August 8, 2019

"Personal debasement is not easy for white people (especially for white men), but to retain the conviction of their superiority to others—especially to black people..."

"... they are willing to risk contempt, and to be reviled by the mature, the sophisticated, and the strong. If it weren’t so ignorant and pitiful, one could mourn this collapse of dignity in service to an evil cause. The comfort of being 'naturally better than,' of not having to struggle or demand civil treatment, is hard to give up. The confidence that you will not be watched in a department store, that you are the preferred customer in high-end restaurants—these social inflections, belonging to whiteness, are greedily relished. So scary are the consequences of a collapse of white privilege that many Americans have flocked to a political platform that supports and translates violence against the defenseless as strength. These people are not so much angry as terrified, with the kind of terror that makes knees tremble."

Wrote Toni Morrison in "Making America White Again/The choices made by white men, who are prepared to abandon their humanity out of fear of black men and women, suggest the true horror of lost status," originally published in the the November 21, 2016, issue if The New Yorker, in a collection of pieces titled "Aftermath: Sixteen Writers on Trump’s America" and featured today on the front page of the magazine's website. Morrison died on August 5th.


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Mike Sylwester said...

What a genius she is!

Sydney said...

Could someone please explain to me why Trump is racist? I honestly don't see it.

Mike Sylwester said...


What a genius she was!

Fernandinande said...

A race-obsessed black authorette turned out to be a virulent anti-white racist? That's shocking.

And some MSM rag published her hateful rants? That's shocking.

Howard said...

I think many whites are completely oblivious. Like David Foster Wallaces' "This is Water"

Clyde said...

What a load of crap. She kept talking but all I heard was “blah blah blah.”

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Meanwhile - Fascist "anti-fascist" leftists and linking arms with the socialists to get things done.

Institutional totalitarianism.

Democratic Socialists of America Voted To Establish an Anti-Fascist Working Group. It Was Controversial.

dbp said...

I think any sane person would rather be held in contempt than debase themselves. If you debase yourself, that is you doing a foul thing to yourself. If others don't like you, so what? Ultimately, you have no control over others. Further, if the only way a person will respect you is if you debase yourself, then why should I value the opinion of assholes?

alanc709 said...

Those thoughts were not new to her, they are why she was a celebrated author among the elites. Progressive only tolerate fellow travellers who will parrot the correct agenda.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

How many white supremacists are there in America today?
What is the actual count?

I'd guess it's less than 1000.

TrespassersW said...

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Morrison begs to differ.

Bay Area Guy said...

"Personal debasement is not easy for white people (especially for white men)...."

So true. Heck, it's hard going thru life with charm, wit, good looks, financial independence and women throwing themselves at us.

I just can't muster up enough personal debasement. I'm sorry!

Gahrie said...

The confidence that you will not be watched in a department store, that you are the preferred customer in high-end restaurants

And of course this has nothing to do with the behavior of actual people.

Iman said...

Her troubles are over...

TrespassersW said...

For the record, being humble (a virtue) is not the same as self-debasement.

Gahrie said...

Could someone please explain to me why Trump is racist? I honestly don't see it.

He beat Hillary and the Democrats.

Ironclad said...

My respect for Morrison could go no lower. But maybe I can dig a hole and sink her racist screeds in them.

How equality evolved into a need to pull down others is a crooked path. But when your community can’t even raise their own metrics after 50 years of massive government finger on the scale attempt to help - your only recourse is to blame the other for your failures.

Infinite Monkeys said...

I would think that we should be trying to avoid making anyone suffer personal debasement rather than targeting white men for it, but I'm not woke.

rhhardin said...

Black is a marker that supplies information when better information is lacking. The high crime rate of blacks is one of the pieces of information used. So blacks get watched. It's called efficient use of scarce resources. Complain to other blacks for action on that.

You can supply other markers to counteract being black as a marker, like dressing and acting white.

Then the resources shift. It's not like stores like to watch you. It's a cost they'd prefer to avoid.

Owen said...

This white supremacy/black silencing theme is endlessly irritating to me (being of Welsh extraction I am naturally peevish) but worse it is sterile. The argument seems to take the form of “F*** you, now concede status and treasure.” Not calculated to win hearts and minds any more than any other argument similarly perfected by two-year-olds.

Wince said...

The only racial supremacy actually documented in that passage was Morrison's belief in her own.

Big Mike said...

Morrison died on August 5th.

And if that's how she feels about us honkies, not a moment too soon.

You know, all any of us worthless, slime-sucking white scum want is to do is land a good-paying job, find a good spouse, raise a family, get our kids started out in life, keep our bosses happy, stay employed, and so forth. It's hard enough to accomplish that while trying to worry about how black people were slaves 155 years ago and we need to debase ourselves daily, so mostly we don't bother.

Michael K said...

It must be all those black Nobel Prize winners in STEM fields we are afraid of.

traditionalguy said...

Hint:White people are just part of the American people who are willing to defend themselves and their country from attack. Black people,White people, Asian people and Hispanic people are 100% welcome to join the group. Just quit attacking us. And thanks for learning English.
Speaking English makes life easier to all get along. India emigrants with brownish skin are examples of how easy it is.

But that makes America Great Again. Racial and gender divisions weaken the USA so crafty Democrats Criminals can sell off its parts to rich foreign Arab, European and Chinese Oligarchs.

rhhardin said...

How many white supremacists are there in America today?

Semi-daily suggestion to read the short Derbyshire item on what gets called white supremacy

If you're even slightly inclined to say white supremacist, you need to read it.

traditionalguy said...

Hint:White people are just part of the American people who are willing to defend themselves and their country from attack. Black people,White people, Asian people and Hispanic people are 100% welcome to join the group. Just quit attacking us. And thanks for learning English.
Speaking English makes life easier to all get along. India emigrants with brownish skin are examples of how easy it is.

But that makes America Great Again. Racial and gender divisions weaken the USA so crafty Democrats Criminals can sell off its parts to rich foreign Arab, European and Chinese Oligarchs.

Fernandinande said...

"Personal debasement is easy for black people (especially for black women), but to retain the conviction of their victimization by others—especially by white people..."

"... they are therefore willing to risk contempt, and to be reviled by the mature, the sophisticated, and the strong. If it weren’t so ignorant and pitiful, one could mourn this collapse of dignity in service to an evil cause. The comfort of being able to 'blame others,' of not having to take personal responsibility or offer civil treatment, is hard to give up."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"While the press continues to blame Republicans for their “rhetoric,” there’s no question that the vitriol we’ve seen from the left this week dwarfs anything anyone on the mainstream right has ever said or done in a political setting. Period. Calling entire voting blocks white supremacists, doxxing donors, yelling for the death of a Senator, asserting Republicans want mass shootings to occur, threatening people for their political activities, asserting the President wants to exterminate a race – these are not the rantings of sane people looking for de-escalation of rhetoric. They are the drivers of escalation in our rhetoric and it’s reaching dangerous levels.

There’s no coming back from this for the media. There will never be a time when a majority of the country trusts them again. "

Sebastian said...

A convoluted description of the basket of deplorables.

Utterly clueless, of course, but their cluelessness is our strength.

Bay Area Guy said...

@Big Mike:

And if that's how she feels about us honkies, not a moment too soon.

Elizabeth Warren = Pocahontas

Toni Morrison = Poke-a-honkey

CJinPA said...

That was...damn ugly.

It's increasingly common to witness non-white Westerners of note, especially writers, doing this kind of demographic end zone dance. They view society as a competition between identity groups, see themselves on the winning side, and then profess contempt that white voters may begin acting accordingly.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace falsely claims that Trump is “talking about exterminating Latinos”

This is a complete lie and is extremely dangerous rhetoric in today’s volatile atmosphere"

Rick said...

Remember though characterizing a refusal to debase oneself as white supremacist and abandoning their humanity is not divisive. Only Trump is divisive.

All immigrants to the United States know (and knew) that if they want to become real, authentic Americans they must reduce their fealty to their native country and regard it as secondary, subordinate, in order to emphasize their whiteness.

It's true they must reduce their fealty to their native country but this is to emphasize their American-ness. It's revealing supposedly insightful thinkers are so profoundly wrong on the most basic concepts.

mccullough said...

