September 1, 2019

At the Sunday Night Cafe...

... you can talk all you want.


Birkel said...

Nobody home?
Sitting empty for 15 minutes?

readering said...

Thinking about my scheduled visit to Grand Bahama Island in three weeks. Things looks very grim there right now.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

We're all Busy Doin' Nothing

Gahrie said...

About to enter my last fantasy football draft....

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

to promote an amicable Cafe, may we suggest:

Intermezzo from Cavalleria Rusticana - Pietro Mascagni - The Evergreen Symphony Orchestra

"Music soothes the savage beast"
"Music soothes the savage breast" ??

narciso said...

Oh thats curious:

Michael K said...

Things looks very grim there right now.

I was at Turks and Caicos about a month after Ivan hit in 2008. Don't recommend it.

rcocean said...

After 911 I immediately booked a Caribbean vacation for Jan 2002. Got some good deals.

Marc in Eugene said...

And Giacomo Carissimi's oratorio (about half an hour in length) Jephte, which I've been fussing about with today. Handel's Jephtha was performed at the Proms Friday and have been listening to different settings of the history from the 11th chapter of the Book of Judges since. Qua visa, scidit vestimenta sua, et ait: Heu me, filia mea! decepisti me, et ipsa decepta es: aperui enim os meum ad Dominum, et aliud facere non potero, 'He had no children except one daughter, and she it was who came out, with music and dance, to welcome him. And at the sight he tore his garments; Alas, daughter, he said, thou hast undone me, and art thyself undone; the vow that hast once left my lips I must needs fulfil.'

readering said...

I flew to Japan for vacation on the first anniversary of 9/11 expecting terrible security issues. None.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"Nothing comes between Me and my ...Hagen Daz"

Calvin Klein’s new ad gets big reactions: ‘She’s not plus-size, she’s SUPER SIZED’

The 4000 square foot billboard has turned plenty of heads, considering Chika’s size as she sits in nothing but Calvin Klein sports underwear and bra...

mockturtle said...

"Music soothes the savage beast"
"Music soothes the savage breast" ??

"Music hath charms to soothe a savage breast"

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

how do you know that's the "correct" version?
It's done both ways.


"It's Great To Be Straight!"

Dozens of ANTIFA Terrorists Arrested for Violence During the ‘Straight Pride Parade’
This is what happens when the cops do their jobs!

gspencer said...

My local weather "team" is always promoting and looking out for my safety.

For once, I am so grateful for their concern. They have managed to keep Dorian 1500 miles away from me.

Beasts of England said...

Jalen Hurts is off to a poor start at Oklahoma. Only 20 of 23 passing with three touchdowns, plus another three rushing TDs. Barely 500 yards of offense on his own. What a slacker... ;)

mockturtle said...

@Mock how do you know that's the "correct" version? It's done both ways..

It is but it shouldn't be.

mockturtle said...

Some of those signs! "Straight sex is rape". Good grief, these people are totally berserk.

etbass said...

Jalen is a passing RB. Alabama will regret letting him go after sitting on the bench while they were trashed by Clemson in the CFP last year.

mockturtle said...

“Music hath charms to soothe a savage breast, to soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak.”

― William Congreve

StephenFearby said...

Texas tax dollars hard at work (not):

NY Post

"A neighbor of the Odessa mass shooter says she reported him to police last month — after he threatened her with a rifle for leaving trash near his property — but cops couldn’t find his house on account of it having no GPS address or electricity.

The woman told CNN that Seth Ator, 36, would often sit on top of his home and shoot animals at night, which he would then go and retrieve afterwards.

She said cops tried to confront Ator following her report to police last month, but his property didn’t show up on GPS and was difficult to find...."

Lewis Wetzel said...

I propose that the next hurricane to hit the east coast be named "Hurricane Slave Owner."
There could be all kinds of scary warning about Hurricane Slave Owner coming and you better hide or run away. It might be terrible, but it would eventually go away and the sun would come out again. A few people might be killed, but almost everyone would be okay. A segment of the population might find that comforting.
Or we could do a drama thing with audience/victim interaction. Alternate between just two names, a very feminine name, and a very masculine name, like "Nancy" and "Roscoe." Then the girls could root for Nancy and the boys could root for Roscoe.

mockturtle said...

From Stephen Fearby: She said cops tried to confront Ator following her report to police last month, but his property didn’t show up on GPS and was difficult to find...."

Wow, what did cops do before they had GPS? And maybe--just a thought--they could have asked the woman who reported him! This really sucks.

Narayanan said...

Inside the Eye


Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"Whatever is, is right," --A. Pope, 1734

"It is but it shouldn't be." --Mockturtle, 2019


Lawrence Person said...

