And please consider the the Althouse Portal to Amazon, where you can buy various things. I've been enjoying Jilz Crackerz, but I can't explain the exorbitant price.
It's hard to take the politics out of politics. Trump is gauche and crass and probably cheated on his wife with a porn star. I can see why the Dems go after him. That's politics. But Kavanaugh is a different story. He has led a blameless and honorable life. To attempt to destroy a man's life and reputation based on someone's recollection of some unverified incident thirty years in the past is wrong and evil. The media don't seem to understand how much they're damaging their brand by overplaying this story.
You guys see this one? Colonel Sanders accused of stealing chicken recipe. Absolutely no evidence but Snopes cannot rule rumor false because, as frequent lefty AA commenter says, "You can't prove it didn't happen" ------ "This is not to say it did not happen. I am saying I did not find this evidence. And where might this evidence be uncovered? Would Sanders have acknowledged it? Might the African American family have kept a receipt? This is a needle in a haystack because it happened so often to African Americans, who were denied the opportunity to read and write, and thus were unable to document their culinary practices.”
Although we have found no evidence to support the claim, it is possible that Sanders did directly steal his fried chicken recipe from a specific African American woman, who may or may not have been named Childress. If he did, it is also plausible that no documentary evidence of that act of plagiarism ever existed, or that if it did, it has not survived.
Alternatively, Sanders might have borrowed and taken elements of several fried chicken recipes, perhaps some of them invented by, or passed down or shared between, African American women — in the way that many recipes evolve and change over the years. “Miss Childress” might simply be a stand-in or symbolic victim in the wider legacy of appropriation and intellectual property theft that characterized much of the cultural relations between whites and blacks in early 20th-century America. Until and unless we obtain concrete evidence that clears up that uncertainty, we are issuing a rating of “Unproven.”
And another thing, stories re Kav accuser say she has no recollection of event. MSM reportingas if it may have happened , she simply does not remember it.
I personally have no recollection of of knocking out Mike Tyson. Cannot prove it happened but also cannot prove it didn't.
Clinton Foundation: “In an exclusive interview w/the Italian newspaper, Mifsud admitted: “I am a member of the European Council on Foreign relations. & you know which is the only foundation I am a member of? The Clinton Foundation. Between you & me, my thinking is left-leaning.”
per Occionero: Mifsud who? @CommDigiNews on lib media in damage-control mode over human assets sent to the @realDonaldTrump campaign. Yes, because offering sexual performances to campaign aids to extract info poses some problems also for angel @comey and his buddies.
Years ago the winner of the Memphis in May bbq contest revealed her secret (and she was an eighty year old black woman) sauce as being an off the shelf Kraft sauce. To the disappointment of all.
* Any and all evidence that during a senior-attended FBI meeting or video conference, Andrew McCabe said, “First we fuck Flynn, then we fuck Trump,” or words to that effect.
* A letter delivered by the British Embassy to the incoming National Security team after Donald Trump’s election, and to outgoing National Security Advisor Susan Rice (the letter apparently disavows former British Secret Service Agent Christopher Steele, calls his credibility into question, and declares him untrustworthy).
I took the Amtrak down to Portland. I queued up at the Bistro to buy a beer. The guy in front of me had a baseball cap covered in small 3/4" buttons. One of the buttons indicated his preference for "GOTH". I'm sure his entire social presence was reflected in the buttons on the cap.
I haven't seen a moron like this since "Bazooka Joe" comics were wrapped around my bubble gum.
When he turned to his seat, I saw that his cap was embroidered with "Earl's on the Ave".
Glad to see that Trump is fighting the Kavanaugh story, and calling for resignations at the New York Times.
I think the Dems and their media allies made a very big mistake, in dredging up new Kavanaugh allegations that are so obviously a political hit job. I know a few people who are apolitical and who don't pay much attention to the news, who were appalled at the way Kavanaugh was treated at his hearing. I even know a moderate Democrat woman who said she could tell Dr. Ford was lying from the start. The Dems are reminding a lot of people about a very ugly smear campaign. They are ensuring a backlash by voters who are tired of the nonsense.
