August 10, 2019

"Don’t play games with me, kid," Joe Biden snapped at a young woman who'd asked him how many genders there are.

At first, he gave an answer: "At least 3." But then she asked him to name them. That's when he said, "Don’t play games with me, kid." And then he grabbed her by the arm, The NY Post reports.

It was a great one-two question combination, and according the Post, the questioner came from a right-wing student organization. How are candidates supposed to answer that "How many genders are there?"?

Was "at least 3" a clever try... or something that's obviously not going to work? You have to anticipate the "name them" follow-up, and then what do you say?

I'm picturing Joe stumbling along: There are at least 3 genders: male, female, and... what's the third one there? Let's see. Male, female and, let's see. I can't. The third one, I can't. Sorry. Oops.

I adapted that from the stylings of Rick Perry in that awful debate in November 2011:

ADDED: I'll bet all the candidates have figured this out already, but I'll say it anyway. The right way to answer the "How many?" question is to decline to speak in numerical terms. Say something like, "I believe gender is a matter of individual feeling and expression and not something for politicians to talk about and count."


n.n said...

Two sexes: male, female. Two genders: masculine, feminine, respectively. And a transgender spectrum for individuals that exhibit transversal physical and/or mental attributes.

Ken B said...

Right. The democrat gets abusive so let’s concentrate on the republican years ago.

Lincolntf said...

He comes across as a bumbling fool, at best, at this point. His anger and lashing out at a straightforward question implies that he's either losing his mind or he's always been an asshole, but has managed to hide it pretty well throughout his career.

Michael K said...

Anyone not on the left is "Right Wing" even kids.

Ken B said...

AA doesn’t like kids in politics. Doesn’t stop her labeling them right wing when it suits her.

wendybar said...

You didn't finish the conversation where he added (like it matters) “By the way, first one to come out for marriage was me,” he said. By the way....Donald Trump was for it before that.

Lincolntf said...

Have any of the other Dem candidates or members of the #MeToo crowd demanded an apology/explanation for Biden's violent reaction to the students question? Had a Republican manhandled a young lady that way, the calls for resignation (if not prosecution) would be deafening.

gilbar said...

Was "at least 3" a clever try... or something that's obviously not going to work?
There's an old saying: never ascribe to malice, what can easily be ascribed to negligence

Jo Biden Corollary: never accuse Jo of being Clever; he's a stupid jackass

rhhardin said...

Das Fräulein, neuter

bagoh20 said...

The Rick Perry thing was a stupid reason to reject him. That happens to everyone at one time or another and doesn't indicate anything important. The same with Howard Dean's primal scream. It's just stupid and dangerous to reject people for stuff like that. The person could be the best for the job. They might be the best President in history, and they get passed over for trivia, and then we go elect someone with numerous known corruptions or lies in their history. It makes the whole democracy thing seem arbitrary and mindless.

Yancey Ward said...

Yeah, that video of Biden was kind of shocking to me. It is the sort of thing a politician
shouldn't and wouldn't want to be caught doing, in my opinion.

Masscon said...

The easy answer is just to respond as many as there are colors In the rainbow . Guaranteed safe and suitably glib.

Fen said...

This is the 3rd time Biden has grabbed somebody like they are an object not doing what he wants.

gilbar said...

Lincolntf said...
or he's always been an asshole, but has managed to hide it pretty well throughout his career

haven't you paid any attention to old Jo's career? He's ALWAYS Been an ass

Rory said...

Joe's ancestor, the menacing pirate Blackie Biden, was asked by a damsel to name the Seven Seas:

Blackie: Aaarrr. Well, let’s see…There’s the North Sea. And that other one, the one near Mozambique. And…what’s that one in Hyde Park?

Damsel: The Serpentine?

B.: That’s the one. How many’s that then? Three. Um. There’s the sea with all the rocks in it…I think they call it Sea Number Four. Then that would leave…uh…Grumpy and Sneezy…would you look at that big seagull?

(Apologies to Gideon Defoe's Pirate Captain)

Sydney said...

His anger and lashing out at a straightforward question implies that he's either losing his mind or he's always been an asshole, but has managed to hide it pretty well throughout his career.

He's always been an asshole, and not good at hiding it, either.

JustSomeGuyToo said...

This would be a great question to add to the list for the next debate!

Jupiter said...

"Two genders: masculine, feminine, respectively. And a transgender spectrum for individuals that exhibit transversal physical and/or mental attributes."

The only entities that possess "gender" are words, and they have neither physical nor mental attributes, transversal or otherwise.

Yancey Ward said...

