August 28, 2019

Did Trump just call Bret Stephens a bedbug? No, you could "bring in" the infestation without being one of the bugs.

To quote the old Rolling Stones song:
To live in this town you must be tough, tough, tough, tough, tough!
You got rats on the west side
Bedbugs uptown
What a mess this town's in tatters I've been shattered
My brain's been battered, splattered all over Manhattan...


henry said...

Stephens earned all the "abuse" coming his way by overreacting. A "curb stomp" by tweet is perfect.

Darrell said...

Makes everything OK.

Phil 314 said...

I see the Presidential silly and "punching down" tweets will only escalate as we approach November of 2020.

"Are you not entertained!"

mccullough said...

Like how he capitalizes Conservative

traditionalguy said...

Insect Politics is a great distraction. And meanwhile the Queen is going to prorogue Parliament at the request of Bad Yellow Man Boris, the better to "smash out" of the European Union.

The 4Chan guys are saying the QE II has flipped sides and supports Trumpian Nationalists and not Globalists anymore. Interesting times. Long live the Queen...just long enough.

Lucid-Ideas said...

The level of bitchy, vaginal, passive-aggressive bullshit present throughout the MSM is just unbelievable to watch.

From Fredo Cuomo to Bret to Tapper I swear I have never seen a larger crowd of high school girls in worsted wool.

The twitter exchange and the letter to the provost just boggles the man that these MSM men** have penises.

Holy shit.

Bob Boyd said...

What kind of President bashes an obviously sensitive little fella who's fighting a bedbug infestation?

Dave Begley said...

Fredo and Bret should go over to the White House and beat up Trump.

GatorNavy said...

Hi Ann, More Rolling Stones, less Bret Sissy, err, I meant Stephens

Bob Boyd said...

Which came first, the bedbug or the egg?

Freder Frederson said...

And meanwhile the Queen is going to prorogue Parliament at the request of Bad Yellow Man Boris, the better to "smash out" of the European Union.

You have some inside information from Buckingham Palace? I wouldn't count on it.

Wince said...

I was under the impression Lowell George brought the Bedbugs to Fort Courage on the Stage Coach.

Michael K said...

Amusing anecdote today at Insty.

Every workers' friend Bernie, is rude to the staff of a restaurant he visited.

Senator Sanders had been in San Francisco to attend the Democratic National Committee’s summer meeting last week when he stopped by the iconic John’s Grill on Union Square, flanked by a number of his entourage.

But the owner of the 111-year-old restaurant, John Konstin, said he was less than impressed by the 77-year-old Democrat’s decorum, claiming that he was ‘rude’ to staff and declined to shake hands or pose for photos.

‘It was all very nice, except for cranky Bernie,’ Konstin told Politico. ‘He was just rude, not friendly.

Lenin did not like people in person, either.

rehajm said...

You have some inside information from Buckingham Palace? I wouldn't count on it.

I would.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

bedbugs are known KKKers.

Static Ping said...

Top Men. Absolutely Top Men.

The ironic thing about all this is I voted for Trump basically out of desperation. Trump certainly did not have the demeanor, experience, or moral fiber that I wanted for a President. However, after 2+ years of his term, it has become obvious that he's still better, in many cases far better, than 80%-90% of the "elites." Without Trump, I may never have known that so many of our best and brightest are garbage people.

daskol said...

Stephens is currently a useful idiot, just a little less useful for his self-clowning. More mockery is called for.

Laslo Spatula said...

Trump is a political Roomba.

Endlessly moving in seemingly random ways, bumping into the occasional wall or leg of furniture.

Then you open it up and realize how much crap it found in your carpet.

I am Laslo.

Fernandinande said...

To quote the old Rolling Stones song:

My version of "Shattered" is vocal-free.

Fernandinande said...

"My version" = the Stones song mixed without the vocal, not something I made.

rehajm said...

Wait what? The Queen of England doesn’t suspend law and/or procedure and/or tradition just because it will produce an outcome favored by lefties?

Mike Sylwester said...

That's our President Trump!

Anonymous said...

Lucid-Ideas: The level of bitchy, vaginal, passive-aggressive bullshit present throughout the MSM is just unbelievable to watch.

From Fredo Cuomo to Bret to Tapper I swear I have never seen a larger crowd of high school girls in worsted wool.

Lol. Ain't it the truth?

I was asking myself this just the other day: when did our "journalist" class become completely taken over by stupid, bitchy adolescent girls (of both sexes)? Did it happen so gradually it was easy to miss along the way, or was there a rapid take-over at some point? Was it always like this, or has there just been some relentless, grinding, deliberate selection against normal males in this business? Or maybe once the "mean girls" hit a certain critical percentage, the professional (or rather "professional") atmosphere became so repulsive to normal men that they took themselves out of the pool of potential employees.

I'd be embarrassed as an American if I hadn't noticed that this state of affairs isn't limited to our country. Still grotesque, though.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

out: "Louse/ lousy"
In: "Bedbug"

But unlike many words, the etymology of lousy is rather obvious and the metaphor underlying its current meaning is clear. The word comes from louse and the original meaning was “infested with lice.”

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Laslo Spatula said...
Trump is a political Roomba.

Endlessly moving in seemingly random ways, bumping into the occasional wall or leg of furniture.

Then you open it up and realize how much crap it found in your carpet.

I am Laslo.

This ^^^^^^^

Mike Sylwester said...

Bretbug Stephens about Ted Cruz

Cruz would sell his family into slavery, and he's like a serpent covered in Vaseline.

Bretbug can dish it out, but he sure can't take it.

Darrell said...

Perhaps Trump meant "pubic louse."

Clark said...

Just think of having a twitter account as a fad like, oh, having a mud wrestling pit in the back yard. Everybody is doing it. People let their hair down in the mud wrestling pit and say the darndest things. Then they have a shower, put on clean clothes, and go about their business. Stop taking the things people tweet so seriously.

jim said...

that's not a old rolling stones song, it's some of that new post 1970 crap.

Bay Area Guy said...

Maybe, we can sponsor a tearful, emotional journalistic slap fight between Fredo Cuomo and Bedbug Stephens.

Pay-per-view -- we could make millions.

Who's with me?

Bill Peschel said...

"I see the Presidential silly and "punching down" tweets will only escalate as we approach November of 2020."

It's not punching down when it's against the entirety of the media-democratic party complex, of which Bret is the Fredo of the family.

Besides, on Twitter, every tweet is equal. It occupies the same size of space and can be retweeted by anyone. Except for the totalitarianism banning and shadow-banning, it's the equivalent of the public space.

Yancey Ward said...

Freder wrote:

"You have some inside information from Buckingham Palace? I wouldn't count on it."

Guessing we won't see Freder return to this thread since the Queen did, in fact, grant Johnson's request, as she was required to do by long established custom.

tomaig said...

I thought it was "...spilling all over Manhattan."

Bob said...

Ah, well, could have been worse - - someone might have called New York Times columnist Charles Blow a "chigger."