Barack and Michelle Obama Buying Mega-Mansion in Martha's Vineyard— TMZ (@TMZ) August 22, 2019
ADDED: I clicked through to the article and see that the house is 6,900 square feet. I wouldn't call that a "mega-mansion." Maybe a mansion. Here's a list of the 100 largest houses in the United States. #100 — the smallest of the largest — is 39,648 square feet. The Obamas' new house is less than 20% the size of that place. It's less than 4% the size of the #1 largest house (which is — as ever and never-to-be-exceeded — the Biltmore Estate).
The Obamas are mainly getting beautiful land, with lots of trees, and I don't think 6,900 square feet is so large for a couple, especially one that is likely to entertain many house guests over the years. The house isn't even twice the size of the house Meade and I live in, and we don't think of ourselves as living in a "mansion." The Obamas new house is actually rather modest for their purposes.
I regret the snarkiness of my post title. I was influenced by TMZ's word "mega-mansion." Yeah, I do think setting a strong example with respect to the carbon footprint should be important for the Obamas, but I suspect they think that 6,900 square feet with lots of green space around it is pretty good example-setting.
1 – 200 of 267 Newer› Newest»good for me, not for thee
It’s for the children.
If CAGW is real - as Obama, Biden and all the Dems assert - then that mansion will be underwater in ten years.
Can they buy P&C insurance? Flood insurance? Title insurance?
This is a prime example how CAGW is a total and complete SCAM.
Who whom
I'll get the pitchforks. Who's got the torches?
Edgartown, not Oak Bluffs?
Ahh, the life of the really, rich liberal!
Must be nice. You get to feel good "helping" the poor by day, and lounging by the infinity pool at night.......
Don't you love how the Left make a career out of demonizing the wealthy and harvest votes by cultivating jealousy?
As I've always said: I don't mind wealthy people who get into politics. I DO mind people who become wealthy BECAUSE they're in politics.
‘Well we’re movin’ on up...’
There goes the neighborhood.
It OK for a vacation home.
It’s not like they’re going to live there full-time.
This is where they will craft their narratives of the 1% for Netflix.
It's OK. The Army Corp of Engineers are building a seawall 360 around the property. When asked about sea level rise, BHO said "bring it on"
I have no problem with people, even the Obama's, spending their money as they wish. But didn't they (him, the lecturer-in-chief) say "There's only so big a house you can have." ?
And to add on, isn't that land supposed to be underwater in 12 years?
What's the dodge going to be? "No, this is not the Obamas leveraging time in government service to join the fat pigs eating all the pie. This is...." How that end?
So, how is the NYT going to fit that into the 1619 project?
‘Looking good, Louis!’
‘Feeling good, Billy Ray!’
They are demigods, they don't have carbon footprints. Don't know why they want to incarcerate themselves in a mansion like a Trump though.
As a society, we seem to be creeping dangerously close to “ransack the chateaus” territory. I wonder how many “caring by word only” people believe that their political posturing will save them and their stuff from the resentful mobs, should they regrettably arise.
If course they care. I mean, they’re not expected to make any sacrifices for it, but they certainly care. That’s what’s really important.
The Obamas could house and feed 20 homeless people in that large mansion.
Why do they hate the homeless?
This is their - what? - third luxury house.
Harry Truman was nearly broke when he left the White House. Sam Rayburn left a tiny estate when he died after nearly 50 years in Congress.
‘Grifting’s been bery, bery good to me.’
Mr and Mrs Obama have always been hypocrites.
The guy that did the study about Google being in the tank for Hillaryin the 2016 election had to write a rebuttal to Hillary Clinton and in it he defended his work and said he thought she should be ashamed of herself for being dishonest. I thought it was funny that he still thinks that the clintons can be ashamed of anything. I'm having that same reaction to you thinking that Obama cares the environment.
Ann: Click through to the actual listing on the realtor's website. The entire house is white. White walls. White furniture. White tile. White everything.
Draw your own conclusions.
Plus, if the oceans are going to rise and destroy the coast, why buy on the coast?
Maybe....the coast is actually safe.
I do think that 6900 sf is an awful lot of space for a couple. It’s none of my bidness what other people do with their money, but it’s my opinion that that’s an awful lot of space.
We have a family of 8 and live in 2900 sf and my house is considered high-end in my city.
How much space did your parents’ generation “need” per person, Althouse?
It's not as bad as it looks. Some guy named Rezko owns most of the land around it.
Yeah, I do think setting a strong example with respect to the carbon footprint should be important for the Obamas, but I suspect they think that 6,900 square feet with lots of green space around it is pretty good example-setting.
The question is: How is this thing heated and/or cooled? Is it well-insulated? Are there different heating zones? I don't have an issue with the size per se -- although it does expose the hypocrisy of Obama's "There's only so big a house you can have" quote, doesn't it? How many homes do these people need? Is there a Secret Service contingent living at their divers homes at all times?
It isn't their primary residence.
All their stuff is brought over to the island by ferry and barge and airplane. Extra jet fuel and diesel.
Okay, maybe John Kerry shows up on his windsurf thing or one of his Rhode Island registered sailboats funded by his second wife's first husband's trust fund.
President Obama once said "I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money, but you know, part of the American way is, you know, you can just keep on making it if you’re providing a good product or you’re providing a good service.”
Maybe he is just showing how you can live when you reach that elusive enough.
Most of the swells summer on Nantucket now...
The Obamas are one house short of a Bernie Sanders' success story.
They got gypped, everyone knows that place will be underwater in 12 years.
The grounds and exterior are beautiful - lots of nice hardscaping. The interior spaces aren’t anything special, but that’s easy to fix.
Will they rename The Black Dog when the Obamas move in?