The media, of course, won't let this see the light of day outside of the NYPost or FoxNews, but it will encourage others to do similar things to Biden on the campaign trail- in fact, I imagine that his opponents in the primaries are already plotting ways to do just this.

Laslo Spatula said...

The three genders are male, female and Skittles.

Because in a bag of Skittles are all of the other flavors of the rainbow.

And all of those flavors are Fruit.

I am Laslo.

n.n said...

Manhandling, but no mansplaining. He's sill viable.

Anonymous said...

"Don't play games with me, kid". I can respect that, if not the asshole delivering it. Underwhelming video. Kid's attempt at a "gotcha" video was lame.

gilbar said...

They might be the best President in history, and they get passed over for trivia

You mean, like when they're judge a Spelling Bee? And they're given an Answer Key with a nonstandard spelling for a word, like potatoe?

Francisco D said...

Joe is tired and crabby.

He will be an even worse campaigner than Hillary.

If he becomes POTUS, the DNC will run the country while he naps.

bagoh20 said...

Most of these far left ideas can't be defended with any intelligent or even reasonable explanation, but rely on some purely emotional argument devoid of logic. Dems should be asked to defend the stupidity and not be allowed to brush it off. You want to govern? Show me that you are not a blithering idiot.

Lincolntf said...

He hid it enough to be elected decade after decade.

n.n said...

The only entities that possess "gender" are words

People two. Male is genetic and corresponds to a masculine gender physical and mental attributes. Female is genetic and corresponds to a feminine gender. It's the difference between genotype, phenotype, and, if we assume freewill, choice.

bagoh20 said...

I think the correct answer is: "That's above my pay grade."

Laslo Spatula said...

The "Don't play games with me, kid" line keeps making me think of Joe Biden as WC Fields.

But if he was holding a Coke bottle when he said it then I'd go with Fatty Arbuckle.

I am Laslo.

Kevin said...

I don’t think we’ve elected a President who couldn’t name the genders before.

gilbar said...

Lincolntf said...
He hid it enough to be elected decade after decade.

IN Delaware!
not even a real state, What's Their claim to fame? "We have nearly as many people a Montana?

n.n said...

attempt at a "gotcha" video was lame

The "gotcha" is neither the question nor the response, where each is judged and labeled with a liberal range, but the reaction and demonstration of mettle.

gilbar said...

as Montana

n.n said...

"That's above my pay grade."

It worked before. And then there were two, and a colorful, yet divided, spectrum.

bagoh20 said...

Biden doesn't have the cops to defend the far left ideas that he is being forced to adopt. He doesn't really believe them, and he doesn't understand the tortured illogic that's used to defend them. He's just not from that world, which is a good thing in my opinion, but he shouldn't be adopting ideas he doesn't understand or believe.

n.n said...

You want to govern? Show me that you are not a blithering idiot.

Exactly. There is much that can and will be tolerated, notably repent and sin no more, but "blithering idiot" is a progression too far.

Ann Althouse said...

"AA doesn’t like kids in politics. Doesn’t stop her labeling them right wing when it suits her."

1. She's identified in the article as a college student. I'm not against college students in politics.

2. I didn't label her. I wrote "according the Post, the questioner came from a right-wing student organization." I was careful to AVOID saying that she IS any particular thing at all.

bagoh20 said...

"I don’t think we’ve elected a President who couldn’t name the genders before."

Excellent! That's hilarious.

Bruce Hayden said...

Is there a video of the exchange? If there is one, it would be a great short campaign clip that could be run frequently during the election if Biden gets the nomination. It has two things: First, it shows how crazy the Dems have gotten. Secondly, it highlights his temper issues.

n.n said...

Biden doesn't have the cops to defend the far left ideas that he is being forced to adopt.

He's a recent convert to Pro-Choice. With time, he will discover the inconsistent, selective, opportunistic principles necessary to defend his faith, religion, and secular traditions.

bagoh20 said...

Of course the questioner came from a right-wing student organization. Nobody on the left is going to ask him that, nor will they ask any other Dem candidate, because even they know it's not answerable from their point of view. You end up saying something stupid and down the rabbit hole you go.

Lincolntf said...

The video...I wonder how hard he squeezed her arm? He "grabs and pulls me back...".

Meade said...

"And then he grabbed her by the arm, The NY Post reports."

How is that different from the behavior that got Corey Lewandowski into trouble?

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
readering said...

I keep waiting for Biden to get in trouble. Getting impatient.

n.n said...

There are three genders: masculine, feminine, and in the layman, or laywoman's, shorthand: rainbow.

n.n said...

How is that different from the behavior that got Corey Lewandowski into trouble?

