August 21, 2019

"Trump Says Jews Should Love Him Because He’s Almost Literally Jesus."

Says Jonathan Chait.

He's paraphrasing. I'm sure it's a fair paraphrase, don't you think?

ADDED: From the WaPo article on the same subject:
President Trump went on Twitter on Wednesday to quote a conservative radio host and known conspiracy theorist who praised him as “the greatest President for Jews” and claimed that Israelis “love him like he is the second coming of God.”

In his tweets, Trump thanked Wayne Allyn Root for “the very nice words.”

Root has promoted numerous conspiracy theories, including that former president Barack Obama was not born in the United States, that Democratic National Committee staff member Seth Rich was killed by any one of a number of prominent Democrats, that a mass shooting in Las Vegas was coordinated by Muslims and that the person responsible for the death of Heather Heyer at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville was paid by a wealthy Democrat.
UPDATE: He really knows how to yank people's chain:



traditionalguy said...

Yes, Jesus was the King of the Jews that came to save them. And see what that got him. No one wants to admit they need saving.

Nonapod said...

What quote is Jonathan Chait paraphrasing? I'd like to know if he's putting words in Trump's mouth or just fairly rewording.

Clyde said...

It's a thin line between love and Chait.

rhhardin said...

Everybody is literally jesus.

Dave Begley said...

Trump is bigger than the Beatles ever were.

gilbar said...

Trump Says Jews Should Love Him Because He’s Almost Literally Jesus

Trump quoted someone ELSE, that said that Jews in Israel like him, like he was
The King of Israel

Anonymous said...

I'm sure it's a fair paraphrase, don't you think?

Jonathan Chait? Absolutely. I know I can trust his take.

gilbar said...

Step a) Misquote President Trump
Step b) get bent out of shape about the OUTRAGE! of the misquote
Step c) repeat

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The sillier quote is by Chait. His tired extrapolations are so tedious.

Ann Althouse said...

Link fixed.

Thanks for the heads up.

gilbar said...

Your Own, Personal, Jesus

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Yes - the Obama wasn't born in Hawaii conspiracy was total bunk.
Notice how the left use it to cover for the death of Seth Rich.

Seth Rich's death was never investigated with an outcome that made any sense.

mccullough said...

Lot of conspiracy theorists out there. The NY Times was all about promoting the Russian hoax.

People believe a lot of stupid shit.

mccullough said...

What’s Root’s take on Epstein? He must have a theory

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Lets never forget the leftwing-democratic connection to all the 9/11 conspiracy theories.

Jaq said...

It’s not just Trump supporters who are getting tired of this distorted shit. Which is why he is over 50% approval now in some polls.

mccullough said...

Bezos had a conspiracy theory that the Saudis hacked his phone and released his dick pics.

Bezos is a conspiracy theorist. The Wa-PO is a conspiracy theorist rag

Jaq said...

"Lot of conspiracy theorists out there. The NY Times was all about promoting the Russian hoax. “

Have they ever quoted Rachel Maddow as a conspiracy theorist? No. On account she is their conspiracy theorist.

Nonapod said...

Ok, Trump says Israelis “love him like he is the second coming of God.” Chait paraphrased that to "Trump Says Jews Should Love Him Because He’s Almost Literally Jesus.". I don't think that's a fair paraphrasing. Trump didn't say "Jews should" love him, he claimed "Israelis" do love him. Trump isn't directly trying to make an argument that all Jewish people should love him like that (although I don't doubt he totally would say something like that). But whatever.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Says Jonathan Chait

Does Chait say that? My understanding is that headlines are often written by different people than the article itself.

Of course, if Chait disagrees with the headline he should publicly state that, and if he fails to do so he is complicit in this lie

Bob Boyd said...

Chait is quoting Trump out of context.
Trump was referring to the Jews of Greenland when he said that.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Russian hoax was not a hoax in the minds of the eternally Hillary-lost butthurt.
Russia tricked our brains!

Seeing Red said...

Trump didn’t say that. So “Trump says”...more mendacity.

Wince said...

Trump is the Root of all evil.

Jaq said...

Manage American Greatness Again: China's facing an unprecedented internal rebellion in its most important financial center. According to the New York Times that shows the ...."Waning of American Power"? Huh? According to various relexively anti-Trump trained seals ... sorry, that’s not right, I mean foreign policy experts the NYT quotes, Trump is supposed to "manage” the situation. How? Did GHW Bush "manage" Tiananmen Square? Did Obama "manage" Arab Spring? (True, the elder Bush was successful at not impeding the collapse of the Soviet Union -- but he did it by basically staying on the sidelines, as Trump is doing with Hong Kong, no?).

Jaq said...

I know seasoned writers who don't go in to their prestigious magazine offices anymore for fear they'll be ambushed by the recent college grads employed there. If they say the wrong thing, they're in trouble. .... - Mickey Kaus

Now the new Red Guards are going to go after older writers who work from home as crypto-fascists.

Seeing Red said...

Besides, Ivanka is Jewish. There are Jews who love Jesus but, Trump is not the 2nd coming and they know that. So do a lot of us. They really are going over the edge.

doctrev said...

First off, all those conspiracies are either obviously true or based in facts that could never occur in a healthy polity. FBI officials have avoided the headsman over Las Vegas only because William Barr has bigger fish to fry.

