September 7, 2019

"Hey, liberals... you're the NRA of mayonnaise!... Fat shaming doesn't need to end. It needs to make a comeback" — Bill Maher.

"It's not just about being able to see your doctor. It's also about being able to see your dick."


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JML said...

The 'tolerance' of the left never ceases to amaze me.

n.n said...

A poor analogy. Where one serves to secure civil rights of self-defense and tempering political and criminal ambitions, the other serves to secure human and political rights of morbid obesity and unaffordable health care, respectively.

traditionalguy said...

Mandatory KETO diets would make everybody have yon Cassius's lean and hungry look. All we'd need to add is mandatory free weight training.

n.n said...

The 'tolerance' of the left never ceases to amaze me.

They conflate tolerance and divergence. They confuse tolerance and normalization. Where before it was voluntary, today it is a mandate (e.g. indoctrination, [medical] corruption) of social progress. They are Pro-Choice in principle and practice.

Mr. Forward said...

Two minutes of that filthy mouth killed my appetite.

Amexpat said...

I'm not a Bill Maher fan but he makes some good points. Not about fat shaming but that health care is the primary responsibility of the individual and being obese is a life style choice and not predetermined by our genes.

Anonymous said...

Hope he only used "mayonnaise" there because it rolls out better and sounds funnier than "high-fructose corn syrup soft drinks". Thought we'd seen the back of the low-fat/non-fat scolds.

J. Farmer said...

Mayonnaise isn't fattening.

Anonymous said...

Otherwise, nothing to disagree with here.

traditionalguy said...

Michigan is about to lose to Army in
Ann Arbor. Michigan needs much heavier linemen. And a new coach too.

n.n said...

Mayonnaise isn't fattening.

Conflation of dietary and body fat remains a nutritional risk factor.

Shouting Thomas said...

Can't argue with Maher on this.

I got tired of being overweight. And, in old age, every physical problem is exacerbated by excess weight.

Over the past 3 months, I've lost 26 pounds. Ultimately, I'll lose 42 pounds.

Not really difficult. I'm counting calories and I've increased the length and severity of my workouts.

Even before I began to lose weight, I was trim and fit by the standards of most people.

Ralph L said...

If we got half the population smoking again, they'd avoid diabetes, joint replacements, and bankrupting SS and Medicare by kicking off at 60, hopefully by sudden heart attacks. Just don't smoke around me.

narciso said...

our outrage is misplaced,

maybe maher shut cut down on the blow, and assorted substances,

Bay Area Guy said...

Sgt. Hartman would call you a disgusting fatboy, if you were a tad overweight.

barry's blog said...

Bill and Serena saying what needs to be said.

SteveBrooklineMA said...

I was watching “Apollo 11” on Hulu yesterday (highly it!) and had the same thought as Bill. Everyone is so thin!

Howard said...

It's the Trump deplorables whom skew gross and obese, liberal elites stay thin and Hungary

Michael K said...

Mandatory KETO diets would make everybody have yon Cassius's lean and hungry look.

The federal government and it's "Food Pyramid" have a lot to answer for. Atkins was hated by the left, probably because he advocated meat and fat in the diet. When I wrote my medical history book 20 years ago, I could not find one positive reference to him and his diet ideas. Now, it is recognized that the "Mediterranean Diet" created most of the obesity epidemic and type II Diabetes rates.

I am doing a Keto diet and have lost about 18 pounds after Jenny Craig had little effect. The Keto Diet is basically Atkins' diet.

Michael K said...

liberal elites stay thin and Hungary

Especially in Venezuela. And it's not Hungary, dope.

buwaya said...

I wonder if a return to smoking wouldn't create a net overall benefit to public health, that is, measured by function or performance, savings on medical costs and loss of labor. This would be paid for by shortened lives, probably on net, but if one is looking at the whole human system like a "Civilization" player, a total autarch, it may make sense.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Progs have lost their minds.

chuck said...

> I wonder if a return to smoking wouldn't create a net overall benefit to public health

It would probably raise the average IQ.

buwaya said...

20 pounds lost here since mostly-Keto.
And its stayed off for five years.
The other 20 are not so easy.

Ralph L said...

And it's its not it's "Food Pyramid".

bagoh20 said...

OK, give me a minute. I'm checking the Constitution for the word "Mayonnaise".......

Nope. Maybe it's "Miracle Whip".

bagoh20 said...

Pyramids have a fat bottom.

bagoh20 said...

"It's also about being able to see your dick."

I have people for that. They tell me it's spectacular!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

OK - I watched that. Sometimes Maher is really very funny. That was funny.

Ralph L said...

I've put on 20 in the last 4 years, mostly by eating more, reading too many Althouse comments while recumbent, and not exercising for several weeks here and there. The last 3 weeks, my excuse has been a sore shoulder.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

As a way to stick it to Trump, stay fat, progs.
Consider Hillary as your revenge mentor.

jeremyabrams said...

It's overeating and sugar and carbs, sure, but it's likely also something still a bit undiscovered in the gut. I'm pretty sure fat people shame themselves enough. I don't think we stayed thin back in the day because of shaming. We were more active and too poor to eat this well.

tcrosse said...

"It's also about being able to see your dick."

Easy if you keep it in a jar on the mantelpiece, ladies.

n.n said...

If you are disposed to indulgence, it helps to lean forward.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

that's what squatty potty is for.

Fernandinande said...

