August 8, 2019

"Personal debasement is not easy for white people (especially for white men), but to retain the conviction of their superiority to others—especially to black people..."

"... they are willing to risk contempt, and to be reviled by the mature, the sophisticated, and the strong. If it weren’t so ignorant and pitiful, one could mourn this collapse of dignity in service to an evil cause. The comfort of being 'naturally better than,' of not having to struggle or demand civil treatment, is hard to give up. The confidence that you will not be watched in a department store, that you are the preferred customer in high-end restaurants—these social inflections, belonging to whiteness, are greedily relished. So scary are the consequences of a collapse of white privilege that many Americans have flocked to a political platform that supports and translates violence against the defenseless as strength. These people are not so much angry as terrified, with the kind of terror that makes knees tremble."

Wrote Toni Morrison in "Making America White Again/The choices made by white men, who are prepared to abandon their humanity out of fear of black men and women, suggest the true horror of lost status," originally published in the the November 21, 2016, issue if The New Yorker, in a collection of pieces titled "Aftermath: Sixteen Writers on Trump’s America" and featured today on the front page of the magazine's website. Morrison died on August 5th.


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n.n said...

So then self-esteem is negatively correlated with intelligence.

Maybe. What is observable and reproducible, is that unmerited self-esteem is a first-order forcing of progressive corruption and complacency. The so-called "spoiled child syndrome", which is invariably dysfunctional.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

"How did Toni Morrison acquire this knowledge of what white men think and want?"

From her wise, black poonanner.

Anonymous said...

Very nice sample of the deluded self-absorption and projection characteristic of "progressive" thought. "...[T]he mature, the sophisticated, and the strong." If you say so, lady.

Btw, her use of the term "debasement" here suggests a not particularly literate thesaurus user.

Bay Area Guy said...

@Lewis Wetzel:

46.1% of the population — almost 63 million people — voted for Donald Trump."
And 23% of these Trump voters voted for Obama in both 2008 and 2012.

I love these facts. It obliterates much of the leftwing nonsense. How could 15 million Americans vote for both Obama and Trump?

Heh - heh!

Martin said...

Toni Morrison must have been some kind of super genius, able to deeply psychoanalyze hundreds of millions of people she had never even met.

LA_Bob said...

"...These people are not so much angry as terrified, with the kind of terror that makes knees tremble."

I have a good friend who is black. He has a lot of white friends. On the surface, he seems pretty non-racial, and that may be why he is popular with so many people.

After his knee replacement, we took a walk up the street. A couple of non-black neighbors passed by. I nodded to them, and they nodded back.

My friend said, "See how my neighbors are?" They apparently hadn't acknowledged him, or maybe he just thought they didn't. I don't know. It hadn't crossed my mind to notice.

I frequently pass people on the street. Some acknowledge me, some don't. I simply note that everyone is different.

I guess part of white privilege is not taking everything personally.

Tomcc said...

One of the aspects of racial divisiveness that has concerned me for some time is the idea that there should be greater tolerance on the part of Caucasians for ("negative") behaviors that occur in non-white populations. Shoplifting is a prime example.
I'd stipulate that the behaviors are not limited to white v non-white. In my view there are sub-populations which are racially diverse, within which certain behaviors are endemic. I'm not referring to "executive" vs "labor", but unskilled, unemployed and unmotivated. I'd include those who affiliate with gangs, also.
In a civilized society, stealing, assaulting, vandalizing, dealing drugs, etc. are examples of activities that are not tolerable. There seems to be a push to decriminalize these types of behaviors. I suspect that will be to the detriment of our society.

Skippy Tisdale said...

J. Farmer, what's your point?

narciso said...

reminds of that novella, james grady, put forth a successor to three days, insisting the Russians did the deed, he was so enthusiastic, he bolloxed up the timeline,

Skippy Tisdale said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Larry J said...

Bay Area Guy said...

"Personal debasement is not easy for white people (especially for white men)...."

So true. Heck, it's hard going thru life with charm, wit, good looks, financial independence and women throwing themselves at us.

