August 29, 2019

At the Thursday Night Café...

... keep the conversation going.


rhhardin said...

Where does Comey go to get his reputation back.

Danno said...

I'd recommend Guantanamo.

Bob Boyd said...

I watched Dave Chappelle's Netflix show after influencer Ann Althouse blogged about it.
Thought it was hilarious.
His bit on guns was brilliant. He managed to explain and advocate a pro gun position while all the while seeming politically correct.

narciso said...

Chapelle is very sharp, thats why they want to unperson him

h said...

I realize that my view doesn't make anyone happy, but I see the Comey outcome as being about right.
(1) it is fairly clear in the eyes of "history" that Comey was "deepstate" in the sense that he took actions as FBI director that were explicitly intended to influence political outcomes. This makes him (in my opinion) worse than Patrick Gray (FBI) in the watergate Era.
(2) but it is also fairly clear that unprejudiced prosecutors would conclude that it was unlikely that a successful prosecution against Comey could be launched.

Drago said...

Biden decided he needed to pull a bit of a LLR Chuck-approved Da Nang Dick Blumenthal Stolen Valor schtick but happened to take it a bit too far....and by a bit too far I of course mean stark raving lunacy where Sleepy Joe bravely faced certain death and despite that, like Hillary dodging make believe sniper fire, insisted upon going into the teeth of the battle as a VP or Senator or Good Humor Man (whatever H8ters!!) to perform his courageous duty!!


narciso said...

Gray was a placeholder, mark felt was the mutinwer, he fed woodward straight from the grand jury

stevew said...

Closed the remaining quarter business today day (Aug 31 is the end of Q1 here) so I can get on my flight tomorrow to Columbus OH for the weekend stress free. Nephews wedding, all the family will be there; should be great! OSU opens against some weak ass FL team. No problem, don’t care. Will be hanging with family and relaxing. May try some new beer and food.

Bob Boyd said...

Maybe his show is a sign the cancel culture tide is turning.

Bob Boyd said...

It's very tough to watch Comey acting so smug and self-righteous when you think about the damage he has done to the FBI and to all our faith in our institutions and our democratic process. He should be burning with shame.

gilbar said...

here's a fun one!
As he campaigns for president, Joe Biden tells a moving but false war story


"This is the God's truth," Biden had said as he told the story. "My word as a Biden."

Except almost every detail in the story appears to be incorrect.

Biden visited Kunar province in 2008 as a U.S. senator, not as vice president.
The service member who performed the celebrated rescue that Biden described was a 20-year-old Army specialist, not a much older Navy captain.
And that soldier, Kyle White, never had a Silver Star, or any other medal, pinned on him by Biden.

At a White House ceremony six years after Biden's visit, White stood at attention as President Barack Obama placed a Medal of Honor, the nation's highest award for valor, around his neck.

The upshot: In the space of three minutes, Biden got the time period, the location, the heroic act, the type of medal, the military branch and the rank of the recipient wrong, as well as his own role in the ceremony.

One element of Biden's story is rooted in an actual event: In 2011, the vice president did pin a medal on a heartbroken soldier, Army Staff Sgt. Chad Workman, who didn't believe he deserved the award.

gilbar said...

WaPo: Joe Biden keeps telling the same war story — and has nearly every detail wrong

WaPo investigated. Result: He’s confusing at least two different incidents. One of them happened when Biden was a senator, not VP. It was in Afghanistan, not Iraq, as Biden sometimes claims. There was no Navy captain, rather an Army specialist. He didn’t rappel down a ravine, he climbed a hill. His comrade didn’t perish but survived. It was a Bronze Star he received, not a Silver Star. And he didn’t try to refuse the medal. That was a wholly separate incident from several years later, in 2011, in which an Army staff sergeant attempted to rescue a fellow soldier from a burning vehicle but got there moments too late to save him. Biden did pin a medal as VP on that soldier — a Bronze Star, not a Silver — and the soldier acknowledges that he did tell Biden that he didn’t want it.

So: Political license by Grandpa Joe or is he genuinely confused?

narciso said...

He should go back to video store clerk

h said...