William: "The media don't seem to understand how much they're damaging their brand by overplaying this story."
No, my friend. The media does not care about branding. The DNC/media conglomerate only cares that slutty women retain the opportunity to dissect unborn children and conveniently vacuum the remains down the sink.
So, Althouse, now that yet more truth has come out about the journalism of the NYTimes, what do you think about this failing rag you just defended as a 'fine newspaper'? Curious.
My husband was 'invited' to submit a statement of 'allyship' to his employer to mark Ally Month or whatever it evidently is. So far, voluntary and not mandatory, but I'm sure the clock is ticking on that. He did receive an order from HR to get with the program when he dragged his feet on changing his email signature to include a rainbow emoticon during June.
He's been working in Australia a lot lately and reports that the corporate attitudes are noticeably different. More like what the US was like ten or fifteen years ago. Who knows, maybe it's just resetting the clock a bit and they'll get to our current level of idiocy soon enough, but he's been asked more than once to relocate on an unlimited work visa and it's very tempting. Youngest child that we share with an ex-spouse is only 9, though, so we can't bail anytime soon. Sadly.
He and I are both 'allies' in the sense that we don't give one wet shit who other people sleep with and don't wish any specific harm to anyone, gay or straight, but who isn't like that? We are certainly not 'allies' in the sense that we think whatever overblown temper tantrum the professional gay lobby scam machine dreams up next should be taken seriously enough to justify compelling political speech in the workplace.
I can see why the Dems go after him. That's politics. But Kavanaugh is a different story. He has led a blameless and honorable life. To attempt to destroy a man's life and reputation based on someone's recollection of some unverified incident thirty years in the past is wrong and evil.
Really? These folks absolutely revel in the killing of 60 million innocent human lives. If their consciences are so dead that they are not bothered by that evil, why should lesser evils be beyond the pale for them?
Q: Joe, can you explain your recent financial success?
In 2008, you earned a $165,200 salary as a senator, supplemented by $20,500 as an adjunct professor at Widener University Law School. You got an advance of $112,500 for your book Promises to Keep. Your wife Jill taught at a community college while you were vice president. You two reported a combined income of $396,000 in 2016, your last year in the Obama administration.
Then, after leaving the Obama White House, you and Jill made more than $15 million, mostly via a new book deal. In fact, you and your wife made nearly twice as much in 2017 as you did in the previous 19 years combined.
How Democrats Are Shorting White Voters for 2020 Warrior-Mayor Pete’s Sanctimonious Chest Thumping
Now, we know about inflation and everything, but you were given $10 million for your 2017 memoir, Promise Me, Dad, roughly 10 times what your first book pulled in. Jill was paid more than $3 million for her book, Where the Light Enters, in 2018, by the same publisher as you.
We all know how publishing works: the publisher, Flatiron, pays you, the author, an advance. Profits from book sales are subtracted from that advance. For a publisher to be successful, they need to sell more than they paid out for the advance, and because of this, successful publishers like Flatiron get pretty good at estimating those numbers. Forbes reports that your new book sold 300,000 copies against that $10 million, meaning you, Joe, took home about $33 per copy on a book Amazon is selling for only $13.99. Of course, it’s more complicated than that, but off the cuff do you feel that pocketing $33 on a $13.99 sale was a good deal for you?
And speaking of which, a friend passes along her respect. Hillary Clinton only earned around $5 million from her campaign book.
Your teaching pay went up nicely as well. You got $20,500 for teaching when you entered the White House. After you left office, the University of Pennsylvania gave you $775,000 to teach, and then was nice enough to offer you indefinite leave of absence from actually teaching anything while you campaign. And you got signed for that gig only a month after leaving the White House. Side question: did you post your résumé on Monster or More Examples of Corruption Here
Pro-Choice or four choices too late. Denying women's faculty and moral character is progressive policy. Denying life deemed unworthy of life is a leftist political plank. Defending the wicked solution a.k.a. "planned parenthood" is an ethical imperative and, apparently, an empathetic casualty among the secular cult.
