I've only watched the beginning. Speaking about the 2016 election, he said: "They came from the mountains... They came from the rivers." Of course, I pictured something like this:

As for the 2020 election, speaking about the various Democratic contenders, he said:
I don't mind any of them... You’ve got Pocahontas is rising. You’ve got Kamala, Kamala is falling. You’ve got Beto, Beto is like, gone. We’ll see what happens. Whoever it is, I don’t know that it matters... I think Sleepy Joe might be able to limp across the finish line, maybe. … I sort of hope it’s him.
Of course you pictured Trump voters as subhuman. Of course you have a conniption when we scoff at “cruel neutrality”. https://www.amazon.com/Caros-Book-Poker-Tells-Mike-ebook/dp/B006305OHA/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Book+of+tells&qid=1565964073&s=gateway&sr=8-1
Beto and Kamala aren’t high enough in the polls for Trump to generate a nickname.
Pocohantas and Sleepy Joe and Crazy Bernie.
Smartly, Trump is holding his fire on China Joe.
Hey, Joe! Why did you let billions in opioid pills flood the country? Were you asleep? Why didn't you close the border and stop the cartels from importing drugs? What did you know about the spying on my campaign? How many millions is Hunter Biden getting from the ChiComs?
It will be a bloodbath. Biden lucky to win 10 states.
Impersonally find it offensive that you picture Trump voters as you did.
I also know you don’t care.
You are becoming more overt with your feelings and nasttier every day.
Just my opinion.
This batch of Democrats do make Trump look quite...presidential.
“I personally” and “nastier” corrections.
Warren's rising is incomprehensible to me for the Cherokee thing alone.
It goes dead-against everything the left is trying to hold sacrosanct. It is the essence of Orwell's double-think.
Here we have a leftist white 'Becky' who clearly gamed the system and used 'cultural appropriation' for personal gain (whether it did or not is another matter entirely). Lied about it. Sat on its pedestal for decades, then apologized for it (thereby taking responsibility). And she's now talking about Michael Brown's death as a 'murder' and embracing reparations.
It's surreal. It's like people that seriously consider her candidacy have this ability to temporarily shut down their brains or overwrite their 'hard drives' after about 6 months of continuous runtime.
You. Can't. Make. This. Shit. Up.
She's a walking talking analogy for everything they say they hate. But she's a Democrat.
If they weren't consistently inconsistent they'd have no consistency at all.
And still everyone beats Trump in head-to-head polls.
You're right if you think I wouldn't have shown that picture if a Democrat had uttered the silly line "They came from the rivers." I would have been intimidated because I would have known I could be called a racist. But with Trump, there's the freedom to have fun.
White progressives don’t care about lying about being an injun to get ahead.
And Warren is popping off about Michael Brown because she’s got zero black support.
Althouse - what is the origon of that drawing? I've seen it in so many forms (real and as parody) throughout my life but I'm unsure of its origin. I don't even know what it's titled.
"They came from the mountains... They came from the rivers." Of course, I pictured something like this:
"...of course"???
I'm beginning to lean more to the incomprehensible possibility that the Democrats config.sys file has been re-written since Obama's election to now only favor 'first-something' candidates.
First Black
First Woman
First Gay
First Trans
First Black Woman
First Black Gay
First Disabled
Why? Well because first you silly!?!
They'll end up defaulting to Harris or Warren because their magic 8-ball that was up until his suicide kept in Epstein's sex temple says, "You shall select a woman for 2020. So let it be written. So let it be done."
Should Warren or Harris fail. It will be Oprah in 2024, or Ellen, or Michelle.
There's one of Trump's trying-to-smile-but-can-only-grimace expressions I mentioned on another thread this morning. Frightening to children and rational adults!
Pocahontas rising! What a great slogan for Elizabeth Warren!
“... and in comparison to you, the clown car if Democrats is starting to look better and better.”
"I would have been intimidated because I would have known I could be called a racist."
