Jewish Insider reports.
The website said it had promoted Gabbard to “make the Jews go nuts” and “trigger the kikes.” Although it did not explicitly support Gabbard’s candidacy, the site said her participation in the debate was an opportunity to “talk about Jews starting all the wars.”
1 – 200 of 216 Newer› Newest»I don't buy it. I think someone is up to political skullduggery to knock Gabbard out of contention.
Kamala Harris campaign promotes weak claim by Neo Nazis to revive her shitty campaign
Next act, they will make Nike the Super Secret Symbol of White Supremacy.
Stupid SJWs will freak out and deplatform the Woke Idiots themselves.
Revenge so sweet.
Howard level trolling.
Smells more like a Harris-Clinton hit job.
Harris' crew also said that Gabbard is a Russian spy.
If it was 4Chan, I might believe it. Daily Stormer? Doubt they could arrange 1,000 donations, let along 10's of thousands.
I had not realized until the other day that Tulsi gabbard, like McCain and Cruz, is not a "natural born citizen". She was born in American Samoa which makes her a "US National but not a US Citizen" under US law.
Like Cruz, she does have US citizenship at birth through her mother. At some point we need to get a ruling or Congress needs to pass a clarification on this whole "Natural born citizen" thing.
Someone had a great line after the debate. Something to the effect that "Gabbard is lying about being against the death penalty because she absolutely murdered Kamala Harris.
Also, Gabbard was, mostly, homeschooled. The education mafia can't permit this.
John Henry
Read this thread to understand the level of insanity on the left. This is all due to Maddow, Schit, Colbert, SNL, CNN, etc...
Everyone is a Russian stooge at this point.
I'm MAGA to my toes and supported Marianne Williams with a financial donation. Will do so again if need be. I would be horrified if she became president but would love to see her in the primaries and even as a candidate.
I liked what someone said last week about her: Something like "she is the only candidate who, if elected, is likely to name a golden retriever to a major cabinet post."
Sounds good to me. A golden retriever would have been a better SoS than either Crooked Hilary or John Kerry.
John Henry
Robert Cook said...
I don't buy it. I think someone is up to political skullduggery to knock Gabbard out of contention.
I agree with Cookie but what other Vice Presidential candidate has the resources to implement false flag ops?
Tim maguire said...
If it was 4Chan, I might believe it. Daily Stormer? Doubt they could arrange 1,000 donations, let along 10's of thousands.
My thoughts exactly. I don't have a good idea of how much legit traffic the Daily Stormer generates once you remove all the FBI agents, hate group researchers, and the tourist type visiters who just want to see the freak show from the mix, but my guess is not that many.
knowing that daily stormer is completely infiltrated by FBI, question arises - why would FBI want to tie Gabbard to white supremacy groups?
I think there is a rule. You can either be a Russian agent or a Nazi agent but I don't think you can be both. Like crossing the streams or something. So what is one now supposed to do with this claim, investigate it? Is it actionable? Does it call for resources of law enforcement? Should the President or the Attorney General do something?
I like Gabbard on the question of US military adventurism, and I don’t think I’m alone there. Still, she is running for VP or a possible cabinet position this round. In ‘Murica, you can’t win on Dove creds alone. I do wish some
Other Dems would join her stance in opposition to the US war machine tho.
"Although it did not explicitly support Gabbard’s candidacy, the site said her participation in the debate was an opportunity to “talk about Jews starting all the wars.”"
And, of course, by "Jews" they mean neo-cons and Israel. Sounds like mainstream Democrat thought these days.
I don't buy it. I think someone is up to political skullduggery to knock Gabbard out of contention.
I think you nailed it, Cookie.
The strength and influence of the Neo-Nazis tends to be greatly exaggerated. Most of those guys could not find their own ass with one hand behind them.
The left's tactics are clear- you're either a racist white nationalist or a Russian spy.
Most of those guys could not find their own ass with one hand behind them.
I dunno. I think I saw them trying. All three of them.
(eye roll)
Now it's gotten very silly, but note that ce inquiry link.
tim maguire: If it was 4Chan, I might believe it. Daily Stormer? Doubt they could arrange 1,000 donations, let along 10's of thousands.
Have to agree with tim and Cook here.
And also Nonapod @8:54: If a "notorious white supremacist and antisemitic website" hasn't been deplatformed by now, can't we assume most of its contributors are some mix of SPLC provocateurs, FBI plants, or hate-hoaxing SJWs with mental health issues?
Queen Louise used to be a big deal in Germany. She was the Prussian Queen who tried to stiffen resistance to Napoleon. Hitler praised her to the skies and urged all German women to be like Queen Louise who was very patriotic and had lots of kids. That was the end of Queen Louise. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think Queen Louise has quite the cachet among Germans after Hitler's efforts to promote her.....Storm Front, in a reverse way, can be quite the opinion leaders. I wonder what movies they recommend. I bet they're into Thor.
From nonapod:
" I don't have a good idea of how much legit traffic the Daily Stormer generates once you remove all the FBI agents, hate group researchers, and the tourist type visiters who just want to see the freak show from the mix"
Reminds me of the old joke about the makeup of the typical Aboriginal family: a husband, two wives, four to five children, a grandparent, and an anthropologist.
"The white-supremacist website The Daily Stormer will be moving its domain to the dark web after it was cut off by GoDaddy and Google, Motherboard reported Tuesday."
I think there is a corruption ring of twitter/google owner posey-hold that links HillaryRiceBowlDeepState-CNN-FBI-MSDNC together.
John Henry -
Both of Gabbards parents were American citizens by birth.
Her case is much like that of John McCain, born on US governed territory, of US parents.
These fine points matter to us colonials.
Nazis and Russians too this Gabbard must have something.
Tulsi committed the grave sin of attacking Kamala.
Robert Cook for the TKO at 8:29.
Just cause someone says it doesn't make it so.
Here's the rest of that blurb - 'tis funny what They decide to pick on:
"The site will not need to rely on a domain registrar on the dark web, and the company providing the site with web servers is hidden, so it is unclear where complaints can be sent. The move comes after GoDaddy kicked the site off its service on Sunday. The service received several complaints about hate-filled content posted on the site, including an article mocking Heather Heyer, 32, the anti-racism protester killed at Charlottesville’s white-supremacist rally over the weekend."
Antix Linux named a release after her, for some signalling reason I guess, but that kept me from trying it.
Giving names to software versions is a dumb idea anyway.
And the difference with the AP is what now:
Well, if it wasn't for neo-Nazis we wouldn't have any Nazis at all. Except for Republicans, of course, whose candidates have had the role covered since 1948.
I agree with Cook and company. I have a friend whose twitter feed I try to avoid. When I accidentally stumbled on it the other day, he was ranting and raving (literally tin foil hat territory levels of outrage) about Tulsi and Russian Bots. Obviously, The People Who Decide These Things are not happy about her attack on Harris. Doesn't she know her place?
Jewish Insider reports...
Doesn't that magazine title conjure an antisemitic trope?
'I think someone is up to political skullduggery to knock Gabbard out of contention.'
I tend to agree. There may have been a few donations from that website, but it's too good of a hook for political operatives to ignore.
Sure sounds like Kamala Harris' team at work. Or, better yet, Tulsi Gabbard's team at work to make some of us think it's Kamala Harris when everyone knows it's really Elizabeth Warren looking to get both of them at each others throats.
Why am I supposed to care? The News is becoming a joke. What the candidates stand for is irrelevant. WHo they are is irrelevant. Only WHO supports them matters.
Why doesn't anyone mention who Communist Party USA is supporting? Damn people are stupid. We have almost zero Neo-nazis and they have zero power. They're just boogie men to frighten stupid people.
