Wow. It appears my ongoing MSNBC (+now also CNN) mega-thread about Yang coverage has helped spark the hashtag #YangMediaBlackout which is now the 4th highest trending topic nationwide. Way to go #YangGang, and thank you, Streisand Effect! Your move, MSM…— Scott Santens (@scottsantens) August 29, 2019
It's a graphic depiction of exclusion!

But here's why it makes sense to leave Yang off:

The gap between Buttigieg and Yang is big and Yang is almost even with Booker and O'Rourke. Santens's image in the tweet shows the same chart of the polls but cuts it off before the Booker and O'Rourke columns.
Hehe that's funny.
Wait until Bernie's the frontrunner and they start doing it to him...
Biden leads Sanders 29 to 17 , but CNN changed it to 28 to 18, the Glbalst News Network cannot quit faking news.
There’s an O’rourke running?
Poor Beto. Even people who like him will never figure out he’s R. O’rourke on the ballot.
Heck, all Yang has to do to surge in the polls is to openly embrace his inner fascist and call for the creation of "reeducation camps" for the "deplorables" and the "Bigots" and the "haters." Camps with names like Dachau and Ravensbruck; just to get the point across of course.
You know Inga and Freder and even Chuck would vote for Yang in a heartbeat, with those policies. Multiple times if necessary. Yang would instantly become a top threat in the primaries.
After all, Inga is here every day to gloat about how the left is above the law and cannot be punished, and how violence against people the left hates is preferred and acceptable. Why wouldn't she and the millions of leftists just like her eagerly vote for a candidate that promised to set up concentration camps for Republicans? Just bring it all out into the open, man.
Andy needs a nickname. I have a feeling he’s going to be around for a while, even if as a gadfly perennial candidate.
Trump yanks a chain and all the dogs bark.
I could sure use me some Tulsi.
Speaking of Yangs, Biden apparently stepped on his again today: "Biden Fabricates Emotional War Story While Campaigning in New Hampshire"
Yang is a very good candidate for squishy moderates who dislike identity politics and culture wars. He's not perfect in that regard, of course. He is, after all, a Democrat. I lean right on most issues, and I like him. I could even see myself voting for him over Trump.
Something people don't realize about his UBI program is it requires the recipient to forego other federal assistance. The idea, if it takes off, could be the end of a good chunk of the welfare state (obviously excepting Social Security or Medicare). One of the possible byproducts is the elimination of a lot of the bloated federal workforce.
How DARE those uppity Yang supporters question us!
I'm reminded of Mr. Bedbug. This is the same mentality at CNN.
If the yang don't get em the yin will. Chinese boxer's mantra.
Yang media blackout? which came first, they voter (via poll) blackout or the media blackout?
Booker and O'Rourke were much better known before the race.
Yang's position is more surprising given their respective starting positions.
Yang can close the "Buttgay Gap" in a hurry by offering $5000 instead of $1000.
IMHO Yang is a more challenging opponent for Trump than any of the five ahead of him or two behind him in the polls. Go CNN!
The earlier one had six windows with Beto as 6th. That was at around 8am. The version you posted is from noon.
I keep reading that Yang is a tech entrepreneur with the implication that he was a success, but the only things on his resume are political activist related things and he’s not associated with any exit/acquisition I can find. Sorta reminds me of AOC’s former chief of staff, except that he actually is in crunchbase, even if his success and experience are modest. Before he was Andrew Yang, internet entrepreneur turned gadfly populist candidate, what the hell was he?
Yang was CEO of Manhattan Prep which was sold to Kaplan, Inc. That's Yang's one successful private business venture although he wasn't the founder.
Yang is an interesting guy, and obviously much, much smarter than the top five in the polls. His politics are still crazy, but he at least has the mental capacity to defend them properly
The media have orders from the DNC to shrink the field down to 4-5 tops, so that is what CNN and MSNBC are doing- they are doing the DNC's bidding here. If you haven't watched the previous debates, you missed something important- the moderators actively work to shut the minor candidates out by simply "forgetting" to call on them.
Yang is even less likely than Buttigieg who was at least a Mayor and served in the armed forces. Yang definitely doesn't have enough money to meaningfully self fund. He has a bit of an Obama vibe although he doesn't have near the charisma. I like him but I have no idea how he made it this far.
