September 8, 2019

"Elizabeth Warren's team doesn't want to talk about Hillary Clinton, but that doesn't mean the 2020 presidential candidate isn't talking with her party's 2016 nominee."

Writes NBC News, with a big glorious photograph of Elizabeth Warren alongside Hillary Clinton. The photo is riveting, with Hillary Clinton at her most garish — oversmiling, dressed in tent-shaped turquoise, and caught at the "Hitler salute" instant of an exaggerated wave at an unseen crowd. And there's Elizabeth Warren, seemingly Hillary's doppelganger. Warren's haircut is ever so slightly raffish around the ear and her hand is flung higher, into a more natural wave. She's in red, not blue.

Warren is differentiated from Hillary, but not enough for her to want you looking at this picture today. The photo is from October 2016. The article, relying on unnamed sources, is about how the women are hiding the connection they (supposedly) have:
It’s hard to know exactly how many times they’ve reached out to each other — or precisely what they’ve discussed — in part because neither camp wants to reveal much of anything about their interaction and in part because they have each other's phone numbers, and there are many ways for two high-powered politicians to communicate that don’t involve their staffs....
It's so secretive, the way these people who have each other's phone numbers can just talk to each other without anyone else knowing.
But a person who is close to Clinton said the contact has been substantial enough to merit attention, describing a conversation between the two as seemingly recent because it was "front of mind" for her.
A person who is close to Clinton. Why are Clinton people trying to plant stories about Clinton's ongoing connection to Warren? Are they trying to help somebody who is not Warren?! Or can I assume that the Clinton person simply got caught off guard by the NBC reporter who seems to have asked if the contact was "substantial" and "recent" and only got that weird, vague "front of mind" answer.
"That has clearly not gone unnoticed, and I think she really appreciates that," the person close to Clinton said....
It sounds as though a somewhat out-of-it Clinton associate was thinking entirely from the point of view of Clinton — whose feelings may be hurting — and not from the point of view of Warren — who must want tight control of any connection to Hillary. Hillary can help Warren eventually, but this isn't the time — as the article goes on to explain. Tying Warren to Clinton is something you'd do now to help Bernie.


rhhardin said...

Waves of fickleness ripple across the land. But who is even considering Warren or any democrat.

AllenS said...

Now I understand. It will be President Fake Indian Warren, and her sidekick Vice President Crooked Hillary Clinton.

TJM said...

Hildabeast and Fauxchohantas - two real NBs

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Yes please Warren - learn from Hillary. Learn from Hillary.
Law-breakers, government whores and hypocrites unite! Grrrl power.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Tie Clinton to all of them, and toss them onto the dung heap of history.

No one on the left has the balls to call out the Clintons for their corruption. By extension - that makes them just as corrupt.

Phil 314 said...

1st bit of advise Hillary gave Liz:

“You’re likeable enough.”

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

I have often wondered what must go through Hilary's mind.

Being so publicly demolished yet still unable to just retire quietly, she is intent on staying relevant. Why?

Wouldn't life be better for her if she just sat back with her fortune and enjoyed herself? How power-hungry must you be to endure such humiliation?


Fernandinande said...

The NPC Twins.

Temujin said...

It's NBC News. Meh.

Kevin said...

Hillary can’t end like this, defeated by Trump.

She has to have a hand in his defeat. Even if it’s not her, it couldn’t have happened without her.

America repents. She is ultimately redeemed.

Roll credits.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It might be fun to remind voters that beating the left is still like beating Hillary Clinton, and Debra Messing.

Kevin said...

Liz needs Hillary’s donors to back her.

Hillary owes Liz for not running in 2016.

Old debts are being repaid.

But the media can’t let THAT be the story.

Michael K said...

How power-hungry must you be to endure such humiliation?

There is no limit to her hunger for power. It goes back to college and that Alinsky speech.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary's donors all want a juicy pay-back.

Tina Trent said...

Warren wants some of that convention rigging she previously criticized, even if the cost will be a pretty hefty ablatross around the neck. Political parties are not democracies.

