Drudge has a link to a puff piece about Paltrow “plotting” against Weinstein since 2003. What it really shows is that Paltrow *knew* in 2003, and said nothing, and was part of the conspiracy of silence that allowed Weinstein to operate.
Where are the Epstein stories? Lots of people knew, and let him get on with it.
Three New 2020 Polls Show Joe Bide-a-Wee in Second Place
https://www.theepochtimes.com/three-new-2020-polls-show-joe-biden-in-second-place_3074438.html Despite the ongoing best efforts by our fake national news media to cover for his increasingly obvious loss of his faculties, the nation’s Unfrozen Caveman Senator continues his slow fade in the polling data.
Could That Lying Sack-o'-gawea be the Favorite in the Democrat Race?
"I thought I could produce a shift…of 2 or 3%…the shift I got was 48%.
"@DrREpstein explains the massive power that #BigTech companies like #Google can have on shifting public opinion—including #ElectionResults—on American Thought Leaders Watch:
City Journal The Cost of Bad Intentions Progressive policies threaten a new era of urban dysfunction.
"Urban America began falling apart in the 1960s, with skyrocketing crime and worsening disorder. Vagrants and drug dealers colonized streets, parks, and other public spaces. Many once-vibrant city neighborhoods collapsed. The crisis had many causes, including the flight of industrial jobs from northern and midwestern cities. But profound changes in attitudes and government social policy played major roles, too. Crucial adjustments to welfare programs, spurred by liberal policymakers’ belief that the poor were victims of an unjust system, discouraged work and undermined families. The 1960s cultural revolution, which endorsed experimentation with drugs, brought more addiction—and more drug-fueled crime. And as the crisis intensified, policymakers lowered penalties for many crimes, seeing lawbreakers, too, as victims of society, so crime got worse still. Though such policies, championed nationally by President Lyndon B. Johnson and locally by mayors like New York’s John Lindsay, were well-intentioned, they helped produce an urban netherworld.
As City Journal readers know well, cities woke up from this nightmare in the 1990s, with smarter and more aggressive policing, tougher criminal sanctions, greater focus on quality-of-life concerns, welfare reform, and other policy changes. Crime plummeted in many cities, and many city economies surged. Some cities, including New York, became models of urban flourishing.
Yet, tragically—and bewilderingly, given such improvements—a new generation of progressive urban politicians seem intent on returning to some of the policies that cost cities so dearly decades ago. They’re pulling back on enforcement of quality-of-life infractions, ceding public space again to the homeless and drug users, undermining public school discipline, and releasing violent criminals back into communities or refusing to prosecute them in the first place. And lo and behold, crime is starting to rise, and the streets of otherwise successful cities like San Francisco, Seattle, and even parts of New York are filling up with human excrement, drug paraphernalia, and illness-wracked homeless encampments. Residents are growing fearful.
Today’s progressives don’t have the excuse of naiveté, as did their predecessors. In fact, arising as part of the resistance to President Donald Trump, they want to overturn the laws and values that support the nation’s bourgeois, strive-and-thrive culture. If their agenda makes middle-class Seattle homeowners, or businesspeople in San Francisco, or downtown merchants in Chicago uncomfortable—too bad..."
‘F’ train earns name with dozens of feces complaints this year September 10, 2019
It’s called the “F” train for a reason.
"The Brooklyn-Queens line is among the filthiest in the subway system, tallying over 120 dirty-car complaints so far this year — including dozens for fecal matter, according to MTA documents obtained by The Post.
With complaints of gross subway cars surging citywide this year, the reports show the F is among the most offensive offenders..."
'...“The usual homeless male in a wheelchair defecated in three cars,” reads another report from the month, one of several that make reference to a loose-boweled straphanger in a wheelchair.'
"...“Sick male homeless person covered in bugs,” was the complaint in one April report.
“...The customer is vandalizing the car, throwing food and debris all over the seats, walls and the floor,” reads another from January..."
Bolton's terse resignation letter looks like the kind that you write when told to. If he were resigning immediately based on a policy difference he would have said so. He was fired.
This week I ordered my first stuff ever through the Althouse portal. In general I dislike Amazon and would prefer to shop locally -- but there are some things you can't find in Madison. I only spent about $50 though. Enjoy the half-cup of coffee that might buy you, Prof. Althouse! :)
Now, there will be more questions about communications between Wilbur Ross and his political staff at the Department of Commerce, and NOAA, and the NWS. House Oversight will want every email, the record(s) of every call, all of the data, etc., etc., etc.
Will anyone on earth feel safer knowing that Felicity Huffman is behind bars and not out on the streets bludgeoning admission officials with her checkbook? Let the punishment fit the crime. Call me a bleeding heart liberal but I'd opt for a heavy fine or maybe community service cleaning up the bathrooms in the women's shelters.....I read a recent New Yorker article about how some kids and their families are destroyed by college debt. The article mentioned how fast college tuition has risen compared to the cost of living, but it doesn't examine how this happened. Does it have something to do with all these new administrators and safe space counsellors? Do college profs make more nowadays than in former times? How many multiples of a maintenance workers salary does a college prez make today compared to former times. Before we start further subsiding or forgiving student debt shouldn't we gain an understanding of why tuition fees have risen so spectacularly?
I have lived in the same Seattle neighborhood most of my life. I truly believe that there is more wildlife in the neighborhood today, then when I was a kid. Coyotes, possum, raccoons, eagles, osprey, falcons....and recently rabbits. I never saw rabbits as a kid, and I lived near a golf course. The rabbits may explain much of the former.
It appears that raptors don't eat rabbit flesh. They gut the organs, and leave the rest. Ants love eyes.
A turkey walks into a bar, takes a seat on an ottoman and lays down down a $20 bill and orders a beer. The bartender figures the turkey doesn't know how much a beer costs so he gives the turkey one dollar in change.
(Stop me if you're heard this one!)
As the turkey is drinking his beer the bartender mentions, "You know, we don't get very many turkeys in here," and the turkey says "Well, at these prices, no wonder."
It appears that our dem/lefty/LLR's are going to continue trying to "make sharpiegate happen" in order to do to Trump what they did to GW Bush with the plastic turkey.
Do you know that to this day the vast majority of democrats and LLR's STILL think that Bush served a plastic turkey?
And that Bush allowed 9-11 to happen on purpose.
Once you go down lunatic lefty conspiracy road there is no coming back!!
"I have lived in the same Seattle neighborhood most of my life. I truly believe that there is more wildlife in the neighborhood today, then when I was a kid"
My son saw a coyote on 19th in broad daylight the other day. Of course, he also saw a ninja throwing body parts into the water down by the drawbridge. Crazy kids.
Of course, with the lightening fast collapse of 2 more democrat/LLR hoax scandals in just the last week (russian investors in Trump properties & the hilariously fast debunking of the Trump endangered a western asset in Moscow lie) it is looking as though sharpiegate, like pecan pie-gate and Titleist-gate and 2-scoops-gate and Collusion-gate and hoax dossier-gate and fish feeding-gate, will be what our lefties and LLR-lefties hitch their wagon to...with the same inevitable results.
By the way, obama hyper-hack Jim Scuitto of the LLR-beloved CNN democrat network, right after the NYT AND WP debunked his hilariously false story of the super secret russian spy being put in danger by Trump (he's not as he is living openly in the Wash DC area under his own name!!), now claims that the NYT and WP debunking of his lies actually CONFIRMS his spy lies!!
A true virtuoso far lefty hack performance worthy of Reid Hoffman LLR's everywhere!!
On top of all the left/LLR-left corruption being exposed daily its no wonder sharpiegate is being clung to so desperately by the dems/LLR-dems.
narciso: "Speaking of which, guess who else was working with epstein on joint ventures, if you say reid hoffman you win the case of ricearoni"
Fake RolCon "conservatives" posing as conservatives on popular blogsites and then advancing democrat narratives while defending all leftists and undermining true conservative policies is something the dem/left/LLR-left have been working on for quite some time.
I wouldn't be surprised if Althouseblog has her own share of these RolCon hacks.
This afternoon President Donald trump delivers remarks at the 2019 National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Conference at the Renaissance Washington, D.C. Downtown Hotel. Anticipated start time is 2:15pm
Bastards: An attorney for Michael Flynn said in federal court Tuesday she may seek a dismissal of charges against the former national security adviser, citing “egregious conduct and suppression” of exculpatory information in the case. Prosecutors handling the case had a surprise of their own, telling Judge Emmet Sullivan that they are now reserving the option of recommending jail time for Flynn, instead of just probation. Prosecutors with the special counsel’s team last year recommended that Flynn receive probation without jail time because of his substantial cooperation in several investigations.
Hasbro wants to take the conversation over the gender pay gap out of the board room and into the living room with its new Ms. Monopoly game, launching this month. Dubbed “the first game where women make more than men,” the updated version of the classic board-game introduces new women-centric elements, starting with its titular character. Ms. Monopoly is the niece of the elder Mr. Monopoly and a “self-made investment guru,” according to the product listing on Walmart.com.
(We bought the Socialist Monopoly game.)
Ranking member of the House Oversight Committee Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) is demanding answers over Democrats' mysterious trips to Mexico, including details into the alleged "coaching" of migrants to exploit United States immigration law, a letter from the Republican exclusively obtained by Fox News says....
Herat/Baghlan Afgahanistan - Taliban leader Mullah Idress and 36 other members of the terrorist outfit were killed in Baghlan and Herat region of war-torn Afghanistan on Tuesday. Idris along with six of his fellow terrorists was killed in an airstrike in Herat, Tolo News reported, citing the regional police chief Gen. Aminullah Amarkhil. (Snip) This comes after Trump had called off the peace negotiations with the Taliban and cancelled a "secret meeting" with the group's representatives at Camp David in the wake of the Kabul terror attack, which claimed 12 lives, including an American soldier....
“Epstein Did Not Die in His Prison Cell: FEDS (???)”
Read that today. Hard to believe. The allegation is that Epstein was taken out of his prison cell and taken somewhere else I the MCC, then returned in a wheel chair awhile later. Then 911 was called several hours later. We will see if anything comes of this.
My son saw a coyote on 19th in broad daylight the other day. Of course, he also saw a ninja throwing body parts into the water down by the drawbridge. Crazy kids.
Bruce, isn't it amazing how just weeks ago the Legacy media and LLR-left media organs were full of stories of how it was Trump that was involved with Epstein and then, all of sudden, those stories (obvious and transparent lies intended to deflect from the culpability of democrats) dried up without so much as a whimper.....and then out of the blue the completely made up sharpiegate lies popped in!!!
I guess we can all see what is going on with that one, can't we?
Reading Epstein stories, keep in mind he did his will two days prior. He stopped showering and shaving. He seemed depressed.
“Epstein Did Not Die in His Prison Cell: FEDS (???)”
Read that today. Hard to believe. The allegation is that Epstein was taken out of his prison cell and taken somewhere else I the MCC, then returned in a wheel chair awhile later. Then 911 was called several hours later. We will see if anything comes of this.
Well, whaddya know? The DOJ "can't find" the original Flynn 302's after Flynn attorney Powell made note of the many discrepancies between the FBI's different "notes" created on different dates related to the Flynn "interview" by lefty and LLR fav Peter Strzok.
More importantly, Powell, who most certainly has the "number" of complete corrupt hack Weinstein (a huge far far far left Lawfareblog favorite) who has a long history of holding back exculpatory material in federal cases and has even been sanctioned by the courts for that very behavior, has identified other issues with the case.
Worse still, there appears to be a January 2017 DOJ/FBI memo which completely exonerates Flynn from any fake russian collusion accusations that was WITHHELD by Weinstein from Flynn's counsel. A perfect Brady rule violation for Weinstein....again!
And that was the guy who was really running the "Mueller" investigation because Mueller was too busy trying to figure out how to use a spoon to eat his pudding.
“Bastards: An attorney for Michael Flynn said in federal court Tuesday she may seek a dismissal of charges against the former national security adviser, citing “egregious conduct and suppression” of exculpatory information in the case. Prosecutors handling the case had a surprise of their own, telling Judge Emmet Sullivan that they are now reserving the option of recommending jail time for Flynn, instead of just probation. Prosecutors with the special counsel’s team last year recommended that Flynn receive probation without jail time because of his substantial cooperation in several investigations.”
