"After Mueller’s halting, sometimes confused testimony before two congressional committees Wednesday, some lawmakers are privately wondering whether there was some truth to the rumors — and whether they were right to force him to testify against his wishes.... Democrats lionized Mueller, believing his investigation to be their best hope at exposing wrongdoing by Trump.... After Mueller’s investigation concluded — and Democrats pressed him to testify — his staff communicated to Capitol Hill in no uncertain terms: Mueller did not want to do it.... For a time, Mueller’s team pushed for the hearings to take place behind closed doors, and they advocated aggressively to limit each of the hearings to two hours. Members also were perplexed that panel staffers wanted them to shape questions so they could be answered with a simple 'yes' or 'no.'... Some Democrats recognized after the first hearing that Mueller was not as sharp as they would have liked. During a break, Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.), who sits on both committees, warned lawmakers on the second panel to slow down, shorten their questions and speak louder so Mueller could follow better.... Democratic lawmakers are divided about whether they made the right decision in forcing Mueller to appear. Some — and most committee staff members — say they had no choice. While saddened by the attacks on Mueller post-hearing, they say it will pay off in the long run for their investigations, as the public event allowed Mueller to publicly confirm unflattering facts about Trump that they can further explore."
From "Mueller’s team told Congress his acuity was not an issue. Some lawmakers privately worry it was" (WaPo)(relying on anonymous sources).
Tough titties, libs. You wanted it and you got it.
The left got their so-called republican cover man.
The entire shit show was orchestrated by corrupt Hillary supporters.
…"most committee staff members — say they had no choice. While saddened by the attacks on Mueller post-hearing, they say it will pay off in the long run for their investigations, as the public event allowed Mueller to publicly confirm unflattering facts about Trump that they can further explore."
They're delusional.
This has been an obvious hoax from the start.
This is a stalinist investigation.
It is time for justice.
Subpoena the CIA, FBI, and State Department now.
What did Hillary know and when did she know it?
What did Obama know and when did she know it?
Subpoena all communications between Rosenstein, Comey, Mueller, Weinstein, Yates, Obama, Hillary, Hillary's law firm, Ohr/Ohr, Strok, Paige, the WAPONYTCBSNBCABC.
It is time for traitors to hang.
Actually, they're covering for their blunder.
Like Edison, the Democrats have not failed. They have just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
the public event allowed Mueller to publicly confirm unflattering facts about Trump that they can further explore.
Its a self-licking ice cream cone.
Disgusting. They KNEW...but it was more important that their hatred of President Trump rued the day. This is another reason they are going to lose bigly. They have nothing else except HATE and RACE to run on.
The Mueller Report came out in April. If there are all these "unflattering facts" about Trump in it, why doesn't everybody already know about them? Why hasn't MSNBC/CNN/New York Times, etc. been beating the public over the head with these "unflattering facts" day after day, week after week, month after month.
It's because those so called facts are so meaningless and minor that loudly and clearly presenting them to the public would actually hurt the case against Trump by making him enemies look petty and deranged. Nobody wanted facts from Mueller. They wanted him to go on national TV clothed in the moral authority of law enforcement and deliver a political diatribe against Trump that would re-ignite the push to impeach him.
Throughout this whole mess, that's lasted for over 2.5 years, the FBI/Congress/Democrats have constantly been using national security or privacy considerations for keeping documents secret, redacting reports, and meeting behind closed doors.
In almost every case, they were simply covering up something that was embarrassing or harmful to them or their narrative. Comey, for instance, was constantly demanding closed door testimony or muttering that he could only talk in private about that super-secret what-ever. Now, we learn they wanted Mueller to talk in private because they didn't want people to get a good look at him. BUT if they had gone Close door testimony they'd have thought up some Bullshit "National security" excuse.
Now we know why Mueller wasn't a camera hog like Judge Walsh or Fitzgerald. And we now know why he never took press questions.
I wonder how many Matlock Reruns Mueller has watched over the last 2 years.
This is a stalinist investigation.
It bears repeating.
“It is time for traitors to hang.”
Yeah, hang ‘em from the light posts and bridges!
“This is a stalinist investigation.”
That’s what you get Stalinists!
Payoff in the long-run? That’s delusional.
Anyone who watched Mueller read his press release back in May should have seen the man wasn't up to even an hour long hearing, but I guess maybe not many people have experience with senior citizens and dementia problems.
As I wrote the other day, Nadless and Schitt could have subpoenaed Weissmann, a man without dementia, and one thoroughly knowledgeable about the investigation- indeed, the man who certainly wrote most of the report. Ask yourself why he wasn't subpoenaed?
I used to not watch any of the dem's theatrical productions. Now I watch it all - hearings, debates, CNN, MSNBC, etc.
The comedic writing and screenplay has definitely improved.
"...force him to testify against his wishes...."
What? Was he credibly threatened with large fine and lengthy confinement for contempt?
I thought he did a good job, under the circumstances. Did not give up anything. Mostly his answers were either "I think the report/letter speaks for itself" or "It is not in the report, and I cannot speculate."
He did hesitate and bumble quite much. Along with other bits supports his being not active in the investigation and report writing; through choice, diminished capacity, or both.
Consider this: Hillary actually did play diminished capacity ("I have no recollection of that") and mostly received a soto voce "Well done!" from the media.
The basic political problem here is that they've been promising their base a specific *outcome* of the investigation for three years now, and the investigation didn't end up going that way.
So what do you do? Do you promise another investigation of the same facts? Do you read the same report out loud, in a really accusatory tone?
For two years, every time I looked at a TV, there was a crawl line guaranteeing that Trump was going to be exposed as a Russian agent and removed from the presidency in disgrace. How do you walk that back?
It seems to me that it would have been much wiser to hold back and respond to events as they developed.
Hi, Inga! Glad to see you are still around after, all.