Show me people who claim that a house of 6900sf is modest, and I'll show you people who have lost perspective.
An investment in land is pretty safe. They are not making any more of it.
(Except China in the South China Sea and the emirates in the Arabian Gulf, etc.)
They are going to live there a few months each year. Sum up the total square footage of their residences.
grift is lucrative.
... the left demonizing the rich...
once there was a "scandal" in which the union boss was disclosed to make millions, dressed in designer outfits and rode chauffeured limos. I pointed out the news article to a union worker how she was forced to pay hundreds of her hard earned dollars to finance the leech. She told me, seriously, that I didn't understand, the union boss had to dress appropriately so he could negotiate confidently with the company boss.
The blacks and the poor who voted for Obama would feel vindicated that "one of their own" has "arrived".
6900 square foot is mcmansion size. I know people who have houses that size, I know a couple who has two houses that size, a house in town and one at the lake. And don't forget, they will need to accommodate Secret Service agents the rest of their lives.
"...I suspect they think that 6,900 square feet with lots of green space around it is pretty good example-setting."
I doubt any thoughts of global warming even entered their minds in consideration of the property. (They know it's B.S.)
Look at the picture, Ann. That 6,900 square feet has to be a mistake. 6,900 square meters perhaps?
It is an enormous house.
John Henry
THe main house is 6900 sq feet. I believe that excludes the two guest wings.
Oh Gee, Ann. You publish a post ridiculing the Obamas and Global Warming, and you are shocked! just shocked! when your commenters go into full on Obama hatred and CAGW denial.
And now you feel a little bit bad about it.
It's the Ruling Class hypocrisy that rankles.
Blogger Hagar said...
An investment in land is pretty safe. They are not making any more of it.
I've heard that all my life. But I also have a lifetime of seeing people lose money on land, houses and property.
See 2004-2016, for example.
See the Japanese with Rockefeller Center.
See the Japanese with Pebble Beach
See the Arabs who bought up a lot of farmland back in the 70s then sold it at a loss.
And so on.
John Henry
It's not just that "mansion." It's that, plus their other homes, plus the jetting around for "conferences" that are supposedly about the existential threat of climate change, which just coincidentally happen to be held at posh vacation venues, plus . . . the list is long.
As Prof. Reynolds says, I'll believe it's an existential threat when the people telling me it's an existential threat start acting as if they believe it's an existential threat.
Quit being such a catchfart in respect to the Obamas hypocrisy, Freder.
6900 isn’t yuge but, looking at the house I wonder if that number isn’t understated. Of course Bark and Michelle are hypocrites. That isn’t news. But given secretaries and Secret Service and whatnot it’s probably necessary to have a wing to stuff them in or they’ll always be underfoot.
I call bullshit. There is no way the house that is pictured is 6,900 sqft.
People from Chicago knew that the Obamas were phony as can be.
Why is that so hard for others to figure out?
"And now you feel a little bit bad about it."
Neutrality can be cruel, even to the neutral, can't it.
The Obamas' net worth is estimated at about $40 million, which is reasonable from what is known about their book deals, etc.
But would just $40 million support what is coming to light about their current investments and lifestyle?
I guess to someone who lives in a house with more than 1500sq ft/person a house with slightly less than 3500sq ft/person isn't outrageous. Some of us live in houses that are less than 1200sq ft and get a little sick of being lectured about our carbon footprint by wealthy people (who also tell us "you didn't build that," that "at a certain point you've made enough money," and so on), but it seems like the Professor is in Marie Therese mode and I do enjoy brioche.
Golly, I can remember when a Democrat president told rich bankers that his policies saved them from the pictchforks of the angry rabble and they should be thankful for that. A real man of the people, gritty urban pioneer, in touch with the common worker, that guy. Not sure what happened to him.
I don't care about rich people buying expensive things. They often have laughably terrible taste (hello Trump apts!) but otherwise I do not concern myself with their purchase preferences. All I ask is that they adopt the same attitude towards mine...which, naturally, they refuse.
The house looks to be at least 10,000 s.f. under beam, but it’s not unreasonable that the heated and cooled space is closer to 7,000 s.f. - you don’t include porches, loggias, and garages in that calculation.
Go into democratic politics - come out rich!
You can do it with this one small trick.
If the seas are rising why buy shorefront? Because you don’t believe the seas will swallow it.
Is this a first home? Because if you think carbon is a crime you would own only one home. And you wouldn’t shuttle.
Is it a seasonal cottage? 6900 sq ft is one big sucker of a cottage. I would call it a mega cottage.
snark is merited.
Of course snark aimed at Obama is regretted. It was shocking to see in the first place.
My home is 4,500 sqft, and that house looks quite a bit bigger. However, I'd barely say that qualifies as a Mansion. The grounds help, but that doesn't look that big. Still, the issue with the Obama's are the comments they made about others who have purchased nice homes. They didn't build it and perhaps they don't need that much home. As they claim, sometimes you have enough money.
The main house is 6900 sq feet. I believe that excludes the two guest wings.
That makes sense.
that thing looks larger than 6900 sq ft.
"And if they don't care, why does anyone care?"
They don't care. But they do care that everyone else is made to care. Or at least to fall in line and submit.
This is progworld, after all.
Yeah, I do think setting a strong example with respect to the carbon footprint should be important for the Obamas, but I suspect they think that 6,900 square feet with lots of green space around it is pretty good example-setting.
You must be joking.
Where are the mandatory solar panels all over the roof? Do they have fire sprinklers in every room as we are required to do? Does their "smart meter" shut down the power when they have used too much?
Why is the grass watered, manicured? (Yeah I know it is by the ocean, but they DO water their plants) How much is their penalty for over use of water? All those wasteful acres of grass when they should be allowing the homeless to live in their backyards in their itty bitty small houses. Is their insulation and heating system up to code? They'd better get that fixed or the property will be red tagged and you have to tear the buildings down. Hope their well is certified, or the county or state will come and fill it in for you.