Meanwhile, CPUSA is active and influencing the world. But i guess they're OK because they only want to destroy things or institute a dictatorship for "The right reasons".
BTW, the New York Times should just rename it self the "New York Liberal-Democrat". Their so-called "news" stories are just liberal propaganda or DNC talking points.
There's a Neo-Nazi and a Russian under every bed.
Cook and rcocean nailed it. They're boogeymen ginned up to scare the idiots and who cares anyway?
Everyone in the media is taking stupid pills these days.
And I really hate deplatforming the idiots, because they'll come after anyone they just don't like next.
This might need a "we love Cook" tag. He got it first.
Pure hit job on Tulsi. Certain elements of the Left like having the Neo-Nazis (or the Russians) around to use to tar their opponents by association. The skunks at the picnic.
Tulsi just got tarred.
So, who did it?
Hint: dunno, but probably not Mike Pence.
"Meanwhile, CPUSA is active and influencing the world."
Really? "Influencing the world?" I doubt it.
Paging David Duke, where have you gone?
Blogger buwaya said...
Both of Gabbards parents were American citizens by birth.
I understood that her father was not a US citizen but a US national at the time of her birth but perhaps I am wrong on that.
In any event, she does not get her citizenship by virtue of being borne in the "United States" (14th Amendment, constitutional citizenship)
She gets her citizenship because Congress passed a law making children of US citizens citizens themselves. (Statutory citizenship)
Her case is much like that of John McCain, born on US governed territory, of US parents.
McCain, born in Panama, was also not born in "The United States" regardless of the fact that he was born in a military hospital. "The United States" is clearly defined in the CFR for citizenship purposes and Panama, neither country (where McCain was born) nor Canal Zone were ever included in it. McCain, like Gabbard, like Cruz, was a statutory citizen. Not a constitutional one.
There used to be a provision for employees of the Panama Canal Company back when the US owned it. but there were some conditions attached. Not to the citizenship itself, that is always absolute. To the way it was obtained. That went away with Jimmy C.
If you bake a pie, and a child-molester likes it, does that make you a Neo-Child molester?
Uh oh, look out - McCain got mentioned. 10 points for someone bringing up he was a "War Hero". 20 points for the USS Forestall incident.
Gabbard Citizenship? No one cares. If none of the other D candidates care, you shouldn't either.
Just to be clear, other than running for presidency, there is zero difference between statutory and constitutional citizenship. Both are absolute. Neither can be taken away under any circumstances*. Even serving in the Japanese army in WWII doesn't get it taken away.
*There is an exception if fraud in obtaining naturalization can be proven. But I think that has to be within 5 years or so. (I am a bit vague, would have to go look it up)
John Henry
this is All starting to Make Sense!
I don't know if they were photoshopped or not; but i've seen pix of Tulsi in what appears to be military type garb. I've heard that she was somehow involved in trying to enforce some sort of military (martial) law. Do we really want a stormtrooper (however attractive) as our leader?
“0 points for someone bringing up he was a 'War Hero’."
What do I get for bringing up that he graduated third from the bottom of his class?
Tulsi is nobody’s Nazi. But she can join the slandered club.
Gabbards grandfather was American, her grandmother was Samoan. Son of American=American.
That is why my great-uncle, son of an American soldier of 1898 and a Spanish woman, born in Manila, was in the US Army Corps of Engineers, and was called up, to die in WWII.
Wait a second! Is Gabbard a tool of the neo-Nazis, or is she, as the Kamala Harris campaign insists, a tool of the Russians?
Blogger rcocean said...
Gabbard Citizenship? No one cares. If none of the other D candidates care, you shouldn't either.
Why not? You would be OK with a constitutionally illegitimate president?
Assuming that not being born in the US does not qualify as "natural born" under the constitution.
There are differing opinions on the meaning of "natural born". Our hostess, a constitutional law professor who should know more than me on this says natural born and citizen at birth are the same thing.
Others, who are at least as qualified to hold an opinion, disagree.
I think having a bright line, born in the USA, is helpful.
For example, had Obama been born in Kenya (WHICH HE WAS NOT!!!! IMHO) There was some question about whether he would have been a citizen at birth. It had to do with some requirements about his mother's age in 1963, IIRC. Back in the 60s and 70s, a baby born outside the US had to be registered to be a citizen. So were they a "citizen at birth"? My sister's boys were born in Germany and there was a question about one of their citizenships because she had not jumped through some hoop when he was born. They had to go through some rigamarole when, as a teenager, they moved to the US.
So yeah, I like the idea of birthright citizenship because of the clarity it brings. I liked the idea of a natural born citizen being born in the US because of the clarity it brings.
What would happen if Congress passes a retroactive law granting Arnold Schwartzenhegger citizenship at birth? Would he be a "natural born" citizen? Eligible for the presidency?
There was some speculation about this back when he was going to be the savior of California and some people thought he should run for president.
Legitimacy is a key characteristic of good govt.
You apparently disagree.
John Henry
For the record, I really liked Ted Cruz as a candidate.
I also kind of like Gabbard. Or at least she seems the best of a bad bunch.
Maybe PDJT can bring her into the cabinet. As a Democrat.
John Henry
Tulsi Gabbard is more than attractive. She is composed and intelligent in making arguments as we saw when she attacked Kamala Harris. I've seen her on a news show since then where she was being attacked for "supporting Assad" and she wiped the floor with the "reporter." She's far-left Dem with a brain which may disqualify her with her own side. If it does not, my side will have trouble with her in the future.
Wait a second! Is Gabbard a tool of the neo-Nazis, or is she, as the Kamala Harris campaign insists, a tool of the Russians?
It's both!
Re: PuertoRicoSpaceport:
Just to be clear, other than running for presidency, there is zero difference between statutory and constitutional citizenship. Both are absolute. Neither can be taken away under any circumstances*. Even serving in the Japanese army in WWII doesn't get it taken away.
I think there's a rebuttable presumption that serving in the armed forces of a power engaged in hostilities with the United States constitutes an affirmative act undertaken with the intention of relinquishing US citizenship under 8 USC 1481. That said, during WW2, Japan (like the US) was using a conscript army, so it would be a pretty weak presumption unless you had someone who applied to attend the Imperial Army Academy or the Manchurian Imperial Army Academy after 1941.
I keep going back and forth on contributing to her campaign. This is pushing me back into positive territory. She seems to be one of the few actually nice Dems running. Most are vicious, lying, POS’s. And, near the bottom of the barrel is Harris. Which is a fairly high honor, given the depravity of a number of her opponents.
I always consider the source. And I don't give a tinker's toot what The Daily Stormer says.
And since I'm not certain that the folks at The Daily Stormer can actually "think", I give even less of a flying fig about what they think.
If Ms. Gabbard survives these debates and gets on the ticket, she's likely to be a Haiwaian version of Sarah Palin. And that's not a bad thing.
America is a legal jurisdiction under organization of The Constitution, written for "the People" and "our Posterity". An unambiguous, and wholly consistent interpretation, is that Natural born citizenship is attributable to blood, not land, a citizen mother and a citizen father, excluding people (persons?) not taxed or not free.
Harris feels like an Antifa of sorts.
She'd lock-up Antifa, but after she realized they are on her side, she'd let them out of prison and give them a platform. Her personal brownshirts. I have no proof - just feelings.
I would guess the Harris campaign is the one pushing this story, and pushing it hard. She even accused Gabbard of being a Russian stooge candidate.