"Trump: I call for the Resignation of everybody at The New York Times involved in the Kavanaugh SMEAR story, and while you’re at it, the Russian Witch Hunt Hoax, which is just as phony! They’ve taken the Old Grey Lady and broken her down, destroyed her virtue and ruined her reputation... (
True, stephen cooper, but in the end will they turn from their sin soon enough.
Theres a brazilian s, weries 'apocalysis' that is about the times referred in revelations, they are past the point of the rapture where the man od perdition reveals himself, hes a successful architect
Harris/Harvard poll finds American citizens, loosely called hispanics or latinos, and who have the right to vote in America do not want to support non-Americans who might also be loosely called those same things. Headline Option A: Democratics are going to lose voters in droves.
Well they need the invitation, stephen or they wll burn in Gell. The series has a cast of characters some like the atar is pure evil, but others who have lost faith in the sad brutal world they live it, and as in noahs time, they will be going about the worlds business when they are caught unawates
the pleasures of this world - being charismatic, being intelligent, being attractive - offer at best a short ride.
Who among us has not thousands of times felt kindness in our heart that someone was able to be charismatic, intelligent, attractive?
Or in my case, millions of times - it is easy for me to remember millions and millions of moments where God looked with pleasure at one of his creatures doing something kind, or saying something with a ring of truth, or simply being, if even for the smallest of moments, a creature that our good friend God would not be ashamed of, ..... God bless us all .....
But the fact remains, there is sin in this world, and sinners need to repent. Sure most of us are sinners BUT .... God asks you, not me, not someone else, God asks you ----- to repent, if you have something to repent about.
You have no idea how happy you can make those who care about you if you just tell God
Luke 2 describes how the world, at its best, looks to people who want to return love to God ...
most of John, Romans, have the same effect
and every word in Philippians and Ephesians.
Those are the words of God, but more important, nobody who has met a saint or an angel is easily tempted to be someone who does not love Jesus and the Holy Spirit and God the Father.
And as much as I have no respect for sad Bergoglio, and sad Wojtyla, those overweight men with insufficient prayer in their hearts were right about one thing ------
There are many saints and angels who have lived in this world and if a saint or angel has lived a single moment in this world they are STILL ALIVE AND LIVING IN THIS WORLD.
Ok. So they have to know these new smears and allegations against Justice Kavanaugh won't result in impeachment proceedings and removal. What is the game then? To cow him into siding with the Liberal Justices on cases? Battlespace pep for the replacement of Justice Ginsberg? Or are they really so dumb and crazy as to think Kavanaugh can be removed by these bogus claims?
They are playing to their base that still believe the original smears. A few months ago I did a Google search and every normal person would come to the conclusion that the smears WERE true--incontrovertibly so. You do that by stacking all the anti-Kavanaugh articles upfront, pages of them. I gave up trying to find an unbiased article, much less one that picked the charges apart.
The new charges will bring the people back to the fold that were wavering in the Blasey-Ford belief and try and cow weak Republicans into going along with the notion that Trump shouldn't get a pick in the final year of his term--the Biden rule. Getting Kavanaugh to keep looking over his shoulder to spare his family the constant attacks and bile by giving in to the Leftist agenda would be a bonus.
There were Corn Pops for only a few months in 1950 before Sugar Corn Pops were introduced on the Wild Bill Hickok show in 1951. The name changed to Sugar Pops a short time later. They were Sugar Pops until they changed to Sugar Corn Pops in 1978 and finally Corn Pops in 1984.
Biden’s confrontation with Corn Pop was in the 1960s.
"He's been working in Australia a lot lately and reports that the corporate attitudes are noticeably different. More like what the US was like ten or fifteen years ago.”
When I worked in Australia a couple of decades ago, we had a joke about the show Time Tunnel. We said it was really the Quantas jetway.
Under capitalism the first person with a great idea that acts on it is called a winner. Under communism the first person with a great idea is called prisoner 864190.
“The man with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds.”
I'm not talking about the originator of the idea, etc., but the first person to spot it. I can come up with early adopter or alpha adopter. Or adopter zero. But I'm sure somebody in the last 7000 years said it better.
If you come up with a new, better phrase you can call yourself that without irony.
