House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler similarly dismissed the idea of an impeachment inquiry, arguing in a radio interview Monday that the committee is “concentrating our resources on determining whether to impeach the president.” The New York Democrat said it’s one thing for progressives to call for impeachment but for him “it’s a consequential action, which we have to be able to justify.”...
Nadler told The New York Times just before Kavanaugh’s confirmation vote in October that he planned to thoroughly investigate the allegations, including subpoenaing White House and FBI records and interviewing the accusers.... But since regaining control of the House in January, Democrats have done little to revisit the issue...
September 17, 2019
Democrats are too busy "impeaching" President Trump to worry about "impeaching" Brett Kavanaugh.
"'Get real': Senior Democrats shut down Kavanaugh impeachment push/Democratic leaders are panning new demands by the left to oust the Supreme Court justice" (Politico).
Impeachment activity stands in for the democrats being important. It's about staying in the news cycle.
This is a total and complete joke. The Dems aren’t serious people.
MOdern leftwing progressivism is fascism.
The system is broken!
I want to know which Dem candidate will issue an executive order to impeach Kavanaugh.
"I want to know which Dem candidate will issue an executive order to impeach Kavanaugh."
Apparently the new Kamala Harris standard (we don't need no damn Constitution) allows the president to sieze guns, impeach Kavanaugh and outlaw abortion by executive order. I wonder if Kamala has thought about the third item?
The John Birch Society's two major efforts:
1) Expose the US President for being a secret agent of the Kremlin
2) Impeach a Supreme Court justice
Father of Parkland shooting victim: 'Guns didn’t kill my daughter, Democratic policies did'
I think the entire corrupt democrat party should be impeached.
Imagine what Trump is going to accomplish with 4 more years and a Republican house of reps.
These Democrat twerps really need to be smacked down. Fat Jerry Nadler is a disgrace. The NYT is a disgrace. True, Trump has remade the judiciary with 150 federal judges. True, Trump is fighting back against illegal immigration with his travel ban, asylum ban and wall construction.
But this isn't enough. If the Dems get power, they will try to undo all this. They are are a lying bunch of dishonorable weasels who need to be defeated.
It's almost like the Democrats would rather have the issue to fundraise with rather than actually doing anything.
Wait, did I just say the quiet part out loud?
The allegation is also impossible to prove or disprove.
That's why the story smells so bad. It's BS on its face. Lying liars gonna lie.
It's as if radical brown-shirted Antifa fascists have taken over the entire democratic party.
The democrats talk about impeachment the way the republicans talked about repealing Obamacare. All talk, no action.
BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
It's as if radical brown-shirted Antifa fascists have taken over the entire democratic party.
9/17/19, 8:19 AM
"It's almost like the Democrats would rather have the issue to fundraise with rather than actually doing anything.
Wait, did I just say the quiet part out loud?"
Why, yes! Yes, you did!
Also, they can't do anything even if they wanted to, lacking the votes to convict in an impeachment trial. Counting to 67 is too much math for the average Dem.
David Begley: "This is a total and complete joke. The Dems aren’t serious people."
On the contrary David, they are in deadly earnest about their leftist totalitarian goals and the means they will use to achieve those ends.
Only power matters. How it is acquired is irrelevant. There are no rules other than that which advances leftist policies and position.
We currently exist on a political knife's edge in terms of the left successfully configuring the immigration. electoral, media and technological landscapes to achieve permanent control.
Once achieved they will change everything.
In 2008 the left/LLR-left believed they had reached a point where the die had been cast and there was no going back from permanent dem majorities everywhere so on a much broader scale than ever before the lefties began to let their freak flag fly openly and just a decade later here we are with every major dem candidate proudly espousing policies that just 10 years ago would have rendered them unelectable.
Just imagine where these insane lefties/LLR-lefties will be in a few more years....then imagine these insane lefties in charge...........
It's the offspring of BAMN "Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration & Immigrant Rights, and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary." For the Cause, anything is justified.
Orwell understood BAMN. Here's O'Brian recruiting Winston and Julia in Orwell's novel "1984":
"‘You are prepared to give your lives?’
‘You are prepared to commit murder?’
‘To commit acts of sabotage which may cause the death of hundreds of innocent people?’
‘To betray your country to foreign powers?’
‘You are prepared to cheat, to forge, to blackmail, to corrupt the minds of children, to distribute habit-forming drugs, to encourage prostitution, to disseminate venereal diseases — to do anything which is likely to cause demoralization and weaken the power of the Party?’
‘If, for example, it would somehow serve our interests to throw sulphuric acid in a child’s face — are you prepared to do that?’
“But since regaining control of the House in January, Democrats have done little to revisit the issue...”
