The people using this girl should be ashamed. However, this campaign is utterly self-defeating- almost no one is going to be convinced by the wisdom and experience of a child, and when you make her the face of your cause, you belittle yourself.
She believes the hoax. Not a surprise.
Dear Greta von Faschist:
Eat shit, you dead-eyed spergie...
I mean, this is just Idiocracy made real.
I’ve been thinking the same for a few days, Yancey.
Yeah, I figured "fir" "dats" was for days.
I bet her schtick soon goes bust under accusations of abuse or financial malfeasance. Excuses at 11.
What a creepy little actress.
Seriously, this would be like listening to a third grader's opinion on why the 737-MAX crashed.
Obnoxious little twit.
Oh Lord, I thought for a moment it was Pete Buttigieg in drag. Just another overstimulated child.
But not until we get that Time Person of the Year cover in...Or a Nobel Prize! Yeah, that’s the ticket...
How dare you! You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words!
You'll get over it -- we all do.
I get my gossip from The a Daily Mail.
This is a headline:
'You have stolen my dreams and childhood': Greta Thunberg sobs as she tells world leaders: 'You're still not mature enough to tell it like it is, the eyes of future generations are upon you' - after Trump blithely upstages her at UN Climate Summit
I agree that she has had all that stolen, I just think she's blaming the wrong people. Whoever told her to worry and stress about the climate like that are ignorant assholes, and they owe her plenty.
It's says alot about your philosophy, politics and science if you need a young girl to make emotional appeals to get the policy you want. It means you don't have the goods to convince reasonable people. Right or wrong, you are blowing it.
Cracker Emcee, that sounds like a prediction, and it would not surprise me if she wins it this Fall.
How dare you! You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words!
You'll get over it -- we all do.
Welcome to adulthood...or Adulting!
I would watch what to you say to her. You don't want to end up in the cornfield, do you?
I would prefer if Althouse didn't encourage this abuse if a child. I know Althouse hates using kids for politics but this is really bad.
This girl is seriously mentally ill. She almost succeeded in commiting suicide by starvation. Imagine that.
Any decent person should be horrified by what this child's parents and handlers are doing.
It just breaks my heart.
Don't we all want a world run by the emotional drives of young girls? Next, we can take all the money from the world's rich people (except the Kardhian girls and Taylor Swift) and dedicate it all to curing acne.
Somebody needs a timeout.
She's a crazy mixed up kid, that Greta, but I like her.
There’s no morality like show morality, like no morality I know....
I was gonna have the paper boy do my cataract surgery, but thought better of it. Mostly because kids don't know shit.
I'm more into Greta Van Fleet.
How dare you! You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words
Someone left the cake out in the rain.
If only Thunberg were motivated by kindness, compassion and respect.
Ann sometimes expresses disapproval when children are used for political purposes, but in this case?
There's a good chance that young Greta will react in a most unpleasant way when she eventually accepts that her pleas and her threats have had no effect on the UN or the climate.
We often say half-jokingly that suicide is the logical and best course of action for anyone who truly believes the most apocalyptic predictions about climate change. Greta is mentally impaired, but she is a true believer.
Her family and the people promoting her will be responsible.
The Official Escort for 16-Year-Old Global Warming ‘Expert’ Greta Thunberg Is a Leftist Hack Funded by George Soros Org. (per Gateway)
Childhood-and-Dreams stealing is what SJW's do.
do pre-born babies dream?
I was a teacher's aide in charge of a young man with Asperger's who sounded very much like her. At varying times I had to convince him he did not have Leprosy, Lou Gehrig's, Mesothelioma, German Toe, Diphtheria, Cholera, Bubonic plague, and Ebola. He was also convinced that he was going to invent a perpetual motion machine and a rocket propelled by oxygen fuel cells.
Ask her to sketch her solutions for climate change out for you. Once you see the plans in black and white on lined notebook paper, you'll see how much she knows what she is talking about.
According to Wikipedia she's 16. She looks younger in this video. Of course, she's just reading from a script and has been brainwashed by her parents. Or maybe she's running a Swedish Grift.
There's something mentally wrong with a lot of Scandinavians - especially the Lefty Swedes. Maybe, its living in the great white north. Maybe the lack of sun and living being in a small prosperous country, off the beaten track, makes them bored and indulge in a fantasy world. Also, she's not bad looking, but I wonder if she's below-average compared to other Swedish girls.