I have reluctantly come to the conclusion since last Wednesday that Harris is finished as a candidate. I thought she would improve as the campaign went along, but she hasn't. The response to Gabbard's attack at that debate last week shows me that Harris is both dim-witted and tone deaf. Pushing these sorts of conspiracies, and in the case of The Daily Stormer an outright exaggeration, is evidence of desperation on the part of Harris' campaign organization.
Hillary! is making preparations.
Nichevo: "I think there is a rule. You can either be a Russian agent or a Nazi agent but I don't think you can be both."
As partially noted upthread by Oso Negro, the dems have long been crossing these political attack streams.
Truman called Dewey both a Hitler AND a Stalin!!
Hillary! is making preparations.
It seems to me as far as the American public is concerned, Hillary would be about as welcome as a case of erupting anal warts. But I could be wrong. Maybe there's still love for her.
Bruce Hayden: "I keep going back and forth on contributing to her campaign. This is pushing me back into positive territory. She seems to be one of the few actually nice Dems running."
Gabbard is 97% Full Lefty and the 3% relates to foreign policy only where she aligns somewhat with populist non-interventionism.
I would guess that Gabbard got exactly zero donations from anyone with right wing political leanings. Most of her donations will have come from people who actually support her, and the rest will have come from indirectly from the campaigns of the other Democratic candidates who benefit from having her stay in the race- Biden and Sanders.
Nonapod: "It seems to me as far as the American public is concerned, Hillary would be about as welcome as a case of erupting anal warts."
The NeverTrumpers would eat it up!!
A second bite at the apple for their gal!!
I have reluctantly come to the conclusion since last Wednesday that Harris is finished as a candidate. I thought she would improve as the campaign went along, but she hasn't.
We listened to Mollie Hemingway's book on Kavanaugh driving to OC yesterday. Harris is one of the nastiest characters in the story. One account was her questioning Kavanaugh implying she had some conflict in his testimony, even saying "Are you certain about your answer?" implying a perjury trap. She had zero and dropped the subject once he had replied that, yes, he was certain.
I figured the big CA money was behind her but she seems too nasty to benefit.
I'm really curious about what seems to be some actual Tulsi Gabbard fandom among the commenters above.
Gabbard is a Democrat, who basically supports Bernie Sanders' Medicare for All plan. She favored DACA, and the House Democrats' "Keep Families Together Act." She's committed herself to a woman's "right to choose" an abortion. While she was a state legislator in Hawaii, she voted against the state's legalizing same-sex marriage, but now she apologizes for that vote. She's also for eliminating tuition at public universities. And she called the Republican tax bill out of the last Congress "a failure."
She's now a far-left socialist compared to any member of the GOP Establishment.
So I am just curious whether Gabbard's supporters here actually like her, or are they just angry at a story that put The Daily Stormer in such a dubious light?
I hope Kammy is finished as a candidate, but don't think she is. Politics goes up and down. I actually think, regrettably, she'll become Prez one day.
But politics is unpredictable. Few predicted Trump would win. Who woulda predicted that after failing in 1988, and punting in 2016, Biden would have a 50-50 shot at the Presidency in 2020?
I thought it impossible, but the current crop of Dems even makes Hillary look good. Let me see... corrupt vs crazy and corrupt. Just corrupt is kinda nice now days.
Apparently it is true that they pushed it. I just checked the site with a Tor browser. They asked for 1 dollar donations to Gabbard in April to help her to reach a donation threshold for the debates. Whether it actually made the difference, I haven't a clue.
Too funny
I agree with Robert Cook and tim maguire and everyone.
Plus, Daily Stormer is a little too on the nose, isn't it?
It seems like this notorious web site is kept around for a purpose.
"She's now a far-left socialist compared to any member of the GOP Establishment."
After years of valiant striving, Chuck manages to get one right. Gabbard is as much a statist, prog, piece of shit as any of the others. I don't applaud her for putting down Harris. I applaud the fact that two totalitarian creeps are at each other's throats. They have that whole kicky Hitler-Stalin thing going on.
As mentioned up thread by others, Gabbard is young, attractive, not obviously arrogant and stupid which makes her a threat to the older Democrat Establishment types. She throws in a modicum of isolationism into her otherwise uniform Party Line to appeal to not quite insane Democrats and independents. The Party has already decided who is acceptable to be the nominee and it's not her.
Yep Chuck is right about Tulsi. In fact, every Dem candidate is far left even the retard Biden. Every one of them will try and go full bore socialist and statist as soon as it is practical to do so.
MayBee: "I agree with Robert Cook and tim maguire and everyone.
Plus, Daily Stormer is a little too on the nose, isn't it?"
Well done.
"So I am just curious whether Gabbard's supporters here actually like her, or are they just angry at a story that put The Daily Stormer in such a dubious light?"
Sure, Chuck, they are upset that it makes The Daily Stormer look bad seeing how the commenters are all Nazis.
I think the real answer is pretty fucking obvious- Gabbard is willing to attack media and DNC anointed candidates like Harris while having no chance of actually winning the nomination herself. She is a kind of hand grenade. I wouldn't donate money to her, but if I am called by any polling organization for the primary race, I will say I support her for exactly that reason- I want her in the September debate and I hope she is on stage with Harris and Biden again.
She's also for eliminating tuition at public universities.
Back in the day, there was no tuition for state university Ph.D. programs. Admittance was extremely competitive and merit based.
I was in such a program and was paid to be a research assistant. If you did not cut it, you were eliminated, which happened to about 35% of entrants.
I do not know how it works today, but it was not a bad approach to education. The professors were all liberals and leftists, but it was okay if you kept quiet.
Chuck - Nobody cares about The Daily Stormer.
Chuck - see this is why you make a good democrat. They, like you, assume we all spend time reading The Daily Stormer. I've never heard of it until today. And funny - it is being used to smear someone who used Truth against a radical leftwing pol named Kamala.
BleachBit-and-Hammers: "Chuck - Nobody cares about The Daily Stormer"
Chuck knows that, but the daily lefty/dem/LLR-left narrative needs to be advanced and LLR Chuck is always Johnny on the Spot when it comes to advancing those narratives.
But only every single day.
Chuck @11:00
Tulsi is the first candidate in decades to talk openly and intelligently about the real costs and consequences of American empire.
I believe she's being sh!t-bombed by the MSM and others because any such discussion is a real threat to some powerful profit margins.
Based on Robert Cook's comments, and the Leftist Collectivist standards of proof, Robert Cook is a Nazi.
Tulsi did her homework regarding Kamala.
This will not be tolerated.
Yancey Ward said...
I think the real answer is pretty fucking obvious- Gabbard is willing to attack media and DNC anointed candidates like Harris while having no chance of actually winning the nomination herself. She is a kind of hand grenade. I wouldn't donate money to her, but if I am called by any polling organization for the primary race, I will say I support her for exactly that reason- I want her in the September debate and I hope she is on stage with Harris and Biden again.
So minus the part about "the kikes," you're pretty much aligned with the Daily Stormers, right?
Michael: "I believe she's being sh!t-bombed by the MSM and others because any such discussion is a real threat to some powerful profit margins"
The dems/left don't care about most profit margins.
Tulsi is being s***-bombed because she has exposed one of the dems/left/LLR-left approved democrats and that can never be forgiven.
Hence the immediate and viscerally passionate defense of the dems/left/LLR-left-approved candidate by the usual suspects on the dem/left/LLR-left side.
Michael said...
Chuck @11:00
Tulsi is the first candidate in decades to talk openly and intelligently about the real costs and consequences of American empire.
I believe she's being sh!t-bombed by the MSM and others because any such discussion is a real threat to some powerful profit margins.
Are you a Republican? Perhaps that's the difference between us.
Note that LLR Chuck's 11:49 comment removes any remaining doubt as to what he is all about.