None of it refers to me. It surprised me when I couldn't come up with anything better than what I said. It surprised me more when the internet wasn't any better. I would bet that the Romans had a special term for that--giving people that recognize, support, and believe equal(-ish) credit to the originators. But I don't have the in-depth knowledge of Latin to find it.
We us early adopter in Agriculture. When we are pitching new concepts we go to those early adopters, and pitch explaining to them, the past has shown they have the ability to see benefits others don't grasp. So, since they are the smart prescient ones, the current fad is something only they can see, and their neighbors are of lesser stuff. (it just salesmanship stripped raw)
“They have given us no reason why we can’t live stream, we received no communication or correspondence from them whatsoever. We want to know why…why are we not allowed to live stream anymore,” Seales said. “All we do here at RSBN is cover the President of the United States…We worked with his campaign, helped him amass three-hundred plus million views."
“We don’t want to say this is what this is but it feels like we’re being targeted by YouTube,” Seales said, “because we have been kept out of the search results now for the last several months. It’s very hard to find our videos, especially when we’re live. Also, our videos are constantly being demonetized, which is nothing new if you’ve been looking into big tech censorship.”
"We worked with his campaign, helped him amass three-hundred plus million views.”
Please use the comments forum to respond to the post. Don't fight with each other. Be substantive... or interesting... or funny. Comments should go up immediately... unless you're commenting on a post older than 2 days. Then you have to wait for us to moderate you through. It's also possible to get shunted into spam by the machine. We try to keep an eye on that and release the miscaught good stuff. We do delete some comments, but not for viewpoint... for bad faith.
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So easy to grow...........
Do you have goldfinches that pick the seeds out of them in the fall?
I have lots of echinacea (coneflowers) down by the mailbox. The goldfinches love to hang on them and pig out on the seeds this time of year.
Since they are somewhat sloppy feeders, I have more and more echinacea each year.
It's almost like it's intentional, the way that works.
What's the term for the first person to recognize a great idea?
I can't think of anything that hits the nail on the head. Lots of smart people here with varied backgrounds. I'd love to see all the variations.
It's hard to take the politics out of politics. Trump is gauche and crass and probably cheated on his wife with a porn star. I can see why the Dems go after him. That's politics. But Kavanaugh is a different story. He has led a blameless and honorable life. To attempt to destroy a man's life and reputation based on someone's recollection of some unverified incident thirty years in the past is wrong and evil. The media don't seem to understand how much they're damaging their brand by overplaying this story.
You guys see this one? Colonel Sanders accused of stealing chicken recipe. Absolutely no evidence but Snopes cannot rule rumor false because, as frequent lefty AA commenter says, "You can't prove it didn't happen"
"This is not to say it did not happen. I am saying I did not find this evidence. And where might this evidence be uncovered? Would Sanders have acknowledged it? Might the African American family have kept a receipt? This is a needle in a haystack because it happened so often to African Americans, who were denied the opportunity to read and write, and thus were unable to document their culinary practices.”
Although we have found no evidence to support the claim, it is possible that Sanders did directly steal his fried chicken recipe from a specific African American woman, who may or may not have been named Childress. If he did, it is also plausible that no documentary evidence of that act of plagiarism ever existed, or that if it did, it has not survived.
Alternatively, Sanders might have borrowed and taken elements of several fried chicken recipes, perhaps some of them invented by, or passed down or shared between, African American women — in the way that many recipes evolve and change over the years. “Miss Childress” might simply be a stand-in or symbolic victim in the wider legacy of appropriation and intellectual property theft that characterized much of the cultural relations between whites and blacks in early 20th-century America. Until and unless we obtain concrete evidence that clears up that uncertainty, we are issuing a rating of “Unproven.”
And another thing, stories re Kav accuser say she has no recollection of event. MSM reportingas if it may have happened , she simply does not remember it.
I personally have no recollection of of knocking out Mike Tyson. Cannot prove it happened but also cannot prove it didn't.
Trump is gauche and crass and probably cheated on his wife with a porn star
When asked about that, Melania said" There are more important things to think about."
Maybe Trump asked permission first.