Anyway, they're been kids like this on the Left since forever. Read History. They were marching for Comrade Stalin in the 30s. They were speechifying against McCarthy in the 50s, They were for Enviromentalist wackos in the 70s and for Nuclear Disarmament in the 80s. The left ALWAYS uses kids for Props - and some boobs always fall for it.
Yea Greta!
Top rated comment in an article about the shut down in DC today: "What is so bizarre about many of the comments decrying some small inconvenience in their daily commute in DC is the TOTAL lack of understanding of the life threatening inconveniences that climate collapse will present.
"The comments show a vapidity of thought and spirit of people who have given up...if they indeed have any understanding of climate issues."
The greenness of youth.
Every time i see one of this political kids - especially girls - I think of "The Bostonians". Maybe this girl can find her Basil Ransom
.The left ALWAYS uses kids for Props
Props and Parts.
They should show the pictures of the script writers in little boxes, so we know who we're REALLY listening to.
"You stole my dreams and my Childhood with yours empty words."
Freudian slip? Is she talking to us, or her Lefty parents?
The eye of God is eternally upon us: There is no such worthy concept as an eye of future generations.
I hope she becomes as famous as Jesus.
For all the wrong reasons.
God bless her caring soul, and may God have mercy on her abusers.
Bathetic. I mean, truly disappointing. I thought she had some reason, but she's all feelings. Pathetic.
"How dare you?!"
No kidding. How dare you, Media and Statist Complex, scare the hell out of kids, making them believe that the world is ending, so that you can have unassailable child-fronts for your causes.
Wikipedia says:
Greta Thunberg was born on 3 January 2003 in Stockholm,[7][8] the daughter of opera singer Malena Ernman and actor Svante Thunberg.[9] Her paternal grandfather is actor and director Olof Thunberg.[10]
Thunberg says she first heard about climate change in 2011, when she was 8 years old, and could not understand why so little was being done about it.[11] Three years later she became depressed and lethargic, stopped talking and eating, and was eventually diagnosed with Asperger syndrome,[12] obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD),[12] and selective mutism.[12][13] While acknowledging that her diagnosis "has limited me before", she does not view her autism as an illness and has instead called it her "superpower".[13]
For about two years, Thunberg challenged her parents to lower the family's carbon footprint by becoming vegan and giving up flying, which in part meant her mother had to give up her international career as an opera singer.[9][14] Thunberg credits her parents' eventual response and lifestyle changes with giving her hope and belief that she could make a difference.[9] The family story is recounted in the 2018 book Scenes from the Heart.[15]
I never heard her speak before. Couldn't the green fascists find someone more appealing? Ugh.
Check your privilege little white girl. Not everyone gets to sail the Atlantic on a luxury yacht with a crew flown in for your trip. I never promised you anything, and I'm not going to start now.
I prefer these types, the type Twain wrote about knowing that at age 16 their dad was the dumbest man in the county. We all hope, if not guided by Satan, that this young lady sees how much her dad has learned when she reaches age 22. And 32. And 42. And by 52 all the non-stop constant bitching will hopefully have grown old.
Too late to have any kids by then though, so another 3 decades of bitching about how everyone else is so fucked up and selfish and our gal her today is just neutrally cruel.
The essence of what the anger about is true: Progs lie to indoctrinate and do so without any concern for the repercussions, like sociopathic evil-doers do.
Can you imagine what real men had to fight against, and not this type of thing? This type of thing has always been there, always been defeated roundly easily, on top of real challenges. But lacking God it will be much much more difficult to look at this type of propaganda and have a coherent response such as those untold billions that have allowed America to be.
Althouse Blogsite discusses Climategate 2009
See if you can find our resident long winded name changing expert in the comments.
Climate ranks near the bottom whenever people are polled about what worries them. Greta Thunberg is unlikely to make a difference and I wonder how she will react when she discovers that her fears don't matter?
> Kwisatz Haderach
Going to need a lot more global warming for that.
Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha, little, stupid, bought bitch!
She is correct that the people at the UN listening to her are stupid.
Anyone who takes advice from a 16 year old on how to save the planet is stupid.
Io ipso, contained within itself, are the answers re the world, Hell even the Universe, just saying "fuck it" during our incredibly short time we are conscious on God's earth.
We aren't as "lucky" as it may seem: Earth will outlast anyone alive including non-persons such as bacteria.
