August 6, 2019

"A neo-Nazi website took credit for Rep. Tulsi Gabbard’s (D-HI) qualification for the first two Democratic primary debates."

"The Daily Stormer, a notorious white supremacist and antisemitic website, proclaimed in April 'we did it' — after the Hawaii congresswoman reached the 65,000 donor threshold needed to participate in the first two debates."

Jewish Insider reports.
The website said it had promoted Gabbard to “make the Jews go nuts” and “trigger the kikes.” Although it did not explicitly support Gabbard’s candidacy, the site said her participation in the debate was an opportunity to “talk about Jews starting all the wars.”


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Lurker21 said...

Fen said...

Link or it's just another lie.

I'm not going to link to a White Supremacist site, so you'll have to find it for yourself.

I should have said, "one White Supremacist." I found multiple web sites carrying the article on Google yesterday. Now it's down to the original article. It may be gone from Google tomorrow.

Howard said...

Unka Joe's turning Japanese I really think so

narciso said...

He was on Spanish TV making an eel of himself

Drago said...

Howard: "Unka Joe's turning Japanese I really think so"

Awesome! That way Slow Joe could demand additional reparations for Japanese Internees from his own party!!

He's gotta make up for the lost millions in revenue no longer available by the sale of his VP office.

Drago said...

And no, I do not care that my insulting Biden will result in LLR Chuck crying in the fetal position while speed dialing one of his many therapists.

Fen said...

"Link or it's just another lie."

I'm not going to link to a White Supremacist site, so you'll have to find it for yourself.

Bullshit. You just made up shit and when called on it, clutched your pearls.

Here's a link to Stormfront. See? No lightning bolts struck.

Which means you are a liar. There's not much worse than racist White Supremacy site, but I think making up lies about fake instances of White Supremacy are close. Just like what Jussie Smollett does to REAL accusations of hate crimes. You are immunizing white supremacist nazis against legitimate accusations. Why?

Howard said...

Who's surprised Fen's got Schutzstaffel on speed dial

daskol said...

Also, Tulsi's suing Google, which they deserve, and which gives her something to bond with Tucker Carlson and Maria Bartiromo and other conservative leaning talking heads. She kills in those appearances.

daskol said...

For some reason, despite the fact that she's so unusually attractive, she has the most "regular person" appeal in the Dem field, and she sells her populism better than the others, perhaps because she does not hold most Americans in contempt. This latter fact, her lack of contempt for fellow Americans, is what truly makes her stand out.

daskol said...

She's on Maria's how this morning talking about secure borders and humane immigration that is good for Americans. Maria asks her why Congress can't close the loopholes. I wonder if she's aware that Tulsi is a Hindu, so the Catholic loophole is not a concern.

Lurker21 said...

Fen said...

Which means you are a liar.

And you are a rude Internet kook. I can't figure out what kind of kook you are yet; Nutters rant wildly but don't always reveal what kind of nut they are.

Do a web search for "Kevin Alfred Strom and Tulsi Gabbard" if you want to read the article.

Next time, maybe instead of lashing out, you could do a little research first.

Lurker21 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

sinz52: And given that definition,

the body count of killers who killed in the name of white supremacism in recent years dwarfs the body count committed by ALL the black and Hispanic militant groups combined.

The reason it's not noticeable is because they're not targeting YOU. They're targeting black churches and black gathering places and Hispanic gathering places. It's happening to someone else, not to you.

OK, sinz, then it ought to be easy for you to cough up the stats to back up this claim, so the reader can analyze the data and definitions himself. I often see variants of your claim being thrown about by internet airheads, but surely *you* are not just another airhead parrot, and have some solid stats, in which definitions of "supremacist" at least pass the laugh test.

So cough 'em up. (Even if for no other reason than that you can jolly up the morning by a link to some laughable SPLC contortions.)

Anonymous said...

Lurker21: Do a web search for "Kevin Alfred Strom and Tulsi Gabbard" if you want to read the article.

Next time, maybe instead of lashing out, you could do a little research first.

So, you don't have the goods.

I know toddlers who have a better evasive-bullshitting game than this.

Lurker21 said...

Angle-Dyne, Samurai Buzzard said...

So, you don't have the goods.

So you want me to show you how to do an Internet search?

You want me to read the article to you over the phone?

You want me to reprint it here in its entirety?

Here is an excerpt, enjoy:

"It was racially irresponsible for the Whites in Tulsi Gabbard’s family tree to intermarry and have children with Polynesians."


Probably not.

Anonymous said...



Probably not.

No, I'll accept that. I understand your reticence in not linking to basement-Nazi sites; I'd be embarrassed to do so myself.

Now we can get back to the more pertinent issue of why we're supposed to give a shit about some irrelevant marginal sub-population's thoughts on racial purity, i.e., why major propaganda organs are so hysterically invested in promoting an equally nutty belief that "white supremacy" is a significant, dangerous force in contemporary America, and so hell-bent on defining normal white citizens' pursuing their own interests (just like every other demographic group does) as "supremacist".

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