A moderated cafe is like sex by mail.
Maybe Trump asked permission first
Or maybe the sex part never happened.
And why did they go after clarence thomas palinn allen west zimmerman, because they could.
Full Moon has it right. Marriages can be private can’t they? Or is Althouse obliged to explain that dream she posted.
FWIW I think he did screw her and I do think less of him for it. But I don’t really know bupkis about it and nor does anyone here.
Spygate: What’s Hillary Clinton’s connection to foreign spy Joseph Mifsud?
Clinton Foundation: “In an exclusive interview w/the Italian newspaper, Mifsud admitted:
“I am a member of the European Council on Foreign relations. & you know which is the only foundation I am a member of? The Clinton Foundation. Between you & me, my thinking is left-leaning.”
per Occionero:
Mifsud who? @CommDigiNews on lib media in damage-control mode over human assets sent to the @realDonaldTrump campaign. Yes, because offering sexual performances to campaign aids to extract info poses some problems also for angel @comey and his buddies.
Years ago the winner of the Memphis in May bbq contest revealed her secret (and she was an eighty year old black woman) sauce as being an off the shelf Kraft sauce. To the disappointment of all.
Flynns atty may be getting inside help from honest FBI agents. She has asked for this stuff, and more
* Any and all evidence that during a senior-attended FBI meeting or video conference, Andrew McCabe said, “First we fuck Flynn, then we fuck Trump,” or words to that effect.
* A letter delivered by the British Embassy to the incoming National Security team after Donald Trump’s election, and to outgoing National Security Advisor Susan Rice (the letter apparently disavows former British Secret Service Agent Christopher Steele, calls his credibility into question, and declares him untrustworthy).
"I can't explain the exorbitant price."
I know the feeling. Neither can I. I think that goes to the Althouse portal fund, just in case anyone thinks it's within their range.
I thought avenatti (redacted) his client, but it turns out it was only metaphorical.
In other news:
Hey, Lazlo!
I took the Amtrak down to Portland. I queued up at the Bistro to buy a beer. The guy in front of me had a baseball cap covered in small 3/4" buttons. One of the buttons indicated his preference for "GOTH". I'm sure his entire social presence was reflected in the buttons on the cap.
I haven't seen a moron like this since "Bazooka Joe" comics were wrapped around my bubble gum.
When he turned to his seat, I saw that his cap was embroidered with "Earl's on the Ave".
Y'all know this douche??
Another mystery:
I am looking forward to declaring my self as gender X. Finally, one less thing the government knows about me.
I always declare myself as Other, and then write in 'Merican!!
Down with thr new boss:
Glad to see that Trump is fighting the Kavanaugh story, and calling for resignations at the New York Times.
I think the Dems and their media allies made a very big mistake, in dredging up new Kavanaugh allegations that are so obviously a political hit job. I know a few people who are apolitical and who don't pay much attention to the news, who were appalled at the way Kavanaugh was treated at his hearing. I even know a moderate Democrat woman who said she could tell Dr. Ford was lying from the start. The Dems are reminding a lot of people about a very ugly smear campaign. They are ensuring a backlash by voters who are tired of the nonsense.
William: "The media don't seem to understand how much they're damaging their brand by overplaying this story."
No, my friend. The media does not care about branding. The DNC/media conglomerate only cares that slutty women retain the opportunity to dissect unborn children and conveniently vacuum the remains down the sink.
doesnt Russia have Common Sense Explosion-Control laws??
Explosion Hits Russia's Largest Virus Lab Which Houses Plague, Smallpox, Ebola And Other Deadly Viruses
following this:
Deadly explosion at Russian test site involved nuclear power source
The game has changed my friends.
Nuclear material and lethal pathogens, that doesnt sound like a good combination
Watching Trump rally.
What a guy.
Is it only Lefty Womyn who do weird shit with their menstrual blood
if so-- why?
-Far Left Protester Throws Her Menstrual Blood at California Senators During Session
-COPS: Woman shoves bloody tampon in protester’s mouth outside abortion clinic
-Kiran Gandhi discusses free-bleeding while running the London Marathon, and using the period as protest
Its the crazy years, with a druid twist.