How long has he been exhibiting this sort of confused behavior? The Democrats seemed to have an idea that he was not in top mental condition (there were leaks about it from the Dems before the testimony), do they feel badly about putting him through that? Or are they just disappointed that it didn't help them?
Mueller was always a figurehead. He cultivated relationships with powerful people.
Seasoned observers distinguish between impaired cognitive ability and the simple fact that he knew very little about his investigation. The corrupt DOJ used Mueller's name for cover--he's a Republican, decorated veteran---while the Democrat staff approved pre-dawn raids (one covered by CNN) and bankrupted anyone who had a connection with Trump.
We are about to learn whether there is anything left to the idea of uniform justice.
And that reminds me that Mueller, when questioned about "exoneration," as a standard, noted that this circumstance was "unique." He was a willing participant in the coup.
Some "lawmakers" would like to revisit the witch hunts and warlock trials.
This is a guy who’s hands are still dirty from the Whitey Bulger case. This is a guy who financially ruined several people over process crimes, including General Flynn and others, that once again had nothing to do with collusion or Russia.
This Vincent Gigante act may be fooling the WaPo and dim lefty politicians, but it doesn’t mass any muster with me. This POS is a chickenshit coward who wants nothing to do with the aftermath of the mess he created.
Fuck him, sideways, with a swordfish.
“The corrupt DOJ used Mueller's name for cover--he's a Republican, decorated veteran---while the Democrat staff approved pre-dawn raids (one covered by CNN) and bankrupted anyone who had a connection with Trump.”
Thanks be to Jesus for our new not corrupt DOJ! Gives me a warm fuzzy feeling. Everything is now under control. Fear not.
“Fuck him, sideways, with a swordfish.”
Yeah! Stick that swordfish up his old wrinkled ass!
You know you've made a strategic error when Eric Swalwell is the only one who realizes how badly it's going.
"Mueller's just fine. I've told you that several times. He loves meeting new people. Just today I've spoken with him five or six times, and after he asks for my name we speak as if we've known each other for years."
I'd love to see the proof of Mueller being a "Republican". Which of course, by itself, proves nothing. Jennifer Rubin is probably a "Republican" and so was Bill Weld and Comey.
The kind of people who think RBG is a human dynamo think that Mueller laid out clear and concise terms for impeachment.....The big loser is the media. There's too much variance between what we see and what they tell us we're seeing.
Democrats caught phucking turkeys, tell us dinner will be awesome.
“I'd love to see the proof of Mueller being a "Republican". Which of course, by itself, proves nothing. Jennifer Rubin is probably a "Republican" and so was Bill Weld and Comey.”
Traitors all! Hang ‘em!
"they say it will pay off in the long run for their investigations, as the public event allowed Mueller to publicly confirm unflattering facts about Trump that they can further explore"
And bless your little black heart for believing that.
Look who's telling us Mueller is senile. Maybe he's just trying not to get caught exposing his investigation as a political sham or perjuring himself. If it wasn't a performance, why did they need a rehearsal?
Maybe he just had a bad night's sleep....
Mueller was definitely not the man the media claimed he was. What's the opposite of slander? Puffery? His reputation was definitely puffed. Can you sue for malicious puffery? Not him. The people who were hurt in his investigations.
While saddened by the attacks on Mueller post-hearing, they say it will pay off in the long run for their investigations, as the public event allowed Mueller to publicly confirm unflattering facts about Trump that they can further explore.
Or as Ivan Drago so eloquently expressed, "If he dies, he dies."
Let us realize the arc of this investigation is long, but it bends toward Obama.
Beating up on an old man who's likely on his way out mentally and physically and who is pretty much a "friendly" witness in a fruitless "investigation" that should have been put to rest over a year ago is a sure-fire way to win votes.
What a disgusting display. Trump is supposed to be this gross manifestation of the collective Id, a yawning chasm of degenerate impulses barely contained by a facade of humanity, a facade barely maintained by a few stalwart lieutenants. Meanwhile, in Congress, we see creatures like Nadler who are so fixated on slaying this presumed dragon at the heart of our republic they will not listen to reason, or facts, or even the dictates of common decency in the pursuit of its downfall. Like Javert, they press on despite every sign that their hoped for end, even if achieved, will do nothing but sow their own destruction.
We have the worst political class in the history of our Republic, to coin an Insta-phrase.
It's time for the Senate to hold its investigative hearings. Put every prosecutor involved in the hot seat. Then watch as the Senate Democrats go insane, especially every one of them running for President.
I know it is old ground by this point, but Andrew McCarthy again explains the ridiculousness of the Mueller Report's theory of non-decision-making regarding indicting a sitting president.
As I wrote months ago, now- Mueller/Weissmann didn't recommend indicting Trump not because of the OLC guidance, but because even they knew that Trump hadn't obstructed the investigation, and weren't willing to put their reputations on the line to defend such a recommendation. Nothing prevented them from making a recommendation- Bill Barr himself pressed them to do so, and even explained to them that the OLC guidance wasn't an obstacle to doing so, and yet they refused. And, when they didn't make a recommendation, Bill Barr and Ron Rosenstein made it for them.
Maybe Mueller is working on an impaired capacity defense
Trolls4Hire said...
“I'd love to see the proof of Mueller being a "Republican". Which of course, by itself, proves nothing. Jennifer Rubin is probably a "Republican" and so was Bill Weld and Comey.”
Traitors all! Hang ‘em!
P U. Someone's not getting their money's worth.
Maybe he's just trying not to get caught exposing his investigation as a political sham or perjuring himself.
It's been a pretty good distraction for those not paying close attention. Like Rostenkowski calling Hillary's HillaryCare testimony "boffo," Mueller's apparent befuddlement is all that's reported.
Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.), who sits on both committees, warned lawmakers on the second panel to slow down, shorten their questions and speak louder so Mueller could follow better....
And for Christ's sake, one of you interns give him an Adderall!