Nice interview with someone who used their gun in self-defense, killing an armed robber and wounding another.

Jon Ericson said...

In reference to: Ingachuck'stoothlessARM comment at 8:40?

That was nice.

This behaviour should be encouraged.

"No "Rock and Roll" please".

I'll contribute selections myself. Eventually. If it catches on. It should.

FullMoon said...

Watched Charlies Angels tv show on ROKU. Cannot believe you guys looked forward to that every week.

Pretty bad stuff.

Not Star Trek bad, but pretty darn close.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

@Jon Erikson

"YES !!
Oops-- we thought you were Jon Anderson.

just kidding. Thank you-- but for not so much the genre but for gentility

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"You went full Godwin. Never go full Godwin"

We’re All Hitler Now

The Washington Post wasn’t done though. Less than a day later, they pushed out another piece, this time asserting that those who seek honest debate are actually just doing what Nazi Germany did.

Jon Ericson said...

"Ô Souverain, ô juge, ô père"

Guildofcannonballs said...

Merle, Buck, Johnny, and Elvis helped Dwight star tonight in Denver.

Excellent experience all around, even though parking at the Sheraton for $7 (!) through took a phone call.

You have to drive on the 16th Street Mall, for a block, and it is the only part of the 16th Street Mall you can drive on unless you drive a bus*, and when we went around a second time I saw a sign, temporary on the ground not permanently attached to a base confirming Sheraton parking, and it worked splendidly.

*To great comedic affect if you are Greg Proops.

Jon Ericson said...

Almost a mass in A, it just fell short...

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...


oh that intro!

Got some for us 2-nite?

Guildofcannonballs said...

Google said take a right on Broadway off of Court but it was blocked, whole street shut down.

So we called the Sheraton and they helped us out, even though they knew it was only a $7 parking spot, not a room booked for the Holiday weekend.


Lewis Wetzel said...

Caught a decent film on Amazon Prime last week, Tempest, 1982. Starring John Cassavetes, Susan Sarandon, Raoul Julia, and Molly Ringwald. It's a modern take on Shakespeare's "The Tempest." Cassavetes plays an NY architect who has a mid life crisis ("I found a gray hair on my chest"), divorces his wife, and comes to lord it over a desolate Greek island with his daughter Miranda (Ringwald), and his girlfriend (Sarandon).
Sarandon was looking very good. So was Ringwald, but shame on you, Epstein, she was only 14 when the film was shot.

Marc in Eugene said...

"Whatever is, is right," --A. Pope, 1734
"It is but it shouldn't be." --Mockturtle, 2019

Will point out that the verse of Alexander Pope's Essay was incorporated in the libretto (by Thomas Morell) of Handel's Jephtha. In the context of the oratorio, the divine Justice is affirmed: in Pope, I imagine that that wasn't quite the point.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I found it interesting is shit whereas is genuine, like us here at the Althouse blog.

Why wouldn't they just buy the domain and redirect to the proper one?

Google is why. Not evil, just absolute power and control, all for you.

Sister Hazel Lyrics
"All For You"

Finally I figured out, but it took a long long time
And now there's a turnabout, Maybe cause I'm trying


There's been times, I'm so confused
All my roads, They lead to you
I just can't turn, And walk away...


It's hard to say, What it is I see in you
Wonder if I'll always, Be with you
But words can't say, And I can't do
Enough to prove, It's all for you

I thought I'd seen it all, 'Cause it's been a long long time
But then we'll trip and fall, Wondering if I'm blind


Rain comes pouring down (Pouring down)
Falling from blue skies (Falling from blue skies)
Words without a sound, Coming from your eyes
AZLyrics S Sister Hazel Lyrics
album: "Sister Hazel" (1994)
album: "Somewhere More Familiar" (1997)

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...


glad u had a good time tonight. You sound happy.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Blues Traveler/Counting Crows sound ??

steve uhr said...

Great fema briefing for tv. Dozens of people who could be preparing for the hurricane instead must participate in trumps pr stunt so we can all see that “The President” is fully in charge. Sad

Birkel said...

steve uhr is peeved because it looks like FEMA is positioned to react well.
I guess your misanthropic hope that Florida suffer a direct hit also has you down.

That expressed hope was ghoulish.

chickelit said...

“Sarandon was looking very good.”

Her bent over beach scene is unforgettable. Ringwald was too young for my 22-year-old eyes when I saw it.

chickelit said...