Prepare to see the candidates duke it out over the amount of daylight between themselves and the Clintons.

Tina Trent said...


MountainMan said...

Warren wants to shut down the entire US economy.

Bay Area Guy said...

Liz Warren = Hillary Clinton - Bill Clinton + 1/024 Cherokee blood

Bob Boyd said...

Hillary's blasted.
Warren sticks to beer.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The democrat elites are all buying rare earth mineral stock.
Is it Russian?

Bob Boyd said...

A Primary Haiku

Hillary's blasted
Warren always sticks to beer
They have a good time

Bob Boyd said...

Hillary looks like she's doing her Lucille Ball impersonation.

Mattman26 said...

The photo is almost as delightful as Ann’s description.

“I KNEW that lying manipulative bitch reminded me of someone, I just couldn’t think of whom!”

Bay Area Guy said...

Every American male with a blue collar job, rent to pay and a family to feed should fear for their life a Liz Warren presidency, funded by Hillary's donors.

Fen said...

NBC stands for National Broadcasting Company, just in case anyone isn't sure...

Fen said...

And if you didn't know? It's not that big a deal. No one will think less of you. Relax.

Leslie Graves said...

Looking at that photo from October 2016, I recall that at that point in the campaign, Hillary and her camp were pretty certain of a victory.

Michael K said...

Hillary's donors all want a juicy pay-back.

Including China.

Bob Boyd said...

I wouldn't assume Hillary's "close" associate spoke out of school.
I think Hillary is dying to seem relevant.
I don't think Demworld will be ready to forgive her until Trump is out of office...and maybe not entirely, even then.

Fen said...

Unless, of course, you go on a winge about it, start a new thread insisting you knew, and insult people who were skeptical by demanding they apologize for doubting you OR ELSE!

Then we might think less of you.

So don't do that.

tcrosse said...

Hillary can show Warren the secret to losing an election while spending twice as much as the winner and getting million more popular votes. It's genius.

Bay Area Guy said...

Liz Warren - leftist who teaches at Harvard Law
Bruce Mann - leftist hubby who teaches at Hsrvsrd Law
Hillary Clinton - leftist who attended Yale law
Bill Clinton - leftist who attended Yale law

These elite white privileged leftist Ivy League lawyers will screw you over 10 different ways, before you even get your jury summons.

libertariansafetyguy said...

I totally do this if I’m Bernie Sanders. He knows Hillary is toxic and if he can tie Warren to her, then Warren will also be toxic.

Fen said...

But if you DO find yourself doing that, it's easy to fix. People are pretty forgiving if you come to them humble and in good faith. If fact, they may even respect you more for it. Here is a hypothetical example of what is known as an "apology":

Althouse: Hey Gentle Readers, yesterday I kinda went off over that NPC thing. I'm ashamed of my behavior and I regret saying some of the things I did. That was wrong of me. I'm sor- sorr- sorry!

Gentle Readers: Oh no worries! We all have a bad day every now then. But thanks for apologizing. We're good!

Bob Boyd said...

Hillary can show Fauxcahontas the way to The Trail of Tears.

chickelit said...

Tina Trent said...Warren wants some of that convention rigging she previously criticized, even if the cost will be a pretty hefty ablatross around the neck. Political parties are not democracies.

Warren uses greased skids; Epstein used greased kids. I hope there's no connection.

Big Mike said...

It sounds as though a somewhat out-of-it Clinton associate was thinking entirely from the point of view of Clinton

Isn’t that how it’s always been? Every member of the Clinton inner circle — and the outer circle, and any circles in between — thinks of Hillary Clinton first and only.

Bob Boyd said...

Speaking of skunks, my dog got sprayed this morning, dammit.

Michael said...

Or maybe the story is made up. Who can challenge it?

Fen said...

I've found it's always a good tactic to apologize, especially when you screw up.

People who are weak are afraid apologizing will spotlight that weakness, but it's really the strong that can afford to look weak, because they act on principle not concerns over perception.

