"Besides that one viral debate moment, which, as Ed said, briefly sent her into the stratosphere, she has been quite shaky on policy (her answers on health care are all over the place) and vision (seems to be synthesis of everyone else’s). If she had been more consistent, isn’t it plausible that she’d be in more direction [sic] competition with Biden by now?"/"Maybe, though Cory Booker has been more consistent and has some authentic appeal to African-Americans, and he’s in much worse shape than Harris."/"The best thing Harris had going for her was being inspiring and historic. This just doesn’t seem to be an election where majorities of voters, black voters included, are especially invested in being inspired or making history."
I'm reading "Why Is Kamala Harris Struggling With Black Voters So Much?" at NY Magazine. It's 3 guys — Zak Cheney-Rice, Benjamin Hart, and Ed Kilgore — just guessing at stuff.
These articles about the election must be cranked out, and I'm only blogging this one because it is so absurd. Kamala Harris was "briefly sent... into the stratosphere"?! She briefly polled in the teens, and then slipped back into the single digits. Instead of an article asking why she's not more popular, ask yourselves how you ever got caught up into assuming that she was supposed to be so popular. You assume something should be true, then you proceed to inquire why it isn't. How about speaking honestly about your own assumption?
How about speaking honestly about your own assumption?
Because they’re largely absurd.
And the absurdity is only masked by the belief it shields them from charges of racism.
Pretty soon only racists will believe 2 + 2 = 4.
Everyone else will give the required answer.
News is where you find it, Althouse. Nothing of greater importance than the 2020 US general election 15 months from now has happened anywhere on the planet in the last eight months.
Kamala Harris was "briefly sent... into the stratosphere"?! She briefly polled in the teens
Well, it's true that the teens aren't thought of as the stratosphere; here
BUT, if they're measuring the altitude in kilometers (instead of a REAL unit, like feet); then anything over about 15 kilometers WOULD be in the stratosphere
It’s like the problem the YourTango lady had yesterday about talking to boys. They can’t say out loud what they really believe. You couldn’t say to your son: “Look, everybody knows this is a lie but we have to pretend it’s true for a higher goal. Now get your laugh reflex right!”
These guys can’t examine the assumption that the hyper-wealthy in Silicon Valley and the merely really wealthy in Hollywood have chosen her for her identity and good looks and little else.
KH is just a dope. For some reason she thought it was a good idea to beat up a district court nominee because he is a Catholic and member of the Knights of Columbus. (Also an Omaha lawyer I know.) The Democrat party used to be the home of Catholics.
There seems to be one competent politician in the mix on the Democrat side that is getting any traction at all, and I am sorry to say it’s Lizzie Warren of New England. I. think she beats out Bernie based on talking to former Bernie voters who blame him for Clinton’s loss.
Living in a bubble makes it very difficult to identify your assumptions. Few reporters are up to that level of thinking and those kinds of articles don’t get you published at the major outlets. The Ti ex, The Post, etc. are more focussed on catering to their subscribers’ assumptions. Challenging those assumptions is harmful to the bottom line.
AAT said...There seems to be one competent politician in the mix on the Democrat side that is getting any traction at all, and I am sorry to say it’s Lizzie Warren of New England.
I think Warren is the candidate to beat. Biden is hanging on despite himself, but is slowly fading (he’s up less than 3 in New Hampshire this morning). I expect Warren to get most of Sander’s votes when he drops out and for Warren and Biden to split most of the rest. That puts her comfortably ahead unless the party decides to sandbag her the way they did Sanders. But I don’t see that happening.
Why should anyone be considered good enough to run for President? You need some special charisma, and it's okay that she doesn't have it. She's not "a dope." She's just not at the highest level of skills. She doesn't look and sound as though she's relating to the real people she has to do political theater with. Her voice is dull and nasal. Her main idea has been to be vague and leave her options open and maybe just stick around until others drop out and she's the compromise. It's ridiculous to ask why she's not more exciting when she completely isn't and isn't even trying to be.
Warren is staying in her lane. Harris is trying to compete with Biden on broad appeal within the party. It remains to be seen, of course, how big the lane that Sanders and Warren occupy is within the party, but when you are after a subset of votes, you have to worry less about saying stuff that puts off other factions.
how you ever got caught up into assuming that she was supposed to be so popular.