Lewandowski blocked the passage of a physical belligerent. Biden blocked the passage of an inconvenient truth, with, apparently, excessive physical force.

jeremyabrams said...

Rick Perry was on pain killers following back surgery. I thought his candidacy died in the previous debate when he said a 25-foot wall would just generate a market for 26-foot ladders.

Dave Begley said...

What does China Joe say when I ask him what he knew about the spying on the Trump campaign?

FrankiM said...

Forcefully grabbed her? Not apparent from viewing the video.

Fen said...

Is there a video of the exchange?

Video here

Fernandinande said...

There is only one gender: the human gender.

Fen said...

Forcefully grabbed her? Not apparent from viewing the video.

Watch the slo-mo one I just linked at 1:10pm.

She is walking away, Biden grabs her arm with enough force to stop her and turn her around.

Lincolntf said...

Frank, he grabbed her and pulled her, according to the young lady's own words and my own eyes. The only question is how forcefully he manhandled her.

Meade said...

How many genders are there?

58 according to Facebook. (Another reason I'm not on Facebook.)

Paco Wové said...

To be honest, that kid had a pretty annoying voice (the curse of many Midwestern females). I'd assume Trump would have told her the same thing. My inclination would have been to tell her to piss off.

I'm not sure what the gotcha here is. Lefty politicians and the people that vote for them don't care that their ideology is illogical and inconsistent.

bleh said...

“How is that different from the behavior that got Corey Lewandowski into trouble?”

This really should be the end of him. But it won’t be, and we all know why.

Limited blogger said...

This has become absurd

Scott Patton said...

"And then he grabbed her by the arm, The NY Post reports."
The violence inherent in the system.

Fen said...

58 according to Facebook. (Another reason I'm not on Facebook.)

Tomorrow the approved number will be 124, and everyone who said "58" will be doxxed, shadowbanned, deplatfromed, boycotted, fired from their job, and run out of public places.

I have lots of popcorn.

Big Mike said...

The right way to answer the "How many?" question is to decline to speak in numerical terms. Say something like, "I believe gender is a matter of individual feeling and expression and not something for politicians to talk about and count."

(1) You had hours to think of a platitudinous response; Sleepy Joe had to think on his feet.

(2) Joe is not good at thinking on his feet, because ...

(3) Joe Biden can scarcely think at all. P

Limited blogger said...

Luckily the follow up wasn't "how many states are there?"

If he had answered that correctly he would of had to contradict his old boss.

traditionalguy said...

He couldn’t pronounce hermaphrodite. Besides old folks memories come and go.

Michael K said...

Blogger readering said...
I keep waiting for Biden to get in trouble. Getting impatient.

Thank god he didn't sniff her hair. Only roughed her up a little. Biden isn't Hillary, as Epstein learned to his cost.

Fen said...

"the questioner came from a right-wing student organization."

Odd syntax.

Do they mean she just returned from a meeting of right-wing students?

Do they mean she is a member of a right-wing student org? Then why not say that.

The *question* came from the right-wing. That's what they mean to imply.

I'm surprised you missed this. You're usually sharper than me.

Matt Sablan said...

"It was a great one-two question combination, and according the Post, the questioner came from a right-wing student organization."

-- It really was a great set up, pay off sort of comedic moment.

Meade said...

"I'm not sure what the gotcha here is. "

I know, it's confusing. But the real gotcha happened by accident between the college student's 2 questions. Watch the video. An individual leans in to tell Biden, "Good job." And Biden replies, "Thank you, man."

I think you see the problem. Biden was assuming the individual offering the compliment to Biden self-identifies as "man."

What Biden should have said — without touch or sniffing anyone's hair — is, "Thank you, human entity."

Francisco D said...

I'd assume Trump would have told her the same thing.

Can you imagine the uproar if it were Trump instead of Biden?

He is a violent, transphobic misogynist. Impeach Now!

chuck said...

"I believe gender is a matter of individual feeling and expression"

Gotta love science. Now do the how many sexes thing.

YoungHegelian said...

"All the stars were shinin' bright
And then he grabbed me."

(With apologies to the Shirelles)

FullMoon said...

"FrankingaM said..."

Forcefully grabbed her? Not apparent from viewing the video.

Maybe someone should grab you in exactly the same way so you can "see how it feels".

Matt Sablan said...

"How is that different from the behavior that got Corey Lewandowski into trouble?"

-- Well, Biden is on the right team.

Fen said...

What Biden should have said — without touch or sniffing anyone's hair — is, "Thank you, human entity."

Yesterday we took a long trip in the country, talk radio guy says he just calls everyone "bipeds" now to avoid any PCBS tantrums.

