July 2, 2019

What these Washington Post headlines really mean.

"Democrats convulse over race as debate exchange reverberates."

Don't they notice the near rhymes — race... debate... reverberates? For me, they ring out and what WaPo wants me to take soooo seriously sounds carefree and silly, like the worst Dr. Seuss book ever written.

Convulse... reverberates... It's so obvious that they're desperate to generate excitement from dull material. Me, I have a very concrete mind — hey, don't put quick-drying cement in that milkshake — and the headline-writer's dead metaphors are alive. I see the candidates falling to the floor, twitching, flailing, spasming. I entertain the notion that the use of the metaphor is disrespectful to persons with epilepsy.

Anyway, the debate was last week. I think The Washington Post is straining to come up with material to fill up the front page. Look at the rest of that stuff. Would the age-old story of water shortages in India rise to the top if there was some good new bad news? The picture is a cracked dried-up lake in Chennai, India, but you know it wouldn't festoon the front page if there were any fresh mud to throw at Donald Trump.

And what's that in the top left corner? "Trump’s hard-line approach appears to soften in meetings with world leaders." The Trump news is only as bad as they can make it by referring to the past. He had a hard-line approach, but he's not using it now. "President Trump has dismissed criticism that he is failing to make big deals, arguing that his patience and relationship-building will pay off for the country." Yeah, "he is failing" — that's the best they've got, as they struggle to make the good news bad.

Under that: "Trump’s surprise meeting with Kim is over. For Pompeo, the real work has just begun." Working hard on the "he is failing" theme, they're portraying Trump's meeting with Kim as mere show, with the "real work" left to be done, but still, we can see this is good news about Trump.

Next: "Fact Checker: No, Obama didn’t beg Kim Jong Un for a meeting." I laughed out loud when I read that. The word "beg" is the obvious set-up for making Trump look bad. We all know, without reading, that Obama wanted to do something about North Korea, and he had to hand the terrible problem over to Trump. Who cares about the degree to which Trump may have misstated exactly how Obama tried to do something about North Korea as the problem worsened over his 8 years in office? This headline, in spite of itself, underscores that Trump is making progress and Obama did not. (But if you click through, you'll see that Trump gets 4 Pinocchios for saying "The Obama administration was begging for a meeting. They were begging for meetings constantly.")

Down in that lower left corner, we see the problems at our southern border continue to look ugly, but the 2 stories are about crap posted on social media. Should I click through to see who said what? Oh, there's Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the young Congresswoman, rising onto the front page again. She's looking passionate, and it seems that somebody somewhere on the internet is being mean to her. Who? I don't know. The headline is funny grammatically. There's no human being targeting her, just "posts." Yes, dear readers, posts are out there, doing their nasty work.

My conclusion is: Wow! We are living in good times! Enjoy it, my friends. This is how the newspaper looks when we're luxuriating in peace and happiness. Learn how to recognize it, because The Washington Post is not going to tell you things are good. Things are good.


henry said...

Good times, plus tanks in DC for the 4th. Works for me.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

"My conclusion is: Wow! We are living in good times! Enjoy it, my friends."

Sorry 'bout that, Chuck ole boy.

iowan2 said...

The juxtaposition of news outlets having to create hype because things are going so well. Compared to Democrat candidates telling us the world is ending, and President Trumps needs to be impeached because of his assault on norms. (but refusing to identify said norms)

The Bergall said...

It seems these days we have to go school to know how read a damn newspaper...../s

MartyH said...

Speaking of language, from the linked article about Portland ...

"Portland police claimed without offering evidence that some milkshake cups had been filled with quick-drying cement."

"Widely shared video taken by the Oregonian journalist Jim Ryan appeared to show Ngo being hit by counter-protesters and sprayed with silly string."

"Ngo said he had been attacked and hospitalised, and posted to social media pictures of apparent facial abrasions."

Alleged, appeared to, said, apparent... weasel words.