Rather than fat people eating less, They should make skinny people eat more.

gilbar said...

buwaya said...
I wonder if a return to smoking wouldn't create a net overall benefit to public health, that is, measured by function or performance, savings on medical costs and loss of labor. This would be paid for by shortened lives, probably on net, but if one is looking at the whole human system like a "Civilization" player, a total autarch, it may make sense.

cigarettes == EXCELLENT Appetite Suppressant
cigarettes == caffine moderator == Work efficiency increaser == Increased GNP
cigarettes == health cost reducer (look it up! people on cigs don't live long enough for large bills)
cigarettes == social security cost reducer ( look it up! people on cigs don't take NEARLY as much SS)
cigarettes == reduce CO2 emissions due to: Less food consumption, Less Lifetime
cigarettes == More money Into North Carolina == increased NCWRC funding == MORE TROUTS!

What's NOT to love? WHY is cigarette use not MANDATORY?

n.n said...

Gluttony, malnutrition, dysfunction, disorder, and sloth can individually and cumulatively be contributors to obesity.

gilbar said...

MOST people with lung cancer, have Already produced MOST of the taxes they'd ever produce; with or without the cancer. If they were going to have children; They'd Already Done that.

Nearly EVERY Person with Lung Cancer, has NOTHING (or, at least not damn much) further to contribute to society. They are Dead Wood.... NOTHING Clears Out Dead Wood, Like FIRE!
Do Your Patriotic Duty, and Smoke a Few Packs a Day!!!

Fernandinande said...

Fat is bad when you're younger, anywhere from not-so bad to actually good when you're older:

"For both men and women, being underweight at age 65 was associated with worse outcomes than normal weight, while overweight and obesity were rarely worse than normal weight, and were sometimes associated with significantly better outcomes.

Similar to middle-aged populations, older adults are likely to be or to become overweight or obese. However, higher weight is not associated with worse health in this age group. Thus, the number of older adults at a “healthy” weight may be much higher than currently believed."

I quit smoking tobacco 3 or 4 years ago and ballooned up from svelte 32x34 pants to a grotesque 34x34 yet slightly too big but they were out of 33's ("George", great shirts, too!), so pants are a lot easier to buy which cancels out the side effects of the morbid obesity.

Narr said...

No kidding about societal costs-- I had two brothers who couldn't manage to stay quit of baccy (as well as in one case long-term use and abuse of other substances) who failed to make 56.

The younger, single one had legit non-smoking related problems too, and cost society a lot by way of his frequent hospitalizations (IRS health insurance). When he died there was no SS (not that I have a problem with that--as a veteran's survivors my brothers and I were aided a lot by the gummint check(s) every month until we were 18 (or later if in school); and who knows how much our older brother had cost society when he found his level . . .

Our father and his little sister our aunt both smoked like fiends and were gone by 40.

But everyone's parents smoked back then

Ken B said...

I am confused. What the heck does the Norkopping Resettlement Agency has to do with mayonnaise?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Fuck that religion hating liberal pussy Bill Maher. Let him say that to my face while I'm here eating Herr's Kettle Cooked Mesquite BBQ flavored potato chips and wiping my hands on my hoodie.

Ken B said...

Or the North Rutland Aqueduct for that matter?

Maillard Reactionary said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bleh said...

As the costs of bad health decisions become increasingly socialized, there is a greater need for social pressures against those decisions. Your body, your choice, YOU PAY FOR IT. If I have to pay for it, it’s not really just your choice anymore, is it?

Maillard Reactionary said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gilbar said...

You people, in your Sixties! LIVING OFF THE GOVERNMENT
Check your breast pockets! Check your t-shirt sleeve?
Where The HELL Are YOUR Cigarettes?
What do you want to do? Live, Forever????

Maillard Reactionary said...

J. Farmer: "Mayonnaise isn't fattening."

Not to me anyway. I won't let that crap get on my fingers, much less eat it.

Leave it to the French to invent something so disgusting.

I tried a low-carb diet last year and it did nothing for me. Of course, I didn't stop drinking beer, so no big surprises there. I looked up the keto diet. It seems too good to be true, except for having to give up beer.

So I'll have bacon and eggs for breakfast instead of a granola bar, and drink red wine instead of beer. Life could be worse than that, for sure.

I should add perhaps that I'm only about 8 pounds overweight, for my height, and in otherwise unreasonably good shape for all my carelessness.

Ken B said...

Newtown Regimental Canteen
Night Range Controller

“It is ridiculous to attempt to convey this is a [gun rights group] by using a three-letter combination. It’s utterly meaningless.”

Gunner said...

Anyone remember a while ago when we had a Republican President who worked out a lot and Bill Maher said jack shit to compliment him? That shows me how much he really cares about the subject.

Birkel said...

Kip Viscusi settles the mathematical and economic questions about smoking.
He was at Duke then.
Duke, founded by tobacco money.

Narr said...

DWTV but Maher's #3 is virginity! At last someone recognizes the link between the NRA, mayo, and fapping.

Not to be confused with NARR

Wince said...

I remember as a teenager I'd have to fight with my father for the big piece of chicken.

Not that you couldn't find lots of Hostess and soda and other bad things outside the home, but our family meals at the time typically were one serving each.

Beasts of England said...

’...NRA, mayo, and fapping.’

*checks address bar for*

Narr said...

We always had enough to eat and by god we ate it and liked it. More than the slap upside the head anyway.

No Mom! No!! Please! No Cabbage!! Ow!

Narr said...

Nope Beasts, nobody in here but us chickens.

Anglophile chickens

Lincolntf said...

How is Bill Maher still a thing?

Big Mike said...

Most women can’t see their dick anyway.

Narr said...

I say this as a sincere atheist (by the definition to be found in many 19th C state constitutions) but if everyone promises not to tell -- come on, everybody, I see you Methodists at the back-- I'll tell you a secret.