Thank goodness Trump is on the trail.
Entering the UN today he pointed at a reporter and said, “Quiet!”
I'll say this: the girl's got pluck!
("I hate pluck")
from a sane Swede:
On behalf of Swedes, I apologize for #GretaThunberg, she does not represent us. I disavow her climate alarmism that's sucking kids into an apocalyptic cult. She's being used in a PR campaign called "We Don't Have Time" started by Al Gore's business partner Ingmar Rentzhog:
China now produces more CO2 than the United States and the European Union put together,
China - the left's dream boat of a nation. Run by communists with total control.
Lucien muses: If only Thunberg were motivated by kindness, compassion and respect.
As an autistic, these traits probably elude her.
And yes, Richard: Children of the Corn...a very creepy movie and she is a very creepy child.
Lessee.... Back in Ye Olde Days, some genius thought it would be a great idea to start a Children's Crusade to fight against the oppressive forces of the day.
Since it was the Muslims at Jerusalem, guess what happened to the children who marched on the city? Rape and slavery, at best.
Just like Rotherham, England today, in fact. Also something the left literally cheers on. This abuse of Thunberg is quite similar.
As long as she was behind blocking the streets in DC today, she can't be all bad.
Althouse needs a new tag to adequately reference this monstrosity.
Suggest using zombies in politics
There does appear to be a recurring theme in recent times of people we are supposed to believe for reasons that no one sane would understand. Sure, let's take our climate science advice from a teenager with no science knowledge and a myriad of mental problems. Let's believe all women, including one who accuses a Supreme Court justice candidate of sexual assault, an assault of which she cannot remember either the place or the year, and also suffers from a series of mental issues. Let's believe our media even though they are generally terrible at their jobs and are so overtly biased that it would make a Soviet official blush.
If you want to know why we have Trump, compared to the alternatives why not Trump? Prior to the election, I argued that Trump was a potential half a loaf with an alternative of no loaf guaranteed. Now we have the choice of half a loaf or bananas crazy.
I kept seeing headlines about her lately and I was trying to remember why she's famous.
I think it's because she has absorbed modern climate dogma. She is upset and outraged, and she repeats it forcefully and, to those who already agree, very persuasively.
I am not aware of her having made any original contribution to the discussion or come up with any original insight into it. Which is a fine, as far as it goes - she's still a kid, and an awful lot of people have been talking about this for decades now.
But I still don't see why I'm supposed to pay her any special attention, let alone hang my head in shame at the future she thinks I and others have condemned her to. Some movements like to have spokespeople you're not supposed to argue with.
Oh, Greta, you're so wrong. Everyone is doing their level best about global warming. We're taking action. We're getting hot and bothered about it.
So, chill already!
Young females shouldn't carry the weight of the world on their shoulders.
At least not at first.
They should wait a few years and then start with something easier.
Like a mattress, maybe.
I am Laslo.
Haven't bothered to watch her rant, but I read somewhere that she pointed out that even the most ambitious carbon emissions targets only slow warming down slightly, so that what would have been 40 years becomes 50 (or something like that). If she made that point, she's absolutely correct. Regulating carbon emissions will have negligible effect. If you take the problem seriously, you need investment in carbon sequestration technology and geoengineering. Carbon emissions is a dead end, practically speaking: a means of extracting revenue for governments, not a serious effort at developing a solution.
“How dare you! You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words!"
Please tell me she is saying that to her parents.
Isn’t she the girl who can see carbon dioxide? You have to admit, that’s pretty cool! .... if true.
Thunberg challenged her parents to lower the family's carbon footprint by becoming vegan and giving up flying, which in part meant her mother had to give up her international career as an opera singer.[9][14] Thunberg credits her parents' eventual response and lifestyle changes with giving her hope and belief that she could make a difference.[9]
Her mother is obviously a fool and yes, her childhood was stolen because her parents let her take the lead. Sad. She's obviously training to become a fascist dictator.
You bet these are her own words, who could doubt that?
The cheers and laughter of the audience are from those that have seen the light, not Greta's targets. Oh no, the crowd is filled with the GOOD people. "...never forgive you".... yep, those OTHER people are BAD, we won't forgive them either...
Otherwise the reaction would be moans of despair, rending of garments and begging for forgiveness, right?
She’s literally hysterical. She needs to fly back to the Somali shithole from whence she sailed, as soon as she garners enough carbon indulgences to justify the flight.