Right now, I imagine Weissmann is probably kicking himself for not making a recommendation. Had he done so, Barr and Rosenstein still would have overruled it for all the reasons outlined at the time the report was turned over to the DoJ, but then the Democrats would have had, at least, their sound-bite to work with. However, Weissmann chickened out in the end, and tried a ploy that didn't really work out as planned. I think the key mistake was in underestimating Bill Barr- Weissmann etal. thought that Barr would be unwilling to do the job they had just publicly abdicated- Weissmann was wrong.
The trouble with saying Mueller did well or OK is that millions of Americans have experience in dealing with a Dad or a Grandma who is deeply loved and not all he or she once was. The millions who never read the Mueller Report read Mueller at once. They know the look and they know the limitations. And they know exactly how the Democrats were using and abusing that failing capacity because they themselves have spent time warding off Publisher's Clearing House, e-mail threats and similar scams that prey on an unrealized vulnerability. Appointing Mueller Special Counsel as a shield for an attack on an elected President was an ugly way to use an old man's vanity and reputation. But the Dems are a rotten bunch.
"Ask yourself why he wasn't subpoenaed?" He being Weissmann.
I've asked and the answer I received is that Weissmann knows too much and it would be suicide to the get Trump mission to expose him to Republican questions under oath.
They pinned their hopes on a better performance from Mueller. Whether he couldn't or wouldn't give it to them will likely remain unknown until after Trump is out of office or Mueller's death, whichever comes first.
weak squirrel, general magoo, aka clapper, is giving up the ghost, as to this travismockasham, it's very convenient that fusion, the link campus other institutions that have mounted this pantomine
“It's time for the Senate to hold its investigative hearings. Put every prosecutor involved in the hot seat.”
Yeah burn their asses and then hang ‘em high. We’ve been waiting for Democrats to go to GITMO for over a year. Just do it!
“Then watch as the Senate Democrats go insane, especially every one of them running for President.”
Yeah, insane, insane, it’s going to be fun!
This is probably the only useful think the Democrats have done this Congress.
No, it's still useless, because they are still pursuing this snipe hunt, technically burr runs the committee, but he seems to be their tool, we haven't even gotten to the unmaskings, maybe with new dni chief fred fleitz,
Traitors all! Hang ‘em!
Fuck off, moby.
"Right now, I imagine Weissmann is probably kicking himself for not making a recommendation."
I think they didn't do it because then they would have started an argument with virtually the entire law enforcement/legal community. I mean, if Trump was guilty of obstruction then so is virtually anyone ever accused of a crime and probably most criminal defense attorneys as well.
They tried to thread the needle to allow Democrats to mount a political argument that Trump obstructed justice which danced around the legal definition of what obstruction actually is and might have gotten away with it if Barr hadn't stomped that nonsense into the dirt right away.
If Mueller wasn’t legally competent then the House of Representatives needs to conduct its own investigation. If they can’t get the grand jury material, then they need to call all the witnesses themselves.
Mueller was appointed by a Trump appointee. His lack of competence is on the Republicans not the Democrats.
You see how they are never accountable for anything, oh poor mueller, he should be in jail, maybe where they wanted to put manafort, rikers isn't it,
no Rosenstein was a fmr Obama us atty in Maryland, previously he had been the Clinton's protector at the tax division, enabler of the uranium one deal,
“The notion that obstruction cases are somehow undermined by the absence of proof of an underlying crime, that is not my experience in 40 years of doing this nor is it the Department of Justice’s tradition. Obstruction crimes matter without regard to what you prove about the underlying crime,” . - James Comey
Aks Martha Stewart, who was convicted of the crime of claiming she was innocent when she was never proven guilty of the underlying crime.
“Mueller was appointed by a Trump appointee. His lack of competence is on the Republicans not the Democrats.”
The Democrats took full advantage of his lack of competence to staff the probe with partisans top to bottom. And nobody here ever said that there weren’t plenty of Republicans who wanted Trump taken down.
“f Mueller wasn’t legally competent then the House of Representatives needs to conduct its own investigation.”
Or..... Or you could focus on running a candidate who is better than Trump in the next election.....
Investigate away! Look how it worked out for Republicans against Clinton! It led to Gingrich’s stepping down.
he wasn't running the investigation. aaron zebley (Justin cooper's attorney) which makes it all sort of awkward, just like lois lerner's atty William taylor was recently assigned to another case, remember the excuse then was the server had been damaged, so the data was unrecoverable,
Keep on whistling past that impeachment graveyard fellows. The most unflattering fact revealed in Mueller's testimony was that he barely knew what was in his report.
Left Bank of the Charles said...
Mueller was appointed by a Trump appointee. His lack of competence is on the Republicans not the Democrats.
Left Bank knows this is a bullshit argument.
But he is too much of a coward to face this in good faith.
For three years these people shriek that Trump is a traitor. It was clear from the start there was collusion with Russia and half a dozen other foreign countries to meddle in our elections starting in 2015.
By Obama and Hillary.
Obama was clearly working with Putin his entire presidency. Russia couldn't have done a better job of getting what they wanted if Putin was in charge himself. Obama turned the middle east into a dumpster fire. Obama betrayed every country opposed to Russia. Obama did everything he could to reduce US fossil fuel production and keep prices high for his ally. He was caught on tape admitting it.
Hillary took 145 million dollars from Russia in direct payments.
There was nothing to find and the fact that the traitors put an obvious invalid in charge just adds to the farce.
There is nothing to talk about. The truth is obvious. The facts are all publicly available.
Anyone who supports the democrats and their republican cuck accomplices who tried to carry off this coup is a traitor as well at this point.
"allowed Mueller to publicly confirm unflattering facts about Trump that they can further explore"
Like what?
Our man Trump will win 65 % of the vote! Mark my words.
“Anyone who supports the democrats and their republican cuck accomplices who tried to carry off this coup is a traitor as well at this point.”
Yeah! So there. Preach it brother! Hang as many as you can and send the rest to GITMO.
