Two of entertainment’s most successful and controversial comedians have faced recent criticism for their inability or unwillingness to recognize the latter. Dave Chappelle and Kevin Hart have both been at the center of PR nightmares as the result of remarks they’ve made about the LGBTQ community and LGBTQ issues. Those controversies were back under the spotlight recently. In August, Chappelle’s latest Netflix special, Sticks & Stones, reignited what feels like an ongoing back-and-forth between the comic and the audience he seems to revel in provoking. And Hart, during this week’s appearance on LeBron James’ HBO series The Shop, sparked an uncomfortable exchange when rapper Lil Nas X explained why he’d decided to come out just as he was breaking big with the No. 1 hit “Old Town Road.”Here's the clip from "The Shop":
Hart was just in a serious car accident, so the response to this clip has been muted. But Hart said "Hate what? Why? Why are you growing up to hate?" when Lil Nas X brought up homophobia in the black community. Lil Nas X answers Hart: "Come on now, if you’re really from the hood, you know."
"Oppressed people can oppress people"? Next thing you know Williams will be saying blacks can be racist.
The Party comes first.
I am very tired of the oppression sweepstakes going on right now among black millionaires.
Black men need to cease joining up with gangs, killing one another, targeting whites with vengeful violence and engaging in threatening mob behavior on the streets.
Once they do that, they'll discover that the "racism" diminishes.
I've played for black Baptist churches. Blacks aren't in on the gay worship, god bless them. That's one of the positives of black culture. Another is the music in black Baptist churches.
Who has the most oppression points? Who will win the oppression olympics?
No matter how hard the Democrats will try none of those guys is voting for a sour old white woman.
Agree with Little Nas on this one, as the majority (of the black community) in my experience are pretty anti- gay.
The Catholics have them another recruit for the Priesthood. What if no one cared?
Oppressed people can oppress people. It’s an uncomfortable truism.
Millionaires with TV specials are oppressed? Can I be oppressed too?
Chappelle was pretty funny, but "Stereo" Williams has him beat to hell.
I often found myself cast as the recruiter and interviewer in my tech jobs.
We searched relentlessly for black men to fill positions. There were damned few and every other company was fighting over them.
We were more than willing to accept some level of incompetence to hire them, too.
Black men need to get their shit together.
Nancy said...
"Oppressed people can oppress people"? Next thing you know Williams will be saying blacks can be racist.
Back in the 90's, when i was dating a college coed (GOD! i Am Old), i used to read her copy of the Iowa State Daily, while she was doing her Engineering homework. There was a (token) Black opinion writer in there; whose Main Line was that
See? Black people Might be able to be prejudiced; But! since, according to him, they had no power;
they could NOT be prejudiced. I wrote in, and asked:
"If i'm walking up Hayward Blvd at 3am, and 2 Prejudiced Black guys jump me; How do they NOT have power?"
He said that was irrelevant, because they STILL had no power; on account of because they wouldn't be able to get good jobs, or vote, or even go to a decent school. . .
I guess he Sort Of had a point about that last one.
But Hart said "Hate what? Why? Why are you growing up to hate?" when Lil Nas X brought up homophobia in the black community. Lil Nas X answers Hart: "Come on now, if you’re really from the hood, you know."
There's something to homosexuality having been viewed more benignly as just more crazy white-boy shit, but reacted to with special animosity when a black dude came out.
When you are given stuff (tangible or non-tangible) because of your race or disability, the logical thing to do is to emphasize your race or disability in order to keep getting free stuff.
I gather that Mr. Stereo is a homo but not a child, and that's why he doesn't like Chappelle telling jokes about homos, but doesn't mind Chappelle telling jokes about school shootings and murdering children.
I watched the Chappelle special last night.
He's very vocal that he's just a comedian and his job is to make people laugh.
He's a very sensible guy.
I didn't quite see a huge disconnect between Hart and Nas.
I took Hart's comments in the subjunctive, questioning why should things be that way.
Nas was talking about the prevailing attitudes he grew up under.
The mulatto homo Jussie Smollett had to hire foreigners to oppress him.
Chapelle doesnt let anyone be unscathed, their safe spaces cant handle that.
Shouting Thomas: "He's very vocal that he's just a comedian and his job is to make people laugh.
He's a very sensible guy."
In today's far left/LLR Woke World that just about makes him a nazi.
Robert Mugabe was ennobled by white oppression, but none of the black people he oppressed were ennobled by his oppression. No Bob Dylan songs for them. That's white supremacy for you. We're the only people on earth who are capable of ennobling our oppressed.