The ravings of a Princeton Professor

The House Negress

MikeR said...

"The confidence that you will not be watched in a department store, that you are the preferred customer in high-end restaurants—these social inflections, belonging to whiteness, are greedily relished." Zero connection with reality?

Seeing Red said...

The confidence that you will not be watched in a department store, that you are the preferred customer in high-end restaurants—these social inflections, belonging to whiteness,

She didn’t travel/get out much, did she?

Fernandinande said...

Could someone please explain to me why Trump is racist? I honestly don't see it.

Here's a clear example: Trump says "women from another country", fNYT changes it to "a group of four minority congresswomen."

So the fNYT took a non-racial statement and injected race to make it racial.

Then, just for fun, the fNYT follows up with one misleading statement and one false statement:

"Wrapped inside that insult, which was widely established as a racist trope, was a factually inaccurate claim: Only one of the lawmakers was born outside the country."

The passive phrase "which was widely established" actually means "we declared it so", and since Trump didn't actually refer to "four minority congresswomen", the set of "women from another country" can correctly contain any number of women, including the just the one.

Rick said...

Much as they may hate their behavior, and know full well how craven it is, they are willing to kill small children attending Sunday school and slaughter churchgoers who invite a white boy to pray.

Remember this is 2016. That this act should be attributed to whites generally is disgusting.

Morrison died on August 5th.

And the world is a better place for it.

J. Farmer said...

And yet, blacks around the world want to abandon their all black countries to come to places full of white supremacy and racism. Why? Well, try to find a high functioning black country. They don't exist. If black America was its own country, it would be the wealthiest black country by a mile with the highest standard of living.

Fernandinande said...

Posted by Ken B earlier:


The New York Times remains the world’s most prestigious Viewpoint Validation Service because we understand the crippling emptiness permeating the wealthy liberal soul – we are that emptiness – and you entrust us to make you feel good, smart and worthy every day.
Inspired by the Texas revolutionary Joaquin Castro, our editorial board decided to take out a full page ad in our own paper to publish his home address and pictures of his family. Then we mobilized our 52,247 interns to brigade his employer, us, with phone calls to report that we have a racist in our ranks. The writer was immediately fired. Our interns, known as TimesHelpers, chucked milkshakes at him as he sadly strolled through the lobby with his little NPR tote bag full of desktop knick knacks. Just as he reached the door we unchained Sarah Jeong and watched gleefully as she dismembered and ate him alive.


J. Farmer said...

Could someone please explain to me why Trump is racist? I honestly don't see it.

Forget Trump. What exactly is a "racist?"

madAsHell said...

to retain the conviction of their superiority to others—especially to black people...

Gee, if I said something like that......

Francisco D said...

Personal debasement is not easy for white people (especially for white men)....

That definitely sounds like a good thing.

chickelit said...

Who knew that Toni Morrison was such a bigot against whites? I guess if I'd read her I'd have known that.

Caligula said...

I bet there's a PhD or two in studying the internalized images racial activists have of "The Other," aka white people. What do they imagine white people to be, and how much of this image is projection as opposed to observation?

To make such a PhD politically acceptable one might combine it with observations on white racists' internalized views of The Other as well. Although this material has been worked over to the point where there's little original left here, it would be there to provide political cover.

mccullough said...

The US is becoming less white but not more black.

Morrison was looking for what was where it used to be.

White people don’t obsess about blacks. There just aren’t that many of them.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

"Debase yourselves, white men!" is not exactly the obviously-winning rhetorical call people like Morrison thought it should be...but at least she's successfully defined any objection to that command as racism!

If I don't view the situation the same as people like Morrison and don't agree with Morrison that I should be debased (to rid me of my unearned lofty position of privilege, naturally) then I'm, by definition, a racist. Nice centrist people like the Professor are happy to nod along with that--what a fantastic tool to have!

"If you disagree with my perspective and my prescriptions [I first typed proscriptions; Freudian] you're automatically a racist and since we nice, decent people won't allow any such ugly people or ideas to have a platform you must be ignored." Talk about convenient!

henry said...

banality in motion

Night Owl said...

Do "white" people today really think they are superior or is it that some "black" people feel inferior to "whites" and imagine that "white" people think that way?

The goal seems to be to give "white" people an inferiority complex in the quest for equality. It may work on the young.

Dave Begley said...

What a bunch of crap. How the hell did she know what white men thought? Did she know any? Did she talk to them at length?

Dude1394 said...

Nice propaganda there. Screw her/him/it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

America Is Drowning in the Left's Lies About Trump

buwaya said...

She doesn't understand "white privilege", she understands the inferiority complex of a weak minority. Everyone else seems privileged in comparison.

I however truly understand white privilege. Grow up white in Asia and you will know what it is. A white man, or even more so a white woman, was an exotic and significant person, treated universally with deference and respect. An extremely powerful minority, carrying the mana of truly global powers, whatever the reality may have been.

This was mitigated, there, by our extremely small numbers, by more pressing rivalries, notably of class, and against the Chinese, and, I like to think, the high quality of the white people in question, who were disproportionately talented, else they wouldnt have been in Asia at all.

This white privilege still exists. Go anywhere out there, outside of the usual haunts of tourist beaches and Club Med, and you may, if perceptive and having a normal personality, understand white privilege too.

rcocean said...

What precisely is a white supremacist?

Someone who opposes Affirmative action?
Someone who opposes Open Borders?
Someone who Votes Republican?

That seems to be it. Maybe someone diagrees could explain it, with some bright lines and hard definitions.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Only by debasing themselves before Blacks can wypipo find true dignity.

Roughcoat said...

Well, she's dead and I'm not. I win.

rcocean said...

87% of the USA isn't black. Most white people have little to do with Blacks, especially outside Big Cities or the south. We don't spend time thinking about Black people or how we're inferior or superior. The only exception? White liberal women.

stlcdr said...

Blogger J. Farmer said...
Could someone please explain to me why Trump is racist? I honestly don't see it.

Forget Trump. What exactly is a "racist?"

8/8/19, 8:50 AM

Unfortunately a lot of people simply hate Trump and conservatives - or, as they see it, right wing racists. It has no meaning, but it justifies and feeds their inner hatefulness.

Sadly, they will make decisions based on this and don't see that it will lead to a Scorched Earth.

doctrev said...

SJWs always project. In particular, Toni Morrison knew that people like her will always be scrutinized in department stores unless they are as famous as Oprah, and Morrison never was. The idea of racial resentment and being terrified is not something associated with the majority of confident white people.

Black people, by contrast, live in the constant shadow of total racial resentment no matter how much money they have. And of course they're petrified with fear: they know they will be decorating lampposts (with quality Christmas lights) when white people become truly angry at them. Making Donald Trump the president following Barack Obama is a warning, clear as a bell, and a certain kind of grievance-monger would be absolutely right to fear a tidal wave of violence. That the media is constantly stoking, but hey. We're not dealing with the best and brightest here.

rcocean said...

I’m sorry I was born white and privileged. It disgusts me. And I feel so much shame.

— Rosanna Arquette (@RoArquette) August 7, 2019

Otto said...

Ann trolling her readers.

rcocean said...

Don't be sad Rosanna, we're sorry you were born too.

Roughcoat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

Projecting to protect themselves. Racists and other rabid diversitists need to do a thorough introspection, and lose heir Pro-Choice quasi-religion.

buwaya said...

What the likes of Morrisson think doesnt matter.
They are still powerless, on their own.

Your conflicts are really white vs white, across caste lines.
The "brown" minorities, as these are perceived by some, anyway, are electoral make-weight and pretexts.

J. Farmer said...


That seems to be it. Maybe someone disagrees could explain it, with some bright lines and hard definitions.

Well the hard definition is: "a person who believes that the white race is inherently superior to other races and that white people should have control over people of other races."

I hang around a lot of the alt-righ (e.g. Unz, Taki's, V Dare, etc.), and you certainly bump into some fringe, kooky people in those circles. But I don't believe I have ever met an actual white supremacist. White supremacy was primarily cooked up to justify European imperialism over non-whites. White nationalists or white separatists have zero desire to rule over blacks or other ethnic minorities. Imperialism is antithetical to nationalism.