Secondly, Chait is not only a gross retard, but also profoundly dishonest. He is the type of American Elite who keeps the bizarre lie that American Christians only support Israel because it could bring on the Rapture. Blah blah. If you're dumb enough to read him without vast helpings of irony, you just might believe the Iraq War was a good idea and Jeff Epstein actually committed suicide thanks to a series of bizarre coincidences.

I'm hopeful that Israel increasingly sees that they need their evangelical friends a hell of a lot more than they need worthless fake Jews who continue to assimilate, but I'm not invested either way.

Mike Sylwester said...

Another conspiracy theory was that Russian Intelligence had made a video of Donald Trump watching some prostitutes urinate on a bed in a Moscow hotel -- on the same bed where Barack Obama had slept.

Then Vladimir Putin used that video to blackmail Trump into working as a secret agent of Russian Intelligence.

Then Putin helped Trump win the USA's presidential election in 2016 so that Putin would have his secret agent as the US President.

Putin helped Trump win the election by buying ads on Facebook that caused Americans to disagree among themselves and ultimately to lose their faith in Democracy.

Trump told Putin which states to target in the purchases of Facebook ads. On Trump's orders, campaign manager Paul Manafort gave secret polling data to Russian Intelligence.

Trump also sent another campaign staff member, Carter Page, to Russia to meet with Russian Intelligence officers. Page himself was a witting agent of Russian Intelligence.

Trump also sent his lawyer, Michael Cohen, to Prague to meet with Russian Intelligence. At the Prague meeting, secret communications were established between a computer in Trump Tower and a computer in a Russian bank.

Meanwhile, another campaign staff member, George Papadopoulos, met with Joseph Mifsud, who was a Russian Intelligence agent. Mifsud told Papapdopoulos that Russian Intelligence had thousands of Hillar Clinton's e-mails and could help reveal them to the US public before the election.

That was another conspiracy theory.

Balfegor said...

Yeah, everyone's already saying it, but journalists who work for papers that pushed the cockamamie Russia collusion story don't really have standing to complain about conspiracy theorists. They just spent over two years blasting out a conspiracy theory themselves. And some of them still can't admit it was all a lie -- you still see journalists struggling mightily to redefine "collusion" down to "talked to some Russians once."

n.n said...
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doctrev said...

Collusion was a bigger hoax than Iraq WMDs, pushed by the Frums, Kristols, and Chaits of the American media. It's an absolute disaster for the FBI and CIA, who should expect violent hostility from Americans who correctly see them as an incompetent, venal Praetorian Guard that needs to hurled on the burning tires of history. That Mueller is a spectacularly corrupt old man, faking senility to avoid being jailed for his many deceptions, is a total disgrace, and that Barr has not imprisoned him is a knock on the Trump Administration.

Kevin said...

He's paraphrasing.

They're always paraphrasing. They can't tell you what he actaully said, or their entire piece goes up in flames.

And when you call them on it, the reply is always, "We know what we meant."

Therefore the news has become whatever the media thinks Trump is thinking that day...

Hagar said...

For today's "progressive" Democrats, it is all about voting blocs, numbers, and fertility rates. A fading group of "Jewish liberals" in New York City, which is safe Democrat territory anyway, is no match for the potential gains among the teeming masses of the Middle East, yearning to get away from the strife and find a safe job and a mate in America.

Jaq said...

"Another conspiracy theory was that Russian Intelligence had made a video of Donald Trump watching some prostitutes urinate on a bed in a Moscow hotel -- on the same bed where Barack Obama had slept.”

Yes, the Russians had Trump dead to rights on lèse-majesté.

Bay Area Guy said...

I'm looking forward to Chait's Memoirs, tentative working title:

""When Beta Males Grow Up - my journolistic journey"

Michael K said...

True, the elder Bush was successful at not impeding the collapse of the Soviet Union

He tried though with his
"Chicken Kiev speech.

That column is very soft on Bush but he also fell for the hoax that Russian nuclear scientists needed to be bought off lest they send nukes to Arab countries.

Jaq said...

"He's paraphrasing.”

He’s characterizing, it’s completely different. When you see a quote characterized instead of quoted and linked, you know there is bullshit afoot.

Otto said...

1. Chait never uses the word Jesus in the article. Only mentioned in the headline.
2. Stiff necked is referenced 18 times in the Bible and usually quoting God. it is only referenced once in the N.T. and that was Stephen referencing what God had said about His people.
3. Obvious Christian bashing by Chait "the traditional complaint that Christians make against Jews " , the headline writer and by our own hostess.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

When the left launched the Hillary Butthurt Russian collusion story - it was funny to watch them twist-on about the illegality of even TALKING to a Russian.

REset buttons and flexibility after elections - memory-holed forever.

No mention of Biden's son pocketing millions in a Ukrainian business deals.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Belfegor @ 10:15.


Drago said...

"Secondly, Chait is not only a gross retard, but also profoundly dishonest."

Chait is beloved and oft quoted amongst the LLR-left.

narciso said...

Chaitred, whats his hair on about now?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I saw Piers Morgan on Ben Shapiro's podcast the other day. I never cared much for Morgan, but he came across as more likable and thoughtful than I gave him credit for, although I disagree with him on a number of issues.