“Unflattering” is the new “impeachable."
Mueller pooped the bed so bad, even Swallwell can't deny it.
Trolls4Hire: Lefties do not care about Gitmo anymore. They have moved on to ICE cages or something.
“Trolls4Hire: Lefties do not care about Gitmo anymore. They have moved on to ICE cages or something.”
Yeah! Better idea, put ‘em in cages and don’t give ‘em any toothpaste or toothbrushes. Or better yet, send ‘em back to where they came from...hell!
A common refrain from Libs on this forum over the last few years was: "You don't know what Mueller has on Trump!!". Well it appears that Mueller didn't know either ...
Trolls4Hire said...
“Anyone who supports the democrats and their republican cuck accomplices who tried to carry off this coup is a traitor as well at this point.”
Yeah! So there. Preach it brother! Hang as many as you can and send the rest to GITMO.
About as cogent as the rest of your ramblings Inga. You are a pure troll.
You are just a Stalinist piece of shit. Everyone thinks you are a piece of shit now. Not just me. It just took them all longer to admit you are a piece of shit.
I am glad you are ignoring Ann's request to leave this arena. You are forcing Ann, and the rest of thee people, to recognize that there can be no quarter or agreement with people like you.
It is time for you to go. We shouldn't have to fund your time at GITMO. Better you go to Cuba or Venezuela or Afghanistan or anywhere else and live out your Stalinist fantasies.
Hang as many as you can and send the rest to GITMO.
I like the new Inga. She's passionate and creative. So much more interesting than the dullard Inga.
Barr has all the dirt on the Democrats, indictments coming soon! GITMO and ICE cages won’t hold them all, Send them back to where they came from!
Althouse got from me the respect she deserved, which was none. She routinely insults her commenters, yet demands that they apologize to her when they retaliate. It is a point of view deletion and banning and she was insulted that I didn’t accept her vast knowledge on the subject. She IS a lazy thinker, I’ve seen it many times over the years. What she deleted was me telling her that as a law professor she should know better and be embarrassed. I also called her a stupid woman, which is not unwarranted.
I think that the law students she “taught” via text book lesson plans should demand a refund from UW. As for Althouse treating women commenters differently than the male commenters, indeed yes she does. I’ve seen it happen numerous times over the years of commenting here. Demanding respect from commenters for providing a forum in which to express one’s opinions does not warrant abuse from the blog owner. Commenting here isn’t worth the abuse, from Trump Cultists and from the clueless blog owner. There have been numerous liberals/ leftists whatever floats your boat that have left and haven’t returned. This blog has always been Althouse’s little shrine to herself. Her narcissism is sometimes revealed itself as it did yesterday. Not commenting here is NO loss to me. - Trolls4Hire
My suspicion is confirmed.
Excuuuuuuuse me?! I resent being compared to Helga. Why are you focusing on me, I’m in agreement with you. Now stop it.
Amen, Achilles.
“... it will pay off in the long run for their investigations, as the public event allowed Mueller to publicly confirm unflattering facts about Trump that they can further explore.”
Right. Because that’s the big takeaway here after Mueller looked clueless and incompetent.
“It is time for you to go. We shouldn't have to fund your time at GITMO. Better you go to Cuba or Venezuela or Afghanistan or anywhere else and live out your Stalinist fantasies.”
Wow brother, that’s no way to treat a fellow patriot. I’m so sorry you don’t think I’m being sincere.
For a free society to function, or any society for that matter, there has to be a common set of principles. A baseline.
Ours was founded on several principles including unalienable rights to free speech, self defense and the right to bear arms etc.
One of these unalienable rights is the right to due process.
Another is equal justice under the law.
Another is the presumption of innocence.
All of these are first principles and the democrat party and all their allies are clearly trying to destroy them.
Community requires the suppression of the incompatible. China suppresses their incompatible. They have different first principles than we do. Afghanistan, Cuba, Europe etc. are all just like the United States in that regard.
The people trying to oust Trump are incompatible with a free society. They are abusing our system to destroy it.
Inga is underlining this point with her activities. I appreciate that she is forcing Ann and the rest of you to acknowledge this point.
Trolls4Hire is so much better than Inga, it’s not even close. Good thing she is banned and this new funny commenter has shown up.
Yes we know you are trying to be ironic honey.
“All of these are first principles and the democrat party and all their allies are clearly trying to destroy them.”
Right on brother! And no veering form these principles will be tolerated! Democrats will be jailed by the thousands and soon too!
“Inga is underlining this point with her activities. I appreciate that she is forcing Ann and the rest of you to acknowledge this point.”
Ann agrees with us Achilles, I feel it in my bones! You are so right.
Trolls4Hire is so much better than Inga.
I agree. The style is closer to that of another banned commentrix.
Imagine being so repulsive and demented that in order to get anyone to pay any attention to you, you had to comment on a blog from which you’d been banned.
And your first comment was that you didn’t need that blog!
For the second time now, I’m not that hag Helga!
“One of these unalienable rights is the right to due process.”
Except for Democrats, the need to hang.
Imagine that you’re so fucking dumb and transparent that nobody believes a word you say.
“Community requires the suppression of the incompatible.”
Yes!! Muzzle the libtards and Democrats, cleanse our society of them!
"Yes!! Muzzle the libtards and Democrats, cleanse our society of them!”
Wherever they have a community with a number of like minded people engaging in discussion, disrupt them!, no matter how much personal energy it takes!
Their very existence is an offense! Go to their websites and troll, insult, disrupt conversation, whatever it takes, by any means necessary! Fucking Democrats! I am with Trolls4Hire, let’s roll!
“Wherever they have a community with a number of like minded people engaging in discussion, disrupt them!, no matter how much personal energy it takes!”
Yeah! Give ‘em some of their own medicine! Those traitorous libtards. First they have community, then they turn it into a commune and then bingo presto, ya gots communism. Then you need to call in Patriots like Achilles to take ‘em all out.