SNL Fires Shane Gillis After Racist, Homophobic Comments Resurface
The prodigal son had the same problem.
So, Althouse, now that yet more truth has come out about the journalism of the NYTimes, what do you think about this failing rag you just defended as a 'fine newspaper'?
My husband was 'invited' to submit a statement of 'allyship' to his employer to mark Ally Month or whatever it evidently is. So far, voluntary and not mandatory, but I'm sure the clock is ticking on that. He did receive an order from HR to get with the program when he dragged his feet on changing his email signature to include a rainbow emoticon during June.
He's been working in Australia a lot lately and reports that the corporate attitudes are noticeably different. More like what the US was like ten or fifteen years ago. Who knows, maybe it's just resetting the clock a bit and they'll get to our current level of idiocy soon enough, but he's been asked more than once to relocate on an unlimited work visa and it's very tempting. Youngest child that we share with an ex-spouse is only 9, though, so we can't bail anytime soon. Sadly.
He and I are both 'allies' in the sense that we don't give one wet shit who other people sleep with and don't wish any specific harm to anyone, gay or straight, but who isn't like that? We are certainly not 'allies' in the sense that we think whatever overblown temper tantrum the professional gay lobby scam machine dreams up next should be taken seriously enough to justify compelling political speech in the workplace.
I can see why the Dems go after him. That's politics. But Kavanaugh is a different story. He has led a blameless and honorable life. To attempt to destroy a man's life and reputation based on someone's recollection of some unverified incident thirty years in the past is wrong and evil.
Really? These folks absolutely revel in the killing of 60 million innocent human lives. If their consciences are so dead that they are not bothered by that evil, why should lesser evils be beyond the pale for them?
Q: Joe, can you explain your recent financial success?
In 2008, you earned a $165,200 salary as a senator, supplemented by $20,500 as an adjunct professor at Widener University Law School. You got an advance of $112,500 for your book Promises to Keep. Your wife Jill taught at a community college while you were vice president. You two reported a combined income of $396,000 in 2016, your last year in the Obama administration.
Then, after leaving the Obama White House, you and Jill made more than $15 million, mostly via a new book deal. In fact, you and your wife made nearly twice as much in 2017 as you did in the previous 19 years combined.
How Democrats Are Shorting White Voters for 2020
Warrior-Mayor Pete’s Sanctimonious Chest Thumping
Now, we know about inflation and everything, but you were given $10 million for your 2017 memoir, Promise Me, Dad, roughly 10 times what your first book pulled in. Jill was paid more than $3 million for her book, Where the Light Enters, in 2018, by the same publisher as you.
We all know how publishing works: the publisher, Flatiron, pays you, the author, an advance. Profits from book sales are subtracted from that advance. For a publisher to be successful, they need to sell more than they paid out for the advance, and because of this, successful publishers like Flatiron get pretty good at estimating those numbers. Forbes reports that your new book sold 300,000 copies against that $10 million, meaning you, Joe, took home about $33 per copy on a book Amazon is selling for only $13.99. Of course, it’s more complicated than that, but off the cuff do you feel that pocketing $33 on a $13.99 sale was a good deal for you?
And speaking of which, a friend passes along her respect. Hillary Clinton only earned around $5 million from her campaign book.
Your teaching pay went up nicely as well. You got $20,500 for teaching when you entered the White House. After you left office, the University of Pennsylvania gave you $775,000 to teach, and then was nice enough to offer you indefinite leave of absence from actually teaching anything while you campaign. And you got signed for that gig only a month after leaving the White House. Side question: did you post your résumé on Monster or
More Examples of Corruption Here
To be clear: there is nothing -- NOTHING -- that is too far for them. Except to admit and repent of their evil.
-COPS: Woman shoves bloody tampon in protester’s mouth outside abortion clinic
Pro-Choice or four choices too late. Denying women's faculty and moral character is progressive policy. Denying life deemed unworthy of life is a leftist political plank. Defending the wicked solution a.k.a. "planned parenthood" is an ethical imperative and, apparently, an empathetic casualty among the secular cult.
a statement of 'allyship' to his employer to mark Ally Month
It's too bad that the sociopolitical construct ("=") is Pro-Choice, the state-established quasi-religion ("ethics"). Progress and selective exclusion.