Oh Lord, it's hard to be humble
When you're perfect in every way
I can't wait to look in the mirror
'Cause I get better lookin' each day
To know me is to love me
I must be a hell of a man
Oh Lord, it's hard to be humble
But I'm doin' the best that I can

I used to have a girlfriend
But I guess she just couldn't compete
With all of these love-starved women
Who keep clamoring at my feet
Well I could probably find me another
But I guess they're all in awe of me
Who cares? I never get lonesome
'Cause I treasure my own company

Oh... Lord, it's hard to be humble
When you're perfect in every way
I can't wait to look in the mirror
'Cause I get better lookin' each day
To know me is to love me
I must be a hell of a man
Oh Lord, it's hard to be humble
But I'm doin' the best that I can

- Mac Davis

Gospace said...

J. Farmer said...
@Skippy Tisdale:

And then there is this...

"Large-scale representative surveys of 8th-, 10th-, and 12th-grade students in the United States show high self-esteem scores for all groups. African-American students score highest, Whites score slightly higher than Hispanics, and Asian Americans score lowest."

Wow, if you rally want to see some unwarranted self esteem- talk to black inmates in a prison. Had one assigned to me as an "assistant" when I worked in one. My age, late 40s at the time. He had 10 children- by 10 different women. Never married. According to him- I don't know if DNA testing would back that up.... I had 5, by one wife. He talked all the time about what a great father he was. Since age 18 half his life had been in a lockup of some kind or another, never more than 2 years at a time. 2 of his male children were also in state prison. His female children, those I knew of, were unmarried mothers living on welfare- MY TAX MONEY! - or as put the other day- women realize they can create a viable economic household without a man involved. Our eldest was by then a commissioned officer. My youngest is now in ROTC. The middle 3 are successful employed adults. Must be that white privilege thing I read about is responsible for the success of my children. Cause I know I wasn't the absolute best father I could be, unlike my inmate assistant who was a great father.

Rick said...

"So then self-esteem is negatively correlated with intelligence. "

Dunning-Kruger. Those who are not smart don't understand what understanding really is.

Birkel said...

Who doesn't like casual racism from authors?

Mr. Groovington said...

Blogger Nichevo said...
The atrocity somehow freshest in my mind, speaking of debasement, committed by black people against white people, is the Channon Christian-Christopher Newsom murders in Knoxville, TN in 2007. I shudder to look at the Wiki page:

What a horrible subject. I didn't click because I know what it is. I regretfully read about what some South African farmer families went through before they eventually died, and despite a reasonably solid constitution and an unprotected background, thinking of it again, I had no idea there was hell on earth like that.

El Supremo said...

" Channon Christian-Christopher Newsom murders in Knoxville, TN in 2007"

Rarely ever heard about and probably one of the most horrific double murders ever perpetrated. I ask people all the time if they ever heard of it, and nobody ever has. I wonder why. What could it be?

Bilwick said...

"So scary are the consequences of a collapse of white privilege that many Americans have flocked to a political platform that supports and translates violence against the defenseless as strength." She means statism, right? I mean, that fits her description to a t.

El Supremo said...

" How could 15 million Americans vote for both Obama and Trump?"

Those racists only voted for white half of Obama.

dreams said...

As if Toni Morrison had even the faintest notion of what it's like to be a white man or what they're thinking.

Rick said...

Rarely ever heard about and probably one of the most horrific double murders ever perpetrated.

This one horrified me since I have family there, as did BTK.


Jim at said...

How many white supremacists are there in America today?

Well - as of last count in 2016 - the number was: 62,984,828.

I suspect that number's gone up a bit.

Jaq said...

Laslo covered it with his PornHub comment.

Unknown said...

@Skippy Tisdale:

J. Farmer, what's your point?

I was merely riffing off a point you made. When you combine lack of ability with high self-esteem, you're going to end up with cognitive dissonance. Since the inequalities are obvious to anyone with eyes, the way many blacks process this is to believe that it is due to white wickedness or whites keeping them down. You have a similar phenomenon in Islam. If you believe that Islam is the final revelation and the handbook to a great society, and yet you notice that your societies lag far behind others, conspiratorial thinking won't be far behind.

TheDopeFromHope said...

Honky bad, white man evil! All blacks are victims! And she sold a lot of books with this crap? Unfortunately, not surprising
these days.

narciso said...

Largely right:

Sigivald said...

The Times must hate her, to let her destroy her own legacy like that.

(Who am I kidding? They don't see the problem either.)

Unknown said...


This one horrified me since I have family there, as did BTK.