(All this above in the two paragraphs is shit that happens in beautiful California)
What about the laundry usage for all those bedrooms and guests? The chemicals and soaps. As if Michelle is really gonna do any housework. Snort. Do their servants...I mean staff, live on site or do they commute and add to the carbon footprint?
Actually. YES they are setting an example. The EXAMPLE is that they are elite and we are not. We are peons who must cut back sacrifice so the special people like the Obamas don't have to live under the grinding rules that they propose for us.
Where the Hell did I put my pitchfork??!!??
Those bankers were the cleanup crew, after spitzer left aig and lehman ailing, biden and obama having received their graft from that and a dozen inatitutions.
Not an attractive house, inside or out. The former owners appear to have favored an impersonal hotel/dorm room aesthetic.
The Obama's carbon footprint is a foot firmly planted on your throat. That's always been what that's about.
They're 'buying' it from Wyc Grousbeck, rich kid, VC and lead owner of the Boston Celtics. In MA transfer prices are public so it will be interesting to see how much the Obama's 'pay'.
To have a low carbon footprint they would need to live in a 1 bedroom apartment with shared bathroom facilities - just like they want us plebes to be stuck in. Living on a large property in a large house is the opposite of a low carbon footprint. The CO2 needed for the materials needed to build a 6900 sq ft house is more than 10 families worth.
Obama voters... such chumps they be! Made enough money yet Barry?
Bet You they haven't!
You and Meade are obvious climate monsters as well.
Thorstein Veblen was a leading Progressive in his day and he also taught at the University of Chicago. Other than that, the two men could not be more different.
Go into democratic politics - come out rich!
It annoys me to no end that so many of you believe that only Democrats end up rich after being in politics. You need to look no further than Mitch McConnell (both he and his wife have been in public service for a good chunk of their careers) to see this assertion is simply not true. He is worth more than $25 million and he (and his wife) are still serving in the government.
‘Let them eat lobster rolls.’
— Michelle Antoinette
It somehow lessens you, Althouse, to have pulled your punch (or snark). This is wexactly how Democrats are emboldened to make unreasonable demands on everyone else.
David Koch is dead.
Hope you bastards are happy.
@Fredo Frederson: I'll give you Mitch McConnell if you bring St. Obama of out of your Pantheon.
Sorry about that. Mitch McConnell has been in public service his entire career.
Just recently married ('73) We paid ("pioneered")$59,500.00 for our 6,000 sq ft home on S. Third St in "Old Louisville" in 1976 at a time when few were buying similar sized properties as single-family homes. But considering at that time a like home in the Garden Dist in New Orleans ran from $250-$750,000 we thought it was a steal..
Worrying about carbon footprint is only mildly annoying to the rich. The working class would be totally wiped out.
Darrell said...David Koch is dead.
Hope you bastards are happy.
RIP. But can we celebrate the death of his Open Borders policy and funding of TDS?
A McMansion for a McPresident.
That house looks more like 16,900 sq ft, that 6,900.
Also; (and I can't take credit for thinking this up) if the coastal areas are going to be underwater in 12 years from Global Warming, why buy a large, expensive house on Martha's Vineyard?
It's certainly not a good look to be lecturing others about stoping their environmental sins while committing far greater environmental sins yourself. Like that hilarious "Google Camp" thing a few weeks back, or Prince Harry and Princess Meghan's tone deaf behavior. They really do believe that the rules they would happily impose on others need not be applied to themselves. They are divine creatures, far above the dirty rabble, but they have a duty to hector the rabble on their great sins.
One could almost infer from Althouse's remarks that the Obamas are really good people, well intentioned, put others first, acting always from noble motives, completely normal in their appetites, fair-minded, just decent folks, the kind of people you would want to live next door to.
A problem that I have with Democrats is that a large number of them seem to be getting rich based on their “public service” jobs and purchase several large and expensive homes built in high end areas. At the same time, they say they are champions of the working poor. WTF? I am not saying that they need to live amongst their subjects but how in the hell can they say they know & understand how those of us who struggle to make ends meet how tough it is? Chris Abele, the Democrat who is currently the county executive of Milwaukee County, owns 2 high end side by side apartments, a mansion, and just started construction on a 17,000 sq. ft. mansion in a wealthy part of the county he rules. That means he thinks he needs 3 rather large homes in Milwaukee County to live in! Of course, he earned his money the old fashioned way - daddy gave it to him (I have never heard if Chris has ever held down a job like the rest of us working stiffs prior to buying his way into his current job by way of outspending his opponents in elections). The ruling Dems, including Comrade Bernie Sanders, are no different than the Soviet leaders they admire so much, living high off of the sweat of the proletariat. The Republicans at least make no bones about it being good to get ahead in life. Hell, even the members of the “Squad” felt that they needed to move to luxury apartments away from their subjects after the elections. Democrats are almost all F***ing Hypocrites...
"I regret the snarkiness of my post title.".
Don't be so hard on yourself, Professor. You may well find that you feel better when you get in the habit of speaking the obvious truth.
Looks like Barry still believes that His Presence will keep the ocean from rising and inundating his seashore paradise.
[Edited to fix a redundancy]
"It annoys me to no end that so many of you believe that only Democrats end up rich after being in politics. You need to look no further than Mitch McConnell (both he and his wife have been in public service for a good chunk of their careers) "
If annoys me that you believe we care more about party than principles, and that we don't care about McConnell getting rich in public service, if in fact he has. If someone has been solely on government salary and has also somehow gotten rich, it is pretty suspicious, and I would support looking much more into the details, regardless of which party they led or espoused.