He is hilarious..
I call for the Resignation of everybody at The New York Times involved in the Kavanaugh SMEAR story, and while you’re at it, the Russian Witch Hunt Hoax, which is just as phony! They’ve taken the Old Grey Lady and broken her down, destroyed her virtue and ruined her reputation... (
True, stephen cooper, but in the end will they turn from their sin soon enough.
Theres a brazilian s, weries 'apocalysis' that is about the times referred in revelations, they are past the point of the rapture where the man od perdition reveals himself, hes a successful architect
Harris/Harvard poll finds American citizens, loosely called hispanics or latinos, and who have the right to vote in America do not want to support non-Americans who might also be loosely called those same things.
Headline Option A:
Democratics are going to lose voters in droves.
Headline Option B:
Harvard is full of Trumpists
With global ambitions, its not as earnest as left behind, hence its more dramatic.
Well im in that basket,
Well they need the invitation, stephen or they wll burn in Gell. The series has a cast of characters some like the atar is pure evil, but others who have lost faith in the sad brutal world they live it, and as in noahs time, they will be going about the worlds business when they are caught unawates
Im a sinner, as we all are, in thought or deed, it marks us both, now the signature failure of faith today is it doesnt demand we chamge our ways
A comedian told a joke a dozen years ago, gets fired instantly when its discovered.
The NY Times repeatedly launches fact free smears against a SCJ, and the only person who seems to think someone should be fired for it is Trump.
"What's the term for the first person to recognize a great idea?"
Of course there is not much new in the way people sin, except they are willing to express their achievements
So easy to grow...........
.........but so hard to paint.
"What's the term for the first person to recognize a great idea?"
In 7000 years of human history, someone must have come up with a special word for someone who first spots a new great idea, taste, or design.
the pleasures of this world - being charismatic, being intelligent, being attractive - offer at best a short ride.
Who among us has not thousands of times felt kindness in our heart that someone was able to be charismatic, intelligent, attractive?
Or in my case, millions of times - it is easy for me to remember millions and millions of moments where God looked with pleasure at one of his creatures doing something kind, or saying something with a ring of truth, or simply being, if even for the smallest of moments, a creature that our good friend God would not be ashamed of, ..... God bless us all .....
But the fact remains, there is sin in this world, and sinners need to repent.
Sure most of us are sinners BUT ....
God asks you, not me, not someone else, God asks you ----- to repent, if you have something to repent about.
You have no idea how happy you can make those who care about you if you just tell God
Sorry I messed up
I won't do it again
Trust me
It raises the question, why is islam so popular particularly in western europe, because belief is fervent punishment for transgressions sure.
Luke 2 describes how the world, at its best, looks to people who want to return love to God ...
most of John, Romans, have the same effect
and every word in Philippians and Ephesians.
Those are the words of God, but more important, nobody who has met a saint or an angel is easily
tempted to be someone who does not love Jesus and the Holy Spirit and God the Father.
And as much as I have no respect for sad Bergoglio, and sad Wojtyla, those overweight men with insufficient prayer in their hearts were right about one thing ------
There are many saints and angels who have lived in this world and if a saint or angel has lived a single moment in this world they are STILL ALIVE AND LIVING IN THIS WORLD.
"In 7000 years of human history, someone must have come up with a special word for someone who first spots a new great idea, taste, or design."
I will have to check social media....back in a sec!
Just reading about the possible connection between Shakespeare and Milton. Quite exciting if true.
Ok. So they have to know these new smears and allegations against Justice Kavanaugh won't result in impeachment proceedings and removal. What is the game then? To cow him into siding with the Liberal Justices on cases? Battlespace pep for the replacement of Justice Ginsberg? Or are they really so dumb and crazy as to think Kavanaugh can be removed by these bogus claims?
What is the game then?
They are playing to their base that still believe the original smears. A few months ago I did a Google search and every normal person would come to the conclusion that the smears WERE true--incontrovertibly so. You do that by stacking all the anti-Kavanaugh articles upfront, pages of them. I gave up trying to find an unbiased article, much less one that picked the charges apart.