Back then, I used to confuse Susan Sarandon and Leslie Anne Warren. Both were doe-eyed, buxom redheads.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I'm as happy as Althouse is a genuine war hero, compared to the majority of old white men Uncle Remus' represents. Or the old whites who are putting Mark Steyn and his freedom to continue to create the best memes/writing/ethos around such as "tree ring circus" the greatest pun ever.

I'm not as happy as the great Don Surber, cruising around in his car with thoughts resulting in the great links he does now in the mornings.

This is a news man, something Drudge knows little about no/any more. I will work for Drudge for bargain basement slave wages of $40,000 per month, three years paid up front.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I saw "Pretty Baby" when it was first shown on HBO back in '79. It's a good movie, especially the part where they auction off the Brooke Shields' virginity at the whorehouse. Can't figure out why it isn't shown today. Sure, Shields Pretty Baby character was supposed to be twelve years old at the time, but Shields must have been at least thirteen.
I'm not an Epstein, I just love to grind Hollywood's face in its hypocrisy and lack of integrity.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Just say what you mean, culture scirmeshers.





Guildofcannonballs said...

"Blogger rcocean said...
After 911 I immediately booked a Caribbean vacation for Jan 2002. Got some good deals.

9/1/19, 8:57 PM"

This is genuine.

The undeniable hilariousness of it is up to you to decide, if you are susceptible to anything Google doesn't suscept you too.

Guildofcannonballs said...

The most interesting question has no answer:


Jon Ericson said...

Guildofcannonballs said...

Guildofcannonballs said...

Ratley Turdonavichass.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Back when I had druthers, I used to quote a guy.

Not the z man.

No, a real guy.

What was it? OH that's right: Buckley.

William Frank Buckley Junior is the guy I used to quote.

He died back in February of 2008. He never lived to see Obama be potUS.

tim maguire said...

Through Instapundit, I’ve been aware of the situation in Western China, but at an Islamic festival yesterday I spoke for the first time to actual Uyghurs who have family in China.

After weeks of hoping the Hong Kong protests lead to a peaceful conclusion that preserves the semi-sovereignty of Hong Kong, I now hope the protests find synergy with Trump’s trade war to bring down the Communist Party. Of course, China being China, it would probably lead to 100 million deaths, but if the USSR could go out peacefully, maybe they could too.

Who would be China’s Yeltsin?

Fen said...

Re the gender fluidity case up before the Supreme Court:

Almost every single person in the brief said they stopped being transgender with the help of therapy. It didn’t just help them heal, but also revealed that deeper emotional traumas were often the cause of their gender dysphoria and the reason they chose transgenderism in the first place. All of the people claim that those who proposed or helped them transition often (unknowingly) created more pain.

Just so we're clear... The Inga types do more harm than good for the people they claim to be standing up for... and it's all so they can heckle us Transphobic Haters and feel superior for a few minutes.

I think the Bene Gesserit were on to something with their Gom Jabbar - quite a number on the Left are without Humanity. No better than feral animals.

You NEVER tell the guy the voices are real. Worse, the Left should have SOME familiarity with what these people are going through... they had learn that to so they could pretend to speak for them. Annnnnd they did it anyway. Used trannies as a prop, to boost their own self-esteem. And then made the situation even worse for the people they claim to care about, by encouraging them to chase after Delusion.

Seriously, how can Democrats even live with themselves? I wonder if anyone incapable of shame ever made it past the Gom Jabbar. I doubt it.

Not really human.

Fen said...

steve uhr is peeved because it looks like FEMA is positioned to react well.
I guess your misanthropic hope that Florida suffer a direct hit also has you down.

Steve Uhr: ....

Fen: Why. So. Serious?

Fen said...

Watched Charlies Angels tv show on ROKU. Cannot believe you guys looked forward to that every week.

Oh yeahhh. As a 14 year old boy I looked forward to Charlies Angles very much.

Pretty bad stuff.

Maybe I had better seats :)

Fen said...

I think the Bene Gesserit were on to something with their Gom Jabbar - quite a number on the Left are without Humanity. No better than feral animals.

You NEVER tell the guy the voices are real.

See that? How I shifted from Bene Gesserit to "voices". Pretty impressive, eh?

Okay yes yes. I didn't know what I was doing when I did it. That's... something.

Will Cate said...

Men in pants-that-aren't-quite long enough:

Gentlemen, Your Pants Are Too Cropped

Mr. Forward said...

"Hurricane Dorian is crawling westward at just 1 mph".

The optimistic scenario is a turn to the East and out to sea. I assume less momentum makes it easier to reverse direction. Although that's not the way it worked in the high school parking lot.

Mr. Forward said...

The problem when no longer hip
Your cargo pants are bound to slip
Bending over is no fun
Unless you look like Sarandon
Ankle flashes we don't mind
But spare us please what comes behind.