A huge percentage of well-known atheists are yuge assholes.

Now keep that on the downlow

rcocean said...

What about Dwarf shaming? Or Ugly shaming? In that case, Bill is in real trouble.

narciso said...

what do they know:

Ken B said...

Serena down in straight sets. Yahoo!

rehajm said...

Oh the selective use of societal costs. It’s statistical certainty entitlements will bankrupt us all. Forget mention of the crazy policies lefties unanimously support.

Michael McNeil said...

narciso: I see nothing in that piece affirming that such a collision was “ruled out by NASA.” Fake news!

Doug said...

I didn't go to the gym today. That makes five years in a row.

Doug said...

Leave it to the French to invent something so disgusting.
If you haven't made a grilled cheese sandwich with mayo instead of butter, you haven't lived.

narciso said...

remember this the same maher, who says we need a recession so 'we don't lose our democracy',

BUMBLE BEE said...

Don't Poop Right??? The hell does that mean Bill? You gonna get AAs on Keto diets how? Got a Cardiologist friend who cringed out @ Obama care coverage for the illegal populations as well.
"Do you know what effort I have to go through with a patient who desperately wants to live?".
It is good to be old!

BUMBLE BEE said...

I've seen enough dick next that poster to your left.

stephen cooper said...

maher reminds me of walter and birkel

and I cannot help feeling sorry for the little dude

for obvious reasons

narciso said...

he also said 'we have to drag them to Obamacare,' if we didn't want it, because we knew full well what it would entail,

stephen cooper said...

I mean, Maher is very creepy and Birkel and Walter remind me of him a lot, but I think one of the two (I Think they are the same guy) pretends to be pro-life, so there is that, in this nasty Maherite world we live in it is no small thing to be pro-life, trust me.

Still, lots of the radical Trump-hating posters here are at least honest.

God loves honest people in a way that dishonest people NEED TO UNDERSTAND, in order to, in their turn, become honest.

Michael K said...

Big Mike said...
Most women can’t see their dick anyway.

They go into the girls' dressing room and shower so they can see it.

narciso said...

he's a pitiful wretch Stephen cooper, and the fact that he has an audience larger than a gym, is indicative of what a sordid place, the infosphere is,

stephen cooper said...

Narciso, Obama, poor Bergoglio, the idiot Bushes, and lots of others have claimed to be men who cared about the rest of us/

Trust me, Obama, Bergoglio, the half-wit Bushes, and lots of others were hardly even men, they were selfish minions and foolish little men.


read a little Aquinas, although keep in mind that he was not all that full of love for his fellow man, as he admitted towards the end, admitting that his works were as HAY

Look there are people who care but you need to be someone who really really cares about other people to figure out who the people who JUST DO NOT CARE really are

WK said...

Maybe one of the democratic candidates will propose a junk food buy- back program to combat obesity. And a mandatory backside check when purchasing Twinkies.

narciso said...

some give him props occasionally because he opposes the salafi, but that's because he regards no faith as authoritative, no standard, I find his a more wretched creature then most,

as for Bergoglio, he's akin to my co religionist, joel osteen, he serves up thin gruel, not the power of the Word, self help instead of sermons,

stephen cooper said...


wondering this: what if I were to fall in love with a woman (probably not one you would think is beautiful but I love women even when they are not weight height appropriate there is something in the eyes that even the ones who are not pretty have that just enchants me, because I care)


to be someone who would grow up to be

a pitiful wretch ....

You know God loves me and God loves everyone who hates me but let's focus right now on the fact that God loves me .....

I have lived through a lot, and I have lived through a lot of what parents live through when they wonder if they will be unfortunate enough to have children who are .... well, who are more or less like the unloveable Maher ....

Trust me,
God has promised me this ....

I (God said) will restore the years the locusts have eaten ......

Moab (the info sphere) is my washpot.

Ralph L said...

ballooned up from svelte 32x34 pants to a grotesque 34x34 yet slightly too big

I did the same thing, except for the too big part. At least my upper arms no longer look like matchsticks and my chest isn't as flat. 33x34 is even harder to find than 32, but I wasn't there long.

stephen cooper said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Harsh Pencil said...

I honestly think we're fat because tasty food is so much cheaper than it used to be. I've seen a relative with dementia, so she's going by her primal instincts and not doing any complex tradeoffs, lose weight when she's offered unappetizing food and maintain weight when the food put in front of her tastes good. It's not this "food desert" bs. It's that buying 3000 calories of good tasting, lots of fat and carbs and salt, junk food costs almost nothing. That didn't used to be the case.

walter said...

Aw. You're concern is touching, dear omniscent Coop.

stephen cooper said...

Joel Osteen is ok by the way

I am sure he would give up his riches if he thought God wanted him to do that

His sermons are pretty good


and to tell the truth, probably a lot less close to God


there is this nasty trend among lots of people to pretend that God does not love rich people.

My friends, I have been rich and I have been poor.


sure we all want poor people to have as much pleasure in this world as rich people


stephen cooper said...

walter you are a bully
or at least a wannabe bully, it amuses me when you try your little bully moves on good people

God expects better from you

I am far from omniscient


and I don't like for people to be bullies


stephen cooper said...

also Walter, you and Birkel are the same guy.

and Birkel is a nasty little bully, here and now, just like you.

I pray that you will be a better man some day.

stephen cooper said...

and "bully" is not a compliment

it means that you do not have love in your heart

I don't mind if you hate me
and vilify me

I feel so sorry for you

stephen cooper said...

Go ahead and tell us, Water/Bickel, that you have not said hundreds of nasty things to good people.