Replying to narciso about Patrick Gray: But it was Gray that Nixon went to and said, "please agree that any investigation of watergate breakin would be a threat to national security, so you can stop any such investigation." And Gray agreed. (This is why I characterize Gray as the worst FBI head prior to Comey.) So in terms of deep-statism: yes I see your point that Mark Felt was the deep-state equivalent to Comey. But in terms of using the Federal bureaucracy and especially the investigatory arm of the FBI to achieve specific political objectives, Comey is worse than Gray, and Felt's leaking is sort of irrelevant.

wildswan said...

Maybe the whole cancel culture was a fad and the fad is passing like falling-down pants and flared pants and madras shorts and it's all ceasing to garner clicks like Russia collusion.

"Now when all the clowns that you have commissioned
Have died in battle or in vain
hat you're tired of yourself and all of your creations"

le Douanier said...

narciso said...

Possibly, but seeing the personnel involved, the bank used to route the payments bank ogarrio, he might well have thought there was a covert operation underway, this was if the breakin had succeeded, ymmv.

Bob Boyd said...

I hope so. Young people in general want to be cool. What could possibly be less cool than joining in an internet mob?

Rory said...

Biden has apparently told versions of the story that take place in Afghanistan and Iraq, and has told them as separate incidents during the same talk.

Titus said...

The Harvard students are back. The city is all u haul trucks. The students are so international. Lots of brown and black meat.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

here we go-- right on cue

Prince Andrew's legal team reportedly thinks the picture of him and Epstein accuser Virginia Giuffre is fake

Fen said...

So: Political license by Grandpa Joe or is he genuinely confused?

I can see the hyperbole angle, and politicians tell so many bold face lies that they become noseblind to it, like the Big Talker who's friends never call him on it.

But put in context with his other gaffs (forgetting Obama's name etc) and word that his campaign is limiting post-5pm exposure because loses mental focus... I think he has some senility related condition that he can no longer hide.

narciso said...

Oh really now:

Fen said...

NYC right? I heard this morning that the perps are black. I was expecting maybe African muslims, but at *first reports* they appear to be standard ghetto trash.

narciso said...

Just the third term of dinkins as far as im cincerned

Ralph L said...

it was unlikely that a successful prosecution against Comey could be launched.

It would be impossible with an all-white NW DC jury--unless the prosecutor could remind them of Comey's Oct Surprise Announcement against Herself.

narciso said...

So much of the story of watergate from max holland from geoff shepherds (who relates what renata adler revealed about sirica 25 years ago) has not been fully fleshed out

Fernandinande said...

H/T Sailer -
Everybody Knows

"As the leading targets of hate crimes, Jews are routinely being attacked in the streets of New York City. So why is no one acting like it’s a big deal?
The fact that the victims are most often outwardly identifiable, i.e., religious rather than secularized Jews, and the perpetrators who have been recorded on CCTV cameras are overwhelmingly black and Hispanic, inverts the perpetrator-victim dynamics with which most national Jewish organizations and their supporters are comfortable. A close look at these cases reveals no apparent connection to neo-Nazis, the alt-right, Donald Trump, jihadism, the BDS movement, or any other traditional cause[sic] of anti-Jewish behavior."

Michael K said...

unprejudiced prosecutors would conclude that it was unlikely that a successful prosecution against Comey could be launched.

DC jury. Not "all white." I suspect that is why the two prosecutors are out of DC and northern VA

WK said...

Too early to begin discussions of 25th amendment as it would apply to Biden?

effinayright said...

rhhardin said...
Where does Comey go to get his reputation back.
Straight to Hell.

That report doesn't just criticize him, it excoriates him for numerous acts of illegality.

If he had been indicted he would plead the Fifth and clam up. As it is, he's still yammering away, further driving home his real reputation, which is being an arrogant asshole who believed he knew better than the American electorate.

narciso said...

Sorry that was back in 2000, re felt i wonder if he realized the breakin at media pa would be his undoing,

WK said...

Why do all the articles on the Epstein jail camera failures talk about unusable “footage”. Do reporters really think Video cameras have film in them? Everything is digital and replicated or RAID protected. Odd that failures happen at most crucial times.

Fen said...