But one distinction: I don't recall hearing McConnell lecturing the country about the evils of seeking or collecting wealth. That's the issue, isn't it, FF. Leading candidate Elizabeth Warren righteously condemning the rich. Will she condemn Obama now? Because I don't recall her ever saying anything negative about the Clintons, and the Clintons make the Obamas and McConnells look like absolute pikers in getting rich selling mere words and relationship brokerage.
chickelit said...But can we celebrate the death of his Open Borders policy and funding of TDS?
Why not, I am. The Prosecco is already on ice.
I clicked through to look at the real estate photos. Wow. That's a white decor. I really do like white subway tile -- but to match it with white marble? We used either soapstone or dark granite for contrast. Obama's new house just screams pallor.
ADDED: I clicked through to the article and see that the house is 6,900 square feet. I wouldn't call that a "mega-mansion." Maybe a mansion.
I sure hope they’ll be able to squeak by.
Btw, this purchase doesn’t bother me, rather I plan to use it next time the Obama’s show up to lecture us about something or another. Lolgf you hypocrites.
Its interesting out elite goes to an island to get away from the rest of us. An island full of rich houses and swanky restaurants, that we peons couldn't afford even to visit. Do they have a Motel 6? I doubt it. So, what does it matter if we 500 million Americans - half of them Muslims? Martha's Vinyard won't change. Neither will Palo Alto, or Beverly Hills. Or the Upper East Side. They're insulated.
BTW, one of the anti-American Koch Brothers died. Goodbye to Greed-head bad rubbish.
After a certain size, its just a status symbol. Its like Tolstoy's short story how much land does a man need?
As Althouse, states the O's are different, since they probably have constant visitors and parties, necessary for plotting their return to power or schmoozing people to give them speaking gigs.
Is that last Cock brother, or is Dick Les Koch still alive?
Uh, yes, we know politicians of both parties get rich on their 'government service.' The difference is: Democrats constantly rail about the "1%" and then pull every string they can to join that cohort. And few of them produce anything but a book that no one reads and a few self-aggrandizing speeches.
Railing against 'the rich' + cashing in early and often + flaunting it in posh seaside property + screeching about "climate change" = the worst kind of hypocrisy.
It's of a piece with Mr. Three Houses Socialist Bernie. We can rest assured that the current scourges of the "the rich" like Warren and AOC will end up with ocean front property. Though AOC will only get that stuff if she finds a new director/producer to replace Mr. Chakrabarti.
Is that last Cock brother, or is Dick Les Koch still alive?
The main one is still out there, stirring up shit.
The Obama's new home will be a grand place to host fundraisers for Michelle's campaign.
6900 Sq feet is a lot of sq feet to heat/cool. this is for 2 people. Mittens just came out for "doing something" about climate change. Of course, he has about 6 houses around the country. Maybe he should sell a couple.
How many weeks a year did the Obamas spend in the last home they owned and sold on Martha's Vineyard? It's not the size of the house so much as how little a home that size is going to be lived in that makes it a drain on what the Obamas say are scarce resources. If they owned two homes, a summer one and a winter one, it would be forgivable, perhaps, but this is a place they'll visit for a couple of weeks a year. Will they rent it out for the rest of the summer? Unlikely. What about the home in Chicago? How many nights have they spent there in the last 10 years? The "waste" is mostly in the limited occupancy.
Hey, I just had a disturbing thought -- how far will the Obamas have to walk to get to public transportation from there?
The house is not that mega but the location is super duper mega. And the CO2 Myth is for the brainwashed college kids seeking a purpose in life. Nobody else on earth falls for it. The media runs the propaganda and the World Government Masters give themselves mega money and mega powers while nobody telling truth about it is permitted to speak. And Obama of course ignores the idiocy.
The important thing is that Mr. Obama is bringing his money and influence to inner-city Chicago where they can make a difference.
"we shouldn't engage in class warfare"
Yeah, I'll stop engaging in class warfare, when the rich stop waging war against the middle class through open borders, gaming the tax system, and globalism. This whole "climate Change" crap is the same thing. Once they start taxing "Carbon emissions" you can be damn sure it won't affect the lives of the rich and famous.
Normally, the elite "Summers" at the Vinyard. By October they're back in DC or Manhattan.
Once you ascend to the higher elected echelons of government (like state governor, US senator, mayor of a major US city, or president) if you're not filthy rich in short order you're probably doing something wrong or you're just far too honest and decent.
The fact that we have so many career politicians who have never held down a real job but are multi-millionaires depsite having modest government saleries is probably the most blatant and open form of corruption in our system. I mean, ex-presidents you can sort of understand how they become very rich, they get crazy book deals and have suckers lining up to pay them upwards of half a million dollars for (oestensibly) speeches. But the rest?
"The important thing is that Mr. Obama is bringing his money and influence to inner-city Chicago where they can make a difference."
Oh, lord, I needed a good laugh!
Have the Obamas gotten themselves a private jet yet? It's a long haul from the Vinyard to Hawaii.
About the 40th highest valued residence on the Edgartown Assessors Office:
7,969,200 - 29.30 acres ($271,986/acre)
7,196,500 - ($1,043/sq ft)
15,165,700 - ($2,197/sq.ft.)
Price History
7/22/2019 Listing removed $14,850,000 -- $2,155 LandVest MV
7/17/2019 Price change $14,850,000 -8.6% $2,155 LandVest MV
6/17/2019 Back on market $16,250,000 -- $2,358 LandVest MV
2/26/2019 Listing removed $16,250,000 -- $2,358 LandVest, Inc.
5/18/2018 Price change $16,250,000 -15.6% $2,358 LandVest, Inc.
