"... they too were harassed by the cable network news chief. Carlson settled with 21st Century Fox for a reported $20M. Kelly also admitted that she was sexually harassed by Ailes. She wrote about those advances in her 2016 book Settle for More. HarperCollins reportedly paid Kelly $10M-plus for the book" (Deadline).
A nicely minimalist trailer:
Another teaser
"Things seem normal enough until they discover a mysterious old relic in the old man's house, leading to an unexpected and horrifying giant spider coming to life."
Same plot.
and busted a dam
There is nothing like a dam
Nothing in the world
There is nothing you can nam
That is anyting like a dam
BOMBSHELL... In theaters December.
Well, they got the first syllable right.
I'm waiting for the Matt Lauer movie...
The movie is sexploitative in a similar way to the things the movie is depicting.
There's a lot of sexual harassment going on in cornfields, speaking of plant sex.
Toxic stamina.
It looks like they sucked the fat out of Theron's face to make her look drawn like Kelly, and injected it in to Kidder's face to make her look puffy like Carlson.
Will the movie show how Carlson eliminated the swimsuit competition from the Miss America contest?
It will lose money. Lots.
On the other hand, my "Frankenstein in Love" will make BIG BUCKS. No politics. Nine killed. It is "The Fugitive" meets "Beauty and the Beast" with three references to the 1931 movie.
Eve invented nagging. Then the knowledge of good and evil lead to soap opera and tabloids and news entertainment in general. Adam bugged out and retired to his den.
Ailes never made anyone sniff his tainted finger in a bar, as far as you know.
The Dam Busters (1955) was really an orgasm movie.
Wasn't Carlson one of the look-up-my-dress Fox hosts.
The "harassment" was saying shit like "We should have done it twenty years ago when my junk still worked." She laughed at the time because he had been keeping her career alive after his chosen future-successor keep on trying to get rid of her because of low audience scores. But then the Lefty Murdoch boys told her to make the claims and they would make sure she'd get a big settlement--as long as they could break Ailes' contract.
Sure. Make a movie about that. Call it Fake News.
A movie about sexism by actresses who made their careers by trading on their sexuality.
I don't think many men will flock to see this unless they hear there is some hot lesbian action.
And a shower scene or two where the actresses soap off the sleaziness of their business.
You could combine the hot lesbian action with the shower scene, of course. Depends on what the director is wanting to convey.
I am Laslo.
A more interesting movie would tell the story about how Al Franken was compelled to resign from the US Senate.
The circumstances were that Alabama was conducting a special election to fill the vacancy created when Alabama's Senator Jeff Sessions resigned from the Senate in order to become the US Attorney General.
In that special election, the Republican candidate Roy Moore was accused of molesting some young women in the past. If Moore won the election despite those accusations, then the Senate Democrats intended to use those accusations to argue that he should not be allowed to occupy the Senate seat.
Therefore, the Senate Democrats could not allow Franken to remain in the Senate after he had been accused of sexual harassment. The Senate Democrats had to compel Franken to resign.
Franken did resign, but then Moore lost the special election anyway. Therefore, Fanken's resignation turned out to be unnecessary.
That is a very interesting story. Also, one of the movie's main characters would be Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, who is running as a candidate for the US President.
I feel like for $20 million dollars, plus whatever for the movie rights, plus having Nicole Kidman play me in a movie, I would accept being verbally sexually harassed by Roger Ailes.
Such an upbeat, family-friendly movie for Christmas. You will be made to care.
Megan Kelly needs the cash. She bombed.
I feel like for $20 million dollars, plus whatever for the movie rights, plus having Brie Larson play me in a movie, I would say I was sexually harassed by Roger Ailes.
I'm flexible, though. Call me.
you KNOW what would make a GREAT movie
a girl with a ponytail, walking on a treadmill, watching Fox news
Of course, once she was hot a sweaty, a shower would be right in the plotline
They should make the Human Centipede with all the Democratic Presidential candidates.
Did anyone even watch the Showtime series on Ailes, The Loudest Voice?
The trailer put me to sleep. Where is the Hillary Clinton Corruption movie?
When will Hillarywoodland get to the bottom of the unsolved crime of Seth Rich's murder?
Carlson sued Ailes for sexual harassment in 2016...