The fact that the victims are most often outwardly identifiable, i.e., religious rather than secularized Jews, and the perpetrators who have been recorded on CCTV cameras are overwhelmingly black and Hispanic, inverts the perpetrator-victim dynamics with which most national Jewish organizations and their supporters are comfortable. A close look at these cases reveals no apparent connection to neo-Nazis, the alt-right, Donald Trump, jihadism, the BDS movement, or any other traditional cause[sic] of anti-Jewish behavior."

ie. doesn't fit the NYT's 1619 narrative.

effinayright said...

Ralph L said...
it was unlikely that a successful prosecution against Comey could be launched.

It would be impossible with an all-white NW DC jury--unless the prosecutor could remind them of Comey's Oct Surprise Announcement against Herself.

Joe diGenova thinks they should indict in any case, if only to put Comey through the ordeal of a public trial that the media could not bury.

p.s. wikipedia identifies diGenova as "known for promoting conspiracy theories about the Department of Justice and the FBI."


Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Kirsten Jellybrain's $10 million dollar war chest dwindles

to 800K.

And all she got was this lousy "Jellybrains 2020" T-Shirt

not fiscally responsible, ol' Jellybrains.

narciso said...

Conceivably they could depixelate the footage like they did with the emulsion on the photograph in now way out.

narciso said...

As opposed to lawrence tribe, seth abramson or louis mensch?

Fen said...

Why do all the articles on the Epstein jail camera failures talk about unusable “footage”. Do reporters really think Video cameras have film in them? Everything is digital and replicated or RAID protected

Maybe because that makes it sound even worse. People can grimace and swallow the idea of some film mispooling and getting exposed. But the digital feed sent to a computer hard drive is somehow corrupted? Nah that smells fishy.

I think the media is in full JournoList 2.0 mode here. Not only because prominent Democrats involved with Epstein, but MSM VIPs too.

narciso said...

You read two sentences in, and you realize youre being sold a bill of goods, but that was carol leinnig, big plame booater who bought thar atory.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Trump Launches Space Command, Vows American Dominance

President Donald Trump officially opened the U.S. Space Command, a precursor to the new branch of the military, the Space Force

will that be single space, or double space?

Fen said...

Kirsten Jellybrain's $10 million dollar war chest dwindles to 800K.

I was told early on that for many of these clowns, the race was simply about being able to be introduced as "former presidential candidate..." at speaking engagements. Apparently that allows you to triple your fees. Will be curious to see who goes on the lecture circuit, who was just using the nominee process to make bank.

Danno said...

If he had been indicted he would plead the Fifth and clam up. As it is, he's still yammering away, further driving home his real reputation, which is being an arrogant asshole who believed he knew better than the American electorate.

The best thing about indicting him would be watching the legal fees suck him dry.

Fen said...

Re the article "Everybody Knows"

The author discusses black on jewish crime for 5 paragraphs without mentioning the race of the perps. But when the next example involves a Latino perp, she writes: described as “very agitated” and later identified as Hispanic.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Insty links to this yougov UK poll result showing Johnson well ahead of Corbyn (though not above 50%, of course).

What strikes me as curious is that the "Brexit Party" is way down. Does that mean the Brexit voters actually now think the Tories will do it?

Ken B said...

So, a member of the Fed openly talking about tanking the economy to get Trump. But Trump is the irresponsible one.

Ken B said...

My word as a Blasey Ford.

narciso said...

Probably, until the wets find a way to slow boris down

buwaya said...

I’m not sure that in the Brooklyn thing you are dealing with antisemitism as such, or a combination of targets of opportunity, pecking the different chicken, and perceived impunity. The targets seeming weak and unable to respond with personal or community violence.

buwaya said...

Johnson’s enemies are descendants of those who brought Maggie Thatcher down.
Very similar issues actually, and similar interests.

narciso said...

Probably its pack behavior enabled by the local authorities, thats why made the dinkins parallel.

narciso said...

Thats why pointed to the wets, heseltine till licking around nearly 30 years later, cameron was major without the clown college, you can substitute hammond for herd,

gilbar said...

it was unlikely that a successful prosecution against Comey could be launched.

That's the New Standard; isn't it?

Guildofcannonballs said...