5/25/2017 Listed for sale $19,250,000 -14.4% $2,793 Landvest, Inc
1/14/2017 Listing removed $22,500,000 -- $3,265 Wallace & Co. Sotheby's International Realty
8/8/2015 Listed for sale $22,500,000 +614.3% $3,265 Wallace & Co. Sotheby''s Int''l
1/15/1998 Sold $3,150,000 -- $457 Public Record
Tax History
2019 $58,691 +4.8% $15,165,700 +4.8%
2018 $55,987 +9.7% $14,467,000 +0.6%
2017 $51,048 +8.5% $14,379,700 +10.6%
2016 $47,057 +6.9% $12,999,300 +2.4%
2015 $44,032 +9.4% $12,689,300 +16.6%
"I regret the snarkiness of my post title."
Ahh, you're so nice.
"I suspect they think that 6,900 square feet with lots of green space around it is pretty good example-setting."
I suspect you think they think like you. I suspect you are wrong. I suspect they don't give a damn.
I hope the lawn service people are making 15 an hour.
I am Laslo.
Freder is quite possibly the biggest liar at Althouseblog, and with Inga and LLR Chuck's record, that's saying something.
Freder goes full Bundy Case Liar Mode once again....
Freder: "You need to look no further than Mitch McConnell (both he and his wife have been in public service for a good chunk of their careers) to see this assertion is simply not true. He is worth more than $25 million and he (and his wife) are still serving in the government."
I wonder how it could be that Chao and McConnell could be worth $25M after long careers in Govt?! It's a realy "mystery". It's inexplicable I tellya!!!
Or is it?.....
"In the heart of the Great Recession, Mitch McConnell suddenly got richer. According to his 2009 financial disclosure, while other senators’ fortunes were falling, McConnell’s jumped, thanks to a multimillion-dollar gift from his father-in-law, James Chao, to him and his wife, Elaine Chao, who now serves as President Trump’s Secretary of Transportation.
Federal financial disclosures list assets in wide ranges. The totals in McConnell’s disclosure jumped from a range of $3.1 million to $12.7 million in 2007 to $7.3 million to $33.1 million in 2008. The big reason for that increase: a $5 million-to-$25 million gift from the elder Chao in memory of Elaine’s mother, Ruth, who died at age 77 in 2007."
Try harder Field Marshall Freder....
Hey, Obama voters: are you feeling like suckers yet? Just imagine -- you can have that feeling again when the Fake Indian gets out of the White House and cashes in big time.
I have a feeling that is closer to 8,000-10,000 square feet if fully measured and the article does use the qualifier "Main residence" where there is a building seperated by a breezeway next to the main house.
Nonetheless, you are right that for a former president with 2 daughters and I would expect a healthy future of entertaining and guests.
Regardless, your original question to me still stands: Why buy a massive remote estate (and it is a massive remote estate) in one of the most elite areas - and an area antithetical to the premise of global warming as a risk to mankind?
I can think of some legitimate reasons for a former head of state, but it also conflicts with many of the concepts they've said apply to themselves.
The creatures outside looked from progressive to capitalist, and from capitalist to progressive, and from progressive to capitalist again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.
@EDH, price of the place has come down quite a bit. Not that I'm the best judge, bit 15 million actually seems like a pretty good deal for a 7000sqft house on 30 acres on the Vineyard. Wonder why it's evidently become such a buyers market on that island?
At a certain point you have to say, "I've made enough money." Interesting that the two of you are rattling around 3,000+ square feet. To me, that's a pretty big house. But I haven't lived in anything bigger than 1100 sq. feet in 65 years. To a guy in Greece, where I live, 1100 is a pretty comfy place to live.
"They're 'buying' it from Wyc Grousbeck, rich kid, VC and lead owner of the Boston Celtics. In MA transfer prices are public so it will be interesting to see how much the Obama's 'pay'."
Yeah, what'll be the protection-money discount?
The best thing about this purchase is that Michelle will never run for POTUS. She can't pass up this life of wealth and ease. Anyway, the Obamas already did that President thing.
Barack and Michelle are the two most overrated people of all time. What exactly did they do?
Does that mean each house gets its own Secret Service detail 24/7/365?
"The creatures outside looked from progressive to capitalist, and from capitalist to progressive, and from progressive to capitalist again; but already it was impossible to say which was which."
That ain't no capitalist, buddy. As far as I can tell neither of the Obamas have ever had real jobs. Michelle had that sweet U of C hospital gig and Barack wrote (maybe) a book and was a 'community organizer.' Maybe when they were teenagers they flipped burgers and made an honest wage. But I sort of doubt it.
Trump could create a great political advertisement for Detroit, Baltimore and Philadelphia using pictures of this Obama compound. He could throw in a few pictures of Bernie's lake home.
So much for the tiny home movement...
When Greenland melts, watch out.
Just 36 days ago, President Barack Hussein Obama said, "There's only so much you can eat. There's only so big a house you can have. There's only so many nice trips you can take. I mean, it's enough...Let me pay a little more in taxes."
Oh, Jesus tap-dancing Christ (quoting the inimitable Meghan Jennings, Assistant Administrator, University of Kentucky Office of Student Associations and Activities). I suppose it does no good to point out these hypocrites the IRS accepts donations or, barring that, one can just neglect to take all those deductions one is lawfully entitled to claim if one feels morally compelled to pay a bigger "fair share". Or one could buy a slightly smaller house on real estate slightly less pricey than Cape Cod and above the new high tide line we're doomed to endure in less than a dozen years even if we ditch the Bill of Rights as required by the Green New Deal.
The Edgartown Assessors Office shows it to be 6,900 s.f.
replying to JRoberts who said, "As I've always said: I don't mind wealthy people who get into politics. I DO mind people who become wealthy BECAUSE they're in politics." Some wag once noted: in capitalism, the rich become powerful; in socialism, the powerful become rich.