Was soooooo happy when the Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty against the Carr brothers. Absolutely sub-human pieces of garbage.

RichardJohnson said...

I have never read any of Toni Morrison's books, but will read several in the next three months. I read several of Alice Walker's books, but much preferred the writing of James Baldwin or Ralph Ellison.

Regarding Toni Morrison's political stances, my reply would be that there have been many creative people who led reprehensible lives or had reprehensible political views. (In a family friend's memoir, he wrote about meeting William Faulkner. Falling down drunk, I read. Apparently Faulkner would have made a good Senator from Massachusetts.) I will read several of her books and see how I respond.

I liked Zora Neale Hurston's Barracoon, more than I did Their Eyes Were Watching God.

Richard Dolan said...

"Personal debasement ...
Willing to risk contempt [and] be reviled ...
Collapse of dignity ...
Belonging to whiteness [is] greedily relished ...
Scary ... consequences ...
Not so much angry as terrified ..."

Lovely, just lovely. Have to wonder whether Ms. Morrison "greedily relished" belonging to some other group. Whatever. Just don't try saying that about any such other group.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I made a millennial relative sputter with indignation yesterday when I told him Hitler was not a white supremacist.

Hitler believed in the superiority of Aryans. Slavs are certainly white people (and there are probably more blue-eyed blonds in Poland than in Bavaria) but Hitler considered them fit only for slave labor. Non-Orthodox Ashkenazi Jews don't look different than European gentiles - which is why the Nazis checked to see if males were circumcised. In many cases, it was the only way to tell.

It's really rather remarkable that people of German, Polish, Italian, Irish and English descent are now all grouped together under the label "white people" and presumed to be some unified malignant force endowed with fabulous privileges.

Fernandinande said...

self-esteem ... Asian Americans score lowest.

I thought that Asian women of a week or so ago on this blog, who imagined that her cow-orkers were thinking bad things about her and such, represented a "tail" of the Asian personality characteristics.

Speaking of racism, Amerindians have their own special, seemingly completely oblivious to modern norms type of racism:

"Scholars from the 151 students who received the Chief Manuelito Scholarship [only Navajos need apply] and were celebrated at a ceremony on July 19 at Twin Arrows Casino"

(Blurbs from kids - 10 of 10 are girls - who got Navajo-only college scholarships; I'm truncating their names because they're just high-school kids. The casino is a nice touch, too, isn't it? It was probably the only place with air conditioning).

C* Edge*
Yá’át’ééh shí éí C* Edge* yíníshyé’. Tótsohníí nishli. M? ’íí deeshgíízhíníí báshíshchíín, Kin?ichii’nii dashicheii, Lók’aa’ dine’é dashinálí. Hello, my name is C* Edge*. I am Big Water Clan, born for Coyote Pass Clan. My maternal grandfather’s allclan is Red House. My paternal grandfather’s clan is Reed People. In the 18 years of my life I have lived in Greasewood, Arizona, with my parents, S* and C* Edge*.

A* Gon*
My name is A* Gon*. I am of the Mud clan, born for Hispanic. My maternal grandfather is Zuni Water’s Edge Corn People Clan, and my paternal grandfather is Hispanic. I’m from Sweetwater, Arizona. My mother is Herm* Whi* and my father is Du* Gon*.

...etc... About half of them talk about their clans, etc.

And, a new type of equal opportunity:
EEOC Equal Opportunity Navajo Preference Employers
All the job listings are images rather than text for some strange reason...

Ignatius Acton Chesterton OCD said...

These Democrat politicians are the greatest gun salespeople in the world!

Look at all the NICS background checks since 2006:

They've almost tripled!

Someone should use the NICS data as a barometer of how much the government is trusted.

n.n said...

"Channon Christian-Christopher Newsom murders in Knoxville, TN in 2007"

The reason that this is not highlighted as a uniquely liberal hate crime is two-fold. One, it undermines political myths disseminated to justify socially progressive policies. Two, it presumes a pervasive bigotry that people are indulgent diversitists, and will respond as minorities in color blocs, including establishment of minority fiefdoms.

buwaya said...

"It's really rather remarkable that people of German, Polish, Italian, Irish and English descent are now all grouped together under the label "white people"

It really is. Its an American-Australian (because it is the same in Australia) achievement of some note, such an effective integration.