Fen said...

I often just let things go. No sense in drilling down on it.

But sometimes, I am like a dog with a bone. I will dig the Thing up every few weeks and gnaw on it for a few days, then put it back in the ground only to dig it up again, over and over and over again, until I get satisfaction.

I think NPC is going to be one of those Things.


Michael said...

Here's the plan. Liz wins in 2020 and names Hillary her SecState. Then after two terms, the field is cleared for Hillary to take the nomination in 2028 and ultimately the Oval Office where she shall rule from a raised commode.

It's a great plan. Wonder why no one else thought of it before.

Tom T. said...

Clinton can share the focus-group coordinators who advised her on how to act naturally.

rcocean said...

The Junior High Principal and your ex-wife's Divorce lawyer. Just what we don't need for leader of the Free world.

rcocean said...

No Tomahawk chop?

rcocean said...

IN last couple years Google is always trying to steer me to NBC/ABC/CBS/NY TImes/WaPo/CNN/USA Today for every news story. Its getting fucking annoying.

Skeptical Voter said...

I'm going to have to bleach my eyeballs after looking at that photo of the turquoise turnip.

I don't know if a "connection" to Hillary Clinton helps or hurts Warren. Like Hillary, Princess Spreading Bull is "likeable enough". I do think that Warren is smarter than Hillary, but that simply means she won't blunder into the same sort of errors.

Can Warren generate the same sort of crowd enthusiasm that Sanders did in 2016, and that Trump continues to generate? I haven't seen it yet. So I'm not terribly worried about Warren winning if she does get the Democrat nomination in 2020.

Somebody has to emerge from the crowd of pathetic chancers that comprise the current Democrat clown car. Will it be Warren? Quien Sabe.

Fernandinande said...

NBC stands for National Broadcasting Company

It thunk it was Non-Binary Characters.

Bob Boyd said...

NBC stands for Never Be Chuck.

Fen said...

I have often wondered what must go through Hilary's mind.

Being so publicly demolished yet still unable to just retire quietly, she is intent on staying relevant. Why?

Wouldn't life be better for her if she just sat back with her fortune and enjoyed herself? How power-hungry must you be to endure such humiliation?

I think it's a mental condition. We have two commenters here who do the exact same thing. They float some "scandal", get disgraced in the thread when it all falls apart, and next day they are back at it again as if they have no memory and no shame.

alanc709 said...

Hillary must not have gotten the note about the KETO diet.

Bay Area Guy said...

I hope Liz Warren does not pick Hillary for VP, but instead picks Kamala Harris. Then, you'd have:

Pocahontas and Poke-A-Honkey

rcocean said...

Looks like Trump is finished. Mark "Appalachian Trail" Sanford is running against him. He lost his Congressional seat, so he has time on his hands. Conman John Walsh hardest hit.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

That's the phrase I was looking for Fen, no shame.

Fen said...

Winge is actually spelled Whinge:
verb whinges, whingeing or whinged (intr)
to cry in a fretful way. to complain.

I knew that, I really did. And I'll be so very insulted if you are skeptical of my claim. Those that doubt me should apologize or I WILL think less of you. How dare you call me a liar! Don't you know who I think I am?

Here is the Hound explaining what whinging is.

Ralph L said...

I'd like to know if Warren has pants that aren't black and also if Hillary is still getting her daily national security briefing so she can nod and feel important.

Fernandinande said...

I think NPC is going to be one of those Things.

I haven't pulled my thing out for a while...

So you think NPC is funny, Fen? I can't imagine what sort of mind thinks like that. Sad.

vanderleun said...

"Why are Clinton people trying to plant stories about Clinton's ongoing connection to Warren? "

Clinton tags on Warren as Veep and after W is elected the Clinton death machine goes after the Presidentess of the United States and , voila, President FullMeno Clinton.

alanc709 said...

I always thought NBC stood for Not By Coincidence.

FrankiM said...

WDS and CDS, not gaming acronyms.

Wince said...