J. Farmer said...

Your conflicts are really white vs white, across caste lines.
The "brown" minorities, as these are perceived by some, anyway, are electoral make-weight and pretexts.

For now, anyway.

rcocean said...

Once you realize the claims of "racism" and "White supremacists" are simply insults and expressions of left-wing hate and contempt, then it all makes sense. The left ALWAYS needs an insult for their opponents. It used to be fascist.

Of course, that won't stop the Center-right from puzzling over it. Thinking its a sincere charge, and wanking on about how "I"m not a white supremacist" or trying to engage the left is "reasoned debate".

David French is no doubt writing a column: "The conservative case for killing White Supremacists".

rcocean said...

"a person who believes that the white race is inherently superior to other races and that white people should have control over people of other races."

So its two parts. Its not just we're superior, we want "Control" over other races.
That's a slippery word "Control" - what does it mean? Precisely.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"The confidence that you will not be watched in a department store, that you are the preferred customer in high-end restaurants

And of course this has nothing to do with the behavior of actual people"

How sadly true this is. We could have been long past this moment, but it was politically necessary for the Democrats to continue to degrade and keep dependent African-Americans.
If Mom and Dad keep you locked in a closet, feed you nothing but Little Debbies, deny you education and dignity, how likely are you to grow up to be a healthy and functioning member of society?

rcocean said...

I find it funny that white separatists are classified as White supremacists. So, if whites just want to be left alone by themselves, that's wanting to dominate others. Well, okey dokey.

n.n said...

Your conflicts are really white vs white, across caste lines.

Allegations of diversity... nay, rabid diversity, is another point of leverage to shift the balance between competing interests.

Tommy Duncan said...

Blogger Gahrie said...

"The confidence that you will not be watched in a department store, that you are the preferred customer in high-end restaurants

And of course this has nothing to do with the behavior of actual people."

Morrison's point of view requires her to deny easily observed behavior and invent motivations that do not exist. Political correctness is the mechanism that allows people like Morrison to fabricate an alternative reality where personal responsibility does not exist matter and ruinous behavior is celebrated. In her invented reality actual behavior is replaced with contrived victimhood.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Your conflicts are really white vs white, across caste lines.
The "brown" minorities, as these are perceived by some, anyway, are electoral make-weight and pretexts."

Exactly. Even when the current minorities (and, face it, by minorities we mean Blacks and first and second-generation Hispanics, not Raj the computer engineer nor Chung the optometrist) are majorities, they still won't wield anything like real power.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Glad that racist twunt is dead. Howard, you cracker, why don't you debase yourself and join her?

buwaya said...

White supremacy was an emergent phenomenon that came out of the realities of the age of conquest, or the age of colonialism.

It was not a fantasy, but a "fuzzy truth". This was a time when tiny handfuls of white people apparently, and sometimes actually, led millions of brown people around by their noses.

There were plenty of white people who were just along for the ride of course. But these usually went home first.

Those tiny handfuls are gone, gone home or merged in with the "brown". But they are remembered.

n.n said...

if whites just want to be left alone by themselves, that's wanting to dominate others

This mode of thought has its roots in the philosophy of redistributive and retributive change.

Tim said...

Blogger chickelit said...
Who knew that Toni Morrison was such a bigot against whites?

Everyone? She didn't even try to hide it. Promoted and lionized to assuage their own guilt.

n.n said...

Diversity breeds adversity.

chuck said...

Sigh. The intellectual novelist passed with the 19'th century and the body was burned in the revolutionary fires of the 20'th.

bagoh20 said...

It sounds like the feeling of superiority was very well known to her, and she didn't have the sophistication to see that log in her own eye.

CJinPA said...

What the likes of Morrisson think doesnt matter. They are still powerless, on their own. Your conflicts are really white vs white, across caste lines.

True. It's about the White Liberal Savior. They think racism holds back blacks *more than blacks do.*

Other fascinating findings at

Remarkably, white liberals were the only subgroup exhibiting a pro-outgroup bias—meaning white liberals were more favorable toward nonwhites and are the only group to show this preference for group other than their own. Indeed, on average, white liberals rated ethnic and racial minority groups 13 points (or half a standard deviation) warmer than whites.

...Consider, for instance, that black and Asian Democrats and liberals are significantly more supportive of restrictive immigration policies and less positive toward racial/ethnic diversity than their white counterparts. Black and Hispanic Democrats and liberals are more sympathetic toward Israel than the Palestinians (likely due in part to the fact that they tend to be more religious). They are also more likely to part ways when it comes to contemporary social and gender-identity issues, including views of the #MeToo movement.

Mr. Groovington said...

J. Farmer said...
And yet, blacks around the world want to abandon their all black countries to come to places full of white supremacy and racism. Why? Well, try to find a high functioning black country. They don't exist.

As much as I enjoy your posts, this is wrong.

Botswana (been here on a hobby project for 7 months, just because I love it here) has a bond rating of Aaa2 compared to, say, Italy somewhere in the shitty B’s.

The town of 60,000 I’m in, adjacent to the Okavango Delta, is fully functioning in a way my Canadian home city isn’t. There’s a big new hospital which looks like overkill, but largely there’s no need to go because of all the free clinics around town. The schools are excellent. My girlfriend is a teacher in one and the teaching discipline is old school and superb. All the kids are taught in English from age 5 and it appears by grade 3 their written English is better than at home.

There are private options for everything if you wish.

There’s nearly zero racism. It’s safe. It’s clean. It’s peaceful. The San tribe (the large majority) are kind and generous. The low level corruption from the previous administration is being rooted out.

There’s a serious drought this year and they’re working through it systematically.

I’ve travelled (out of curiosity) for years in many 3rd world countries and this imo is the most functional, and it’s black. No power sharing with the small white community.

For why, read the Wiki entry for the country’s first President, Seretse Khama. (He married a white woman and perhaps because of that coloured kids have been in vogue ever since.) The current President, Masisi, is another good man.

If it wasn’t so fucking hot it would be paradise.

buwaya said...

Its notable that "white privilege" in colonial societies was in many ways most pronounced among women. They were the most separatist, those who put on airs, those who were most careful to distinguish themselves from the locals.

A humble European woman, pretty much a peasant, in Asia, effectively joined a society of the local gentry just by stepping off the boat.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Here's the thing: race doesn't exist anymore unless you want it to.

If my father had been the immigrant instead of my mother, I could be Juan Ravines instead of John Lynch. Same person, but I'd suddenly be a "Person of Color" instead of another white man. Same genes, same family, same everything.

My mother got out of South America so she could be an American, and I could be an American. Now I have to listen to this crap about what I am from people who don't know me, based on what I look like. All because my last name is Irish instead of Hispanic.

My son isn't white, because I married a Korean woman. Two generations of interracial marriage and race disappears. When you are biracial, and have an interracial marriage, you realize that it's all a hoax. Other people try to force racial identity on you, but you don't have to accept it. I'm a race of one.

We're all just folks.

Douglas B. Levene said...

Living and working in China I have experienced white privilege. Basically the cops ignore minor crimes committed by white foreigners because it’s way too much trouble to find someone to translate and then to fill out all the paperwork involved with law enforcement and foreigners.

Tommy Duncan said...

"The confidence that you will not be watched in a department store..."

A quote from Jesse Jackson in an unguarded moment:

" “There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps... then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”

doctrev said...

CJinPA said...

8/8/19, 9:32 AM

Tablet should be terrified about those findings. If white liberals are this down on Israel, Jews will start fleeing the Democratic Party in droves when Jewish=American Senators start getting primaried. And yet, the fruits of Bill Kristol and David Frum will guarantee a cool welcome in the Republican Party. Ben Shapiro's popularity is astroturfed to the point it is relentlessly memed on in every non-corporate political subculture, from Unz-friendly paleocons to hardcore Marxist tankies. It shouldn't be counted on as a sign of how Jewish Americans will be happily welcomed once they wear out their welcome among Democrats.

Birches said...

I was reading a book last night on the Kavanaugh confirmation and it mentioned how significant the SCOTUS appointment of Scalia was at the time because he was the first Italian American on the court.

