"... that Google was not involved with China’s military, that they didn’t help Crooked Hillary over me in the 2016 Election, and that they are NOT planning to illegally subvert the 2020 Election despite all that has been said to the contrary. It all sounded good until I watched Kevin Cernekee, a Google engineer, say terrible things about what they did in 2016 and that they want to 'Make sure that Trump losses in 2020.' Lou Dobbs stated that this is a fraud on the American public. @peterschweizer stated with certainty that they suppressed negative stories on Hillary Clinton, and boosted negative stories on Donald Ttump. All very illegal. We are watching Google very closely!"
Tweeted Donald Trump (AKA "Ttump") this morning.
ADDED: "Donald Ttump" is trending on Twitter. Some are laughing at Trump for being so stupid he can't spell his own name, but of course, the mistake tends to absolve him of stupidity for all the other misspellings. This one is clearly a typo. He's a guy who doesn't fuss over the proofreading. It may even be intentional. It's such a silly distraction — "Ttump." Ttump ttump ttump ttuh ttuh tuh ttump. I hear this tune.
By the way, I often typo my own last name. The familiarity itself seems to cause the glitch.
Angling for a little trust busting?
AceOfSpades concurs
"Meanwhile, while all this is happening, Google is colluding, and eagerly I might add, with Red China to create systems of high-tech oppression/repression that are no doubt headed our way, if not already here. Hell, they've openly boasted that they are devoting all their energies to prevent the re-election of President Trump. And circling back to the massacres and the mad dash to really grab our guns, what happens when this "social credit" system flags anyone who buys a gun, or bullets, or donates to the NRA, or a Republican candidate? We already have banks that are refusing to do business with any firearms-related companies and dealers. What happens when they refuse to loan money to you if you refuse to bake the damned cake or shave a man's testicles?"
Google is Evil
Fuck Google and China.
“The problem with the internet is that there are no gatekeepers” - Hillary Rodham Clinton
News leaks around the best efforts of the New York Times and other information dissemination control industry [IDCI] companies like Alphabet. That’s why they are trying to destroy Facebook. It’s like playing Whack-a-Mole though.
Google is a “sheepdog,” don’t worry, we can trust Little Bo Peep to cosset us in our protective bubbles!
Google is going to work very hard to get Joe Biden into the WH. China Joe, however, might be a reach as he thought the El Paso shooting was in Houston and the Dayton shooting was in Michigan. Suppress that story!
Yahoo's liberal biased site has become a joke, they're so slanted that it's fake news. It's no wonder the liberals and millennials are so ill-informed.
Remember the quaint old days when broad based leftie media bias was considered a crazy conspiracy theory?
8/6/19, 6:56 AM...
Shut down Google as a matter of national security.
China is meddling in the US presidential election and using Google to do it.
Lock them up. And Joe The Manchuria Candidate Biden and his Coke Head Son
they suppressed negative stories on Hillary Clinton, and boosted negative stories on Donald Ttump. All very illegal.
It's certainly deeply dishonest, but how is it illegal? To be clear, I'm all for putting some pressure and oversight on Google to hopefully get them to behave more transparently and unbiased, I just wasn't aware that suppressing stories (which I assume means either removing them from the index or lowering them in the order) in a search engine was illegal.
@Dave Begley: “China Joe”. Funny, I just started using that moniker this morning. I’ve been expecting Trump to start using it any day now.
In the debate between Ttump and China Joe, the moderators might have to stop it.
Down goes Biden! Down goes Biden!
What does Google KNOW about which algorithms were working on either of the recent shooters? anything to see here? i think congress should ask.
This is one of those "the more you tighten your grip" moments.
The kids I talk to think of Google the way we did IBM, alternate news sites are edgy and subversive, MSNBC is what grandma yells at.
Google is going to make Conservatism the new forbidden fruit.
Bully pulpit gonna bully.
Not expecting a good day on the Dow after such an infantile tirade.
""@sundarpichai of Google was in the Oval Office working very hard to explain how much he liked me, what a great job the Administration is doing... that Google was not involved with China’s military, that they didn’t help Crooked Hillary over me in the 2016 Election, and that they are NOT planning to illegally subvert the 2020 Election despite all that has been said to the contrary.