Ah, not as brave as I thought you were.
"But with Trump, there's the freedom to have fun."
Sure, you know you are safe with us deplorables. We don't begrudge you your "fun."
We still take freedom somewhat seriously. Perhaps the memory of it will cause you a moment's hesitation as you pull the lever to prevent the next Kavanaugh.
Here's the Trump version of that picher.
It's real. people that seriously consider democrats have this ability to temporarily shut down their brains or overwrite their 'hard drives' after about 6 months of continuous runtime.
Althouse said...
I would have been intimidated because I would have known I could be called a racist. But with Trump, there's the freedom to have fun.
Indeed, and read my prior Hickenlooper comment...
The Democrat strategy right now is to convince people that what speaks within them as their own common sense is racist and hateful, [in order to] both to control and quiet them.
Add sense of humor to common sense.
Peter Thiel remarked during the Hogan trial that there is - and I'm paraphrasing - a definite difference in self-awareness within Western political spectrums. Guys like Denton - leftists - at Gawker and the millions like them quite literally 'can't see themselves'.
They're not self-aware or self-conscious in the sense that their basic risk-mitigation programs don't function the way they do for most other humans.
It's why they're so infuriating. I look at Warren or Harris supporters as being stuck in some kind of feedback loop. You could stick a war bonnet on her, and they still couldn't capture the irony. It's not ironic because she's been placed in a 'that's not funny' box.
Pocahontas rising!
And a "sack of gawea" for every pot. Or would it be a sack of pot for every gawea?
Am I the only one who looked at the picture and saw Trump voters as a higher level of evolution than what came before? Swamp creatures are not Trump voters. Trump voters want to drain the swamp.
"Am I the only one who looked at the picture and saw Trump voters as a higher level of evolution than what came before?"
Probably not. There are many deluded people out there besides you.
Some Trump voters are half-horse half-alligator. that's why Trump said "rivers".
Word of the day: riparian.
Even VOX has addressed the nagging Warren question that has largely missed national notice. Basically they attribute the gap to her the aloofness of her radical, national ambitions and the fact that moderate, independent men that can't stand her.
Why isn’t Elizabeth Warren more popular in Massachusetts?
Why Warren’s home-state political standing makes some Democrats nervous, explained.
By Ella Nilsenella.nilsen@vox.com Updated Jul 30, 2019, 10:14am EDT
“The fact that Warren underperformed Hillary Clinton in 228 of Massachusetts’s 351 towns, and did so in a blue wave year, speaks to her weakness with working-class white voters on the ballot,” said Cook Political Report editor Dave Wasserman, who analyzed the two-party vote share in each Massachusetts town in the 2018 midterms, when Warren was reelected. “Many parts of Massachusetts are culturally more similar to Wisconsin or Michigan than they are to Cambridge or Boston or Amherst. And that has to be a serious concern for next November, should it get to that.”
Of course, man did not evolve from "rivers" but from the Sea. Supposedly. Why we weren't all eaten when we were fish with legs is anyone's guess.
If you want to know who the oppressors are, look at who you can not make fun of.
But that's just fine for some.
Probably not. There are many deluded people out there besides you.
What better endorsement of President Trump than the hatred of Stalinist Robert Cook?
per Don Surber on Warren ..
... But the press is pumping her up because they see her as Hillary delivering Bernie's policies...
makes sense to me.
I went to the Stones concert on Wednesday night.
Jagger had better music, but they both know how to work a crowd.
Well, it's great that Trump has a lot of self-confidence, but he has way more confidence in his electoral prospects than I do.
I see another 50-50 election, with him squeaking by again, but only if the economy doesn't falter.
Perhaps, I am just a nervous Nellie. I do want him to win, though.
"Ah, not as brave as I thought you were."
I'm actually very timid. If you knew me in real life, you would know.
""35 years old, eating a steady diet of government cheese, thrice divorced, and living in a van down by the river!"