Apparently being a black man in America does NOT mean rising above and freeing yourself from the chains of critical studies.
Here comes the gratuitous anti-Catholic hate from our resident bigot.
And to think that someone challenged me a few weeks ago when I said that his hate was well-documented.
That was an uncomfortable exchange?
Being a black man in America is a choice.
Fake news. Who's mad about Chapelle? The Twitter people? Who cares.
Hate today left up to mobs. It doesn't happen individually.
Mein Hass, es hat drei Ecken
My hate, it has three corners,
Three corners has my hate
And had it not three corners,
It would not be my hate.
that's one thing that's good about the west coast. while there are "hoods" here, there's really only a few (south LA, oakland/Richmond, and a tiny one in Tacoma), rather than the extensive urban ghettoes of the upper Midwest and east coast.
Also the number of mixed (predominantly white/asian) couples here is high so there's less expectation that you live among your particular ethnic group.
"Being a black man in America means navigating the racism of the majority, but it also has to mean understanding how our position within our culture affords us power to stand over others in that culture."
Inching close to the truth of progworld: the point of claims of racism is to assert power over others.
The problem for progs is that nonracist whites are beginning to figure that out.
I took Hart's comments in the subjunctive, questioning why should things be that way.
Nas was talking about the prevailing attitudes he grew up under.
Exactly. Hart was saying it's wrong to be hateful of gay people and Nas was just explaining how it is in the hood. It's a minor misunderstanding of what Nas was referring to on Hart's part that's being twisted into something it's not (which I guess is the implication that Hart isn't sensitive enough to the struggles of the homosexual black community or that he's homophobic).
Justice for juicy.
“Blogger Fernandistein said...
The mulatto homo Jussie Smollett had to hire foreigners to oppress him.”
Doing jobs Americans just won’t do.
Most core Democratic constituencies hate the values of the Democratic Party and are hated by the Democratic leadership.
Via Insty:
The unemployment rate for African-Americans fell to the lowest level ever recorded in August, dropping from 6 percent to 5.5 percent.
Trump can do that. The Lightbringer didn’t.
The business of America is business. No more lawyers as president.
Its the amazing incredible "racism word". watch it sing, dance, spin on its head, turn into different shapes, disappear and then reappear. It can be everywhere and nowhere. Mean something and nothing. There's nothing the word can't do folks, or be. Step right up, its just a nickle.
Dave Chappelle 3, Stereo Williams 0
Black people complaining.
Chapter XXXXVVVIII, Volume 1,243.
Black Oppression Hits Record High, Black-White Oppression Gap Shrinks to Smallest Ever
The unoppressed rate for African-Americans fell to the lowest level ever recorded in August, dropping from 6 percent to 5.5 percent.
One result: the persistent gap between white and black oppression also narrowed to its smallest on record.
The unoppressed ratio has averaged around 2 to 1 or so for decades, meaning the black unoppressed rate is typically twice the white unoppressed rate.
Here, our working definition of "oppressed" is "works at a job for money".
BTW, Major League Soccer has declared the Betsy Ross Flag, a "symbol of hate" and banned them. An Old USSR flag, is cool though.
True story. I went to drop off my taxes on 4/15 and the postal lady and I started commiserating. She saves her money and he said her son saved even more. He’s in his late 20s.
I went back recently and got her and asked her if she followed up on the info I gave her: Dave Ramsey and the like. She had forgotten, wrote the stuff down.
And said her son just got a $25,000!!!!! Raise. He was making mid-$50s now.
She also said he said when he got home, he fell to his knees and thanked his mom and Jesus.
Another black "Victim".
“The [American flag emoji] flag represents a systemic history of racism for my people,” Riley wrote in a September 2017 tweet. “Police are a part of that system. Is it that hard to see the correlation?”
PhD. I wonder what his SAT score was ?
Riley served in various student affairs and diversity and inclusion roles at Johns Hopkins University; The University of California, Berkeley; Longwood University; The University of Georgia; Morehouse College; and Western Kentucky University. He also has teaching experience at The University of Maryland, College Park; The University of California, Berkeley; Longwood University; and The University of Georgia.
The online announcement also said Riley, who is originally from Cincinnati, Ohio, earned a doctorate in “counseling and student personnel services from The University of Georgia and both a Bachelor of Science in health care administration and planning and a Master of Education in leadership from Tennessee State University.”
I think we know.
Do they give those things out like candy now?
What was his salary?
I thought Daves Netflix special was great
Obviously the result of one-track thinking.
Stereotype Williams: "The majority" is racist. The majority is white. If you are in the majority you are racist.
Stereotype Williams: I must be oppressed because I keep complaining about it. Stop oppressin' me Whitey!