Can you get any more mealy mouthed about the actions of the Left?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Things are good. Orwell had some things to say about being able to see what is right in front of you.

Gahrie said...

Wow! We are living in good times! Enjoy it, my friends."

But the Left will never admit this. The United States provides more freedom, and a higher standard of living, to it's people than any other nation in history...but they insist the United States is an oppressive hellhole that must be fundamentally changed!

There are more people on Earth, with a higher standard of living, than ever before. Poverty world wide is at all time lows. Starvation is purely a product of politics. Yet the Left insists that we are doomed! Climate change!

Show me one Lefty saying: "You know, things are going pretty good for us lately. And they appear to be getting better."

One of the reasons Trump is going to win in 2020 is because he's going to say exactly that.

wild chicken said...

Like that "friend" who is disappointed to hear you're happy and thriving.

MSM - Frenemy of the People!

gilbar said...

"Fact Checker: No, Obama didn’t beg Kim Jong Un for a meeting."

it is a Blatant LIE that O'Bama 'begged' Kim for a meeting;
while O'Bama DID offer to suck Kim's Cock, and let Kim do him 'doggie style'
NOT ONCE, did O'Bama EVER 'beg'

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

I think Scott Adams would say the same thing.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Nothing negative for The Party.

gilbar said...

The United States provides more freedom, and a higher standard of living,

But, the media CAN find the cloud in Every silver lining
U.S. oil companies finding downsides of production boom

if you read down to the 5th paragraph, they reluctantly type:
Domestic oil production has increased more than 60% since 2013, to over 12 million barrels a day, making the United States the biggest producer of oil and natural gas in the world and slashing imports. That growth has also reduced the clout and profits of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and Russia, enabling President Donald Trump to impose sanctions on Iran and Venezuela without risking higher gasoline prices or shortages.

Beasts of England said...

Why do you think the left is unhinged? Because everything is wonderful!! Sucks to be them...

gilbar said...

i guess THAT'S what they meant; by "peak oil"

Unknown said...

Please stop. The last time you posted about no news, the next day a cathedral burned down in France. I'm going back to bed and pulling the covers over my head and not looking.

roesch/voltaire said...

Good times the regulations from the FDA and EPA are way down,soybean farmers are losing their markets in China , Jared and Ivanka seem to be the face of the State Department, and Russian ships have steamed into the waters off Cuba—-all looks good to me.

n.n said...

Where Obama took a green approach, Trump takes a human approach. Time will tell which is more effective. Of course, Kim will need to be assured that the next Democrat administration will not choose to Gaddafi him, nor will they back a Kiev when our interests falls short of democracy. Kim will need to agree to not back international terrorism, and not to pull a Hussein in South Korea. And, of course, emigration reform to ensure international stability.

In the Western hemisphere, the president of El Salavador acknowledges the issue is emigration reform. In part or in whole rejecting shared responsibility. The president of Mexico has accepted at least partial responsibility for immigration reform originating south of the Mexican border. And AOC et al, despite their denial of funds and resources to the border, and harassing American businesses that provide services and supplies to the illegal aliens in quarantine, and children separated from potential predators, there have been positive developments to mitigate the crisis they in part fomented at Mexico and America's borders.

And the [anti]fascists are acting withing normal left-wing extremes.

Seeing Red said...

I was more thinking along the line of shark attacks.

But the good, boring shark attack days melted into 9/11.

Darrell said...

Obama begged Kim Jong Un for a box of frozen, raw, free-range dogs. When you get a taste for pup tarts, nothing else will do.

Seeing Red said...

, and Russian ships have steamed into the waters off Cuba—-all looks good to me.

Didn’t they do that under Obama?

Under Obama, weren’t the Chicoms (or their representatives) tunneling sideways into our coastal oil territory in the Gulf?

Jaq said...

I didn’t notice the rhymes, but it does read like they think of themselves as the DNC newsletter, with, albeit, high production values.

Beasts of England said...

And tanks at the parade! Trump, you magnificent bastard - I read your book!!