Again, no surprises here.
LLR Chuck maintains his perfect 100% far-left talking point alignment.
That's how you can tell who the real republicans and/or conservatives are.
They are the ones in 100% lockstep with the farthest left political talking points.....
Personally I've got a few early bets down as to the talking points LLR Chuck will conjure up in defending Biden's 5 deferments while attacking Trump's lack of service.
Actually, we have a number of bets laid out on how LLR Chuck will go to bat for the dems in the coming months.
I expect to be able to cash in quite handsomely. My strategy is simply to assume every far left talking point can be pushed even further left and that's what I'm going with for our noted "Never Too Early To Surrender To The Dems" Vichy Republican Chuck.
Just a quick note here: some Trump voters that LLR Chuck/dems/Left have accused of being white supremacists are in Baltimore this very day helping to clean up Elijah Cummings district.
Cuz "Daily Stormer" no doubt......
Fiendishly clever on the Stormer's part. The Daily Stormer is the more fringe, crankier side of the alt-right that is pretty much devoted to anti-semitic conspiratorial thinking and a bizarre obsession with homosexuality and how to describe it in the most profane manner possible. They're good for a chuckle every now and then.
But regarding an earlier discussion about conspiracies, I'd say they basically go like this...
1) The Establishment is clearly in favor of our interventionist foreign policy
2) Gabbard has made opposition to such a foreign policy the centerpiece of her campaign
3) The Establishment has been trying to smear Gabbard for years (e.g. Assad apologist, Putin, claims she is insufficiently pro-Israel, etc.).
4) Jewish people are, in fact, over represented among the Establishment in places like law, finance, and the media. This is well attested, well documented, and there are a host of historical, cultural, and (partially) biological reasons to explain why this is. But yes, ethnic nepotism is also part of it.
5) Recognizing that #4 is true does not make it true that there is a Jewish conspiracy to control the world. But because #4 is true, people will misunderstand the cause and will be more likely to attribute it to nefarious reasons. And complicating matters further, some people do indeed conspire in secret for nefarious purposes.
She said some interesting things in a stupid way, it's true salafi militias in Syria and the Arabian peninsula have been used as proxies against Houthis and Hezbollah for instance.
In the future, one's time could more profitably be spent when soliciting LLR Chuck's opinion on any issue by simply visiting the DNC and Media Matters websites, thereby cutting out the middleman.
Drago said...
LLR Chuck maintains his perfect 100% far-left talking point alignment.
You remind me of Kevin McCarthy, who Tweeted about Rep. Justin Amash that Amash "votes more often with Nancy Pelosi than with me." It's true, that Amash doesn't always vote with McCarthy. It's a complete falsehood, that Amash ever voted more often with Pelosi. And by most measures -- certainly on federal spending -- Amash has a better conservative and certainly a better civil liberties voting record than McCarthy.
"I don't buy it. I think someone is up to political skullduggery to knock Gabbard out of contention."
Well, no. It doesn't surprise me at all that some Nazis who support Tulsi. She is associated with an isolationist foreign policy and is considered soft on Putin and Assad. For whatever reason, Nazis and alt-right cheer on Assad. I don't get it, exactly. Many support isolationism because they believe the US government sends too much American money overseas and spills too much blood at the behest of disloyal Jews, bankers and Israel, or whatever their conspiracy theory is. In that respect, they like Tulsi. It's partly why they liked Trump in 2016.
And many Nazis support far-left economic policies, so Tulsi's socialism isn't too bad for them. They just want to make sure the bulk of that spending goes to white people. Keeping America ethnically white isn't incompatible with socialism. It's a fairly coherent philosophy of big government fascism, actually.
So minus the part about "Nazis" you're pretty much aligned with the The Nation, right?
LLR Chuck is clearly distraught that a reliable lefty-aligned Representative (Amash) will soon be tossed out of office on his ear by voters in his MI district because Amash has been completely exposed as the unprincipled pro-China Trade Advantages hack and Dem policy pal that he is.
Amash is currently at about 6% approval in his own district given his complete exposure and full alignment with the dems.
What an absolutely perfect representation of a LLR Chuck approved "republican".
LLR Chuck's only regret? Amash didn't just switch to the dems years ago.
Yancey Ward: "Chuck, So minus the part about "Nazis" you're pretty much aligned with the The Nation, right?"
LLR Chuck is to the left of the The Nation....but in a good "republican-y" way....
There are differing opinions on the meaning of "natural born"....
My reasoning - no Cesarean section
'So I am just curious whether Gabbard's supporters here actually like her, or are they just angry at a story that put The Daily Stormer in such a dubious light?'
I'm David French and I approved this message.
Look, US territories are US soil. Had John McCain been born in Paris, France while his parents were on vacation, he would have been eligible to be President. This is why I never paid any attention to the Obama birth certificate stories- his mother was a US citizen who never renounced it- thus Obama was a US citizen from birth full stop. The same applies to Gabbard.
Look- there isn't a preceding step you can take on this issue anyway- the only forum for denying the presidency on basis of citizenship is at the ballot box or, after that, the certification of the elections by the House and the Senate. Courts have no jurisdiction here, nor should they.
The leftists are a one trick pony. Racist!
If they were smart they would ask Tulsi about her Krishna "church."
If she comes anywhere near the nomination I am sure we will all hear something about that group.
They are right up there with Scientology as nutters.
We value original thinking here:
4) Jewish people are, in fact, over represented among the Establishment in places like law, finance, and the media. This is well attested, well documented, and there are a host of historical, cultural, and (partially) biological reasons to explain why this is. But yes, ethnic nepotism is also part of it.
Got any real examples? (Yes yes - we know you don't like jared and Ivanka.)
Examples please.
Achilles: "The leftists are a one trick pony. Racist!"
leftists and the LLR-left.
Never forget to include the left's 5th columnists in the republican party.
BTW, for those of you who had "Qatar" as the purchaser of LLR Chuck-approved "republican consultant" Rick Wilson's soul, pick up your winnings!!
Achilles: "They are right up there with Scientology as nutters."
And the Scientology types are right up there with the NeverTrumpers.
The next time I check out Daily Stormer will be the first. Same with Mother Jones. And that shooter's rape band looks like Mexican wrestlers in drag.
So, who and how its it decided who the Democrat nominee will be? If it's a cabal, then what is the point of these debates?
So I am just curious whether Gabbard's supporters here actually like her, or are they just angry at a story that put The Daily Stormer in such a dubious light?
You know, Chuck, I was going to praise your remarks to a degree, and even discuss the point about "why Gabbard" that did not merely invoke the Operation Chaos doctrine, but you just had to drop a deuce in the punchbowl, didn't you.
I do owe you congratulations though, you have hit upon a shitposting technique which may allow you to keep on earning your side of the bet. Which I can't understand why you were paid in advance.
So tell me, was it good for you? Slipping in the part about "the kikes," I mean? Did you roll that around on your palate to savor it like that Guzzler's Gin you favor? Get a little excited?
Have you had a few already? If so, don't try to masturbate, it won't work out. But I bet you already know that.
I just can't imagine why anybody would call you a racist. Other than that you seem to be the only one here who reads, enjoys and disseminates the views expressed by the Daily Stormer.
I wish your last words on this blog may be describing the taste of the gun barrel in your mouth. If you haven't a handgun, remember, you can always pull the trigger with your toe.
Then, to echo C.S. Lewis, you will be safe in your father's house.
Got any real examples? (Yes yes - we know you don't like jared and Ivanka.)
Examples please.