The new charges will bring the people back to the fold that were wavering in the Blasey-Ford belief and try and cow weak Republicans into going along with the notion that Trump shouldn't get a pick in the final year of his term--the Biden rule. Getting Kavanaugh to keep looking over his shoulder to spare his family the constant attacks and bile by giving in to the Leftist agenda would be a bonus.
Tulsi tweets the pimp and prostitute analogy. See Trump haters it works- I learned her name.
There were Corn Pops for only a few months in 1950 before Sugar Corn Pops were introduced on the Wild Bill Hickok show in 1951. The name changed to Sugar Pops a short time later. They were Sugar Pops until they changed to Sugar Corn Pops in 1978 and finally Corn Pops in 1984.
Biden’s confrontation with Corn Pop was in the 1960s.
"He's been working in Australia a lot lately and reports that the corporate attitudes are noticeably different. More like what the US was like ten or fifteen years ago.”
When I worked in Australia a couple of decades ago, we had a joke about the show Time Tunnel. We said it was really the Quantas jetway.
Darrel: “The man with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds.” Source unavailable at the moment.
Under capitalism the first person with a great idea that acts on it is called a winner.
Under communism the first person with a great idea is called prisoner 864190.
“The man with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds.”
I'm not talking about the originator of the idea, etc., but the first person to spot it. I can come up with early adopter or alpha adopter. Or adopter zero. But I'm sure somebody in the last 7000 years said it better.
In 7000 years of human history, someone must have come up with a special word for someone who first spots a new great idea, taste, or design.
For J.
Darrell: "...early adopter or alpha adopter. Or adopter zero."
Those are the terms I use. Early adopter is primary.
If you come up with a new, better phrase you can call yourself that without irony.
Smug don't unsmug, Rusty.
One-way ratchet.
If you come up with a new, better phrase you can call yourself that without irony.
None of it refers to me. It surprised me when I couldn't come up with anything better than what I said. It surprised me more when the internet wasn't any better. I would bet that the Romans had a special term for that--giving people that recognize, support, and believe equal(-ish) credit to the originators. But I don't have the in-depth knowledge of Latin to find it.
We us early adopter in Agriculture. When we are pitching new concepts we go to those early adopters, and pitch explaining to them, the past has shown they have the ability to see benefits others don't grasp. So, since they are the smart prescient ones, the current fad is something only they can see, and their neighbors are of lesser stuff. (it just salesmanship stripped raw)
“They have given us no reason why we can’t live stream, we received no communication or correspondence from them whatsoever. We want to know why…why are we not allowed to live stream anymore,” Seales said. “All we do here at RSBN is cover the President of the United States…We worked with his campaign, helped him amass three-hundred plus million views."
“We don’t want to say this is what this is but it feels like we’re being targeted by YouTube,” Seales said, “because we have been kept out of the search results now for the last several months. It’s very hard to find our videos, especially when we’re live. Also, our videos are constantly being demonetized, which is nothing new if you’ve been looking into big tech censorship.”
"We worked with his campaign, helped him amass three-hundred plus million views.”
Well, there’s your problem right there!
"Prescient" is something to build on--pairing it with something. My migrane doesn't help.
Captain Tripski.
Thanks i2 and Guild. We're close.
Morning and nothing on the internet. Put out a short ham test message to see what automated beacons spot it
W1NT-6 7035.9 CW CQ 24 dB 30 wpm 1144z 17 Sep
KM3T 7036.0 CW CQ 24 dB 30 wpm 1144z 17 Sep
W3UA 7036.0 CW CQ 22 dB 31 wpm 1144z 17 Sep
KM3T-2 7036.0 CW CQ 23 dB 30 wpm 1144z 17 Sep
N7TR 7036.0 CW CQ 16 dB 31 wpm 1144z 17 Sep
so 4 in NH and one in NV, if my lookups are right.
All you need is robots for a social life.
Amazing and beautiful painting of sunflowers (and other flowers) by Jimmy Wright.
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