That picture is of Algore, who is half man, half bear and half pig.
I'm actually very timid. If you knew me in real life, you would know.
Oh, we know.
Speaking about the 2016 election, he said: "They came from the mountains... They came from the rivers."
I thought of this:
We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender... --Winston Churchill
Of course the media probably went this way:
“cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, and razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Ghengis Khan.” -- John Kerry
Mathematicians and other scientists challenge Darwin's theory.
If the same was alternatively being said by Biden I would see his voters as the Eloi devolving from human.
Probably not. There are many deluded people out there besides you.
8/16/19, 9:38 AM
Not in general, as it was referenced in the post with the picture.
I didn't think I needed to explain that since the post was right there and mine was a fairly early comment, but apparently I do. Or, you understood it but just chose to be rude anyway.
Should have gone with Sloppy Joe.
Blogger Ann Althouse said...
I would have been intimidated because I would have known I could be called a racist.
WTF, Ann? I mean really, WTFF?
You have lived for 20-30 years in Madison. Madison is, objectively, by the numbers, one of the most racist cities in the US. Perhaps the most racist. Nothing new, Madison's racism goes back 100 years or more.
By living there and paying taxes there, you support a racist regime and you support their racist practices.
You may have done this unknowingly when you first moved there. You may have thought you needed to live in the city for convenience to the job (which is a bullshit excuse). Neither of those excuses hold water now.
You support racism by choice (Yeah, yeah, I know. Your body, your choice etc. But, also, your choice your consequences. And one of the consequences of that choice is self-identifying as a racist.
Not that I hold that against you. We all have our faults.
And you are worried about being called a racist?
The way to avoid being called a racist is to stop being one. Not foolproof, but it does help.
John Henry
And you are scared of being called a racist for attending a Trump rally?
Voter Turn out is a Trump specialty. He alone can send the right redneck signals to the boondocks. Just like Paul Revere did the night the country dumb farm boys of Massachusetts grabbed their guns and assembled at North Bridge in Concord. He sent them the message that the Red Coats are coming out of Boston to capture their leaders and their guns and ammunition. Sounds like the way the Hong Kong citizens are turning out.
I would have been intimidated because I would have known I could be called a racist.
John Henry: That's not funny!
The Drudge headline yesterday was that Fauxcahontas was gaining ground on PDJJT and that New Hampshirites were losing faith in PDJT.
The evidence? The massive crowd at a Warren rally. Why, she had at least 750 people there. Some estimates as high as 8-900.
Then PDJT blows into town and out draws Elton John with 20,000 or so people showing up.
Warren's excuse? "My appeal is more selective" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZ6JxAgmxXg
Personal note, I am glad to see my alma mater (MS, '04) and former employer (82-11) getting some notice.
Go Penmen!! Penmen are the sports team name. SNHU is a serious school. Except for the Ed School which is the same as all Ed schools.
John Henry
Blogger madAsHell said...
Jagger had better music, but they both know how to work a crowd.
I thought they had the same music? Just more of it at the Stones concert.
And both of them are in fantastic shape to be physically able to do what they do. (Trump a youngster at 71 to Jagger's 77)
John Henry
Heard this the other day: Chinaman and American were discussing who had the better government
American: In American we can criticize our leader without fear of physical retribution.
Chinaman: In China we can praise our leader without fear of physical restribution.
John Henry
Mathematicians and other scientists challenge Darwin's theory.
Maybe if they were mathematical biologists.
Based on new evidence and knowledge that functioning proteins are extremely rare,
Whoops. The prions could not be reached for comment. Nor CWD deer or BSE cows.
Mathematicians and other scientists challenge Darwin's theory.
Oopsy. No mathematicians and no scientists, unless you include computer science, which I don't since it's engineering; just some religious nuts.
All from Wiki:
David Berlinski (born 1942) is an American author and academic who opposes the scientific consensus on evolution. He is a senior fellow of the Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture.