Lewis Wetzel said...

How many genders were there a thousand years ago? How many will there be a thousand years from now?
Are there the same number of genders in China that there are in Iowa?

Jupiter said...

"People two. Male is genetic and corresponds to a masculine gender physical and mental attributes. Female is genetic and corresponds to a feminine gender. It's the difference between genotype, phenotype, and, if we assume freewill, choice."

Words have gender. Vertebrates have sex. If they're lucky.

Jim at said...

How many genders are there?

Two. FUNQ.

Bruce Hayden said...

"I believe gender is a matter of individual feeling and expression"

I don’t think that the Dems realize yet where this next election battle will be fought. We have a small fringe on the left who actually believe this nonsense. We have a number of other Dems who play lip service to the nonsense, in order to be accepted as an intelligent right thinking individual. Then we have everyone else, knowing the right answer, and shaking their heads at the nonsense. To win the election, the Dems are probably going to have to flip back the Blue Wall states they lost last time. And the demographic in those states that voted for Obama, then defected for Trump, are primarily working class whites. Often with a decently strong union background. You ask most of them how many sexes or genders there are, and they will laugh at you for asking such a stupid question. Indeed, about the only demographic to sign onto this nonsense are left wing college educated mostly whites.

Charlie said...

"Hi, Joe Biden here, he/him. Folks, this is a bunch of malarky, seriously, literally, I'm not joking!"

Lewis Wetzel said...

Slow Joe may not be as slow as we think that he is.
How many genders are there?
Can't be one. Then everyone would be the same gender.
Can't be two, because gender would then be identical to biological sex, and "two" is also not revolutionary enough. Why, your grandparents believed that there were only two genders!
So it must be more than two, or "at least three," as Biden said.

rcocean said...

"The Rick Perry thing was a stupid reason to reject him. That happens to everyone at one time or another and doesn't indicate anything important. The same with Howard Dean's primal scream."

If you're a borderline candidate, you make one big mistake and you're out. Besides, this was just ANOTHER Perry tongue tied moment. And this was ANOTHER example of Dean acting goofy.

Biden has a massive reservoir of good will with D voters and the DNC Media - for some reason. It'll probably take a lot more Kidde touching to dry it up.

Michael K said...

about the only demographic to sign onto this nonsense are left wing college educated mostly whites.

"“Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.”

― George Orwell

Narayanan said...

Delaware : What's Their claim to fame?

!More corporations than people!

rcocean said...

The Gotcha is getting Biden to say there are 3 Genders, when most of the world knows there are Two. It makes Biden look like a LBGQT freak, which he maybe. I mean what do we really know about "Slow Joe" "Let me touch you" Biden?

Paco Wové said...

"where this next election battle will be fought"

Disregard the fact that we Dems are all crazy — Trump is an uncouth icky baaaastard!

Disregard the fact that Trump is an uncouth icky bastard — the Dems are craaazy!


I suppose it's all about furnishing people with the excuse to do what they wanted to do anyway.

I just don't see how Biden being rude to someone is going to change the calculus in any way. Of all the reasons not to vote for Biden, this isn't in the top 10,000.

rcocean said...

All ideas adopted by the College elite filter down and are accepted eventually by the general public. The "College elite" train the future school teachers, Lawyers, SCOTUS judges, book publishers, anewspaper men, and TV/Pop culture execs.

It just takes time. gay marriage has gone from a punchline to a reality you deny at your peril.

rcocean said...

I love how Slow Joe calls everyone under 55 "kid".

Michael K said...

Male is genetic and corresponds to a masculine gender physical and mental attributes. Female is genetic and corresponds to a feminine gender.

The left is so stupid they don't realize that the y chromosome determines gender. Even slow Joe could do some reading and realize that XX is female and XY is male and XO is "Turners Syndrome." Cutting off the dick does nothing to the chromosomes.

Dave Begley said...

Joe Biden was at the bottom of his law school class at Syracuse. He's a dunce and has proven it over many years. He can't be president. Too. Damn. Dumb.

bagoh20 said...

Biden isn't the only one says dumb stuff.

"On Friday, Warren tweeted, "5 years ago Michael Brown was murdered by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. Michael was unarmed yet he was shot 6 times. I stand with activists and organizers who continue the fight for justice for Michael. We must confront systemic racism and police violence head on."

I don't think she's an idiot, so it's much worse than that. She's a dangerous divisive liar. She's not appropriate for any office.

eric said...

They're never going to let a straight, white, male get the Democrat nomination for President.

Che Dolf said...

"What is the wage gap between all 58 genders?"
- Uncle Hotep

PhilD said...

