August 22, 2019

"There are times when Trump’s hair is blowing in the wind or his tie is blowing in the wind. He’s shouting. It’s just not conducive to the kind of presidential look that we often strove for."

Said a former senior Obama White House official, quoted in "Trump’s ‘chopper talk’ puts media on the defensive/Using Marine One as a backdrop, the White House has replaced formal briefings with impromptu chats where the president sets all the rules" (Politico).
Yet Trump seems to relish the outside sessions, which have aired extensively on cable networks or snippets in news coverage throughout the day. [Veteran New York Times White House reporter Peter] Baker said he believes Trump prefers the natural light to the artificial lighting inside the White House. “He thinks that’s a better look,” he said, “and remember, he’s a TV guy, so he’s thinking about it in terms of how the television image is.”
Yes, "The Apprentice" often had Trump talking to the contestants on a rooftop. And didn't he fly in on a helicopter? He's strangely outdoorsy for his hairstyle and demeanor. I think he prefers to yell — to use what maybe your mother would call his "outdoor voice."
A former senior Trump White House official said Trump “likes settings where the pace to a greater extent, the length of these engagements, is a little bit up in the air.”...
Ha ha. Yes, it's dramatic. It's fun.

“You basically have a jet airplane parked on the South Lawn,” said former Obama White House official Tommy Vietor in describing the “genius” of Trump’s Marine One pressers on a recent episode of “Pod Save the World.” “You can’t hear the questions — he ignores anything that he doesn’t like,” said Vietor. “He just literally screams idiotic things like ‘I know nothing about Russia’ to this gaggle of the press. And there’s nothing they can do about it.”...

And the loud noise of the rotor blades whirring in the background gives Trump a convenient excuse to respond to a question as he interprets it, instead of directly answering the question as it was phrased. Pacing from one end of the group to the other, Trump looks for familiar faces to call on and seizes on topics that he’s particularly energized about or aggravated by....


Tom T. said...

He seems to talk to the press all the time. What an opportunity for journalism it would have been for the White House reporters if they hadn't decided to go full Resistance.

hstad said...

Yeah, I like that a former Obama employee talked about cosmetics of view over actual things accomplished in office. Truly amazing how our culture has lost its common sense.

FullMoon said...

I have watched some parts of those interactions with the press. I am genuinely surprised how knowledgeable Trump seems to be.

I expected him to be a golf course president, delegating work to the smart, experienced people while he just fooled around.

I voted against Hillary, as many her did.

I was shocked when my wife came home after lunch with a Clinton supporting friend who told her she didn't particularly like Trump but the Democrats have lost their minds with all the lies about him.

This is second time in a month I have heard of lifelong Democratic women express concern over the direction of their party. Frankly, never expected it.

rehajm said...

Trump has used the helicopter as a power play most of his life. Losers don't use a helicopter as their primary mode of transportation. Trump used to fly from NYC and land his helicopter in the parking lot of my undergraduate institution. Supposedly a 'good friend' lived close by. Could've drove...

Presidents have used Air Force One as a power prop since there was an Air Force One. Emphasis on Force...

rehajm said...

Obama with a tousled tie and tousled hair is just a bigger goofball.

My name goes here. said...

I especially like how the Press complains about having to stand there in 90 degree heat while Trump does these improtu pressers, they never seem to notice that he too is standing the heat. And he is significantly older them them as well.

rehajm said...

Reagan just used to pretend there was helicopter around all the time. Hah?

Bilwick said...

" . . . not conducive to the kind of presidential look we often strove for." You know, that Red Diaper Baby, State-shtupper Look. All the Cool Kids were into it!

Lucid-Ideas said...

I don't know why this doesn't receive a 'civility bullshit' tag...cause that's what it is.

This is analogous to the old-English phrase I don't like the cut of his jib. Tut-tut. Pish-tosh.

Who designated what style to which President by whom and for which group of people when and for what reason?

This is the United States. He's not the queen. He can give press conferences in a BBQ joint for all I care. They have in Air Force One oh...but you never hear them whine about that one.

Lucid-Ideas said...

"It’s just not conducive to the kind of presidential look that we often strove for."