Isn't it a crime to lie to a federal official?
Making false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) is the common name for the United States federal process crime laid out in Section 1001 of Title 18 of the United States Code, which generally prohibits knowingly and willfully making false or fraudulent statements, or concealing information, in "any matter within the jurisdiction" of the federal government of the United States, even by merely denying guilt when asked by a federal agent.
A number of notable people have been convicted under the section, including Martha Stewart, Rod Blagojevich, Michael T. Flynn, Rick Gates, Scooter Libby, Bernard Madoff, and Jeffrey Skilling.
Bully pulpit gonna bully.
Yeah, Google/China gonna bully.
I just wasn't aware that suppressing stories (which I assume means either removing them from the index or lowering them in the order) in a search engine was illegal.
Good point. These companies might need some designation as common carriers.
Forgetting to Capitalize a word and then going back to correct it, both letter can end up on the screen. Either that , or Trump sent out the T code to his Q minions.
@Michael K - I think legally they should be considered publishers. I mean, if they're deciding what we're allowed to see and what we're not, is that not a publisher?
Newspapers have always been engaged in giving stories that make their favorite pols look bad "a good leaving alone".
cf the Boston Glob and Ted Kennedy. Or the entire MSM and the many scandals of the Obama administration.
Traditionalguy, ixnay on the ee-codetay!
I blame QWERTY for the typo.
I think legally they should be considered publishers. I mean, if they're deciding what we're allowed to see and what we're not, is that not a publisher?
With that in mind, is a blogger considered a "publisher" of the comments that are allowed to appear on the blog?
Ann and all others here are free to use the China Joe nickname.
China Road. China Joe. Get it?
Since Ann is a famous blogger and Limbaugh reads her blog, wouldn't it be funny if Limbaugh picked up the China Joe nickname and then Ttump did?
Trump will save it for the general election; if Joe makes it that far.
China Grove; not China Road.
When the sun comes up on a sleepy little town
Down around San Antone
And the folks are risin for another day
Round about their homes
So the Butlerian Jihad is looking every more prescient... "Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind." Herbert just didn't have quite the vision to see that the "machine" would be virtual and distributed.
I can't bring myself to advocate for (or maybe "believe in" is the appropriate phrase) the destruction of Google because the bell is so very rung. And only a tiny fraction of humanity has the skills to assess anything they claim will "rebalance" or "de-bias" their algorithm(s). What's the likelihood that that tiny fraction would ALSO be committed to the free exchange of ideas, when it will have been a product of an educational system that believes that Toni Morrison "transformed" American literature but Mark Twain, e.g., is only a dead white man? (Not to say Morrison may not be a fine, even a transcendent writer - as I said in that thread, I haven't read her. But "transformed"?)
Oops, "transfigured."
Sundar Pichai is a hireling CEO, who serves mainly as a facade, and sometimes, as in this case, flak-catcher.
The powers at Google are others who do not want such a high profile.
Trump should watch Google closely. So should the DoJ.
IRC, Trump doesn't type. He writes it out on a pad, and gives to some flunky to type it. Besides, its a poor man who can only find one way to spell a word.
If Ttump is an evil genius, the typos serve to get his message to stick. Our brain has to work a bit harder to make the message understandable and that leads to increased retention.
It’s also an old sales guy technique to leave something imperfect so others will want to fix it for you. For instance, if it’s raining and a sales person calling on a business, they’ll intentionally not use an umbrella. Next thing you know, some one is getting them a towel and they’ve now creased dual ownership in the relationship.
Google has become incredibly biased. Google any news story and despite being very specific about what I want, all I get for the first two pages are MSM sites. CBS/NBC/CNN/WaPo/NYT etc. giving me the party line. I usually have to page 3 or 4 of the results to get anything usable.
“These companies might need some designation as common carriers.”
Search engine neutrality is important. Neutrality of the ISPs? That was just a way that the Information Control Oligarchy wanted to secure the infrastructure on which they have built their trillions. But sure, throw them in if bycatch is the cost of netting the big fish.
“Not expecting a good day on the Dow after such an infantile tirade.”
Of course. If the market doesn’t like having their addiction broken to cheap Chinese goods manufactured in a land without real workers’ rights, it’s because of Trump’s tweets.