No one should be surprised at this. It is one of the few things that the Prosecution could do here (besides provide all the Brady information requested by the Defense). But I don’t think that Judge Sullivan appears to be the type of judge to go along with that. He is already suspicious about how the Prosecution got Flynn to plead guilty in the first place, apparently by threatening his son, who had a newborn baby, with prosecution. And having them pull that in response to a motion to show cause why they shouldn't be found in contempt for failing to comply with his standing Brady order is probably not going to sit well with him.
Herat/Baghlan Afgahanistan - Taliban leader Mullah Idress and 36 other members of the terrorist outfit were killed in Baghlan and Herat region of war-torn Afghanistan on Tuesday. Idris along with six of his fellow terrorists was killed in an airstrike in Herat, Tolo News reported, citing the regional police chief Gen. Aminullah Amarkhil. (Snip) This comes after Trump had called off the peace negotiations with the Taliban and cancelled a "secret meeting" with the group's representatives at Camp David in the wake of the Kabul terror attack, which claimed 12 lives, including an American soldier....
if Jeffrey Epstein was trafficking underage girls for sex to blackmail powerful and influential people for government intelligence agencies, does that means this was a taxpayer-funded elite pedophile ring??
were/are? we paying for all this shit in some way?
“Well, whaddya know? The DOJ "can't find" the original Flynn 302's after Flynn attorney Powell made note of the many discrepancies between the FBI's different "notes" created on different dates related to the Flynn "interview" by lefty and LLR fav Peter Strzok.”
Well, that is going to be a problem for the prosecution. Maybe a big problem. FBI rules apparently require that 302s be placed in their automated system within maybe 48 hours. Sure looks suspicious, esp with the Strzok/Page text messages strongly suggesting that DDir McCade approved the 302s. Deputy Directors don’t normally approve 302s. Esp DDirs who set up perjury traps of the NSA in the White House (and then personally approved the 302s memorializing the conversation used as the basis for that perjury trap.
I spoke incorrectly about the admissibility of 302s. If they are written while the conversation is fresh in the minds of the agents, they can typically read them into the record as an exception to hearsay, but the 302s are not admissible, per se, as evidence. Which is why the FBI requires that 302s be filed promptly - the delay in filing here, the discrepancies, and the high level approval essentially negate this hearsay exception. This means that the agents would have to testify personally about their conversation with Flynn, without the 302s in front of them. And would be subject to full cross examination and impeachment, which should be quite interesting esp in the case of Peter Strzok. And, of course, no testimony about the conversation, and no 302s read into the record, means no case for Flynn lying to the FBI agents.
So was Donald Trump right about corruption in Puerto Rico’s use of relief funds? Kinda. The FBI arrested one of the top administrators of FEMA and the CEO of a contractor on wire fraud and bribery charges, along with a lower-level FEMA official today for fraud and bribery involving Hurricane Maria relief. The contractor got a $1.8 billion contract for rebuilding Puerto Rico’s notoriously unreliable electrical infrastructure, which the Department of Justice says came by way of bribery (via Twitchy):
Which is why Libertarians suck at foreign relations. He reveals his distrust of Trump to stay out of war. Libertarians were taken over by pacifists some time ago and their default is always No War, No Time. They don’t have the nous to realize that HOW you conduct a war is more important than the question of whether or not to go to war.
E. Donald Elliott (Yale; Former EPA Assistant Administrator and General Counsel (1989-91), EPA Has Existing Authority to Impose a Carbon 'Tax':
A number of bills have been introduced in recent years to put a price on carbon via a federal carbon tax. These proposals generally proceed from the implicit assumption that the federal government in general, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in particular, does not already have such authority. That is incorrect. Under a federal statute that has been on the books since 1952, EPA could impose a carbon “tax” any time an Administration in power was willing to do so. That is because a charge for using the public’s air to dispose of carbon dioxide and other wastes is not technically a “tax,” but rather a “user fee.” The confusion stems from a 1990 legal opinion written by the author when he was EPA General Counsel, which ironically was intended to increase EPA’s use of tradeable permits and other economic incentives to regulate pollution. It is time to set the record straight that EPA does have existing authority to impose a reasonable user fee on releases of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases (GHGs), as well as other pollutants, any time that it has the political will to do so. ...
I can tell you fun facts about Looney Tunes, but sports, I'm *right* out.
It took several other people posting before I figured out that "Yelich" is a person, and not Althouse inventing some kind of curse word about fracturing *her* kneecap.
What would Trumpkins be saying about Biden, if Biden had Sharpied a weather map, said “I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know” when asked about it, and then gurgled up a noise like that, all in the space of a week?
One of the not paradigms, ... what am I thnki.. Paradoxes of Althouse is the men who complain about women and the 19th and emotions and then flip out. I've done it.
Our man RHard really is one of the few saying the opposite of most of the literature out there today re; fems. Especially structurally. I can't believe there isn't money being put up for my old pal RH and I and even money for writers like Laslo to own these fascists.
I've said, because I've noticed, for decades, and I ain't that fucking old, Jeepers Creepers, all the money comes from the progs.
Early 20th Century "projects" ---not to be confused with growing up in the "projects"--- which is a novel in itself if anybody wants to write it with me, were funded by proggies for proggies but it, yes indeed, involved a lot of men working.
We all know how that worked out, just look at America vs. any other country: we could have done better against them because we are all Americans and Donald Trump is not and he is horrible and bad@@@@
"What is wrong with Trump’s basic functionality with his speech in this video?"
Isn't it interesting that at the very moment even all the democrats are making note of Biden's fundamental incoherence and astonishing inability to articulate anything meaningful and questions about Biden's mental capacity are being raised even by his friends, certain people from certain quarters decide now is the time to launch another smear campaign against the indefatigable and powerful speaker Trump?
Isn't that funny how that works.
It's almost as if some folks sit around all day and think up ways to transfer the negatives of the dems onto republicans.
It seems like it was only yesterday when some lefty poster on Althouseblog, I can't remember precisely which one, actually asserted, and I'm not kidding here, that William F Buckley had to force KKK members out of the republican party decades ago!!
Seriously! This poster literally asserted that there was such a significant KKK presence in the republican party that Buckley had to take action!!
You will notice that this ridiculous assertion is part of the far left/dem plan to transfer the historic guilt of the democrats onto the republicans.
Naturally, once called on this astonishing ahistorical and laughable assertion, lefty poster in question wisely decided to let it go and not continue with the charade.
"Our man RHard really is one of the few saying the opposite of most of the literature out there today re; fems. Especially structurally. I can't believe there isn't money being put up for my old pal RH and I and even money for writers like Laslo to own these fascists."
It is fascinating to contemplate from their (satanic) perspective: We got 'em youngly indoctrinated for DECADES AND DECADES AND DECADES.
But, but, but we still haven't won...
They have to consider why not, especially knowing God's chosen will win.
Imagine a resident of Chicago feeling "If only we elect a prog nationally for potUS, my life will be great." It is not a joke, the sadness overwhelms. The reason for the hope is ugly greed and hate and murder. Chicago politicians have supported and been supported by the mafia and gangs and anybody willing to murder enough people to get a name for itself for centuries.
Don't anybody blame anything on any demographic it is filth-dirt. Next to Heaven on Earth Wisconsin. And yes I capitolize Earth.
“Recollection recorded” — remember that one? That was the tell.
In June 2017, when the existence of former director Comey’s memos first emerged, he was asked why he’d made them. He explained, “I understood this to be my recollection recorded of my conversation with the president” (emphasis added). I observed at the time that, as an old prosecutor, that got my antennae pinging. To non-attorneys, this was just gobbledygook. But as any trial lawyer can tell you, “recollection recorded” is not an idle phrase. It is a term of art in the Federal Rules of Evidence (specifically, Rule 803(5), “Recorded Recollection”).
Most out-of-court statements (e.g., a news story about an event) are inadmissible as hearsay. But under some circumstances, “recollection recorded” is an exception to the hearsay rule. To qualify, the recollection must be recorded (such as in a memo) at the time an incident was fresh in the witness’s memory, so that it accurately reflects the witness’s knowledge. That’s why — if you’re not only an FBI official but a seasoned trial lawyer, such as Jim Comey — you’d want to write it down contemporaneously or immediately after the relevant event. Perhaps in a car speeding to a meeting with fellow investigators to report back to them about the investigation you’ve just done, despite telling your prime suspect, the incoming president, that you are not investigating him.
Here is FRE 803(5) Rule 803. Exceptions to the Rule Against Hearsay The following are not excluded by the rule against hearsay, regardless of whether the declarant is available as a witness: ... (5) Recorded Recollection. A record that: (A) is on a matter the witness once knew about but now cannot recall well enough to testify fully and accurately; (B) was made or adopted by the witness when the matter was fresh in the witness’s memory; and (C) accurately reflects the witness’s knowledge. If admitted, the record may be read into evidence but may be received as an exhibit only if offered by an adverse party.
Trump was correct in outlining areas that could potentially be impacted by Dorian based on the National Hurricane Center maps of Southeast on both Aug 29 and Sep 2, which everyone can view for themselves on the twitter feed from the NHC for Sep 2 at 5am.
Of course, at this very moment, Biden has no idea where he is, how many of his hairplugs he is supposed to massage, whether or not the young girl in front of him is asking to be fondled or not, where the nearest female Secret Service agent might be for him to undress in front of, and whether or not the word "JOBS" has 3 letters or 4! Because, you know, knowing the number of letters in a 4 letter word might just be a "big f***ing deal" to some voters.
Also, he is going to ban guns, red meat, energy production and basically anything else is advisors program into him in the next 15 minutes.
Hey, wasn't there an Althouseblog poster who actually tried, and laughably so, making the case that Joe Biden was somehow more physically capable than DJT?
I can't wait for Biden to collapse from "dehydration" and get tossed like a sack of potatoes into a van like Bill Kristol's/George Will's/Max Boot's/David French's/Bret Stephens heroine Hillary!
And yet this drooling stumblebum was vice president for eight years where he offered health advice (dont travel) firearms etiquette (fire a shotgun blindly through the front door)
I noticed the same headline and had the exact same question- if she knew in 2003, why the fuck did she sit on it? Yes, it looks like she was just another enabler.
I'm feeling a Bulwark-ian special column by Iran supported-Qatar-owned Rick Wilson: "The Conservative Case Why Conserving Conservatism Is Not Really Conservative At All And Conservatism Should Be Tossed Into The Ash-heap Of History Because My Current Salary Depends Upon It"
That would be jim swift or jonathan last (i didnt know the first guy from adam) of course doha is the club house for not only taliban but hamas boko haram nusra front etc, accordimg to one set of cables they did dry runs before 9/11 even provided safe houses for zarquawi.
Perhaps you can write a letter to Nadler and ask him to subpoena the office supply staff of the White House. Surely there are records detailing who did and did not get a Sharpie™ Marker around the dates in question.
I think you got Trump now since literally no one ever suggested that Alabama might get hit by Dorian or its remnants at any time. I mean, I Googled it and I found only a dozen such instances where it was suggested, and that is as close to zero as is possible these days.
How about a lot of love for the Justice topic where the fella said: Hey lotta mediacrities, how 'bout a Justice to represent them!
This is the essence of democracy that, decades and decades, and even more decades, having passed prove now more than ever, as facts state reliably evidence keeps rolling along our way with the Trump train,
Holly shit are thise D's desparate.
Holly shite.
I almost can't even belieive it.
BUt I believe Trump's internal pollings. He's got, like me, trillions of reasons in his gut why he is right and you are wrong. Trillions.
For goodness sake, can some lefty/LLR-lefty write up a cue card with the name of the "last President" so that Biden will know who it was?
While we are on the subject of George Will's favorite democrat candidates, how much do you think the Li'l tomahawk campaign is offering the Cherokee Nation to make Lieawatha an honorary member?
This just in: Candidate Buttigieg says Jesus is totally cool with abortion at any time for any reason, even after birth! He's a regular Apostle that guy is.....
Yancey Ward: "Chuck truly is the Self-Dunking Clown."