Look, I saw the opening and took "Vag" but my heart said "say brevity you dumbass, it's fucking perfect here and now like you're Shakespear you asshole isn'ty Shakesperar good enough for you!!" but in the end I'm happy I chose Vag.

steve uhr said...

Direct hit on Mara lago? Cross your fingers

Guildofcannonballs said...

Q: What do you like?

A: Brevity.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Was about to praise (be at his feet) bu bu, decided to ... tarantiino.

Th self fulfillingness prophicies itself.


YoungHegelian said...

@Fen, BP

The fact that the victims are most often outwardly identifiable, i.e., religious rather than secularized Jews, and the perpetrators who have been recorded on CCTV cameras are overwhelmingly black and Hispanic, inverts the perpetrator-victim dynamics with which most national Jewish organizations and their supporters are comfortable. A close look at these cases reveals no apparent connection to neo-Nazis, the alt-right, Donald Trump, jihadism, the BDS movement, or any other traditional cause[sic] of anti-Jewish behavior."

I have linked multiple times in this forum to the poll that shows that the American ethnic group with the highest percentage of antisemitism is 1) American blacks & 2) American Latinos. The numbers for American blacks have not changed since 1968!

That the white Left (including liberal Jews) refuse to face up to this now ancient demographic fact is just one more aspect of their flight from social reality. Somedays, I think I oughtta write a book --- Demographics For Democrats --- just to work through all the demographic assumptions that liberals have that just ain't so.

narciso said...

Jackass doesnt realize how many people live in palm beach county or care.

Fen said...

steve uhr: Direct hit on Mara lago? Cross your fingers

Lookie, another marxist piece of shit, hoping his fellow Americans get hit by a hurricane.

Fuck you.

Seeing Red said...

Former Philip Hammond aide is FROGMARCHED out of Downing Street by police after being accused of LEAKING Brexit secrets by Boris Johnson's top adviser Dominic Cummings
EXCLUSIVE: Sonia Khan was accused of helping Hammond stop No Deal
When she denied the allegation, Cummings demanded to see her phone
After the exchange, Cummings called police and Khan was frogmarched away

mockturtle said...

Jeremy Corbyn should be exiled to Venezuela.

Kathryn51 said...

I never thought Comey et. al. would be indicted or be incarcerated. They are slimy little bastards who know how to skate through an artifully placed semi-colon in terms of anything they write down (including the bogus FISA applications).

But. . . most of them are lawyers. And lawyers are supposed to have some sort of higher ethics than merely avoiding committing a felony. comey broke a number of department rules/regulations. Not just "practices" - regulations.

The FISA OIG report will be much bigger and will condemn far more individuals who were part of the scheme to toss a duly elected President. I hope there is a group of lawyers who are getting ready to file disbarment complaints (if that is the proper term) for these pigs. Sally Yates is at the top of my list.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Turdledleigh McAsturdestness

narciso said...

I dont think they really want him, hes like ali ridriguez dinosaur of the chavez movement.

Fen said...

steve uhr: Direct hit on Mara lago? Cross your fingers

Let's list all the staff that Marxist Scum Steve hopes will take a direct hit.

The waitress raising two kids while she goes to night school.

The immigrant groundskeeper who sends half his paycheck back home to his mom.

The bellboy who trying to land his garage band a gig.

The maid who dreams of owning her own house.

Gahrie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gahrie said...

President Donald Trump officially opened the U.S. Space Command, a precursor to the new branch of the military, the Space Force

Park the nuke carriers, nuke subs and strategic bombers. Disarm the nuke missiles. Turn the Air Force back over to the Army. Primary mission ground attack and transport of troops.

Buy a bunch of Falcon 9 boosters. (Or wait and buy Elon's next system formerly called BFR) Buy some Sierra Nevada Dreamchasers or Boeing X-37s. Put some rail guns and kinetic energy weapons on them. The Navy continues to operate its smaller carriers, and Marine carriers. They finally pull through on their promise to build a shore bombardment system. (Maybe build a battleship or two?)

We take control of the orbitals, and have a clean strategic weapon system that no one can counter. If we retire the current strategic systems at the same time, it could probably be close to revenue neutral, and the needed technology is all off the shelf.

Ken B said...

So, even in drink recipes Chuck is a bullshitter.