You can see why the Children's Crusade had the Muslims quaking in their boots.
Teenagers think they know everything. This girl has been abetted in that delusion by her handlers. The greenies have been predicting the end of the world for fifty years. Dead oceans, famine, ice ages, ozone holes, roasting heat from carbon dioxide, rising oceans swallowing the coastal cities. None of it has come to pass. "The world will end in twelve years unless you give us your money and your freedom!" That was Al Gore and crew in 2007. Twelve years passed. The coastline is still where it was. Our beaches haven't moved. The barrier islands are still there. The Chicken Littles and their Children's Crusade need to go back to school and LEARN SOME FRIGGING HISTORY.
And yes, Richard: Children of the Corn...a very creepy movie and she is a very creepy child.
Mockturtle, that is a good reference. However, I was alluding to an even scarier horror story - the Twilight Zone episode “It's a good life”. In it, six-year-old Anthony Fremont has complete control of a town and when displeased by anyone will torture the person in a horrific manner. To relieve the person's suffering he is asked to send the person to the cornfield.
David Begley said...
Why isn’t this young girl in school?"
First comment and the best overall.
Raging hormonal imbalances in a 16-year-old autistic girl--- now THERE's a recipe for being told the TRUTH!!!
When she gets her period she will blame it on the PATRIARCHY, naturally.
In honor of Greta's performance, I think Ralphie had the idea first.
Rabel said...
There's a good chance that young Greta will react in a most unpleasant way when she eventually accepts that her pleas and her threats have had no effect on the UN or the climate.
We often say half-jokingly that suicide is the logical and best course of action for anyone who truly believes the most apocalyptic predictions about climate change. Greta is mentally impaired, but she is a true believer.
Her family and the people promoting her will be responsible"
Unfortunately this kid is being abused. You are right, her family first and foremost are promoting her mental impairment.
Richard: I think I must have missed that episode.
i don't mean to sound callus, and unfeeling; BUT
If she Cared About the World; Even One Little BIT; She'd commit suicide
BUT, She's from Sweden, the land of the ice and the snow; she might be (Probably IS) hoping and praying for global warming, so that her pathetic country might thaw out.
I really think that IF ANYONE Truly Cared about the planet, They'd rise up and kill all these swedes.
Wow, I guess that Does sound kinda callus and unfeeling. Never mind
Skylark said...
Isn’t she the girl who can see carbon dioxide? You have to admit, that’s pretty cool! .... if true.
We don't have to admit ANYTHING.
Unless this little bitch has some superhero powers, NO ONE CAN see CO2. It comes out of her mouth at the same concentrations as everyone elses, and it is a colorless gas.
Submariners regularly exhale into an atmosphere of 5000-7000 ppm CO2, and they don't see shit.
Skylark, you are a buffoon of the first order.
mockturtle said...
Richard: I think I must have missed that episode.
it's Good what you've done to Dan
I won't watch. This is medieval, There was a teenage girl in Chaucer'time in France who had visions and fits and made pronouncements, and was treated as an Oracle.
"NO ONE CAN see CO2."
Oh yeah? Then why is it that whenever I read an article on rising CO2 levels, it's accompanied by a smokestack spewing a VERY VISIBLE plume into the sky?
Just Google CO2 smokestack, then choose Images. You'll see.
Anyone notice that our blogmistress is not here to defend Greta??
I believe Greta can see carbon dioxide. Look at those eyes — she can obviously see things others can’t.
Is she hallucinating? I mean her demeanor is .. weird. Like she is on something.
Or if Ralphie is too nice a kid for you, you may see this is more to the point.
The idea that the people behind Thunberg's testimony should be in charge of social policy is terrifying.
There is an odd disconnect from reality on the Left. They do not seem to realize that most of the country is horrified at the idea of California and New York controlling federal (and local) policies.
Meanwhile folks... in the Amazon they are now finding trees that are growing twice as large as they have ever seen them before!!
Why? CO2 in the air. See trees breath in the CO2 and release O2. Yes oxygen. And in time they will expel more oxygen than CO2 and balance it out (unless the South Americans burn down all the rain forest... not implausible. But no doubt Trump is somehow to blame.
This is what nature does. It fixes things that are out of whack. More CO2, more trees, more trees, more O2.
This works unless the whack a big asteroid.. that takes more time to fix.