“Go to their websites and troll, insult, disrupt conversation, whatever it takes, by any means necessary!”
Yeah! Stay away from this conservative blog you libtards, it’s ours, all ours! As Achilles says: Community requires the suppression of the incompatible.
I thought it was Chuck...
Anyway, the Fifties called, and they want their McCarthyism back.
Nadler (or whoever was really behind the Mueller hearings) is crazy like a fox. The idea wasn’t to inform people about what was in the Mueller report – the press already highlighted the juiciest stuff, but the public really didn’t care. And if you wanted to reach the public, would you really expect them to sit through five hours of these boring, BORING, B-O-R-I-N-G hearings?
No, the idea was to undermine the credibility of the Mueller Report by undermining the credibility of Mueller. The Report found that there was NO TRUMP COLLUSION. That’s the issue that the MSM have been harping on for two years, and Mueller gave Trump a clean bill of health. The Democrats were not happy about that. Sure, Mueller said there MIGHT have been some obstruction of justice, but the actions he cited were trivial. Trump talked about firing Mueller? But he didn’t do it. Big whoop!
Mueller was a flop. He’s a senile old man. Forget you ever heard the name, and forget he ever issued a report. Now the Dems want to focus on their own “impeachment investigation”. They don’t want to impeach, of course, they just want to continue to sling unfounded accusations around for the MSM to broadcast until Election Day. Next up: Leaks about what's in the grand jury records.
A word for wise
When congressional staffers, prompted by repeated media inquiries
i.e. the media rolled over and was nagging them in bed...
"When congressional staffers, prompted by repeated media inquiries, asked Mueller’s team about his cognitive acuity, they were told — three separate times — that he was okay...."
.....and then off in the distance, a cock crowed.
Well I mean, it's a good thing the press never told *us* about this. How could we have handled the truth? Thank you for protecting us, media.
Top 10 Best Desktop Computers in India 2019
Moldy's Oppo dump is 100th bite at the apple...
If they want a longer show they should but Tits N Teeth and Ivory Girl Omar on TV instead of Fat Jerry and Pencil Neck. Get some crazy "Girls you COULD fuck" on the Telly.
Possible OT.
What are House Rules and Traditions --
Can Pelosi switch Party and keep Gavel?
I think Mueller just needs a good nap. A good nap restores your faculties and your health. That's what my Grandpa always said. "Hey, Sonny Boy - I'm catching a few zzzzs. Can you keep it down a bit?"
He'll bounce back. Mueller, not my Grandfather.
Trolls4Hire said...
“Wherever they have a community with a number of like minded people engaging in discussion, disrupt them!, no matter how much personal energy it takes!”
Yeah! Give ‘em some of their own medicine! Those traitorous libtards. First they have community, then they turn it into a commune and then bingo presto, ya gots communism. Then you need to call in Patriots like Achilles to take ‘em all out.
Obama chose to spy on his political opponents.
Obama and Hillary chose to collude with Russia, England, Italy, Australia, and Ukraine and other 5 eyes nations to meddle in lawful elections, spy on Trump, try to entrap people in the Trump campaign, and later to undermine his presidency.
Democrats chose to run this stalinist farce for 3 years knowing all of the above. They knew Mueller was a figurehead. They knew there was no collusion between Trump and Russia.
Now everyone knows the truth. Everyone knows Obama and Hillary spied on the Trump campaign.
Anyone who continues to support the democrat party at this point is incompatible with a free society that depends on open and honest elections to elect representatives for our Republic.
We cannot have a Republic with people who do things like this. You either support our country and the freedom of the people in it or you don't.
You clearly do not.
I guess there's no downside to this stuff for lefties. It keeps the deranged lefties attention, maybe keep a few livid suburban white ladies on the farm. The newly minted down from south may or may not get our politics. I bet the Democrat looniness reminds some of them of home.
Now to capture enough Obama voters who will stay home if they run whitey...
Absent a stroke, the kind of cognitive decline we saw from Mueller doesn't happen suddenly. It takes years. Even if he was up to the job when appointed, he wasn't up to it for very long. And the man who was supervising him, Rod Rosenstein, had to have known it. Yet he let him continue in the job rather than replace him. Rosenstein has a lot to answer for.
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a Republican establishment man in possession of a 'good reputation' in Democrats eyes, must be in want of a investigation to lead against Unwelcome President.
Insert name Mueller or Barr.
Mueller(E) helping Cover up hoaxers with Barr (E) helping cover the enablers on second go?
Why is anyone bothering to respond to Trolls4Hire? Ann will get around to deleting all her posts pretty soon and then the responses will just look silly.
"The people trying to oust Trump are incompatible with a free society. They are abusing our system to destroy it."
In the long run, even as "victories" might be won there's the reality that there are millions or tens of millions of crazies in the country and they're not going to change. I think that we have to start thinking about constitutional reforms that will shift power back to the people and states, and that we then have to go forward with that, with full knowledge that parts of the country will take the opportunity to say good-bye.
Phil 314 said...
A word for wise
Sorry Phil.
Ann cannot defeat the troll by asking the troll to stop posting. It isn't technically possible. The only way Ann can make the troll to go away is to make the troll understand it is hurting it's own cause by spewing it's hate at the people it disagrees with.
They will not stop. They will force you to give them power or defeat them.
There is no comfy hole to hide in. Nobody to hide behind. We protected you from the foreign enemies. Sadly our domestic enemies hide behind the same laws they are abusing. It will continue as long as the squishy middle allows it.
You all will be forced to choose. There is no way Ann can stop the troll from ruining this forum by ignoring them. The troll is just making this point. This forum turns into a flaming dumpster fire because of the bad faith inherent in the positions the troll holds. The troll hates the forum, hates Ann, hates the posters here, and hates freedom.
These people are ruled by hate and a lust for power.