Seeing Red said...

Besides, like oil, I would think soy beans are fungible.

Gunner said...

(Trump says someone was hit with the ugly stick)

Fact Checkers: There is no such thing as an "ugly stick"! Ugliness is determined by genetics! Trump is lying! A billion Pinocchios!

Jaq said...

Funny how R/V cares about soybean farmers but not so much about steelworkers.

I always say this about Chomsky: If you drive north from New Orleans to Chicago but only note every time your car moves to the right and omit every time it moves to the left, as you make minor steering corrections down the highway, you will be able to prove with geometric logic that you actually arrived in Boston and write a book about it!

Fernandinande said...

The begging from the Obama admin probably made things worse.

The NYT declared without evidence that Cruz declared without evidence -

"Senator Ted Cruz, Republican of Texas, called for a federal investigation, declaring without evidence that officials in Oregon’s largest city were allowing the violence as a result of their own liberal sympathies."

The NYT declared without evidence that a nameless guy called for:

"A Portland State University professor called for impeaching the city’s Democratic mayor, Ted Wheeler."

The NYT declared without evidence that only conservatives are alarmed about people being attacked in the streets while police stand down:

"Fueling the conservative alarm was ..."

The NYT declared without evidence that the antifa assholes were "rowdy":

"faced down a rowdy group of anti-fascist protesters."

MayBee said...

At some point.... I think during Bush 43, news outlets adopted the "Politics as news" model. And now they've gotten flabby. If they don't have some political angle, they don't know what to publish. Things are good, but there is news everywhere in the world. But the political junkies in the press can only write about AOC's online world.

Howard said...

Newspaper headlines are catchy, let's all kiss Donald's ring. Only 300 porthole shopping days left before the next trip to Austin

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

regulations from the FDA and EPA are way down,soybean farmers are losing their markets in China , Jared and Ivanka seem to be the face of the State Department, and Russian ships have steamed into the waters off Cuba—-all looks good to me.

Thus proving Althouse's point.

Amexpat said...

MSM is becoming an outdated term. It made sense years ago when there were just the big 3 on TV and no internet. Opposition media is now a better term. The liberal opposition media is more prevalent on TV, but Fox News is a major player on the other side. Talk radio is mostly pro Trump, major newspapers anti-Trump. But that's because more liberals read newspapers and conservatives listen more to talk radio.

For all those here correctly crowing about the hypocrisy of the liberal media's treatment of Trump, ask yourself how Fox News and other conservative media would have viewed Obama if he did as Trump has done with Kim and North Korea. I think there would be much derision and little praise.

buwaya said...

The Cuban government lost its latest sugar-daddy, Venezuela.
They have run through multiple lines of credit over the last thirty years, leaving many marks smarting. They nearly managed to get the US, the big prize, to subsidize them but just missed it.

So they are trying to get Russian money, again. But the Russians are short.
The Russians are good at putting a brave face on their shortcomings
A bit of a tradition, there, since Potemkin.

MikeR said...

Wow. https://www.cnn.com/2019/06/30/politics/2020-democrats-donald-trump-kim-jong-un-north-korea-cnntv/index.html
Look at that title: "Trump made history in North Korea. 2020 Democrats call it a 'photo op'". On CNN.

Jaq said...

How about oilworkers? Coal miners? All of the people Hillary promised to shuffle on over to the “learn to code” line.

henry said...

Soy beans? check USDA stats, most acreage reduced is soy beans due to wet weather. Do you even farm?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Teh democrats want to be the Castro Family.

Oso Negro said...

I spent hours and hours reading Dr. Seuss to my children. I can pretty much recite "The Cat in the Hat" from memory. I do not remember "convulse" or "reverberate" in any Dr. Seuss books. Just saying.

Ralph L said...

Besides, like oil, I would think soy beans are fungible.

And you can't set up large new shipping routes overnight.

Jaq said...

The New York Times uses that “declared without evidence” time and again while showing zero curiousity about any evidence that the Republican might have and without any attempt to get the other side of the story. Fake fucking news.