"creased dual ownership"
I see what you did there!
I typo my own name a lot.
In this case it's an interesting distraction. Who is talking about the typo, and who is talking about the substance of what Trump is saying? The substance is far more interesting.
Google any news story and despite being very specific about what I want, all I get for the first two pages are MSM sites.
It's not just news. Searches in general have become less informative. I don't know if that reflects changes in the composition of internet content or algorithmic decline. Given the natural evolution of software from useful to garbage, I tend towards the latter :)
“Not expecting a good day on the Dow after such an infantile tirade.”
Not much of an expert,. Dow up strongly today.
Let me know if you ever start to manage a fund so I can avoid it.
"By the way, I often typo my own last name. The familiarity itself seems to cause the glitch."
I've been thinking it might be easier to change my name to Geroge.
Am I the only person who noticed that Trump's remarks about Sundar Pinchai would have been memory-holed at close to the speed of light except for one little thing ... Ttump?
Anybody who still uses Google for searches deserves what you get,
It's certainly deeply dishonest, but how is it illegal?
@Nonapod (8:45), if they failed to report it as an in-kind contribution to Clinton's campaign then they are in violation of campaign laws. The penalty, of course, is a wrist slap, but the publicity of the wrist slap would be painful.
Sundar Pichai is a hireling CEO, who serves mainly as a facade, and sometimes, as in this case, flak-catcher.
Too bad we lost Tom Perkins , who was a truth teller.
Perkins sat on the board of directors of Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation where he served with Viet D. Dinh. Dinh represented Perkins in the HP board affair. In July, 2011, Dinh and fellow News Corp. board member Joel Klein took over the investigation of the News of the World phone hacking affair and related Corporation issues.[12] One business commentator, noting Perkins' prior experience with phone-hacking in the HP scandal, speculated that Perkins "may be [was the] best hope" as News Corp. sought to work out of its phone-hacking scandal.
purplepenquin said...
With that in mind, is a blogger considered a "publisher" of the comments that are allowed to appear on the blog?
I'm obviously not a legal expert, but under my very broad definition I suppose so. But of course I believe all these sort of things, including Search Engines and Social Media platforms, are currently protected by Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act under the presumption that platform and service providers would generally remain politically neutral.
There's been arguments made that due to a demonstrable lack of impartiality these entities should be forced to either pick between being common carriers or publishers. Currently they enjoy all the benefits of both with none of the drawbacks. If they're common carriers, then they can no longer suppress, remove, or "deplatform" content they don't argee with politically. If they're publishers, they become liable for all the content that appears and they open themselves up to a deluge of lawsuits. So logically if they're presented with both choices they'd all pick to be common carriers.
purplepenquin said...
With that in mind, is a blogger considered a "publisher" of the comments that are allowed to appear on the blog?
Not according to Chuck. Chuck said that CNN couldn't be held responsible for Opinion Pieces that They broadcast, or some such.
OF course, now that i think about it; i think Chuck HAS held our Beloved Professor accountable for allowing commentators to be mean and nasty to him.
Clarifications Chuck?
I can't believe how much Althouse covers for this buffoon. Hitler often misspelled his own name too. It's a Nazi thing. Himmler had the same problem. Hitler would often misspell his own name as "Himler", and Himmler was so stupid he thought he wrote himself a letter. And don't tell me how great the economy is under Trump, because Hitler made the trains run on-time too. All that strong economy, low unemployment stuff is a Nazi thing. That's why we have the concentration camps on the border. Wake up people!!!
@Nonapod 10:15AM - You analysis is similar to what I have read on other blogs. I am not a legal expert myself but I have also read comments on other blogs where, should Google continue skewing search results during the election, they could be held by the FEC to be making an illegal campaign contribution. Google sells search results, you can buy access to the search engine to push your results to the top of the list. Since Google is an advertising platform as much as a search engine then biasing the results could be construed to be a form of in-kind service that has value. Would be interesting to see how this would play out with the FEC or in a lawsuit. Some of the lawyers on here may want to comment.
It may even be intentional.
Given how much extra coverage is given to his tweets with typos in them, it would seem he has little incentive to correct any mistakes that occur.
You'd think those that despise him would have caught on by now, but it seems we keep overestimating their intelligence.
