August 23, 2019

At The Friday Night Cafe...

... say what you like.


Guildofcannonballs said...


Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

We all wish RBG a speedy recovery as well as a speedy retirement.

gilbar said...

i thought it was interesting, that this morning, they were saying
RBG was photographed returning from having some routine tests
Then, this afternoon, they were saying
RBG had successful treatment of some sort of cancer
THEN, this evening, they were saying
RBG had completed a weeks long course of Radiation, for malignant pancreatic cancer (again)
BUT! the spokeperson said that the course was complete, and that there wasn't any more cancer; that they knew about, or that they were willing to talk about

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

I'm so glad Markeis McGlockton is dead. I hope he suffered greatly.

Bay Area Guy said...

De La Salle (Concord, CA) has arguably the best high school football program in America. At half time, losing 21-14 to Florida powerhouse, St Thomas Aquinas Great game.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Blogger Guildofcannonballs said...


the Koch Brothers should have hooked up with the Vag Sisters.
Or take a cue from the Wachowski's.
New Matrix movie in the works...who's will be better?
the Wachowski Brothers or Wachowski Sisters?

Jon Ericson said...

Ted Mack.

FullMoon said...

We can rest easy now. Poor little Andrew McCabe landed a sweet job at CNN.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

missing CPS whistle blower Kathy Hall is reported safe

Over the last 48 hours the internet is abuzz with the possibility that Kathy Hall, is missing after she was supposed to take a flight to Washington DC on August 21st to speak to someone about illegal immigration and/or corruption within Child Protective Services.

Kathy was good friends and working with murdered Senator Linda Collins-Smith before her death to expose some of this corruption.

Here’s the ugly truth: most Americans who are victims of sex trafficking come from our nation’s own foster care system. It’s a deeply broken system that leaves thousands vulnerable to pimps as children and grooms them for the illegal sex trade as young adults...Most people don’t know about our nation’s foster care to sex trafficking pipeline, but the facts are sobering. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) found that “of the more than 18,500 endangered runaways reported to NCMEC in 2016, one in six were likely victims of child sex trafficking. Of those, 86 percent were in the care of social services when they went missing.

Here's what Julie K. Brown from the Miami Herald had to say about her investigation into Jeffrey Epstein...
"Many were from “disadvantaged families, single-parent homes or foster care,”

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Blogger FullMoon said...
We can rest easy now. Poor little Andrew McCabe landed a sweet job at CNN.

did "failed coup attempt" on his resume help or hinder in his hiring?

Lucien said...

Even though Isaac Chotiner won’t offer a definition, I think a racist is someone who believes: A) race is a real thing; and B) the race you belong to has something to do with the kind of person you are.

Tomcc said...

Inga...ARM: Agree completely. She's evidently a pretty tough old bird, but three weeks of radiation therapy (according to one report) would still be difficult to weather.

narciso said...

Well his leaks through peter strzok is his audition tape,

Ken B said...

That is the definition of an older word, fallen out of use: racialist. A racist is more: a racialist who thinks some races better than others.

buwaya said...

Just some random bits of opera -

Diana Damrau Queen of the Night

The "Queen of the Night" aria, with its famous staccato, is often misrepresented to a degree.

Within the context of "The Magic Flute" the Queen of the Night is mad, monstrous. The famous scene in "Amadeus" doesn't really work in context. Here they succeed - Damrau is scary, and her staccato is a release of bitterness and aggression. The YouTube segment of the Royal Opera performance is well-filmed and edited, and showcases Damrau's acting. There IS acting in opera!

Maria Callas Casta Diva

Maria Callas may be the most famous soprano in history. My great-uncle was besotted with Maria Callas, and in the 60's-70's followed her US tours, catching every performance. When I asked him what her best piece or part, he said "Norma", of course, the "Casta Diva" aria. I don't know. Maybe one had to be there. Also my taste and interest was not as fine as my great-uncles, there is no question of that, as he had an immense collection of opera records.

An advantage of YouTube is that there is an incredible selection of music, including uploads of all sorts of obscurities.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Ebben! Ne Andro Lontana - Fron "La Wally" -- our fave

no one beats Callas

Mark said...

Some (meaning a lot) of the floor shows in these song-and-dance movies from the 1930s are really bizarre.

narciso said...

Indeed that what a&e and bravo were designec for, before it became customary unreality fare, great selections

narciso said...

How about this?

buwaya said...

Carmen is the greatest opera of them all. My not well informed opinion of course.

There are dozens of performances of the famous Habanera on Youtube, some better than others.

Darrell said...