Chuck said...

A tweet from Daniel Dale illustrates one of Trump’s weird verbal tics with hurricanes:

Danno said...

Chuck, I thought you were well on your way to recovering from your TDS when you reformed your posts to win your bet. I guess Drago saw right through your better behavior and knew you'd revert to all antiTrump all the time.

Bruce Hayden said...

Going to ramble a bit. That time of night.

Saturday, we were supposed to go to the next town over to the county fair. Two larger towns in the county, and as a result of some ancient compromise, we get the courthouse and they get the county fair. But it hit maybe 85, and my partner announced that it was too hot to be walking around. Maybe Sunday (85 again, too hot). So I went alone because of the gun show at the VFW hall there. Interesting, but nothing there that I wanted to buy. No great deals, just mostly rifles. Plenty of hunting rifles, but just as many collector guns. No real deals. New gun case in the house here that I need to fill, so was willing. Just nothing caught my eye.

Never having been to the gun show there before, I looked it up, as well as the county fair, with a search engine, when we I got into town. Couldn’t actually go to the county fair because my partner would scalp me if I did, with her not along. Gun show was kinda ok though. In any case, getting lost in Wikipedia, I noted that the county is about 3,300 sq miles with a population of roughly 10k, for a density of roughly 3.3 people per square mile. That is about half the MT average of 7, and not much above the WY average of 6. AK though is sitting there at 1.3. On the flip side, entire county population could about fit into one square mile of DC with an average density just above 10k. You don’t really realize how sparsely populated it is because most of the population is right along the highway and large river than run down the middle to it. A lot of Forest Service land, esp at this end of the county.

As we drive into town every spring, it is always a bit of a game to see what has changed over the winter. Little does. Downtown is a mishmash running back a bit over 100 years. It always seem like the people are fighting entropy a bit, with buildings needing up keep more and more, then getting painted and spruced up a bit. The old hotel in town, on the Historic Registry, is finally getting revamped this year. It is a multi year project. Actually some commercial building east of town, which indicates the economy finally picked up first really since Obama was elected and trashed the economy. One of the big things we noticed this year was the motel downtown had new roof and siding. Major expense. Talked to the couple last night that had owned it, at their restaurant, and they told us that they had sold it.

This town, this county, seem ageless at times. Then I look at the country and see the upheaval. Indtapundit comment yesterday questioning whether the Dems today at the national level are to the left of the ChiComs. We now, apparently, have too many genders now to count. White people here (esp in this county - except we have the corner of a reservation) are implicitly now racist for having built this country, and we are, somehow, supposed to feel guilty about that. And Anti First Amendment (Antifa) thugs are running around wearing masks, and terrorizing any one who disagrees, as haters, despite, of course, being almost as lily white as this county is. Police look the other way in these left wing Meccas, as the human excrement piles up, along with the used needles. We now have three justices systems: us normals, illegal aliens, and the rich and powerful, including the top of the federal govt, like Comey, McCabe, Strzok, etc.

It is almost like we are lost in time, on rare occasions coming out into the real world, seeing how it has changed, then going back for awhile. Reminded me a bit of Brigadoon.

Bruce Hayden said...

“I think the Bene Gesserit were on to something with their Gom Jabbar - quite a number on the Left are without Humanity. No better than feral animals.”

When I read that, I wondered how many here understood the reference. Probably a lot higher percentage than in the rest of the country. But it is interesting how references like these from fiction enter the common vernacular. These were, of course, from Frank Herbert’s Dune series. Also see relatively frequent references here from Tolkien.

Paco Wové said...

"the gender fluidity case up before the Supreme Court"


Re: Dorian. It's dropped a little in intensity, but having that thing sit on top of you for hours is probably just as bad.

Kevin said...

The tolerance and diversity crowd is at it again:

“We’re covered in black so when we attack these guys we can’t be prosecuted,” said Jon Crowley, an Antifa member who told the Herald that he felt violence was the only way to deal with the people marching in the parade, which went from Copley Square to City Hall Plaza. “They are fascists, 100%. How else are you going to get them to shut up?”

Rosa Marie Yoder said...

PBS' new offering on Masterpiece intrigued me - Mrs. Wilson. Apparently it's based on a true story. The British never fail to provide good story lines and good acting.

Of course, I fell asleep during Part 3 since it was well past my bedtime. Glad I recorded it and will watch sometime today.

Michael K said...

Dozens of people who could be preparing for the hurricane instead must participate in trumps pr stunt so we can all see that “The President” is fully in charge. Sad

God what a creep you are ! I thought you were just a lefty true believer but this is sick.

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