Examples of Jewish over representation? Well, Jewish people are about 2% of the US population. Choose any of several metrics of achievement or merit (e.g. having a net worth over a million dollars, winning a Nobel prize, publications in prestigious technical journals, GPA, etc.), and much more often than not you will find Jewish people will make up much more than 2% of the list. The preponderance of Jewish people in Hollywood has become so well known it's a cliche at this point. One of the funniest was Who runs Hollywood? C’mon in the LA Times by Joel Stein. He later had to apologize. It's easy to notice these things without attributing nefarious motives to those involved.
stlcdr: "So, who and how its it decided who the Democrat nominee will be? If it's a cabal, then what is the point of these debates?"
It'a cabal alright, but not the most effective one. Made up of the typical dem establishment/liberal media/NeverTrumper/LLR-left types these morons have some "pull" to get things going their way but are so hapless they couldn't get Hillary over the finish line with the entirety of the law enforcement and intelligence services and executive departments attempting a frame up with full spying/surveillance conducted in coordination with multiple foreign governments and services as well as 98% of the entire lefty/LLR-left media landscape in their pockets!!!
As pointed out elsewhere, this lefty/dem/LLR-left gang that couldn't shoot straight, aligned with big tech to cut off conservative voices, represents the most hapless and moronic set of self-styled "elites" that has ever walked the planet, with the possible exception of Nero's Rome.
That does not mean they aren't dangerous however and by sheer numbers still represents a existential threat to the Republic.
The debates are simply the dems/left/LLR-left adhering to form while undermining the entire foundation beneath. It's a necessary "show" whereby these hacks believe they can still get their way while allowing the rubes to believe they are participating and making decisions.
Their arrogance and self-assured smugness tied to zero actual accomplishments (see LLR Chuck) is their biggest weakness.
I don’t get you Farmer. You hate “the establishment “. But surely Trump is the most electable anti establishment candidate. True he is not remotely as effective as he claims but at least he seems to be on your team.
just want you to know, i've enjoyed your sojourn into none Trump land; and i'll miss you when you're back
well mother jones, in small doses is good for a laugh, when you take kevin drum or clara Jeffrey (which is problematic because she slandered the Covington boys. hence the class action suit, now there are many issues with gabbard as a candidate, which I don't think i'll have to deal with, she totally discounts real Russian influences on Venezuela for instance,
It was fun to see LLR Chuck approved John Kasich on CNN this morning begging, BEGGING!, Trump to stop fighting back against Kasich's beloved dems/libs/left.
It was, in a word, wholly "unexpected".......LOL
I can't tell you how much I hope Kasich runs against Trump in the primary. Trump will simply ignore him and Kasich will garner about 1% of the republican vote while having his campaign completely funded by the LLR Chuck's-preferred far left billionaires.
That lefty cash should keep Kasich afloat all the way to the convention where Kasich will not be allowed to speak....since, you know, it will be the republican convention.
However, I suspect Kasich will be happy and much much more comfortable speaking at the democrat/socialist/antifa convention where he more rightly belongs.
I can't see how guilt-by-unwelcome-unwitting-and-unreciprocated-association could possibly sully Tiki Torch Tulsi.
So minus the part about "the kikes," you're pretty much aligned with the Daily Stormers, right?
"So, what you're saying is ... "
Chuck would fit in as a Channel 4 'interviewer.'
When even CNN is forced, belatedly, to recognize the clear lefty-ness of the Dayton shooter, you just knew it was going to be a 7 highball day for LLR Chuck.
I think we are probably only 1 or 2 more democrat/lefty/LLR-lefty meme/narrative collapses before LLR Chuck goes back to attacking the children of Trump Administration members.
bleh to Cook: "I don't buy it. I think someone is up to political skullduggery to knock Gabbard out of contention."
Well, no. It doesn't surprise me at all that some Nazis who support Tulsi.
Beside the point. Nothing new in marginal groups endorsing some candidate with policy points overlapping some of their own. The point is non-marginal interested parties making use of the marginal group to conduct a smear-by-association campaign to appeal to the morons among voters who can be manipulated by such tactics. Lacking at least amplification by those interested parties, nobody would know or care what the Daily Stormer thought about anything.
@Ken B:
I don’t get you Farmer. You hate “the establishment “. But surely Trump is the most electable anti establishment candidate. True he is not remotely as effective as he claims but at least he seems to be on your team.
I pretty much agree with everything you wrote. I voted for him in 2016, and in all likelihood I will in 2020. But you don't have to like somebody to vote for them.
if you only followed the preferred narrative, it's very easy for even good intentioned folk like Sohrab Amari, (who has eviscerated david French and max boot, like yondu's magic arrow) to recommend certain unhelpful policy choices, like firearms restrictions, even trump supporters like bill Mitchell fell into the category error,
now I don't credit stuart stevens for example with any good will, because he doesn't know any better,
same with ana Navarro, who should recognize the same red flag bearing minions that drove her from her home in Nicaragua,
But you don't have to like somebody to vote for them.
I wonder if Trump is playing off the Harry Truman playbook. HST was an unlikable nobody. He certainly did not have the right pedigree and was despised by the elites of his time. Dewey was are to beat him.
Trump is that unlikable oaf that you definitely want to have on your side.
in the guise of say private maytag, Nathan phillips, supported by sandanista propagandist Daniel sheehan, you need to know who's side you are on, and join it.
Anecdotally I've never fully seen a strong correlation between being likable and being effective. Look at Steve Jobs. He was by all accounts a very difficult and demanding person, but I doubt you'd find anyone who would claim he wasn't generally very effective at what he set out to do. Sure, he had his share of failures, but on the whole it's inarguable he was successful.
That's not to say you have to be a jerk to be effective either.
And it's also highly dependend on the endevour itself. Obviously part of getting elected in politics is being at least likable to an intended audience. But as we all know, just because a person can get elected doesn't mean they're gonna be effective at the job. They're seperate skill sets that are conflated in our system.
4) Jewish people are, in fact, over represented among the Establishment in places like law, finance, and the media."
And, what, exactly can we do about that, Farmer? Set up a quota system for Jews? That was done in the 1920's and is being done now to Asians.
Chuck: So minus the part about "the kikes," you're pretty much aligned with the Daily Stormers, right?
That's a really stupid, contemptible remark, Chuck.
You should be ashamed and apologize, but you're probably just going to justify yourself by telling teacher that Yancey started it.
Tulsi appeared on Tucker Carlson's show several times and didn't yell at him or call him a Nazi.
That means she must be a Nazi too.
BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
Wait a second! Is Gabbard a tool of the neo-Nazis, or is she, as the Kamala Harris campaign insists, a tool of the Russians?
It's both!
8/6/19, 10:18 AM
Why, it's the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact all over again!
stlcdr said...
So, who and how its it decided who the Democrat nominee will be? If it's a cabal, then what is the point of these debates?
8/6/19, 12:38 PM
Still have to give the Dem voters the semblance of a say for another election cycle or two...
Not addressing the LLR insect, I would say that there is reason to value Tulsi Gabbard's presence in the race aside from her potential to do damage to the Democratic campaign and its eventual nominee.
There are two ways to evaluate the worth of the candidates. One is on the menu of policy positions they offer, to what extent they agree or disagree with your own preferences. You may choose to vote for the one with 9 agrees and 3 disagrees as opposed to the one with 7 agrees and 5 disagrees, or you may weight them so that agreement on one point is more valuable to you than agreement on another.
The other is on the person. One individual may seem to offer greater or lesser force, drive, scope, abstract Ability, charisma, virtue, temperament, integrity, all personal traits of one or another sort. This is the football draft philosophy of "taking the best available athlete" as opposed to choosing a position player, e.g. taking a quarterback vs. running back when you already have a good QB, because the draft is weak on RBs, and you may be able to cross-train the athlete you choose, or trade him for another player, getting a better running back by trade than you could by draft.