Morgan knows Trump from "The Apprentice" and likes and generally defends him, although he is critical of some of Trump's policies. He said that Trump has told him that when Trump gets up at 4 am, he goes into the room at the WH with the bank of TVs, settles into a chair, and sends out a tweet. Within a minute, he'll watch all the TV screens on the wall change as the media immediately starts going apeshit in response to his tweet.

How much fun must that be?

J. Farmer said...


I was just reading Mickey's newsletter last night. For those that haven't, I recommend subscribing to it, which you can do here.

J. Farmer said...


I was just reading Mickey's newsletter last night. For those that haven't, I recommend subscribing to it, which you can do here.

Fen said...

This is why I stopped bothering to Fisk The Washington Post or the New York Times.

There was an era when, despite their left-wing bias, you could read between the lines and come away with valuable information. But now, in their quest to prop up the Democrat Party, they have forgotten that they are Information Brokers not Left-wing Activists.

I often make the comparison: if you found out your Stock Broker lied to you about Enron, would you still use them? No? Then why do we still rely on Information Brokers like WaPo and the NYTs?

There was a time when they were worth reading, even as an opposition newspaper like Pravda. You could at least find out what the enemy's talking points for the week were.

But now? You might as well be reading fiction. And that's my entertainment time - if I'm going to be reading fiction anyway, I want it to be about stompy robots and steamy sex. Or stompy sex and steamy robots.

So I don't understand why Althouse continues to platform these rags. It's like she goes down to the Fishmonger's Wife every morning and returns with the latest gossip, giving her outsized power an influence.

Fen said...
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Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

OTOH, claims that Trump is the second coming of Adolf Hitler....

Fen said...

"I know seasoned writers who don't go in to their prestigious magazine offices anymore for fear they'll be ambushed by the recent college grads employed there."

And these are the people the Kristol-French wing of the Republican Party practiced Surrendering Gracefully to for the last 20 years.

It's amazing what one man with balls can do to the political landscape.

Amd it makes me angry now that I realize how we were betrayed by our own Party for so many years:

"Not this hill, we don't have the votes, it's more complex than that, not till we get control of the House, (donate more money), not until we get control of the House and the Senate (send more money and volunteer), not until we get control the House and the Senate and the Presidency (send me back to DC), not until we get a supermajority... What? Are you crazy? If we push for x now we risk losing our supermajority!"

When we defeat an enemy, we treat their wounded and handle captives humanely. But traitors? Traitors we hang. - 9:6 The Book of Fen

Daniel Jackson said...

Does Chait believe in God, let alone Jesus? Is that why he is so offended?

J. Farmer said...

@Daniel Jackson:

Does Chait believe in God, let alone Jesus? Is that why he is so offended?

I doubt very much that Chait believes in Jesus.

doctrev said...

Drago said...
"Secondly, Chait is not only a gross retard, but also profoundly dishonest."

Chait is beloved and oft quoted amongst the LLR-left.

8/21/19, 10:41 AM

As are David Frum and Bill Kristol, for mostly the same reasons.

narciso said...

Well pinnette (because his girth is considerable) and kristol are useful idiots, the latter answers to chertoff who is the big boss of the deplatforming alliance, who also worked for russian oligarch firtash.

narciso said...

Meanwhile tlaib and co, are targeting ambassadors dermer and freidman.

FrankiM said...

“If you vote for a Democrat you are disloyal to Israel and the Jewish people.”
Trump just reiterated.

WTF is wrong with this man? Are Jewish Americans Israeli subjects/ citizens?

doctrev said...

Why yes, Inga, they are! They have the right to make aliyah by birth. Insisting on "tee hee, but they're not actually Israeli citizens" is the kind of charming dishonesty which people have come to expect on that subject

Nevertheless, it is not currently illegal to be a dual citizen, and I am a fair man. So people with inalienable birthright citizenships in other nations- or paper citizenships in those nations, for that matter- are invited to permanently renounce that right, at which point they will be considered only American citizens.

FrankiM said...

Jewish Americans who vote Democrat, be on notice, Trump considered you disloyal. He sounds like he actually believes that he is the Chosen One. This doesn’t concern anyone here?

Speaking of disloyalty, why is Trump advocating for Putin once again regarding allowing Russia to rejoin the G7? Who is Trump loyal to?

readering said...

Would be more accurate to say almost literally Christ than almost literally Jesus, since one is a name and the other a title that has become treated as a name.

readering said...
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Paul Zrimsek said...

Out: MAGA.

Shane said...

This would be interesting, and a lot more entertaining if Stephen Root had expressed this.

narciso said...

This comes from al jazeera

FrankiM said...

“They have the right to make aliyah by birth.”

How many have? So “loyalty” to Israel is expected by all Jewish Americans?

dreams said...

Trump is not really Jesus, but pert near, if not plumb.

M Jordan said...

As always, Saleno Zito's one-sentence understanding of Trump explains all: Trump's opponents take him literally but not seriously; Trump's supporters take him seriously but not literally.

YoungHegelian said...


Are Jewish Americans Israeli subjects/ citizens?

No, but wouldn't we wonder why Italian or Irish Americans would support a political party which seemed to have a grudge against their homeland?

Let's not pretend that this tweet is occurring in an historical vacuum. There has been what seems** to be a rise in public antisemitism among the various coalition members of the Democratic Party. The question for American Jews who support the Democratic Party (the majority of them) is: what level of antisemitism needs to be surpassed before you will reconsider your support for the Democratic Party?