What’s really interesting about all this is that it seems that out betters who’ve preached to us about how pious they are and how we, the serfs, have to cut back, are finally getting called on their shit. They stirred it all up, now the alligator is coming for them.
BTW, while the Sussexes were getting flayed for their private jet, the future King and his family have flown commercial and coach.
Harry and Meghan will start towing the line.
Let me pay a little more in taxes."
Then pay it. No one is stopping you.
Oh Gee, Ann. You publish a post ridiculing the Obamas and Global Warming, and you are shocked! just shocked! when your commenters go into full on Obama hatred and CAGW denial.
And now you feel a little bit bad about it.
Hilarious. Freder the scold is angry that the Obamas are seen to be approaching Clinton territory in the grifter files.
Neither Clinton, nor Obamas have ever held a real job outside politics. It is also true of many Republicans but Freder is outraged by one and not the other.
Everybody but the chumps know Global Warming is a scam. Don't you remember the old rule of poker ?
If, after two or three hands, you still haven't realized who the mark is, it is you !
Google Earth shows it is about 9000 square feet.
DarkHelmet to dbp:
That ain't no capitalist, buddy. As far as I can tell...
I think you've missed the point of dbp's paraphrase of that famous Orwell passage.
He did say that at some point you've made enough money, he's just getting rid of some of it.
CAGW denial.
Pssst. Frédér. It’s called low level clouds and galaxy rays. Finnish and Japanese scientists are starting to produce papers.
Then there’s this:
...Shaviv strongly supports the Svensmark hypothesis and has co-authored papers with Svensmark. The key issue is that Shaviv considers that the increase in solar irradiation in the 20th century contributed one-half to two-thirds of estimated 20th century warming.
One of the strongest pieces of evidence is a graph of over eighty years, from about 1915 to 2005 showing the relationship between Sea Level Change Rate (mm/year) and changes in the Reconstructed Solar Constant (watts per square meter).). The sea level change rate is from stable tidal gages. As the oceans heat, they expand; as they cool, they contract. The relationship of the changes is quite dramatic....
Seeing Red:
BTW, while the Sussexes were getting flayed for their private jet, the future King and his family have flown commercial and coach.
Harry and Meghan will start towing the line.
If I went to all the trouble of marrying into a royal family I'd be ticked if I still ended up having to fly coach.
virgil xenophon said...
Just recently married ('73) We paid ("pioneered")$59,500.00 for our 6,000 sq ft home on S. Third St in "Old Louisville" in 1976 at a time when few were buying similar sized properties as single-family homes. But considering at that time a like home in the Garden Dist in New Orleans ran from $250-$750,000 we thought it was a steal..
8/23/19, 9:06 AM
Are you still there? I work on 3rd St. in Old Louisville, not far from the Filson.
Our house is 1200 sq ft with a 60 ft frontage. The lot size is 8800 sq ft.
But we do have an exclusive ZIPCODE, 02467 Chestnut Hill MA. The smallest house in Chestnut Hill where there are lot's of mansions and estates and beautiful people, including John Henry, Robert Kraft, Tom Brady.
It's a shame that what used to be one of the top conservative blogs in America is now a bottom-feeder conspiracy site; complete with click-bait headlines that Admin later regrets posting yet is unwilling (unable?) to change.
"The fact that we have so many career politicians who have never held down a real job but are multi-millionaires depsite having modest government saleries is probably the most blatant and open form of corruption in our system."
Exactly. The Clinton's are now worth, what $100 million? Obama's net worth is skyrocketing. Senators and Congressmen either go to work on Wall Street or become wealthy K street lobbyists after they retire. Even socialist Bernie sanders is worth $millions. Another way is to give money to the spouse. Diane Feinstein's husband has made millions off government contracts.
Data about the home's community:
"As of 2017, 2.84% of Edgartown, MA residents (20 people) were born outside of the United States, which is lower than the national average of 13.7%. In 2016, the percentage of foreign-born citizens in Edgartown, MA was 0.616%.
In 2017, there were 20.8 times more White Alone residents (664 people) in Edgartown, MA than any other race or ethnicity.
There are 8 Hispanic or Latino residents."
If someone were to say that they wanted to live in a community that was "20.8 times more White Alone residents... than any other race or ethnicity" wouldn't they be seen as practically proclaiming themselves White Supremacists?
Why is it that the people who speak the strongest about diversity and immigration CHOOSE to live in a community with as little diversity and immigrants as possible?
I'm sure if the Obamas knew these numbers they would be horrified at their decision.
I am Laslo.
Beasts of England: "The Edgartown Assessors Office shows it to be 6,900 s.f."
Edgartown is where all the dems and city officials gathered to cover up Ted Kennedys manslaughter killing of Mary Jo Kopechne.
Thus, the sq footage of obamas newest acquisition that puts the lie to the lefties AGW hoax can be whatever sq footage the obamas say it is.
Personally I cant wait for Sleepy Creepy 'not all together there' Joey Biden to regale us with stories of his time as a carpenter when he helped build that house.
"...I suspect they think that 6,900 square feet with lots of green space around it is setting a pretty good example..."
Except this is a summer house is in addition to their primary 8,100 square foot house in D.C.
And how will he get from D.C. to the Vineyard? Pack Michelle, the girls and the dog in a Prius and drive to Mass.?
what used to be one of the top conservative blogs in America is now a bottom-feeder conspiracy site;
Well, you're here.
Can't Obama just eat his Wagyu?
The Obamas were in the politics game for the money.
How much cash did he and Val Jarrett skim off in that Iran deal? Or how much did the Iranians pay them?
Not a whiff of scandal my ass.