"Say something like, "I believe gender is a matter of individual feeling and expression and not something for politicians to talk about and count."

That could get you in trouble in Canada.

Phil 314 said...

Watching the video, wasn't much of a grab.

And therefore I still see our President as the authority on grabbing.

Paco Wové said...

"She's a dangerous divisive liar."

Well, it's not like that makes her stand out.

But I agree – that is far worse than this particular incident involving Biden.

stevew said...

Revealing, isn't it? Unprepared for the question. Incapable of thinking on his feet and providing a boilerplate politician's answer. Condescending to the questioner (see: "kid"), dismissive even. A more capable public person would have answered as the professor suggests, maybe even throw in a little humor to relieve the tension.

Not Ready for Prime Time Joe should be his nickname, though only in print because that's too long to say.

Kevin said...

according the Post, the questioner came from a right-wing student organization.

This is exactly why they can't let Fox host a debate.

The entire field is already beclowning itself on softball questions from Jake Tapper and MSNBC.

PhilD said...

"5 years ago Michael Brown was murdered by a white police officer ..."

I don't know about American justice but could the officer in question have a case for character defamation?

dgstock said...

Genders? At least three: male, female, and the spectrum of dissociative disorders with attendant behaviors (legion).

Matt Sablan said...

"I don't know about American justice but could the officer in question have a case for character defamation?"

-- No. She's just stating her opinion; remember, Phillips stating that he was threatened by the Covington kids wasn't a statement of fact, it was just his opinion, and therefore non-actionable.

Gahrie said...

Say something like, "I believe gender is a matter of individual feeling and expression and not something for politicians to talk about and count."

Or how about: "There are two, I'm not delusional."?

Gahrie said...

I believe race is a matter of individual feeling and expression

I believe citizenship is a matter of individual feeling and expression

I believe violence is a matter of individual feeling and expression

Marcus Bressler said...

"The only entities that possess "gender" are words, and they have neither physical nor mental attributes, transversal or otherwise."

THANK YOU, Jupiter. I fear that the battle over that is lost, though.


I refuse to use the term "gender" in the trainings I conduct. Sometimes, when I use the word "sex", I can almost see the young people in the crowd tremble.

PhilD said...

"She's just stating her opinion; ..."

Is that sarcasm? (It used to be clear when it was and when it wasn't)

Matt Sablan said...

It's a depressed, melancholy look at the results of what the court's decision in that case means for the barrier to proving defamation/slander/libel/etc. in any other case.

Fernandinande said...

He can't be president.

I've only seen Biden a couple of times (on video) but he brings to mind some guy wearing a bad suit on a dusty used car lot.

PhilD said...

Thanks you.

The Godfather said...

“At least three” has to be the worst possible answer for a Democrat to give to that question. For a grammarian it would have been fine.

Fen said...

Watching the video, wasn't much of a grab.

I dare you to try that at your place of work. See what happens...

Drago said...

Phil 314: "Watching the video, wasn't much of a grab. And therefore I still see our President as the authority on grabbing."

Could you provide a link to Trump grabbing a woman so we can compare and contrast?

Drago said...

Not even LLR Chuck on his best Democrat Defense Day can make the "3 genders" answer come out right!

Achilles said...

Lincolntf said...
He hid it enough to be elected decade after decade.

Biden didn't hide anything.

He is a member of a party that elected a known rapist.

Democrats are just awful people and they don't mind voting for corrupt violent pieces of shit like Biden.

NCMoss said...

dgstock, good one!

Charlie Currie said...

"I believe gender is a matter of individual feeling and expression and not something for politicians to talk about and count."

So there is a finite number.

Achilles said...

FrankiM said...
Forcefully grabbed her? Not apparent from viewing the video.

Of course not.

You are a democrat.

The video makes no difference to you. You just make up whatever you want.

Just like Warren saying a police officer murdered Brown. Despite a jury verdict and a trial full of contrary evidence Warren hates her political opponents and needs the cops involved to be murderers.

Democrats just lie. It is what they do.

rehajm said...

What Meade said, and he wasn’t even the one running for President.

Joe has a history of that kind of physical confrontation. Surprising nobody had laid him out, especially the women

Bay Area Guy said...

Grabbing female arms is an improvement over sniffing female hair.

So, on invading personal space issues, Slow Joe is moving in the right direction.


narciso said...

perry was on powerful painkillers after surgery, what's biden's excuse,

Fernandinande said...

Forcefully grabbed her? Not apparent from viewing the video.

I agree. It looked about like a used car salesman in a bad suit trying to tell a bad joke to someone who wanted to leave. His answer was a bad joke.