May God help you.

I am not omniscient but I really want God to help you, I am tired of knowing what I know about how nasty so many people are.

Saint Michael the Archangel, by the way, is my patron saint.

narciso said...

I do not begrudge him his wealth, but honesty would dictate that he doesn't pretend to be a man of God,

this much is true,

however maher doesn't abide by any standard of morality,

LA_Bob said...

J. Farmer said, "Mayonnaise isn't fattening."

Depends on what it's made of. Most commercial mayonnaise is made of soybean oil

There is science (not bomb-proof, settled science, but pretty compelling stuff) that says the high polyunsaturated fat content of soybean oil promotes fattening. The high saturated fat content of butter does not.

Most of the salad I eat is flavored with sour cream (as well as bleu cheese crumbles), full of saturated fat. Yummy, too.

I avoid mayonnaise.

walter said...

You are delusional, Coop.

stephen cooper said...

John Chrystosom was brave but a Jew hater and God does not approve of Jew haters
Aquinas lied about the Virgin Mary (Anselm or Scotus corrected him)
Saint Paul had his faults
Saint Francis, according to the Orthodox, was full of prelest (the comfortable imagination of arrogant people that God overlooks their arrogance)
poor Bellarmine, and poor Jerome, were vessels of wrath and not really first-class saints for that reason
Max Kolbe died in Auschwitz, maybe because he was brave, maybe because he was suicidal, but the fact remains that he introduced. more than anyone else, even anti-Semitism into Japan.

Those are people who I think are in heaven, and I am in a good mood tonight, so I am not gonna talk about the saints who I think are still in Purgatory.

So I am willing to give Joel Osteen a lot of slack his wife is sort of unattractive and he is faithful to her, and vice versa, so there's that.

stephen cooper said...

wally you want to be a bully and you know that.

I am not gonna accept that.

And my name is Stephen, not Coop.

Leland said...

This isn't about fat or health; this is about finding a new way to control people with higher taxes, fees, and denial of benefits despite paying premiums.

stephen cooper said...

wally tell us why you are a good person.

it is possible.

you have bullied dozens of people here in a disgusting way but maybe you are just ignorant of what you really are.

Unknown said...

> being obese is a life style choice and not predetermined by our genes.

I'll be sure to let the Samoans know.

narciso said...

bingo, Leland, you win the case of ricearoni,

yes he misunderstands much,

LA_Bob said...

Amexpat said, "...being obese is a life style choice ..."

Dr Robert Lustig, pediatrician, notes that no six-month-old child chooses obesity as a lifestyle.

stephen cooper said...

so Walter I have been honest enough to call out for their sins...

poor John Chrysostom the Jew-hater
Aquinas the (to a degree) fool
the arrogant Saint Paul
poor Bellarmine
poor angry Jerome
and poor Kolbe, who was a disgrace to people who honor, as I do, the Virgin Mary, with his association with Jew-hatred, which is one of the sins that the Virgin Mary i most disgusted by.

No I am not omniscient but I know a sad little bully when I see one, and I feel so sorry for bullies, because God loves me.

Tell me again you, Walter/Birkel, think I think I am omniscient that is one of the funniest things I have ever heard. I am just trying to help you see what a loser proposition it is to try and bully good people.

wildswan said...

The problem: in 2021 a social credit system begins which links to your grocery purchases via your loyalty card and you don't get treatment for diabetes 'cause you kept buying mayonnaise. Solution: Wear a hoodie and buy mayo separately, paying in cash. Start now. Or, Vote Republican in 2020. If you like your Big Mac, you can keep your Big Mac. And your air conditioning. And your furnace. And your car.

stephen cooper said...

and Saint Michael the Archangel really is my patron saint and yes, Mary the Mother of God is disgusted by Jew-haters.

Not saying I am omniscient but I know those two things.


and I am praying for you, just one of thousands

Francisco D said...

20 years ago, I was putting on significant weight. At peak I was around 235 (5'11"). It was mostly due to a lot of travel, restaurant food, alcohol and stress eating. For example, I hated staff meetings and would eat 5-6 healthy bran muffins.

I went on Atkins and lost 40 pounds in a few months. After quitting Atkins, I gained back 20, but dropped that 20 in a couple of years without dieting. I focused on limiting carbs (especially sugar) and increasing exercise. I stabilized at 190 and was happy with it.

Since retirement, I have been able to work out more strenuously and for longer periods of time. My stable weight is now 185 and I am happy to walk around without a shirt. The bottom line is that Atkins was right. You do not need the diet, but you do need to watch carbs and exercise, exercise, exercise.

It also helps to marry a younger woman who was sex starved in her previous marriage.

J. Farmer said...


Most of the salad I eat is flavored with sour cream (as well as bleu cheese crumbles), full of saturated fat. Yummy, too.

I am not a big fan of creamy salad dressings, except for the occasional homemade roquefort dressing (my grandfather's recipe). I almost always go for some type of vinaigrette. But I think mayonnaise has its place (e.g. egg/chicken/tuna salad), and for me it's an absolute must on a BLT. But I always prefer a light application. I can't stand an egg/chicken/tuna salad that is too wet. All you taste is glop.

I don't really believe in diets, per se, since weight management is a lifetime process. But I do try to follow a few rules of thumb: the majority of your food should come from the perimeter of the grocery store not the center; try to eat things as close to their natural form as possible (hence the first rule); keep refined sugars to a minimum.

walter said...

I miss your etch a sketch routine. It at least made some of your delusional ramblings temporary. Always talking down others and wrapping yourself in PIETIES.

stephen cooper said...

walter you are trying to be a nasty bully

I do not talk pieties I merely point out that you have coldness in your heart - you have to know that, right?