@sundarpichai of Google was in the Oval Office working very hard to explain how much he liked me, what a great job the Administration is doing that Google was not involved with China’s military, that they didn’t help Crooked Hillary over me in the 2016 Election, and that they are NOT planning to illegally subvert the 2020 Election despite all that has been said to the contrary.
In other news, FBI Director Comey told the President he was not under investigation on multiple occasions...
Michael K said...
"Anybody who still uses Google for searches deserves what you get,"
Sundar Pichai is a grisly tool, but Google is still the best for technical topics.
Actually, I take that back. Just searched DuckDuckGo for "c++ forward". Pretty good set of results. Maybe it's time to give Google the heave-ho.
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I've switched to the Brave browser from Chrome and Duck Duck go from Google search. It seems that Google does some creepy things to make that difficult, but they only can because I continue to rely on Google for some things like Blogger. I have come to hate Google with a passion, but we gave them such a head start that they are difficult to leave.
They are the most powerful company in history, because of what their monopoly is: information. I do not trust them at all, because being leftists, they can justify anything for politics, and it seems that very few people in the organization have a different point of view, at least at the top.
I will not be surprised if this comes to a very ugly outcome at some point where they do some horrible damage to our country that will be the worst treason since the Rosenbergs. That treason cost us incalculable treasure and lives, and will continue to. It might eventually be responsible for the worst horror in history. Google can do just as bad in less time.
Hey Google, I know your listening. Remember what happened the Rosenbergs. You wouldn't ..;llkpojm 000, krmvrvmrv;lv,vv nrlvnlnv
kr vlrvrlkv Oh my God what is happening to my computer? Shit, it on fire, OOOOOOMMMMMMGGGG!
I rarely type my name any longer- the only times I do so is to fill in the name box on Wordpress sites, but there you get autofill.
Campaign Medals for Getting Suspended from Facebook
Google, Twitter, and Facebook are playing a dangerous game with the biased censorship, and lets not play games- they are biased. Just imagine having Rachel Maddow or Rush Limbaugh as the person in charge of deploying the algorithms that determine what political information gets seen on the top page of Google searches, or the ones that determine which Twitter accounts get disabled or shadow banned, or which Facebook users lose the ability to spread content to other users- would you trust there to be no bias in such a situation? I certainly wouldn't- really, you couldn't even trust me to not bias things if I were in charge.
These executives at these companies are drawing big fat targets on their own foreheads- literal targets.
What we need is an automated internet portal that is completely un-monitored. You can connect with whoever you want directly or in groups, but nobody is controlling or reading content in route. Like normal conversation, phone, or even the mail, which although laws apply nobody reads the content other than those intended by the author without a court order. If you have a case of an illegal threat or libel, you can bring it to court, as always, but nobody stops it before due process other than the legal persuasion we have always had with other modes of communication.
Hitler often misspelled his own name too.
Mr. Hilter; there was a short British documentary about him.
I sometimes accidentally spell Fernandistein as "Ttump".
that they didn’t help Crooked Hillary over me in the 2016 Election
The video of the main google nerds crying over election results was purty funny.
google nerds crying.
That's one of the benefits to having an experienced businessman in the WH. He knows many of the people talking to him are lying.
I have to constantly retype "the" after it comes out "teh".
is that classier than ba-da-bing
There are complex reasons behind yesterday's moves largely to reduce the power of the princelings,
Reminds me of my favorite poem, written by Kurt Vonnegut, I think from The Sirens of Titan
Tent Rentals
Rented a tent, a tent, a tent.
Rented a tent, a tent, a tent.
Rented a tent!
Rented a tent!
Rented a, rented a tent.
Yes, that video smuggled, literally smuggled, out of Google is pretty proof positive that Google is politically biased top to bottom in its organization. You would have be the most naive person on the planet to not understand that they surely act on this bias.
Try to forget that poem.
Winston smith, could rarely get anything out of the ministry of truth, it had to go down the memory hole,
bots steer the conversation in finance, in media, and politics, much more than is acknowledged but only the ones that certain sources like reid Hoffman or the hayden-kristol-chertoff deplatforming squad,
Sure you can use other online apps & tools, but you
are fooling yourself. Apple and/or Alphabet are vertically integrated with all your devices at the OEM level.