White Ukrainians and white Poles and white Russians fear and prepare to kill each other, while in the US the same people's brothers and sisters and cousins marry each other with no quibbles.

buwaya said...

"Someone should use the NICS data as a barometer of how much the government is trusted."

I've said this for years. This is a very important social metric that few want to understand apparently. Its not a barometer of trust in anything specific I think, but of its inverse, insecurity.

n.n said...

Botswana adopted its new name at independence in 1966. More than five decades of uninterrupted civilian leadership, progressive social policies, and significant capital investment have created one of the most stable economies in Africa.

Progressive as in [unqualified] monotonic change. Has the intelligence agency always been openly partisan, employing loaded ideological terminology? This level of sustainable indoctrination begins early in a person's evolution. And, apparently, it's not limited to the public sector, but is inclusive of umbrella corporations and platforms in the private sector.

Jeff said...

The confidence that you will not be watched in a department store, that you are the preferred customer in high-end restaurants—these social inflections, belonging to whiteness, are greedily relished. -- Toni Morrison

Why would a black person be more closely watched in a department store?

There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved. -- Jesse Jackson

And maybe whites are more welcome in restaurants because blacks are notoriously bad tippers? Nah, that couldn't be!

The Vault Dweller said...

I can not remember even a single time that I have thought of myself an individual in comparison to a generic grouping of people like, 'Black Men' or 'Black people'. I think that Black people in America tend to have a much stronger group identity than white people in America. And this makes sense given the history of treatment of Black people in America, but then I think they project that same level of strength of group identity onto white people, which carries with it a lot of implied actions to protect and preserve the status of the group. And this is just something that occurs at any significant level, at least not currently or in the last few decades.

The Vault Dweller said...

oops, "occurs at any significant level" should be "doesn't occur at any significant level."

Michael K said...

Since the inequalities are obvious to anyone with eyes, the way many blacks process this is to believe that it is due to white wickedness or whites keeping them down. You have a similar phenomenon in Islam. If you believe that Islam is the final revelation and the handbook to a great society, and yet you notice that your societies lag far behind others, conspiratorial thinking won't be far behind.

Good observation. I have recommended this book to quite a few on this topic. Not that I am particularly religious., It is more about culture.

Fen said...

I think that Black people in America tend to have a much stronger group identity than white people in America

And none of the white people I know think of themselves as "white", and if you asked them about pure aryan bloodlines or somesuch they would laugh you out of the room. They identify as "an irish mutt with a dash of cherokee" or "Italian on my mother's side, Saxon on my Father's".

If white get "tribal" at all it's about European disputes from long long ago.

Fen said...

Why would a black person be more closely watched in a department store?|

I worked as an Asst to the General Manager at Macy's for 2 years, and part of my duties was to interact on her behalf with Loss Prevention (ie store security and their spy cams).

Over the course of those 2 years, 9 in 10 shoplifters were black, and 100% of those trying to pull some kind of exchange/refund scam were black.

If you only have 2 LP guys on shift and 4 potential suspects, you are going to triage according to the patterns you already know.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Blogger Michael K said...
. . .
Good observation. I have recommended this book to quite a few on this topic. Not that I am particularly religious., It is more about culture.

Bernard Lewis, in , says that the reason Islam was so dramatically overtaken by the West is that it came to reject all knowledge that did not come from within Islam. learning a language other than Arabic was not religiously justifiable. Translating books into Arabic was also not justifiable. Lewis says that the (relative) modernism of the Turks is the exception that proves the rule -- the Turks developed protocols for interfacing with Western thinkers, and they were willing to translate Western books into Turkish because, unlike Arabic, Islam did not hold Turkish to be a sacred language.
So to Lewis, the problem with Islamic "backwardness" is tied to Islam the religion as it is currently practiced.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Should be Bernard Lewis's What Went Wrong?.

Fen said...

I think an interesting counter-point is how Whites feel about being outperformed by Asians. One, there is a recognition that Asian immigrants tend to be the cream of the crop, but 2) acknowledgement that Asian culture is hyper-focused on family and education.

I've heard White's complain that they need to be more like Asians, to mimic their good habits, but I've never heard White's claim they couldn't compete with Asians because of some systemic bias or racism.