Fernandinande said...

The NYT declared with misleading evidence that Mr. Ngo got what he deserved:

"Mr. Ngo is an independent journalist in the Portland area who works with the online magazine Quillette, a publication which prides itself on taking on “dangerous” ideas — in some cases, writing about genetic [gasp! He's a Nazi!] notions [notions!] of race [-> link to article written by other Nazis, but not by Ngo], in others, about the shortfalls of feminism [he suffers from toxic masculinity]. Mr. Ngo has also written for The Wall Street Journal, including an opinion piece in 2018 highlighting the prominent display of Muslim identity as an example of “failed multiculturalism” in London."[he must be an evil person]

buwaya said...

The broadcast networks have massively more reach than cable channels.
Fox is no significant counterweight to these.

The newspapers and news agencies and magazines dominate, still, because they have the funding to provide content. They employ hordes of professional writers and reporters and photographers and editors. The imbalance of media money between left and right is massive. This affects the balance of internet news and opinion as the online stuff is mainly sourced from the likes of the NYT.

Where does Althouse get her material? Right. This is not unique to Althouse. You see the same on Free Republic.

And then there is the matter of online platforms. Who is getting it in the neck? Right.

It comes down to money, who has it, and the interests (and often the sentiments) of those who have it.

Amexpat and Roesch need to re-examine their concept of the world.

Tommy Duncan said...

Blogger henry said...

"Soy beans? check USDA stats, most acreage reduced is soy beans due to wet weather. Do you even farm?"

It will be a tough year for soybean crops in southern Minnesota. Crops were planted late due to wet conditions. We also have continued flooding of fields due to excessive rain. There won't be a lot of soy beans available for export.

Rick said...

Just FYI Jason Wilson who authored the article questioning the use of quick dry cement in the milkshakes is an antifa supporter and functions as their public relations director.

traditionalguy said...

The only humor allowed to be broadcast today sneaks in on the Greg Gutfield Show on Fox. Those guys and gals can still make the Dem Disaster really funny.

As for Trump suddenly playing nice, that's what we did to Germany and Japan the day after they surrendered. The disclosures are coming out slow, but Kim and the Ayatollahs have been removed from the Hillary/Obama control and are ready to cooperate.

Dems and Never Trumpers are in panic mode. And that is funny.

Ray - SoCal said...

Buwaya- great point in Cuba!

Algeria and Brazil were also supporting Cuba, but changes in both governments stopped that. They had a cash for Cuban Dr. programs, that were ended.

Venezuela was sending oil to Cuba, that Cuba then resold.

It seems Cuba needs to import a lot of food, 70-80%. Amazing in what should be a tropical paradise.

Trump just banned cruise ship visits by us citizens.

I’m amazed at how many foreign gordian knots Trump is working on, overall making progress, without getting the us into new wars so far.

buwaya said...

You are in a "good" state because of a successful political reaction to a general declining trend. The question is whether this reaction will be a blip in the general trend. Given that the balance of forces is so lopsided, and that the forces of reaction are so dependent on a single "great man", I would have to put the odds heavily on a restoration of a general trend of decline.

The fundamental causes of a general decline in civilization have not changed. There has been no overthrow of a decandent ruling class, there has been no bypass of your cursus honorum, and the national brain, in its top universities, is still rotting away.

Amexpat said...

It comes down to money, who has it, and the interests (and often the sentiments) of those who have it....Amexpat and Roesch need to re-examine their concept of the world.

My concept of the world is not that different than yours in that I also believe it mostly comes down to money.

Where we differ is that I believe market forces, that is what the public wants, shapes the media to a great extent. Major national newspapers are mostly liberal because that's where the readership is. It's the opposite with talk radio. Remember when Gore and other liberals tried Air America? It failed because liberals don't like that format. Television is even more market driven. Networks would put a chimp on the air if it would help ratings. (NBC did just that decades ago with the Today show, and Fox News more recently with Glenn Beck)

Roy Lofquist said...