Someone should map out his decline over the years from dem/lefty "optimist" in 2017 (Trump is going down!! Mueller!! Collusion!! Pee Tapes!! SDNY!! Cohen!!) to today (sharpies!! bolton!! 2 scoops of ice cream!! Biden is a physical specimen the likes of which we have never before seen!!)
According to a new report on patients in Illinois and Wisconsin who experienced severe respiratory illnesses after vaping, 83 percent admitted using black-market cannabis products. While 17 percent said they had used nicotine only, some of them may have been reluctant to admit using illegal drugs, and it's not clear that any of them were using standard e-cigarettes.
These findings cast further doubt on the wisdom of general warnings about "vaping" and "e-cigarettes," which imply that legal nicotine products are implicated in these cases. Such warnings may encourage former smokers who are now vaping to start smoking again, a decision that exposes them to much greater health risks.
Don't tell the anti-smoking crowd who continue to suck public funds for profit by treating JUUL as dangerous, when vapes are the only sure way, short of "cold turkey," to eliminate cigarette smoking with no risk.
Meanwhile the FDA continues to permit the use of Chantix after reports by independent researchers that there were more reports of deaths and violence from taking Chantix than any other drug. Chantix and Zyban are anti-depressants used to nullify the effects of nicotine but these drugs caused users to begin experiencing changes in behavior, depressed mood, and suicidal thoughts shortly after starting the medication.
There were about 80,000 more votes in 2018 than tonight in that district, and 120,000 more in 2016. I suspect when this race is run again in 2020, Bishop wins by more than 12 points. Just saying, having Trump at the top of the ticket will make this seat safe in 2020, and will undermine a lot of the Democrats who barely won to flip seats in 2018. This always happens with off year and special elections- it is harder for the party holding the White House to get out the base, but that changes when it is a presidential year.
Sorry am sorry: I care about the enviren of the graceousness host-wise:
Cargo Cult Science by RICHARD P. FEYNMAN
Some remarks on science, pseudoscience, and learning how to not fool yourself. Caltech’s 1974 commencement address.
During the Middle Ages there were all kinds of crazy ideas, such as that a piece of rhinoceros horn would increase potency. (Another crazy idea of the Middle Ages is these hats we have on today—which is too loose in my case.) Then a method was discovered for separating the ideas—which was to try one to see if it worked, and if it didn’t work, to eliminate it. This method became organized, of course, into science. And it developed very well, so that we are now in the scientific age. It is such a scientific age, in fact, that we have difficulty in understanding how witch doctors could ever have existed, when nothing that they proposed ever really worked—or very little of it did.
But even today I meet lots of people who sooner or later get me into a conversation about UFO’s, or astrology, or some form of mysticism, expanded consciousness, new types of awareness, ESP, and so forth. And I’ve concluded that it’s not a scientific world.
Most people believe so many wonderful things that I decided to investigate why they did. And what has been referred to as my curiosity for investigation has landed me in a difficulty where I found so much junk to talk about that I can’t do it in this talk. I’m overwhelmed. First I started out by investigating various ideas of mysticism, and mystic experiences. I went into isolation tanks (they’re dark and quiet and you float in Epsom salts) and got many hours of hallucinations, so I know something about that. Then I went to Esalen, which is a hotbed of this kind of thought (it’s a wonderful place; you should go visit there). Then I became overwhelmed. I didn’t realize how much there was.
I was sitting, for example, in a hot bath and there’s another guy and a girl in the bath. He says to the girl, “I’m learning massage and I wonder if I could practice on you?” She says OK, so she gets up on a table and he starts off on her foot—working on her big toe and pushing it around. Then he turns to what is apparently his instructor, and says, “I feel a kind of dent. Is that the pituitary?” And she says, “No, that’s not the way it feels.” I say, “You’re a hell of a long way from the pituitary, man.” And they both looked at me—I had blown my cover, you see—and she said, “It’s reflexology.” So I closed my eyes and appeared to be meditating.
That’s just an example of the kind of things that overwhelm me. I also looked into extrasensory perception and PSI phenomena, and the latest craze there was Uri Geller, a man who is supposed to be able to bend keys by rubbing them with his finger. So I went to his hotel room, on his invitation, to see a demonstration of both mind reading and bending keys. He didn’t do any mind reading that succeeded; nobody can read my mind, I guess. And my boy held a key and Geller rubbed it, and nothing happened. Then he told us it works better under water, and so you can picture all of us standing in the bathroom with the water turned on and the key under it, and him rubbing the key with his finger. Nothing happened. So I was unable to investigate that phenomenon.
But then I began to think, what else is there that we believe? (And I thought then about the witch doctors, and how easy it would have been to check on them by noticing that nothing really worked.) So I found things that even more people believe, such as that we have some knowledge of how to educate. There are big schools of reading methods and mathematics methods, and so forth, but if you notice, you’ll see the reading scores keep going down—or hardly going up—in spite of the fact that we continually use these same people to improve the methods. There’s a witch doctor remedy that doesn’t work. It ought to be looked into: how do they know that their method should work? Another example is how to treat criminals. We obviously have made no progress—lots of theory, but no progress—in decreasing the amount of crime by the method that we use to handle criminals.
Yet these things are said to be scientific. We study them. And I think ordinary people with commonsense ideas are intimidated by this pseudoscience. A teacher who has some good idea of how to teach her children to read is forced by the school system to do it some other way—or is even fooled by the school system into thinking that her method is not necessarily a good one. Or a parent of bad boys, after disciplining them in one way or another, feels guilty for the rest of her life because she didn’t do “the right thing,” according to the experts.
So we really ought to look into theories that don’t work, and science that isn’t science.
I tried to find a principle for discovering more of these kinds of things, and came up with the following system. Any time you find yourself in a conversation at a cocktail party—in which you do not feel uncomfortable that the hostess might come around and say, “Why are you fellows talking shop?’’ or that your wife will come around and say, “Why are you flirting again?”—then you can be sure you are talking about something about which nobody knows anything.
Using this method, I discovered a few more topics that I had forgotten—among them the efficacy of various forms of psychotherapy. So I began to investigate through the library, and so on, and I have so much to tell you that I can’t do it at all. I will have to limit myself to just a few little things. I’ll concentrate on the things more people believe in. Maybe I will give a series of speeches next year on all these subjects. It will take a long time.
"Then he told us it works better under water, and so you can picture all of us standing in the bathroom with the water turned on and the key under it, and him rubbing the key with his finger. Nothing happened. So I was unable to investigate that phenomenon."
And now than God's belief in man has created America, would ../ oh no it didn't;
But here we are knowing it did.
We exist wasn't supposed to be some endpoint. It is the start. To you and eye.
Honoring God is the endpoint although an inapt term to living and loving life.
From the greatest of the great (helluva lot better than you) files again, and only, Buckley walks stalkingly.
hauteur: (noun) An assumption of superiority, an arrogant or condescending manner. Very soon after, we were back in Connecticut, and I strained to speak like Mortimer Snerd, so as to disguise from my friends the ignominy of my foreighn experiences. The fashion is to comment on the hauteur of my diction.
Hey I was this close to giving Buckley all the credit, but if buddies of good guys like our friends Bruce think it's okay then okay, I ought just been hapgt\ geetting fuckgs.
From an NYT article about yesterday's special Congressional election in North Carolina:
"Mr. Bishop defeated Dan McCready, a moderate Democrat, one day after Mr. Trump made a full-throated plea for support for the Republican at a rally on the conservative end of a Charlotte-to-Fayetteville district, which the president carried by nearly 12 points in 2016.
With most votes counted on Tuesday night, Mr. Bishop was ahead by about two percentage points, according to the Associated Press."
Ah, yes, the elusive "moderate Democrat," nearly as common as the spotted zebra or the unicorn.
Herat/Baghlan Afgahanistan - Taliban leader Mullah Idress and 36 other members of the terrorist outfit were killed in Baghlan and Herat region of war-torn Afghanistan on Tuesday...
As General Patton said, you don't win a war by dying for your country, you win a war by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his. More, please!
Although to be honest, trying to "win" a war in Afghanistan is a fool's errand. You would need to nearly depopulate the place to do so. This was why nation-building in places like Iraq and Afghanistan were doomed to failure. In order to change the behavior of a nation, like we did with Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, you have to defeat it so thoroughly that the people are living in rubble, and the former politics and way of life are disavowed by the defeated people. We didn't have problems with postwar Germany or Japan because the destruction was so widespread and the people had to devote all of their energy to just staying alive in the aftermath. We, of course, were not willing to unleash that level of destruction on Iraq or Afghanistan, fighting surgical strike wars, and as a results, your average Mohammed didn't feel defeated like your average Fritz or Hiro did after World War II. And then we learned that, no, there really wasn't a tolerant, pluralist American just waiting to break out from inside every Middle Easterner. Trying to remake them in our own image was doomed to fail. All people are not alike, and culture matters. In the future, we should avoid nation-building, and if someone messes with us again like another 9/11 that happened 18 years ago, we should unleash destruction on them, but not bother with boots on the ground, and just let them clean up their own mess. Lather, rinse, repeat.
With most votes counted on Tuesday night, Mr. Bishop was ahead by about two percentage points, according to the Associated Press."
It looks like Bishop's victory is larger than the margin of fraud, at least fraud in NC Bishop won by promising that he would be "in lock step with President Trump"
I think we can ALL AGREE that this show the failure of Trump? He will HAVE to step down now! Oh, Wait a minute; Bishop WON, promising that he would be in lock step with President Trump? But CNN said! they said!! They DID!!!
"...and if someone messes with us again like another 9/11 that happened 18 years ago, we should unleash destruction on them, but not bother with boots on the ground, and just let them clean up their own mess. Lather, rinse, repeat."
Of course, Afghanistan didn't "mess with us." It was a band of mostly Saudis, and the plot was put together in various places in the world. The flyers obtained their flight training here in the US. The Taliban had zilch to do with it.
And, also of course, Iraq was even further removed from any complicity in 9/11.
We just used the 9/11 attacks to justify our own geopolitical desires, in the doing of which we have killed, injured, rendered homeless, and brought misery to vastly more people than were murdered in the USA. And we are still doing so 18 years later.
Drago said... "...if Biden had Sharpied a weather map..."
Trump was correct in outlining areas that could potentially be impacted by Dorian based on the National Hurricane Center maps of Southeast on both Aug 29 and Sep 2, which everyone can view for themselves on the twitter feed from the NHC for Sep 2 at 5am.
In TrumpWorld, it seems that the story is all about some scientists at NOAA being in opposition to some other scientists at NWS Birmingham.
Where are the scientists who say that Trump was right to scare the wrongly scare the people in Alabama about effects of Dorian "harder than anticipated"? Where are the scientists (in NOAA?) who say that the Birmingham NWS scientists were wrong?
Again; there may be answers to these questions but it appears that the White House will not help answering them.
mccullough said... "Very tough that Yelich was injured. Another MVP-level season for him and the Brewers only a few back for a wildcard with three weeks left.
Great competitor"
The way the ball bounces sure can be cruel. Baseball can kneecap you both literally and figuratively.
Turkeys are a common sight in my new-to-me neck of the woods. Last Fall, large flocks of them would traverse the wooded back yard. This Summer, I often stop the car to let a hen with babies safely cross the country road. We've observed, too, that they seem to be communal animals. There are three hens with about twenty young ones that visit regularly so they must have nests nearby, possibly in the meadow next door. They are pretty animals but still a joy to watch. (My two Labs don't seem bothered by them at all, and vice versa.)
Do you know they knew what bin Laden was plotting? Give that the planning and training took place in many different places, I’d guess they did not. We certainly didn’t wait to discover the Taliban’s knowledge before invading their country, which was sold as merely a means to capture bin Laden. He escaped, so we had no further purpose to remain.
When the prorogation of Parliament business began, I assumed that Mr Johnson and his people had a plan: am beginning to wonder how thorough the plan is, how many contingent developments were taken into consideration. Lots of sound and fury, perhaps (the Johnson people assure us that the UK Supreme Court will vindicate the prorogation's legality).
Reid Hoffman "republican" (He Who Shall Not Be Named): "In TrumpWorld, it seems that the story is all about some scientists at NOAA being in opposition to some other scientists at NWS Birmingham."