When confronted with your inferiority, there are really only two choices
1) makes excuses for it and wallow in stasis, or
2) identify your weaknesses so you can correct them

The longer black problems are blamed on racism, the longer black problems will go unsolved. The biggest being a 74% out of wedlock birthrate. That is just staggering to consider - 3 in 4 black kids don't have a father in the home. And no matter what the race, it's the father who teaches his sons where limits and boundries are and keeps them from going feral. The mother loses any hope once the kid is big enough to match any threat of force she may have.

I can't tell you the number of things I simply never did because I feared what my father would do to me. He used to joke "I brought you into this world, and so help me God I can take you out of this world if you make me". Never laid a hand on me, but he didn't need to.
Jordan Peterson touches on this when he says all conflict between males is limited by the threat of violence. You can sass a woman, but if you overplay your hand with another male, you better expect to catch an overhand right. Even Bill Burr has good comedy driving that point home. (3:00-5:00)

Fen said...


I've heard Whites complain that they need to be more like Asians, to mimic their good habits, but I've never heard Whites claim they couldn't compete with Asians because of some systemic bias or racism.

(sorry about that, my coffee IV was clogged)

Maillard Reactionary said...

My first reaction to reading this was "WTF?"

I was thinking of re-writing it from the viewpoint of white people trying to prudently make provision for the outrageously excessive criminality of American blacks, but as is so often the case, rhhardin @8:26 AM said it just as well in his own way, and saved me the effort.

I emphasized "American" blacks--meaning native-born black Americans-- as a distinction vs. all blacks. All of the African-born blacks I've known have been perfectly normal people, just with a serious tan going on. My accounting professor in MBA school, the guy I shared an apartment with, they guy who took out my wife's GB, the small business owner who details our cars occasionally, guys I've worked with in the engineering trade, all perfectly normal people--no chip on the shoulder, no radiating hostility, etc., etc. Clearly it's cultural. Which means that the behavior that their fellow-citizens find so alarming is learned behavior (that could in principle be unlearned) that American-born blacks are personally responsible for.

It's those folks-- well-socialized blacks ("good character", as rhhardin might say) who suffer unfairly from the sad necessity to take precautions against their similarly-complected fellow citizens.

I was actually toying with the idea of trying a Toni Morrison novel, but the quote above disabused me of that notion. Thanks, AA!

Michael K said...

Which means that the behavior that their fellow-citizens find so alarming is learned behavior (that could in principle be unlearned) that American-born blacks are personally responsible for.

Perhaps not all. The slaves from west Africa were the losers in various tribal wars and sold to Europeans by fellow Africans. Might it be that they were also losers in genetic sweepstakes ? I know it is not PC but you might ask a Nigerian.

Michael K said...

the Turks developed protocols for interfacing with Western thinkers,

One in particular named Napoleon who beat the shit out of them. They got very interested in western military stuff.

One named Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, got good enough to beat the ANZACs in 1915. He was still revered when I was there in 2006. Recip Erdogan has tried very hard to forget all his reforms with predictable results,

Seeing Red said...

It's really rather remarkable that people of German, Polish, Italian, Irish and English descent are now all grouped together under the label "white people"

And some “Hispanics.”

Oso Negro said...

@Michael K - The Nigerians I have asked about it are cheerfully honest!

SGT Ted said...

You need an anti-white racism tag, Althouse.

I had no idea Toni Morrison was such a racist.

Michael K said...

The Nigerians I have asked about it are cheerfully honest!

My experience too. The Igbos are well represented in the financial industry as :"quants."

ccscientist said...

What complete and utter horse-shit. Why do people treat white men (those who are not bums or bikers anyway) better? Because they leave a good tip, don't make a scene, don't shoplift, are polite. In my town, if you leave something somewhere (library, grocery) and remember it hours later and go back, it will be right where you left it.

There was an interesting account where a young black man put on a coat and tie and went about his day. He found that people held doors for him, smiled at him, were nice to him. He couldn't seem to come to the correct conclusion, that dressing sharp is a marker for not being dangerous, for being respectable, and that this is what people are more aware of than skin color.

Toni Morrison is also wrong that abasing yourself as a white person will appease the black racists--nothing will appease them.

Jaq said...

"I was actually toying with the idea of trying a Toni Morrison novel, but the quote above disabused me of that notion. Thanks, AA!”


Jeff Brokaw said...