Here Here. American presidents are supposed to stand motionless, in the imperial regalia, scepter in right hand, a stack of solemn volumes on the right, sword of mercy at the hip, and the order of the golden fleece draped across prominent shoulders. How can they remain composed for Master Van Dyck with crown motionless on prominent brow with a helicopter whirling about!!!

Now Obama, there's a presidential look we strove for!

Bob Boyd said...

That rotor wash is hell on the trouser creases too. Keep it in mind if that's one of your important qualifications for holding the office.

YoungHegelian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael K said...

Trump knows more about PR and publicity than these guys will ever learn if they live to 100, as he might well do.

readering said...

I don't see this new fad being kept up by the next president.

YoungHegelian said...

Trump's talk with the press this morning in front of Marine One was 40 minutes long. Forty minutes long!

Neither Obama nor Bush held 40 minute long extemporaneous press "conferences" with the WH press corps. The press may not like what Trump tells them (e.g. Trump's telling the NBC reporter this morning that NBC was even worse at being fake new than is CNN), but they can't deny that he talks to them a whole lot more & on the record than the previous three presidents.

Bob Boyd said...

Trump to his chopper crew: "Leave her running, boys. The media's here."

Drago said...

Chopper pressers are always the best. (Hat tip to The Conservative Treehouse)

One can only imagine the horrific withdrawal symptoms experienced by lunatic lefties and their erstwhile LLR allies at the loss of visuals of their most treasured "Precious" democrat stenographers.

Drago said...

readering: "I don't see this new fad being kept up by the next president."

Any republican that is smart will continue the practice.

Lucid-Ideas said...

At this point, Donald should just start doing wacky shit to throw them off their game. Some ideas I'm spitballing…

- Come off the chopper wearing a cape (Capes instantly improve one's style and formality by 500 bps) and then give a press conference with said cape flapping wildly in the wind like superman.

- Conference in the rose garden in cabana shorts and flip-flops.

- Everytime CNN or NBC ask a question, he should drink some coffee or eat a donut, and make them wait until he's done.

- Just not wear a tie one day. Sounds simple but I'm sure some outlet would say it was a coded signal to his Russian handler.

- Give a press conference on the green where he give replies to questions by sending them wadded up in balls pelted at the press corps from the back nine.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Remember the "good old days" when obambi would filibuster with rhetorical gibberish thru about 10 lovingly asked and worshipful "questions" in about an hour every once in a blue moon?

narciso said...

I think Reagan sparred with sam Donaldson, but it was a gentler time,

Drago said...

One can really understand the problems these press conferences cause our marxist reporters.

Its nearly impossible to gauge the quality of a pant crease in the wind!!

readering said...

Trump without a Trump tie? That would shock me.

sykes.1 said...

The best natural politician since Bill Clinton. The only representative and defender of workers and the middle class. The only truth-telling politician. A gifted ad-lib speaker. Really smart and on top of things. The best President since Washington.

henry said...

A. you can look Presidential

B. you can be Presidential

Obama's staff selected "A" as "B" was unobtanium for them. In the scheme of things, it is the less important of the two, yet "image" is where the media focus.

bleh said...

If the liberal media were honest, they'd acknowledge the unprecedented access to this president. The most transparent administration in history. And his staffers leak a lot, too. It's a media free-for-all and clicks and subscriptions are up.

They'll miss him when he's gone.

walter said...

Way back in 2015:

JaimeRoberto said...

Ironically Vietor is the Slovak word for wind, so I can understand why he didn't want the public to see Obama blown by the wind.

narciso said...

Tommy 'the dude' vietor, this guy was Obama's driver, they made him a national security expert,

narciso said...

from chunk uygur's peanut gallery,

Szoszolo said...

"Trump plays by his own rules." This is news?

Darrell said...

I don't ever remember Trump standing up in Air Force One to show the fawning press pool his erection.

Those were the days of classy.

Sebastian said...

"It’s just not conducive to the kind of presidential look that we often strove for."

But then, look was all they had, considering that O was an empty suit who tried to avoid press conferences and anxiously controlled access.

“He just literally screams idiotic things like ‘I know nothing about Russia’ to this gaggle of the press. And there’s nothing they can do about it.”