The documented and widely distributed National Hurricane Projections which clearly show potential impacts to Alabama on both Aug 29 and Sep 2 are disputable.
They exist.
Anyone who desperately tries to assert otherwise is simply attempting to run interference for the democrats and is likely the sort of person given to insane mutterings such as the KKK was such a large part of the republican party in the 1950's!
Anyone arguing the National Hurricane projections do not exist is just that sort of person......
"Do you know they knew what bin Laden was plotting?”
Mullah Omar told bin Laden to ratchet down the terrorism or leave as Omar was trying to improve relations, but bin Laden told Omar that he had one operation he had to complete or it would devastate his followers. Omar assented.
This is all well documented. I know you prefer to shoot from the hip because it makes it easier to summon your customary dudgeon in criticizing your own country.
Come on Cook. They were not as well organized as your favorite, the Soviet Union, but they knew what was going on in those camps. They were also given the opportunity to expel OBL and refused.
“Turkeys are a common sight in my new-to-me neck of the woods. Last Fall, large flocks of them would traverse the wooded back yard. This Summer, I often stop the car to let a hen with babies safely cross the country road. We've observed, too, that they seem to be communal animals. There are three hens with about twenty young ones that visit regularly so they must have nests nearby, possibly in the meadow next door. They are pretty animals but still a joy to watch. (My two Labs don't seem bothered by them at all, and vice versa.)”
We have turkeys in the neighborhood here. They go behind the house across the street. Probably don’t go through our property much because the vacant lots to the south and east are so densely wooded. We also have them down by the highway. Probably the same flock.
Back when my kid was young, and we were living in the mountains west of Denver, we had a flock in the neighborhood. Their numbers would fluctuate between maybe 6-8, to over 20 every year. Assume there was some predation going on. Maybe black bear. Maybe mountain lion. As you noted, the mothers with babies are fun to watch. Also, the males blowing themselves up to display their plumage.
The two species I could do with less of here are the pre-venisons and the geese. Both are traffic hazards, but we are now beyond goose pâté, and into venison time of the year. Baby venison is supposed to be more tender, and this is right after the time of year that this year’s crop of bambinos learned that asphalt is slippery. They really haven’t learned that they have to be careful of cars and esp trucks. We do have bear coming through the neighborhood on a routine basis, which is probably because of the deer. In the past, we always had a doe with a fawn or (usually) two sunning themselves in the front yard. They seem to have moved to the small patch of grass on the south side. The one apparently gets into staring contests with the cat in the window. Guy across the street has a buck browsing in his front yard every afternoon. I wonder whether it is because he has real grass, and we have natural grass. The buck almost looks like a lawn sculpture, until a vehicle comes along, and he majestically turns his head a bit. Maybe he picked that yard because it is probably the most ornate in the neighborhood, and he presents better there.
This is part of why we really prefer the mostly rural lifestyle. You are much more in tune with the cycle of life. And you have wildlife as a natural part of the environment. It is so quiet here at night, except when the Montana Link/BNSF trains come through, and for my partner, even they are soothing. Far better than our house in PHX, with a major road a block away, and traffic until 2-3 AM Fri and Sat nights, and starting about 6 AM weekdays. Here you hear crickets, and are woken up by birds chirping.
Ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes, R-CA, said his committee was stymied by the FBI when they attempted to retrieve McCabe’s communications.
“The House Intelligence Committee tried to get the McCabe texts in the last Congress, but we were stonewalled,” Nunes told SaraACarter.com on Monday. “This is the kind of issue that really needs more transparency. There’s been too much unnecessary secrecy surrounding the entire Russia investigation -- the American people deserve to know exactly what happened.”…
Christopher Wray may also be suffering from his own lack of candor in his reasons for hiding McCabe’s text messages. We saw a typical deep-state bob-and-weave in his reaction to Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report on the handling of Hillary Clinton’s emails
Far better than our house in PHX, with a major road a block away, and traffic until 2-3 AM Fri and Sat nights, and starting about 6 AM weekdays. Here you hear crickets, and are woken up by birds chirping.
I haven't seen turkeys in Tucson. Probably too hot. You do see them south, at higher elevation near Sonoita.
We have a covey of quail that I have watched grow up from little yellow chicks to kids the size of the parents. They live in an agave clump outside the bathroom window. That seems to protect them from the coyotes. I did see a deer in the front yard last spring. We are in the foothills above the city and have quite a bit of wildlife and very little traffic noise.
I don't know enough about dinosaurs or carbon-dating, so I'll ask here about the dinosaur > evolution > bird theory—
For reals? I'm tempted to envision really small dinosaurs hunkering down and gradually becoming … chickens?
Narr Help me out here
(Smile) Your “envisioning” is good but an insufficient start.
Here's a summary of the situation. Basicallly, one of the major lineages of dinosaurs, the theropod (a principally carnivorous) sub-group of the principal saurischian (so-called “lizard-hipped”) line of dinosaurs, evolved feathers — apparently initially for insulation (like fur for mammals) — while the other principal dino lineage, the ornithischian (“bird-hipped”) dinosaurs (ironically, given their name) did not learn how to cloak themselves in feathers (or thereafter, become birds).
Now, the enormous, gaping-mouthed, terror-ific tyrannosaurs, together with allosaurs and the like — just as a fur (or feather!) instance — were indubitably members of the theropod dinosaurs, but there were also many smaller, and even quite small, theropods as well.
A sub-group among lesser theropods thereupon built airfoils out of their limbs + (what we call) “flight” (pennaceous) feathers: learning and evolving how to employ them in aerodynamic flight.
Initially, these were still (non-avian) “dinosaurs.” For instance, a close relative of the famous velociraptors (members of a group together with velociraptors called dromaeosaurs or just “raptors”), known in this case as microraptors, actually flew on two banks of (4) wings, a veritable biological biplane, simultaneously preserving clear aspects of their reptilian heritage: spine continuing into a bony tail — no beak, but still teeth in the mouth — grasping claws on the finger bones of (both sets of) wings.
Here's a (Wikipedia) image showing various feathered dromaeosaurs including the foregoing two types compared for size.
The sub-lineage actually leading to modern birds — e.g. archaeopteryx et al. — for ages maintained many such lingering reptilian traits, but a long-time evolutionary process of simplification and aerodynamic perfection eventually led not only to use of only a single (“monoplane”) bank of wings (anchored in the upper limbs), but also to loss of all teeth, the (bony) tail, and (upper-limb) claws. (The recurrence occasionally seen of the proverbial “hens' teeth” however shows that the overall bird genome still incorporates [inactive] genes for teeth at least!)
The rest — including the great bang at 65 megayears, which killed all land animals larger than about 10 kg — is paleontologic not to speak of geologic history.
Spooked a Turkey hen with poults. The hen flew off, the poults took one jump in 10 different directions and then took turns beeping. High frequency hard to track sound, I could imagine a fox trying to track one being distracted by the others.
Cross country skiing above the narrows of the Wisconsin River, one turkey after another cannonading out the top of the tallest pine trees.
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Assume it's a turkey. There's a whole flock that lives down by the creek from my home. It's harvest time and they love eating the leftovers.
Better than the damn geese.......
‘Turkey in the Hosta Lilies’ doesn’t ring the same as ‘Turkey in the Straw’, but okay...
Drudge has a link to a puff piece about Paltrow “plotting” against Weinstein since 2003. What it really shows is that Paltrow *knew* in 2003, and said nothing, and was part of the conspiracy of silence that allowed Weinstein to operate.
Where are the Epstein stories? Lots of people knew, and let him get on with it.
let's find him a loving home:
Three New 2020 Polls Show Joe Bide-a-Wee in Second Place
Despite the ongoing best efforts by our fake national news media to cover for his increasingly obvious loss of his faculties, the nation’s Unfrozen Caveman Senator continues his slow fade in the polling data.
Could That Lying Sack-o'-gawea be the Favorite in the Democrat Race?
Fauxcahontas Rising. –.
Where are the Epstein stories?
Epstein Did Not Die in His Prison Cell: FEDS (???)
...or did you mean this Epstein??
"I thought I could produce a shift…of 2 or 3%…the shift I got was 48%.
"@DrREpstein explains the massive power that #BigTech companies like #Google can have on shifting public opinion—including #ElectionResults—on American Thought Leaders Watch:
https://www.theepochtimes.com/dr-robert-epstein-how-big-techs-algorithms-can-impact-opinions-and-votes-and-the-2020-election_3074908.html …
when is his suicide scheduled?
Stalking Turkey. Heh. ISWYDT...
like I say the blacklist, which had Robert vesco still hanging a decade after his passing, is closer to the truth,
Cited by Real Clear Investigations:
City Journal
The Cost of Bad Intentions
Progressive policies threaten a new era of urban dysfunction.
"Urban America began falling apart in the 1960s, with skyrocketing crime and worsening disorder. Vagrants and drug dealers colonized streets, parks, and other public spaces. Many once-vibrant city neighborhoods collapsed. The crisis had many causes, including the flight of industrial jobs from northern and midwestern cities. But profound changes in attitudes and government social policy played major roles, too. Crucial adjustments to welfare programs, spurred by liberal policymakers’ belief that the poor were victims of an unjust system, discouraged work and undermined families. The 1960s cultural revolution, which endorsed experimentation with drugs, brought more addiction—and more drug-fueled crime. And as the crisis intensified, policymakers lowered penalties for many crimes, seeing lawbreakers, too, as victims of society, so crime got worse still. Though such policies, championed nationally by President Lyndon B. Johnson and locally by mayors like New York’s John Lindsay, were well-intentioned, they helped produce an urban netherworld.
As City Journal readers know well, cities woke up from this nightmare in the 1990s, with smarter and more aggressive policing, tougher criminal sanctions, greater focus on quality-of-life concerns, welfare reform, and other policy changes. Crime plummeted in many cities, and many city economies surged. Some cities, including New York, became models of urban flourishing.
Yet, tragically—and bewilderingly, given such improvements—a new generation of progressive urban politicians seem intent on returning to some of the policies that cost cities so dearly decades ago. They’re pulling back on enforcement of quality-of-life infractions, ceding public space again to the homeless and drug users, undermining public school discipline, and releasing violent criminals back into communities or refusing to prosecute them in the first place. And lo and behold, crime is starting to rise, and the streets of otherwise successful cities like San Francisco, Seattle, and even parts of New York are filling up with human excrement, drug paraphernalia, and illness-wracked homeless encampments. Residents are growing fearful.
Today’s progressives don’t have the excuse of naiveté, as did their predecessors. In fact, arising as part of the resistance to President Donald Trump, they want to overturn the laws and values that support the nation’s bourgeois, strive-and-thrive culture. If their agenda makes middle-class Seattle homeowners, or businesspeople in San Francisco, or downtown merchants in Chicago uncomfortable—too bad..."
As an example, today's NY Post story:
‘F’ train earns name with dozens of feces complaints this year
September 10, 2019
It’s called the “F” train for a reason.
"The Brooklyn-Queens line is among the filthiest in the subway system, tallying over 120 dirty-car complaints so far this year — including dozens for fecal matter, according to MTA documents obtained by The Post.
With complaints of gross subway cars surging citywide this year, the reports show the F is among the most offensive offenders..."
'...“The usual homeless male in a wheelchair defecated in three cars,” reads another report from the month, one of several that make reference to a loose-boweled straphanger in a wheelchair.'
"...“Sick male homeless person covered in bugs,” was the complaint in one April report.
“...The customer is vandalizing the car, throwing food and debris all over the seats, walls and the floor,” reads another from January..."
God bless you, Althouse, and thanks for doing your thing here. You are appreciated.
things we should have been informed earlier,
No, Trump Rallies Didn't Increase Hate Crimes by 226 Percent
In fact, they didn’t have any detectable impact at all.
Cool picture!
Was that taken where you live in Madison?
Well well:
...But you gotta luv The 'Stache !
Phil Hartman does Bolton (@ the 2:30 mark)
Bolton's terse resignation letter looks like the kind that you write when told to. If he were resigning immediately based on a policy difference he would have said so. He was fired.