Tying Warren to Clinton is something you'd do now to help Bernie.

Hillary and Warren: NBC's "Must NOT See TV".

madAsHell said...

Junior High Principal

Warren certainly has a playground supervisor vibe.

gilbar said...

elite white privileged leftist Ivy League lawyers

I always Do think it's interesting; that the people Damning ME for MY 'white privilege' are always elite white privileged leftist Ivy League lawyers; with (literally!) HUNDREDS Of Millions of Dollars.
But WHO is supposed to Pay for reparations? The Ultra Rich? The Ultra Rich from Slaveholder stock?
ME? The lower middle class white guy who had Three Great Great Grandfathers that VOLUNTEERED to fight Mr Lincoln's war to free the Slaves?

Where's My White Privilege?

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Annie C. said...

I have often wondered what must go through Hilary's mind.

Being so publicly demolished yet still unable to just retire quietly, she is intent on staying relevant. Why?

Wouldn't life be better for her if she just sat back with her fortune and enjoyed herself? How power-hungry must you be to endure such humiliation?

Not hard to understand when you realize that Hilary is desperately trying to convince Hilary that Hilary is a worthy person.

Warren on the other hand is a different animal. She's 100% convinced of own superiority to the rest of us mere mortals.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Oh, and NBC has just given Trump a yuge talking point. If you vote for the DemocRAT nominee will you be getting just them or will Hilary Clinton be part of the deal?

Fen said...

I haven't pulled my thing out for a while...

So you think NPC is funny, Fen? I can't imagine what sort of mind thinks like that. Sad.

Hehe. Well, I'm digging a really big hole. There's room for yours :)

tcrosse said...

You have to wonder who turns out those oven-mitt outfits for Hillary. It's unlikely that she'd bring out her own fashion line.

Ralph L said...

NBC still has a video up about Serena possibly making history at the US Open.

Bob Boyd said...


I think you're on to something. Maybe Hillary should start her own fashion label featuring her signature padded pantsuit look. She could call it, 'What Happened?'

Sometimes I think her fashion choices function as a kind of portable padded cell.

hstad said...

"Elizabeth Warren" is a political clown. On her latest "Twitter" screed she said, "....On my first day as president, I will sign an executive order that puts a total moratorium on all new fossil fuel leases for drilling offshore and on public lands. And I will ban fracking—everywhere...." Forgetting the obvious fact that with such an action, we will be handing our future back to the Middle East - oil dependency. But the other obvious point is that fracking now employs over 3 million people - they'd become unemployed. Moreover, like that great "Economic Einstein", Hillary Clinton, told miners, you will necessarily lose your jobs. Fossil fuel industry employs well over 10 million people. Ms. Warren doesn't think much of an industry that has pulled more of the World's population out of poverty then any other industry. Of course Ms. Warren, an ardent Liberal, can't think very well that her actions will push Gas prices $17 a gallon which will destroy the USA's economy. I Ms. Warren will have a concurrent plan to invest trillions in public transportation since nobody will be able to afford cars. I'm sure that didn’t cross her mind and that's why she's not fit to be President.

Yancey Ward said...

No, this is a story you would get out there right now to help Hillary!

Hillary desperately wants to run again, but needs an opening to do so- like, for example, Warren's poll numbers to drop to Kamala Harris levels. Then Hillary! can creep and crawl into the race just before Thanksgiving.

chickelit said...

@Fernandistein: Nice riff!

dustbunny said...

Hillary exchanged the giant clown collars for giant clown pockets or as tcrosse calls them oven-mitt outfits. Bizarre and sad choices for someone so desperate to be taken seriously.

wildswan said...

The race just heated up. Hillary is running for vice-president and the rest are running from her.

Shouting Thomas said...

A more important issue might be Warren's call to wipe out the fossil fuel industry and institute by fiat a command green economy.

Althouse, I think it might be time to dump the cruel neutrality.

Warren is calling for the Venezuelan-ization of the U.S. economy.