To me, almost forty years later, it doesn't even seem worth mentioning. In another forty or so years, being a Mexican American won't be worth mentioning either. The Democrats are trying to prevent that from happening. That's why they try to vilify white people. I don't think it will work.

There is a different relationship between black and white people in this country of course. But at some point, one has to move on to progress.

Darrell said...

I apologize for Rosanna Arquette being white. White people are the worst.

Kevin said...

Navin R. Johnson: Lord loves a workin' man; don't trust whitey; see a doctor and get rid of it.

Michael K said...

I was reading a book last night on the Kavanaugh confirmation and it mentioned how significant the SCOTUS appointment of Scalia was at the time because he was the first Italian American on the court.

That is Mollie Hemingway's book about the Kavanaugh hearings. We have the audio version in the car and listen as we drive to CA and back.

rhhardin said...

Scott Adams seems to have read the Derbyshire today.

J. Farmer said...

@Mr. Groovington:

I’ve travelled (out of curiosity) for years in many 3rd world countries and this imo is the most functional, and it’s black. No power sharing with the small white community.

How much power sharing is there with international mining companies? Diamond mines provide a huge portion of Botswana's wealth, and the vast majority of the population work in agriculture. That's why Botswana has one of the highest amounts of of income inequality in the world. It terms of Human Development Index, Botswana ranks 101st in the world, and that is the best example in sub-Saharan Africa.

Michael K said...

Other people try to force racial identity on you, but you don't have to accept it. I'm a race of one.

You are obviously a libertarian/Republican. That is not allowed on the left. See George Zimmerman, "white Hispanic."

J. Farmer said...

@John Lynch:

Now I have to listen to this crap about what I am from people who don't know me, based on what I look like. All because my last name is Irish instead of Hispanic.

There's a difference between describing a group and describing individuals in a group. Men are stronger than women, as a group, but there are many women who are stronger than many men. These are not contradictory statements.

Shouting Thomas said...

That certainly convinced me to not read Morrison.

WWMartin said...

I am constantly impressed by the ability of leftists to psychoanalyze people they have never met, to understand the deepest, most private motivations of those they have not communicated with in any way, but have only read about in leftist publications such as the New Yorker.

Ambrose said...

The concept that there are things that white people find easy or hard, and that Toni Morrison should be our guide to these things is just stunning.

J. Farmer said...

@Mr. Groovington:

p.s. Just some food for thought. Published by Monageng Mogalakwe of the University of Botswana:

"Botswana is often presented as an example of good governance in both political and economic terms and its post-colonial economic performance is regarded as nothing short of a miracle. On 1 April 2008 Lieutenant General Ian Khama was inaugurated as Botswana\'s fourth president in an event that was hailed as the latest validation of Botswana\'s track record of political stability. While there are many positive things to say about Botswana, a scratch beneath the appearance of this enviable track record reveals massive poverty in the midst of plenty, a top-down presidential system, an emasculated parliament, and a ruling party that has resorted to re-inventing a political dynasty in order to survive politically. This article gives a different insight into the little known “other side” of Botswana, explodes its myth of exceptionality and points to the necessity to rethink attitudes toward this much praised and prized African country."

-Africa Insight, Vol. 38 (1) 2008: pp. 105-117

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

White left hollywood should take a collective suicide guilt pill.

Do us a favor.

Anonymous said...

I think it is as wrong for black people to characterized "white men" because we all have that white thing going on, as it is for me to prejudge black people because they are black. I mean I heard the "content of character" as a child and it made sense and it still does. Experience - without preset expectations - has confirmed that. She never knew me.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

lol to Someone named Eddie Donovan - responding the Arquette's virtue signaling.

"Rosanna, hating all white people even if it is your own skin color does not make you any less a racist."

Leland said...

"All immigrants to the United States know (and knew) that if they want to become real, authentic Americans they must reduce their fealty to their native country and regard it as secondary, subordinate, in order to emphasize their whiteness. Unlike any nation in Europe, the United States holds whiteness as the unifying force. "

Some truth, to be an American, you must regard being an American above being where ever you came from. Because if you regard being French over being an American, then people will perceive you as French. That's simple. But then this former writer wants to make that a concept of race, and by race, she means color of your skin; which is how she judges white people. She notes that today in America, it is not as obvious that Americans judge people by color, but she wants you to know how much she does.

buwaya said...

White privilege took many strange turns, out in the old empires.
One was the oddly common case of the white heiress-spinster.
It was not uncommon for a white (sometimes mestiza) daughter of a white man, a landowner of note usually, in a region with few or no white people. Hence she could find no plausible white husband. She would be the chatelaine of her demesne, and sometimes even a political power behind the local throne, but there would be no heir.

This was quite a thing.

Back in my youth, when there were still enough Spanish-speakers about, there was a Spanish-language theater group in Manila. Many of its members were local theatrical professionals, as this was a popular occupation for mestizos, then and now. Another instance of white privilege!

Anyway, one year they put on a Spanish translation of "Glass Menagerie", but with some twists. The settings and some circumstances were also adjusted. Laura was not handicapped in any way other than being a lonely white woman in such a provincial chateau. This struck THAT audience as something intensely familiar. Tennessee Williams translates remarkably well this way.

n.n said...

"based on what I look like. All because my last name is Irish instead of Hispanic"

Men are stronger than women, as a group, but there are many women who are stronger than many men.

It is also not a color judgment, but an acknowledgement of physiological differences between the sexes. We do not extrapolate from this relationship to establish general measures of men and women. Unless there is cause, each man and woman is, ideally, judged individually, not inferred from their color, sex, etc.

Oso Negro said...

Oh, for fuck's sake. Toni Morrison's Dad was a steel worker, she managed a Master's from Cornell in 1955, and however her virtues as a writer will be viewed 100 years from now, we can probably agree that she was born at a swell time to be a black, female writer in the United States of America. I would not doubt that personally experienced lowbrow racism in her life, but on the balance, she was EXALTED by white people. And certainly lived an easier, more privileged existence than 99.9999999% of humans who ever walked the planet. But still, white men. WHITE. MEN.

Kevin said...

The concept that there are things that white people find easy or hard, and that Toni Morrison should be our guide to these things is just stunning.

Perhaps she’s taking her cues from white people telling others what’s easy or hard for black people.

n.n said...

real, authentic Americans they must reduce their fealty to their native country and regard it as secondary, subordinate, in order to emphasize their whiteness

Amercan-ness. America, in principle, is principled, and does not indulge in diversitist thought, tradition, and practice.

Anonymous said...

I put myself through college working as a waiter in 'high-end restaurants', and I assure you, I didn't look at a man's skin to decide if he was 'preferred'. I looked at his shoes and his shirt, specifically his cuffs.

Women are never preferred customers. They sit too long, they tip poorly, they split the checks and then haggle with each other and the waiter, and they're too damn picky ("can you replace the arugula with endive?" "we don't have endive" "Rillly? *sniff* Can you ask the chef please?"

Of course, I haven't waited tables in 30 years so maybe that reality has changed, but I doubt it.

Known Unknown said...


CJinPA said...

Blogger doctrev said...

I thought the findings regarding American Jews was the least surprising part of the article which otherwise chronicles a seismic shift in white liberal attitudes. I don't think the findings will mark a substantial change in Jewish ideology, which tends to be leftist and influential, or have an effect on elections, given their small share of the electorate.

Chris N said...

Maybe try a conversation with the guy in Botswana, and not defend your claim of a universal truth? I’m sure you have some truths to tell about what’s going on, but the pursuit works better without desperately having to lecture everyone from your latest position

You actually might gain more knowledge this way.

Ralph L said...

She should have been more upset at white indifference, but she didn't care about reducing black on black crime either, just the number of convicts (I'm assuming).

n.n said...

And before that, they commented on "Jew privilege". The issue has been mischaracterized through diversitist thought, tradition, and practice. The establishment of Pro-Choice has served to debase human life, and exacerbate this disparate dysfunction.

LYNNDH said...


PM said...

From 35,000 ft: Suspicion of white people is a bond black people share. As whites are wary of blacks. It's an outgrowth of our calamitous history together. Recent decades saw these barriers weakening, but they've now been reinforced for cheap political gain.