I'm sorry, but this is a question that American Jews really need to ask themselves, and if Trump puts it on the front burner, even if in a clumsy way, it's all to the good.

** I say "seems" because there has been major strains of antisemitism & anti-Zionism among the coalition members of the Democrats for a long, long time (e.g. the numbers on antisemitism among blacks haven't changed much since 1968). American Jews have papered over those differences in the service of other political ends for a long time.

Infinite Monkeys said...

Israelis “love him like he is the second coming of God.”

Aren't they still waiting for the first coming?

Fernandinande said...

The Roman media accused Jesus of colluding with the Muromians.

narciso said...

So with the canaanite and the kushite making news

traditionalguy said...

Just wait until Trump builds their Temple on Temple Mount. That will make the Liberal American Jews really hate him. They like their life here and want nothing to do with any duty to RETURN. But Trump says their loyalty should be in the Promised Land.

Laslo Spatula said...

"I'm sorry, but this is a question that American Jews really need to ask themselves, and if Trump puts it on the front burner, even if in a clumsy way, it's all to the good...."

This, I think, is pretty much it.

The words ARE clumsy / wince-inducing -- which brings the outrage and the attention -- then the flash fades and the questions are left in the air that just came through the open Overton Window.

Do most American Jews really want Trump to bow out and let Omar and Tlaib lead the way?

He is hitting hard that there is now a fork in the road. A very messy thing to consider, but the boil has been festering; someone, at some time, is going to wield a needle.

Welcome to Tribal America Thunderdome.

I am Laslo.

Daniel Jackson said...

To be fair, under the Right To Return law of Israel, any person of Jewish descent has the right to immigrate to Israel to be a resident/citizen. There are, however, social and cultural differences between the US and Israel, primarily work related, taxes, and healthcare that many liberal Jewish Americans find difficult, so they prefer not to go. Some do make aliyah, work in the States, and try to avoid paying taxes in both countries.


The question of dual loyalties is not a new question. John Kennedy faced the same issue regarding his stated religion as Catholic. For years, state department workers faced diminished advancement if they had a foreign born spouse. This question is not discussed with people of the Islamic Persuasion.

Now, it is being revived against Jewish Americans by people with visibly strong loyalties to Islamic nations. Political correctness forbids the appropriate response.

More word salad by narcissists on both sides of the aisle.

Ain't America great?

YoungHegelian said...


John Kennedy faced the same issue regarding his stated religion as Catholic.

Well put. JFK may have been nominally Catholic, but in reality he worshiped the Great Goddess, Pussy.

Sigivald said...

"Israelis love him LIKE they'd love the messiah" is [whether or not true, even given his grandiose exaggerations] simply not the same as claiming to "almost BE the messiah".

Is Chait illiterate, or lying to me, or just incompetent?

(Not only is Trump thanking a third party for that claim, not making it himself, but "should" is not the same as "do", and "like he was X" is not "I am almost X".

English doesn't work like that.)

Known Unknown said...

I find Mickey Kaus to be tragically honest.

Sigivald said...

"Speaking of disloyalty, why is Trump advocating for Putin once again regarding allowing Russia to rejoin the G7? Who is Trump loyal to?"

Is it the President's duty as American President to keep Russia out of the G7? If so, why? (Was President Clinton a Russian Stooge for letting them in in 1998?)

I mean, I'm all for smacking Russia over the Crimea, but "o noes you can't be in the G8 anymore" is nothing, and last I checked we still had a sanctions regime going full force.

(Is the new party line that bad actors must be disengaged with and screamed at, rather than engaged and pressured?

I mean, I don't really care, I just wanna know what today's permanent policy is, so I can see if it's applied to ... oh, IDK, China?

Lemme guess, China's Just Different?)

J. Farmer said...

I agree that the dual loyalty charge is mostly bullshit. Irish-Americans advocated a certain position on the Northern Ireland issue. Polish-Americans advocated for Polish admission to NATO. Armenian-Americans advocate for greater US recognition of the Armenian genocide. Etc. When you have a large multi-ethnic democracy, you're almost inevitably going to get people advocating for their ethnic interests.

FrankiM said...

#DisloyalToTrump trending.

"As American Jews, we are proudly disloyal to President Trump and the white nationalism he enables and emboldens," Jewish political advocacy group Bend the Arc tweeted. "We know exactly who he is and what he stands for—and we reject it. His presidency and his party are marked by bigotry and fascism. We'll keep fighting against it."

Actress Rebecca Metz wrote: "I am an American Jew whose loyalty is exactly where it belongs—with the people of every race, religion, orientation, and ability who stand against white supremacy in all its forms."

Jon Cooper, chairman of the Democratic Coalition Against Trump, said: "I'm an American Jew and an American patriot, and I'm proudly disloyal to Trump."

FrankiM said...

So how many more nutty white supremacists will use Trump’s words about American Jews being disloyal ( to him in their demented eyes) to attack a Synagogue...again. Words matter.

gspencer said...
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FrankiM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael K said...

God ! Another Inga thread !

n.n said...

Racism, color nationalism, color supremacism, etc. are a form of Diversity or color judgment. It is a critical doctrine of the Pro-Choice quasi-religion or "ethics". It assesses and attributes value to low information attributes (e.g. color, sex, gender).

Obvious Christian bashing

Thus the call for "separation of Church and State".

n.n said...

Well put. JFK may have been nominally Catholic, but in reality he worshiped the Great Goddess, Pussy.