After I asked this morning at 10AM if RBG had been cremated when she died one year ago, the Dem braintrust decided to cover their asses and produce an RBG sighting. They figure Trump won't be able to put forward a replacement in his last year and they don't think normies will like that they have been lied to for a year. So when will be the best time to announce RBG has died? Early 2020? Before the conventions?

narciso said...

Boring, if they are going full chernenko theres little we can do

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

is it the Botox talking?**

Nazty Pelosi wants you to "Throw a punch, for the children"
and the only time Gaffe-Master B doesnt have a foot in his mouth
is when he's changing feet!

14 more months of this, Dems!
** Kuru? Adrenochrome withdrawal??

narciso said...

Well in the arrow first or second season there was a serum the japanese had developed on some remote islamd off the chinese coast called mirakuru, that drove people mad.

buwaya said...

Someone needs to do an opera of this time.
It would require something masterful for Trump.
The story justifies it.

And they can recycle "Nessun Dorma"!
With Trump singing it this time, the disconsolate chorus wearing pussy hats.

Its sad that the historic moment of opera has passed.
Humanity is diminished.

eddie willers said...

De La Salle (Concord, CA) has arguably the best high school football program in America.

The good people of Valdosta, Georgia beg to differ with you.

narciso said...

Yes there are grand themes,

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Someone needs to do an opera of this time.

maybe a play--Trumpus Andronicus where we all hack each other to bits

narciso said...

Which can seemingly only be carried on in grand guignol space opera like warhammers.

eddie willers said...

Being old and from Georgia, I always knew Valdosta was the home to great high school football teams.

So I looked it up: The number in (X) is the number of National Championships followed by the year achieved.

Valdosta, GA (6) 1962, 1969, 1971, 1984, 1986, 1992
Concord, CA, De La Salle (7) 1994, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003

Looks like Valdosta passed the baton to De La Salle.

narciso said...

Probably closer to coriolianos, that was witj ralphe fiennes whose family has an interestimg back story, his uncle ranulph was an sas officer and explorer, one of his grandfather was a british general back in the 30s

narciso said...

Interesting, since hes playing a spymaster in the next and possibly last bond film.

Seeing Red said...

Via Insty: When two reporters showed up at the Wisconsin governor’s office in February for a press briefing on the new administration’s proposed budget, staffers turned them away.

Although the governor’s office didn’t formally invite the reporters, they were credentialed through the Wisconsin Legislature to cover government activities. They also emailed an RSVP to the governor’s staff.

The two reporters arrived at a conference room for the budget briefing at the designated time, but the governor’s staff said they weren’t on the RSVP list.

So, what gives?

Under the First Amendment’s prohibitions against government actions that inhibit “freedom of speech” and “freedom of the press,” shouldn’t all credentialed reporters be granted access to something as routine as an elected official’s budget briefing?

That’s what the MacIver Institute for Public Policy, a free-market think tank based in Madison, Wisconsin, argues in a lawsuit filed against Gov. Tony Evers, a Democrat who assumed office in January.

MacIver Institute’s suit claims the governor violated its right to equal protection of the laws and due process under the 14th Amendment.

At a time when the Trump White House’s every dealing with the press appears to be scrutinized, a Democrat governor’s attempts to exclude a conservative-leaning news organization, even as he continues to welcome left-leaning media outlets, garner little attention....

narciso said...

Because maciver is real analysis, whereas the journal and the capitol times are fake.

StephenFearby said...

In other "civilization has come to an end" news of the day...

Res ipsa loquitur – The thing itself speaks


Single Dad Pulled Before Canadian Human Rights Commission For Asking About Age and Gender Of Babysitter

We have previously discussed some of the more controversial cases coming before Canadian human rights commissions, which enforce vague and ever-expanding rules on hate speech and class-based insults. The latest target of a complaint is Todd, a single Dad who was looking for a babysitter for his boys aged 5 and 8. When he was contacted by an applicant, he asked the applicants age and gender. He is now facing an investigation by the Alberta Human Rights Commission into whether he violated the human rights of the applicant.

Todd posted an ad for a babysitter on Kijiji, a popular classified ad site in Canada, including one from James Crynowski who claimed CPR training and experience. When asked, he said that he was “male and 28 years old.” Todd however said that his dinner plans fell through and he did not hire a babysitter. Instead, he now has a date with the the Alberta Human Rights Commission after Crynowski complained of age and gender discrimination.

This is not the first such complaint by Crynowski. He also filed against a mother of a five-year-old boy seeking “an older lady with experience.” He sought over $1000 in damages but lost the case before the Supreme Court of Canada.

Fen said...

"We all wish RBG a speedy recovery as well as a speedy retirement."