It’s pretty racist to talk about “ white people” in monolithic terms like that.

It’s amazing and disturbing that we’ve gotten to a place where that kind of talk is acceptable.

Not helpful.

effinayright said...

Grand Beagle Fen said...
Why would a black person be more closely watched in a department store?|

I worked as an Asst to the General Manager at Macy's for 2 years, and part of my duties was to interact on her behalf with Loss Prevention (ie store security and their spy cams).

Over the course of those 2 years, 9 in 10 shoplifters were black, and 100% of those trying to pull some kind of exchange/refund scam were black.

If you only have 2 LP guys on shift and 4 potential suspects, you are going to triage according to the patterns you already know.

For speaking truth and offering supporting data, you, sirrah, are consigned to the innermost circle of PROG HELL!

(Reminds me of the Simpsons, where the potential (yellow) shoplifters spoke of "four-fingered discounts." heh

Narr said...

The A-A underclass / Islam parallel mentioned above is something I've pondered for years, and it has a lot of explanatory value IMO.

When I taught American history (adjunct prof, only a few sections in all), I learned pretty quickly that the young black students had high self-esteem and knew that MLK had freed them all. Of course I had known for years already that immigrant Africans almost uniformly despised or distrusted black Americans.

As long as we're trading atrocity tales, take a look at some of the things that happened to ethnic Germans in places like Poland after 1945. Turnabout may be fair play or not, but it was off the gruesome scale, much of it.

No group is immune, as top or bottom

narciso said...

And in the pre 1945 period Ukrainian on attacks on polish territory, why they call it the bloodlamds

JamesB.BKK said...

Which was the smarter black person that concluded, "It's all about the Benjamins?" Are Gypsies white?

gadfly said...

An oldy but goody tale from the warped mind of The Donald, who most certainly now believes the story to be absolutely true. So how well do the septuagenarians out there remember the details from their 1970s stories?

The New York Times published "For Donald Trump, Lessons from a Brother's Suffering on January 2, 2016. Town & Country Magazine published How Donald Trump's Brother Fred Jr. Shaped His Views on Addiction, October 26, 2017 and now WaPo, in telling the story yet again, says Trump told the story to Playboy Magazine in 1990.

Michael The Magnificent said...

If it wasn’t so fucking hot it would be paradise.

"How do you like your coffee?"

"Hot and black, like my women."

Michael The Magnificent said...

"I like mine sweet and blonde."

Milwaukie guy said...

I like mine hot and bitter.


Michael The Magnificent said...

All this white privilege bullshit.

White people can drop out of high school.
And they can have babies out of wedlock.
And they can commit property crime.
And they can smoke dope and get in fights with the neighbors.
And go on the welfare.
And live in trailer parks, or the hood.
And drive hoopties.

We call them white trash, and we hold them in contempt, the same way we hold any worthless troublesome parasite of any color in contempt.

You want respect? Graduate high school, get up every day and do your job, and earn your own way, and support yourself. Stay out of trouble. Get married before you start breeding. We judge people based on the content of their character, and if your character is a worthless piece shit, well, we judge you to be a worthless piece of shit, regardless of color.

n.n said...

Diversitists need to embrace their inner racist, sexist, etc., and undergo a deep and progressive introspection.

MB said...

"The comfort of [...] not having to struggle or demand civil treatment, is hard to give up."

Yes, the idea that only people who struggle and vociferously demand civil treatment deserve it is horrible.

The idea that people of European descent should humbly accept this vengeance as expiation for their past sins, that everyone has to take turns to be an outcast and now it's the white people's turn, is completely repugnant.

This fits in well with some leftist's recent observation that the only people who complain about the messiness of downtown Seattle are entitled whites who, rather than asking the government to solve the problem, should rather shut up about it.

It's a great way of turning the tables on the "oppressors" --- all the things decent people usually take for granted, like cleanliness and civil treatment, are held to be a mark of "privilege". You should welcome dirt, rudeness, violence, as a sign of "enlightenment".

Some people experience a sick joy out of entertaining such repugnant thoughts. Forcing people to experience degradation and claim they enjoy it is a classical brainwashing tactic. Eventually, some grow to like it and then inflict it on others. The brainwashing is then complete.

Some even make great art out of this degradation, like Celine and, almost surely, Morrison. Beyond acknowledging its greatness, don't ask me to enjoy it.