He was a secular hedonist. Very Pro-Choice.

n.n said...

Chait... Trump... almost literally...

Liberal license invoked by journolists who infer meaning from their twilight faith and publish truth to facts.

J. Farmer said...


He was a secular hedonist. Very Pro-Choice.

I agree he was a philanderer, but what is the evidence that Kennedy was "very pro-choice?"

etbass said...

Fen said, "So I don't understand why Althouse continues to platform these rags."

Where else would she get such outrageous material that deserves the sound rebukes delivered here? And the other rags follow NYT and WaPo religiously...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Fuck off, Inga.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Secular Jews are usually loyal progressives. Nothing new under the sun.

They'd gladly send Jews and so-called Zionists to the ovens. No need to hide in the attic.

Jim at said...

Trump quoted someone ELSE

Exactly. That's all he did. Quote someone else. I mean it's not like he posed for a picture sitting in Rosa Park's seat on the bus or something to feed his ego.

You leftists are insane. Absolutely bat-shit insane.

But the best part? You deserve it.

n.n said...

the evidence that Kennedy was "very pro-choice?"

Selective, opportunistic. It may be that he was deprived of the opportunity to outgrow childish things.

J. Farmer said...


Selective, opportunistic. It may be that he was deprived of the opportunity to outgrow childish things.

That doesn't answer the question. I presume by "pro-choice" you mean that he was in favor of legalized abortion. What is the evidence of that?

traditionalguy said...

And who is the Chosen One to lead the USA to victory in The Great Sino-American War of 2021?

Can Israel spare Trump for a few years to beat the ChiComs?

YoungHegelian said...


Actress Rebecca Metz wrote: "I am an American Jew whose loyalty is exactly where it belongs—with the people of every race, religion, orientation, and ability who stand against white supremacy in all its forms."

Same as it ever was for for Left-wing Ashkenazi Jews:

As a Jew, I feel more intensely in Birobidzhan, the only autonomous Jewish region and a future Soviet republic, the purpose of the national Soviet policy,
under which all of the Soviet Union’s national cultures will develop under equal conditions.

In Birobidzhan I will help build a glorious Jewish culture, socialist in form and national in content, which can serve propaganda purposes as well as a concrete model for the liberation of nations in the Soviet Union and for other nations in capitalist countries.

The author who wrote this in 1932, David Bergelson, was shot on Stalin's orders in 1952, along with every other Jew who was a member of the wartime Jewish Antifascist Committee.

Every Jew should never forget: the man who killed the most Jews was Adolf Hitler. The man who killed the second-most was Josef Stalin.

You can mouth the Party platitudes all you want. Ultimately, they come for the Jews. They always do.

** Gessen, Masha. Where the Jews Aren't (Jewish Encounters Series) (p. 62). Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

jim said...

Trump supporters, TRY to be honest now, wouldn't even you be happier now without these insights into the psyche of this poor demented slob?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The "poor demented slob" is the constant content stream of demented context bending obsessive hatred from the elites towards the president.

YoungHegelian said...


wouldn't even you be happier now without these insights into the psyche of this poor demented slob?

No. Because the irruptions out of Trump's febrile brain reveal much more about his opposition than they do about him.

No one has flushed out the true depth of depravity of the Deep State, the chattering classes, & the Post-Marxist Left than the ramblings of Donald Trump. His tweets are like turning a searchlight on a herd of deer crossing the road at midnight.

jim said...

too much to ask

FrankiM said...

What sort of POTUS would retweet this nonsense, even thanking the nutty tweeter for posting it? Really? You want to associate yourself with that?

Jaq said...

"What sort of POTUS would retweet this nonsense, even thanking the nutty tweeter for posting it? Really? You want to associate yourself with that?”

One who hasn’t started any wars, unlike Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush...”

How many refugees did this tweet create?

Jaq said...

"His tweets are like turning a searchlight on a herd of deer crossing the road at midnight.”

No, they are like the 100 watt kitchen light switched on at 2 AM that reveals the cockroach infestation.

RMc said...

It’s not just Trump supporters who are getting tired of this distorted shit. Which is why he is over 50% approval now in some polls.

Between the "Orange Man is a Nazi!" stuff and praying for a recession, the media is practically forcing people to re-elect Trump.

Jaq said...

jim... TRY to be honest now... Would you really be happier with Hillary recklessly ordering our military hither and yon, deposing this sovereign leader and that, as her record showed she would.

Why are the war drums not banging today? Are you happy they are not banging? It’s because Hillary is somewhere making love to a pallet of gin instead of fingering the button as if it were her clit.

Jon Ericson said...


Jaq said...

"#DisloyalToTrump trending.”

OMG, a thousand Twitter users and probably a million bots spell doom for Trump! Nobody cares anymore what the red guard snowflakes think.

Jim at said...

wouldn't even you be happier now without these insights into the psyche of this poor demented slob?

He. Quoted. Somebody. Else.

Jaq said...

How many Democrats are going to grab guns and shoot up softball practices and ICE buildings? Words matter.

n.n said...

He was a secular hedonist. Very Pro-Choice.

I should have wrote "secular hedonistic Catholic", but, you're right, he was not Pro-Choice, by faith, by "religion", or tradition. He was an example of internal hypocrisy, and individual corruption, but I don't recall any effort to normalize (e.g. establish) his behavior and choices.