Same here. But if RGB is handicaping the Supreme Court because she doesnt want Donald Trump to pick her replacement then that sentiment goes out the window. She it's supposed to be of such sound character that she'll support the Rule of Law

She needs to retire. But I bet they will carry her corpse from the courtroom

Crazy World said...

Wow what a day, may the chips fall where they may.
Go Big Daddy President Trump and blessings RBG.

Ralph L said...

Well his leaks through peter strzok is his audition tape

Half the country leaks through Peter, so that's no resume enhancer. In the entertainment business however, strzok peter seems to do the trick.

Ralph L said...

I've sat through several bel canto operas. A little goes a very long way.

gadfly said...

@Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...
Blogger FullMoon said...
We can rest easy now. Poor little Andrew McCabe landed a sweet job at CNN.

did "failed coup attempt" on his resume help or hinder in his hiring?

An open discussion of the implications of the 25th Amendment is not a "failed coup attempt," Twisting facts don't cut it but news of the McCabe lawsuit warms my soul.

The legal details of Andrew McCabe's are win-win for the former Acting FBI Director given that Chris Wray, Associate Deputy Attorney General Scott Schools, and Jeff Sessions bolloxed the firing of McCabe. As Schools told McCabe while he was trying to accelerate the review of his termination in March 2018, “We’re making it up as we go along.” DOJ fucked up in two significant ways.

First, they didn’t get around to “firing” McCabe until 10:00 pm on March 16, 2018, after FBI clocked the final day McCabe had to put in before qualifying for retirement at 5:00 pm that same day. FBI registered that day as a full vacation day. By the time Sessions fired McCabe late at night, he claims, he was already legally retired. (Note, there’s a real tragicomic section describing Sessions’ role, including that the firing did not come with any of the official details like time of termination needed for such a firing, that are very similar to the way that Sessions himself would be fired 8 months later).

The other way they bolloxed McCabe’s firing is by demoting him on January 28, 2018. On that day, Wray gave McCabe a choice: to remain at FBI in a demoted role of his picking if ... [McCabe would lie and say] the demotion was voluntary, or remain in a lesser role of Wray’s choice if he refused to lie. Instead, McCabe took terminal leave, meaning he was no longer one of the positions that the Attorney General or Acting Attorney General could terminate directly. As McCabe described it, Sessions didn’t have the authority to fire McCabe.

Darrell said...

The Democrats are smart enough to have frozen RBG's corpse when she died last year so that they will have something to show in a coffin next year. Of course the Media is in on this. Notice how respectful of her privacy the Paparazzi has been. You would think a single image could bring $thousands, maybe six figures. No need to break a sweat for that.

Chuck said...

As Trump bumbles deeper into whatever form of dementia afflicts him, I thought of starting a new series of comments. Called "What if Obama had said what Trump just said?"

The inaugural installment, I thought, would be fittingly historic.

What if Obama had said, "Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to China..."?

But then I thought, this cannot be an original idea. Somebody must have done this already. And sure enough, they have:

Look for future installments of, "What if Obama had said what Trump just said?".

Jaq said...

These anti Trump rants remind me of the joke of why the symbol of France is a rooster. It always crows too early while up to its knees in bullshit.

stevew said...

We'll never know whether there are inherent characteristics and tendencies among the races. A person could certainly study such questions but would never be allowed to publish them or have them taken seriously. All we'll ever have is stereotypes.

52 degrees in the house upon waking this morning. Windows were open, feels a bit like fall. I love this time of year.

alanc709 said...

Chuck is obviously an expert on dementia, being both inane and insane. Obama would have sold our companies to China, not told them to look for alternatives.

Kevin said...

Obama would have sold our companies to China

At some point they’ve made enough money.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Comedy Not News! Loved it whenMcCabe was quoted (viz Byrne accusation), "The FBI doesn't do that". Gonna be a great 15 months! Sleepy Joe gonna have plenty competition in the laffathon.

J. Farmer said...


Even though Isaac Chotiner won’t offer a definition, I think a racist is someone who believes: A) race is a real thing; and B) the race you belong to has something to do with the kind of person you are.

Pretty concise, though I think it's blindingly obvious that "race is a real thing." But since I get accused of racism fairly often, I tend to have a definition on the ready, and it's "judging an individual by their race." One of the concepts that I find people have a hard time wrapping their minds around is that when you're talking about race (or populations), you're talking about groups, averages, and distributions. You're not talking about any individual person.

So, for example, the average height of an adult male in the US is about 69 inches. The average height of an adult female in the US is about 64 inches. Therefore, men are taller than women is an accurate statement. That doesn't mean that every man is taller than every woman. But men, as a group, are taller than women.