Inga is just a piece of shit. If you want it to go away you have to defeat it.
You all need to be part of the solution if you want a free society. It would be lovely if you all could hide in this forum like you hid in all the other wars. But it wont work this time.
rcocean said...
I'd love to see the proof of Mueller being a "Republican". Which of course, by itself, proves nothing. Jennifer Rubin is probably a "Republican" and so was Bill Weld and Comey.
you left off Hillary ... Goldwater Republican!
Trolls4Hire said...
“It's time for the Senate to hold its investigative hearings. Put every prosecutor involved in the hot seat.”
Yeah burn their asses and then hang ‘em high. We’ve been waiting for Democrats to go to GITMO for over a year. Just do it!
“Then watch as the Senate Democrats go insane, especially every one of them running for President.”
Yeah, insane, insane, it’s going to be fun!"
Yes indeed Inga, must see TV. And yes, burn their asses for prosecutorial misconduct. 19 partisan Democrat prosecutors, two and a half years of with hunting and twenty five million dollars just to prove they couldn't find a crime to indict. Lets see if Obama can withstand such scrutiny.
Unfortunately, I am beginning to have to agree with Achilles. I have been havering on this, but his commentary on the background of this farce is compelling. There must have been lots of mid-level GS's who knew what was up and did or said nothing. A country with a 2 tiered Justice system can't and won't stand, the lower tier won't accept it. I believe after this fiasco, I am in the lower tier according to my betters, and I won't accept it. Time to organize rigs and ammo. I recently bought another MOLLE vest, just because, might have been smart in retrospect. Now I'll have one for every member of my immediate family. I really don't want this, but it seems they won't let us avoid it.
Left Bank of the Charles said...
Mueller was appointed by a Trump appointee. His lack of competence is on the Republicans not the Democrats
Was it a deep game by Trump?
Do you see it that way?
“It would be lovely if you all could hide in this forum like you hid in all the other wars. But it wont work this time.”
You will all be conscripts! No more hiding in blogs, you’ll have to man up! Learn to shoot, learn to kill, learn to be merciless! Old people will not be overlooked, the war effort against the Stalinists will need you to knit socks and man the desks. It’s a new world you pussies!
@Left Bank of the Charles
Is this list of witnesses available from Mueller Report?
Or do we need to demand under FOIA
Tangentially related:
The Canadian Humans Rights Council has put two women out of business because they refuse to was a trans-womans balls and ass.
There are complaints against 14 more businesses are still active.
Most of those women are poor immigrants by the way.
You cannot ask them to go away or beat them in one election. They only need to win one more time.
You have to defeat them.
Todd Galle: "There must have been lots of mid-level GS's who knew what was up and did or said nothing."
At least 40 specific FBI investigators as part of the team and dozens of DOJ personnel along with hundreds of State Dept, NSA, DOD, CIA and other personnel.
Not to mention the FISA judges who were supposedly being overseen by the ever more liberal-Chief Justice "Tax? Penalty?" Roberts.
An army of insiders breaking every rule with impunity for partisan political purposes does not bode well for the future of our republic.
The Praetorians/Panem-ers are not just going to sit back and accept exposure and loss of power without a fight.
The first or second time an idiot shoots himself in the foot, it is funny. After that it is just sad.
Not commenting here is NO loss to me. - Trolls4Hire
It's time to knit your socks into assault rifles, patriots!
“An army of insiders breaking every rule with impunity for partisan political purposes does not bode well for the future of our republic.”
Hang em! Send ‘em to GITMO or ICE cages, send them back to where they came from! This is total war!
Same comment I posted earlier in the day. Readering and Uhr for example were so quick to say how the left is maligned here, but they're no where to be seen today making cogent arguments. Left bank of the Charles makes actual arguments, doesn't whine. They are certainly debatable, but I believe (s)he's sincere and not scared away by the big bad Althouse commentariat. Left bank. Forgive me but I forgot you when I toted up the sincere left of center commenters in my mind.
I am hoping that Inga's behavior is just a sign of her childishness and not the personality deterioration I started noticing after the Mueller report came out.
This may no longer be a joking matter.
“This may no longer be a joking matter.”
Alert the authorities! For the sake of Helga!
Lewis, no, it is time to knit socks, first thing a soldier will need, and as many pairs as possible. Anybody not looking after their feet is an imbecile. Change socks at least twice a day, wear two pair depending on boots and terrain. As a citizen you should already be prepared with firearms, ammunition, etc. First aid kits, saran wrap, water purification tablets, and so on.
“Lewis, no, it is time to knit socks, first thing a soldier will need, and as many pairs as possible. Anybody not looking after their feet is an imbecile. Change socks at least twice a day, wear two pair depending on boots and terrain. As a citizen you should already be prepared with firearms, ammunition, etc. First aid kits, saran wrap, water purification tablets, and so on.”
Damn right Lewis, this no is joking matter!
Old hotness: Nobody knows what Mueller knows!!
New hotness: Who is this Mueller guy? We need to have a real "investigation"!!
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Trolls4Hire, who's joking? Unfortunately, I'm not, nor many of my acquaintances. How's your stash of 7.62?
Andrew McCarthy called the Mueller testimony "a bumbling fiasco".
Darn, I wish I said that first.
"Obstruction crimes matter without regard to what you prove about the underlying crime[.]" - James Comey
Which is why Comey has spent the last twenty years calling out Senators Durbin, Feinstein, Leahy, Murray, Reed, Schumer, and Wyden over their 1999 votes to give Bill Clinton a pass on obstruction of justice without an underlying crime, right?
“Trolls4Hire, who's joking? Unfortunately, I'm not, nor many of my acquaintances. How's your stash of 7.62?”
My next entire paycheck will be dedicated to increasing my stash! I will not be caught short!
I think it’s reached the point where responding to her is just creating a mess that will need to be cleaned up.