So, Gabbard's positions are one thing (and I find them, broadly, execrable), but Gabbard the person seems to be an impressive individual to some. You may prefer the sum of Harris' positions to Gabbard's, but prefer Gabbard because Harris is not her equal in ability or character, or because you trust Gabbard to fulfil her promises whereas you do not trust Harris.
Positions aside, it does seem best to have the "best" person in the job of POTUS. Or to support them in the campaign at any rate. It is shocking to me that the D slate is so full of nobodies. Any inclination towards substance seems wildly attractive. As for positions, "the soup is never eaten as hot as it is cooked." Even President Trump, who I believe wished to do everything he said he would do, has not free reign. Nor did Obama, Bush, et al.
exiledonmainstreet: "Tulsi appeared on Tucker Carlson's show several times and didn't yell at him or call him a Nazi.
That means she must be a Nazi too."
LLR Chuck hates hates HATES Tucker Carlson!! In fact, LLR Chuck despises ANY competitors to his beloved and "brilliant" Maddow.
LLR Chuck is fully on board with the rest of the Shut Down Fox News crew.
@exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil:
And, what, exactly can we do about that, Farmer? Set up a quota system for Jews? That was done in the 1920's and is being done now to Asians.
I didn't say we should do anything about it. I described it and explained how I thought its misinterpretation leads to fringe conspiracy theories about Jewish control of the world.
The DNC is already hard at work.
I'm confused. First I hear that she's a Russian catspaw, and now she's a tool of the neo-Nazis. And of course, an apologist for Assad. I think Mockturtle is right. I posted on Instapundit recently that Rep. Gabbard is probably the least-bad option among the Democrats. There are no non-bad options, however.
Examples of Jewish over representation? Well, Jewish people are about 2% of the US population. Choose any of several metrics of achievement or merit
So maybe "we" have earned what we got. Or are you running for Handicapper-General? I'm sure you fervently oppose affirmative action for NAMs and foreigners at the expense of white people and Americans.
As for "Jewish nepotism,"
It's curious how you feel the need to single this out. Not much from you on Catholic nepotism, gay nepotism, Florida nepotism. Or on "connections" in general.
Also, if your nepot can't hack, you're busted, so, at least performance wouldn't seem to suffer, as is often alleged say with George W. Bush vs. his father.
As for my practical experience with "Jewish nepotism," one of my salient characteristics is, I am told, a wonderful voice. As a child and as an adult I have been asked if I do radio or voiceover work, or sing.
Now, my father was an advertising man, and he had a radio ad to record. I was a young sprout, but even then had been praised as above. I have also done a little theater and speech activity, and am intelligent enough to follow a script. I asked him "Dad, can I do the ad?"
"No, we use women to do boys' voices."
Well, there went my first shot at the big time. At least at earning a little pocket money and having a professional credit, an entree to this world. I daresay I would have done a good job.
Nope, no nepotism here.
Of course the plural of anecdote is not data.
I also agree with Cookie and those upthread who suspect political skullduggery from one or more of Rep. Gabbard's rivals.
Chuck @ 11.00 "She's also for eliminating tuition at public universities"
That was pretty much a finished achievement a decade ago. All they're doing now is promising to eliminate the need to actually pay for not being taught.
So maybe "we" have earned what we got. Or are you running for Handicapper-General? I'm sure you fervently oppose affirmative action for NAMs and foreigners at the expense of white people and Americans.
Well, in so much as you "earn" a high IQ, sure. I never doubted that. At a global level, the disproportion is even more stark. They are perhaps 0.2% of the global population but have one somewhere around 20% of the Nobel prizes. I don't think that's a conspiracy or a plot.
As for "Jewish nepotism,"
It's curious how you feel the need to single this out. Not much from you on Catholic nepotism, gay nepotism, Florida nepotism. Or on "connections" in general.
You put quotes around a phrase I never used. I said "ethnic nepotism." As in, common to ethnic groups. Now, are some ethnic groups more prone to nepotism than others? Sure. That doesn't make one culture better or worse than the other. Think of some common Jewish tropes: clannishness, neuroticism, frugality. Borscht belt comedians spent years telling jokes on these themes. Is it all just a made up myth? Obvious comedians are making jokes (and people are laughing) at cultural norms within their community. Stereotypes are ultimately grounded in truth.
If it's a cabal, then what is the point of these debates?
So, you don't like Shakespeare ?
NB: being a US citizen and being a Natural Born US citizen are different.
I went to the daily stormer website. I worked back to April and the claimed effort to get Tulsi on the debate stage.
It happened, and they did send a handful of small donations her way and she did qualify shortly after that effort.
The claim that they put her over the top is likely nonsense but they did add to her total number of contributors.
Why? The stated reason was simply to piss off "the Jews." They are of the opinion that "the Jews" really don't like Tulsi and the daily stormer people really, really don't like "the Jews."
They also claim that they did the same for Yang. I didn't bother finding their rationale for doing so.
"Well, no. It doesn't surprise me at all that some Nazis who support Tulsi. She is associated with an isolationist foreign policy and is considered soft on Putin and Assad. For whatever reason, Nazis and alt-right cheer on Assad. I don't get it, exactly. Many support isolationism because they believe the US government sends too much American money overseas and spills too much blood at the behest of disloyal Jews, bankers and Israel, or whatever their conspiracy theory is. In that respect, they like Tulsi. It's partly why they liked Trump in 2016.
"And many Nazis support far-left economic policies," --HA!-- "so Tulsi's socialism isn't too bad for them. They just want to make sure the bulk of that spending goes to white people. Keeping America ethnically white isn't incompatible with socialism. It's a fairly coherent philosophy of big government fascism, actually."
The NAZI's are expanding with their trolling... It's not just the Republicans now. And they certainly don't want to be forgotten in the RUSSIA hysteria.
Since we're on Nazi's. Gabbard is just the best of a bad Bunch. She's Goering - but not Gobbles, Himmler or Hitler. She dislikes Trump supporters, but she won't put us in Concentration camps. At least, not right away.
The real question: who is best for the R's to face in 2020. I keep going back and forth between Biden and Harris. The great thing about Harris is she's the real deal. We'll get an honest election if the D's nominate her. She's hard left. Anti-white. No one can say they were "fooled" into thinking she was a moderate. She'll give us Leftism up the ass, good and hard.
Biden, OTOH, is such an old fool, he'll be easy to beat on technical grounds. He'll make gaffes, he'll flub lines, he's got the creepy touchy uncle thing going. BUT he'll fool people into thinking he's "Moderate" (which he isn't). He's a "comfortable" choice for all the dumb old boomers who desperately want to vote for someone who's "Non-threatening" with D after his name.
So good and bad things for both of them.
The great thing about Harris is she's the real deal. We'll get an honest election if the D's nominate her.
Also true to a lesser degree of Warren. The anti-white stuff will be less but otherwise pure Socialism.
Orwell knew his Socialists.
“The typical Socialist is not, as tremulous old ladies imagine, a ferocious-looking working man with greasy overalls and a raucous voice. He is either a youthful snob-Bolshevik who in five years’ time will quite probably have made a wealthy marriage and been converted to Roman Catholicism; or, still more typically, a prim little man with a white-collar job, usually a secret teetotaller and often with vegetarian leanings, with a history of Nonconformity behind him, and, above all, with a social position which he has no intention of forfeiting.”
George Orwell
Aside from the Catholic thing, still true.
in other primary news...