Mr. Groovington said...

J. Farmer said..
How much power sharing is there with international mining companies? Diamond mines provide a huge portion of Botswana's wealth, and the vast majority of the population work in agriculture. That's why Botswana has one of the highest amounts of of income inequality in the world. It terms of Human Development Index, Botswana ranks 101st in the world, and that is the best example in sub-Saharan Africa.

There is no power sharing with De Beers, a 50/50 arrangement with the Government.

Inequality. Yes, this is a fact and mysterious. The income scale for blacks radically escalates in an unusual way. For instance the urban base rate, a kind of unofficial minimum non-agricultural wage, is around 1800 Pula, about $170. A teacher by comparison makes about 15,000 Pula, about $1300. This dramatic difference doesn’t seem to make much sense. But no one lacks for anything because basic services are so strong. Here’s an interesting thing: there are no shanties in Botswana. None. Every citizen is granted a plot of land. Even wealthy Windhoek, in Namibia across the street, with a similar population has visible poverty, but there’s nine to be seen here.

buster said...

Pretty funny. An article about racial resentment that reeks of racial resentment.

Nonapod said...

This writer seems to be imputing a great deal of reprehensible thought processes to an entire race and gender as an explanation for an unwanted outcome. This was written in the aftermath of Trumps victory. The writer evidently believes that the only possible reasons a white guy might have voted for Trump is racism and sexism and just general hatred. That conclusion seems extraordinarily narrow minded, simplistic, and intellectually lazy.

It's also not persuasive beyond a limted audience, not that I believe it was meant to be. This article was clearly primarily intended to be a salve. It was intended to comfort all the nonwhite people who voted for Hillary feel like heroic, yet downtrodden victims of white male repression. And it was intened to make the white males who voted for Hillary feel special and enlightened.

Like fans of a sports team that lost a big game against their most hated rival, the most satisfying explanations tend to be the ones that impugn character of their rivals as well as the officials themselves while simultaneously extolling the virtues of the members of their own team and its fans. It's all very predictable and tribal. It's all very human. But it often does nothing to honestly explain what happened.

Mr. Groovington said...

J. Farmer said...
p.s. Just some food for thought. Published by Monageng Mogalakwe of the University of Botswana
-Africa Insight, Vol. 38 (1) 2008: pp. 105-117

That was written in what some say was the darkest period in Botswana history. For fear of being thrown out of the country or worse if doxxed, should the election go to the leader mentioned in article’s choice, I’ll leave discussion of it alone.

It’s a very different country now.

Temujin said...

Well, as I wrote in the post about her death, I've not read Toni Morrison. And while I was thinking that maybe I should, this has cured me of that. I was hoping her writing did not live down to the level I suspected, but it did in this article.

I won't use my time of life on it again. There are too many choices from people who are not looking to scold me from their collectivist point of view. Too many good writers. Too many good books. I don't play collectivism.

M Jordan said...

I think it would get so tiring to spend your entire life on one topic. I’ve got no problem with people having a chip on their shoulder but if you dedicate your life to keeping there, that’s pretty pathetic.

Fen said...

The article is crap. But I still perceive racism in the GOP through one stat: 90% black turnout for Democrats. After the way they have been treated by the Left - jobs shipped overseas, welfare slavery, crumbling inner cities and horrible schools - there is NO EXCUSE for the GOP not carving into that 90% with better solutions. It tells me the GOP isn't really trying to court the black vote. It tells me that, while GOP elites like McCain and Romney wouldn't blacklist a black family from joining their country club, they wouldn't sponsor one for membership either.

Trump is changing that. Witness the outreach Kardashian(?) has done re blacks that were unfairly prosecuted and how Trump has commuted their sentences or pardoned them.

Mr. Groovington said...


Context is important. Before Botswana (after 4 months in South Africa and Namibia) I was in India for 6 months. By comparison with India, this is Monaco.

effinayright said...

buwaya: "This white privilege still exists. Go anywhere out there, outside of the usual haunts of tourist beaches and Club Med, and you may, if perceptive and having a normal personality, understand white privilege too."


Daniel Pearl could not be reached for comment.

Fen said...

I looked at his shoes and his shirt, specifically his cuffs.

Why cuffs? Frayed vs tailored? Unkempt and unraveling thread? Just curious.

I waited tables for many years too. It seems like whites are very aware of consequences, self-aware of selfishness. For example, whenever an order was messed up and served at no charge, whites still tip based on the original price, ie even if the food was free, they tipped for the service on that free food. Blacks tended to think if the bill was cut in half then the tips should be too.

I see similar differences play out everyday. Whites seem to get that if we all cut in line then then whole system crashes, so they don't. Same with obeying basic parking rules. 10 years waiting for Whitey to park his lazy ass right in front of the 7-11 store fire hydrant, but to this day every time I catch someone who is "special" it's always blacks.

Narr said...

L/libertarians here will be familiar with the charge that our preferences are just masks for our desire to control everyone else . . . in other words, projection. That's all TM was doing--imputing to others her own flaws and prejudices as a psychological defense.

She really wasn't very bright, was she?

TreeJoe said...

I wonder when I'll grow tired of being called a racist by people who are themselves both racist and proudly espousing their racism.

buwaya said...

D.Pearl was probably well treated by every system in Pakistan, treated as gentry.
So are the Pakistani gentry who make up their political class.
But being an aristocrat does not protect one from political assassins.
Benazir Bhutto was murdered also, and countless others.

Molly said...


The revilers certainly must be mature and strong to be able to do all that reviling.

Toni M was no doubt a very tiresome person to spend time with.

Fen said...

And again with traffic patterns. Whites seem to instinctively understand that if we are all merging, "every other car" is the most effecient way to do and that happens like clockwork. It's interesting to watch - everyone is tired and frustrated with the traffic holdup, but they work together to share equally in the problem and it's solution.

Blacks tend to turn this into a turf war. A hill they are willing to die on, and if you yell at them not to cut or take advantage they will threaten violence. And if the aggressor and defender are both black, the low impulse control spirals out and it's likely shots will be fired. I think most black on black homicide is from this kind of "disrespect"

Balfegor said...

The confidence that you will not be watched in a department store, that you are the preferred customer in high-end restaurants—these social inflections, belonging to whiteness, are greedily relished.

For what proportion of Whites has the second clause ever been true? Does Morrison honestly think that working-class Whites had confidence that they could stride into a posh French restaurant and the maître d'hôtel wouldn't sniff and wrinkle his lip beneath his thin, Gallic moustache? You see this kind of lazy conflation of class privilege with White privilege all the time. Not only does this completely elide the experience of the vast majority of Whites, I think this myopic focus on what one might call the "1%" has resulted in perverse distortions of policy.

Affirmative action is the most obvious example -- exercising a it of the old "soft bigotry of low expectations" in elite college admissions will help, what, a tiny fraction of a percentage of non-Asian minority children, mostly extremely privileged themselves? Whereas shoring up discipline and academic rigour in local public schools would actually help poor people. But the drive to preserve affirmative action now, affirmative action tomorrow, affirmative action forever! seems to attract more passion and enthusiasm than any school reform proposals (and of course, even in the field of education reform, progressive passions are largely in favour of doing away with the kind of rigour and discipline I think would most benefit the poor). Distilled to its silliest essence, this myopia is also reflected in the emphasis so many commentators place on "representation" in media or fine dining or whatever. That's even more useless than affirmative action in the Ivy League!

Anyhow, returning to Morrison's quote -- for a significant subset of Whites, I don't know that the first clause was every really true either -- there are department stores and department stores, but surely we've all encountered the stereotypes of the snooty department store clerk.

J. Farmer said...

@Mr. Groovington:

There is no power sharing with De Beers, a 50/50 arrangement with the Government.

The second half of that sentence seems to contradict the first.

Before Botswana (after 4 months in South Africa and Namibia) I was in India for 6 months. By comparison with India, this is Monaco.