Bruce Hayden said...

“I don’t think that the Dems realize yet where this next election battle will be fought. We have a small fringe on the left who actually believe this nonsense. We have a number of other Dems who play lip service to the nonsense, in order to be accepted as an intelligent right thinking individual.”

Let me clarify there. I was not just talking about gender issues, but also the myriad number of crazy positions that the Dem nominees are having to adopt in order to get traction for the nomination. If they were smart, they would nominate the candidate who laughed at the question and then said that there were, of course, only two genders. And that the Earth wasn’t going to end in 12 (or however many) years, etc.

Much of the center knows that this is all crazy talk. My point is that one of the keys to winning for Trump is to keep pointing out that the Dems are all crazy. Whoever gets the nomination is going to have engaged in a lot of this crazy talk. The swing voters, in Middle America, just need to be reminded of this. And Trump, having good instincts for going for the jugular, is almost assuredly going to use this. A lot. When middle America is asked how many genders there are, they are mostly going to laugh and say “two, of course”. I fully expect campaign ads showing the Dem nominee engaging in what I called crazy talk above.

ken in tx said...

"IN Delaware!
not even a real state, What's Their claim to fame? "We have nearly as many people a Montana?"

Their claim to infamy. They were the last state to ratify the 13th amendment, abolishing slavery--in 1901. They also kept their slaves long after the civil war was over, until sometime in the late 1860s.

Lincolntf said...

Face it, if you grab and pull a female toward you in any school, workplace or public setting, you will be called out for it. If you're a Dem candidate who does the same thing, you get a free pass. Simply no principles involved just political advantage-seeking, and all the Biden defenders know that. They've chosen to ignore Joe's outburst because to do otherwise would mean political harm. And I bet every one of them has hashtagged "MeToo" dozens of times. No balls, no principles, no credibility.

Sebastian said...

"I believe gender is a matter of individual feeling and expression

So pretty soon it will fall under the constitutional right discovered by Tony K, our right to define the meaning of the universe.

Michael K said...

When middle America is asked how many genders there are, they are mostly going to laugh and say “two, of course”.

I am even noticing two bathrooms with male/female signs in LA on visits,. LAX has three with male/ female and no gender.

I don't think this is going to turn out well for the left. Germany is now getting black outs because no wind is blowing.

In Australia, the ALP lost the sure thing election because of blackouts in Victoria during the summer. That election was a Hillary-level sure thing.

Maillard Reactionary said...

I'd like to see her press assault charges for the arm-grabbing.

Biden's a typical leftist bully douche. I'd like to see him try to justify it.

RMc said...

Geez. If I were a Democrat, I'd be furious. "This? This is our best hope to defeat the Worst President Ever(tm)? THIS...?!"

n.n said...

Gender refers to physical and mental attributes of each sex: male, female. A third gender, a quasi-gender, is transgender, which refers to individuals that exhibit transversal physical and/or mental attributes.

n.n said...

Germany is now getting black outs because no wind is blowing.

A niche technology normalized as a universal solution with catastrophic consequences.

gilbar said...

If you get one,
A) pick Male or Female (you Have to)
B) go through the Althouse portal

Yes, There are More than two Genders T-shirt

BUMBLE BEE said...

I thought I saw a full fist wrap around her arm. Not necessary when making a point, where a touch on the shoulder would suffice. I suggest those who don't view it a forceful grab on a stranger to try it on a stranger. File a full report here after you regain consciousness.

MayBee said...

Meade said...
"And then he grabbed her by the arm, The NY Post reports."

How is that different from the behavior that got Corey Lewandowski into trouble?


n.n said...

our right to define the meaning of the universe.

To parody GoDaddy: sex, and the corresponding gender, are just an illusion. As is evolution of human life, which is believed to be the product of spontaneous conception, "viability" or "big bang", along with their missing links filled in with brown matter.

n.n said...

our right to define the meaning of the universe

It is well established that [political] science is a gateway philosophy to the faith logical domain.

Bob Loblaw said...

He comes across as a bumbling fool, at best, at this point. His anger and lashing out at a straightforward question implies that he's either losing his mind or he's always been an asshole, but has managed to hide it pretty well throughout his career.

He can't say what normal people want to hear or he won't get the nomination. But if he panders to the base Trump will hammer him with it in the general election. I doubt the anger is actually real - he's been a politician for too many years. But it did allow him to duck the question, which was a legitimate question even if it is kind of a "gotcha".

n.n said...

a link to Trump grabbing a woman so we can compare and contrast

It's probably a reference to one of the media's warlock trials that was critical of Trump exposing a socially liberal practice, which is an unforgivable violation of club rules.

alanc709 said...