The congressional election cycle is short and the Donk’s majority fragile. They can blab all they want, but it’s a very, very rare Congress that would walk the walk on impeachment. They failed to oust Clinton but those ‘90’s Republicans had some brass balls, I must say. I can’t imagine any of the current crop of pants-wetting Leftist midgets actually having the nerve.
You know, I was born decades after the John Birch society was calling the President a Russian stooge, demanding the impeachment of a Supreme Court Justice, and in favor of public pressure to drive people with opinions they didn't like out of their jobs and out of the public square.
Democrats are too busy "impeaching" President Trump to worry about "impeaching" Brett Kavanaugh.
Ah Jerry Nadler doesn't understand the meaning of "What have you [actually] done for me lately?" In between stuffing his face, he does find time to do a lot of talking. He's the sort of guy that young women used to refer to as "NATO", as in No Action Talk Only.
Jerry--wake me when you actually get something done. You can send Schiff (another "big" talker) as your messenger. He won't have accomplished anything either.
What just came to my mind is that by the left demanding the impeachment of Justice Kavenaugh, they have completely given up the possibility of getting the Judicial branch to enforce their subpoenas over Trump’s assertion of Executive Privilege. The Dems have gone cra cra, and are willing to talk impeachment at the drop of a hat. This kinda pushes the Judicial branch into bed with the President and his Executive branch. The Supreme Court, or at least most of it, know that Justice Kavenaugh is being intentionally smeared here for political reasons, and know it is BS, because they know his character. I think that this means ultimately that Wadler and his hyaenas are going to get very little to base their impeachment on from Trump. I think that the Dems would have had to flip one of the 5 conservatives on the Court anyway, and this just made that almost impossible.
How long will the Dem base continue to believe that these dipshits are really looking into impeaching Trump?
“it’s a consequential action, which we have to be able to justify."
But, if we didn't have to justify it....
I find it interesting that the Dems in power just can’t let go of impeaching Trump. I think that it is very likely going to cost them the House this election. Their majority cost their donors a lot of money, and they alerted the Republicans to several of their new new ways to cheat, that they will do so with straight faces before a national audience, and that power is their only goal. The Dem House majority have given their swing constituents no reason to vote for them this year, and esp if those constituents are considering voting for Trump. They have accomplished absolutely nothing, except the occasional chant in unison of #OrangeManBad.
A reminder. It wasn’t supposed to go this way. McCabe, Strzok, Page, etc, along with Brennan, Clapper, etc, when they were starting up Strzok’s insurance policy, with Crossfire Hurricane, followed by the Mueller investigation, always envisioned. Wadler’s Impeachment as their ultimate end game. I very much believe that the sole reason that they spent so much capital on buying the Dem majority in the House was for one thing, and one thing alone: impeachment of Trump. The FBI cabal that set this up, had, by shortly after Trump was sworn in, a mountain of illicitly, and quasi legally obtained, information that they expected to be used against Trump and the Republicans. This was safely and quasi legally passed onto the Mueller investigation by the simple expedient of have several of the ringleaders, notably Strzok himself, Page, and Weissman work for both, and then augmented by hundreds of subpoenas and grand jury witness transcripts- all without Trump invoking Executive Privilege, because, I think, of the Lawfare developed Obstruction theory that the Mueller team used to perpetuate their own investigation, while preventing Congress from investigating SpyGate (and thus the people who set this whole thing up - McCabe, Strzok, Ohr, Weissman, etc).
They always expected to transfer this mountain of information to the House committees under Dem control, so that it could be used against Trump and the Republicans. But someone in the WH or the President’s legal team, saw this developing, and brought Bill Barr in, ultimately as AG, with the mandate to shut it down, and he did so quickly and abruptly, before the newly elected Dem chairmen could get their committees organized enough. The Dems probably have a lot of the information and evidence already. But it lacks legal provenance, which means that if they use it, they are likely, to get themselves arrested, along with the DoJ employees who illegally leaked it to them. With that mountain of information and evidence, they probably could have fabricated a superficially plausible Obstruction charge against Trump. But I don’t see them getting much of anything, being opposed by the AG and his DoJ at every turn, including their claim to the Mueller grand jury material. And now the Dems have attacked the Supreme Court that would have to override the DoJ in their denial of impeachment material to Wadler and his hyenas. Nothing like defecating in their own beds, but that appears to literally becoming common place these days in a number of Dem controlled cities around the country.
Glenn Reynolds, instapundit, has the hypothesis that the success of attacks against Roberts to change his position in Obamacare and the citizenship question fuel these type of actions.
Conservative Treehouse believes this is lawfare to pressure the Supreme Court, and reduce the credibility of any rulings they make.
Julie Kelly, American Greatness, wrote since there are no consequences from the Senate, etc, these attacks will continue.