I knew who KH was before the jockying for position began. But I didn't know any specifics about her positions of subjects I am concerned about.
But I knew she scored very high on the intersectionality scale. Young, fairly attractive, woman, of color. Kind of like the Biden description of Obama, clean articulate etc.
What could go wrong? And then she began to speak.
I used to chuckle at the commenter who repeatedly assured us that Harris would be the nominee because SHE WAS SO SMOKIN' HOT!
Now Harris may get the nomination simply by letting the others shrivel away, but her horse face and voice leave me cold.
she’d be in more direction competition with Biden
Cranked out on an auto-correct Android device?
What hurts Kamala with mainstream blacks is her Indian heritage and aggressive non-SWJ prosecution record. The deplorables got this talking point a long time ago. It's the Trump inspired hammering of the weakness point.
Maybe voters will appreciate Harris more if they learned that she orchestrated the Jussie Smollett false-flag hoax to help promote her anti-lynching bill. Shows real leadership and forethought.
You assume something should be true, then you proceed to inquire why it isn't. How about speaking honestly about your own assumption?
In this country? In 2019?
Ann Althouse said...She's not "a dope."
I can’t stand the tendency in political talk to dismiss people we don’t like as stupid. If a politician is important enough that we are talking about them, they didn’t get there by being stupid.
tim maguire said...
Ann Althouse said...She's not "a dope."
I can’t stand the tendency in political talk to dismiss people we don’t like as stupid. If a politician is important enough that we are talking about them, they didn’t get there by being stupid.
The other day Mayor Pete was in Iowa and a woman who was shaking his hand said, "I shook Robert Kennedy's hand in 1968." And Buttigieg asked, "So you are good luck?"
“Not really— he was shot a month later,” she tells him.
Yeah, not dumb.
If Hillary reminded men of their ex wife, Harris reminded them of their ex wife's divorce attorney.
Especially when she went after Biden over busing. Huh?
How we had it so wrong about candidate Kamala Harris
She doesn't lack intelligence, or ambition, or a certain amount of public and political experience. What she lacks is that 'it', the thing, call it charisma if you will, that pulls people into supporting her. She's just middle of the road as candidates go and Democrat voters don't see a way for her to win against Trump.
Instead of an article asking why she's not more popular, ask yourselves how you ever got caught up into assuming that she was supposed to be so popular. You assume something should be true, then you proceed to inquire why it isn't. How about speaking honestly about your own assumption?
Kind of like Obama's intelligence and political chops? Still waiting for verification of any of Obama's assigned attributes.
tim maguire said...
Ann Althouse said...She's not "a dope."
I can’t stand the tendency in political talk to dismiss people we don’t like as stupid.
She had her deer-in-the-headlights moments. Remember when they asked her what she would do about something or other? She said I would read a briefing book, I would listen to my advisors.
That is the response of somebody out of their depth who, I guess if you want to be charitable, has the intelligence to have a canned response for questions she can't answer, but she didn't have the persona to carry it off looking like somebody in control of her own life let alone for to be in control of the country.
Hank Schrader:
I don't know who you are. I don't even know who I'm talking to.
Walter White:
If that's true, if you don't know who I am... then maybe your best course would be to tread lightly.
Harris might not be literally "a dope," but I don't think she is really all that smart. (And the same goes for the rest of the current clown car occupants.) If she really was all that smart, she wouldn't be flip-flopping on so many things.
It almost seems like she thought she wouldn't have to answer hard questions, that people would support her because she checks two of the "important" boxes: she's black and she's a woman.
Kamala Harris is the Hillary Clinton of 2020. Uninteresting, grating, promoted mostly by her association with others, she has no real accomplishments to her name. She's good at playing US senator, since their main job is to talk and avoid ever taking responsibility for anything. How do people of such little depth become president?
We'll find out over the next four years what happens when you elect a lightweight who doesn't even like this country. I'm afraid Donald Trump has had his moment.
Kamala Harris is a D _ P E
Not that message--this message.
Not gonna read the article but it sounds pretty racist to me. Two of the authors I am pretty sure are white. All 3?