Right. India ranks even lower in terms of Human Development Index. That doesn't disprove what I said. It should be telling that the greatest example of sub-Saharan economic/political success still doesn't rank among the Top 50% of countries in the world. Although it is of note that Botswana has much less ethnic/cultural diversity than most of sub-Saharan Africa. Botswana is primarily a success story in relation to the rest of sub-Saharan Africa.

Fen said...

I waited tables for many years too. It seems like whites are very aware of consequences, self-aware of selfishness. For example, whenever an order was messed up and served at no charge, whites still tip based on the original price, ie even if the food was free, they tipped for the service on that free food. Blacks tended to think if the bill was cut in half then the tips should be too.

Edit, that should not include white women. They were as bad as blacks (often worse) in not being able to be in anyone's shoes but their own. It was only the white males who knew not to punish the waitress because the chef overcooked the steak or something.

American White Women are the most spoiled creatures on the planet. If the walls ever come down they are going to be in for quite a shock over how the real world works.

Gospace said...

Conservatives in the United States seem to be the only people not obsessed with race.

Are you a decent person?

Do you respect other people?

Do you respect other people's property?

There are a few other questions like that, but they cover the basics. If you're all that, who cares what color you are?

J. Farmer said...


This white privilege still exists. Go anywhere out there, outside of the usual haunts of tourist beaches and Club Med, and you may, if perceptive and having a normal personality, understand white privilege too.

This is particularly true in East Asia, where skin whitening is a major trend. And I have experienced some of what you are talking about. Literally in the flesh. I have blue eyes and pale skin, and while I'm considered somewhat of an oddity in Florida, when I traveled to places like Isan or the Golden Triangle area, locals were fascinated by my skin, and one older woman even reached out and rubbed my forearm (a little awkward).

J. Farmer said...

The racist lingo in the restaurant world is "black top," which indicates an all black table with the expectation that you will be run ragged and tipped very little (if at all). Stereotypes become stereotypes for a reason. They are often based in truth.

CWJ said...

What did the other 15 writers have to say?

effinayright said...

Douglas said...
Living and working in China I have experienced white privilege. Basically the cops ignore minor crimes committed by white foreigners because it’s way too much trouble to find someone to translate and then to fill out all the paperwork involved with law enforcement and foreigners.

"White privilege" in countries that experienced white imperialism (and where today white people are a tiny minority, even a rarity) is far and away different than the claim that whites who are a majority in their own country somehow get a pass.

It's like someone saw Dave Chapelle's spoof on the topic and thought it was reality.

I guess Willy Loman didn't know how good he had it.

And it's obvious that Oprah, Kaepernick, Jizzy Jackson, Booker, Sharpton et al don't know how good ^they^ have it.

Fen said...

If you're all that, who cares what color you are?

A lot of game theory has been done on what happens "if the walls come down", ie if our society crumbles akin to the The Walking Dead. Unfortunately, it appears we will re-group along tribal lines, primarily because skin color can be detected at 500 yards vs voter registration at 3 paces.

Sad too. When I was in the Marines, skin color was no more relevant than hair color. The way it should be. I don't think we will every get there from here, and it's all because of the Left and their identity politics. The Marxist have to keep us divided and preying on each other so that we both rely on the State to intervene. Fuckers.

effinayright said...

This is particularly true in East Asia, where skin whitening is a major trend. And I have experienced some of what you are talking about. Literally in the flesh. I have blue eyes and pale skin, and while I'm considered somewhat of an oddity in Florida, when I traveled to places like Isan or the Golden Triangle area, locals were fascinated by my skin, and one older woman even reached out and rubbed my forearm (a little awkward).
OTOH, I enjoyed seeing a blond, pale blue-eyed New Zealand guy I was travelling with in Afghanistan get referred to by the locals as "Mister Kooch Aloo".

It means "potato head", from his sunburned skin.

Shouting Thomas said...

So, another black professional doing the blackety-blackety-black.

Did she ever do anything else?

Balfegor said...

Re: Douglas:

Living and working in China I have experienced white privilege. Basically the cops ignore minor crimes committed by white foreigners because it’s way too much trouble to find someone to translate and then to fill out all the paperwork involved with law enforcement and foreigners.

You see that all the time with the rail system in Tokyo too -- the attendants will regularly just waive Whites through the fare gates if they've lost their cards or whatever. But this is kind of a mix of "White privilege" and "Whites are dumb." I would compare with treatment of Africans and Indians (which I would expect to be less accommodating given Japanese racial attitudes), but I've actually never seen an African or an Indian have trouble using the train; every instance I've seen that I can recall has been Whites who look like business travellers or tourists.

Maybe a few instances with Chinese tourists.

JohnAnnArbor said...

It's sad to see someone succumb to the kind of race-based bigotry she claimed to be against.

effinayright said...

buwaya said...
D.Pearl was probably well treated by every system in Pakistan, treated as gentry.

Fat lot of good ^that^ did him!

Yancey Ward said...

Honestly, if you are white and ashamed of being so, shouldn't you kill yourself? Howard, what say you?

narciso said...

I saw the pearl biopic, winterbottom is a very tendentious film maker kook what he did with the Tipton 3, he wasnt gratuitous in showing what Ksm did, I suppose that was a conscious decision

Jaq said...

"hey are willing to risk contempt, and to be reviled by the mature, the sophisticated, and the strong. If it weren’t so ignorant and pitiful, one could mourn this collapse of dignity in service to an evil cause.”

"The comfort of being 'naturally better than,' of not having to struggle or demand civil treatment, is hard to give up”
These two sentences are connected, but not in a way that the supposedly subtle thinker Morrison thinks.

Gospace said...

Owen said...
This white supremacy/black silencing theme is endlessly irritating to me (being of Welsh extraction I am naturally peevish)

Are you white or are you Welsh?

Again, whites ever think about being "white". I America, we're either American, or fall back on one of our ancestral tribal identities. One of our ancestral tribal identities. English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Cornish, French, German, and Dutch- I have a choice of any of those.

BTW- In my time in the Navy I was in engineering. People of Scottish and English descent really are overrepresented in the engine rooms aboard ship. (Projected into the future- Scotty on the Starship Enterprise.) And in the boiler rooms of buildings and power plants. Is there anyone who thinks something should be done about this disparity?

Rory said...

"Rosanna, hating all white people even if it is your own skin color does not make you any less a racist.""

Correct, and it also makes her a snob.

J. Farmer said...

I don't think we will every get there from here, and it's all because of the Left and their identity politics. The Marxist have to keep us divided and preying on each other so that we both rely on the State to intervene. Fuckers.

Tribalism long predates Marx and isn't even particular to humans. The more ethnically homogeneous a country is, the more likely it is to be successful. When you mix democracy with a polyglot, multiethnic country, you will inevitably get identity politics. How could you not? Usually the only way to tamp that down is to have a very authoritarian form of government, a la Singapore.

Nichevo said...

August 8, 2019
"Personal debasement is not easy for white people (especially for white men), but to retain the conviction of their superiority to others—especially to black people..."
"... they are willing to risk contempt, and to be reviled by the mature, the sophisticated, and the strong. If it weren’t so ignorant and pitiful, one could mourn this collapse of dignity in service to an evil cause.

Talk about projection. Who is more resentful of a real or fancied slight, or prone to do violence over it, than the dysfunctional urban black people we constantly see on security footage and reality TV?

William said...

A beautiful sentiment expressed with precision and elegance. You can see why she won the Nobel. So nice of The New Yorker to repost it and bring it to everyone's attention. I'm sure that these were the words and thoughts that Toni Morrisson would most wish to be remembered by. Judging by the comments here, many people will rush out to buy her books after such a tantalizing appetizer.

Fernandinande said...

Basically the cops ignore minor crimes committed by white foreigners because it’s way too much trouble to find someone to translate and then to fill out all the paperwork involved with law enforcement and foreigners.

That happened here; a bunch of Chinese guys had a gigantic "illegal" pot farm and, after complaints about translators, the persecutors dropped charges against most of them. But kept their $500K.

Skippy Tisdale said...

of not having to struggle or demand civil treatment is hard to give up

Solution: Don't act uncivil.

The confidence that you will not be watched in a department store

Solution: Don't steal shit.

that you are the preferred customer in high-end restaurants

Solution: Tip better.

Leland said...