This week I ordered my first stuff ever through the Althouse portal. In general I dislike Amazon and would prefer to shop locally -- but there are some things you can't find in Madison. I only spent about $50 though. Enjoy the half-cup of coffee that might buy you, Prof. Althouse! :)
Speaking of turkeys!
The turkey of a press release under the auspices of NOAA has turned into an ever-deepening scandal:
Now, there will be more questions about communications between Wilbur Ross and his political staff at the Department of Commerce, and NOAA, and the NWS. House Oversight will want every email, the record(s) of every call, all of the data, etc., etc., etc.
Give us some idea of what's at your links, narciso. Otherwise you're wasting your time.
Give us some idea of what's at your links, narciso.
All you have to do is paste them in the browser URL window.
Its about epsteins tech clients
Gobble gobble,
Boltom doesnt have anyone rell him whar to write
All you have to do is paste them in the browser URL window.
How can we be sure he hasn't thrown a comma in the address?
Will anyone on earth feel safer knowing that Felicity Huffman is behind bars and not out on the streets bludgeoning admission officials with her checkbook? Let the punishment fit the crime. Call me a bleeding heart liberal but I'd opt for a heavy fine or maybe community service cleaning up the bathrooms in the women's shelters.....I read a recent New Yorker article about how some kids and their families are destroyed by college debt. The article mentioned how fast college tuition has risen compared to the cost of living, but it doesn't examine how this happened. Does it have something to do with all these new administrators and safe space counsellors? Do college profs make more nowadays than in former times? How many multiples of a maintenance workers salary does a college prez make today compared to former times. Before we start further subsiding or forgiving student debt shouldn't we gain an understanding of why tuition fees have risen so spectacularly?
They start to get nervous this time of year.
Dylan coming to Eagles Ballroom, Milwaukee 10/26
No such thing:
With friends like dilanian who needs enemas
I have lived in the same Seattle neighborhood most of my life. I truly believe that there is more wildlife in the neighborhood today, then when I was a kid. Coyotes, possum, raccoons, eagles, osprey, falcons....and recently rabbits. I never saw rabbits as a kid, and I lived near a golf course. The rabbits may explain much of the former.
It appears that raptors don't eat rabbit flesh. They gut the organs, and leave the rest. Ants love eyes.
A turkey walks into a bar, takes a seat on an ottoman and lays down down a $20 bill and orders a beer. The bartender figures the turkey doesn't know how much a beer costs so he gives the turkey one dollar in change.
(Stop me if you're heard this one!)
As the turkey is drinking his beer the bartender mentions, "You know, we don't get very many turkeys in here," and the turkey says "Well, at these prices, no wonder."
(too late!)
Sorry to hear that stephen cooper, i thought i was providing constructive criticism,
Start feeding that critter and in a couple of months, BLAM, thanksgiving dinner.
It appears that our dem/lefty/LLR's are going to continue trying to "make sharpiegate happen" in order to do to Trump what they did to GW Bush with the plastic turkey.
Do you know that to this day the vast majority of democrats and LLR's STILL think that Bush served a plastic turkey?
And that Bush allowed 9-11 to happen on purpose.
Once you go down lunatic lefty conspiracy road there is no coming back!!
"I have lived in the same Seattle neighborhood most of my life. I truly believe that there is more wildlife in the neighborhood today, then when I was a kid"
My son saw a coyote on 19th in broad daylight the other day. Of course, he also saw a ninja throwing body parts into the water down by the drawbridge. Crazy kids.
Of course, with the lightening fast collapse of 2 more democrat/LLR hoax scandals in just the last week (russian investors in Trump properties & the hilariously fast debunking of the Trump endangered a western asset in Moscow lie) it is looking as though sharpiegate, like pecan pie-gate and Titleist-gate and 2-scoops-gate and Collusion-gate and hoax dossier-gate and fish feeding-gate, will be what our lefties and LLR-lefties hitch their wagon to...with the same inevitable results.
Extremely Rare Harvest Moon Is Happening This Friday the 13th
(we'll be spending it under a ladder with Midnight, the fambly cat)
Thanks, Charlie.
Its like the coyote and the sheepdog
By the way, obama hyper-hack Jim Scuitto of the LLR-beloved CNN democrat network, right after the NYT AND WP debunked his hilariously false story of the super secret russian spy being put in danger by Trump (he's not as he is living openly in the Wash DC area under his own name!!), now claims that the NYT and WP debunking of his lies actually CONFIRMS his spy lies!!
A true virtuoso far lefty hack performance worthy of Reid Hoffman LLR's everywhere!!
On top of all the left/LLR-left corruption being exposed daily its no wonder sharpiegate is being clung to so desperately by the dems/LLR-dems.
Speaking of which, guess who else was working with epstein on joint ventures, if you say reid hoffman you win the case of ricearoni
narciso said...
Its like the coyote and the sheepdog
The best-ever Coyote and Sheepdog.
Thanks, it does do to have a touch of the absurd, because none of this makes sense.
narciso: "Speaking of which, guess who else was working with epstein on joint ventures, if you say reid hoffman you win the case of ricearoni"
Fake RolCon "conservatives" posing as conservatives on popular blogsites and then advancing democrat narratives while defending all leftists and undermining true conservative policies is something the dem/left/LLR-left have been working on for quite some time.
I wouldn't be surprised if Althouseblog has her own share of these RolCon hacks.
Via Lucianne:
This afternoon President Donald trump delivers remarks at the 2019 National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Conference at the Renaissance Washington, D.C. Downtown Hotel. Anticipated start time is 2:15pm
Bastards: An attorney for Michael Flynn said in federal court Tuesday she may seek a dismissal of charges against the former national security adviser, citing “egregious conduct and suppression” of exculpatory information in the case. Prosecutors handling the case had a surprise of their own, telling Judge Emmet Sullivan that they are now reserving the option of recommending jail time for Flynn, instead of just probation. Prosecutors with the special counsel’s team last year recommended that Flynn receive probation without jail time because of his substantial cooperation in several investigations.
Hasbro wants to take the conversation over the gender pay gap out of the board room and into the living room with its new Ms. Monopoly game, launching this month. Dubbed “the first game where women make more than men,” the updated version of the classic board-game introduces new women-centric elements, starting with its titular character. Ms. Monopoly is the niece of the elder Mr. Monopoly and a “self-made investment guru,” according to the product listing on Walmart.com.
(We bought the Socialist Monopoly game.)
Ranking member of the House Oversight Committee Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) is demanding answers over Democrats' mysterious trips to Mexico, including details into the alleged "coaching" of migrants to exploit United States immigration law, a letter from the Republican exclusively obtained by Fox News says....
Herat/Baghlan Afgahanistan - Taliban leader Mullah Idress and 36 other members of the terrorist outfit were killed in Baghlan and Herat region of war-torn Afghanistan on Tuesday. Idris along with six of his fellow terrorists was killed in an airstrike in Herat, Tolo News reported, citing the regional police chief Gen. Aminullah Amarkhil. (Snip) This comes after Trump had called off the peace negotiations with the Taliban and cancelled a "secret meeting" with the group's representatives at Camp David in the wake of the Kabul terror attack, which claimed 12 lives, including an American soldier....
The best-ever Coyote and Sheepdog.
Technically "Ralph" is a wolf. (And you can tell him from Wile E. Coyote who is otherwise identical by the fact that his nose is red).
And all those cartoons were directed by.. Chuck :-)
“Where are the Epstein stories?”
“Epstein Did Not Die in His Prison Cell: FEDS (???)”
Read that today. Hard to believe. The allegation is that Epstein was taken out of his prison cell and taken somewhere else I the MCC, then returned in a wheel chair awhile later. Then 911 was called several hours later. We will see if anything comes of this.
Crazy kids? How 'bout the ninja? THAT is crazy!
My son saw a coyote on 19th in broad daylight the other day. Of course, he also saw a ninja throwing body parts into the water down by the drawbridge. Crazy kids.
Bruce, isn't it amazing how just weeks ago the Legacy media and LLR-left media organs were full of stories of how it was Trump that was involved with Epstein and then, all of sudden, those stories (obvious and transparent lies intended to deflect from the culpability of democrats) dried up without so much as a whimper.....and then out of the blue the completely made up sharpiegate lies popped in!!!
I guess we can all see what is going on with that one, can't we?
They have a projector fron miles away
Questions that arise with this source.
Reading Epstein stories, keep in mind he did his will two days prior. He stopped showering and shaving. He seemed depressed.
“Epstein Did Not Die in His Prison Cell: FEDS (???)”
Read that today. Hard to believe. The allegation is that Epstein was taken out of his prison cell and taken somewhere else I the MCC, then returned in a wheel chair awhile later. Then 911 was called several hours later. We will see if anything comes of this.
Just like madoffs ties to schumer, allen stanford did contribute to a number of republicans, weinstein is prog in limbo.
Well, whaddya know? The DOJ "can't find" the original Flynn 302's after Flynn attorney Powell made note of the many discrepancies between the FBI's different "notes" created on different dates related to the Flynn "interview" by lefty and LLR fav Peter Strzok.
More importantly, Powell, who most certainly has the "number" of complete corrupt hack Weinstein (a huge far far far left Lawfareblog favorite) who has a long history of holding back exculpatory material in federal cases and has even been sanctioned by the courts for that very behavior, has identified other issues with the case.
Worse still, there appears to be a January 2017 DOJ/FBI memo which completely exonerates Flynn from any fake russian collusion accusations that was WITHHELD by Weinstein from Flynn's counsel. A perfect Brady rule violation for Weinstein....again!
And that was the guy who was really running the "Mueller" investigation because Mueller was too busy trying to figure out how to use a spoon to eat his pudding.
“Bastards: An attorney for Michael Flynn said in federal court Tuesday she may seek a dismissal of charges against the former national security adviser, citing “egregious conduct and suppression” of exculpatory information in the case. Prosecutors handling the case had a surprise of their own, telling Judge Emmet Sullivan that they are now reserving the option of recommending jail time for Flynn, instead of just probation. Prosecutors with the special counsel’s team last year recommended that Flynn receive probation without jail time because of his substantial cooperation in several investigations.”
No one should be surprised at this. It is one of the few things that the Prosecution could do here (besides provide all the Brady information requested by the Defense). But I don’t think that Judge Sullivan appears to be the type of judge to go along with that. He is already suspicious about how the Prosecution got Flynn to plead guilty in the first place, apparently by threatening his son, who had a newborn baby, with prosecution. And having them pull that in response to a motion to show cause why they shouldn't be found in contempt for failing to comply with his standing Brady order is probably not going to sit well with him.
Oh thats called an eickenrode special, named ater the agent who interviewed libby then lost the transcripts.
Must be a coincidence...
Seeing Red said...
Herat/Baghlan Afgahanistan - Taliban leader Mullah Idress and 36 other members of the terrorist outfit were killed in Baghlan and Herat region of war-torn Afghanistan on Tuesday. Idris along with six of his fellow terrorists was killed in an airstrike in Herat, Tolo News reported, citing the regional police chief Gen. Aminullah Amarkhil. (Snip) This comes after Trump had called off the peace negotiations with the Taliban and cancelled a "secret meeting" with the group's representatives at Camp David in the wake of the Kabul terror attack, which claimed 12 lives, including an American soldier....
Another “tight” election goes - unexpectedly - to the Republican.
if Jeffrey Epstein was trafficking underage girls for sex to blackmail powerful and influential people for government intelligence agencies, does that means this was a taxpayer-funded elite pedophile ring??
were/are? we paying for all this shit in some way?
Thats an intriguing question, unless they were providing some kind of security or other direct support id say no.
Technically "Ralph" is a wolf.
*spit take* Ralph is a WOLF???
Trumps "thank you" gift for Bolton.
Taliban leader Mullah Idress and 36 other members of the terrorist outfit were killed in Baghlan and Herat region of war-torn Afghanistan on Tuesday.
for that matter-- since Trump/Hillary--
how many laptops, hard drives, notes, etc etc have been "lost"??
hell-- they even "lost" Epstein!!
but dont worry-- we got it all on CCTV.
what's that? a camera was down? All the cameras were down?
Herat is near the iranian border? Thats where the rebellion by ismail khan happened in 1978, the one that prompted the soviets to topple amin
'You lost another submarine, andrei' this was almost as bad as when the japanese delegation arrived after the attacks on pearl harbor had begun.