Except that he didn't "know" anything about Russia, as in Russian collusion. What "reporters" could do about "it," of course, is to report the actual truth--including their own idiotic collusion in the idiotic hoax.

Drago said...

Sometimes its hard to hear the lefty/Dem praise for the 9-11 terrorists and MS13 murderers over Marine 1's rotor noise.

Kevin said...

Obama had nothing but the power of the office. Hence, the fixation on Air Force One to remind everyone he was President.

Trump's persona is that he's an accomplished rich person. When you think really rich person, you think "travels short distances by helicopter to avoid traffic."

The Presidency for Trump is just a job, not who he is.

Our greatest Presidents always looked at it that way.

walter said...

It's been noted elsewhere, the more casual, progressive (in motion) approach of it glues the cameras on him, not allowing "reporters" to get their mugs onscreen.

rcocean said...

The best part is you don't see the Grandstanding reporters. They hate that. Suddenly, Jim Acosta and April Ryan went from left-wing superstars to nobodies. Even better, you can't hear their stupid "questions" which are just DNC talking points. One Presser, maybe yesterday, didn't have the helicopter noise, so the camera picked up some reporter having a back-and-forth with Trump, which got Trump to say "If you'd stop talking like an organ of the Democrat Party, and let me talk, I'll answer"

Since snotty left-wing reporters are elected by anyone, and Less we see of them the batter.

Marc in Eugene said...

In case anyone had any doubts, no US president has ever been given the Fleece, neither the Austrian nor the Spanish. Ever.

rcocean said...

BTW, Trump doesn't act "Presidential" because the new media and democrats REFUSE to treat him like a President. 92% negative coverage. Constant lies and insults. Same thing with the R and D Senate. everyone gets their Exec Branch Nominees. Trump gets his blocked and slow-walked.

Dude1394 said...

Could the democrat propaganda press corp be bigger wusses?

rcocean said...

Obama was a big mediocrity protected by the Press and the Establishment. His impact since he's left office is ZERO.

TreeJoe said...

The press has been trained to scrutinize every word, every turn of phrase, and every expression and setting to look for deep meanings only a well trained journalist can extract and simplify for the masses.

Therefore, it's fucking exhausting for them to simply listen to someone like Trump for 40 minutes speak extemporaneously. In the heat for God's sake. Like some plebe listening to Lincoln 160 years ago.

Oh, and also, they overall despise him. It seeps into the lense in which they evaluate his policies, positions, and outcomes.

TreeJoe said...

Actually, what am I saying, the press evaluates policies and positions.

They ignore outcomes like the plague. Unless the outcomes are disastrous.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

At least the left is concentrating on what's important.

Known Unknown said...

Althouse taking a massive TRUMP DUMP today.

stevew said...

They really, really, really hate that he will not defer to their preferred forum and approach, that HE alone decides who he will talk to, when he will talk to them, and what he will say.

Just one more reason I have come to fully support PDT.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Just the thing to impress us all. Concern trolling from an Obama minion.

stevew said...

And wasn't it Obama that was a blabbering mess without the teleprompter? He gave speeches not extemporaneous pressers.

Jim at said...

I don't see this new fad being kept up by the next president.

You mean the next President will go back to having ass-kissing pressers once every nine months or so like the last guy?

Anonymous said...

“He just literally screams idiotic things like ‘I know nothing about Russia’ to this gaggle of the press. And there’s nothing they can do about it.”...

And he can't do anything about the idiotic things the press says and writes. So, even-steven, Tommy old boy.

Balfegor said...

Re: Marc:

In case anyone had any doubts, no US president has ever been given the Fleece, neither the Austrian nor the Spanish. Ever.

Wouldn't it require assent of Congress under the Titles of Nobility clause of the Constitution anyhow?

rcocean said...

The press conferences are all the same. 90% of the MSM reporters ask the same 6-8 questions. All of which are DNC talking points. Not one of them ever, strays from the herd and asks a different question. Occasionally, some Fox guy will, or some obscure person from "The Blaze" or some foreign news outlet.

When they had the Romanian PM/President and Trump - they asked the Romanian leader ONE question, the rest of the 20 minutes was DNC Talking points for Trump.

Balfegor said...