Science only matters when the progressives can CLAIM it supports them. 2 genders, no more. Gender is not a social construct.

n.n said...

Two sexes: male, female. Two genders: masculine, feminine. And a quasi-gender: transgender or rainbow.

Drago said...

RMc: "Geez. If I were a Democrat, I'd be furious. "This? This is our best hope to defeat the Worst President Ever(tm)? THIS...?!"

Hence LLR Chuck's uncontrollable rage and lashing out.

Nichevo said...

Lincolntf said...
Face it, if you grab and pull a female toward you in any school, workplace or public setting, you will be called out for it. If you're a Dem candidate who does the same thing, you get a free pass.

You do get a free pass. Althouse gives it a free pass. Imagine how Althouse would react if Biden or anybody grabbed HER!

Pity the girl didn't slap his face. The shot heard round the world.

He could have said almost anything in response to "name them." "G'way, kid, you bother me" would have brought down the house. Or just #walkaway from her. Someone could have easily separated her from him in a gentle fashion, say the USSS who I presume were there. Heck, he could say in response to the first one, "Facebook was up to 58 last I checked, but that's been a while, FB is so over/for old people."

Whatever he said it didn't say, but to put your hands on someone! A young woman! Him of all people!

Part of his problem was he processed her as a friendly, a leftish person. That's why he answered at all. His latter remark, 'hey girlie I was the first for marriage' was calculated to pander to a lefty. A lefty should never have put him on the spot and, having been publicly groped, would take one for the team, Team D, unless I suppose she were a Warren or Harris plant.

Biden is an ill-judging fool, a wrong-decisioned dungheap, and the surest indicator of this would be whether he actually believes he could ever be President.

Lincolntf said...

Chuck is fully aware that he is defending a man who physically bullies young ladies, and he's fine with that. Chuck is a garbage human being and a flaming hypocrite, always has been, always will be. Spit.

Nichevo said...

I doubt the anger is actually real - he's been a politician for too many years.

The anger is real. It's common in senility or early dementia or whatever some old people get. I see it up close every day.

Nichevo said...

Lincolntf, you're just letting him run up the score on his bet. I liked it better when he gritted his teeth and forced himself to write a sane comment, endure silence or a few mild remarks, then have a slug of gin and on to the next one. Big Mike has bought us weeks of peace.

But people started replying to him, and that let him generate many more posts than he has original thoughts in his head. He's almost at 50 now. Then the rat is out of his cage.

Lincolntf said...

I reply when I feel like replying, I couldn't care less about whatever score is being kept or whatever "bet" you're talking about.

Nichevo said...

Phil 314 said...
Watching the video, wasn't much of a grab.

Well, Joe Biden isn't much of a man.

Lincolntf said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lincolntf said...

Phil, I can assure you that if any man treated any girl/woman close to me in that way he would have been swallowing teeth. If a man grabbed your wife/daughter/niece, etc. in a similar fashion, what would you do? Shrug it off?

Lincolntf said...

Sidebar: Where was the Secret Service during Joe's physical lashing out? I assume he is still under some sort of protection.

Big Mike said...

@Nichevo, thanks for the shout out, it I’m not sure what you think I did. I think you’re thinking of someone else.

Dude1394 said...

But colleges ARE counting. With a list and everything.

Dude1394 said...

Right-wing eh? I await ann’s Left-wing designations.

Ken B said...

About the kid. Yes my error. Apologies.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Biden shoots himself in the foot while it's still in his mouth!

VP during Parkland shooting?
"Margaret Thatcher" (2x)?? etc
15 more months of this and he will bury himself.

beyond gaffes. Trump knows Pluggs isnt playing with a full deck

dreams said...

Biden isn't just dumb, he has a bad temper too and that combination is very bad.

Drago said...

dreams: "Biden isn't just dumb, he has a bad temper too and that combination is very bad."

Many examples of that within our own LLR commentariat.

n.n said...

Right-wing eh

She may well be libertarian. Libertarians (small 'l') are wary of the progress of conflating sex and gender, and normalization of gender confusion, especially with neo-females in female roles.

Quaestor said...

Say something like, "I believe gender is a matter of individual feeling and expression and not something for politicians to talk about and count."

How about saying something like, "Gender is a matter of reproductive biology. Like or lump it." Or is too shocking to our delicate collective constitution?

Michael K said...

Biden isn't just dumb, he has a bad temper too and that combination is very bad.

As exemplified by his attack on a questioner in 1988 when he announced :"I'm smarter than you:" I was first in my class in Law School.

n.n said...