Jaq said...

I love this guy!

Jon Ericson said...

I got confused there.
There's a Jim and then there's a jim.
Ah so.

Jim at said...

There's a leftist jim.
And then there's Jim at .... King of the Jims.

narciso said...

he's a necessary, sometimes admittedly blunt instrument,

Anonymous said...

jim: Trump supporters, TRY to be honest now, wouldn't even you be happier now without these insights into the psyche of this poor demented slob?

You know what would make me happy? If the next new prog to show up here turned out to be an intelligent and well-informed commenter, instead of just another airhead parrot or snarky wrist-flapper with delusions of cleverness.

(There must be a pony in that shit-pile whence come our progs, there must be...)

Seeing Red said...

I am the Chosen One.

It’s about time someone did something; fought back. W was going to but he backed off. The Former rapist-in-chief and the LORAL deal was a disaster.

They dump on US thru Canada, Mexico, Viet Nam and possibly more countries.

Then there’s Hong Kong.

Seeing Red said...

We are in a Cold War.

readering said...

As with most of the stuff out of Potus's mouth and Twitter feed: People who like this sort of thing will find this the sort of thing they like.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The question for American Jews who support the Democratic Party (the majority of them) is: what level of antisemitism needs to be surpassed before you will reconsider your support for the Democratic Party?

A member of the party of Steve King said this.

And another member of that party, said this:

Secular Jews are usually loyal progressives. Nothing new under the sun.

They'd gladly send Jews and so-called Zionists to the ovens. No need to hide in the attic.

This is what the chief advisors to the self proclaimed king of the Jews have to say about the spews of the day.

Here's what American president George Washington had to say to his American Jewish supporters on our country's foundational progressive values:

Happily, the Government of the United States gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance.

Contrast that to King Trump's, Henchman Hegelian's and April Apple's insinuations that Jews can't think for themselves or determine their own voting interests, especially if it's not in accordance to what they, as representatives to the party of Steve King, demand.

I think Jews both in America and elsewhere will continue doing for themselves what their consciences and intellects dictate - to great success, and not what a bunch of servile twats like King Trump, April Apple or Henchman Hegelian demand of them. If that upsets any one of them then they can go back to their gentile stronghold of Europe - or better yet for Hegelian, Vatican city - where the tribalized tradition of thinking for others and installing someone to think for you is so much venerated, stronger and more respected.

But Jews won't and don't need to do that. If Hegelian doesn't understand why then maybe he can commiserate with his fellow tribe of intellectually unremarkable conservative cretins and Cajuns about how horrible that makes them.

Only a schmuck would vote for someone who presides over the increased number of hate crimes and mass shootings both at synagogues and of their fellow Americans in general that trump has ushered in. And luckily the schmucks who do call themselves (Republican) Jews are only 20%, as you can see. Other tribes are not so luckily as to have such a relatively low percentage of self defeating dunderheads among their ranks.

P.S. If Israel bothered to persecute a few less Palestinians every now and then, then the numbers of Rashida Tlaibs emigrating here and elsewhere to vent their complaints, hatreds and misguided prescriptions would dwindle dramatically. Funny that it never occurs to our conservative gentile friends, in all their majestically glorious mediocrity, to ponder that fact for a second. But then, they don't seem to be capable of pondering all that much anyway.

Same as it ever was.

Ken B said...

Coyne is claiming Trump says he is king of the Jews. Fernandistein hardest hit.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I don't see a lot of daylight between the 4 anti-Semitic gals(D) and David Duke.

YoungHegelian said...


It always amazes me how many modern lefties (e.g. the Jewish Thomas Frank, author of "What's the Matter With Kansas") are so quick to invoke "False Consciousness" to explain why the yokels don't know any better than to vote for the Righties. Yet, somehow, these people are so certain that they would never, ever be victims of said False Consciousness. "Nuhh-uhh, not us. We're Jews, and we're soooo smart."

Except I keep on bringing up examples of their cousins doing amazingly stupid & self-destructive shit to themselves in the Soviet Union, and you do the same exact thing: instead of dealing with the historical example at hand, and why it might not be really applicable, you go on some long-winded, mostly ad hominem stemwinder about how we boofers just don't understand your kind & your sophistication.

Get a grip. Up your game or go back to your hiatus.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Jews can vote however they want. Have fun with your socialism and decline.

Calling out the BS of a hack press & corrupt deep-state Hillarywoodland propaganda war-room who have the audacity to call Trump a Nazi, even though his son in law in Jewish.
the 4-squad are clear. 4 David Dukes.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Calling out the BS of a hack press & corrupt deep-state Hillarywoodland propaganda war-room who have the audacity to call Trump a Nazi, even though his son in law in Jewish.
the 4-squad are clear. 4 David Dukes.

Ah. His son-in-law. The barely better addition to that family of sycophants.

Well, if his son-in-law is good with more Jews getting assaulted and shot at in this country called "America," as a result of dad-in-law Don's whistles, then I leave it to you to explain how that says anything positive about either of them.

And David Duke supports Don Trump. And Trump's rhetoric makes the David Dukes gush with enthusiasm.

As for daylight, David Duke is from a country without a long tradition of encouraging anti-semitism officially. So I give him less of a pass then I do some Palestinian emigre with an actual reason for having a chip on her shoulder. But he's not brown so I can see why the many David Dukes of this country and their #1 domestic terrorism threat here don't bother you. I don't condone it, but I can see why. That's just how your party is.