"All you have to do is paste them in the browser URL window."
Says the man using a mouse instead of his finger.
“Well, whaddya know? The DOJ "can't find" the original Flynn 302's after Flynn attorney Powell made note of the many discrepancies between the FBI's different "notes" created on different dates related to the Flynn "interview" by lefty and LLR fav Peter Strzok.”
Well, that is going to be a problem for the prosecution. Maybe a big problem. FBI rules apparently require that 302s be placed in their automated system within maybe 48 hours. Sure looks suspicious, esp with the Strzok/Page text messages strongly suggesting that DDir McCade approved the 302s. Deputy Directors don’t normally approve 302s. Esp DDirs who set up perjury traps of the NSA in the White House (and then personally approved the 302s memorializing the conversation used as the basis for that perjury trap.
I spoke incorrectly about the admissibility of 302s. If they are written while the conversation is fresh in the minds of the agents, they can typically read them into the record as an exception to hearsay, but the 302s are not admissible, per se, as evidence. Which is why the FBI requires that 302s be filed promptly - the delay in filing here, the discrepancies, and the high level approval essentially negate this hearsay exception. This means that the agents would have to testify personally about their conversation with Flynn, without the 302s in front of them. And would be subject to full cross examination and impeachment, which should be quite interesting esp in the case of Peter Strzok. And, of course, no testimony about the conversation, and no 302s read into the record, means no case for Flynn lying to the FBI agents.
*spit take* Ralph is a WOLF???
One of the best parts of the series is how stupid the sheep are, and how confused they look as Ralph (almost) gets them.
Trivia: This series was one of the inspirations for Harlan Ellison's Hugo Award winning story "'Repent, Harlequin!' Said the Ticktockman"
I miss Fen. I hope he has gone to a better place, maybe Reddit.
Thats why the sheepdog was necessary, now one of the hangups was mullah baradar was too ill to attend the talks. Qhere and when were negotiable.
Yelich fractured kneecap...
Oh that sucks.
Ann Althouse said...
Yelich fractured kneecap...
9/10/19, 9:50 PM
Terrible news!
John Henry should be happy about this: via Insty
So was Donald Trump right about corruption in Puerto Rico’s use of relief funds? Kinda. The FBI arrested one of the top administrators of FEMA and the CEO of a contractor on wire fraud and bribery charges, along with a lower-level FEMA official today for fraud and bribery involving Hurricane Maria relief. The contractor got a $1.8 billion contract for rebuilding Puerto Rico’s notoriously unreliable electrical infrastructure, which the Department of Justice says came by way of bribery (via Twitchy):
Rand Paul: ‘Threat of War Around the World Is Greatly Diminished with Bolton Out’.
Which is why Libertarians suck at foreign relations. He reveals his distrust of Trump to stay out of war. Libertarians were taken over by pacifists some time ago and their default is always No War, No Time. They don’t have the nous to realize that HOW you conduct a war is more important than the question of whether or not to go to war.
This came from TaxProf blog:
E. Donald Elliott (Yale; Former EPA Assistant Administrator and General Counsel (1989-91), EPA Has Existing Authority to Impose a Carbon 'Tax':
A number of bills have been introduced in recent years to put a price on carbon via a federal carbon tax. These proposals generally proceed from the implicit assumption that the federal government in general, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in particular, does not already have such authority. That is incorrect. Under a federal statute that has been on the books since 1952, EPA could impose a carbon “tax” any time an Administration in power was willing to do so. That is because a charge for using the public’s air to dispose of carbon dioxide and other wastes is not technically a “tax,” but rather a “user fee.” The confusion stems from a 1990 legal opinion written by the author when he was EPA General Counsel, which ironically was intended to increase EPA’s use of tradeable permits and other economic incentives to regulate pollution. It is time to set the record straight that EPA does have existing authority to impose a reasonable user fee on releases of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases (GHGs), as well as other pollutants, any time that it has the political will to do so. ...
Yelich has a broken knee cap.
Out for the season.
Ann Althouse said..
Yelich fractured kneecap...
I can tell you fun facts about Looney Tunes, but sports, I'm *right* out.
It took several other people posting before I figured out that "Yelich" is a person, and not Althouse inventing some kind of curse word about fracturing *her* kneecap.
Glad that didn't happen.
Yelich has a broken knee cap.
Out for the season.
:-( That's terrible news! While the Crew aren't my team, they are exciting to watch, largely because of Yelich. Sad.
He can focus on his nude modeling. Maybe a 2020 calendar.
What is wrong with Trump’s basic functionality with his speech in this video?
What would Trumpkins be saying about Biden, if Biden had Sharpied a weather map, said “I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know” when asked about it, and then gurgled up a noise like that, all in the space of a week?
Well, Althouse beat me to that.
One of the not paradigms, ... what am I thnki.. Paradoxes of Althouse is the men who complain about women and the 19th and emotions and then flip out. I've done it.
Our man RHard really is one of the few saying the opposite of most of the literature out there today re; fems. Especially structurally. I can't believe there isn't money being put up for my old pal RH and I and even money for writers like Laslo to own these fascists.
I've said, because I've noticed, for decades, and I ain't that fucking old, Jeepers Creepers, all the money comes from the progs.
Early 20th Century "projects" ---not to be confused with growing up in the "projects"--- which is a novel in itself if anybody wants to write it with me, were funded by proggies for proggies but it, yes indeed, involved a lot of men working.
We all know how that worked out, just look at America vs. any other country: we could have done better against them because we are all Americans and Donald Trump is not and he is horrible and bad@@@@
"What is wrong with Trump’s basic functionality with his speech in this video?"
Isn't it interesting that at the very moment even all the democrats are making note of Biden's fundamental incoherence and astonishing inability to articulate anything meaningful and questions about Biden's mental capacity are being raised even by his friends, certain people from certain quarters decide now is the time to launch another smear campaign against the indefatigable and powerful speaker Trump?
Isn't that funny how that works.
It's almost as if some folks sit around all day and think up ways to transfer the negatives of the dems onto republicans.
It seems like it was only yesterday when some lefty poster on Althouseblog, I can't remember precisely which one, actually asserted, and I'm not kidding here, that William F Buckley had to force KKK members out of the republican party decades ago!!
Seriously! This poster literally asserted that there was such a significant KKK presence in the republican party that Buckley had to take action!!
You will notice that this ridiculous assertion is part of the far left/dem plan to transfer the historic guilt of the democrats onto the republicans.
Naturally, once called on this astonishing ahistorical and laughable assertion, lefty poster in question wisely decided to let it go and not continue with the charade.
"Our man RHard really is one of the few saying the opposite of most of the literature out there today re; fems. Especially structurally. I can't believe there isn't money being put up for my old pal RH and I and even money for writers like Laslo to own these fascists."
It is fascinating to contemplate from their (satanic) perspective: We got 'em youngly indoctrinated for DECADES AND DECADES AND DECADES.
But, but, but we still haven't won...
They have to consider why not, especially knowing God's chosen will win.
Imagine a resident of Chicago feeling "If only we elect a prog nationally for potUS, my life will be great." It is not a joke, the sadness overwhelms. The reason for the hope is ugly greed and hate and murder. Chicago politicians have supported and been supported by the mafia and gangs and anybody willing to murder enough people to get a name for itself for centuries.
Don't anybody blame anything on any demographic it is filth-dirt. Next to Heaven on Earth Wisconsin. And yes I capitolize Earth.
A bit more on the hearsay exception that I mentioned before, from an article by Andrew McCarthy about Comey: Trump Was Always the Target of the Russia Investigation:
“Recollection recorded” — remember that one? That was the tell.
In June 2017, when the existence of former director Comey’s memos first emerged, he was asked why he’d made them. He explained, “I understood this to be my recollection recorded of my conversation with the president” (emphasis added). I observed at the time that, as an old prosecutor, that got my antennae pinging. To non-attorneys, this was just gobbledygook. But as any trial lawyer can tell you, “recollection recorded” is not an idle phrase. It is a term of art in the Federal Rules of Evidence (specifically, Rule 803(5), “Recorded Recollection”).
Most out-of-court statements (e.g., a news story about an event) are inadmissible as hearsay. But under some circumstances, “recollection recorded” is an exception to the hearsay rule. To qualify, the recollection must be recorded (such as in a memo) at the time an incident was fresh in the witness’s memory, so that it accurately reflects the witness’s knowledge. That’s why — if you’re not only an FBI official but a seasoned trial lawyer, such as Jim Comey — you’d want to write it down contemporaneously or immediately after the relevant event. Perhaps in a car speeding to a meeting with fellow investigators to report back to them about the investigation you’ve just done, despite telling your prime suspect, the incoming president, that you are not investigating him.
Here is FRE 803(5)
Rule 803. Exceptions to the Rule Against Hearsay
The following are not excluded by the rule against hearsay, regardless of whether the declarant is available as a witness:
(5) Recorded Recollection. A record that:
(A) is on a matter the witness once knew about but now cannot recall well enough to testify fully and accurately;
(B) was made or adopted by the witness when the matter was fresh in the witness’s memory; and
(C) accurately reflects the witness’s knowledge.
If admitted, the record may be read into evidence but may be received as an exhibit only if offered by an adverse party.
Very tough that Yelich was injured. Another MVP-level season for him and the Brewers only a few back for a wildcard with three weeks left.
Great competitor
"...if Biden had Sharpied a weather map..."
Trump was correct in outlining areas that could potentially be impacted by Dorian based on the National Hurricane Center maps of Southeast on both Aug 29 and Sep 2, which everyone can view for themselves on the twitter feed from the NHC for Sep 2 at 5am.
Of course, at this very moment, Biden has no idea where he is, how many of his hairplugs he is supposed to massage, whether or not the young girl in front of him is asking to be fondled or not, where the nearest female Secret Service agent might be for him to undress in front of, and whether or not the word "JOBS" has 3 letters or 4! Because, you know, knowing the number of letters in a 4 letter word might just be a "big f***ing deal" to some voters.
Also, he is going to ban guns, red meat, energy production and basically anything else is advisors program into him in the next 15 minutes.
Hey, wasn't there an Althouseblog poster who actually tried, and laughably so, making the case that Joe Biden was somehow more physically capable than DJT?
I can't wait for Biden to collapse from "dehydration" and get tossed like a sack of potatoes into a van like Bill Kristol's/George Will's/Max Boot's/David French's/Bret Stephens heroine Hillary!
Well theres also a step in appreciated assets, that biden is going to remove, for the average investor hes even worse than red queen.
Republican Dan Bishop wins NC-09.
LLR's everywhere weeping. Bill Kristol seeking Pierre Omidyars nicely creased slacks to lay his head upon and suck his thumb.
And yet this drooling stumblebum was vice president for eight years where he offered health advice (dont travel) firearms etiquette (fire a shotgun blindly through the front door)
BAM! Got it . . .
They say killing turkeys causes winter. I say Bring. It. On.
Enough good deed for the month
At least Pierre Omidyar is telling Kristol that is his thumb......
Precisely how many states has Biden mistaken for another state?
Trick Question! All of them!
The earlier instance was for the avian flu,
Ken B,
I noticed the same headline and had the exact same question- if she knew in 2003, why the fuck did she sit on it? Yes, it looks like she was just another enabler.
I'm feeling a Bulwark-ian special column by Iran supported-Qatar-owned Rick Wilson: "The Conservative Case Why Conserving Conservatism Is Not Really Conservative At All And Conservatism Should Be Tossed Into The Ash-heap Of History Because My Current Salary Depends Upon It"
I think it's the ??? Tolstoy (some Russian great) Every happy family is the same, every un uniquely un.
Very true.
Had my own forumulation interesting but forgot it remembering Tolstoy ??? or some damn Russian.
When things work they work the same way, every time things don't work out right is unique.
That isn't it. I probably won't remember. And now I'm too old to even have some anxiety to remind me caring matters.
I guess I'm a burn out. Qw'll see.
That would be jim swift or jonathan last (i didnt know the first guy from adam) of course doha is the club house for not only taliban but hamas boko haram nusra front etc, accordimg to one set of cables they did dry runs before 9/11 even provided safe houses for zarquawi.
