August 16, 2019
Trump said "That guy's got a serious weight problem" to a guy who laughs and says "Everything is good. I love the guy. He is the best thing that ever happened to this country.”
The man, Frank Dawson, was ripping signs away from some Trump antagonists who were "were trying to cause a ruckus, and they jumped up and started yelling. I don’t care what they were yelling. It wasn’t going to happen beside me. I’m trying to listen to my president. I think he thought I was part of it, but I wasn’t. I was the good part of it" (quoted at The Daily Beast).
Wow, that guy is going to get a trip to the White House, don't you think?
I've got to give you the full Trump quote, because it's very funny (or offensive, if you roll that way): "That guy’s got a serious weight problem. Go home, start exercising. Get him out of here, please. Got a bigger problem than I do. Got a bigger problem than all of us. Now he goes home and his mom says, 'What the hell have you just done?'"
Nobody should let those disgusting fat people know how they feel about fat people.
That fat dude, Frank Dawson, could fit into this Commentariat quite nicely!
Was it Nadler in disguise?
Fat Frank isn’t any fatter than Fat Trump.
"were trying to cause a ruckus, and they jumped up and started yelling. I don’t care what they were yelling. It wasn’t going to happen beside me. I’m trying to listen to my president."
Good. The Left abuses freedom of expression to shout down speech they don't like.
Pay it back to them in spades.
David French et al would have Surrendered Gracefully to them while mumbling something about principles.
Sir, your life is at risk. You need a lifestyle change. The guy knows.
It's about personal and national priorities: Revitalization. Rehabilitation. Reconciliation.
Phat Trump...isn't that what they call him in Vietnam? It means Buddha.
Trump loves these rallies.
Trump is funny. Mr. Dawson seems to understand this, and doesn't take offense, like the angry pissants on the Left do.
I wouldn't be surprised if Trump does invite him to the WH so that he can personally apologize.
I'm impressed how the left has kept their outrage pegged at 11 for the past 3 years.
Anyone that's played a sport or a game, at any level, knows this is smack talking. There are many other situations in which people act out similar verbal back and forth. Then there's "Your Momma" games. And so on.
If you're offended then you aren't familiar with these sorts of playful interactions or lack a sense of humor, or both.
Personally, I find it hilarious. I'm not quick enough to be great at this sort of thing; Trump is genius level.
Trump is a treat to behold. There was a guy like him in my Dad's bowling league in the 1960's. Very loud. Never in doubt, often in err. Funny at his own expense and always self aware.
I haven't even bothered watching the clip. I. Don't. Care.
Any of the usual leftards (or Chuck) who get exercised over Trump mocking someone for being fat, who don't get equally upset when their fellow leftists throw around insults like "racist," "bigot," "homophobe," "nazi," "white supremacist," "collaborator," "Putin's cock holster," and the like, or who attack Trump on HIS appearance in any number of ways? Those people can all suck my dick.
Fat Frank isn’t any fatter than Fat Trump.
Or Fat Inga, for that matter.
What Mark Jones said.....except I don't have one!!!
See? It's true what they say: fat people are jolly.
Right on Mark Jones.
In honor of the last post, you can just pretend you have whatever parts you need at the moment.
If everybody reacted like that to Trump's insults it would be very quiet out there.
New tag:
Trump is like Yang.
Trump's had another good week; poll numbers up, forced the Dems to embrace Antisemitism (again), proposed buying Greenland (awesome), The 9th rules in favor of Trump's asylum EO in TX and N.M. pending full appeal (this my shocked face), and my personal favorite; Code Pink discovers they can't rename the street in front of Trump Tower as long as their Boyfriend lives (sobs).
The left/media simply cannot resist the bait.
If the fat guy doesn't mind, we don't mind!
(That's a good rule of thumb in life.)
Dear Frank Dawson: I'm with you, I love my president! The words are unimportant, we know what he means. And the import. God bless you.
I love Fat Frank. What a great response. But he SHOULD Lose weight. Sorry, but obese is just playing Russian roulette with your health. Anyway, enough nagging.