You really need to look at the pictures of this house. Everything in it is white.
Nonapod said...
Wonder why it's evidently become such a buyers market on that island?
"Love to prove that, wouldn't ya? Get your name into the National Geographic."
The article says: "The main residence is just shy of 6,900 square feet. It has 7 bedrooms, so Sasha and Malia have a place to crash, along with several of their friends. It has the obligatory pool, an outdoor fireplace, a chef's kitchen, vaulted ceilings and 2 guest wings. It has incredible views, especially while soaking in the second-floor balcony Jacuzzi."
So "It" is "The main residence," and "It has... 2 guest wings." Therefore, if this is written competently, the guest wings are included in the 6,900 square feet.
There are some outbuildings, but if these are unheated places, they probably have little to do with the carbon footprint.
Conspiratorialism is the only realistic world view.
This is supported by immense historical experience.
Indeed, it is purest empiricism.
I have not seen an argument against it, just emotional reactions.
I expect their "house guests" will be paying for the privilege.
“It's a shame that what used to be one of the top conservative blogs in America is now a bottom-feeder conspiracy site...”
This has happened to many conservative blogs over the last few years.
It's not about the carbon footprint. It is about the "fact" that Martha's Vineyard is going to be underwater as the Artic and Greenland all melt. Rising oceans. CAGW.
Obama knows the whole thing was a SCAM and he played it perfectly. A total con job.
“Conspiratorialism is the only realistic world view.”
Ahhh, so that’s what’s gone wrong with conservatives.
"At some point you've bought enough exclusive seaside property."
"Oh, I get it. Where it that point?"
"I'll let you know."
6900 square feet. "You didn't build that," Mr. President.
Except this is a summer house is in addition to their primary 8,100 square foot house in D.C.
Januaries in coastal Massachusetts are pretty bleak. The only people who stay there year-round (I use "people" here only loosely. They're not squirrels, after all.) are those who eke a living delivering Dominos to real people from May to September. Between Thanksgiving and Groundhog Day the Obamas forego the similarly drab environs of the District for the sunnier climes of Kailua Bay, Hawaii. After all, one must go somewhere. That house, or should one say cottage, is a modest 7000 square feet. And to be frank, Barack only rents it for $3,500 a day (Outrageous, but that's what Washington influence gets one. Diana spends twice as much per day for her cabana, and she's not obliged to house a troop of overpaid Secret Service houseboys.) Actually, the Obamas plan to use their Washington address only during tax season. Excellent tax advisors literally grow on trees in that otherwise benighted city polluted as it is by the insufferable Trumps.
Not seeing the conspiracy theories here. Obama bought a huge ocean front estate. We're all smirking about the quasi-socialist who vaulted himself into the top 0.1% wealth cohort by preaching the progressive gospel.
Not a conspiracy. Just funny. In a sick sort of way.
Not bad, for a kid born in a grass hut in Kenya.
I wouldn't call that a "mega-mansion."
Nor would I, but 7 bedrooms with 8.5 baths is quite a lot of space for a family of four. says he spent $14.8 million on this house, and he previously spent $8.1 million to buy the house in the ritzy Kalorama neighborhood of Washington, DC, that they had been renting. Plus the Obamas still own their old home in the Hyde Park area of Chicago. I guess he felt the need to one-up fellow democratic socialist Bernie Sanders?
One does wonder what he did, and for whom, to acquire the capital to buy $23 million worth of houses less than three years after leaving the White House. Eight years of salary as President of the United States only (only!) comes to $3.2 million and he had to pay the girls’ tuition and the family grocery bills out of that. How did he accumulate the down payments?
No matter what, Althouse will always love the Obammers. She can't help it, the white guilt runs strong in this one.
purplepenquin: "It's a shame that what used to be one of the top conservative blogs in America is now a bottom-feeder conspiracy site;..."
I see the russia collusion hoaxers / kavanaugh gang rape leader hoaxers / Putin threw the election to Trump hoaxer types are still angry at Althouse.
I'll bet the local meat market sells only the best cuts of dog to the new locals.
I regret the snarkiness of my post title.
Nathan Hale is unimpressed.
Not seeing the conspiracy theories here.
You're asking PurplePenguin and FrankiM (Inga's new handle) to draw a line between sarcastic reactions to obvious hypocrisy and conspiracy theorizing. For your next feat of strength, I suggest shot-putting the Rock of Gibraltar.
There are some outbuildings, but if these are unheated places, they probably have little to do with the carbon footprint.
Yes Ann, the $14 million dollar house has unheated places...
There are 8 Hispanic or Latino residents.
White Hispanic or ... the other kind?
Interesting tidbit from Barack's 2013 Nantucket vacation:
"Back when the Schultes were approached to rent the property to President Obama in 2013, the Gazette reported they were reluctant.
“We harrumphed around a little; we had never rented the house,” David Schulte told the Gazette. “But then I said, well, he is the president for God’s sake, if he would like to use it, fine."
Sorry, if that is a picture of the estate, then it is much larger than 6900 sq.ft. I suspect someone, for some purpose, is deliberately unstating the size. I lived in a 2200 sq.ft. house- that estate is at least 5 times the size of my house.
All you people who are mocking Obama for "At some point you've made enough money" are missing the point. It's, "At some point *you* have made enough money." Not him. And he will be the one to tell you when you've made enough.
AMDG wrote:
"THe main house is 6900 sq feet. I believe that excludes the two guest wings."
Yes, this explains it. Seriously, you have to be a moron to look at that picture and not realize the 6900 sq.ft. was some sort of lie or mistake.
NO, we are currently back in Louisiana in Baton Rouge. We lived some twenty yrs between Hill & Magnolia @ 1408 S.32rd, and off old brownsboro rd on Circlecrest
Dr. in the burbs..