Anyone else think that Greta Thunberg looks familiar?
h/t Ace of Spades HQ
" Blogger madAsHell said...
How dare you! You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words
Someone left the cake out in the rain."
Oh yeah? Then why is it that whenever I read an article on rising CO2 levels, it's accompanied by a smokestack spewing a VERY VISIBLE plume into the sky?
That smokestack isn't spewing pure CO2.
This Girl would be a guest on Epstein's Island - if he was still alive, and Epstein had supported Climate change. Remember the Frog Minster of Finance or whatever the hell he was, who came to NYC and raped a maid? Then it turned out he was just a rapey/rape socialist who went around "taking women like a soldier". And they all 'Took it' because he was there Froggie socialist leader.
Well this Girl would've been sent to "Epstein's island" - if her lefty parents had thought it would support "Climate Change".
I'm sorry. It's been really hot in my corner of the country for weeks - I think because Trump withdrew from the Paris accords - and so my humor has gotten dryer and lamer.
I just felt like making fun of a running peeve: smokestack/plume images, often lit to make the plume seem nearly black, to "illustrate" the buildup of CO2.
(Also I'm joking about our withdrawal from the Paris accords and our string of regional heat waves, though I've heard dumber connections made in earnest.)
So now we have to add a note when we are joking?
So sad her elders shoveled her into this, but..
rcocean said...Remember the Frog Minster of Finance or whatever the hell he was
Dom V, methinks
Yeah, I wasn't sure. But I'm familiar with your other posts so I should have known better. I need those sarcasm tags to help me, I guess. LOL
Skylark, 9:39: Yes, yes we do. See also Poe’s Law.
My last comment was for you JPS...
That was very disturbing
@Ken B ...Yes, her demeanor reminded me of the same and Bedford's letter.
What unfolded today is child abuse. How could those responsible for thrusting her into the center of a political maelstrom watch Thunberg unravel and not feel shame?
Thanks, Heyboom. But I shouldn’t expect people to know me here. My own last wasn’t a jab at you, just thinking it’s hard for me to make a wisecrack on climate alarmism that I haven’t heard offered in earnest by someone.
You're not my kid Greta. I couldn't care less about your dreams or your future.
Gilbar @9:00PM: Thanks. Yes, that was creepy. And I can certainly imagine a bunch of crazed autistic teens using their 'superpowers' on us deplorables, can't you?
Speaking of empty words...this is appalling.
It was announced on October 8, 2018 that we have only twelve years left. On October 8, 2019 we will have eleven years left. Soon, ten, then nine. Then there will be an extension. Too bad the kid hasn't lived long enough to know that there will be an extension. Then she could enjoy herself instead of fixing her eyes on us.
Speaking of empty words...this is appalling.
Mass hysteria is taking over our teens. Very similar to the mass hysteria [also started by teenage girls] that precipitated the witch trials in Salem. Hope it gets nipped in the bud before it gets out of hand. You are an enemy of the planet! You must die in order to save our generation!
Yoda nailed if:
I feel bewilderment and pity. Not only for Greta, but also for all the people she represents. They genuinely feel like the world is about to end. It baffles me. The earth is 4.5 billion years old, and it has gone through much 'climate change' in that vast time, yet somehow everything will collapse in a few years. Amazing. Not to mention how awful human beings are at predicting the future, even when they have the best science on their side. Human beings, who have only been around the tiniest sliver of the earth's history. And the only way to stave off this Apocalypse is for everyone on the planet to become Amish? Again, amazing.
An excellent thread by a father with an Autistic son.
She certainly doesn’t look like an American 16 y.o.
The Twilight Zone episode "It's a Good Life" was based on the short story of same name, written by Jerome Bixby and published in 1953. It is a truly disturbing story and rightly regarded as one of the greatest of the science fiction/horror genre. The main protagonist, three-year-old Anthony Fremont, is as terrifying a character as you're likely to encounter in literature. All-powerful and omniscient, he is also as carelessly cruel and malevolent in the way that only small children can be. He is all the more terrifying because of the mystery, unanswered, of who or what he really is, where he came from, and why -- most of all, why. He was born of a human mother but he is not human, not really; rather he is a strange almighty entity who may or may not have destroyed the universe entire save for the small Midwestern town where he lives with his parents and their neighbors, and which may be the a mere small island of material existence in the infinite nothingness that surrounds it.
the Greenies see a problem w/ the remote-controlled Eco-Brat
"Wrong Kind of Green"
"Greenwashing the Climate Catastrophe"
You know the rules! Humor is fact-checked here!