When have you ever said anything kind to anyone?

And how many times have you tried to bully people, you sad little creature?

The question answers itself, walter/birkel,

you sort of disgust me to tell the truth but God loves you and for that reason I am not disgusted at all by you I sort of like you at least I want you tho be happy


I love you almost as much as God does.

But you are a sad little bully right now and nobody likes a bully.


Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Maher is the dick you dont want to see.

He very much has contributed to the liberal culture that fostered "Thou Shalt Not Fat-shame"

never the less, as we have before quoted the wise words of Ms Moss:

"Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"

stephen cooper said...

and don't try and insult me again you know you only try to insult me because you are a bully


God loves you too much to want you to insult people who are only trying to help you

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Walter, we like you, and God loves you.

...and you also, Steve-o

stephen cooper said...

and by the way walter every piece of good advice I give to you goes for poor Birkel too.

GOD LOVES YOU BOTH --- you sad little arrogant creatures


You have no idea

You have absolutely no idea about whether God sees me, or you, my young friend, as having TOO MUCH PIETY OR TOO LITTLE

all I am saying is you try to be a nasty little bully again and again and I call you out, you poor little creature, on your disgusting desire to be nasty.

stephen cooper said...

and I tell you, one more time, you are not making anybody, including yourself, happy by saying vicious things.

I don't care but you don't know that I don't care, and that is the problem.

stephen cooper said...


I like him too.
And thanks for saying to Steve-O that

" we like you, and God loves you too"

Vance said...

Well, doesn't liberalism contain the cure for obesity anyway? Every leftist society descends into mass starvation pretty quickly, and of course that means no obesity except for the Politburo.

That is perhaps Bernie's real solution to overpopulation and climate change: He'll ruin the US and its food production, and most of the world will starve to death.

Inga approved!

stephen cooper said...

But my mane is not Steve-O

my name is Stephen

and I am fighting with someone who is going through a crisis

stephen cooper said...

I mean he can't really think it is ok to go on the internet and try and bully people and lie about people and mock people who try to tell him that God loves him and wants him to be better?

Look Walter/Birkel have said some really vicious things about me and others but I want Walter/Birkel to be good Christians one day.

I know that they are arrogant and in love with themselves and I am trying to be the one person in the entire universe who helps them see that it is wrong to be as arrogant and proud as they are.

I don't really care if they mock me while I try to help them be more humble and more Christian.

stephen cooper said...

or maybe i am wrapping myself in pieties

God that would be nice, everyone wants to be useless because GOD LOVES USELESS PEOPLE

but that isn't what is going on here

narciso said...

God reaches people where they are, not where they would like to be, kolbe was inperfect so was niemoller as we are reminded but he testified regardless, what that has to do with zampolit maher or udba apparatchik inga.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Used to be all fucked up on drugs, now he's fucked up on the Lord!

Narr said...

Yah, mayo and everything else people pour and glop on their food should enhance and compliment--too often it drowns and overwhelms. I go easy on all that stuff.

One of my first payroll jobs was at Mickey D's (c. 1970) and I recall very distinctly a stubby little traveler from Joisey complaining vociferously that he "din get no my-o-nice-a on dis hamburger!" Just ketchup (yecch! on a burger?) and mustard (that's good)--the Mickey D's way from the SoCal days.

Down to 216 this morning; as the weather changes (it's still hot but not too humid) I'll start walking more and be down to 200-205 in time to bloat back to 220 or so by Christmas. Inshallah of course.

Meat, bun, onion, dill pickle, mustard, earthly perfection

rcocean said...

I agree that just the right amount of Mayo is essential for a good BLT or Tuna Sandwich. Otherwise, I'm not a fan.

As someone else state, the key to weight control is exercise. Burn off 300 calories a day (1 hours of walking) and its hard not to take the weight off. Also, avoid anything frozen or packaged to the extent possible. If you're eating fresh Veggies/Fish/lean meat/Chicken with the occasional piece of cheese or fruit its hard to gain weight.

rcocean said...

BTW, Serena lost. I thought she was going to make a GREAT comeback, but she fell apart at the end. Sad.

stephen cooper said...

Bumble Bee, in case you are trying to insult me.

I never had a problem with drugs.

Sorry if the world you live in is so sad that you would think that.

stephen cooper said...

narciso -

kolbe was a smart guy, he knew towards the end what he had done right and what he had done wrong.

think about it.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

good point-- but like all their other tenets...

"Starvation for thee, but not for me"

Again, it will be a manifestation of Fen's Law, in dietary terms this time

stephen cooper said...

narciso imagine you have a son and an angel tells you, predicting the future of that son, that ....

(a) people will think, after he was dead, that he was a saint and

(b) people will say, after he died, that he, who claimed to love the Virgin Mary, had been instrumental in introducing Jew-hatred (and remember the Blessed Mother of our Lord was a Jew) into a country (Japan) where there were almost no Jews.

Life is not easy to understand.

I pray for his soul.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

some Soul-food:

"It is written: Man must not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.".

"My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work."

Marc in Eugene said...

Ron Hanson's novel Atticus (what happens when your child grows up to be something other than a virtuous adult, as I recall the book, anyway) was made into a movie called Missing Pieces.

stephen cooper said...

my FAVORITE MOMENT in any CHRISTMAS CAROL is that moment where the heart of the grinch grows too big

Bob Boyd said...

I would say liberals are more like the Media Matters of Miracle Whip.

stephen cooper said...


Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"Oh Max!!! I LUV YA !!