Supposedly Trump has already called him. Hope there are enough Frank's to win NH in 2020.
Its sad that with thousands of people outside the arena who could NOT get in, the guards let in protesters.
The Left ALWAYS wants to censor, gatekeep, and subvert. They are full of Hate.
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Self-aware Trump claims his comments weren't aimed at Dawson.
This is a link that broke my blackened heart. Watt's mom cried and said she still loves her boy.
This is a link showing a Madison connection. Not like a connecting flight either.
readering: "Self-aware Trump claims his comments weren't aimed at Dawson."
The party of fake indians, inability to even authentically drink a beer as well as a leading candidate declare himself the Vice President during a key event when he wasnt, wishes to lecture us all on self-awareness.
Hillary and ChiComs gives this guy positive Yelp reveiw
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Of course, Trump only made that remark because Hitler invaded the arena from the West.
Trump beats Warren in a landslide. Trump still president, bitch.
‘Trump 2020: Fuck Your Feelings’
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Trump can call me fat, ugly and stupid, as long as he keeps doing what he's doing. There is nothing any of the Dems could say that would make me vote for any of them. Even if they told me exactly what I want to hear. I know what they really want and value, and it's not what I value.
Trump really is refreshing, like jumping in a cold stream. It can be uncomfortable, but it's exhilarating, makes you feel alive, and the shock puts you in a whole new frame of mind afterward. It breaks loose the crust of mediocrity and pretension so thick in our politics and media today.
“If you're offended then you aren't familiar with these sorts of playful interactions or lack a sense of humor, or both.”
Stop making sense. I get the impression that the milieus (male, competitive, thick-skinned, tolerant) where this kind of thing is common are alien to the average Prog.
Also, Mr Dawson knows that President Trump didn't know he was on his side, but mistook him for a protester. Even a dog knows in the dark the difference between being tripped over and being kicked.
Trump is a funny and likable guy.
Remember they kept telling us how likable Obama was? If he was so friggin' likable, how come they had to keep telling us he was likable? I didn't find Obama likable. Sorry. Just didn't.
Trump is likable and the media has to keep telling us how un-liked he is. Yeah, okay, whatever. Who am I going to believe, the media or my lying eyes?
To paraphrase George Dempster, if I ordered a whole carload of guys who have what it takes to drive the Prog bat shit crazy and they only sent Trump, I'd sign for the shipment.
I went to dreams’ Spectator link and it had a photo of the thousands of people who couldn’t get in to the 12,000 seat arena. Live free or die, baby!!
Fat Frank isn’t any fatter than Fat Trump.
Keep up the incisive and meaningful commentary, Inga.
I'm guessing you forgot to check Media Matters for today's talking points.
"To paraphrase George Dempster, if I ordered a whole carload of guys who have what it takes to drive the Prog bat shit crazy and they only sent Trump, I'd sign for the shipment."
When we got Trump, we got a bargain and the crooked dems got more than they bargained for.
Maybe we should have a weigh-in with Inga and Trump.
Francisco: "Keep up the incisive and meaningful commentary, Inga.
I'm guessing you forgot to check Media Matters for today's talking points."
Or simply read LLR Chuck's comments. Either way she would be up to speed on the left's talking points..
It turns out that Fat Frank is apparently a real heavyweight regardless of his actual weight. In other words, he has his head screwed on straight.
Trump should invite that guy to the White House for burgers & fries and 2 scoops of ice cream!
Right, Drago. Frank can start his diet another day.
I'm betting that all those media people who called Trump out for fat shaming this guy will soon get around to calling him a typical fat slob Trump supporter....It wasn't so long ago that Trump was an anti-Semite. What's the status of that? Is he more or less anti-Semitic than Tlaib. I'd like to hear Nadler's opinion on this and on fat shaming?
Bob Boyd: "Right, Drago. Frank can start his diet another day."
Why not?
Why is Inga still here? I know: it's because she has no shame. If the Hostess told me to hit the road, I'd be disappointed but gone.
That doesnt qualify as q story:
It is hard to read stories in which the writer supports mental illness because that is the woke thing to do.