Just imagine if you had spent two years idolizing a man who seemed to be the “strong and silent type” whose close mouth just seemed to be a sign of deep seriousness, and then he speaks the first time not reading from a prepared text, and your hero has a brain of clay. I would be upset too, but I don’t worship political types.
What is the over/under on how many of her biological brothers Ilhan Omar will end up marrying?
“What is the over/under on how many of her biological brothers Ilhan Omar will end up marrying?”
When she runs out of brothers she can marry her daddy!
Remember that when Althouse deletes a comment she also deletes your responses to it, for all your piety and wit.
Li'l Bobby "Quick Study" Mueller: unstable non-genius
unflattering facts about Trump
Whoever knowingly develops, produces, stockpiles, transfers, acquires, retains, or possesses any unflattering fact, or fact delivery system for use as a weapon, or knowingly assists a foreign state or any organization to do so, or attempts, threatens, or conspires to do the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for life or any term of years, or both. There is extraterritorial Federal jurisdiction over an offense under this section committed by or against a national of the United States.
Whoever knowingly possesses any unflattering fact, or delivery system of a type or in a quantity that, under the circumstances, is not reasonably justified by boner fide research, or other peaceful purpose, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both.
Trolls4Hire, they don't sell ammunition in boxes less than 20 rounds. Budget, budget, budget.
“Trolls4Hire, they don't sell ammunition in boxes less than 20 rounds. Budget, budget, budget.”
Ok, thanks bro!
"Li'l Bobby "Quick Study" Mueller: unstable non-genius”
Oh, he’s stable. Just don’t let him have the keys to the car, keep him from his afternoon nap, or ask him to keep an eye on dinner on the stove.
According to Mark Twain, well Samuel Clemons, who visited her from time to time in her old age home in Hartford, she spent her days rewriting passages from Uncle Tom’s Cabin believing that she was writing it for the first time. Except Mueller already testified that Hillary Clinton’s lawyer ran the investigation.
I just saw a headline at Foxnews.com:
"Thousands lose power in Washington D.C. over substation malfunction."
I immediately thought "yea, they should." I swear I read "substation" as "subcommittee".
AAT: "Oh, he’s stable"
Once you go left/LLR-left its all downhill from there for one reason or another. Usually in combination.
If you were around during the actual historic witch hunts and the woman who was being called a witch attempted to stop said witch hunt, should we burn her anyway for obstruction?
Mueller isn't the sharpest tool, but he fielded Dem softballs just fine. As soon as Repubs threw some heat, he played the confused old man, too feeble to press his Life Alert button.
Burn her!
“The notion that obstruction cases are somehow undermined by the absence of proof of an underlying crime, that is not my experience in 40 years of doing this nor is it the Department of Justice’s tradition. Obstruction crimes matter without regard to what you prove about the underlying crime,” . - James Comey
"Mueller isn't the sharpest tool, but he fielded Dem softballs just fine.”
Except when they asked him which president of the United States appointed him.
“I thought it was Bush.” - Bob Mueller
Remember how pleased the Establisment was when Mueller was chosen. A pillar of rectitude, now just a pillar. The "not in my purview"s lead me to believe slack jaw, confusion, etc were an act to avoid answering difficult questions.
I'll bet Bob Mueller knows precisely how much The Early Bird price for prime rib and a Shirley Temple is at the local Appleby's!!!
AAT - I agree, that's odd. I swore my oath when Reagan was president. How can one forget?
I'll bet Bob Mueller knows precisely how much The Early Bird price for prime rib and a Shirley Temple is at the local Appleby's!!!
Dude, we will all be there some day.
However, it 'aint gonna be Applebees for me.
Ralph: "Remember how pleased the Establisment was when Mueller was chosen."
Oh how the left and LLR-left praised the god-like Mueller then!!
No detail can escape his visionary gaze!!
His knowledge of the law and procedures is encyclopedic!!
Strength and courage beyond mere mortals!!
A broken down corrupt establishment flunky apparatchik with failure upon failure on his resume being used like a cheap whore by a bevy of rabid Clinton lawyers seeking to overthrow a duly elected President.
A fitting end for an unworthy and corrupt old fool.
So is this going to be the new Dem push for an investigation? "Well, we want a do-over cuz the guy we hired last time was too senile to get the job done even though we gave him free reign and all the rabid Clinton partisans we stuffed his team with!"
Jenkins along with strassel, is the ones who have concerned themselves with this story, that's why it seems a little odd,
The US taxpayer spent $25 million and all they got was this lousy....
When the democrats lose, our country wins. MAGA!
Trump should have fired Mueller when it became clear that he was no longer up to the task. The fact that Trump did not fire Mueller is, itself, an obstructive act. Impeach!
(Tomorrow's talking points. You heard it here first)
IiB, prescient.
Ignorance is Bliss said...
Trump should have fired Mueller when it became clear that he was no longer up to the task. The fact that Trump did not fire Mueller is, itself, an obstructive act. Impeach!
(Tomorrow's talking points. You heard it here first)
Too late IiB:
Left Bank of the Charles said...
If Mueller wasn’t legally competent then the House of Representatives needs to conduct its own investigation. If they can’t get the grand jury material, then they need to call all the witnesses themselves.
7/27/19, 1:16 PM
Blogger Left Bank of the Charles said...
Mueller was appointed by a Trump appointee. His lack of competence is on the Republicans not the Democrats.
You know this is already sloshing around the leftist social media.
You all need to realize who these people are and what they want. They are completely incompatible with a free Republic and honest open elections.
Call the scandal investi-gate.
Absent a stroke, the kind of cognitive decline we saw from Mueller doesn't happen suddenly. It takes years.
Not necessarily. For example.
It is not that unusual although often accompanied by physical findings as in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, a disease that affects two people I know.
Mob boss Vinnie "The Chin" Gigante made a habit of feigning mental incompetence to stay out of the Joint.
Certainly looks like obstruction
Mueller was always a figurehead. He cultivated relationships with powerful people.
