August 23, 2019

"No, Boris Johnson did not insult France by putting his foot on the table in front of Emmanuel Macron."

No, but he did put his foot on the table.


Mr. Groovington said...

Make England Great Again

rehajm said...

Remain needs to cast him as a bumbling ogre.

Mr. Groovington said...

Make Hungary Great Again (tick)

rehajm said...

More of Boris being an oaf on BBC2...and on BBC1, me telling you this...

Mr. Groovington said...

Blogger rehajm said...
Remain needs to cast him as a bumbling ogre.
Johnson Derangement Syndrome.

We’re winning.

Danno said...

Who cares what the cheese-eating surrender monkeys think?

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Boris? And you dont think there was Russian interference in the election?

TerriW said...

So, not like the time Bobby Flay jumped on the cutting board at the end of Iron Chef?

traditionalguy said...

All Boris needs is a Marine One Helicopter going in the background. Maybe Trump can lend lease the Brits an old one.

Howard said...

BJ is if Trump had a real brain. Do I have that right?

Darrell said...

Jeremy Corbyn would have shat on that table and blamed the Tories.

RNB said...

'The Elysee furniture'? Looks like the sort of stuff you'd see at an airport boarding gate.

richlb said...

All the media needs to do is find one still frame of video to paint whoever it wants in a negative light. Pro tip - never move.

Known Unknown said...

No, Boris! Those IKEA tables are ... 1.4 years old!

Glen Filthie said...

Fwance deserves to to be insulted. Then raped, pillaged, and sacked! The next time those idiot Euros go to war with themselves the rest of us should stay home and drink beer and eat popcorn.

RNB said...

"The next time those idiot Euros go to war with themselves..." My late father (who was at Omaha Beach) always used to say that -- should the Europeans decide to indulge in another major land war in the Twentieth Century -- he hoped that the other side would get the French in that event. Just to even things up.

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Unknown said...

Well if a foot on the table is not an insult ,then MB Boris should have found something that was an insult . And BTW since we all be so multi-Culti and Macron and Merkel just love to death all those migrant from the ME , showing someone the soles of one's feet is very muchan insult in the Middle East

John henry said...

Looking at the video, I am not sure it is right to say that "He put his foot on the table". I had to watch it several times to assure myself that his foot even touched the table. It did, but very lightly, with the section in front of the heel (the clean part of the sole) and for less than a second.

Seems like it would be more accurate to say that he touched the table with his foot.

Thank goodness for video, as someone said. Drudge has a photo that makes it look like he was all day lounging around with his foot up.

John Henry

John henry said...

A question for the lawyers here:

If a natural born citizen, born in the US, renounces their citizenship but then reinstates it, are they a "Natural born citizen" or was this cancelled and they become a naturalized citizen?

We may have a presidential position open in 2024 or 2028 and I am wondering if BoJo would qualify.

John Henry

Drago said...

Howard: "BJ is if Trump had a real brain. Do I have that right?"


According to the left, and this will no doubt be a shocker to you and your lefty pals, Putin made Brexit happen and put Boris in office and Boris is a racist dummy as well.

Just yesterday the lefties in Britain were hitting Johnson with that new charge.

It's the same lazy lying lefty agenda all over the western world.


John henry said...

Craig Newmark pointed me to a BBC interview with BoJo about how to talk like Churchill. Or how Churchill talked like Churchill. This was in conjunction with his 2014 book "The Churchill Factor" (Portal!)

The video is here and you will learn more about the English language in 6 minutes than several days elsewhere.

I also watched several longer clips. For example, a Politics and Prose Bookstore talk he did on the book, about 1 hour. Some from prepared notes but about half responding to audience questions.

His is kind of Trumpian in the way he speaks. Very different but similar in the sense that he says interesting stuff in an interesting way that leaves me wanting more.

I downloaded the sample of Churchill Factor but while there, I found he had written another book (I think 8-10 total) called "Johnson's Life of London" read the sample and decided to read it first. He starts back in the pre-Roman days and I am now up to Shakespeare. He focuses on particular characters for each age (Bodicea, Hadrian, Chaucer, Dick Whittington so far) as the peg on which to set the history. It is an interesting approach and he has a very witty style of writing.

All in all I highly recommend it.

I have also read the sample of The Churchill Factor and am looking forward to reading that next.

He also wrote a book on cars that supposedly makes Jeremy Clarkson seem dour. I'd really like to read it but alas it is unavailable.

John Henry

Drago said...

Glen Filthie: "The next time those idiot Euros go to war with themselves the rest of us should stay home and drink beer and eat popcorn."

The Euros will not go to war with themselves. They are too busy surrendering to the internal enemies they gleefully imported and mistakenly believed they could control like they do their existing populations.

All the euro warriors were killed long long ago. Now its soyboys and surrender monkeys as far as the eye can see.

John henry said...

Blogger Glen Filthie said...

The next time those idiot Euros go to war with themselves the rest of us should stay home and drink beer and eat popcorn.

Should have done that in the two major wars last century.

We had no dog in either fight.

And can someone explain why the US is in NATO? Deep Thinkers keep claiming that PDJT wants to take us out of NATO. They never explain why that would not be a good thing. Anyone who questions why the US is in NATO is nuts.

John Henry

SGT Ted said...

Fake News Sausage Making revealed right before your eyes.

Fernandinande said...

No doubt Boris was just showing off his new skull boot tips, and who can blame him?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Impeach! The walls are closing in! Up next on MadCow!

chickelit said...

The failing BBC was just aping the failing US press.

Maillard Reactionary said...

Lefty globalist boob Macron learns you need to be careful what you say to Boris Johnson.

Wince said...

Let the opposition media get their gotcha photo and then let the reality seep out that it's fake, undermining their credibility before fair minded people.

Very Trumpian.

RobinGoodfellow said...

Blogger RNB said...
'The Elysee furniture'? Looks like the sort of stuff you'd see at an airport boarding gate.

Can you say Ikea? I knew you could!

Michael K said...

John Henry, that was a great video of Boris. I see also why his hair is always a mess. He is constantly rearranging it.

Michael K said...

Should have done that in the two major wars last century.

We had no dog in either fight.

I mentioned to a friend, a retired British Army doctor, that we should have stayed out of WWI. He was shocked and I then told him they should have stayed out, too. It would have been another 1870. No Depression, British Empire would have survived, at least until India was civilized, and we would all be as prosperous. Maybe Russia would not have gone commie. They were more advanced in 1917 than they were again until 1979.

hombre said...

Welcome to the mediaswamp, Boris.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Interesting book:Europe's Last Summer on the lead-up to WWI. I think it started as a series of college lectures, so it reads quickly. In the summer of 1914 the UK was preparing for war.. civil war in Ireland. Despite the new ties to France in the Entente Cordiale (sp?), nobody was thinking about joining a European war. Then the Germans marched on "plucky little Belgium", a country England had created for reasons half-forgotten and things snowballed quickly.

Clyde said...

Boris has a playful, impulsive sense of humor, apparently. Better than being a stick-in-the-mud, as long as he's not being impulsive with the nuclear button.

Michael K said...

In the summer of 1914 the UK was preparing for war.. civil war in Ireland.

There was considerable concern because the British Army's leadership was largely Irish. Protestant, of course.

In 1912, French was appointed as the “Chief of the Imperial General Staff.” Later, he got embroiled in the ‘Home Rule Ireland’ crisis and was forced to resign. In 1914, he was appointed to command the ‘British Expeditionary Force,’ which was sent to World War I.

He considered himself Irish although he was born in England,

Haig was Scottish and his family owned the distillery,.

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