At first glance I thought, Wait. What? Ailes sexually harassed Tucker too?
Where is the Hillary Clinton Corruption movie?
The people writing the treatments keep on committing suicide.
No shut up, everyone gets mugged in dc at 3 am, without any money taken, like dan cooke at hickam afb, in the series opener of magnum.
"They should make the Human Centipede with all the Democratic Presidential candidates."
The point of the Human Centipede was that the people in the centipede did not WANT to be in the Centipede.
The Dems WANT to be in the Human Centipede, because the Human Centipede is a physical depiction of -- wait for it -- Socialism.
And -- like Socialism -- all of the Dems think they'll be at the FRONT of the centipede.
No one expects to be three stages back behind Bernie Sanders after he eats some Ben & Jerry Ice Cream.
I am Laslo.
all of the Dems think they'll be at the FRONT of the centipede.
Right. But they all know for sure that the American taxpayers will be in the BACK.
Ailes never made anyone sniff his tainted finger in a bar, as far as you know.
Made them? People were coming up asking to sniff his fingers.
what's Next?
a Scandal about a bunch of Mexican Weather Girls, that got dumped when they got old?
a Scandal about a bunch of Strippers, that got dumped when they got old?
a Scandal about a bunch of Hollywood Starlets, that got dumped when they got old?
IF you were hired, for your youthful good looks; WHY are you surprised when you're put out to pasture?
LOL you have to hand it to Hollywood. Their liberal heroes, within their own ranks, are dropping like flies in the #metoo era, and they found a way to make a movie about it that nails only conservatives.
Chutzpah, genius, or both?
At first glance I thought, Wait. What? Ailes sexually harassed Tucker too?
I reacted similarly.
Blogger Darrell said...
The "harassment" was saying shit like "We should have done it twenty years ago when my junk still worked." She laughed at the time because he had been keeping her career alive after his chosen future-successor keep on trying to get rid of her because of low audience scores.
Indeed. Defeating it's own premise, The Loudest Voice depicted Carlson being instructed by her newly hired lawyer to go back and listen to 20+ hours of secretly recorded conversations she had with Ailes to discover her harassment.
TV Guide...
In search of a properly incriminating clip, Gretchen has to listen back through all her audio. This tedious and re-traumatizing exercise is made palatable for television via montage scenes of an earbuds-donning Gretchen going about her daily life. Jogging, traveling for her book tour, in the bathroom preparing for work, drinking wine after a long day — all set to a greatest hits of Ailes' nastiest misogynist soundbites.
Rather than a perpetual "greatest hits", The Loudest Voice montage scene actually made it look like a search for a needle in a haystack with a eureka moment.
That Carlson couldn't recall one instance of harassment until she listened to hours of secret recordings at the insistence of her lawyer kinda defeats the idea that she was suffering from harassment at the time.
Dave Begley said...
On the other hand, my "Frankenstein in Love" will make BIG BUCKS. No politics. Nine killed. It is "The Fugitive" meets "Beauty and the Beast" with three references to the 1931 movie.
I KEEP TELLING YOU, they already Did that, it's called Trainspotting!
The murdoch boys used this gunk, to drive ailes to an early grave, so sky news could get orime broadcasting rights in the uk,
Showtimes viacom with its ailing ceos harem likr retinue is in no position to judge fox
Ah jay roach the director was also involved in game change, lionsgate being a judge about anything
Ailes would have preferred to resign after his death, but that wasn't possible.
Youll never guess who founded lionsgate frank guistra, the kazakh connected uranium one broker
I imagine all the D-droolers who hate Fox News show up and watch with their hands down their pants.
That Carlson couldn't recall one instance of harassment until she listened to hours of secret recordings at the insistence of her lawyer kinda defeats the idea that she was suffering from harassment at the time.
Nice payday, though.
Most of this stuff was a recognized part of the job in show business.
Ah 2020, an election year; ready the "not in-kind contribution" of movies attacking anything deemed a conservative bastion. And if anyone makes something close to a conservative movie; make sure they go to jail for campaign violations.
And they were eager collaborators with weinstein all the way.
Filed under things that will most likely never happen:
- A big budget Hollywood movie about Harvey Weinstein scandal.
- A big budget Hollywood movie about the 2012 Benghazi attack.