Actually, now that I think about it, would the Austrian Order even count? Karl von Hapsburg is Grand Master, but the Austrian Empire no longer exists.

No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

Does the Pretender to the thrones of Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Slavonia and Dalmatia count as a "King" or "Prince"? I mean, in practical terms, this is somewhat academic since they only ever give it to members of the nobility, but still. An interesting question.

John said...

I've always been impressed by the all-knowing wisdom of an anonymous senior staffer of a former President. Especially one who is part of the rage against the President crowd.

His or her advice/wisdom would have been a bit more effective if it had been offered to the candidate the DNC decided best represented their beliefs and values. But then they knew they had the election in the bag, didn't they?

Ralph L said...

Wouldn't it require assent of Congress under the Titles of Nobility clause of the Constitution anyhow?

Shouldn't that also have prevented BO's Nobel?

GHWB and others got honorary knighthoods from QE II.

WisRich said...

In the article they mention that Trump has done 80 "Chopper talks" in two and a half years versus, get this, three for Obama in his entire eight years.


BarrySanders20 said...

How in the Helen Thomas could she have kept up? The fact that they lose their seniority, rank, and privilege in the scrum must eat at them too.

MadisonMan said...

So Obama strove to look Presidential. I'm pitying them that they had to try so hard. And for what?

Note to Lucid-Ideas: No Capes!

Seeing Red said...

They can’t complain he won’t talk to them.

Maybe that’s one reason they don’t like him. They’re finally earning their pay. It was 8 years of Cush with Obama.

narciso said...

you have no choice, chuck:

pacwest said...

"Conference in the rose garden in cabana shorts and flip-flops."

Ewww. That's one of those imagined images that just can't be unseen. Thanks a lot.

Matt Sablan said...

Maybe they spent too much time on a presidential look.

mikee said...

I, for one, think all questions should be written, with references to the sources from which they arose, or to the facts presented as part of the premise.

Then these questions could be posted by the White House online, and comments solicited and judged by readers, as on, until a winning answer arises. And the president could send that back to the Press.

Or maybe just stop the White House Press Corp BS by removing them from the White House to a closet in the Capitol, where they can fulminate in the dark like the fungi they are.

Kevin said...

“Barack Obama is three things you want in a brand: New, different, and attractive. That’s as good as it gets.”
— Keith Reinhard, DDB Worldwide, 2008

tcrosse said...

OT but Tom Steyer ads, which had been a plague, have completely disappeared. Unlikely that he ran out of either ego or money.

Dave in Tucson said...

After failing with everything else, Democrats are reduced to criticizing Trump's sartorial choices.

-- Not the Onion

William said...

I listened to yesterday's conference, and I was impressed. Lots of questions about a range of topics coming in from all directions. He showed tremendous command of all of the issues.

I can't recall ever seeing a president this adroit with a wide range of complicated issues.

There's a lot more to Trump intellectually then he is given credit for. It's not just glibness.

William said...

I listened to yesterday's conference, and I was impressed. Lots of questions about a range of topics coming in from all directions. He showed tremendous command of all of the issues.

I can't recall ever seeing a president this adroit with a wide range of complicated issues.

There's a lot more to Trump intellectually then he is given credit for. It's not just glibness.

Md Mehedi Hasan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

William: I can't recall ever seeing a president this adroit with a wide range of complicated issues.

There's a lot more to Trump intellectually then he is given credit for. It's not just glibness.

Yeah, but be fair, William. His detractors are comparing him to the intellectual giants who have preceded him in office, and the galaxy of brilliant, erudite, and supremely competent heavyweights that is our professional political class.

John henry said...

Lucid-Ideas said...

At this point, Donald should just start doing wacky shit to throw them off their game. Some ideas I'm spitballing…

- Come off the chopper wearing a cape (Capes instantly improve one's style and formality by 500 bps) and then give a press conference with said cape flapping wildly in the wind like superman.

Made me laugh out loud.

Also reminded me of this

I do not understand the complaint. reporters complain when a president doesn't hold press conferences and now they complain when he does?

They complain that the conferences are too scripted and now they complain that they aren't?

These people, jeez...

John Henry

Leland said...