The Eskimos have 100 different words for snow. The WAPO is struggling to find that many ways to say Orange Man Bad.

Browndog said...

The fundamental causes of a general decline in civilization have not changed. There has been no overthrow of a decandent ruling class, there has been no bypass of your cursus honorum, and the national brain, in its top universities, is still rotting away.

The Betsey Ross flag has been declared a "white supremacy symbol". By whom?

So far, Buzzfeed, Colin Kaepernick, and Nike. It will be abolished from the public square by a compliant society even though society will vehemently disagree with it's banishment.

The leftist agenda marches on, unabated.

Temujin said...

They could have just left it at "Democrats Convulse".

narciso said...

Yes Jason was one of those identified by lenihan (another quilliette contributor) who Dorsey deplatformed for pointing out the so called antifa-media connections.

Rick said...

Where we differ is that I believe market forces, that is what the public wants, shapes the media to a great extent.

One major flaw in this theory is that TV news operations lose money. As loss leaders they are not responsive to markets. Newspapers are similarly protected from market forces as most were traditionally supported by real estate classifieds. While that has changed it was fact during the periods newspapers developed their left wing bias.

Carol said...

What Amexpat says.

Every so often a talk radio star tries to lead his audience off in some contrarian direction and fails miserably. See Glen Beck. Michael Savage is trying to pull his crowd away from Trump, just a little, and it ain't working.

Note that Rush and Hannity figured it out early and jumped on board, even though neither gave a crap about immigrants or neocons before Trump.

buwaya said...

But Amexpat, the news media does not make money, leaving aside all sorts of subsidies, they are all running at a loss. They exist because they provide a service other than making a commercial profit.

The US news media as a whole exists as a political tool, and nothing but.
And it is a political tool for the people who can afford it.
So whose interests are being served by CNN, which has to support 4000 or so employees?

Talk radio is conservative because it is extremely cheap. It was a guerilla, entrepreneurial medium. It just needs a compelling speaker. The last popular Liberal on radio was Larry King, and he only because he tried to be an honest broker in controversies.

Air America failed because it did not have a compelling talent, because the bureaucratic structure of that system does not permit it to emerge. Air America was dull, dull, dull. They dominate with money, and where they cannot they fail. Consider that the most popular political sites on Youtube trend right, or rebellious. Because Youtube is cheap. But Youtube unlike the radio can be suppressed.

Amexpat said...

One major flaw in this theory is that TV news operations lose money. As loss leaders they are not responsive to markets. Newspapers are similarly protected from market forces as most were traditionally supported by real estate classifieds. While that has changed it was fact during the periods newspapers developed their left wing bias.

My point is the public generally has a choice and they tend to gravitate towards news that match their world view. In New York it's the Post vs the Daily New or the Times vs the Wall Street Journal. Everyone with a TV set can find Fox News or NBC. Anyone online can find Drudge or the Huffington Post. Sure there still may be "loss leaders" lingering that are protected from market forces, but how much real impact do they have? Right now, it appears that Twitter has more real impact than newsprint.

Otto said...

Wow a "woke" Althouse. This crap has been going on at the WP and NYT for years. Now I don't consider Ann a brilliant person but c'mon , she just now realizes how anti Trump, actually anti-Republican these publications are. Ann when was the last time the NYT endorsed a republican presidential candidate?

Narr said...

I would commend--for thoughtful analysis, amusingly written--Prof. Martin van Creveld at

www.martin-van-creveld.com His most recent post echoes some things here recently.

I have no idea if this will link or not.

I just got dinged for 117 US dollars for two months subscription to the local Gannett/USA Today rag. That's the last time--cancellation here I come.

Half of it is sports-fellation anyway

Rick said...

My point is the public generally has a choice and they tend to gravitate towards news that match their world view.

Yes. But if your theory were true there wouldn't be 6 left networks serving the same size audience as one right network. Nor does it explain circumstances before the one right network existed less than 25 years ago.

buwaya said...