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

maybe Maryanne can be our Fat Shaman president

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

they boo'ed God, so we say "Hellman's"

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

the Democrat Party will be more like the Donner party

if they keep pushin' Socialist economics
and cannibalism for environmentalism

Fernandinande said...

The universe is expanding because god's been eating too many donuts.

Sebastian said...

Wait, did Maher just say that Dems should talk about, you know, individual responsibility? Do individuals even exist anymore?

Maher has a lot to learn.

stephen cooper said...

Ingachuc, toothlessARM --- to be fair that was a Swede, not an American, who endorsed cannibalism ---

here in the USA the worst similar idea was ancient and creepy Bernie Sanders supporting the imposition of abortion on little third world babies to save the world from whatever poor little Bernie thinks the world will turn into if old creeps like him do not support the wide-spread forced abortions of little brown babies in the third world

Maillard Reactionary said...

Wow, it sure looks like stephen cooper has been hitting the altar wine again. Steve-- you do know they're going to notice, at some point, right?

Separately, Doug said: "If you haven't made a grilled cheese sandwich with mayo instead of butter, you haven't lived."

That is possible, but perhaps I have been fooled by other unforgettable experiences that I have had.

In any case, I am ready to die at any moment (although in no unseemly rush to do so), and will forego the possible peak experience of a grilled cheese with mayo, for the time being at least.

stephen cooper said...

Phidippus - you do not seem to be a very nice person.


stephen cooper said...

Phidippus - are you Birkel or Walter? That is their m.o,, you know,

Seriously, God hears what you say to other people. Walter/Birkel have gotten into a habit of saying vicious things to other people and I reminded them that God loves them and does not want them to do that.

And you said " hey stephen cooper. I am not interested in what you say.

You are not someone your parents would be proud of when you act that way.

stephen cooper said...

Phidippus - and no you are not ready to die at any moment.

You should first repent for insulting other Christians.

The crack about the altar wine was vicious, and you know it.

FrankiM said...

Stephen, you are whooping Walter and Birkel’s bully asses, praise the Lord. You are truly doing His work on earth and I’ve been chuckling.

FrankiM said...

Stephen, don’t let that evil spider man keep you from doing the Lord’s work.

narciso said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stephen cooper said...

The thing is I like those guys and I want them to be brave and kind

There are BILLIONS of us in this earth everyone needs to remember

GOD LOVES US ALL nobody cares about some argument we had years ago if we can only be


NO Matter who does not like us, there is someone who does not care who likes us or not and who wants us to be there for them

Thanks FrankM


Wince said...

"Let the fools have their tartar sauce."

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

God wants your faith, not your prating like a little bitch. Stop embarrassing Him.

“It's the Trump deplorables whom skew gross and obese, liberal elites stay thin and Hungary”

Clearly you haven’t seen your co-religionists wielding their EBT cards at Wal-Mart....

FrankiM said...


Amen brother.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...


"I dont like ethnic food"

FrankiM said...

We’re all here on earth to love one another to the best of our ability. Sometimes we don’t live up to our potential to love each other. That’s really what is about.

Tarter sauce, mayo, butter, nothing to argue over.

Temujin said...

I tried. But I can't make it through a minute of this guy preaching about anything anymore.

stevew said...

The "NRA of Mayonnaise"... gosh, he's just so darn clever.

stephen cooper said...

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent ---

told me what God wants.

God is your friend, and you know what He wants?

I will tell you something.

Don't call people by vulgar names.

I don't do that and you should not either.

That is in the Bible.

If you are a person who has read the Bible you will know what I am talking about,

Call not your brother Racca,

I mean, I don't care if you call me a name which you mean to be insulting, to the extent that I would feel insulted or not, but I feel really sorry for you that, reading what I have written tonight, you would try and insult me.

Anyway, going forward, don't try and insult people with names you think are insulting.


if I called our friendship FAITH


Please do not insult me ever again.

Francisco D said...

Seriously, God hears what you say to other people. Walter/Birkel have gotten into a habit of saying vicious things to other people and I reminded them that God loves them and does not want them to do that.

As a person of faith I have to say that you are really annoying, Stephen Cooper. You have no idea what God thinks. How dare you be so presumptuous.

Save it for people who volunteer to entertain your mental illness.

rhhardin said...

"Mind-reading AI may spell end to humanity"

Mind reading doesn't work on women.

FrankiM said...

I bet Stephen Cooper hears God far louder than the bullies here.

stephen cooper said...

Franciso C - are you a person of faith?

you are probably pro=choice.

You are also probably Walter/Birkel, that is their m.o., to claim a name they do not have.

Tell me exactly which words I said prompted you in an evil hour to say that I said words that demonstrate "mental illness".

And if you can, good for you, if you can't, walter/birkel, well God loves you anyway.

What I really want is for walter/birkel to realize that it was wrong, all those times they said nasty things to other people.

And "how dare you be so presumptuous" are not words that a person of faith "launches" with violence in their heart at fellow Christians, and you know it.
I am trying to help them be better people., "Francisco D".

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

I didn’t call you a bitch, Stephen. I said you were acting like one. Which repels people from the Truth. Which serves the Enemy. So, yeah, stop serving the Enemy by prating like a little bitch.

stephen cooper said...

I am not a good person but I have never been nearly as vicious to people as Walter and Birkel regularly are, and you know that, Francisco D.

n.n said...

Pardon me, would you have any Grey Poupon. Why settle.

For the refined palate.

narciso said...

God is a friend but he is Lord, ultimately he set forth 10 simple rules, and we are loath to follow them.

Unknown said...