I believe this is also Clinton payback, it just smells of their Modus Operandi. Smear anyone that ever wronged them. Clinton’s hold a grudge, and personal destruction is how they operate.
Trump is creating consequences, by linking these actions, to the credibility of The NY Times. By changing the conversation to the NYT destroying their credibility. And keeping the conversation going.
The Babylon Bee had the most devastating take...
New York Times Reveals Source On Kavanaugh Allegations Was Reputable Nigerian Prince
With everything thrown against Trump, I’m astonished he is still standing.
And his attackers in the msm have suffered a massive loss of credibility. NYT, CNN, fact checking sites, etc. and that is the coin of the news media realm.
I don’t think the smear supporters were ready for Trump to punch back.
They would rather memory hole this event.
In that interview of House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler yesterday morning on WNYC (the NPR affilaite in New York City) he was asked whether his committee would interview the 25 witnessess.
He was stumped.
He pasued for a long time. It might have been about 5 seconds.
Then he said that maybe they could. But they wanted to ask the FBI why it didn’t interview them and if they got instructions from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell not to do so. (and they;re also saying the White House)
(As everyone familiar with this knows, the FBI only did interviews it was requested to do. The FVI just can’t interview people for the purposes of a background check on its own. I don’t remember for sure if anyone had proposed they be interviewed.
Nadler’s interviewer persisted, saying that the FBI now wouldn’t interview them bu Badler wasn’t going too say that they would. The inerviewer actually maybe believes this stuff could be true and potentially verifiable. Nadler must highly suspect it is all a dirty trick, if he doesn't know it for an absolute fact..
Ray: "And his attackers in the msm have suffered a massive loss of credibility."
The lefty MSMers havent lost any credibility at all on the left.
readering himself/herself/xerself has already flatly declared his/her/xer continued belief in the NYT as the paper of record in terms of credibility AFTER the lies have been fully exposed!!
However, you are ni doubt correct that many moderates and non-Trump supporters see these lies for what they are and are moving incrementally to Trump voter or at least not as big a Trump opponent.
"Clinton’s hold a grudge, and personal destruction is how they operate."
Not always. Sometimes they go all the way to literal destruction.
Senator Grassleycomments seemed to have been overlooked...
Basically tried to reach out 7 times through their lawyer, and then fbi spoke with the person.
I know Althouse does not trust Breitbart but this seems pretty well sourced.
Demand Justice is fiscally sponsored by a nonprofit arm of the secretive, massively funded Arabella Advisors strategy company that pushes the interests of wealthy leftist donors. Arabella specializes in sponsoring countless dark money pop-up organizations designed to look like grassroots activist groups, as exposed in a recent extensive report by conservative watchdog Capital Research Center.
The full report can be downloaded here.
To further fat shame Nadler, I believe he clearly has to be the result of Jabba the Hut impregnating Michael Moore. No one could be that f'ugly otherwise. Remember, we live in a society where gender is now only an arbitrary construct.
Just walked by the TV and saw Hank Johnson or Guam capsizing fame, questioning Corey Lewandowski.
Comedy lives forever.
This is a total and complete joke. The Dems aren’t serious people.
Oh, it's a joke all right. But they're completely serious about it.
The left will continue to ramp things up. They'll continue with their lies and their smears. They'll continue to wink/wink, nudge/nudge at their masked thugs in the streets, while decrying mean tweets.
Think it's bad today? Wait until tomorrow. And the day after that.
They continue to push it and push it and push it until something or someone finally snaps.
And then it's on.
I noticed in the articles I read about the push for the impeachment of Kavanaugh, former Clinton people keep on appearing. Not Obama, but Clinton.
i missed the part where anyone explained why the recent hires, the lawfare team, did not get to ask questions even tho the rules were changed to allow them to?
Don't these efforts seem half hearted at best? Even by the medias accounts the Trump impeachment process is stalled and going no where fast. The democratic race is a trainwreck that can't be hidden any longer. I think RGB is on deaths door and the latest Kavanaugh smear was a preventative shot across the bow but it seemed perfunctory at best. The usual suspects tried lofting the smear up on a saturday and by Monday it was already crashing down on them in flames. They can't run fast enough away from it. It all seems weird and disjointed to me. Did Trump break the democratic party?
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If the left says,"Hell yes we are going to impeach!" they will lose some of the center, and those that lean left. And they will lose to Trump.
If they say, "Impeachment is out of the question, there is no there there." they lose the extreme left. That is the core base of the Democrat party. They would lose to Trump.
So they play the walk-the-tightrope-game. They are "exploring","investigating", "doing our Constitutionally mandated oversight". So the moderates don't get offended and the extremes hold out hope.
A year is a LONG time to maintain your balance.
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