For what proportion of Whites has the second clause ever been true?

I thought the same too; as if one of the most popular shows on the Food Network wasn't a white guy talking about how great it is to visit Diners, Dine-ins, and Dives. But then, I figured the author would just take that fact as acknowledgement of further white self-debasement because being rational didn't seem high on the author's mind.

To your point, what is the proportion of Whites that read "The New Yorker"? Would it being easier to describe such readers as White or Elite?

Bay Area Guy said...

Here's the thing these idiotic racial hoaxers and hustlers can't seem to comprehend:

If you go to China, you tend to find Chinese people there.

If you go to India, you tend to find Indian people there.

If you go to Nigeria, you tend to find Nigeria people there.

Since the US was founded mostly by English-speaking white males, well, unless you are a total moron, it's not too surprising that you find a lotta English-speaking white males.

It has nothing to do with white supremacy. It's basically just numbers.

BUT WHAT ABOUT SLAVERY? -- bellows the woke, leftist college grad.

Well, we covered that extensively. Slavery was the original American sin, as a compromise, we accepted slave states into the Union in 1789, we argued over it for 70 years, we had a big war over Slavery in 1860, Lincoln freed the slaves, we enacted the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, we had a regrettable and lengthy period of Jim Crowe, then we moved into civil rights, then the Left constructed the welfare state, which in my view, reversed the progress, etc, etc.

None of this is new! Now the Left wants us to revisit all this history in some repackaged toxic bundle called White Nationalism, or White Supremacy -- just to achieve power in 2020.

Fuck 'em. The Left really is a menace to American society.

I retract my previous nice comments about Toni Morrison.

Fernandinande said...

Rosanna Arquette (@RoArquette) August 7, 2019

The blurb on that sorry specimen led to:

"51% of mass shooters in 2019 were black, 29% were white, and 11% were Latino. Three mass shooters were Asian, two were American Indian and one was Arab."

Rory said...

"...they are willing to risk contempt"

This is the thing: contempt is pretty much immutable, moreso than hatred. The contemptuous person gets a sense of self-worth from thinking he or she is better than someone else.

Known Unknown said...

The saying is "sunlight is the best disinfectant," but after Trump's focus on Baltimore, maybe the saying could be "a loud mouth is the best disinfectant."

His Baltimore tweets are supposedly racist, but he's brought more attention to the plight of urban minorities in lousy cities that anyone else in recent memory. Heck, there was a sizable neighborhood cleanup by a Trump supporter that the Baltimore Sun thought very little of.

Not a very good racist.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Stalin and the other Soviet leaders spent seventy years dismantling tribalism and nationalism in the USSR. They did stuff that you could never get away with in a democracy. They killed whole classes of educated people. They moved populations thousands of miles. They implemented laws and work rules so that people would find ethnic identity difficult to pass on to their children.
And after seventy years, when the USSR broke up, it broke up along ethnic and national lines.
That is a powerful lesson. Because that lesson teaches us that national and ethnic identity are more powerful than the political state, it is a lesson that the elites ignore.

William said...

There's not much evidence of white supremacy, especially if you're Irish, but, holy shit, did you ever read about the quaint customs at the court of Benin and Dahomey or how the Brahmans treated lesser breeds outside the law. The whites in the era of imperial conquest were savage barbarians but, nonetheless, were a tad more civilized than those they conquered.....There are a half million people living in the state of slavery in Mauretania. I don't think Mauretania is significantly further away from the USA than South Africa. Nonetheless slavery in Mauretania has never become a cause celebre the way apartheid in South Africa did. The reason: black people in Mauretania have the bad luck to be enslaved by brown people. Not much there to get upset about.

PM said...

Grand Beagle Fen: "... while GOP elites like McCain and Romney wouldn't blacklist a black family from joining their country club, they wouldn't sponsor one for membership either."

Romney seems pretty at home with his adopted black grandson.

Known Unknown said...

"The confidence that you will not be watched in a department store"

I won't try to dispell the notion that this does not happen. It seems like an unfortunate side-effect of statistics. Also, the question is am I supposed to feel guilt over what other people who share my race do? Because I frankly don't.

buwaya said...

"Fat lot of good ^that^ did him!"

The problem with being, or seeming, important.
When things are THAT way, as in Pakistan, important people are targets.

There is even a Wiki page -

Laslo Spatula said...

The debasement in question is being handled efficiently by the free market, through the promulgation of videos on PornHub et all showing the petite wives of white cuckolds getting their pleasure anally from black men.

The government doesn't even have to force white guys to watch these videos -- they do it willingly.

So we're covered.

I am Laslo.

n.n said...

the Left constructed the welfare state, which in my view, reversed the progress

Ah, progress or monotonic [unqualified] change. Some people characterize it as development with positive qualities or perhaps quantities, while others recognize its ambiguous nature. And now back to "Jew privilege"... I mean, "White privilege".

Fernandinande said...

What did the other 15 writers have to say?

Nothing interesting, but there was a funny cartoon with mice pointing at a door and one says "I think that's how they keep getting in."

"Four decades ago, Watergate revealed the potential of the modern Presidency for abuse of power on a vast scale. It also showed that a strong democracy can overcome even the worst illness ravaging its body."

"How dependent are our fundamental values—values such as decency, reason, and compassion—on the fellow we’ve elected President? Maybe less than we imagine. To be sure, the country voted for a leader who lives by the opposite code—it will be a long and dark winter—but the signs are that voters were not rejecting these values."

"The day before Election Day, the weather in New York was more like May than November."

"The day after Donald Trump’s victory, Susan Watson and Gail Jossi celebrated with glasses of red wine at the True Grit Café, in Ridgway, Colorado."

"This is a serious project."

"During the Presidential primaries, Donald Trump mocked his Republican rivals as “puppets” for flocking to a secretive fund-raising session sponsored by Charles and David Koch, the billionaire co-owners of the energy conglomerate Koch Industries."

"If the leader of a government issues an order that men and women below him cannot, in good conscience, enact, what are they to do?"

"The Supreme Court operates in counterpoint to the rest of the government. The Justices do not initiate; they respond."

"At the risk of sounding like a total candy-ass, I swear I have developed P.T.S.D. from the venom of this election. O.K., even before voting season began, I was wobbly enough to be seeing a shrink."

"The beginning of an end is hard to see: the moment when a marriage started to fall apart, the half-sentence of heartless scorn, an unmendable cut; the hour when the first symptoms of a fatal illness set in, dizziness, a subtle blurring of vision, a certain hoarseness; the season when a species of sparrow, trying to fly north, falls, weakened by the heat; and the day when the people of a nation began to lose faith in their form of government."

"When my parents lived in the Soviet Union, having a Jewish-looking “physiognomy,” as it was called, proved a daily liability."

"Less than a month after Barack Obama took office, Rick Santelli, of CNBC, announced from the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, “We’re thinking of having a Chicago tea party.”"

"“We are about to begin our descent into Los Angeles” is the opening line of “The Graduate.”"

"I’m twenty-seven, and in some ways my life has been consonant with the experience of women throughout history. The first time someone tried to grab me by the pussy, I was in middle school, and the next half-dozen times it likewise wasn’t by choice."

"In the campaign’s final days, even as members of Donald Trump’s inner circle had begun to acknowledge privately that he faced almost certain defeat, one of his advisers had the good sense to deprive him of his cell phone."

"Querida Q.:
I hope that you are feeling, if not precisely better, then at least not so demoralized."

The End.

bleh said...

Fuck her.

J. Farmer said...

@Known Unknown:

It seems like an unfortunate side-effect of statistics.

Of course. It's the same reason women would clutch their purses if they saw young black men walking towards them. Every single one of those black youths could be upstanding young men, but it's not the white woman's fault so much mugging and purse snatching was being committed by young black men.

Narr said...

Here's a real life sample of white male privilege in the modern South.

A cold rainy night, about 1030, I've stopped on the way home to pick up some milk and on the way back to my car I'm hailed by a black woman, one of several people in a beat-up car next to mine (also a beater). It looks like women and a bunch of kids.