I had Tanqueray already. I bought some fever tree tonic water. We both had the G&T.

Is it better with the expensive Fever Tree tonic than the cheap store label diet tonic? Nope. Wife and I agree.

Is Tanqueray better than Bombay Sapphire? Nope, not nearly as good. It beats Beefeater or Gordon's I will admit. I don’t use the really good gin — Botanist or Muskoka Oddity — in G&T. But Bombay beats Tanqueray easily.

So, trust Chuck in recipes as you would in politics. He's a life long bartender.

buwaya said...

Latino antisemitism is a curious thing.
I find it hard to credit.

There are exceedingly few Jews in their countries of origin - though a good number were quite prominent.

They did get a very minor part of the Ashkenazi wave of the 19th - early 20th century, but nothing like the US. As far as I know antisemitism was never a thing in those parts, until perhaps very recently. Any remnant of the old Spanish Inquisition was expunged with independence, long since inert by then anyway.

In Spain, interestingly, by that time, early 19th century, Jews were seen as a sort of romantic antique. The stuff of medieval folklore. People liked to claim descent from Jews. Also Moors and Gypsies.

I suspect US Latino antisemitism is US-born and bred, probably the same way as black antisemitism came about, through proximity, being the visible other.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Fab u lous!

There Is No ‘Gay Gene,’ Comprehensive Scientific Study Finds

narciso said...

You never go full james wolcott, hes the cat fancier that was summoning hurricanes in 2004, because jeb.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

see bonus funny meme

- Those preaching open borders are twisting Bible passages like a pretzel to support their tenuous positions

narciso said...

Oh i see what you mean:

Lewis Wetzel said...

Kathryn51 said...
. . .
But. . . most of them are lawyers. And lawyers are supposed to have some sort of higher ethics than merely avoiding committing a felony. comey broke a number of department rules/regulations. Not just "practices" - regulations.
. . .

What is the purpose of the regulations Comey violated? To insure that the details of current investigations are not leaked to the press; all FBI documents are the property of the FBI. If you leak, you damage the bond of trust that allows the FBI to enjoy extraordinary powers.
Now we know that if you are ever the subject of an FBI investigation, an agent may leak information about the investigation and what it has uncovered to the press with impunity, guilty or not likely. The FBI investigates your actions as an employee & finds out you are having an affair or that your first wife claimed that you abused her?
Public info, dude.
I will never talk to a fed w/o a lawyer. They brought this on themselves with their crappy behavior. They do not deserve the trust of the American people.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

more 'meh' at this point, but fwiw:

New report details Comey plan to ambush Trump with Moscow sex allegation

walter said...

Eppy's jail cams were with a cloth.

narciso said...

Hk authorities have started arresting dissidents

purplepenquin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mockturtle said...

I dont think they really want him

Even better! ;-)

narciso said...

Excuse the siurce, it could have been cnn:

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Privileged White Eco-Brat Makes Landfall- brace for Virtue Signalling

After two weeks at sea, climate activist Greta Thunberg makes landfall

Ralph L said...

Allow me to horn my own toot:
Ralph L said...
The gap between Buttigieg and Yang is big


Guildofcannonballs said...

Didnd't they:

How soon we forget when there's nothing else left to destroy.

It's a useless ploy.

But then, always, Satanism is and always will be limited too.

Yancey Ward said...

rhhardin asked:

"Where does Comey go to get his reputation back?"

Hillary keeps Comey's soul and reputation in the water closet so she can admire it whenever she is taking a dump.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Most of some of these heartland people would happily angrily sell their grandma for a buck, because Grandma with the land knew their weren't knowthing else to do.

Her America died.

Son is powerful enough he ight ust ill a

She will always be right to me.

Yancey Ward said...

Steve Uhr, would it be wrong of me to hope you have bowel cancer? I truly am torn.

William said...