As we enthusiastically embraced the web, email, texting, smart phones & TVs, on demand entertainment, shopping, banking and social media we didn't consider the long term effects on privacy and/or political interference.
There really isn't an alternative other than disconnecting, govt control or allowing the market to sort itself out.
That's one of the benefits to having an experienced businessman in the WH. He knows many of the people talking to him are lying.
The best part was when Trump suggested Comey tell the media Trump wasn't under investigation.
And this was used as evidence of intent to obstruct the investigation.
The one he was assured was not happening.
(rim shot)
govt control
Government control.
Gun control.
These statements use the same structure to mean opposite things.
because the memos were misrepresented by richman and wittes, some disclosed long after it they were required to be,
Who can read that tweet text and not think the writer to be insane?
narciso: "because the memos were misrepresented by richman and wittes, some disclosed long after it they were required to be,..."
Tread carefully here.
LLR Chuck is a huge HUGE fan of Wittes and the far far left LawfareBlog and once he see's you hitting them he is likely to lose his cool again and come after you.
Just a word of caution based on experience.
I'll keep it under advisement, quinta juravec, was given the thankless task to present spectral evidence, and did it poorly,
apparently he's been welcomed back in the bureau,
While my vocabulary isn't extensive, I can truthfully say that I've misspelled every word at one time of another.
If we took crime and punishment seriously - Setting up and using a PRIVATE SERVER to handle offical and non-official business on behalf of the US government - would be illegal.
Why would bleach-bit and Hammers be necessary to wipe away yoga e-mails? Seems a bit extreme.
Google fires employees if they are not leftwing.
Wish he'd typed "Thump" instead. I've been meaning to get a copy for a Trump-supporting friend who has several rabbits.
Democrats at Google in bed with the Chinese Communists? Is anyone surprised?
Google is evil.
Lefty Mark: "Bully pulpit gonna bully. Not expecting a good day on the Dow after such an infantile tirade."
8/6/19, 8:55 AM
Updated: 8/6/19 5:11:02pm
Dow: +1.21% 26,029.52 / +311.78
Nasdaq: +1.39% 7,833.27 / +107.22
S&P: +1.30% 2,881.77 / +37.03
Thanks for playing Lefty Mark!!
Your unbroken string of failed predictions continues!!
according to judicial watch only 3/14 officials recommended by the ig for dismissal, were so treated, thanks to the office of professional responsibility sarc
#massacreMoscowMitch is trending on twitter.
Not violent at all.
No bias.
certainly not:
The OIG and Dunham are proceeding with all deliberate speed. It seems awfully slow but it does also get closer to the election. Maybe sending a few agents of agencies to prison would be pour encourager les autres?
I suppose meanwhile judge Jackson does favors for Greg craig the real Ukraine scalawag.
“China Joe”
Pronounced Chyyyna! Joe
Make you own conservative Google. It's a free country even for snow flake Incel cucks like you deplorables dependant on the largesse of the liberal elites
Google is important for Red Flag laws.
As owners of the worlds data
they can use AlphGO and your mail history, google searches, social media posting, driving speeds and locations, ims, and ad tracking to pick you out as a wrong thinker.
We can start by red flagging all trump supporters.
The reason data is collected is to use it to control things.
Google loves building China's control system.
Don't blame China, they are just ahead of the curve.
Red Flagging, now advocated by Trump and the Repugs,
is opening the door to
govt surveillance soon with corporate help
and action without due process.
Remember we asked for this.
I am clearly not one to talk since I just fixed about 80 spelling mistakes in an important disclosure document. Crap happens.
Make you own conservative Google.
Nah. We already have our own country, why make a conservative partition?
How about Google make it's own country somewhere else?
I'm sure China would welcome them. And you.
Must impeach!!
I saw an old friend and her family she never had when I hung out with her 18 years ago and they are so wholesome and wonderful. They wouldn’t even buy anything here unless it was made in America. I didn’t even need to ask if they support tTrump and yes they live in flyover country.
Thump tThump On my way!
Nice song reference David Begley 9:23
Lunatics are bouncing off the padded walls.
you deplorables dependant on the largesse of the liberal elites
Who would starve if Whole Foods closed. Howard has no idea how useless he is.
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