"Excuse me, sir, do you have some jumper cables we could use?" Of course, they'd need to use my battery too, so I'd be stuck for a while even if I did . . . I told them, "Look, the security will be by soon, get them to do it." There were a few other people coming and going, too, so I just left.

And bought some cables the next day

Michael K said...

that you are the preferred customer in high-end restaurants

Solution: Tip better.

Larry Elder had several radio shows on just this topic. Blacks are perceived by waitstaff as the worst tippers. Hence they get the worst service.

n.n said...

So, basically, she's complaining that the White bloc are not masochistic. That they should be masochistic. She is, perhaps unconsciously, expressing a sadistic streak that would like to see White people... persons, especially the male sex, to be masochistic, presumable for her amusement. There are minority masochists of every color, black and white, male and female, masculine and feminine, etc. Why not seek them out, and, in the privacy of her home, or organization, where lives can be debased under the color of law and ethics, indulge her fetish?

etbass said...

J Farmer "The more ethnically homogeneous a country is, the more likely it is to be successful."

But, but... I thought diversity was our strength. Multiculturalism and all that...

n.n said...

The problem is elite privilege. If people would take a selfie of themselves, we would be united as colorful clump of cells. The more pornographic, the more sadistic, the more masochistic, the better. One sex, one gender, one color... one carbon-based fetus. Here's to progress.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Why does Morrison refer to "white men"? They are not a monolithic block. The majority of white men are not wealthy. Only a third of white men have a four year degree. The median income and educational attainment of Asian Americans is greater than that of white Americans. If white people are using racism to protect their privilege, they are doing it wrong.

Mr. Groovington said...
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Ignatius Acton Chesterton OCD said...
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n.n said...

Why does Morrison refer to "white men"?

She was a diversitist, indulging in color judgments inspired by skin, sex, etc., not principles or character, or uniform expression. It smooths the chaos ("evolution") to reduce variables to color blocs (e.g. assumptions of uniformity, linearity, invariance, independence). It's the same problem that plagues and progresses post-normal "science".

Lewis Wetzel said...

In Beloved, Morrison describes a nightmarish vision of world as slave ship, with humanity kept in a dark hold by the cruel, evil white people above deck. Morrison's writing was as racist and hateful as anything you'd read in the Turner Diaries. One of the the themes of Beloved is the bottomless pit of the evil of white people -- all of them -- because they are white people. White people are not evil because of historical circumstance, or economic necessity, they are evil because they have a blot on their souls, every last one of them, and this blot is known as "whiteness."

Sheridan said...

I wonder how Toni's conversation (with references to her judgmental quotes) with a small-statured, brown-skinned Judean is going right about now.

Lewis Wetzel said...

"46.1% of the population — almost 63 million people — voted for Donald Trump."
And 23% of these Trump voters voted for Obama in both 2008 and 2012.

Ignatius Acton Chesterton OCD said...

White supremacy is back, eh?

Democrats are such fools. They overused “racist” to the point where it doesn’t work anymore. They got their focus groups together and discovered “white nationalism” and “white supremacy” were the new superlatives. So now they’re using those.

76.8% of the U.S. population is white.

46.1% of the population — almost 63 million people — voted for Donald Trump.

The polls showed otherwise, right up until the end. Now we know the value of polls. And we know that people won’t answer them honestly. And now we know why, particularly with he doxxing and intimidation. Who wants to be labeled a “white supremacist”? How do you know the person calling you is really from a polling company?

The word on the (Democrat) street is that the people who voted for Trump are white supremacists. These are no longer fringe elements.

Democrats must not be interested in winning elections anymore. They’ve lost their minds. There’s no other way to reconcile this. They say this vile crap, and people remember.

By all mean, continue to call your opponents “white supremacists.” Please. I’m sure it will work.

Howard said...

Deplorables are the real victims here of Black privilege

Nichevo said...

The atrocity somehow freshest in my mind, speaking of debasement, committed by black people against white people, is the Channon Christian-Christopher Newsom murders in Knoxville, TN in 2007. I shudder to look at the Wiki page:

The tarring of all whites with whatever bees lay in Morrison's bonnet, to mix metaphors, is exactly as correct as identifying all blacks with this atrocity. And presumably decent blacks should abase themselves accordingly, unless they greedily cling to the privileges of torture, rape and murder.

CWJ said...

"that you are the preferred customer in high-end restaurants"

Who's most likely to "dine and dash?"

Some time ago, my wife quietly predicted that the group at the table next to us would do just that, and indeed they did.

Roughcoat said...

French Canadians are the worst tippers. But that's okay, since they're not white.



CWJ said...

Thanks, Fernandistein.

Skippy Tisdale said...
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narciso said...

in other news:

Skippy Tisdale said...

Blogger Night Owl said...
"Do "white" people today really think they are superior or is it that some "black" people feel inferior to "whites" and imagine that "white" people think that way?"

I'm going to be honest here. I didn't used to. I was raised in the sixties and we were taught that MLK was right and that all people were effectively equal in ability. I also had the opportunity to coach elite gymnasts from around the world and in a gym setting like that, where everyone has a common interest, it just seemed obvious that MLK was correct.

Then 35 years ago, I inherited my grandparents' house. At that time, the north side of Minneapolis was mostly folks of European descent. The neighborhood was safe and peaceful.

Then about 25 years ago, black folks started spreading northward. And a common question was "Do you have any black people on your block? Eventually I did -- Nathan, Sandy and their two kids Kyle and Rita. Good folks too. Nate used to take me bow-hunting for carp down at the Mississippi River. So I still believed MLK was correct.

About 20 years ago, there was a massive influx of black folk into the neighborhood, many from Chicago, Gary and St. Louis. The white people left in droves. Oh how the neighborhood changed. Everything went down hill. Lots of single moms, criminal dads in jail, folks fist-fighting in the street and shooting each other. And after twenty years of focused observation, I began to think, you know, there may be something to the notion that on balance, black folks are inherently inferior intellectually. Because only morons would chose to live like that.

And like Morrison, they just love to debase folks of other races in order to puff up their bruised egos. I see it all of the time. Other than fucking guys who are in and out of prison while knowing full well that they will never contribute any support to either them or their kids, there is nothing young black women like more than mocking non-blacks that make even the smallest of mistakes. Why? Because they hate whites, Asians and Latinos due to their internalized racism. Again, it makes one wonder if there may be something to the notion that on balance, black folks are inherently inferior intellectually. Because only morons would chose to live like that.

So at this point, I am undecided.

J. Farmer said...

@Skippy Tisdale:

And then there is this...

"Large-scale representative surveys of 8th-, 10th-, and 12th-grade students in the United States show high self-esteem scores for all groups. African-American students score highest, Whites score slightly higher than Hispanics, and Asian Americans score lowest."

Adolescent Self-Esteem: Differences by Race/Ethnicity, Gender, and Age

Anonymous said...

"Why cuffs? Frayed vs tailored? Unkempt and unraveling thread?"

Wear begins to show there first. But also looking to see if they're wearing cufflinks. More expensive shirt, and more likely custom made.

Tomcc said...

I'll be generous to Ms. Morrison in that she was an 85 y.o. person at the time of this essay. Her sentence structure is good and the intent is clear. She makes her points forcefully. It strikes me that she has so completely inculcated her view, that, as the old saying goes: "when your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail".

stevew said...

How did Toni Morrison acquire this knowledge of what white men think and want?

El Supremo said...

""Large-scale representative surveys of 8th-, 10th-, and 12th-grade students in the United States show high self-esteem scores for all groups. African-American students score highest, Whites score slightly higher than Hispanics, and Asian Americans score lowest."

So then self-esteem is negatively correlated with intelligence. That makes sense to me, but not good news for Trump. He seems to have pretty high self-esteem. Then again I don't have a lot of respect for intelligence as a measured thing by itself. I want results and intelligence is only tangentially related to ability.

Clark said...

I want to second @rhhardin's recommendation to read this piece on the spectrum of meanings of the phrase "white supremacist".

Anonymous said...
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gerry said...

How did Toni Morrison acquire this knowledge of what white men think and want?

It isn't knowledge. It is assumptions, emotional conclusions about a group of human beings. The conclusions are based upon the skin color of those humans, due in large part to the behavior of some of those white humans.

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