David Hillel Gelernter (born March 5, 1955)[1] is an American artist, writer, and professor of computer science at Yale University. He is a former national fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and senior fellow in Jewish thought at the Shalem Center, and sat on the National Endowment for the Arts.
Stephen C. Meyer (born 1958) is an American advocate of the pseudoscientific principle of intelligent design. He helped found the Center for Science and Culture (CSC) of the Discovery Institute (DI),[1
The "Discovery Institute" is a religious organization.
Fernandistein, I know you have heavily invested in your 'religion' but you are also wrong in this case.
I went to the Stones concert on Wednesday night.
Jagger had better music, but they both know how to work a crowd
I guess you haven't heard Trump sing the Green Acres theme song.
There is a sex trafficking ring working in greater Chicagoland. My daughter and her friends were approached each individually. I have now come to the conclusion if you want to call me racist to my face be my guest. I’d rather be a racist than supporting rapist and sex trafficker Bill Clinton.
Which is what open borders does.
This goes to the conversation yesterday do not put your morals on me because I will let it fly Vile prog supporters of Stalin Lenin Mao Pol pot Castro and Maduro.
Over 100 million dead.
This is getting old.
Blogger Kevin said...
I thought of this:
we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender... --Winston Churchill
OT but Craig Newmark sent me to a clip of Boris Johnson talking about how Churchill spoke and specifically this phrase. I had never realized what a fascinating speaker BoJo is.
One of the things he pointed out is that that phrasing is, with the exception of one word, all good, anglo-saxon crisp English. Surrender is a latinate/romance word.
I also learned about descending and ascending) tricolons, anaphora and chiasmus
All in a 6 minute clip. The BBC interviewer was wonderdful. She knew enough to just turn him loose and jump out of the way.
Then YouTube suggested this clip https://youtu.be/9ciSjn2AzN8 which is BoJo discussing his book The Churchill Factor (Portal!) at Poetry and Prose. Probably on C-Span's BookTV.
I downloaded the audio and listened last night.
Every bit as good and longer.
BoJo is a natural born US citizen, though he surrendered his citizenship a few years ago. Perhaps it can be restored and he can run for president in 2024?
Question: Would a natural born citizen, who gives up their citizenship and then re-naturalizes, still be a "natural born citizen"? If people like McCain, Cruz, Gabbard can run, why not BoJo?
Then Trump can run for British PM if the Greenland thing doesn't work out.
John Henry
Fernandistein, I know you have heavily invested in your 'religion' but you are also wrong in this case.
Blogger Kevin said...
John Henry: That's not funny!
Nope. Racism never is. The question should be "Is it factual?" Or perhaps more importantly to some "Is it true?"
I would say yest to both. You can disagree if you wish.
John Henry
The Boomer has been boomed.
Welcome to our world.
OT but Darwin's Black Box is a great read. And way more scientific than, say, Richard Dawkins.
John Henry
Churchill also said: “Short words are best, and the old words, when short, are best of all.”
How’s that for a politician using words of one syllable!
I'm not offended. I'm the third guy from the right - the knuckle dragger. Not completely evolved yet, but even I know that socialism kills. Even a dirty ape knows that much.
David Gelernter is a polymath and a professor of computer science at Yale. And what he says is very true. Darwin is approaching cult status. It's like a religion with some people. They are not open and do not believe in free speech or free inquiry. Very dangerous for science and for universities.
Gelernter said he likes many of his colleagues at Yale, that they are his friends, but when he looks at “their intellectual behavior, what they have published — and much more importantly what they tell their students — Darwinism has indeed passed beyond a scientific argument as far as they are concerned. You take your life in your hands to challenge it intellectually. They will destroy you if you challenge it.”
“Now, I haven’t been destroyed, I am not a biologist, and I don’t claim to be an authority on this topic,” Gelernter added, “but what I have seen in their behavior intellectually and at colleges across the West is nothing approaching free speech on this topic. It’s a bitter, fundamental, angry, outraged rejection [of intelligent design], which comes nowhere near scientific or intellectual discussion. I’ve seen that happen again and again.”