- A big budget Hollywood movie about the "Russia Collusion" hoax
In a way it's kind of sad too. All these stories are extremely interesting with lots of characters and moving parts, perfect for either movies or longer form TV mini-series.
You dont make a movie about keyser soyze
Im not making it up:
I thought there was a big budget movie about Benghazi attack. I expect there will be films about Weinstein, when over, and the Russia interference in the 2016 election, including interactions with Trump campaign.
Mike Sylwester said...
At first glance I thought, Wait. What? Ailes sexually harassed Tucker too?
I reacted similarly
Now that we're on the subject, how did Tucker get that sweet Fox gig?
I thought Margaret Robbie was wonderful in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.
Wow, that soundtrack wants to have an orgasm, but can't quite make it.
Carter Wood- yes, Margot Robbie was delightful as Sharon Tate. In many ways, her portrayal was really important to get that impending doom feeling. "I don't want what is going to happen to this woman to happen to her".
She really won me over.
Interesting these three American women being played by two Aussies and a South African.
"You could combine the hot lesbian action with the shower scene, of course. Depends on what the director is wanting to convey.
I am Laslo."
It's good to have the old Laslo back. I've been missing the ponytail girl monologues.
Malcolm mcdowell as rupert murdoch come on now?
Robbie is playing a fake fox producer, it struck me who devil of wall street, was a film financed through the imdb scam, which was connected to the clinton foundation
The Leftwing MSM made sure everyone knew who was the head of Fox News. Roges Ailes. Per Alinsky's rules: "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." The Left Always does this. The right never. Its extremely frustrating that conservatives will constantly hit soft. For example, we shouldn't be talking about CNN. We should be talking about "Jeff Zucker's News Network" - because that's what it is. As you might expect, Trump is only one who does this occasionally, but the Conservative Websites/writers never follow suit.
What's more disgusting Megan Kelly - or Ailes harassing Megan Kelly?
the Russia interference in the 2016 election, including interactions with Trump campaign.
Fiction of course. I see you are into leftist conspiracy theories,.
"A big budget Hollywood movie about the 2012 Benghazi attack."
It's '13 Hours'. It's directed by Michael Bay. It was pretty good.
RIP Vile Rat.
Trump administration has repeatedly reaffirmed there was interference. Fact guy at the top claims otherwise ....
And still that film was very oblique about al quedas attack which was part of a regional offensive from tunisia to afghanistan i wrote about it then.
For those who couldn't get hot over this, you can watch the trailer for "Hot Air," about a Rush Limbaugh-like personality who loses it when his mixed-race bastard suddenly appears.
Stars Steve Coogan, a Limey.
Im reminded that showtime aired a film about a fellow who had tatooed him and otherwise become a billboard for obama, and they didnt paint him. As a freak
This is now the second big budget dramatization of the sins of Roger Ailes. He does not strike me as having been the most despicable of the various big shot horndogs, but he was certainly the most recognizably conservative one. Hollywood is not dramatizing what they think they're dramatizing. The subtext of the movie is that Hollywood is a bunch of lying frauds.....The victims of Ailes are distinct from the victims of Charley Rose, Matt Lauer, et al. in that they received multi million dollar settlements and enhanced careers. If I were a woman, I'd much rather be harassed by Ailes than raped by Clinton.
Weird choice
They all knew about lauer and moonves, and weinstein and epstein, yet they chose to ignote it, new york magazine vanity fair too cite two notable examoles covered the story with a pillow
Kyle Smith panned it in NR. He's pretty reliable.
Is this the substitute for the series of ain't-we-treated-black-folk-badly films that always seem to screen every four years? Nah, just a supplement.
What's the over/under on ticket sales? I'm looking at one million.
This movie is no damn good, unless they hire Laslo as screenwriter/director.
Panned Hot Air
what was the worse thing Ailes did to these women? Did he actually lay a hand on them?
Pull down his pants ala Bill and ask them to kiss it?
Margot Robbie can spank my naked ass up and down the decks of the good ship Lollypop if she wants.
Errr, and I think the movie will be dumb, too.
Unless there really does turn out to be said shower/lesbian scenes.
Prodigal Son Kicked Back Out After Old Tweets Surface
Babylon Bee
I'm not excusing Ailes - but what exactly did he do?