Drago said...

Its fun watching ritmo change his screen names 1 by 1 as his hoax lies collapse.

narciso said...

well the point that the cabal's Canaanite, was feted by miftah, who gloried over the actions of dalal maghrabi, and her attack in Israel in 1978

narciso said...

cadre, squad, tomato, tomatoe

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It always amazes me how many modern lefties (e.g. the Jewish Thomas Frank, author of "What's the Matter With Kansas") are so quick to invoke "False Consciousness" to explain why the yokels don't know any better than to vote for the Righties. Yet, somehow, these people are so certain that they would never, ever be victims of said False Consciousness. "Nuhh-uhh, not us. We're Jews, and we're soooo smart."

Oh wow. You're amazed. It's like I turned water into wine or something. Thinking for oneself must seem to you like a miracle of some sort.

Average IQ rankings aside, it seems you think Jews could benefit from a more Christian, serf-like attitude. Some humility of the sort that was necessary to make imperial religions like Christianity and Islam successful in their conquests. Perhaps these Jews should make education less of a value, and emulate the slightly more sycophantic ways of the other societies that were heirs to the empires of Constantine, Muhammad, et al.

I don't think that's going to happen, though. Conquest and empire comes at the expense of individual rights and achievement. The former require ways of subsuming the self into those dubious, if greater causes. But the Old Testament does not look kindly upon them. Individual rights and liberties come first in that text, as does individual responsibility for one's own decisions and moral actions. There ain't no human-god sacrifice to absolve everybody of one's supposedly never-ending fount of sins. Maybe that's why so many American gentiles admire Jews - they seem to realize that sacrificing individuality and morality for community or humility isn't always the best way to go. Maybe faith in everyone's supposedly never-ending sinfulness is not better than reading and re-interpreting liturgy all day long while having the most babies inheriting your literacy in the community.

Except I keep on bringing up examples of their cousins doing amazingly stupid & self-destructive shit to themselves in the Soviet Union, and you do the same exact thing: instead of dealing with the historical example at hand, and why it might not be really applicable, you go on some long-winded, mostly ad hominem stemwinder about how we boofers just don't understand your kind & your sophistication.

And I don't understand your point here, either - except maybe as yet another papal jeremiad against the commies. What are you saying, that stateless bolshevist Jews - with all their texts and experiences in Europe - should have judged nationalism a safer bet to communism? That wasn't the case. You said it yourself. Hitler's nationalist blood and soil left barely any Jews alive. It was eliminationist. Stalin's communism was not. Many survived.

In any event, Washington's progressivism was a part of our founding - and a good deal of what America actually is. If you don't like it, maybe it's you who needs to get a grip.

Get a grip. Up your game or go back to your hiatus.

This isn't a game, douchebag. It's real life, and it's getting people killed. Maybe not enough to compete for your pride, but facts are facts.

Drago said...

"Maybe not enough to compete for your pride, but facts are facts."


The dems have already explicitly stated that lefty "truth" takes precedence over facts.

Not that anyone is surprised that leftists believe that.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And it's no surprise to anyone that Drago couldn't read enough to keep himself from missing the point at the end. Must not be a long tradition of scholars in his family, either.

But he's being an obedient pseudo-tribalist. That's important. The GOP are his substitute mommy and daddy and every other blood relation. In fact, he doesn't even need a family. He has a party.

And that's all he has.

Drago said...

At some point HoaxPPT will simply have to accept the fact that all of his previous lies and contradictions and incoherent burblings have made it clear that he is not to be taken seriously.

BJM said...

We Nazi, racist/white supremacist Deplorables get it, but our "betters" on the left are so busy being triggered by outrage du jour and listening for dog whistles that they don't seem to get that the joke is on them.

Given that the media is a Dem party organ, all the Dems had to do is push back with a fact based opposition, a candidate with cross party appeal and craft a doable, moderate platform and not embrace the crazy. They're going with not merely crazy, but sincerely crazy. We shall see how that works out.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Trump said he would fix healthcare, and we all know laughter is the best medicine, and Trump makes us all, even his enemies, laugh their ass off.

For progs like Althouse it was when Kavanaugh might be derailed based on lies and hatred and black hearts infecting America.

In the end they will have a laugh or two as Kavanaugh Kavanaughs.

But we, us uneducated deplorables, have won a few and, except for that cunt Buwaya, winning is contagious.

Some dirty little bitches spread things that ought not be spread and should be ignored. Consider Buwaya the Herpes of Althouse's blog.

Sure sure it sticks around, but we all know who is jealous of host and parasite. Oh and I watched that Denzel movie, it was great, yet America has been from its founding greater.

Mary Beth said...

What sort of POTUS would retweet this nonsense

What sort of person keeps coming back after being told to leave?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Neither FDR's party, the country he built, nor the platform he ran and won the presidency on four times (and that progressives today are running on) are crazy, and only a severely deranged moron who knows nothing about America would say something so anti-American and stupid.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Now as it happends Fredo was probably much, much more able to stop Mikey, his lil' brother, from getting everyone killed. I understand I am the single person in the world who has taken Fredo's position, at least until you goodle some, even circa maybe, but don't do that because that would mean you're just doing my research for me, asshole.

But why would that matter?