Starting smoking later in life doesn't shorten it enough
We need to promote smoking to teens.

It's all about cumulative pack years.

Having said that, my grandfather who chain smoked unfiltered Camels made it to 86 before lung cancer got him in the end.

stephen cooper said...

The Cracker Emcee - you used a vicious word about me that I would never have used about you, and no, I am not repelling any decent person from the Truth, it is not my fault if the sort of person you consider decent hates the fact that I think you are wrong to use words that you think are insulting about a fellow Christian.

You really should be ashamed of yourself, you foul-mouthed person who claims to be a Christian,

FrankiM said...

“What I really want is for walter/birkel to realize that it was wrong, all those times they said nasty things to other people.

I am trying to help them be better people.”

I appreciate your efforts. I see you’re doing it out of love.

effinayright said...

"It's not just about being able to see your doctor. It's also about being able to see your dick."

Isn't it a fact that many, many more women are obese than men?

So I guess it's also about being able to see your own cunt.

Right, Althouse???

narciso said...

Its about repentance of sins that means to give up sinful behavior and not resume

Maher doesnt regard anything as sin, except virtue, that he recoils from like a vampire.

stephen cooper said...

Or Cracker Emcee, if it makes you feel better - tell us about all you have done for the Lord.

Tell us about the sufferings you have accepted, the prayers you have prayed.

After you do that tell me you are a better Christian than those you criticize,

And I will be the first to tell you that you are correct.

You can vilify me of hate me but at least I am trying


and you said

you talk like a bitch

Go away and leave me alone

FrankiM said...

If the self professed people of faith stopped to think about what Stephen is saying instead of relentlessly attacking him, they’d be a better example of the faith they profess.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

the thread be all like:

stephen cooper said...

You can vilify me or hate me but at least I am trying

and you are out there thinking you are funny telling people they are talking like bitches

Saint Michael is my patron saint

Tell him that someone who is as devoted to him as I am is talking like a bitch

Show some spiritual courage, as I have

You won't, you know, because you know better


Fernandinande said...

I did the same thing, except for the too big part.

I thought I saw that post - I agree it was good to gain some weight.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

My Christianity is imperfect, Stephen. Which is a damn good reason not to drag it sodden and weeping through the forums of strangers. Leather up, fruitcake.

narciso said...

I dont attack him, but i think hes missing the point, the Lord is not your buddy, there is a personal option for social justice but its not the governments job, one cant ultimately reform prisoners through the penal syatem.

walter said...

What hell is Coop on?
Yes, Frankinga,
He hears all sorts if things.
Good gtried.
Sin cerely,
Walter Birkel Maher

stephen cooper said...

I mean, you will show spiritual courage some day

but you will never tell Saint Michael the Archangel what you wanted to tell me


and if I said something wrong well be a man and pray that anything I said wrong will not be misused by our fellow humans


try as hard as you did tonight to be vicious to a fellow Christian who is only trying to do the right thing

I hope you understand that,

stephen cooper said...

walter, grow up.

I am trying to help you be the person you are supposed to be, stop acting like you don't know that.

etbass said...

This is starting to feel like a cafe post. Althouse is going to have to get back to posting the cafe’s earlier so we can keep the insanity confined a bit. How would it work Althouse, if we had this stuff polluting the regular posts all the time?

narciso said...

Well you must have faith in Him, or this insane word looks reasonable.

FrankiM said...

They thought John the Baptist was insane.

stephen cooper said...

Cracker Emcee, let's leave it at that.

I know that God loves you, there is no doubt in my heart about that, I want you to know that God loves me, although you seem to think I am some loser who is wasting people's time.

It is sad that you think that. Please reread what I have said, and remember I have prayed for those I care about for many many years, always with complete faith that God was listening..

Stop with the sad insults, you are sort of a disgusting person when you try to be insulting, And you don't want that. I KNOW THAT GOD LOVES YOU AND EVERYONE YOU CARE ABOUT and there about a THOUSAND SAINTS who are praying for you because I have asked them to.

and you called me ugly names, sad ! but unimportant.

narciso said...

Little else matters, now why did maher recoil against odonnell because she was willimg to profess her faith, simple as it may be, on mtv on even bill maher.

Clyde said...

Meanwhile, in New York:

A bull-headed Texas man brought his version of the rodeo to the Financial District on Saturday.

Tevon Varlack of Dallas went wild on Broadway’s famous Charging Bull statue, bashing the bronze beast so hard he damaged one of its horns.

“F--k Donald Trump,” Varlack, 42, screeched over and over during the beatdown, said a homeless man who saw the scene unfold on Broadway near Morris St. around 12:30 p.m.

Varlack used a metal object of some sort to beat the bull’s horn — one witness said it looked like a silver guitar.

“Why attack the bull?” wondered the homeless witness, who did not want to reveal his name.

“It’s selfish,” said Ryan Taylor, 28. ”There are more impactful ways to say what you need to say.”

The picture of the suspect shows a black man wearing a T-shirt with Ten Commandments on it, not exactly the sort of attire one would expect to be worn by a profane Trump-hating vandal.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

" But if you keep on biting and devouring each other, watch out, or you will be consumed by each other" --Galatians 5:15.

gilbar said...

Unknown said...
Starting smoking later in life doesn't shorten it enough
We need to promote smoking to teens

OH Absolutely! I never meant to make it sound like youngsters should wait
(After all, NOTHING is as Cool; as as much of a Chick Magnet, as is havin' a Ciggy danglin' on you lip!)
But, the Audience here is mostly old fogey's; Disturbing Healthy old fogeys, what with their running, and their biking (ALL of which just means: Knee Surgery). The folks here at Althouse have a LOT of catching up to do. But, yes! they need to change the film rating rules, so that; IF you want less than an NC-17 rating: ALL your characters need to be smoking through out the film.... After All; Smoking Is COOOL!