I don't know what Gabbard is going to do- she basically sacrificed, gutted, skinned, and carted Harris away to her deep freezer in the last debate, but paid the price by getting shoved out by the media and the DNC. If I were her, I would show up in the audience in the next debate and walk onto the stage- dare them to stop her. A guy couldn't do this, but she might be able to.
Kinda hard to see how that gets him notice by Obama as global entrepreneurship ambassador. He’s a professional activist, at least in terms of his success. He’s going to be around for a while: he’s the most ambitious person in this race, and he seems to be a lot better than the rest of them at building and promoting his brand.
He’s a populist technocrat. This may not be the cycle for him, but that’s interesting ground he’s stakes out for himself.
"Everybody have fun tonight, everybody bang Yang tonight!" --Mayor Pete
Not viable? Maybe. Democrats are, in principle, Pro-Choice.
Wait until Bernie's the frontrunner and they start doing it to him...
A revisit of Obama spied, Clinton colluded, Biden obstructed, "DNC denied," and the media held warlock trials, which, among other duties, included a planned Franken monster, in a clumsy effort to socially justify attacking their primary target.
They all look the same to me. Maybe it's my eyes.
Tonite we're gonna pitch a ball
Down to that union hall
Gonna romp and tromp 'till midnite
We're gonna fuss and fight 'till daylight
We're gonna pitch a Yang dang doodle all night long.
I said very early in the primary season that Biden was going to get the nomination, then, then ... a couple of days ago, like a fool I listened/looked at the new polls, and admitted on this blog that I was very, very wrong. NOW! I'm like all... I still think that it's Biden's. For the simple reason, that no amount of Biden gaffes will sink him. Warren? Sanders? Harris? Buttplug? They are the shits with Dem voters.
If I were her, I would show up in the audience in the next debate and walk onto the stage- dare them to stop her.
That would be fun to watch. Right up there with Trump putting Bill's rape victims in the audience.
Gabby was on Tucker Carlson last night, and was very unpersuasive about being forced out of the debate via trickery. I expected a better explanation of the facts from her. disappointing. She was so good at taking Harris down, but so bad at explaining how she was cheated out of the debate. If, in fact, she was.
They all look the same to me.
You have to peer closely, but there are some observable shades of diversity, if not rational, ideological, logical, moral orientation.
Obama is right (for a hug change!). There is nothing ahead for Biden but humiliation. His gaffes are getting worse and dumber (is he the only Democrat in the United States who doesn’t remember Barack Obama’s name?) and his crooked influence peddling is coming to light.
Big Mike said...
His (Biden) gaffes are getting worse and dumber
Well, what is he up against? Lieawatha? Harris? Buttplug?
Washington Post, of all places, has an article about how Joe Biden makes up stories, in particular a war story that he tells several versions of. The trouble is that the details of the story are made up from several actual stories that happened, but not the way Biden tells them.
The story ends with a quote from a veteran who received a medal from Biden:
Eight years later, Workman still remembers how Biden looked at him.
“He has that look where his eyes can see into your eyes,” Workman said. “I felt like he really understood.”
Perhaps Biden just missed his métier and he really could have been a great Hollywood method actor?
Funniest thing I've seen lately was Bernie vs. the speed bag. I thought it was probably some of that "toxic masculinity" I've been hearing some people braying about.
It expresses how I feel about Biden. There just is not any reality there. Or there there.
Here it is, in case you missed it:
Bernie Sanders Beat Up By Punching Bag
Something people don't realize about his UBI program is it requires the recipient to forego other federal assistance.
If you think this is the way that would be implemented, you underestimate the mendacity of our elected officials - and the power of the protectors of the rice bowls in Congress. My millennial son has espoused a UBI concept since 2013 or so - believing that all other forms of "aid" would be discontinued, too. I told him he was naive.
I would be concerned about Yang's dual loyalties with Israel.
Biden is in serious trouble. Something is wrong with his mental facilities and he can no longer hide it:
"In the space of three minutes, Biden got the time period, the location, the heroic act, the type of medal, the military branch and the rank of the recipient wrong, as well as his own role in the ceremony"
So, without Yang you still have Creepy Joe, Crazy Bernie, Fauxcahontas, Headboard Harris, the Crisco Kid, Spartacus, and Pancho Vanilla.
Isn’t that enough?
there were only 570 people on that tweet.
Ten little Indians.
Look Biden has already stated that he prefers "Truth" to facts. Quit nit-picking about the details. So what if it never happened? Its "True in spirit". Its like when Hillary deplaned under "Sniper fire". Sure, there was no "Fire" and no "Sniper" but there was a "Plane" and she *would have* deplaned under "sniper fire" if it had existed. That's the essence of truth.