Other than some right-wing pirates like Limbaugh (think of him as Han Solo), the news and public affairs media is one enormous loss leader.

The correct view of this whole field is not a commercial market but of a battlefield in a politico-cultural struggle.
Armies don’t make money.

What you have on this battlefield are organized, expensive armies fighting a counterinsurgency war against, mainly, guerillas.

roesch/voltaire said...

Farm Futures has a better analysis of the soy bean problem including that China has reduced its orders from American farmers:
Not many steel workers in Wisconsin, but I do support the steelworks union and their efforts to negotiate better wages.

Amexpat said...

Yes. But if your theory were true there wouldn't be 6 left networks serving the same size audience as one right network. Nor does it explain circumstances before the one right network existed less than 25 years ago.

I don't see how Fox having the same audience size as 6 left leaning networks disproves my point. It shows that Fox found a huge market that wasn't being served. That's how free markets works. Years ago, before the internet and Cable/Satellite TV, there wasn't a true free market in news.

Rick said...

I don't see how Fox having the same audience size as 6 left leaning networks disproves my point. It shows that Fox found a huge market that wasn't being served.

You focus on Fox. Now focus on the other networks. Why are they focused on the fragmented market with 5 competitors instead of one? Before Fox existed why did one not stake out the right or center?

buwaya said...

The correct answer of course is that they aren’t actually commercial operations.
They, the MSM in general, exist for other reasons.

narciso said...

This is supposed to be original thinking:

narciso said...

Gannett is just terrible, I wouldn't put my puppy on it

Amexpat said...

Why are they focused on the fragmented market with 5 competitors instead of one? Before Fox existed why did one not stake out the right or center?

No doubt because of their culture which was predominately Liberal. That left a large market that Fox found.

Rick said...

No doubt because of their culture which was predominately Liberal.

So "Networks would put a chimp on the air if it would help ratings", but they won't compromise their ideology. That sounds more accurate.

Amexpat said...

So "Networks would put a chimp on the air if it would help ratings", but they won't compromise their ideology. That sounds more accurate.

I think that's more accurate with the legacy networks. No so much for cable news. But it doesn't really matter in the greater picture - people will chose the news they want to watch and that in return will decide how important a news outlet is.

buwaya said...

The staff is professionals, mercenaries.
They will say, or sing, anything they are told to.
And they don’t establish the editorial line or write the libretto.

Rather, it is he who pays these pipers that calls the tune.
The reasons for what they do must be found by following the money.
This search usually ends in a mass of complex interactions between corporations and the state.

n.n said...

Incidents of progress and diversity are down. Replaced by witch hunts, warlock trials, and #MeToo.

Amexpat said...

The correct view of this whole field is not a commercial market but of a battlefield in a politico-cultural struggle. Armies don’t make money.

I agree to some extent. Certainly with journalists who have a world view that they want to promote. And with a lot of what's on the internet.

The slickest proponent of that I've seen is on TV is Russia Today. Russia has really upped it's propaganda game since the clumsy Soviet Tass.

But it often boils down to money. At the end of the day bills have to be paid. Mostly that's going to be directly related to the commercial market or indirectly by wealthy individuals like Jeff Bezos that control a media outlet for financial or political/cultural gains.

Michael K said...

Blogger henry said...
Soy beans? check USDA stats, most acreage reduced is soy beans due to wet weather. Do you even farm?

Are you kidding ? R/V? Come on. That's for people who work, not teachers.

Rick said...

Mostly that's going to be directly related to the commercial market or indirectly by wealthy individuals like Jeff Bezos that control a media outlet for financial or political/cultural gains.

There's plenty of government money around. For example rather than research and write their own stories "journalists" can reproduce or lightly edit work created by academics funded by government.

Michael K said...

But Youtube unlike the radio can be suppressed.

And has been.

Other than some right-wing pirates like Limbaugh (think of him as Han Solo), the news and public affairs media is one enormous loss leader.