Did Ailes do a Weinstein?
Where is the Harvey Weistein movie?
-with all-star cast, starring Meryl Streep.
I think the trailer needs more. No hook.
Blogger readering said...
Trump administration has repeatedly reaffirmed there was interference. Fact guy at the top claims otherwise ....
You lefties crack me up.
100k in facebook ads.
Bill Barr is coming and boy is he pissed. Meeting this week on DOJ obstruction. All the Obama sleeper agents,.
where's the Mark Halperin movie?
Newsweek wants to get people to rethink cannibalism.
Interference equals what exactly?
What did the Russians do to "interfere"?
Name it. certainly Hillary profited off of secret Ukraine Uranium deals. And she used Christopher Steels bogus paid dossier. Like that?
I have already seen a movie about blonde fetish - documentary about Alfred Hitchcock. Let's see whether the story here will be as exciting.
We're suppose to believe that these pretty women didn't use their sexuality and Roger Ailes to advance their careers, they're ruthless.
Oh no, let me save the honor of Neil Cavuto, Shep Smith, Karl Rove, and Chris Wallace!
Let Fox News die in the flames they have stoked. Hopefully Tucker and Hannity have the sense to get out of that accursed city before it's devoured by the Free Shit Army, especially as they're public enemy #1, but I find I don't honestly care. They've chosen a bed, let them lie in it. Given how thoroughly Megyn Kelly's reputation has been utterly destroyed by the Trump monster and her own chilly ineptitude at human emotion, I'm astonished anyone is dumb enough to dramatize her story. But here we are.
"I'm not excusing Ailes - but what exactly did he do?"
I think he succumb. "fail to resist pressure, temptation, or some other negative force."
I think these pretty women used and abused a fat, powerful man who otherwise wouldn't get any attention from a pretty woman.
Well theres another irony in carlsons screed was bought by harper collins, which is a division of newscorp, well not really.
rehajm said...I'm waiting for the Matt Lauer movie...
Imagine the slow-mo visual and the corresponding echoing latch sound of the remote door lock button.
Hopefully Tucker and Hannity have the sense to get out of that accursed city before it's devoured by the Free Shit Army,
Tucker has a future anywhere. His book is good and his videos are great. Hannity is no genius but he made a great bet on Trump and has been rewarded. I don't watch or listen to him except a few instances. Tucker is very smart and he is the only one one Fox I watch.
The left is trying very hard to get rid of Tucker because they recognize how effective he is. The other one who is great to watch is Bannon. Probably more effective as a shit disturber than administrator.
The left is trying very hard to get rid of Tucker because they recognize how effective he is. The other one who is great to watch is Bannon. Probably more effective as a shit disturber than administrator.
8/22/19, 12:59 PM
Tucker might not have the steel to stand against the left, particularly if he keeps living so near their wretched hives. Hannity is tailored towards a certain kind of conservative blowhard, but it's hardly a unique talent and I'm impressed he's kept his shows running this long. He can't top Rush, but then who can?
I think you're way off base on Bannon: he's best at laying intellectual foundations, but I don't think he's a particularly good rabble-rouser or administrator. He'd be great running a nationalist think tank, if anyone was willing to fund one. I'd work for him for a stipend.
Soundtrack for Laslo's shower sequence:
Laura Cox Band_Foxy Lady cover
In Hildegard Knef's autobiography she speaks about a project, secretly funded by East Germany, to make a movie condemning French behavior in Algeria. This movie was going to be made by the same people who made movies in Nazi Germany. At some point one of the actors raised the concern that they might not have the moral credibility to make such a movie. Yah think?
"Tucker is very smart and he is the only one one Fox I watch."
I like Lou Dobbs but he seems to be aging mentally, he gets so mad at the Dems which causes him to take his anger out on his guests who are trying their best to agree with him.
I like Instapundit's comment on the Ailes movie: "So soon we'll be getting a movie about Matt Lauer. Right? RIGHT??"
I don't think he's a particularly good rabble-rouser or administrator.
Administrator, I agree.
As for rabble rouser, have you seen him at the Oxford Union?
For $20 million, Al Franken can play me in a movie.
Wait...I thought we were going with racism.
I’m so confused.
Sounds like a real testicle shrinker
Job done!
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