“In his hetero-privileged hand, the word can only wield oppressive power, not subversive redirection.”
Oh please, just shut the fuck up.
Another day, another "You're all racist" investment session.
’Riley wrote in a September 2017 tweet.’
Thankfully he was blown out of Tuscaloosa faster than Hurricane Sharpie.
I am very tired of the oppression sweepstakes going on right now among black millionaires.
Being Black means being given the presumption of virtue among liberals because of past injustices. It's a freebie that is unearned by current Black millionaires, so they have to double down on the oppression game.
If you have ever done disability assessments, it is the same process. The government gives people money for sometimes spurious disabilities. The more spurious the claim, the more the person emphasizes their disability.
People who do not earn benefits (financial or moral) are the most resistant to giving them up.
Alleged oppression justifies any deed or utterance, however witless or robotic. Which reminds me of Firefox, the movie not the browser. Though certainly not a great film or even an especially memorable one it had its moments, and one of those was a scene in KGB headquarters, the Lubyanka one supposes. A junior officer is interrogating the hapless stooge of a plot to steal a revolutionary aircraft, which mainly consists of a ferocious beating of a frail-looking middle-aged man by a fit and brawny younger man. After repeated blows to the prisoner's face, a KGB colonel played by Kenneth Colley (better known to some as "Admiral Piett") intervenes, discovering the man has died from the beating.
"You have killed him," says the colonel.
Snapping to attention the junior officer reports, "He oppressed me."
The colonel, undoubtedly a veteran of hundreds of such investigations responds by slapping his subordinate.
Even conscientious Commies know ripened bullshit when they smell it.
The constant wallowing in self-pity.
If Stereo Williams had lived a hundred years earlier, would he have been Gramophone Williams?
Movie cliches (Endeavour s5e5), mysterious caller, "...and wear an evening suit [click hangs up]" Morse, "what? hello?... hello?"
scriptwriter convention for puzzlement and the future
There's also the black outrage convention, in real life, same scriptwriter deal. The mob understands it. It's not real, just a touchpoint in a narrative.
Rob, whatever they called him, he'd be playing the same groove of the record over and over again.
I think the line is "You pressed me"- in short, he is blaming the colonel for the prisoner's death.
And yes, not a great movie, but one with a lot of memorable scenes that rescue it.
I think the line is "You pressed me"
You may be right. I should get the srt file.
I tried to find the scene on YouTube, but no one seems to have uploaded that particular one.
Blogger Shouting Thomas said...
I often found myself cast as the recruiter and interviewer in my tech jobs.
We searched relentlessly for black men to fill positions. There were damned few and every other company was fighting over them.
Of course there were damned few. They are only 13% of the population. It's been that way for quite a while. It will stay that way because the Democrats keep murdering their babies.
Family tree,
Speaking-Trumpet Williams
Blowhorn Williams
Loud Hailer Williams
Gramaphone Williams
Bullhorn Williams
Megaphone Williams
Stereo Williams
Rabid diversity lurks in plain sight. Diversity (i.e. color judgments) breeds adversity... and power in social justice rackets.
"Oppressed people can oppress people"? Next thing you know Williams will be saying blacks can be racist.
Not racist in the liberal sense, but rather diversitist (i.e. color judgment) in progressive policies.
Hutu vs Tutsi cycles of redistributive and retributive change.
PLO staging coups against Arab hosts.
Mandela factions lynching dissenting blacks, while British armies abort dissenting whites. It's complicated.
Black gangs vs Hispanic gangs vs Black gangs in Hotel California, Chicago, Maryland.
Minority leader sanction of selective-child (i.e. reproductive rites) and other population control protocols.
Only an average racist troll, Ann. I think your peanut gallery is getting mild resistance and needs a more juicy story to trigger them into an avalanche.
But there is no such as "intersectionality"! It is a figment of the right!
It all seems so complicated.
Common sense got me this far. Will let it take me the rest of the way home.
The transgender spectrum and other naturally and socially divergent orientations and clusters. The political and social congruence construct ("=") needs to evolve in order to be less selective, exclusive.
Unfortunately, diversity (i.e. color judgment) is characterized as a feature, not a bug in our social development. Here's to progress, qualified, requalified, I suppose.
I assume "being a black man in America" means you get to do whatever you prefer because you are not bound by DNA to do anything.
Free people.
Free markets.
The blowback on this stuff is going to make the busing thing look mild.
Being a black man in America means being part of 10%, or less, of the population responsible for 50%, or more, of the crime in metropolitan America. They are responsible for an inordinate amount of suffering.