Drago said...

LLR and #StrongDemDefender Chuck: "As Trump bumbles deeper into whatever form of dementia afflicts him, ...."

Note the desperate spinning by the lefties like Chuck as Slow Joe Biden's clear mental debilitation becomes ever more apparent.

This is standard practice for our RolCon fake conservative Chuck: take whatever is the biggest democrat/lefty screwup or flaw and immediately try to transfer that onto the nearest republican/conservative.

Chuck used to try being very subtle with that tactic but now that he has been completely exposed as a typical lefty hack he has thrown caution to the wind and is allowing his Lefty Freak Flag to fly openly!!

Kevin said...

Imagine Barack’s assassinated
It's easy if you try
I had nothing to do with it
I have a strong alibi
Imagine all the people calling me President

Michelle moves back to Chicago
She takes the children too
Not right away of course
Kicking her out won’t do
Imagine all the people doing as I command

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
The Constitution makes it possible
That I might control Air Force One

— Joe Biden as Vice President

J. Farmer said...


Called "What if Obama had said what Trump just said?"

This is a fair, if banal, point. You're essentially describing the essence of partisanship. People are prone to in-group bias and will tend to judge members of the out-group by different standards. Trump Derangement Syndrome is real, as was Obama Derangement Syndrome, Bush Derangement Syndrome, and Clinton Derangement Syndrome. And for each case, the opposite phenomenon is also real.

A few examples off the top of my head are the anti-war movement, Russia, and deficit spending. Bush was basically Hitler over his Iraq bumbling, but where was the anti-war movement when Obama did a regime change war in Libya? Before 2016, views of Russia were split along partisan lines, and after 2016, they inverted. Compare talk of the deficit under Obama and now under Trump. People tend to only care about the deficit when it's the other person doing the spending. When it's their side, deficits don't matter anymore.

Andrew said...

Trump should nominate Amy Barrett to the Supreme Court as if RBG has already retired. When everyone goes nuts, he should respond, "I thought RBG retired because of health reasons! Can she please come out and let us know how she's doing?" Then he should continue with the nomination of Barrett as if RBG were gone. If RBG does make an appearance, everyone will see and hear how decrepit she is. Trump can then make comparisons of RBG to Biden as he pushes Barrett's nomination through.

Michael K said...

There are dozens of performances of the famous Habanera on Youtube, some better than others.

I have been unable to find a video of Leontine Price doing Carmen. I wore out a 33 album. Eliana Garanca has a very similar voice and is gorgeous. Price was beautiful but I did not see her when she was young.

Michael K said...

Chuck used to try being very subtle with that tactic

Chuck subtle? Pardon me sir. I must dispute that characterization.

Ralph L said...

Here's the CD (Not through The Portal). It might help if you spell it Leontyne.

Ralph L said...

'It amazes me that Leontyne Price never sang Carmen onstage, because in this recording she seems born for the role.'

Michael K said...

Sorry, Ralph. Just getting old, I guess.

Fernandinande said...

I was doing google street view at random places in Aduwa Cl Abuja, Federal Capital Territory Nigeria and about 80% of the time, if you reverse the initial view, there's a white police car following the camera vehicle.

Fernandinande said...

It's rather strange.

Fernandinande said...

In Benin City, Edo, they're followed by a black car.

A121 in Ogun State, back to being followed by a white car

In Prince Kunle Yusuf St Epe, Lagos, they're followed by a grey car, and only about 50% of the time.

Robert Cook said...

"This is a fair, if banal, point. You're essentially describing the essence of partisanship. People are prone to in-group bias and will tend to judge members of the out-group by different standards. Trump Derangement Syndrome is real, as was Obama Derangement Syndrome, Bush Derangement Syndrome, and Clinton Derangement Syndrome. And for each case, the opposite phenomenon is also real.

"A few examples off the top of my head are the anti-war movement, Russia, and deficit spending. Bush was basically Hitler over his Iraq bumbling, but where was the anti-war movement when Obama did a regime change war in Libya? Before 2016, views of Russia were split along partisan lines, and after 2016, they inverted. Compare talk of the deficit under Obama and now under Trump. People tend to only care about the deficit when it's the other person doing the spending. When it's their side, deficits don't matter anymore."

Yep. Proof that most people don't think about politics in terms of policies, actions, and outcomes, but only in terms of personalities: (s)he is my preferred choice for office/of my party, so (s)he can do no wrong, and is always brilliant and possessed of only the best intentions; or, (s)he is not my preferred choice/belongs to the opposing party, so (s)he can do only wrong, is stupid and completely evil.

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