Ah, Dominique Strauss-kahn was the rapey frog's name. Head of the IMF. A member of the socialist party which gave him rapey/rape privileges with all the Lefty chicks - who wanted to "take one for the team". LOL. Liberal/left chicks will do anything. But then he met a maid of color in NYC, and she wasn't a liberal/leftist. So sad.
Hilariously, he started out as the "first an activist member of the Union of Communist Students" but then mysteriously ended up as a banker and head of the IMF!
The age of consent in Sweden is 12 or some crazy number. so if Greta is "taking one for the team" I wouldn't be amazed.
Kevin's science teacher (played by Ben Stein) had Greta's script in "The Wonder Years".
All she needs is a mustache.
Roughcoat - "It's A Good Life" is one of my favorites. Including the Simpsons Treehouse of Horror they made it. But the child was *omnipotent* but definitely not omniscient (exactly the point we're all dwelling on here - poor Greta has power but not knowledge).
I literally used to have small panic attacks about that story - I'd lie awake trying to think of any way out.
All this climate mongering creates a short-term political problem for the right, but it's so overblown this time that it won't be forgotten, especially by the younger generation that is truly being traumatized by it.
Starting around ten years from now, every lovely dawn will be a powerful argument for voting republican.
Gee family are drama pros.Who would have think it? Also Children's Crusade.How did that turn out?
Don said...
All she needs is a mustache.
She surely seems to be making justifications for the concentration camps they're planning on building
Change is Coming.... Whether You Like It, OR NOT
I'm taken by the girl sitting next to her. This girl spends her time during Greta's speech, nodding her head in Rapt Agreement. Occasionally, to accent the 'super-good' points (like at 4:25 "We Will NEVER Forgive You), she holds her right hand up and waving it around (quickly closing it into a fist; 'cause, you know: She ain't a Nazi, just an activist)
Picture Greta with a toothbrush mustache, picture 20 thousand youngsters like the girl next to her watching from the audience; waving their fists... Can you picture it?
Greta at Nuremberg
I turned on the TV this morning and it was tuned to PBS and there were children’s cartoons on. The evil guy is white, he wants to catch all of the fish in the ocean. The good guys are a band of women, mostly of color. The actual people who are overfishing the ocean in uncontrolled ways are not Europeans or Americans, who are highly regulated, but roving fishermen in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, you know, feeding the poor. I remember there used to be a series of “Fairy tales for every child” where the one time they used a country singer, not Tammy Wynette, but like her, to tell a story for white children for a change, and the whites were all portrayed as pigs.
It’s a lot like the NAZI propaganda about Jews, and it catches kids before they have the mental capacity to properly process it as propaganda intended to shape their minds. Your tax dollars at work. And even complaining about the racialization of these cartoons and their negative portrayal of whites makes one sound like a white supremacist. The real white supremacists are the people who judge that white people are the only ones who can take this kind of constant negative propaganda.
I was watching the Red Sox play the Giants the other day in a bar and the game went late and there was a millennial woman in there and she said “I look white, but my energy is dark.” These kids have been taught to hate themselves.
HER PARENTS stole her childhood. She should be taken away from the extreme abuse she is receiving. When you are autistic, normal things bother you much more......imagine what she is actually going through. THEY put her through that.
I was a teen in the 70's when we had the end of the Vietnam war, Nixon, the coming Population Bomb and its attendant famine and mass human die off, out of control smog in big cities, acid rain, the oil crisis, Stagflation, and Captain Malaise, President Jimmy Carter. In short, lots to be pessimistic about and frightened by.
My mother would not allow us to be pessimistic and frightened. She did this by pushing us to achieve, drove us to be the best we could be at whatever it is we chose to do. As I recall now all my friends were taught pretty much the same attitude. My mother would often say, when I was struggling with some thing or another, "you can do anything you set your mind to". And she was right.
Who are the people that have frightened, so irrationally, this Greta Thunberg so much? That is who she should direct her ire toward. That is who has stolen her childhood and threatened her future.
The only thing sillier and stupider than this little girl are all of the people who take her seriously.
Why she is deoing as ??
"How dare you . . . ?" The favorite ploys of people with no intellectual ammunition to back their arguments.
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