It may be an overgeneralization (and it may not be) to allow that fact to dominate the majority’s perception of black men, but it is not racism. It is more closely akin to self defense.
To date the “understanding” too many black men display of their “power to stand over others” is their power to stand over their victims many of whom are also black. I’m not sure this qualifies as “navigating the racism of the majority,” but to the extent racism exists it feeds it.
I’m not sure I see what this has to do with the LGBT codswallop.
"Blogger Roy Lofquist said...
Blogger Shouting Thomas said...
I often found myself cast as the recruiter and interviewer in my tech jobs.
We searched relentlessly for black men to fill positions. There were damned few and every other company was fighting over them.
Of course there were damned few. They are only 13% of the population. It's been that way for quite a while. It will stay that way because the Democrats keep murdering their babies."
So Roy believes there are no black female Americans? WTF?
It's never been that black men are 13% of the population in America.
that fact to dominate the majority’s perception of black men, but it is not racism. It is more closely akin to self defense
It's a conditional probability, where a color attribute, specifically skin color, contains information. It's a bias, not a prejudice, but has the potential to progress with diversity treatment of people... persons.
As a practical distinction what is the difference ( other than a slur) between gay and queer in LGBTQ? Why the redundancy?
To the best of my knowledge, the US doesn't forbid emigration or make it difficult to emigrate so why haven't a large number of oppressed minorities packed their bags and left?
Lil Nas X answers Hart: "Come on now, if you’re really from the hood, you know."
For decades being from "the hood" has given people, certainly not only people from "the hood", licence to use a certain word, a noun found in every comprehensive dictionary of English including Dr. Johnson's but is forbidden to me, a man whose ancestry is as far as can be revealed by commercial DNA research can reveal originated from within a two hundred mile circle centred on the Frisian coast, in other words, a paradigm case of white maleness. This afternoon, novelist and actor Walter Mosley, a man whose ancestry is probably quite different from mine, resigned from the scriptwriting staff of Star Trek: Discovery. Apparently, he felt oppressed. Maybe it was his Jewishness that felt it most strongly, being from "the hood" and therefore duly licenced.
so much for that:
yes, that show is good for no one, it's terribly a weak writing shop, but he's also took over executive producer on snowfall, the company crack origin story from john singleton, seeding paranoia for another generation
Roy Lofquist said: "They are only 13% of the population."
Yes, and 50% of American Blacks have an IQ of 85 or less.
You're not getting through engineering school with that, homie. Not even software engineering school.
ST is talking about what Derb calls "Intelligent, well-socialized Blacks", and they are indeed in very high demand, as they provide immunization against discrimination accusations from outside and within the organization. I can attest to that latter by personal experience in dealing with the Black female attorney HR type that visited my lab once to grill me about my hiring practices. (She backed off once I let her know that I knew about Griggs vs. Duke Power and how it informed our interviewing process.)
In 20 years of being a hiring manager in the electronics industry, I never once encountered a remotely qualified Black candidate. Or a female, for that matter.
Make of this what you will.
what little I saw of it, basically one episode in each season, avery brooks sisco was a real person, not an npc, with green's Michael burnham is apparently, anson mounts pike did lift it a bit,
what is the difference ( other than a slur) between gay and queer in LGBTQ?
They are both in the transgender spectrum ("rainbow"). The difference is measured in degrees. Transgender/homosexuals are limited to a single transversal mental attribute (i.e. sexual orientation), thus the supremacist attitude of some purists in the class.
I am going to take a knee to any future articles by Stereo Williams.
And yet people still pretend to wonder why mayor Pete's black support is non existent
"Come on now, if you’re really from the hood, you know."
From Bayard Rustin and James Baldwin on, "you know" gays have always been there, and accepted, because they, too, have nowhere else to go - so Little Nas X is lying. The hate - as Kevin Hart said - is from those who disliked "Breeders" but hide that shit in this era of mediated bullshit NewAge. Deceit is the weapon of the weak.
Little Nas X came out because he's a one-hit wonder and it gave him extra mileage.
He's givin' y'all the okey doke.
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Thought I’d watch the new Netflix Chapelle show. Couldn’t get through it. Seemed very morose. His other stuff is better (but still hit and miss).
I like comedy that makes you smile (or laugh out loud) because it’s funny-ha ha, not funny-interesting observation. Chapelle seems to have the latter just a bit too much.
Fucking a, has no idea little nas x came out. I need to get out more. Both my boys wanna dress up as characters from his old town rd video.
I watched Chappelle's Sticks & Stones NetFlix special. The thing about the alphabet people being in a car was really funny.
They're both right.
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