It looks like Ilhan Omar, the congresswoman that just divorced the father of her children
(after previously divorcing her brother, who she legally married while in a 'faith' marriage with the father of her children, whom she Then legally married)
is now shacking up with her 38 year old aide and campaign strategist Tim Mynett
(who is Still married to his 55 year old wife, but they are 'separated')
Ilhan's campaign has (so far) paid $250,000 to her boy toy Tim
Just when you thought Ilhan Omar couldn't get MORE sleazy
Jews punch above their weight! Details at 11.
Look at any serious organization or profession in the country, and there are Jews contributing and participating in numbers and at levels far beyond their demographic percentages in the population. Only cranks think that's nefarious, and only cranks assume that anyone who notices is anti-Jewish.
One of the most racist friends I ever had was also a gun collector and self-described socialist. He was raised Catholic and I think has returned, but I'm not sure how that has affected his ideation otherwise.
Complex critters, us
> Biden, OTOH, is such an old fool
The fact that he is still leading in the polls shows how weak the Democratic candidates are. I don't think it is an anomaly due to name recognition, Sanders and Warren are probably as well known. Biden stands a good chance of getting the nomination.
but who represents the rank and file democrat, more diligently, I think harris comes off as charmless, whereas tulsi has a certain charisma, but for the reasons in that link, it would be impossible to vote for her,
My goodness, the misconceptions about citizenship and what it means and doesn't mean and how it is acquired are astounding. A couple of comments:
nn said:
America is a legal jurisdiction under organization of The Constitution
Can you point me to anything in the Constitution supporting that? The Constitution is about the United States of America, not America. There is no legal jurisdiction called America that I've ever heard of. Unless you mean an informal nickname for the "United States". No legal status anywhere that I know of.
An unambiguous, and wholly consistent interpretation, is that Natural born citizenship is attributable to blood, not land, a citizen mother and a citizen father
Except that the Constitution explicitly says just the opposite in 14A and there has never been any law or legal interpretation supporting what you are saying. Unless you have some references I am unaware of?
Blogger Yancey Ward said...
Look, US territories are US soil.
Got a cite for that? They may be "US soil" but in the same sense that B-3 Calle Ausubo is "John Henry soil" No bearing whatever on citizenship.
Here's a simple test for you: Suppose a Panamanian (or a German or any other non-US Citizen) had given birth in the next bed to McCain's mother? If it was US soil for citizenship, Both McCain and the other Baby would be 14A citizens. But it is not so McCain gets it from his parents, the other baby gets whatever non-US citizenship applies.
14A says All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.
So now we need a definition of "The United States" and we find it in 8 USC 1101
(36) The term "State" includes the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands of the United States, and the Commonwealth o
(38) The term "United States", except as otherwise specifically herein provided, when used in a geographical sense, means the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands of the United States, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.f the Northern Mariana Islands.
American Samoa is a "territory" of the US but it is not "the United States" for citizenship purposes and their citizens are not US Citizens, though they are US Nationals.
Balfegor said:
Blogger Balfegor said...
Re: PuertoRicoSpaceport:
Just to be clear, other than running for presidency, there is zero difference between statutory and constitutional citizenship. Both are absolute. Neither can be taken away under any circumstances*. Even serving in the Japanese army in WWII doesn't get it taken away.
I think there's a rebuttable presumption that serving in the armed forces of a power engaged in hostilities with the United States constitutes an affirmative act undertaken with the intention of relinquishing US citizenship under 8 USC 1481. That said, during WW2, Japan (like the US) was using a conscript army, so it would be a pretty weak presumption unless you had someone who applied to attend the Imperial Army Academy or the Manchurian Imperial Army Academy after 1941.
See Nishakawa v. Dulles. Nishakawa was a US born Japanese who was studying in Japan in Dec 41. He was given a choice of being interned, as other US citizens were, or serving in the Japanese army. Internment was a pretty horrible alternative.
He was deemed to have surrendered his citizenship and refused re-entry to the US after the war. The Supremes ruled that he had not intended to surrender his citizenship, that he had never lost his citizenship and restored his passport.
Seems to me that in his case he should have been tried for treason. As were "Axis Sally" (Mildred Gillars) and "Tokyo Rose" (Iva Toguri D'Aquino)
So, lots of "should bes", "common sense says" "customery" and so on but very little of looking at what the US laws, courts and Constitution have to say on citizenship.
As Buwaya, citizenship is a bigger issue to us colonials than most folks. There are a few Puerto Ricans who go to the upper 50 to give birth just so that their kids have irrevocable citizenship. My wife and I talked about it but it is unnecessary so they were born in Fajardo. Because they were born in "The United States" they are 14A US citizens and no question about them being natural born.
Congress could change the law tomorrow and take us out of the definition of the US. Congress could declare us independent. It would have no affect on anyone's citizenship. Even babies born in PR would still be citizens, being born to US citizen parents.
Afroyim V Rusk proved that we could become Puerto Rican citizens without surrendering US citizenship.
John Henry
gilbar: "Just when you thought Ilhan Omar couldn't get MORE sleazy"
Be very careful. Criticism of that sort against democrats almost always sends LLR Chuck right over the edge.
J Farmer,
Did you mean Joel Stein or Ben Stein? Perhaps both wrote similar articles. I can't imagine Ben Stein apologizing to anyone for anything he has said, thouh
Do Jews Run Hollywood? -
You Bet They Do...& What Of It?
By Ben Stein
I found the article on and I am not going to link to it. When I dropped the title into DDG for a search, I got a lot of links to national socialist websites like Stormfront.
John Henry
The Castros must be related to the Castros - Same M.O.
Mother was a La Raza activist, and Che Guevara fan, but she's of Mexican background,
curious thing, the Mexican govt took in che, after Guatemala, they sent fidel back to Cuba in 56, but when it came to imitators in the 60s, they mercilously snuffed them out, including student activists, in the 90s with the Zapatista, they sent the Airborne Troops some of whom became the Zetas,
George Orwell. What a great writer. But what an oddball.
People forget he ran off to the Spanish Civil war and joined the P.O.U.M. which was a Communist party - but not a Stalinist party. He goes off to the front to "fight fascists" but what was he actually doing? He was just killing some poor Spanish Peasant who'd gotten drafted into Franco's army.
Anyway, he goes off to the front with a bunch of rag-tag old men and young boys armed with rifles, and is put in a trench out in nowheresville and he thinks he's accomplishing something.
After doing little fighting, he's shot in throat by a sniper from 500 yards away and barely survives. He ends up in a hospital and is nearly killed because he's POUM and the Spanish Government has decided they're "Counter-revolutionaries" Orwell would later portray that the was in no danger. In fact, modern research shows he was on the "death list" and would've been shot, if he hadn't been English and hustled out of the country.
He seemed to have wised up after the experience. But you wonder how daft he had to be, to go fight in the first place!
"curious thing, the Mexican govt took in che"
That's interesting, because I've been reading a Novel by Martha Gellhorn about a bunch of Expat Communists in Mexico. Mostly American of course. But many are ex-Spanish Civil war types welcomed by Mexico.
Its funny how its almost impossible to read about Mexican politics/history in English. My local library has more books on Poland then Mexico!
Enrique Krause is a good source, Carlos Fuentes is unreadable and insufferable.
The fact that he is still leading in the polls shows how weak the Democratic candidates are. I don't think it is an anomaly due to name recognition,
That weakness is probably why Steyer got in. He may have figured he was throwing his money away. Might as well spend it on himself.
White Supremacists are a tiny, insular minority compared to the large numbers of violent crazies cheered on by the evil, corrupt, left-wing loon media: BLM, Antifa, Black Panthers, La Raza
"White Supremacists are a tiny, insular minority compared to the large numbers of violent crazies cheered on by the evil, corrupt, left-wing loon media: BLM, Antifa, Black Panthers, La Raza "
Let's compare the body counts.