J. Edgar gained his reputation and entrenched position with the aid and support of FDR. J. Edgar with FDR's encouragement and probably instructions did "black bag" jobs on the America Firsters and German-American Bunds. The damaging info that Hoover gained on such people and other opponents of FDR was leaked to Walter Winchell and promulgated widely. The toxic stuff Hoover discovered about Eleanor was not leaked to Winchell, but FDR was briefed about it. Joseph Lash was sent to the South Pacific after the FBI recorded his conversation with Eleanor in a hotel room and let FDR see the transcript.....That's the way it goes. If you dig up dirt on the America Firsters, you're a hero of the republic. If you dig up dirt on the First Lady, the dirt stays buried where dirt belongs. If you dig up dirt on Communists, you're a mortal threat to the freedoms we hold dear......I see parallel lines that will never meet. If Comey used such tactics against Black Panthers as he did against Crass Republicans, the heavens would weep. Also, the bet here is that he never leaked any embarassiing info on Hillary and, my God, there must be stuff on her that are beyond the imagination of the writers of the Steele dossier.

BudBrown said...

USF 23 - Wisc 22

Amadeus 48 said...

Sorry, folks. James Comey is the only person in the world who is worse than Hillary. Hillary just feasts and fattens on unearned glory. James Comey worked hard to destroy our institutions without even thinking about what he was doing. Trump’s biggest mistake so far was failing to fire him on day one.

James Comey is a psychopath without the charm feature.

Narayanan said...

The PINNER gets to tell stories of the pinning. (Pinstory)


Narayanan said...

Different minority. Still valid!?

Narayanan said...

Re Epstein *video data*
What if lenses "fogged" etc.
Unusable data chunk?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

They're doing it again.

As with the Epstein scam, they are again foisting another intentional
miscarriage upon us.
There is no way Epstein should have been allowed to die, thereby escaping
testifying, exposing co-conspirators, conviction, and just punishment.
That his death was the unfortunate result of a cascade of screw-ups is
preposterous, yet that is the official line that we are expected to believe.
Any reasonable person is then forced to reject information from what should be
a trusted government agency and venture into what is disdainfully considered
'conspiracy theories'.

Now, as with Hillary's long list of malfeasance which culminated in an
outrageous excusing of her lawlessness, we are presented with Comey's,
only to be cheated once more out of the satisfaction of justice meted out
and our officials held accountable to laws we know we ourselves could never
get away with breaking.
Any reasonable person is then forced to reject the judgement of what should
be another trusted government agency, and ponder indignantly what possible
legal alternatives may exist.

Our vaunted law enforcement/justice agencies have shown themselves to be
permeated by bad actors, and once more, we are forced to reject and mistrust
their activities.
Supposedly McCabe's situation will be up--will we see an indictment, or will
we get yet another poke in the eye? The 'average Joe', regardless of political
leanings knows in his gut he would never be cut such slack from the government,
and begins to despise the alienation.

We would prefer not to be forced away from the workings of our own present
government and pushed towards alternatives.

July 4, 2011**
"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes..."
"... and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."

Ugh. Anyone got a cigarette?

**vintage Althouse

Kevin said...

Where does Comey go to get his reputation back.

Still more concerned with his own than the FBI’s.

narciso said...

7th circus upheld firearms ban.

narciso said...


MadisonMan said...

@BudBrown, that would surprise me.

Michael K said...

I suspect US Latino antisemitism is US-born and bred, probably the same way as black antisemitism came about, through proximity, being the visible other.

Probably a similar phenomenon to the black anti-Semitism. Blacks did not set up small businesses in the ghettoes. They always were owned by Jews who, like Chinese, have a "business gene." The blacks resented it, just as blacks in east Africa resented Indians who did the same. Indonesians and Malays hated Chinese for similar reasons. The hated group now in LA, hated by the remnant of blacks still left, are the Koreans. Latinos are similar in being poorly educated and having little business sense. Early Mexican immigrants,. like the parents of my best friend in medical school, were small entrepreneurs and educated their kids. His father had a wrought iron business in east LA and 9 of his 10 kids had graduate degrees. Long before affirmative action.

alanc709 said...

In 1492, Ferdinand married Isabella, Columbus sailed west, and jews were expelled from Spain and their property confiscated. My ancestors ended up in Norway, eventually.

Marcus Bressler said...

Hunkering down here in Jupiter FL where we might take a direct hit. Got my supplies two days ago and just got some more propane canisters for my portable chef's stove for afterwards. Mike's Weather Page is great for info and goes live at 9:19 AM today on Facebook.