The WH Press Corps is upset that POTUS is holding a press conferences outside for 40 minutes in the heat. Trump, at 73, is standing there taking all their questions while wearing a suit. If they want to shorten the press conference, they could choose not to be there asking questions for so long. I'm fairly sure it isn't Trump making them be there. If they want an inside job typing on a computer all day; learn to code.

Md Mehedi Hasan said...

fastcomet affiliate

John henry said...

All life situations can be explained by a Seinfeld clip

If it has not already been taken, I am going to call that "Henry's Law"

John Henry

traditionalguy said...

The Marines are the President's own under his direct command. The Media's banzai questioners deserve meeting a USMC moment. And DJT is firing on all cylinders as the remaining Deep Stater secret agents on the staff are being purged daily.

The Tweets are coming out like USS Missouri broadsides. And the command of the airtime is complete. I feel sorry for his enemies.

Francisco D said...

Trump has used the helicopter as a power play most of his life.

My wife was in NYC in the late 80's, working on an arts fundraiser. It involved a member of the British Royalty who required an extra large helicopter because it was required (by law) to have a number of security people. They had a hard time finding one until Trump offered his personal helicopter.

When he was offered payment for his helicopter, he refused, saying, "Naw. I just want to sit next to Fergie". It was a deal.

She never liked the guy and won't vote for him now. However, she strongly believes that he is a generous man who sincerely wants to be helpful (Perhaps, all in service to his high self-image).

Seeing Red said...

There’s disconnect. He’s helping a lot of her fellow Americans but....

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Another day, another BS criticism from the hacks.

Their corruption ring was tripped up. Got daily petty bitch?

Bill Owens said...

from the linked piece:
And the loud noise of the rotor blades whirring in the background gives Trump a convenient excuse to respond to a question as he interprets it, instead of directly answering the question as it was phrased.

'As it was phrased'? Who the hell does that? Certainly not politicians...

Seeing Red said...

Maybe an issue is he really enjoys what he’s doing.

And he didn’t listen to their tantrum?

narciso said...

just goes to show you enforcing the law is doubleunplusgood,

The Gipper Lives said...

Speaking of presidential looks, let's the photos from Obama's secret meeting with Fidel. C'mon, Barry, be proud of your mentor. Let your freak flag fly, man. You know you want to. Do it. Do it now.


Fernandinande said...

Trump's hair, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
Trump's hair is blowin' in the wind

Somebody had to do it.

J Severs said...

My spouse says that the more the President irks the press corps, the better she likes it. I agree with her.

Will said...

LOL at an Obama Advisor bleating about image.

The Obama Admin was all Style and no Substance.

And yet isn't it funny that the enduring images of Obama were of him behind a teleprompter when speaking to a kindergarten class... or him looking like a dopey nerd trying to ride a bike on Martha's Vineyard... or him sitting llke Uerke on a couch with the View and Ellen.... or him doing his "workout" with those massive 2 pound weights.

His staff carved an image of an ascetic Obama bringing his heavy Briefing Books and his 7 unsalted almonds up to his den at night like someone overwhelmed by the job and unable to keep up with things and finish his homework during school hours. His staff had to prepare checkboxes on his papers to keep him focused. If it wasn't fundraising he was just not very good at being President.

No accomplishments. No Legacy.

FullMoon said...

William said...

I listened to yesterday's conference, and I was impressed. Lots of questions about a range of topics coming in from all directions. He showed tremendous command of all of the issues.

I can't recall ever seeing a president this adroit with a wide range of complicated issues.

There's a lot more to Trump intellectually then he is given credit for. It's not just glibness.

Yep. Surprising to me because I watched "The Apprentice" and was not particularly impressed.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

I think Reagan enjoyed the helicopter scene, partly to make the excuse that he couldn't hear questions.
1. Has anybody ever had more fun as Pres than Trump? I say that even though I think he's been treated unfairly, etc. Maybe Teddy R.
2. Has anybody alive had more fun in the last three years than Trump?

stevew said...

Wearing a big, flowing cape in the vicinity of a turning helicopter rotor seems like and ill-advised idea.

Oh, wait, I think I see what your doing there...

Michael K said...

The Overstock CEO is opening the door to the first of the Obama admin arrests.