Sorry, if that is a picture of the estate, then it is much larger than 6900 sq.ft.
Obama didn't build that.
Drago: I see the russia collusion hoaxers / kavanaugh gang rape leader hoaxers / Putin threw the election to Trump hoaxer types are still angry at Althouse.
Ah, let 'em be, Drago. For a while there I was getting a bit worried that they were gonna go off the deep end and harm themselves, what with all their fanatical faith in their saviors. That they're now handling their profound disappointment with nothing worse than dispirited "ugh, wing-nuts" snarking is a hopeful sign.
"...but I suspect they think that 6,900 square feet with lots of green space around it is pretty good example-setting."
Well, I'm glad the Obamas and I agree on SOMETHING.
It's not his fault he has all that money. The rest of us just obstinately refused to let him pay more taxes. He wanted to pay more, you know. Really, really truly. It's our fault.
*S 3rd*
"I don't think 6,900 square feet is so large for a couple, especially one that is likely to entertain many house guests over the years. The house isn't even twice the size of the house Meade and I live in, and we don't think of ourselves as living in a "mansion.""
You don't seem to really understand how money, real money, is allowed to express itself on the Vineyard. You have to step down and be "modest". It's the old white money way and the Obamas are certainly hip to it.
Among old white money overbuilding is overbearing.
Ah, now I get it. Trump wanted to by Greenland so he could melt all of the ice, and flood the Obama's new home!
I guess I'm odd but I can see how that place could have 7,000 sq ft of conditioned living space. In MA sometimes the assessor is generous and undercounts by 100 or so but to fudge 1,000 or two seems unusual, especially since the place was listed off and on for a few years. I would think you would want to max out the advertised footage...
Real Estate is blood sport on the islands. My SO is trustee for a fair number of properties in both places- enough so someone in the know once joked she's the largest private land owner on Nantucket (or at least I think it was a joke...). Funny story- she went to a meeting and introduced herself to a some guy who clearly she'd never met but the guy kept trying to figure out where he knew her from. Halfway through the meeting he figures it out- he's a hound for the local weekly island paper that lists the real estate transactions and her name keeps popping up. Who is this wealthy woman buying everything? he's thinking...
russia collusion hoaxers / kavanaugh gang rape leader hoaxers / Putin threw the election to Trump hoaxer types
Either you have me confused with someone else or you're intentionally being untruthful...'cause none of that describes me at all.
Given your past history of refusing to back-up your other ludicrous claims you've made, I'm gonna go with the latter. Lying about what others have said/done seems to be a pattern for you.
FrankiM (Inga's new handle)
Are you sure about that? As sure as you are about everything else? 'cause Fen assured us all (when it was pointed out that he appears to be using multiple logins) that it is impossible for anyone to have multiple names on here 'cause Meade can see all the IP addresses and would surely say something about it.
Yes, I am sure FrankiM is Inga. I think Meade and Althouse got worn down trying to eliminate her- she changed monikers at least twice that I saw and noticed after the ID "IngaAlleyOop" got banned, and I might have missed several others the first couple of days.
Laslo said: I hope the lawn service people are making 15 an hour.
And the maids, cooks, cleaning staff, maintenance crew, security guards. It is nice to have servants to take care of your every need.
i assume they'll be like the Clintons and charge rent to the Secret Service people?
Ann, your effort to diminish the irony of this is irritating. My wife is not a global warming fanatic by any means. However, she still insists we recycle everything properly and hangs clothes out to dry in warm months rather than waste energy on the washing machine. Keeps the temp down even in winter. I kid her about this, but also respect her consistency. We live very comfortably in Michigan in about 1,5000 sq. feet, and I cannot imagine why I would ever need more. But that's me, my preferences. To me, the mansion the Obama's have is obscenely large. But I do not fault them for it. What I fault them for is the smug satisfaction they take in have the correct talking-the-talk views about the environment without even coming close to walking-the-walk. Like so many of the rest - Gore, DeCaprio, and the entire jet-setting, meaningless Paris Accord climatistas, they are perfectly comfortable trying to scare the shit out of everyone so as to keep some wood-burning peasant in Africa from ever getting gas generated heat, light and air conditioning. Fuck them all, I say.
Is Obama a CAGW lifer though? I mean, I rarely recall any real effort from him to combat climate change outside of signing the Paris Accords, which are relatively toothless.
He was the lip service Preezy. Outside of healthcare, did he do anything to put forward progressive causes? Gay marriage doesn't really count, because that was a court issue.
whatever snark there was, it was warranted.
(was there a 'knock on the door' ?)
This goes contrary to what they have been pushing on the rest of us.
A manifestation of Fen's Law in real estate terms.
They satisfy their desire for opulent living-- why shouldnt we?
""...but I suspect they think that 6,900 square feet with lots of green space around it is pretty good example-setting."
For whom exactly are they setting an example? Julia, perhaps, as she tends the community organic garden in retirement?
Speaking of which, I'm sure Michelle will spend many happy hours with her huge organic garden right outside their cozy little home.
What Bob said.
The obama's have four legs...
purplepenguin: "Given your past history of refusing to back-up your other ludicrous claims you've made, I'm gonna go with the latter. Lying about what others have said/done seems to be a pattern for you."
Another lefty lie concerning previous lefty lies.
Apparently, like turtles, its lefty lies all the way down!
Penguin, give us an example of a previous claim I couldnt back up....lest you be accused of making a claim you couldnt back up...
Hammond has no problem with it, long as they use a hand push mower for the grass, hand clippers for the edging, hand tools for trimming the trees and hedges, etc. You know how bad those lawn mower and two stroke engines are!
’A manifestation of Fen's Law in real estate terms.’
In a nutshell.
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