It is tolatoy, it might have been in anna karenina
for you mu lation
Perhaps you can write a letter to Nadler and ask him to subpoena the office supply staff of the White House. Surely there are records detailing who did and did not get a Sharpie™ Marker around the dates in question.
I think you got Trump now since literally no one ever suggested that Alabama might get hit by Dorian or its remnants at any time. I mean, I Googled it and I found only a dozen such instances where it was suggested, and that is as close to zero as is possible these days.
Chuck truly is the Self-Dunking Clown.
How about a lot of love for the Justice topic where the fella said: Hey lotta mediacrities, how 'bout a Justice to represent them!
This is the essence of democracy that, decades and decades, and even more decades, having passed prove now more than ever, as facts state reliably evidence keeps rolling along our way with the Trump train,
Holly shit are thise D's desparate.
Holly shite.
I almost can't even belieive it.
BUt I believe Trump's internal pollings. He's got, like me, trillions of reasons in his gut why he is right and you are wrong. Trillions.
BTW, NC-09 is.no longer a bellwether election, just a run of the mill one.
For goodness sake, can some lefty/LLR-lefty write up a cue card with the name of the "last President" so that Biden will know who it was?
While we are on the subject of George Will's favorite democrat candidates, how much do you think the Li'l tomahawk campaign is offering the Cherokee Nation to make Lieawatha an honorary member?
This just in: Candidate Buttigieg says Jesus is totally cool with abortion at any time for any reason, even after birth! He's a regular Apostle that guy is.....
Yes, it is the very first line of Anna Kerenina.
"BTW, NC-09 is.no longer a bellwether election, just a run of the mill one."
In about 30 minutes NC-09 won't even exist for the left/LLR-lefties. In FrankIngaM's case it will be about 17 minutes.
Yancey Ward: "Chuck truly is the Self-Dunking Clown."
Someone should map out his decline over the years from dem/lefty "optimist" in 2017 (Trump is going down!! Mueller!! Collusion!! Pee Tapes!! SDNY!! Cohen!!) to today (sharpies!! bolton!! 2 scoops of ice cream!! Biden is a physical specimen the likes of which we have never before seen!!)
Too funny.
This spells out how things have been spelled out for a while: it's fucking greatness.
Way no matter how much China China's, they will never be America.
I know they don't think they want to be from what they say, but really they do.
We, Us American's, have been watching and documenting for decades and decades and decades and we find China better than pre-America >>>>>>>. Or >>>>>.
But we are, you know more than anyone, we've always been, America.
For a running mate, she might select Running ____.
Technically "Ralph" is a wolf
Technically, "Ralph" means wolf.
Anyone else find it amusing that Bernie Sanders has gone all in with rabid anti-semite Linda Sarsour?
What is Bernie doing? Channeling Corbyn?
BTW, NC-09 is.no longer a bellwether election, just a run of the mill one.
I heard it was an outlier.
"I heard it was an outlier."
Next up for the left/LLR-left: Putin stole NC-09! Or maybe somebody's dog ate the democrat ballots!! Sharpie-gate!!!!
From Reason:
According to a new report on patients in Illinois and Wisconsin who experienced severe respiratory illnesses after vaping, 83 percent admitted using black-market cannabis products. While 17 percent said they had used nicotine only, some of them may have been reluctant to admit using illegal drugs, and it's not clear that any of them were using standard e-cigarettes.
These findings cast further doubt on the wisdom of general warnings about "vaping" and "e-cigarettes," which imply that legal nicotine products are implicated in these cases. Such warnings may encourage former smokers who are now vaping to start smoking again, a decision that exposes them to much greater health risks.
Don't tell the anti-smoking crowd who continue to suck public funds for profit by treating JUUL as dangerous, when vapes are the only sure way, short of "cold turkey," to eliminate cigarette smoking with no risk.
Meanwhile the FDA continues to permit the use of Chantix after reports by independent researchers that there were more reports of deaths and violence from taking Chantix than any other drug. Chantix and Zyban are anti-depressants used to nullify the effects of nicotine but these drugs caused users to begin experiencing changes in behavior, depressed mood, and suicidal thoughts shortly after starting the medication.
There were about 80,000 more votes in 2018 than tonight in that district, and 120,000 more in 2016. I suspect when this race is run again in 2020, Bishop wins by more than 12 points. Just saying, having Trump at the top of the ticket will make this seat safe in 2020, and will undermine a lot of the Democrats who barely won to flip seats in 2018. This always happens with off year and special elections- it is harder for the party holding the White House to get out the base, but that changes when it is a presidential year.
I predict you will see stories about how Dorian caused Democrats to flee the state, and so cost them the special election.
I must say : Trump missed chance to meet with Taliban on Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody to prove his point/boast.
Sorry am sorry: I care about the enviren of the graceousness host-wise:
Cargo Cult Science
Some remarks on science, pseudoscience, and learning how to not fool yourself. Caltech’s 1974 commencement address.
During the Middle Ages there were all kinds of crazy ideas, such as that a piece of rhinoceros horn would increase potency. (Another crazy idea of the Middle Ages is these hats we have on today—which is too loose in my case.) Then a method was discovered for separating the ideas—which was to try one to see if it worked, and if it didn’t work, to eliminate it. This method became organized, of course, into science. And it developed very well, so that we are now in the scientific age. It is such a scientific age, in fact, that we have difficulty in understanding how witch doctors could ever have existed, when nothing that they proposed ever really worked—or very little of it did.
But even today I meet lots of people who sooner or later get me into a conversation about UFO’s, or astrology, or some form of mysticism, expanded consciousness, new types of awareness, ESP, and so forth. And I’ve concluded that it’s not a scientific world.
Most people believe so many wonderful things that I decided to investigate why they did. And what has been referred to as my curiosity for investigation has landed me in a difficulty where I found so much junk to talk about that I can’t do it in this talk. I’m overwhelmed. First I started out by investigating various ideas of mysticism, and mystic experiences. I went into isolation tanks (they’re dark and quiet and you float in Epsom salts) and got many hours of hallucinations, so I know something about that. Then I went to Esalen, which is a hotbed of this kind of thought (it’s a wonderful place; you should go visit there). Then I became overwhelmed. I didn’t realize how much there was.
I was sitting, for example, in a hot bath and there’s another guy and a girl in the bath. He says to the girl, “I’m learning massage and I wonder if I could practice on you?” She says OK, so she gets up on a table and he starts off on her foot—working on her big toe and pushing it around. Then he turns to what is apparently his instructor, and says, “I feel a kind of dent. Is that the pituitary?” And she says, “No, that’s not the way it feels.” I say, “You’re a hell of a long way from the pituitary, man.” And they both looked at me—I had blown my cover, you see—and she said, “It’s reflexology.” So I closed my eyes and appeared to be meditating.
That’s just an example of the kind of things that overwhelm me. I also looked into extrasensory perception and PSI phenomena, and the latest craze there was Uri Geller, a man who is supposed to be able to bend keys by rubbing them with his finger. So I went to his hotel room, on his invitation, to see a demonstration of both mind reading and bending keys. He didn’t do any mind reading that succeeded; nobody can read my mind, I guess. And my boy held a key and Geller rubbed it, and nothing happened. Then he told us it works better under water, and so you can picture all of us standing in the bathroom with the water turned on and the key under it, and him rubbing the key with his finger. Nothing happened. So I was unable to investigate that phenomenon.
But then I began to think, what else is there that we believe? (And I thought then about the witch doctors, and how easy it would have been to check on them by noticing that nothing really worked.) So I found things that even more people believe, such as that we have some knowledge of how to educate. There are big schools of reading methods and mathematics methods, and so forth, but if you notice, you’ll see the reading scores keep going down—or hardly going up—in spite of the fact that we continually use these same people to improve the methods. There’s a witch doctor remedy that doesn’t work. It ought to be looked into: how do they know that their method should work? Another example is how to treat criminals. We obviously have made no progress—lots of theory, but no progress—in decreasing the amount of crime by the method that we use to handle criminals.
Yet these things are said to be scientific. We study them. And I think ordinary people with commonsense ideas are intimidated by this pseudoscience. A teacher who has some good idea of how to teach her children to read is forced by the school system to do it some other way—or is even fooled by the school system into thinking that her method is not necessarily a good one. Or a parent of bad boys, after disciplining them in one way or another, feels guilty for the rest of her life because she didn’t do “the right thing,” according to the experts.
So we really ought to look into theories that don’t work, and science that isn’t science.
I tried to find a principle for discovering more of these kinds of things, and came up with the following system. Any time you find yourself in a conversation at a cocktail party—in which you do not feel uncomfortable that the hostess might come around and say, “Why are you fellows talking shop?’’ or that your wife will come around and say, “Why are you flirting again?”—then you can be sure you are talking about something about which nobody knows anything.
Using this method, I discovered a few more topics that I had forgotten—among them the efficacy of various forms of psychotherapy. So I began to investigate through the library, and so on, and I have so much to tell you that I can’t do it at all. I will have to limit myself to just a few little things. I’ll concentrate on the things more people believe in. Maybe I will give a series of speeches next year on all these subjects. It will take a long time.
Yancey Ward: "I predict you will see stories about how Dorian caused Democrats to flee the state, and so cost them the special election."
LLR's everywhere swoon....(and not just from the number of gin & tonics)
"Then he told us it works better under water, and so you can picture all of us standing in the bathroom with the water turned on and the key under it, and him rubbing the key with his finger. Nothing happened. So I was unable to investigate that phenomenon."
And now than God's belief in man has created America, would ../ oh no it didn't;
But here we are knowing it did.
We exist wasn't supposed to be some endpoint. It is the start. To you and eye.
Honoring God is the endpoint although an inapt term to living and loving life.
They have a target painted on juul, next up thet fill the inhalers with glycophosphate.
Agree Charlie 6:50!
From the greatest of the great (helluva lot better than you) files again, and only, Buckley walks stalkingly.
hauteur: (noun) An assumption of superiority, an arrogant or condescending manner.
Very soon after, we were back in Connecticut, and I strained to speak like Mortimer Snerd, so as to disguise from my friends the ignominy of my foreighn experiences. The fashion is to comment on the hauteur of my diction.
Hey I was this close to giving Buckley all the credit, but if buddies of good guys like our friends Bruce think it's okay then okay, I ought just been hapgt\ geetting fuckgs.
Adam Sorkin is a complete asshole, but he writes brilliant repartee.
This is a link the man makes me understand.
I think Buckley didn't want to be better than other, but found himself such, and ergo Reagan and America beating the Soviet Union.
From an NYT article about yesterday's special Congressional election in North Carolina:
"Mr. Bishop defeated Dan McCready, a moderate Democrat, one day after Mr. Trump made a full-throated plea for support for the Republican at a rally on the conservative end of a Charlotte-to-Fayetteville district, which the president carried by nearly 12 points in 2016.
With most votes counted on Tuesday night, Mr. Bishop was ahead by about two percentage points, according to the Associated Press."
Ah, yes, the elusive "moderate Democrat," nearly as common as the spotted zebra or the unicorn.
Seeing Red said...
Herat/Baghlan Afgahanistan - Taliban leader Mullah Idress and 36 other members of the terrorist outfit were killed in Baghlan and Herat region of war-torn Afghanistan on Tuesday...
As General Patton said, you don't win a war by dying for your country, you win a war by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his. More, please!
Although to be honest, trying to "win" a war in Afghanistan is a fool's errand. You would need to nearly depopulate the place to do so. This was why nation-building in places like Iraq and Afghanistan were doomed to failure. In order to change the behavior of a nation, like we did with Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, you have to defeat it so thoroughly that the people are living in rubble, and the former politics and way of life are disavowed by the defeated people. We didn't have problems with postwar Germany or Japan because the destruction was so widespread and the people had to devote all of their energy to just staying alive in the aftermath. We, of course, were not willing to unleash that level of destruction on Iraq or Afghanistan, fighting surgical strike wars, and as a results, your average Mohammed didn't feel defeated like your average Fritz or Hiro did after World War II. And then we learned that, no, there really wasn't a tolerant, pluralist American just waiting to break out from inside every Middle Easterner. Trying to remake them in our own image was doomed to fail. All people are not alike, and culture matters. In the future, we should avoid nation-building, and if someone messes with us again like another 9/11 that happened 18 years ago, we should unleash destruction on them, but not bother with boots on the ground, and just let them clean up their own mess. Lather, rinse, repeat.