Mr. War Hero Corleone preferred his kids' murder to giving Fredo a say in how things work in the real world of billionaire drug dealers giving the Clintons billions of reasons to look at White Supremecy like Janet Reno did so forgetfully to our media, but not us.

Fredo wasn't proven conclusively wrong like Bush, Bush, Romney, Rubio, and perhaps most worst of all Paul Cuntly Ryan have been proven wrong, unless making big, big money was the only point the entire time, which of course it has been.

Glad Billions on showwcunt gave me that first season. I'd love to support that show and those involved, top to bottom and versa vice, but even $10.99 for a month to binge-stream the next three seasons is too much.

By $10.98.

God bless the 101st Easy Company, as well as all our military who stand ready even during horrible propaganda attacks against them, even worse than in 1972 when the Navy had several near-insurrections, cf USS Constellation.

Guildofcannonballs said...

On a serious note, I've been wondering how to talk about editorial bias here at the Althouse blog without breaking the one and only rule that really, really rules.

I argue even if you are Drudge, who I rarely go to now (know) but when I do I understand both my previous addiction (6-8 times a day, not including his 16-20 refreshes to up his page counts) I demand the genius hire me tomorrow.

I will work cheaper than his sprinkler system -blower-outer* but will crush you if you sexually harrass me.

*That wasn't some effort to signal I'm gay.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Think of the billions of depraved ideas our Honey Bu Bu hasn't been aware of.

It doesn't prove his point, his point is different.

My point, naive as it is, is America top to bottom is still good and always will be because God has blessed us Americans to a degree unheardof.

I'm Full of Soup said...

"Root has promoted numerous conspiracy theories...."

Think CNN, NYT, WAPO, Nadler, Schiff, Pelosi, etc will ever be described like that? Nah - what am I thinking!

Guildofcannonballs said...

We show the admitted, not proud to his credit, interloper why his concerns are invalid he don't care.

On and on and on that America is doomed train has been going since before our founding, however you define the founding of America.

The greatest country the universe has encountered. Still as strong as 1786, and in many ways much, much, much, indeed I'll type it again much, stronger than before.

In fact, it takes a lunatic to argue America today isn't the only world's hegemonic power.

Sure sure though, those high IQ types love to bring down the average Joe. Good job.

Hard as it seems, some folks get their kicks stomping on a dream.

Quote that paraphrase of Frank Sinatra singing some words that matter more to Americans than they ever could to the Great Bu Bu, and all his dirty nasty ilk Americans have wanted gone from our founding.

All your offspring are ultra-welcome and indeed smarter than us/we/I and will be back.

roesch/voltaire said...

Yes he is the chosen one unless your one of the nasty women from a democratic country.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Save Christianity (I almost wrote Save Christ and I am glad I wasn't so idiotically so presumptueos) okay.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Save Christ.

Guildofcannonballs said...

If SNL weren't prog, Rich Feynstein could have taught billions of people lessons over decades.

USC or sometnig prog Rich Feynman uh uh taught...

BUt billionsn exist so everyting he taught is null?

I disagree.

Guildofcannonballs said...

So in the another end, we got ...

I got billions of profit, not dollars , profitt.

I got rh.

I got me.

I got the talent laslo.

I got it all, just need 21,000,000 bucks.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke heaps praise on Rep. Ilhan Omar

Browndog said...

What a complete shithole this comment thread turned into-

Sorry I tuned in.

Jon Ericson said...


J. Farmer said...


On and on and on that America is doomed train has been going since before our founding, however you define the founding of America.

As the saying goes, past performance is not indicative of future results. In a very short period of time Great Britain was reduced from the most powerful country in the world to a protectorate of the United States. As late as 1950, America was a 90% European country, and the other 10% were mostly black descendant of slaves kept in a second-tier legal status. The demographic changes the country has experienced in the last 30 years and the demographic change that awaits us are unprecedented in American history.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Real men, in real societys, slape]d Buyewah why.

Yo deserive a slap bor, onors.

You deserve a slap bro, honors.


*Great Bu Bu knows reality is I won't ever get slapped, for numerous reasons, but I might witness some slapping someday and feel 'okay cool' or seomthings.

Narayanan said...

(We'll make a Midwest woman out of your East Coast upbringing one of these days!)

Will that includes smoking seegars / chawing tobaccy and shooting off shotgun?

What about her edumacation?

Jaq said...

R/V stops by to say “That’s not funny!"

eddie willers said...

Just wait until Trump builds their Temple on Temple Mount.

From your lips to God's ears. I'd love to see that mosque bulldozed over the Wailing Wall.

Martin said...

It is amazing how, after 3 years, Trump can say the most innocuous things, but when done with a touch of humor or irony, all his opponents can do is see the humor or irony as lies or mental illness.

This gets at something Tim Poole talked about a few months ago--teh Right has a sense of humor and sometimes seems to be enjoying itself, as when people create exaggerated or ironic internet memes. The Left cannot enjoy itself, has no humor, and cannot create a decent meme even when it tries.

That clip of Trump was FUNNY, where he says no one before him would take on China so it fell to him, but does it with humor, calling himself "The Chosen One" and looking up in an exaggerated way, as if either seeing if God is OK with that, or expecting a lightning bolt. The exaggerated turn and gaze heavenward obviously meant he saw the humor in what he said and he was playing the joke. That was f-ing FUNNY to anyone not seriously deranged.

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