So, other than some semantic differences, we're basically in agreement, and discern normal and edge cases. What remains is the choice to normalize, tolerate, or reject. No redeeming value suggests normalization is not merited. No existential threat (e.g. monotonically divergent condition) suggests rejection is also unnecessary to reconciliation. Most people seems to believe tolerance is the best choice. Male, female. Masculine, feminine. And a transgender... transversal spectrum.

walter said...

"How many would you like? We'll make more!"

Comanche Voter said...

"Don't play games with me kid." To a young woman. "Go easy with me kid" to Kamala Harris.

Good old Slow Joe has gotten rough and tough.

Drago said...

MK: "As exemplified by his attack on a questioner in 1988 when he announced :"I'm smarter than you:" I was first in my class in Law School."

I wonder if Biden ever charged $450 per hour with a $4,500 retainer?


Saint Croix said...

I believe gender is a matter of individual feeling and expression and not something for politicians to talk about and count.

Next they'll be removing it from the census.

It'll be illegal to ask!

Saint Croix said...

If you are making a baby, there are two sexes, male and female. And you need both.

The left can't deal with this because they can't deal with "making a baby."

Saint Croix said...

The leftist fantasy about gender is like their fantasy about pregnancy.

You get to decide if you're pregnant or not pregnant. You get to decide if it's a baby or not a baby. You get to decide if you're a man or a woman. There is no underlying human sexuality that the leftist recognizes or understands. There's no biological reality in his worldview. It's all ideas and ideology.

Ampersand said...

How can gender discrimination be legally regulated if gender is a subjective amorphous blob?

Lincolntf said...

Good question, Unknown. Therefore there will be no good answer, just babble.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

...Biden snapped at a young woman

When "Joe Bite-Me" becomes "Joe Bit Me!!"

Gropin', Grabbin', Sniffin' & Snappin'--the Veep's givin' me the creeps

Ambrose said...

Funny - I heard that is exactly what FDR said to Stalin at Yalta - "Don't play games with me kid."

effinayright said...

Based on his personal experience, Biden was probably thinking:

"Three genders: male, female and Obama".


Nichevo said...

Big Mike said...
@Nichevo, thanks for the shout out, it I’m not sure what you think I did. I think you’re thinking of someone else

Sorry Mike, thought it was you who made the bet with Chuck. Maybe it was Bay Area But. D'oh!

Fen said...

I wonder if Biden ever charged $450 per hour with a $4,500 retainer?


Yah that made me roll my eyes too. I've known attorneys of such caliber, and they would run rings around you, me and our fav LLR combined.

$4.50 giving blowjobs at rest stops is probably his actual value.

El said...

Click Here For Why Trump Killed Epstein

Tina Trent said...

You throw yourself into the scrum, you're going to get manhandled a bit. It's tiring to watch either side get the vapors. But it was a very good question.

Tina Trent said...

The police officer should sue Elizabeth Warren.

And Trump should sue Joe Biden.

Lurker21 said...

The Godfather said...
“At least three” has to be the worst possible answer for a Democrat to give to that question. For a grammarian it would have been fine.

No, more like the only answer a Democrat politician could give. It gets beyond the binary male/female distinction without getting bogged down in numbers and giving people the opportunity to attack one for leaving some gender out or putting one in. You can't just brush it off with a joke either. There is no actual answer to the question and Biden actually did better than expected, at least in what he said.

mtrobertslaw said...

"Gender" once referred to the class of males and females. And so there were only two genders. But today, the word "gender" refers to the class of all living things. So now there is a separate gender for each member of that class. That is, there is a distinct gender for spiders, ants, earthworms and any thing else that, biologically speaking, is alive. The great advantage that results from this change of the definition of "gender", is that it increases the range of freedom to pick your own gender from just two options to hundreds of thousands of choices.

hstad said...

Angle-Dyne, Samurai Buzzard said...8/10/19, 12:28 PM
"Don't play games with me, kid". I can respect that, if not the asshole delivering it. Underwhelming video. "Kid's attempt at a "gotcha" video was lame."

Really, it worked for me, especially when Joe physically grabbed her - a real no, no. Look, these politicians think they are special - Joe just can't help himself. It will be entertaining when Joe and Donald go at each other during the 'real' campaign. Right now, the frauds at the MSM will give Joe a pass every-time.

TJM said...

Biden should be charged with assault

Nichevo said...

No, more like the only answer a Democrat politician could give.

I think "At least two" would have been perfect.

Andy Krause said...

Thank you to the commenters that mentioned gender is for words. There are three; he, she and it.

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