Inga is still here for the same reason Howard is here. Comic relief.
And there were more than 20,000 people in attendance.
In New Hampshire.
1.5% of the state's population took a Thursday night to join the fun.
Bob Boyd sez: "I didn't find Obama likable. Sorry. Just didn't. Trump is likable..."
... until he shafts you in public and fires you behind your back.
Ask Jeff Sessions how likable Trump is.
... until he shafts you in public and fires you behind your back.
Ask Jeff Sessions how likable Trump is.
Who shafted who? What good was he when the chips were down?
I don't have any tears to shed for Mr. Civil Asset Forfeiture Jeff Sessions. I'm sure he'll land on his feet.
Oh come on --even Obama would say that Trump is likeable enough. People at Trump rallies are laughing, whooping and generally having a good time. People at the Warren rally in New Hampshire on the same day (a) were in a very small crowd; and (b) sitting and getting lectured to.
Look this whole thing may be akin to medieval court entertainment where the jester was going around slapping people with a pig's bladder. The blows sounded loud, didn't hurt, and didn't mean much. The entertainment value was high.
In any social setting, if someone can make the rest of the room laugh, he or she is well on his or her (okay you progtards) xir control of the room. Trump can make people laugh. Bernie and Liz--not so much. Tulsi Gabbard might be able to make people laugh. Poor old Beto just makes people snicker--and not in a good way.
Jeff Sessions failed in his duty. Jeff Sessions failed President Trump and America both. Jeff Sessions owes us all an honorable seppuku.
Siz52: :... until he shafts you in public and fires you behind your back.
Ask Jeff Sessions how likable Trump is."
The entire left in January, 2017: Jeff Sessions is a neo-confederate nazi and corrupt russian colluder!!
The entire left now: Why couldn't Trump get along with Jeff Sessions?!
Once again for the lefties, as always, history began anew this very morning....
Somebody please hit Inga with a pig bladder.
Entonces, therefore
Sinz52 seems to add to the comic relief,
Look Churchill said the Germans are either at your feet or at your kneck.
I am partially German and took that to heart re Althouse.
This Althouse blog here.
Very, very good.
I applied my own personal “who cares?” tag to this post.
Peter Fonda hated a lot, America was just one of the concepts.
Althouse too, even with all this love around her(e).
The son is the exquisete touch.
Lil or Big or whatever means most to you:
The reality is Phil Mickelson lived a life of extreme pressure but extreme rewards, and yet any talk about The Mick, The Man, The Master was about how Tiger was so much better.
In this environment, of course crazies will feel enabled to point out, as non-crazies do too but this was the era of that one announcer lecturing everybody about how historic *Bob Costas everything Bob announces was.
I chose to be the shit-shoveler G. Patton warned against.
No honest assessment of current realty would warrant the best and brightest sacrificing America's future was the best bet in 1940.
The reality is Phil Mickelson lived a life of extreme pressure but extreme rewards, and yet any talk about The Mick, The Man, The Master was about how Tiger was so much better.
In this environment, of course crazies will feel enabled to point out, as non-crazies do too but this was the era of that one announcer lecturing everybody about how historic *Bob Costas everything Bob announces was.
I chose to be the shit-shoveler G. Patton warned against.
No honest assessment of current realty would warrant the best and brightest sacrificing America's future was the best bet in 1940.
Druthers, If I had had, oh boy we would show you.
Yeah you!
Trump abided Althouse and indeed Trump Abides.
You all know.
I fail you, all my Mozart questioms.
I didn't see jw war revememtd sp O didn't stop.
But, if you with your knowledge had stopping aims, then I will love you with God.
The great Bill Buckley.
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When everything is an unconscious bias, being consciously biased is actually less affronting.
Blogger bagoh20 said...
...There is nothing any of the Dems could say that would make me vote for any of them. Even if they told me exactly what I want to hear.
And that’s exactly what the problem is with the left. Whenever someone is giving you platitudes of free stuff, and kindness, they are lying. And when they do it to put themselves in power, they are evil.
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