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

If my comments are your idea of “vicious” then your faith is feeble indeed. Stop wringing out your hankie in the holy water font and bear your persecution with faith, humility and dignity.

gilbar said...

Do We WANT to be living in a world with More OLD PEOPLE than Young People?
Can we AFFORD to live in a world with more OLD PEOPLE than Young People?

We can fix these problems with just a little bit of sensible changes to our society, Changes in Smoking!

narciso said...

But what does that have to do with trump?

Clyde said...

Michael K said...
liberal elites stay thin and Hungary

Especially in Venezuela. And it's not Hungary, dope.

It is if you're Soros.

gilbar said...

Democrats like Bernie are coming up with these half assed measures, like Forced Mass Abortions
They're looking at the problem Backwards! We don't need Birth Control! We need DEATH CONTROL!

FrankiM said...

Stephen, the Cracker doesn’t know the Truth anymore than you, or I or any human on earth. Spread your message brother, do it in love as you have been, don’t stop and don’t let any of the faux Christians here deter you.

Jon Ericson said...

Comment by FrankiM blocked. [unhush]​[show comment]

9/7/19, 8:59 PM

Comment by stephen cooper blocked.

9/7/19, 8:59 PM

killfile makes the flakes go away

stephen cooper said...

FrankM thanks but they are real Christians, I have prayed to a thousand saints and again and again the answer i have heard to my cries of anguish is this:

can you imagine, Stephen, how good the people who you complain about would be if they had Mary and Joseph as their parents ....

and I am all like, well, I had not thought of it that way before ....

and so I got tired of praying with complaint in my heart about people who were trying (sad) to be mean to me or who just thought they were trying to toughen me up (the poor losers) (I spent a few years in the military where the stakes were real and I was as tough or tougher than anyone) .....

and so now the only thing I pray for is that people just wake up and realize we do not need to have FAITH IN GOD

because GOD LOVES US

that is so much easier, is it not, to have a FRIEND who is there than to have some FAITH

Faith, Hope, charity, and at the end only CHARITY remains

I still have Hope and, I hope, some CHARITY

DON"T CALL ME RACCA for saying that.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

for Jon E, and the gang:

FrankiM said...

“FrankM thanks but they are real Christians...”

Stephen, your charity to these people who attack you is Christian, you are a far better Christian than I.

Jon Ericson said...

To whom it may concern: lolgf.

FullMoon said...

"Stop with the sad insults, you are sort of a disgusting person when you try to be insulting, And you don't want that."

Inga said...

And Trump posts 22 tweets this weekend, the goddamn President Althouse loves so much.

LOL. What a dumb bitch you are Althouse. I’ve been restraining myself from saying that for a long time. How’s that for lack of restraint?


FullMoon said...

(FrankiM)Inga...Allie Oop said...

Althouse got from me the respect she deserved, which was none. She routinely insults her commenters, yet demands that they apologize to her when they retaliate. It is a point of view deletion and banning and she was insulted that I didn’t accept her vast knowledge on the subject. She IS a lazy thinker, I’ve seen it many times over the years. What she deleted was me telling her that as a law professor she should know better and be embarrassed. I also called her a stupid woman, which is not unwarranted.

I think that the law students she “taught” via text book lesson plans should demand a refund from UW. As for Althouse treating women commenters differently than the male commenters, indeed yes she does. I’ve seen it happen numerous times over the years of commenting here. Demanding respect from commenters for providing a forum in which to express one’s opinions does not warrant abuse from the blog owner. Commenting here isn’t worth the abuse, from Trump Cultists and from the clueless blog owner. There have been numerous liberals/ leftists whatever floats your boat that have left and haven’t returned. This blog has always been Althouse’s little shrine to herself. Her narcissism is sometimes revealed itself as it did yesterday. Not commenting here is NO loss to me.

stephen cooper said...

Frankie this may sound crazy but years ago I realized that some people who should have been kind to me (close relatives) had not been kind at all, and in fact did not like me much at all (not so much because I was unlikeable but because --- (a) one of them suffered from Aspergers and, selfishly, in a typically Aspergerian way, did not like anyone who was not rich or beautiful and (b) one of them had been badly mistreated by my grandfather who, through no fault of mine, was a cruel man but who resembled me physically and (c) other reasons) and year in and year out I would hear the story of how sad it was that Jesus was born in a manger and EVERY YEAR although I loved Christmas I always thought

Oh my God if only the people who were so unkind to me had been born in a manger with wonderful parents instead of being born

in the sort of place most of us were born, often with Sperger parents and vile grandparents and so on ....

Sad!, but when you look at people that way, as if they had bravely chosen to be who they were instead of having made the other choice, to insist that God let them be who they would have been if Mary and Joseph were their closest family members ....

when you realize that almost everyone you ever meet, at some point, may have told God



and as God is my witness I have met thousands of losers in my day much worse than anyone who sounds the way I sound when I write comments, or the way people who disagree with me sound -----

when you look at it that way

it is so easy to pray for everyone you meet

Michael K said...

I guess it's the Inga and Stephen Cooper show. G'nite.

Jon Ericson said...

Here, have a University of North Texas coffee mug moment, Inga.

BobJustBob said...

I'll blow my on horn a bit...I've lost a 125lbs with portion control and cutting out refined sugar(soda,candy,cake and pies. First month is the worst...I can't imagine being like that again.

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