That's my impression. How can he not know what Fusion GPS is? It's like not only did he not write the report, but he didn't even read it.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Bob Loblaw ask how Mueller could not know what Fusion GPS is. Well, among other possibilities (as noted by some upthread) he could be faking it. At any rate, it is very clear that we need to "watch the watchmen," meaning we now need to investigate the investigation.
Your "for example" link is to the abstract of a study that compares various characteristics of Early Onset Dementia (EOD) patients to those of Late Onset Dementia (LOD) patients at a tertiary referral center in Athens, Georgia. EOD is defined as dementia occurring before 65 years of age, LOD is dementia starting after that age. I don't have access to the article itself, just the abstract that you linked to. That abstract doesn't really say anything about how long it takes for nonstroke dementia to develop in either EOD (irrelevant for Mueller who is over 65) or LOD. So I'm wondering why you linked to it.
I'm not a doctor, but I have been personally acquainted with a few people with LOD, and in each of their cases it developed over a period of years. My understanding is that that is both typical and most likely what's happened to Mueller.
Remember when Royal ass Inga had a child for every controversy?
And now she's reduced to this level of trolling?
So I'm wondering why you linked to it.
To suggest there is early onset dementia. I knew a dentist who developed a raid early dementia before age 50.
There is Lewy Body Dementia that is associated with Parkinsons.
Remember how I said there was no Inga?
Pretty sure I was correct.
I never thought I'd say this but: Ann Althouse, bring comment moderation back.
"How can he not know what Fusion GPS is? It's like not only did he not write the report, but he didn't even read it."
-- I mean, he was a manager in a large organization. They routinely don't keep tabs on their staff.
All of these fogeys are too OLD. Magically all of these 70 year olds become competent in DC? C’mon.
On dementia; previously very high functioning people probably have the ability to fool you for years before you catch on- but they eventually reach a point where it will seem like they mentally collapsed almost overnight because that point where they lose the ability fool you really is a sharp line of demarcation- they can fool you, then suddenly they aren't fooling you. I went through this with my father- it seemed sudden to me, but it was almost certainly going on for years.
“They tried to thread the needle to allow Democrats to mount a political argument that Trump obstructed justice which danced around the legal definition of what obstruction actually is and might have gotten away with it if Barr hadn't stomped that nonsense into the dirt right away”
Agreed that Barr stomped the nonsense. But note that he started it with his June, 2018 memo to DAG Rosenstein eviscerating the Weissman/Wittes Obstruction theory. But I think that a good part of the reason that the Mueller prosecutors intentionally misinterpreted that OLC opinion was that it might be argued to allow them to include their ten or so supposed instances of possible Obstruction in Part 2 of 5heir Report. The Weissman/Wittes Obstruction interpretation that is n display in their Report has never been tried in court, and was rejected by AG Barr, DAG Rosenstein, and maybe most importantly, OLC. It takes one clause in one Obstruction statute out of context, ignores centuries old statutory construction rules, and attempts to turn the required Mens Rea from specific intent into general intent. Not going to work, and everyone knew it with Barr now AG.
The Mueller team essentially had three alternatives. They could play it straight, and declare no Obstruction under the statutory interpretation, and nothing more. They could use their own statutory interpretation, conclude that there was Obstruction based on their general intent Mens Rea standard, have Barr and Rosenstein reject their conclusion as being in violation of DoJ rules and statutory interpretations, require a do over, ending up identically as with the first alternative. Or, they could pretend that they couldn’t decide based on theNOLC opinion about indicting Presidents, and throw their rejected statutory interpretation, along with a lot of dirt, into the report, throwing the decision to Barr and Rosenstein, knowing exactly what they were going to do. For obvious, highly partisan reasons, they picked this third alternative.
Left Bank of the Charles said...
“If Mueller wasn’t legally competent then the House of Representatives needs to conduct its own investigation. If they can’t get the grand jury material, then they need to call all the witnesses themselves.”
House Dems can investigate anything they want. But that doesn’t get them the grand jury material, nor many of the witnesses they want to interview. President Trump waived Executive Privilege for the Mueller investigation, because it was supposedly a criminal investigation. He has indicated that he is invoking Executive Privilege for House investigations, because they are political. That means that the DoJ, instead of being the ones conducting the grand juries, will now be opposing most of the House’s interview requests on the grounds of Executive Privilege. And the Administration is likely to win most of these cases, because they mostly involve what happened in the White House, high level Executive decisions, Etc. Wadler mostly isn’t going to be interested unless it involves Trump fairly directly, Trump is the Executive, and that means that we have a serious Separation of Powers issue, where the Executive is most likely to win in court because it is closer to their core Constitutional power than the Legislative Branch’s.
Pretty much everyone except for the rank and file Dem sheeple understands what Wadler is doing here. He is trying to justify getting access to all this information because he is investigating impeachment. Except that right now it is a personal fishing expedition covered by the fig leaf of investigating for possible impeachment. But, importantly, it isn’t an impeachment investigation, because that would require a majority vote of the House, which, at present, he isn’t close to getting. Instead, as I noted, it is a one man witch hunt. And his subterfuge of calling it an investigation about impeachment isn’t going to work, because if it did, it would be horrible precedent for the future, allowing House or Senate committee majorities to demand anything that they want from either the Executive or Judiciary branches, on the grounds that it might be relevant to a future impeachment investigation. Not going to work.
Did I just read a myriad of a script for the subsequent Frankenstein comeback ?
I guess 'tis the season for the trolls but Orcs just smell so much different in the summer. Please be kind to Orcs, thanks !
Achilles said...
Left Bank of the Charles said...
Mueller was appointed by a Trump appointee. His lack of competence is on the Republicans not the Democrats.
Left Bank knows this is a bullshit argument.
The word I would use is "corrupt." There is a corruption of thought in Squealers like LB and r/v, who delight in showing that black is white. A betrayal of mentality.
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