If Biden makes crap up will the D's care? Don't they ALWAYS make up crap? If you can believe in "Free Everything" why not a made-up feel good story? So, I agree. this won't hurt Biden at all.
BTW, I'm shocked at how badly harris is doing. I thought she'd connect with black people and she had Biden on the run after the 1st Debate. And then she cratered. I'm still betting on her though for VP. She's a perfect fit. The sassy Black women who keeps the wacky old white guy in-line. It'll be like a 80's sitcom only real life.
Only non Californians can be shocked at how bad Harris is doing. She’s an old, dumb whore.
Yang is doing alright. As of Monday, there were 832 declared presidential candidates. Yang and Williamson, who have no more government experience than the others managed to break into the debates.
Economics professors who may have more knowledge of the issues than Yang, ran for president in the last two cycles (Laurence Kotlikoff and Lawrence Lessig). They didn't even make a Yang-sized dent in the public consciousness, and nobody remembers their candidacies
That Andrew Yang is doing better than Corey Booker and Beto O'Rourke is ... okay ... not exactly incredible ... considering what Beto and Corey are like, but it is impressive. And his name is easier to spell and remember than Cory's.
It was an illusion that African-Americans, especially African-American women would flock to Kamala Harris. If she's on the ticket, Black women will vote for her, but she's not the kind of woman other women like - or the kind of African-American other African-Americans love.
Asian mother, grew up in Canada, White husband, no church, no kids of her own, not very likable. Obama himself wouldn't have gotten very far in politics if he didn't have a Black wife and Black kids and go to a Black church.
Harris also isn't very polished or very likable. A candidate can get away with being disagreeable if she's competent and proficient, or with being incompetent if she's pleasant and agreeable, but it spells trouble if she's neither likable nor capable.
BTW, I'm shocked at how badly harris is doing. I thought she'd connect with black people ...
As Gabbard pointed out in debate #2, her main “connection” was to send scores of young black men to jail for minor marijuana offenses, while laughing about her own marijuana use. You think the black community isn’t aware?
If she’s the Democrat candidate I can picture Trump going in front of black audiences and reminding them that she gave their sons jail time, while he gave them jobs. Just sayin’
Yang complains of slanted coverage
Yang is a clever guy with a plan for entitlement reform. He's on his own and so far holding his own up on the big stage. Naturally we root for him.
The gap between Buttigieg and Yang is big
Yangalanga ding dang.
It was an illusion that African-Americans, especially African-American women would flock to Kamala Harris. If she's on the ticket, Black women will vote for her, but she's not the kind of woman other women like - or the kind of African-American other African-Americans love.
Plus, she didn't grow up Inner City Black. Went to some fancy high school in Canada. Probably can't tell the difference between gunshots and a car backfire.
Black people aren't exactly enamored with Warren, either. A warren candidacy could keep the black voter turnout depressed as in 2016. I'm already getting an earful about her from my Black students.
I think the MSM hivemind initially chose Harris and was definitely shipping the shiv to other candidates to clear her way, but she has underperformed so wretchedly that their allegiance is now in play. Guessing Warren will be the next anointed one.
The real no-hoper with the blacks is Buttigieg. There's a lot of hostility to gays in urban black culture and on top of that he's a white douchebag.
What I know is that Yang is a clever guy. He's on his own and so far holding his own up on the big stage. Naturally we root for him.
Amazing South Bend Clutches
themightypuck @2:47 has it: There are two different screenshots, and the first one had Beto as the 6th candidate onscreen. (1) Yang polled higher than O'Rourke; and (2) assuming you wanted six, and Yang/Booker/O'Rourke were close to a three-way tie, why on earth go for O'Rourke? Are they still pissed off that he didn't beat Ted Cruz, or what? Of the three, I'd say Booker is the one with the best shot.
And very, verrrry interesting: Not a peep about De Blasio. There were disappointed candidates who didn't get insome of whom got interviewed and some who didn't, some who dropped out and some who haven't yet. But the Mayor of NYC? The Gray Lady is mum. The WaPo sayeth naught.
Robin Goodfellow. Excellent. Props. The Crisco Kid and Pancho Vanilla, esp.
2.4% of Democrat voters are still for Beto.
I'm already getting an earful about her from my Black students.
What are their complaints about Warren?
Only non Californians can be shocked at how bad Harris is doing.
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