He was on Fox a few minutes ago. He was involved in the attempted coup, got his orders from Strzok abnd says it "came from the top."

BUMBLE BEE said...

Patrick Byrne suggested big thunder rolling in as Michael K said. The TOP indeed. gotta get more popcorn!

BUMBLE BEE said...

BTW just how large do scintillas get?

JamesB.BKK said...

It is correct that Democrat consultants / occasional government workers dwell far too much on appearance with fake decorum and narrative / sales pitch with fake claims rather than that their ideas are horrible. Plenty of admissions have been made of belief that advertising and horribly paternalistic nudging can get people to do things they otherwise wouldn't do. False advertising is usually actionable in a just world though.

JamesB.BKK said...

His impact since he's left office is ZERO.

As it should be.

rcocean said...

To be honest, I always thought Trump's hair was fake. But after seeing it in wind, rain, sun, and cloud, its real dammit. I don't think its still blond/orange but otherwise...

rcocean said...

Sam Donaldson who was a complete mediocrity, became a millionaire because he could shout over the Helicopter and get Reagan to answer.

Dude1394 said...

I imagine the wh press corps are pretty livid that trump basically fired them all by canceling their preening moment with the press secretary. As someone said, their is no longer a forum for Acosta to get noticed, it’s got to really chafe his arse. Heh

JamesB.BKK said...

There's a lot more to Trump intellectually then he is given credit for. It's not just glibness.

Given credit for? By whom? He has been kicking the Dems' / media's asses for years now. They're using tired - may I say discredited? - narratives and rhetoric (and lame-ass leak tactics) as they watch their once strong national party ostensibly aiming to represent the interests of a majority of the people of the country (debatable since ca. 1965) dwindle into a rump regional party catering to childless and caterwauling people many of which are non-citizens living in overcrowded, dangerous, and further degrading coastal cities whose heads are daily roiled by strife, real and imagined (both fed by Dems' / media), and who now hold neighbors that are productive citizens as enemies. His best gift so far is that they are no longer engaging in feint and all get to see them for who they really are and what they really stand for.

narciso said...


Narayanan said...

There's boardroom demeanor with Closed Doors which eventually must open and hardhat demeanor on worksites.

We're fortunate to have this man : at home in both.

Not afraid of open doors and space.

A Working President.

Not Woking people up President.

Seeing Red said...

...As Reason magazine noted, 80 percent of Americans in general believe political correctness is harmful to our country. Surprisingly, these numbers are even higher among non-whites. The Atlantic, meantime, found that 82 percent of Asians, 87 percent of Hispanics, and 88 percent of Native Americans perceive political correctness as a problem. Three-quarters of African Americans also oppose political correctness.

Perhaps the most shocking and surprising result may be found in a recent Zogby poll finding a whopping 49 percent of Hispanics approve of the job Trump is doing. A subhead in the Zogby poll reads, “Trump is winning urban voters and has record support with African Americans....”

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Corruptocrat Party Bulldozer - in action

Gabbard Victimized by DNC's Dubious Debate Criteria

Lazarus said...

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

1. Has anybody ever had more fun as Pres than Trump?

Not since TR. FDR or JFK come to mind, but one was crippled and the other was either in pain all the time or zonked out on painkillers, so no.

madAsHell said...

where the president sets all the rules

That's what a fucking Chief Executive is supposed to do. What a magnificent bastard!! What's not to like??

Temujin said...

"There are times when Trump’s hair is blowing in the wind or his tie is blowing in the wind. He’s shouting. It’s just not conducive to the kind of presidential look that we often strove for."

Yes, the look of a working President was never a look that worked with Obama.

madAsHell said...

Yep. Surprising to me because I watched "The Apprentice" and was not particularly impressed.

I never watched the Apprentice, and I still thought he was a bombastic buffoon. Who knew we needed a bombastic buffoon??

roesch/voltaire said...

The whirling blades over head seem to fan the sociopath and serial liar into the most absurd statements that have folks wondering about his mental health and latest award claims.

narciso said...

You can keep your doctor and your plan, not one trace of corruption, benghazi was caused by a video, that sort of derangement?

bagoh20 said...