The left tried the boycott on Limbaugh (Remember Florida Orange Juice?) but he went rogue and syndicated himself. His EIB network syndicates nationally. He has thousands of small local sponsors. Of course, it is easier to do on radio. Hannity does much the same on radio. The left is currently trying to deplatform Tucker Carlson. It worked with O'Reilly with a combination of boycotts and allegations of sexual harassment. TV is subject to such leftist attacks as the executives are mostly cowards,.

stevew said...

Things have never been better. Except for the Posts, they continue to have a difficult time.

wsw said...

Nearly 90 percent of all internet publishing employees work in a county where Clinton won, and 75 percent of them work in a county that she won by more than 30 percentage points.



Seeing Red said...

Does RV even pay to the weather?

I live surburban but our state is a bean/corn state.

I dont even know if they can plant. We have water in our “wet lands.” Part of my back yard is mud. It’s July. It’s not done.

Seeing Red said...

How in the heck can FN be compared to 6 networks in viewing audience? Isn’t their average only 3 million ppl?

Narr said...

So after three calls to automated numbers and two conversations with human beans, I was able to order my newspaper sub cancelled. I had to listen to a spiel about my winning a $100 Walmart gift card, which I had to insist I did not want; I had to listen to the young man in India try to tell me of all the benefits to the gift card and the subscription; when I told him I wanted "to cancel, damn it--let me talk to your boss!" he gave me a different toll-free number to call--which of course offered me the same limited menu of automated choices.

Finally I talked to a young lady by calling the local number. She wanted to know why I was cancelling, and I told her we were simply not getting any value for our money.

Another lifelong reader gone!
I do hope EVERYTHING was recorded

narciso said...

in other news, deripaska confesses to john Solomon, that he hired Christopher steele,

this new think tank that soros and Koch are collaborating on, is headed by trita parsi, formerly of niac, the Iranian political arm,

Pianoman said...

Maybe the MSM will start giving the Trump administration the same kind of coverage that they gave the Obama administration.


Naaaah, it'll never happen. Orange Man Bad

narciso said...

What I was referring to

JAORE said...

" The Washington Post is not going to tell you things are good. Things are good. ..." until a Democrat is seated as the POTUS.

JAORE said...

"Networks would put a chimp on the air if it would help ratings"

Google Fred J. Muggs

(Lordy, I'm old.)

Sam L. said...

It's the WaPoo, Ann; pay it no never-mind.

Michael said...

I am thinking you are a lawyer who prides himself on finding a fly shit in 50 pounds of pepper.

Sammy Finkelman said...

Crisis – somewhere?

Item: Europe sets up mechanism, caalled INSTEX, by whih companies can trade with Iran outside the SWIFT money transfer . Iran ssys it doesn’t work, and if trade is cut off they will break out the JCOPA nuclear deal.

Item: Iran says it is breaking out of it.That would mean European countries would have to impose its own sanctions. They say their thinking about it but the United Kingdom says they will be out.

Item: Israel bombs several targets in Syria- evidently to prevent Iran from getting ready for war or massive rocket bombardment.

Item: July 2, 2019 Vladimir Putin cancels meetings:


Item: Vice President Mike Pence’s airplane, heading towards Manchester, New Hampshire, where he is to speak about the opioid crisis, turns around and heads beack to Washington. It’s not a problem with the airplane.


The vice president scrapped a planned event in New Hampshire but White House officials called it a “diversion” and denied that there was an “emergency.”

“Something came up that required the Vice President to remain in Washington,” said Alyssa Farah, Pence’s spokeswoman.

This possible secret crisis did not make the CBS Evening News.

Birkel said...

Look everybody! The Leftists have a negative worldview and Althouse just noticed.

Sammy Finkleman confirms.

Michael K said...

Blogger Michael said...
I am thinking you are a lawyer who prides himself on finding a fly shit in 50 pounds of pepper.

Nah. Gender Studies professor.

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