She's an insane megalomaniac.

tcrosse said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tcrosse said...

Credit where it's due: the oven-mitt coinage came out when Hillary showed up at a big Hollywood fundraiser this charming outfit BTW those bejewelled hands in the foreground belong to Cher.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“Hillary's donors all want a juicy pay-back.”

Very, very, much this. The people that fed millions of dollars into Hillary’s Sure Thing candidacy still want value for their money. I imagine some of them are very serious players indeed, and even Clintons don’t get to just laugh off their promises, implied or otherwise, with a shrug and a “tough luck”. So HRC has to be ready to horse-trade with the Donk nominee, offering the support of the Clinton machine in exchange for allowing some old promises to be made good on. The good news is the springs of power are slipping from these people’s hands, making it ever more likely that they’ll fuck up in a spectacular fashion.

cubanbob said...

I do hope Sander's gets the nomination. They all suck but Sander's nomination would put the Left in a spot. It would be Trump vs Marxism. The Democrats need a major, major ass kicking to bring them back to sanity and Sander's is the guy be suited to do it.

wildswan said...

Alt History of the Future
One by one the Dem candidates die but no one knows how it happens because the cameras malfunction. Joe Biden is found with tomahawk in his back. Then Liz Warren is found with a hammer and sickle in her back. Then Bernie is found with a metal "I am Spartacus" sign in his back. Clapper, Brennan and Comey hold a 17 hour townhall in which each takes turn explaining with charts and with reading from thick, well-footnoted books that Russia, well-known for lying and having its opponents die at opportune moments, is helping Trump in this round-about way. Right-wing dissidents regurgitate and spew RNC talking points, asking why Russia wants more Trump and more fracking and less socialism and thankfully are deplatformed for being disagreeable. Finally, when the Last of Twenty, Marianne Williamson, is found with a crystal star in her back near malfunctioning cameras and is ruled a suicide achieved by bilocation, finally, I say, the most experienced women candidate ever steps forward and triumphs on her third try with 119% of the vote even in Montana which is amazing because it is all on write-in absentee ballots.

stevew said...

It's right behind me, isn't it?

Gk1 said...

Why would any candidate want the stench of a loser like Clinton on them? Duh. The only value she could give would be to learn what she says you should do and then do the exact opposite. Like a reverse barometer or something.

tcrosse said...

The only value she could give would be to learn what she says you should do and then do the exact opposite. Like a reverse barometer or something.

Unless you buy Hillary's explanation for her loss, laid out in What Happened. According to this, she did everything right and it was everybody else who fucked things up for her.

Jim at said...

It can't be repeated often enough: Elizabeth Warren has all the makings of Hillary Clinton, but without the charm.

I sooo hope she's the nominee. MOR voters will hear that screeching, scolding harpy and pull the lever for the alternative.

Darrell said...

The Left is starting to push cannibalism as a way to save the planet. Warren has to get on board with this, maybe make it a Democrat platform plank. It's no worse than their other planks.

Gk1 said...

I am looking forward to the democrat nominee campaigning in energy producing states and pretending they haven't been pledging to put their people out of business. They act like video cameras and youtube have never been invented yet. Why on earth would anyone in Ohio,Pennsylvania or Colorado give these idjuts the time of day? Texas is turning purple? Not bloody likely.

FleetUSA said...

Beware the viper(s).

narciso said...

preparing the battlespace,

hombre said...

Hillary seems to offer her sieg heil salute with more precision than Warren, but that is misleading.

DarkHelmet said...

Warren is Hillary with two tweaks:

1) Warren is not as personally corrupt as Hillary (almost no one could be)
2) Warren is even more shrill than Hillary (which is impressive, in the way that 27-car pile-up on the interstate is impressive.)

I don't believe that Warren believes a word of what she's saying. The worrisome thing is, if elected, she might go ahead with all that insanity (ban fracking, etc.) even though she knows it's insane.

Bilwick said...

It's like a new book in the Oz series, with one Wicked Witch teaming up with another. Release the flying monkeys!

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