With most votes counted on Tuesday night, Mr. Bishop was ahead by about two percentage points, according to the Associated Press."
It looks like Bishop's victory is larger than the margin of fraud, at least fraud in NC
Bishop won by promising that he would be "in lock step with President Trump"
I think we can ALL AGREE that this show the failure of Trump? He will HAVE to step down now!
Oh, Wait a minute; Bishop WON, promising that he would be in lock step with President Trump?
But CNN said! they said!! They DID!!!
Re: Yelich, I guess the ESPN Body Issue Curse is the new Sports Illustrated Cover Curse.
The Brewers won the game last night, but a Pyrrhic victory indeed.
"...and if someone messes with us again like another 9/11 that happened 18 years ago, we should unleash destruction on them, but not bother with boots on the ground, and just let them clean up their own mess. Lather, rinse, repeat."
Of course, Afghanistan didn't "mess with us." It was a band of mostly Saudis, and the plot was put together in various places in the world. The flyers obtained their flight training here in the US. The Taliban had zilch to do with it.
And, also of course, Iraq was even further removed from any complicity in 9/11.
We just used the 9/11 attacks to justify our own geopolitical desires, in the doing of which we have killed, injured, rendered homeless, and brought misery to vastly more people than were murdered in the USA. And we are still doing so 18 years later.
The Taliban harbored Al Qaeda.
Drago said...
"...if Biden had Sharpied a weather map..."
Trump was correct in outlining areas that could potentially be impacted by Dorian based on the National Hurricane Center maps of Southeast on both Aug 29 and Sep 2, which everyone can view for themselves on the twitter feed from the NHC for Sep 2 at 5am.
In TrumpWorld, it seems that the story is all about some scientists at NOAA being in opposition to some other scientists at NWS Birmingham.
That's not it at all. There are no competing groups of scientists. The story is about political hacks in the Department of Commerce, forcing statements out of NOAA, and NWS scientists standing strong against the Trumpist pushback, and with the grievous regrets of NOAA's acting chief who acceded to Wilbur Ross' pressure to put out a pro-Trump statement.
Where are the scientists who say that Trump was right to scare the wrongly scare the people in Alabama about effects of Dorian "harder than anticipated"? Where are the scientists (in NOAA?) who say that the Birmingham NWS scientists were wrong?
Again; there may be answers to these questions but it appears that the White House will not help answering them.
mccullough said...
"Very tough that Yelich was injured. Another MVP-level season for him and the Brewers only a few back for a wildcard with three weeks left.
Great competitor"
The way the ball bounces sure can be cruel. Baseball can kneecap you both literally and figuratively.
illness-wracked homeless encampments
Homeless Lives Fecal Matter.
Turkeys are a common sight in my new-to-me neck of the woods. Last Fall, large flocks of them would traverse the wooded back yard. This Summer, I often stop the car to let a hen with babies safely cross the country road. We've observed, too, that they seem to be communal animals. There are three hens with about twenty young ones that visit regularly so they must have nests nearby, possibly in the meadow next door. They are pretty animals but still a joy to watch. (My two Labs don't seem bothered by them at all, and vice versa.)
”The Taliban harbored Al Qaeda.”
Do you know they knew what bin Laden was plotting? Give that the planning and training took place in many different places, I’d guess they did not. We certainly didn’t wait to discover the Taliban’s knowledge before invading their country, which was sold as merely a means to capture bin Laden. He escaped, so we had no further purpose to remain.
When the prorogation of Parliament business began, I assumed that Mr Johnson and his people had a plan: am beginning to wonder how thorough the plan is, how many contingent developments were taken into consideration. Lots of sound and fury, perhaps (the Johnson people assure us that the UK Supreme Court will vindicate the prorogation's legality).
Reid Hoffman "republican" (He Who Shall Not Be Named): "In TrumpWorld, it seems that the story is all about some scientists at NOAA being in opposition to some other scientists at NWS Birmingham."
The documented and widely distributed National Hurricane Projections which clearly show potential impacts to Alabama on both Aug 29 and Sep 2 are disputable.
They exist.
Anyone who desperately tries to assert otherwise is simply attempting to run interference for the democrats and is likely the sort of person given to insane mutterings such as the KKK was such a large part of the republican party in the 1950's!
Anyone arguing the National Hurricane projections do not exist is just that sort of person......
It appears there is a very very grumpy LLR who is having a difficult morning after the 2 republican special house election victories yesterday in NC.
Tsk tsk
"Do you know they knew what bin Laden was plotting?”
Mullah Omar told bin Laden to ratchet down the terrorism or leave as Omar was trying to improve relations, but bin Laden told Omar that he had one operation he had to complete or it would devastate his followers. Omar assented.
This is all well documented. I know you prefer to shoot from the hip because it makes it easier to summon your customary dudgeon in criticizing your own country.
“Wolf! .... Wolf! ..... Wolf!... No guys, this time I mean it! Wolf!"
The Taliban had zilch to do with it.
Come on Cook. They were not as well organized as your favorite, the Soviet Union, but they knew what was going on in those camps. They were also given the opportunity to expel OBL and refused.
"Mr. Bishop defeated Dan McCready, a moderate Democrat,
The tell was that, before the election, the Democrat said "He wanted to work with President Trump."
It doesn't matter if he was lying. He knew that 1972 is coming again next year.
Stalking turkey, crouching squirrel.
It's a jungle out there, folks. Plan accordingly.
“Turkeys are a common sight in my new-to-me neck of the woods. Last Fall, large flocks of them would traverse the wooded back yard. This Summer, I often stop the car to let a hen with babies safely cross the country road. We've observed, too, that they seem to be communal animals. There are three hens with about twenty young ones that visit regularly so they must have nests nearby, possibly in the meadow next door. They are pretty animals but still a joy to watch. (My two Labs don't seem bothered by them at all, and vice versa.)”
We have turkeys in the neighborhood here. They go behind the house across the street. Probably don’t go through our property much because the vacant lots to the south and east are so densely wooded. We also have them down by the highway. Probably the same flock.
Back when my kid was young, and we were living in the mountains west of Denver, we had a flock in the neighborhood. Their numbers would fluctuate between maybe 6-8, to over 20 every year. Assume there was some predation going on. Maybe black bear. Maybe mountain lion. As you noted, the mothers with babies are fun to watch. Also, the males blowing themselves up to display their plumage.
The two species I could do with less of here are the pre-venisons and the geese. Both are traffic hazards, but we are now beyond goose pâté, and into venison time of the year. Baby venison is supposed to be more tender, and this is right after the time of year that this year’s crop of bambinos learned that asphalt is slippery. They really haven’t learned that they have to be careful of cars and esp trucks. We do have bear coming through the neighborhood on a routine basis, which is probably because of the deer. In the past, we always had a doe with a fawn or (usually) two sunning themselves in the front yard. They seem to have moved to the small patch of grass on the south side. The one apparently gets into staring contests with the cat in the window. Guy across the street has a buck browsing in his front yard every afternoon. I wonder whether it is because he has real grass, and we have natural grass. The buck almost looks like a lawn sculpture, until a vehicle comes along, and he majestically turns his head a bit. Maybe he picked that yard because it is probably the most ornate in the neighborhood, and he presents better there.
This is part of why we really prefer the mostly rural lifestyle. You are much more in tune with the cycle of life. And you have wildlife as a natural part of the environment. It is so quiet here at night, except when the Montana Link/BNSF trains come through, and for my partner, even they are soothing. Far better than our house in PHX, with a major road a block away, and traffic until 2-3 AM Fri and Sat nights, and starting about 6 AM weekdays. Here you hear crickets, and are woken up by birds chirping.
And, of course, no testimony about the conversation, and no 302s read into the record, means no case for Flynn lying to the FBI agents.
That plot is thickening. Now questions are being asked about Wray and his behavior.
Ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes, R-CA, said his committee was stymied by the FBI when they attempted to retrieve McCabe’s communications.
“The House Intelligence Committee tried to get the McCabe texts in the last Congress, but we were stonewalled,” Nunes told SaraACarter.com on Monday. “This is the kind of issue that really needs more transparency. There’s been too much unnecessary secrecy surrounding the entire Russia investigation -- the American people deserve to know exactly what happened.”…
Christopher Wray may also be suffering from his own lack of candor in his reasons for hiding McCabe’s text messages. We saw a typical deep-state bob-and-weave in his reaction to Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report on the handling of Hillary Clinton’s emails
Far better than our house in PHX, with a major road a block away, and traffic until 2-3 AM Fri and Sat nights, and starting about 6 AM weekdays. Here you hear crickets, and are woken up by birds chirping.
I haven't seen turkeys in Tucson. Probably too hot. You do see them south, at higher elevation near Sonoita.
We have a covey of quail that I have watched grow up from little yellow chicks to kids the size of the parents. They live in an agave clump outside the bathroom window. That seems to protect them from the coyotes. I did see a deer in the front yard last spring. We are in the foothills above the city and have quite a bit of wildlife and very little traffic noise.
Clyde observes: Re: Yelich, I guess the ESPN Body Issue Curse is the new Sports Illustrated Cover Curse.
Clyde, that's exactly what occurred to me when I heard the news. When will these guys learn?
Baseball; it's all fun and games until somebody breaks a kneecap.
I don't know enough about dinosaurs or carbon-dating, so I'll ask here about the dinosaur > evolution > bird theory—
For reals? I'm tempted to envision really small dinosaurs hunkering down and gradually becoming … chickens?
Help me out here
(Smile) Your “envisioning” is good but an insufficient start.
Here's a summary of the situation. Basicallly, one of the major lineages of dinosaurs, the theropod (a principally carnivorous) sub-group of the principal saurischian (so-called “lizard-hipped”) line of dinosaurs, evolved feathers — apparently initially for insulation (like fur for mammals) — while the other principal dino lineage, the ornithischian (“bird-hipped”) dinosaurs (ironically, given their name) did not learn how to cloak themselves in feathers (or thereafter, become birds).
Now, the enormous, gaping-mouthed, terror-ific tyrannosaurs, together with allosaurs and the like — just as a fur (or feather!) instance — were indubitably members of the theropod dinosaurs, but there were also many smaller, and even quite small, theropods as well.
A sub-group among lesser theropods thereupon built airfoils out of their limbs + (what we call) “flight” (pennaceous) feathers: learning and evolving how to employ them in aerodynamic flight.
Initially, these were still (non-avian) “dinosaurs.” For instance, a close relative of the famous velociraptors (members of a group together with velociraptors called dromaeosaurs or just “raptors”), known in this case as microraptors, actually flew on two banks of (4) wings, a veritable biological biplane, simultaneously preserving clear aspects of their reptilian heritage: spine continuing into a bony tail — no beak, but still teeth in the mouth — grasping claws on the finger bones of (both sets of) wings.
Here's a (Wikipedia) image showing various feathered dromaeosaurs including the foregoing two types compared for size.
The sub-lineage actually leading to modern birds — e.g. archaeopteryx et al. — for ages maintained many such lingering reptilian traits, but a long-time evolutionary process of simplification and aerodynamic perfection eventually led not only to use of only a single (“monoplane”) bank of wings (anchored in the upper limbs), but also to loss of all teeth, the (bony) tail, and (upper-limb) claws. (The recurrence occasionally seen of the proverbial “hens' teeth” however shows that the overall bird genome still incorporates [inactive] genes for teeth at least!)
The rest — including the great bang at 65 megayears, which killed all land animals larger than about 10 kg — is paleontologic not to speak of geologic history.
Spooked a Turkey hen with poults. The hen flew off, the poults took one jump in 10 different directions and then took turns beeping. High frequency hard to track sound, I could imagine a fox trying to track one being distracted by the others.
Cross country skiing above the narrows of the Wisconsin River, one turkey after another cannonading out the top of the tallest pine trees.
Thanks, Michael McNeil! For dragging the question here and for answering so thoroughly.
I'll have to reread it several times!
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