Just why should kh expect any of the black vote? She's not African-American. She has no connection to the American black community. But since she traces some of her roots to Africa, via the Caribbean, blacks should vote for her? Just because she is sort of black?
If blacks should be expected to vote automatically for other blacks, then booker should be leading in the Black polls, not her.
Blacks aren't stupid. They know neither, in all the years they were in a position to help their community they did nothing.
They are both, and obama too, just the latest iteration of the lbj policy
"These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference."
John Henry
Ann Althouse said...
"Why should anyone be considered good enough to run for President? You need some special charisma, and it's okay that she doesn't have it."
This tends to confirm my theory that US Presidential elections are pretty much the same as Associated Student Body elections in high school. Coolest candidate wins.
The major media outlets love the election cycle because it gives them something to write about every single day. They can report, speculate, boost, destroy. All the things. Political consultants love the election cycle because it makes them money. Long election cycles make everyone money.
So....we have presidential election cycles starting every two years. I get that the media is having fun, but is it really good for *us*?
Oh, and on CNN yesterday they were talking about how you can take the money you raised as a presidential candidate and apply it to the next office you want to run for. Money money money. All of it tax free.
You assume something should be true, then you proceed to inquire why it isn't. How about speaking honestly about your own assumption
...a good observation. I don't think the narrative about Kamala is as important to Democrats as is the need for black voters, or the Democrats perception of the need for black voters. I suspect the data they're getting on those black voters is frustrating for them. Hence the need for all the creative writing designed to improve their lot with black voters.
We'll find out over the next four years what happens when you elect a lightweight who doesn't even like this country.
We had that recently. People were frustrated but some didn't understand why it was happening and blamed the wrong people.
“She had her deer-in-the-headlights moments. Remember when they asked her what she would do about something or other? She said I would read a briefing book, I would listen to my advisors”
I remember when GW Bush said that he was the Decider. No one can question that Trump is the Decider. But Obama? Often he apparently wasn’t, letting the people he had assigned departments to, to run them as private fiefdoms, and finding out what they were up to on the evening news, with the rest of us. Reading a briefing book to make decisions implies that she would be a puppet, doing what the ones preparing the briefing books want her to do, somewhat like Obama was. Sure, the Dem power brokers like that sort of system, because it allows then to exercise a lot of power behind the scenes without much accountability. But a lot of people like seeing the person who will be making the decisions, the Decider, and their underlying mettle. Obama at least had a sharp crease in his pants, and a pleasing demeanor. Not sure what Harris has in her favor, excepting her skin color.
Harris is the best politician that California has to offer -- well until Gavin Newsom with this greasy forelock* takes the stage after Harris fails. This cheers me to no end because the Californication of the rest of the US needs to be stopped cold. Full Stop.
* This hair accessory is usually invisible but detaches and goes into "full swing" when Newsom tries to look macho. It's usually deployed with his signature gravel voice. Watch for it.
"Why Is Kamala Harris Struggling With Black Voters So Much?"
Shorter article: The darkies all look the same to us - NY Mag staff
It's like a Chinese immigrant is running for office and they can't understand why the "asian" community isn't enthralled...
The claim is that Kamala Harris is capable enough to be president.
I see no evidence of that.
The burden of proof lies with her.
Who cares?
Her ideas would result in bad policy.
KH is pretty damn White for a Black lady. Unlike Obama, she’s never consciously practiced being Black in a street-level kind of way. I doubt that her tighty-whitey-ness goes unnoticed among Black people. I’m sure the word “Oreo” has been used a time or two. Possibly even “Fredo”.
Perversely, unless they’re willing to conform to certain stereotypes, Black female politicians labor under a disadvantage not shared by their Brothers. We often stare in wonder at the moronic batshittery of some long-standing Black female politicians. But, bear in mind, that’s what their constituents want from them.
Not that it should matter but 5 years ago, at age 50, Kamala married a very wealthy sugar daddy.
A white sugar daddy, fwiw.
I don't think I could ever trust any politician with no skin in the game of life.
I think childlessness disqualifies her.
John Henry
Is it possible that African Americans don't just blindly vote for "the black guy" and instead vote on policy? Something for the media to consider.