Y'all be safe.


Fernandinande said...

There Is No ‘Gay Gene,’ Comprehensive Scientific Study Finds

No partially reputable person ever claimed there was such a thing, and articles written by people who use stupid terminology like "gay gene" shouldn't be used as a reference.

There's a genetic component, of course, because there always is:

"They find multiple loci implicated in same-sex sexual behavior indicating that, like other behavioral traits, nonheterosexual behavior is polygenic. ... In aggregate, all tested genetic variants accounted for 8 to 25% of variation in male and female same-sex sexual behavior,"

Bruce Hayden said...

“Supposedly McCabe's situation will be up--will we see an indictment, or will
we get yet another poke in the eye? The 'average Joe', regardless of political
leanings knows in his gut he would never be cut such slack from the government,
and begins to despise the alienation.”

McCabe is the one who had better get prosecuted for signing FISA applications. Most of the rest of the DoJ and FBI people signing and verifying the contents of the FISA applications are probably going to use, as their defense, that the paperwork looked good. They were very busy, with 35k FBI and 100k DoJ employees to oversee, see and sign a lot of these FISA applications, and so have to trust the system, their subordinates, and the supporting paperwork. Essentially using the bureaucracy as their excuse. Horrible reality, but reality, none the less.

McCabe, and to a lesser extent, former DAG Sally Yates, don’t have this excuse, because they, and, in particular, he, has actual knowledge of the falsity and incompleteness of the Carter Page FISA applications. He, his attorney, Lisa Page, her boyfriend, Peter Strzok, routinely met around his $70k conference room table, starting at least in early summer of 2016, to plot out the attacks on Trump. ADAG Bruce Ohr went to DDir McCabe to set up a back channel for Steele and Simpson of Fusion GPS after the FBI was forced to essentially fire Steele for leaking. Ohr and McCabe were near peers, and that is why Ohr reached out to him, not knowing anyone well in the Counterintelligence Division, having spent most of his career in Organized Crime. McCabe, of course, put Ohr with Strzok. Moreover, McCabe (and I believe Yates) preapproved the first Carter Page FISA warrant application, which apparently caused his subordinates working on the application to cut corners. This was most likely done in order to beat NSA Dir Rogers to the FISC with his evidence of rampant abuse of FISA 702 searching by FBI contractors. It will of course, be interesting to see who in the FBI knew of the tracking of political opponents by these FBI contractors using 702 searching of NSA databases, and who authorized it. My guess is that McCabe was involved, and that is why he was trying so hard to file the first Carter Page FISA application before Adm Rogers filed his information with the same court (FISC) about the FBI having allowed those contractors unfettered, illegal, access to the NSA databases.

BTW one of the other reasons that DAG Sally Yates is implicated, is that she specifically exempted the DoJ’s National Security Division and the FBI’s National Security Branch from OIG oversight right about the time that these organizations started allowing contractors illegal FISA 702 access to those NSA databases. It was only after she was fired, and this restriction lifted from OIG, that any of the FISA abuse started to come out. Let me reiterate that. Yates specifically exempted OIG oversight over all of the employees (Strzok, Carlin, Priestap, etc), and organizations involved in Spygate, Mid Year Exam (Clinton email investigation), Crossfire Hurricane (Trump Russia collusion investigation), Title I FISA applications, Title VII FISA database searching, etc. For everything negative said about her successor, Rod Rosenstein, keep in mind that we would have none of the information that we now have about these abuses if he hadn’t removed that restriction preventing OIG oversight of the National Security organizations in DoJ and FBI almost immediately after taking over for her as DAG.

Michael K said...

Yates specifically exempted OIG oversight over all of the employees (Strzok, Carlin, Priestap, etc), and organizations involved in Spygate,

Oh yes, she should share a cell with Hillary if dreams came true,.

mockturtle said...

Marcus: YOU be safe! Let us know how you fare, OK? God bless!

Michael K said...

Hey, we found someone who is as big an asshole as Steve Uhr.

Former Canadian Prime Minister: I’m Rooting For A Direct Hurricane Hit On Mar-A-Lago

She was PM for about 5 minutes.

Narayanan said...

Twee(T)rolling across timespace continuum

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