Gelernter acknowledges “I am attacking their religion and I don’t blame them for being all head up, it is a big issue for them.”
How does the field of biology get over Darwin? Gelernter said the outlook is bleak.
“Religion is imparted, more than anything else, by the parents to the children,” he said. “And young people are brought up as little Darwinists. Kids I see running around New Haven are all Darwinists. … The students in my class, they’re all Darwinsts. I am not hopeful.”
But in his piece for Claremont Review, Gelernter pointed out that “this is one of the most important intellectual issues of modern times, and every thinking person has the right and duty to judge for himself.”
The only hope the Dems have is for a recession, and they want it bad. I don't trust that they won't find a way to create one. Maybe we can convince them that breaking up Google, Twitter and Facebook might do it.
Yes, sure. Criticizing the three people expounding on why mathematics and other lines of science lead to a conclusion completely undermines the science. You are the best. LOL
And you think it's the other guy who is religious?
Gelernter's article is fantastic.
All those chicken choking, corncob smoking, cousin poking deplorables came down out of the backwoods hills and hollers in Appalachia and voted for me Sez Trump. Swamp creatures from the bayous and marshes crawled to the polls to cast their votes. Hermits and hobos rejoined society at the polls for one bright shining moment.
Cheesemakers in Wisconsin left their curds and whey to vote for Trump. Cattle rustlers, boondogglers, hornswogglers, small town bankers, card sharping frauds and Methodists voted for Trump.
OTOH all of the dead people in Chicago graveyards who rise up and vote for Dick Durbin in every election didn't vote for Trump. They voted 300% for Hillary in 2016. The Democrat solution to the Trump problem in 2020 will require those voters and their cousins in each state to vote 400% for whoever survives the tag team match in the Democratscurrent clown car.
I see fear trumps cruel neutrality.
Even fear of people saying mean things.
So.... not neutral at all.
And still everyone beats Trump in head-to-head polls.
In Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, North Carolina?
Or just according to some useless, nationwide poll when no nominee has been selected?
I bet Gelerntner is wrong about natural selection, but he is right about Darwinism becoming a religion in some places. Look at the reaction to the very suggestion over at Coyne's blog: “out blasphemer”.
"Althouse - what is the origon of that drawing? I've seen it in so many forms (real and as parody) throughout my life but I'm unsure of its origin. I don't even know what it's titled."
There's "March of Progress" that shows the evolution of man from lower primates, but I wanted the one that showed man evolving from fish, where you see the fish walking out of the water. The closest thing I could find was this drawing I've embedded, but I didn't see any info about it. Like you, I feel that I've seen it a lot over the years!
he is right about Darwinism becoming a religion in some places.
Darwin is a catch phrase-like term for stuff that a lot of people don't understand. Mostly, it's religion on both sides.
Genetics is taking huge strides the past 50 years, Darwin was very important in 1859,
The only legitimate argument today is whether the creator of the complexity we are was Himself evolved from a long line of creators.
Skeptical voter, you left out cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, and shit-kickers.
I identify as a wetlands lizard, occasionally putting my snout out of the primordial ooze.
I am an ancient creature, unchanged in any important regard from my esteemed ancestors.
So the picture seems quite suitable. I'm one of those characters on the left.
In the end, when all else fails, you do have to listen to your lizard brain.
Best to listen to it the first time.
I never went to school past high school, so, the only thing that I know about Darwin, is that he evidently sponsored a yearly award called the Darwin Award. Maybe you've heard about it.
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I bet Gelerntner is wrong about natural selection, but he is right about Darwinism
"Drawinism" isn't even "a thing" in the modern world.
becoming a religion in some places. Look at the reaction to the very suggestion over at Coyne's blog: “out blasphemer”.