Jaq said...

Now gadfly is upset that Trump’s alcoholic brother didn’t fulfill his dream of being an airline pilot.

JamesB.BKK said...

"... are entitled whites who, rather than asking the government to solve the problem, should rather shut up about it." It is much simpler to exit. That is, to vote with one's feet. That ilk will complain about it as well but you can get out of earshot, which is enough of a solution. The downside is saying goodbye to your homeland, but that ship sailed when your fellow voters failed to appoint politicians and permanent bureaucrats that would not bring in new neighbors that hate you.

JamesB.BKK said...

Grand Beagle Fen: Re item 2), what if correction to parity is unattainable? Given that 1) is bunk, then, acceptance should be in order.

Fen said...

The slaves from west Africa were the losers in various tribal wars and sold to Europeans by fellow Africans.

And it's interesting to note that initially, only coincidental enemy captives and criminals were sold into slavery. But when the Europeans started selling them firearms, and arms race between tribes for dominance started. And african tribes went to war SOLELY to raid for captives to sell into slavery.

Africa went to war to start the Atlantic slave trade.
America went to war to end it.

When have we ever heard that African-Americans should be ashamed for having slavers as ancestors?

Fen said...

"what if correction to parity is unattainable?"

That may be the problem. Everyone is being taught they "can be anything they want if they just put their mind to it" (an actual quote from a current rap advertisement).

But I realized during Freshman football that I would never play for the Dallas Cowboys.
Just as realized my freshman year in college that I would not have a career in Biomedical Engineering - I busted my ass but I was competing against kids that had built black hole generators in their garage over the summer. Because they were bored. No way I could catch them. My future would have been some HR admin job over "peers" that smirked at each other when I walked through the lab.

And I think that, for many people, after the initial bout of frustration, it's very easy to find a "conspiracy" that is keeping you from your dream.

People are not willing to accept that they are unequal.

DEEBEE said...

That is patently racist, but of course a black person cannot be racist. As a brownie I find this repugnant. Feel like the the creatures standing outside the window in Animal Farm, watching the black and white racists inside feting each other
Another person resulting from — the soft bigotry of low expectations

JamesB.BKK said...

"People are not willing to accept that they are unequal." - All are told they're unique and yet swallow claptrap that everybody's the same. Always figured inequality is what makes it interesting.

Nichevo said...


I liked Zora Neale Hurston's Barracoon, more than I did Their Eyes Were Watching God

Was TEWWG the one with the scatology maybe?

Anonymous said...

Why are these racist black authors celebrated? It is solely for their racism. The writing is almost exclusively garbage.

Fen said...

All are told they're unique and yet swallow claptrap that everybody's the same.

Yah, and I get so tired of the "if you put your heart into it" bullshit. They really think they can match the karate kid standing across from them, balance his 4 years of training by "wanting it more"? Do they really think they're they ONLY one at the tournament that's put their heart into this?

JamesB.BKK said...

"Follow your passion" also horrible even evil advice, in particular for one that has incurred debt for schooling.

Tina Trent said...

Hating whites isn't optional.

Glad to see awareness of this disease growing.

Maybe we need a ribbon color?

howtrite said...

***People are idiots***
It's like some fool started a sh!t smelling contest and everyone is lining up to sniff.
You can't just put a label on things and then climb up on your high-horse and demonize those 'below you'.
!Racist! might be the best example. It is obvious that most 'white people' think that minorities are more racist than they themselves are. If Italians, Jews, Irish, or chronic masturbaters were a separate race they would all think those in their sub-culture were superior to others. That is basic human nature. We need to glorify in those differences while embracing all mankind as now being in the 'same boat'.
!Change! has become the new enemy. Throughout our history during the times of change the greatest resistance and hatred has crawled out from under it's rock. Yes, it's the information age - technology, that is turning over the world's rocks to expose the hidden dangers underneath. A few snakes in the garden is fine, that is the balance of things. But when we become overrun by every dark-loving critter at once it can be very frightening.
Someone once promised/demanded/prayed for - 'calmer heads will prevail'. So if you got that sh!t on your nose and evil appears everywhere read Kipling's poem "If—"
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss[ess];
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your [or our] turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on [to it] when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
' Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,
if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count [on you,] with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
***Thank you - may peace be with you***

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