The number of innocent Americans murdered by white supremacists over the last decade dwarfs those killed by Antifa + La Raza combined by far more than an order of magnitude.
Indeed, in our current decade, the number of innocent Americans killed by white supremacists in America dwarfs the number killed by Islamist terrorists too.
Well back up when he left Eton he worked in the colonial service in Burma, then segued to Paris and London during the depression, then made his way to Spain on the anarchist side, the fact he could evolve from that perspective and go on to denounce stalin at the height of his popularity is a big thing.
Drago said...
gilbar: "Just when you thought Ilhan Omar couldn't get MORE sleazy"
Be very careful. Criticism of that sort against democrats almost always sends LLR Chuck right over the edge.
For the record; I am delighted by any good ridicule of Omar. And Ocasio-Cortez. And Tlaib. I don’t like any of them; don’t support them; and I regard them as laughingstock, harmful to the national interest of their party. Which doesn’t bother me too much since I have zero interest in the success of their party.
Is that clear enough? Comprehensive enough? It should be, for any normal, sentient reader. I hope so because I won’t waste any more of my time on it. But thanks to Drago for helping me get to {#31} so handily.
"America is a legal jurisdiction under organization of The Constitution"
Can you point me to anything in the Constitution supporting that?
Cute, America is shorthand for "United States of America".
"An unambiguous, and wholly consistent interpretation, is that Natural born citizenship is attributable to blood, not land, a citizen mother and a citizen father."
Except that the Constitution explicitly says just the opposite in 14A and there has never been any law or legal interpretation supporting what you are saying. Unless you have some references I am unaware of?
It refers to "and subject to the jurisdiction thereof", which is where a progressive ambiguity arises. A strict reading of The Constitution, would be that it applies to two parties: "the People" and "our Posterity". While other "persons" are subject to statutory laws, processed in lower courts.
That said, you are correct that The Supreme Court has declared a liberal interpretation, which has created gross ambiguity, and calls for so-called "immigration reform". This can be settled with The Supreme Court offering a precise, reproducible interpretation that preserves civil rights, and by legislation that defines immigrant rights and responsibilities.
killed by white supremacists in America dwarfs the number killed by Islamist terrorists too.
Define "white supremacist". There have been mass homicides committed by leftists, certainly, but were they motivated by diversity (i.e. color judgment)? They had either political or chemical motives.
You can also find White Supremacists on the Internet attacking Gabbard's White ancestors for marrying native Samoan women.
Maybe the NSWPP is becoming more broad-minded and tolerant.
I doubt it, though.
"killed by white supremacists in America dwarfs - "
Define "white supremacist".
Not only that, but this is more of that Disingenuous Stats we covered yesterday.
More men are killed by suicide than women. Does that mean men or more suicidal than women? No, it means that men are more efficient at killing.
Likewise "killed by whites". If you look at history, from the age of Vikings to the 2nd World War, it's clear that whites are very good at killing. Just ask the Native Americans.
A better metric would be "attacked by" white supremacists or Antifa. Why aren't you using that metric? Because the stats don't support your argument?
You can also find White Supremacists on the Internet attacking Gabbard's White ancestors for marrying native Samoan women.
Link or it's just another lie.
Also, whites make up almost 2/3rds of the population. Adjust for that.
I am weary of attempts to #BlameAllWhitey for these shootings. It's not only racist, but a very very stupid idea to get whites to identify tribally. Do you WANT to make more White Supremacists? Because this is exactly how you do that.
You're poking a sleeping giant.
Since folks here seem blind to historical truths,
I guess it once again falls to me to teach some history.
White Supremacy: the belief that white people are superior to those of all other races, especially the black race, and therefore should dominate society.
--courtesy of the Oxford Dictionary
There are a lot of white folks who really do believe that America is doomed unless white people are in charge of it.
And given that definition,
the body count of killers who killed in the name of white supremacism in recent years dwarfs the body count committed by ALL the black and Hispanic militant groups combined.
The reason it's not noticeable is because they're not targeting YOU. They're targeting black churches and black gathering places and Hispanic gathering places. It's happening to someone else, not to you.
But in another sense, it IS happening to you. Because the innocent black and Hispanic folks who have been murdered are just as much Americans as you are. They are EQUAL to you in the eyes of the law.
They ARE you.
sinz52: "I guess it once again falls to me to teach some history."
I guess someone in the left had to pick up where Inga left off.
sinz52: "the body count of killers who killed in the name of white supremacism in recent years dwarfs the body count committed by ALL the black and Hispanic militant groups combined."
Strong Far Left Lawfareblog Fanboy LLR Chuck: "For the record; I am delighted by any good ridicule of Omar."
Got it...(wink wink)
The peculiar ferocity of those white people that created "white supremacy" should be evident by the speed of the conquests that created their empires, and moreso by the fact that these were the work of tiny bands, laughable numbers one would think, against the masses of their opponents. In most cases it was a thousand to one odds, or worse, with only rare exceptions. This super-human effectiveness is astonishing to consider.
But these were not normal white people. These were a peculiar sort, self selected desperados out for death or glory, and with next to no scruples. In later years the home governments tried to shackle down these restless people, but even so the colonies were full of them, down to the day of the last boat home. And beyond.
Kipling wrote the most instructive parable of the whole business, "The Man Who Would be King". Its all there, from Cortez to Clive. Five hundred years of history in that story.
And also there is Kiplings other interesting point (expounded on throughout his writing, such as "Mandalay"), that these were mainly "ordinary" people, commoners and failures, second sons and gentlemen rankers, the excess and refuse of Europe.
The lefties and LLR-left, exempified in this thread by sinzy and LLR Chuck, demonstrates conclusively the dems have no other options left to try and squeak out a victory in 2020 other than this latest iteration of their long running racism ploy.
And to think it was literally just months ago we were being assured by all the lefty and LLR-lefty usual suspects that Trump was toast.
And then one by one all of the Maddow/LLR Chuck/lefties fictions fell by the wayside....leaving our resident morons up a river without a paddle!!
It has gotten so bad for the left and LLR left that Howard was asserting the Dayton loony lefty shooter was actually a republican and LLR Chuck went all in in the All Republicans Read Der Stormer!
Too too funny.
Fen thinks it's liberals fault latent white Nationalism is waiting to boil over if they keep getting dished by the MSM. And you wonder why the @realnormals want to take you peoples guns away.
I sayed Dayton Ohio shooter is Incel woman hater deplorable, not a republican. Chuck is a republican. Drago is repbluican, therefore Chuck and Drago are bosom buds
Howard: "I sayed Dayton Ohio shooter is Incel woman hater deplorable, not a republican. Chuck is a republican. Drago is repbluican, therefore Chuck and Drago are bosom buds"
Most pathetic walkback you've offered yet, which is saying something!
And LLR-lefty Chuck is every bit as "republican" as Dick Durbin!
The Dayton shooter could not be a more down the line typical democrat if he tried.
On every single issue he raised he is in the mainstream of todays lefty/LLR-lefty team of democrats.
No one in the US is "normal" anymore.
This is the result of decades of rhetorical hammers wielded against peoples heads through every outlet of the mass media and education. The subconscious effect of this never-ending anvil chorus of hatred is various, often contradictory, but none of it is healthy.
But "deplorable" is now a valued tribal marker, much like homosexuals adopted "queer".
Things change fast, in this land of flying hammers.
BTW, did anyone else happen to catch Creepy Joe Biden on TV today?!
If he was anymore botoxed he would look like LLR Chuck's blow up Maddow doll!
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