You don't get a pass for being black any more than you get one for being white. Jesse Jackson didn't win the nomination, and neither did Al Sharpton. Obama was an exception, and he won not because of his appeal to black voters but because he could win white voters in Iowa and other state caucuses.
What they should be asking is why Harris doesn't appeal to more educated white voters, ie the Obama demographic which won him the nomination.
"Why Is Kamala Harris Struggling With Black Voters So Much?"
"Cuz Homey dont play that", as they increasingly realize they've been had
what black politician hasnt let them down?
maybe there are some. She wont be one
"How about speaking honestly about your own assumption?"
How about progs speaking honestly! How about journalists trying to do an honest job!
It's so sad that these people don't speak honestly! They shouldn't do that!
"The 2020 election will generate more than $6.5 billion in local political adspending, according to a new estimate from BIA Advisory Services."
H/T Noagendashow.com
Sir John of the Zika
For the Oreo tag to work, kh would have to be black on the outside.
She pretends to be but when I see her next to Tulsi, Tulsi looks slightly darker.
I'm not sure I'd know kh was black except fo everyone telling me she is.
John Henry
Asap Rocky has been found guilty of assault in Sweden and will pay a $1300 fine.
PDJT can take some credit for getting him out of jail and home.
K-H objected (correctly IMHO) to PDJT getting involved.
Who do you think will get more credit in the Black community?
John Henry
She keeps working the sassy instead of the calm and focussed.
"And then she began to speak".
Is it better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt?
Politicians really have no choice. The job demands they remove all doubt. They often go much farther.
Harris, surprisingly, has no ability to think on her feet. This is a measure of intelligence, and she fails quite badly. A quick wit is necessary if you aren't the sort of person to plan everything out in advance ruthlessly, and Harris is, apparently neither type of politician. Trump seems to wing everything in public, but he has the quick wit to get away with it. Hillary Clinton ruthlessly planned and gamed out every single detail of public appearances, while her husband took Trump's route.
"It's 3 guys...just guessing at stuff.
Yes, it is. Isn't that all any of do about the future? About the weather? The future of the Wisconsin pension system? The next election? The price of tea in China (with or without tariffs)?
"These articles about the election must be cranked out...
Oh, yes. Aren't they all? There's a market of news and politics junkies for stuff like this. Endless speculation, and some of us eat it up. We line up at the starting gate each political season, eager with anticipation. It's the race, not the outcome, that counts. The election itself is a bit of a letdown, even if our horse wins. The race is over. Then the season begins anew! What horses will run? Which horse('s ass) will win?
It's a decent but not sure bet that black racialist presidential election voters in the US won't fall for a fake black politician, again.
In the election of 2020 will the 3 million plus US voters of Indian (subcontinent) origin be voting for Sen Harris? My quick survey says no.
“Harris, surprisingly, has no ability to think on her feet. This is a measure of intelligence, and she fails quite badly. A quick wit is necessary if you aren't the sort of person to plan everything out in advance ruthlessly, and Harris is, apparently neither type of politician. Trump seems to wing everything in public, but he has the quick wit to get away with it. Hillary Clinton ruthlessly planned and gamed out every single detail of public appearances, while her husband took Trump's route.”
Originally, I was going to quibble here. But it came together. My ex hated thinking on her feet. She is someone who plans it all out very thoroughly. In her case, I think it is druthers though, and not ability, since she won the impromptu speaking award when we took Dale Carnegie together. For me, winging it is a gas. Professionally, the most fun I had as an attorney was a week long jury trial. And, then I won, amazingly enough, despite not getting some critical deposition material admitted. Sometimes I wish I could have afforded a litigation career. But patent law was really easier, since there was much, much less competition.
Out of five of us boys, four had decent mathematical ability - of those four, we had two math majors and two EE majors. Three of us had high math SATs. Next one though scored 100 points lower there than the other three. Turns out though, he is the closest thing to a mathematical genius in our family. We were both in the math dept at the same time in college, and I spent the two years we overlapped hearing about him from my math profs. I think that it was he and my girlfriend who got me through so easily. Brother through reputation and GF being cute and my advisor’s pet. They say that Einstein was the same way - very slow but thorough. The thorough is why we elected him president of the family company after our parents died. When we talk on the phone, I typically start talking with him in a very slow monotone. Until I get some sort of chuckle.
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