Nixon got close to the truth, but missed, becuase he should have said that if the President does it, it's automatically Presidential. What other standard could there be?

Seeing Red said...

Seem to. Weasel words.

JML said...

"Yeah, I like that a former Obama employee talked about cosmetics of view over actual things accomplished in office. Truly amazing how our culture has lost its common sense."

I had a buddy who was an AF One Advance Agent when Obama was in office - they would go out ahead of the visit, scope out parking, security, etc. They quickly learned that when discussing security and parking locations for AF One, Obama's Aids eyes glazed over and their suggestions were ignored, so they would tell the aids the background optics were poor, and Obama would look so much better with the aircraft parked where they needed it for security reasons. Worked every time.

narciso said...


bagoh20 said...

It sounds like the left is hoping for a mannequin President seated at the Resolution Desk with a robot hand that just signs its signature 24/7.

wildswan said...

"roesch/voltaire said...
The whirling blades over head seem to fan the sociopath and serial liar into the most absurd statements that have folks wondering about his mental health and latest award claims."

Wow Roesch! - Five cliches attacking Trump and one pretty good image in single fairly short, grammatical, coherent sentence. Not easy. Ask your DNC handler for a raise.

bagoh20 said...

What do we call it now after so many have lost it, gone off the deep end, melted down, etc. We need a term for when you have done all that and still keep digging like a rabid gofer with gold fever.

Skeptical Voter said...

A "former senior Obama Whitehouse official" has his tidy whities in a knot over how Trump conducts business. Who gives a flying fig about that? Don't you know, you weasely little Obama Bozo, that "elections have consequences"? He's not doing it your way--he's doing it his way. So effin' what?

Drago said...

roesch/voltaire: "The whirling blades over head seem to fan the sociopath and serial liar into the most absurd statements that have folks wondering about his mental health and latest award claims."

Interesting aside.

The r/v-like lunatic lefties in Britain have decided to launch another attack on Johnson as a "known liar". This is in addition to claiming Putin helped deluver Brexit AND Johnson is a racist.

Sound familiar?

Known Unknown said...

Cape near a helicopter?


gilbar said...

well, you know; if a former senior Obama White House official
thinks President Trump's actions are just not conducive to the kind of presidential look that we often strove for


narciso said...

Winnimg the future:

Beasts of England said...

’You basically have a jet airplane parked on the South Lawn.’

And that’s not the stupidest comment ever made by former Obama chauffeur Tommy Vietor.

steve uhr said...

Some day in the not to distant future he will hold a press conference and nobody will come.

roesch/voltaire said...

Wild, thanks for comment.

Michael K said...

Blogger steve uhr said...
Some day in the not to distant future he will hold a press conference and nobody will come.

Wake up, steve! Wake up! You're having a dream.

CWJ said...


So did you ask for the raise or not?

CWJ said...

steve uhr,

It's nighty night time in my current time zone. Give me a comment worth staying up. That last one was not worth the candle.

narciso said...


Francisco D said...

Some day in the not to distant future he will hold a press conference and nobody will come.

Ah! The audacity of hope in the lefty hive mind.

It is sort of pathetic, isn't it?

n.n said...

The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind. People... persons like the human look.

Crazy World said...

Knocking their stupid socks off daily.
Bless y’all Mr. President.

Crazy World said...

Agree to laugh at Steve ugh 9:13
Not in this century

Known Unknown said...

" that have folks"

The omnipresent folks.

Marc in Eugene said...

Balfegor, I imagine that the Congress would have to assent to a true membership in the Order, sure. Mr Reagan, e.g., was made a Knight Grand Commander of the Most Noble Order of the Bath by Elizabeth II, and, were he a British subject, he'd have been Sir Ronald thereafter: but the Order's law specifies that non-subjects are 'honorary knights'.

A significant difference between the Austrian and Spanish branches of the Order of the Golden Fleece (apart from their sovereigns) is that the Austrian is reserved to Catholics whereas the Spanish admits even non-Christians.

I'm pretty sure that the Head of the House of Austria would count as a foreign prince or potentate so far as the Constitution goes but who knows. There are still plenty of people in the old lands of the Empire who will address Archduke Karl, in private, anyway, Majestät!

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