I looked and google says you're wrong:
No results found for "out blasphemer" site:whyevolutionistrue.wordpress.com
That would include all his commenters, too.
Ken B, you've made up phony quotes about Coyne and I've called you on it several times, with AFAIK, no response from you. How about now?
I rather dislike Coyne's politics but I don't need to invent anything.
No course descriptions for MIT's Biology, Biological Engineering, or Computational and Systems Biology mention "Darwin", much less "Darwinism".
"Evolution" however, is all over the place.
It’s a bitter, fundamental, angry, outraged rejection [of intelligent design], which comes nowhere near scientific or intellectual discussion. I’ve seen that happen again and again.”
But, in fact, “intelligent design” is the most the readily refutable of the alternatives to Darwin’s theories, mostly by looking for examples of very poor “design” of various organisms. Human wisdom teeth, for instance. Then there’s the panda’s thumb (the title of a book by the late Stephen Jay Gould). Pandas eat bamboo, and need the ability to use their front paws for grasping. An intelligent designer would create the thumb the same way she did for primates; by modifying the first finger so that it can cross the palm of the hand. But the panda’s thumb is not a modified finger, it’s made from a modified wrist bone, and it’s nowhere near as efficient. Those are two examples — it’s not as though they’re the only two.
I chuckle because the alternative theory that cannot be refuted is Creationism. Once you postulate an omnipotent God who can change anything at any time for any reason then how do you refute it? An omnipotent God could see to it that results of any test that might refute Creationism will fail. The problem with Creationism is not that it can be refuted, it’s that it has no value as theory — how do you make any predictions about what happened and what will happen in the future.
"Evolution" however, is all over the place."
Quite. You are arguing about words, which is silly.
Gelerntners point is that what we know about how evolution works (and it does work) does not explain the rate of change that must have occurred over the last 800 million years or so, to produce the present state of nature. There is likely something else going on that we don't yet understand.
If you want a divine argument, consider a God (omnipotent and omniscient of course) that "directs" evolution into a much faster pace and on particular paths, by adjusting the odds of all the little probabilities, all the throws of the dice of life, that determine what creature with what characteristics lives to reproduce.
Or if you like, if you are inclined to see the universe as a simulation maintained by some, well, God, really, playing with algorithms and randomization functions, then the same thing.
I'm looking forward to more Joe Biden moments like this:
"Stand up, Chuck and be recognized!"
Chuck is a paraplegic.
You are a fool and a hypocrite. You are doing the trick of playing dumb to pretend to be smart. Yet you yourself paraphrase and characterize all the time. Go Chuck yourself.
Cite where Elizabeth Warren promised a “sack of gaweya” to people. Insert eye rolling emoji here.
Of course, man did not evolve from "rivers" but from the Sea. Supposedly. Why we weren't all eaten when we were fish with legs is anyone's guess.
The group of fish that we — all land vertebrates, so-called tetrapods — evolved from is known as the sarcopterygians or “lobe-finned” fish. While it's true that over the last 400 million years or so the major competing fish group, the actinopterygians or “ray-finned” fish, have mostly out-competed the sarcopterygians in their original oceanic habitat, a) that wasn't always the case, while b) even today one of our close sarcopterygian relations, the famous coelacanth, still continues to survive and swim (with gills, along with its lobe fins — fundamentally very similar to our arms and legs, unlike the “ray fins” of the actinopterygians) in the world ocean.
Getting closer to the direct line of tetrapod descent, an approach by which our ancestral sarcopterygians who did possess something much more like legs could avoid being “all eaten” by ferocious actinopterygians is suggested by the fact that our ancestors saw fit to evolve lungs, in addition to gills.
This means that so-equipped sarcopterygians could inhabit fetid pools where ordinary solely-gilled fish couldn't even breathe — then walk or slither over to the next pool — to eventually inhabit all such in the area, to the exclusion of the actinopterygians. The rest is (evolutionary) history.
I'll say it again RE: this blog...
Shark. Jumped.
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